3 Troubleshooting
Eric Nielsen edited this page 2022-05-31 06:44:26 -05:00

Completion is not working

If you are using the completion module, there can be a conflict if other scripts are running compinit too. Follow these steps to check:

  1. Run the following code in your terminal:

    setopt EXTENDED_GLOB
    for ZDOTFILE in /etc/(zsh/)#(z|.z)(shenv|profile|shrc|login)(N) ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.z(shenv|profile|shrc|login)(N); do
      if grep -Eq '^[^#]*\bcompinit\b' ${ZDOTFILE}; then
        print -u2 -P "%F{yellow}! You seem to be already calling %Bcompinit%b in %B${ZDOTFILE}%b.%f"
  2. If there's any output, you can either:

    • Remove the compinit call from each of the mentioned files:
      • If you can edit the mentioned file, remove or comment the lines similar to these:
        autoload -Uz compinit
      • If the mentioned file is read-only, read it and look for specific instructions on how the compinit call should be disabled.
    • Or remove the completion module:
      1. Remove or comment the zmodule completion line from your ~/.zimrc file.
      2. Run zimfw build in your command prompt.
  3. Restart your terminal.