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2015-12-17 07:44:19 -05:00
<div align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw">
<img width="600" src="https://zimfw.github.io/images/zimfw-banner@2.jpg">
2015-12-17 07:44:19 -05:00
2015-12-15 00:12:17 -05:00
What is Zim?
Zim is a Zsh configuration framework with [blazing speed] and modular extensions.
2015-12-17 08:06:26 -05:00
Zim bundles useful [modules], a wide variety of [themes], and plenty of
customizability without compromising on speed.
2015-12-15 00:12:17 -05:00
What does Zim offer?
2015-12-16 18:00:14 -05:00
Below is a brief showcase of Zim's features.
2015-12-15 00:12:17 -05:00
2015-12-18 13:41:02 -05:00
### Speed
<a href="https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw/wiki/Speed">
<img src="https://zimfw.github.io/images/results.svg">
2015-12-18 13:34:24 -05:00
For more details, see [this wiki entry][blazing speed].
2015-12-18 11:44:57 -05:00
### Modules
2015-12-18 11:44:57 -05:00
Zim has many [modules available][modules]. Enable as many or as few as you'd like.
2015-12-15 00:12:17 -05:00
### Themes
2015-12-15 00:12:17 -05:00
To preview some of the available themes, check the [themes page][themes].
2015-12-15 00:12:17 -05:00
### Degit
Install modules without requiring `git` using our degit tool. It's faster and
lighter. See the [zmodule](#zmodule) usage below.
2015-12-15 00:12:17 -05:00
Installing Zim is easy:
2015-12-15 00:12:17 -05:00
* With curl:
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zimfw/install/master/install.zsh | zsh
* With wget:
wget -nv -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zimfw/install/master/install.zsh | zsh
2015-12-15 00:12:17 -05:00
Open a new terminal and you're done. Enjoy your Zsh IMproved! Take some time to
tweak your `~/.zshrc` file, and to also check the available [modules] and [themes]
you can add to your `~/.zimrc`.
2015-12-15 00:12:17 -05:00
<summary>Prefer to install manually?</summary>
2019-12-04 07:22:17 -05:00
### Manual installation
1. Set Zsh as the default shell:
2019-12-04 07:22:17 -05:00
chsh -s $(which zsh)
2019-12-04 07:22:17 -05:00
2. Prepend the lines in the following templates to the respective dot files:
* [~/.zshenv](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zimfw/install/master/src/templates/zshenv)
* [~/.zshrc](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zimfw/install/master/src/templates/zshrc)
* [~/.zlogin](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zimfw/install/master/src/templates/zlogin)
* [~/.zimrc](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zimfw/install/master/src/templates/zimrc)
2019-12-04 07:22:17 -05:00
3. Copy https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw/releases/latest/download/zimfw.zsh to
4. Install the modules defined in `~/.zimrc` and build the initialization scripts:
2019-12-04 07:22:17 -05:00
zsh ~/.zim/zimfw.zsh install
2019-12-04 07:22:17 -05:00
### zmodule
<pre>Usage: <b>zmodule</b> &lt;url&gt; [<b>-n</b>|<b>--name</b> &lt;module_name&gt;] [options]
Add <b>zmodule</b> calls to your <b>~/.zimrc</b> file to define the modules to be initialized. The modules are
initialized in the same order they are defined.
&lt;url&gt; Module absolute path or repository URL. The following URL formats
are equivalent: <b>name</b>, <b>zimfw/name</b>, <b>https://github.com/zimfw/name.git</b>.
<b>-n</b>|<b>--name</b> &lt;module_name&gt; Set a custom module name. Default: the last component in the &lt;url&gt;.
Use slashes inside the name to organize the module into subdirecto-
Repository options:
<b>-b</b>|<b>--branch</b> &lt;branch_name&gt; Use specified branch when installing and updating the module.
Overrides the tag option. Default: the repository&apos;s default branch.
<b>-t</b>|<b>--tag</b> &lt;tag_name&gt; Use specified tag when installing and updating the module.
Overrides the branch option.
<b>-u</b>|<b>--use</b> &lt;<b>git</b>|<b>degit</b>&gt; Install and update the module using the defined tool. Default is
defined by <b>zstyle &apos;:zim:zmodule&apos; use &apos;</b>&lt;<b>git</b>|<b>degit</b>&gt;<b>&apos;</b>, or <b>git</b> if none
is provided.
2021-08-25 17:09:10 -04:00
<b>git</b> requires git itself. Local changes are preserved during updates.
<b>degit</b> requires curl or wget, and currently only works with GitHub
URLs. Modules install faster and take less disk space. Local changes
are lost during updates. Git submodules are not supported.
<b>-z</b>|<b>--frozen</b> Don&apos;t install or update the module.
Initialization options:
<b>-f</b>|<b>--fpath</b> &lt;path&gt; Add specified path to fpath. The path is relative to the module
root directory. Default: <b>functions</b>, if the subdirectory exists.
<b>-a</b>|<b>--autoload</b> &lt;func_name&gt; Autoload specified function. Default: all valid names inside the
module&apos;s specified fpath paths.
<b>-s</b>|<b>--source</b> &lt;file_path&gt; Source specified file. The file path is relative to the module root
directory. Default: <b>init.zsh</b>, if the <b>functions</b> subdirectory also
2021-03-19 19:44:53 -04:00
exists, or the file with largest size matching
<b>{init.zsh,module_name.{zsh,plugin.zsh,zsh-theme,sh}}</b>, if any exist.
<b>-c</b>|<b>--cmd</b> &lt;command&gt; Execute specified command. Occurrences of the <b>{}</b> placeholder in the
command are substituted by the module root directory path.
I.e., <b>-s &apos;script.zsh&apos;</b> and <b>-c &apos;source {}/script.zsh&apos;</b> are equivalent.
<b>-d</b>|<b>--disabled</b> Don&apos;t initialize or uninstall the module.
### zimfw
Added new modules to `~/.zimrc`? Run `zimfw install`.
Removed modules from `~/.zimrc`? Run `zimfw uninstall`.
Want to update your modules to their latest revisions? Run `zimfw update`.
Want to upgrade `zimfw` to its latest version? Run `zimfw upgrade`.
For more information about the `zimfw` tool, run `zimfw help`.
Modules are installed using `git` by default. If you don't have `git`
installed, or if you want to take advantage of our degit tool for faster and
lighter module installations, you can set degit as the default tool with:
zstyle ':zim:zmodule' use 'degit'
2020-05-26 09:02:25 -04:00
By default, `zimfw` will check if it has a new version available every 30 days.
This can be disabled with:
zstyle ':zim' disable-version-check yes
The best way to remove Zim is to manually delete `~/.zim`, `~/.zimrc`, and
remove the initialization lines from your `~/.zshenv`, `~/.zshrc` and `~/.zlogin`.
[blazing speed]: https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw/wiki/Speed
[modules]: https://zimfw.sh/docs/modules/
[themes]: https://zimfw.sh/docs/themes/