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Eric Nielsen e8e26c1b13
Also output zimfw config and zimfw script paths
in info action, following symlinks if any.
2024-10-10 09:17:22 -05:00

17 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Also output zimfw config and zimfw.zsh script paths in info action, following symlinks if any.

1.15.1 - 2024-10-10


  • Preserve original module if reinstall fails instead of removing it first.

1.15.0 - 2024-10-08


  • reinstall action, that removes and then installs again the modules that failed any of the checks: (See #542)
    • module was installed with the defined tool,
    • module URL matches the defined one.
  • --if-ostype option to zmodule. This option is equivalent to --if "[[ \${OSTYPE} == ${1} ]]".


  • Ask before uninstalling each unused module, instead of asking just once for all.
  • Add disclaimer comment at beginning of .zimrc file.

1.14.0 - 2024-06-25


  • Don't expand ${HOME} in the init.zsh script. (See #509)
  • Don't allow calling zmodule from the command line. Let it fail with "command not found" instead, as it's intended to be used only in the .zimrc script.
  • ZIM_HOME must be defined before sourcing zimfw.zsh. All documentation was already doing so, hence not considering this as a breaking change.
  • Allow zimfw.zsh to exist anywhere else, not only inside ZIM_HOME. This enables installing the zimfw.zsh script independently with a package manager.
  • Don't try to upgrade if sourced zimfw.zsh is not in a writable path.
  • Don't try actions that write to ZIM_HOME if user has no write permissions there.


  • Update error messages to hopefully make it clearer when either the git or the degit tool is being used.
  • Set read permissions to generated init.zsh script, so it can be read from other users.

1.13.1 - 2024-04-28


  • The --strip option in tar command is not BSD compatible.

1.13.0 - 2024-02-17


  • --if-command option to zmodule. This option is equivalent to --if "(( \${+commands[${1}]} ))".
  • mkdir tool option in zmodule that creates an empty directory. This allows creating modules that contain only externally generated files.

1.12.1 - 2023-09-16


  • Expansion of prompt sequences in print statements causing text between backticks to be executed by the shell.

1.12.0 - 2023-07-17


  • check-version action, that immediately checks if a new version of zimfw is available and returns code 4 if there is one.
  • check action, that checks if there are updates available for current modules.
  • Output of LANG and LC_* parameters in info action.


  • Don't resolve symlinks when building init.zsh.


  • Show warning when there's no write permission to compile Zsh scripts.

1.11.3 - 2023-02-26


1.11.2 - 2023-02-16


  • Quote path names in init.zsh to properly handle path names with spaces.

1.11.1 - 2023-02-04


  • Use _zim_dumpfile_fpath defined by the completion module here, right before compinit is run, to more accurately do zimfw check-dumpfile.

1.11.0 - 2022-12-18


  • --if option to zmodule that will only initialize the module root if the specified test returns a zero exit status. The test is evaluated at every new terminal startup.
  • Ability to customize the .zimrc file name and path with the ZIM_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

1.10.0 - 2022-09-27


  • --root option to zmodule. Combined with the ability to call zmodule multiple times for the same module, this allows initializing from multiple roots in repositories like prezto or ohmyzsh. Also, --on-pull and --disable now work on a per-module-root basis.


  • Show OSTYPE, TERM, TERM_PROGRAM and TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION environment variables instead of calling the uname -a command to show system info in the zimfw info action.

1.9.1 - 2022-05-24


  • Override repository options along multiple zmodule calls with the same module name.
  • Show already installed modules skipped with install action and -v.
  • Consider external module directory paths when calling compile action directly.
  • Ignore return value from zargs with -P. (See https://www.zsh.org/mla/workers/2022/msg00611.html)

1.9.0 - 2022-05-09


  • --on-pull option to zmodule, which allows setting a command that is always triggered after the module is installed or updated.

1.8.0 - 2022-01-25


  • check-dumpfile action. It runs in the build, install and update actions, and checks if a new completion configuration needs to be dumped. It's intended to be used with compinit -C, so no checks are done during the shell startup. (See zimfw/completion#8)
  • --no-submodules option to zmodule, which disables installing or updating git submodules.

1.7.0 - 2022-01-12


  • The output of zimfw init to be friendlier to the terminal startup screen when called without -q.
  • Only compile scripts via the zimfw tool after actions where scripts can change (build, install, update, upgrade).
  • Move compilation of the completion dumpfile to the completion module, here.
  • Don't compile user Zsh startup scripts anymore (See #450). This means you can:
    • either manually delete the compiled files, as they won't be updated by zimfw anymore (recommended):
      for zfile in ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.z(shenv|profile|shrc|login|logout); do
        rm -f ${zfile}.zwc(|.old)(N)
    • or add the following to your .zlogin so Zsh startup scripts continue to be compiled:
      +for zfile in ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.z(shenv|profile|shrc|login|logout); do
      +  if [[ ! ${zfile}.zwc -nt ${zfile} ]] zcompile -R ${zfile}
      +unset zfile


  • The login_init.zsh script, which is now empty. This means you can safely remove the following line from your .zlogin:
    -source ${ZIM_HOME}/login_init.zsh -q &!

1.6.2 - 2021-11-21


  • Force local zsh emulation options, so the code is not broken by unexpected option changes by the user.

1.6.1 - 2021-11-08


  • Missing line break before showing git log when using the git tool to update.

1.6.0 - 2021-11-06


  • list action. Using it with -v also shows the current details for all modules.


  • Be quieter and don't output warnings when -q is provided.
  • Be more verbose when -v is provided: show skipped external and frozen modules with the install and update actions.
  • Show warning instead of error when module was not installed with the tool currently in use.
  • Manually setting any zmodule initialization option will disable all the default values from the other initialization options, so only user-provided values are used in this case. I.e. it's either all automatic, or all manual.
  • Also install new modules when starting a new shell (via zimfw init, that is sourced in .zshrc).


  • Error in zimfw update with the git tool when module directory is under a symlinked directory.
  • Warning when WARN_CREATE_GLOBAL is set and ZIM_HOME is not.
  • "zsh: command not found: zmodule" when trying to run zmodule from the shell. Show a more informative error instead.
  • Don't try to install or update external modules.

1.5.0 - 2021-08-10


  • Option to use the new degit tool in zmodule, that is able to install and update modules from GitHub without requiring git. Modules are installed faster and take less disk space when using this tool. It can be set as the default with zstyle ':zim:zmodule' use 'degit'.


  • Force core.autocrlf=false when doing git clone. (See #404)
  • Allow uninstalling modules with custom names that have a slash.

1.4.3 - 2021-03-19


  • Prefer the prezto module format when using defaults to initialize a module. This is the format we use in our Zim framework modules. It's not well documented anywhere officially, but in short words a prezto module can have:
    • a functions subdirectory that is added to the fpath by the framework,
    • files inside the functions subdirectory that are autoloaded by the framework (except for those with names matching _* or prompt_*_setup),
    • an init.zsh file that is sourced by the framework.

1.4.2 - 2021-02-19


  • "Not a valid ref: refs/remotes/origin/main" error in zimfw update, when the repository's default branch was renamed to main.

1.4.1 - 2021-02-17


  • Correctly get the repository's default branch in zimfw update. The related change in version 1.4.0 actually broke updating the modules, as new changes stopped being fetched.

1.4.0 - 2021-01-07


  • Prompt before uninstalling modules, unless -q is set.
  • Show build date in info.


  • Show error when no parameter is provided to -c|--cmd in zmodule.
  • Use repository's default branch instead of hardcoding the default to master in zimfw update, when no branch is specified in zmodule.

1.3.2 - 2020-08-01


  • Compiled files must also be cleaned from modules defined with absolute paths.

1.3.1 - 2020-07-24


  • "gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file" error when trying to upgrade. (See #407)

1.3.0 - 2020-07-05


  • -c|-cmd option to zmodule. This allows for executing any specified command.

1.2.2 - 2020-06-10


  • Allow local modules to be initialized and compiled in their respective directories, when absolute paths are given, instead of forcing them to be installed inside ZIM_HOME.

1.2.1 - 2020-05-26


  • "No such file or directory" error when building a new file. This was a regression introduced after replacing cmp by cksum in version 1.2.0.
  • Show warning message when nothing found to be initialized in a module.

1.2.0 - 2020-05-17


  • Use cksum instead of cmp, and zargs instead of xargs, so we don't depend on busybox or diffutils and findutils.


  • Error messages and the zmodule usage text.

1.1.1 - 2020-01-26


  • "no such file or directory" error before initial check for latest version.
  • Show error when no modules defined in .zimrc, instead of allowing xargs to execute the action with no positional parameters.

1.1.0 - 2020-01-20


  • help and version actions.
  • -v verbose option. Normal mode output is now focused on the specified action.
  • Asynchronously check the latest version every 30 days. This can be disabled with zstyle ':zim' disable-version-check yes.


  • When upgrading, download latest release asset instead of raw file from the master branch.
  • curl is preferred over wget. (See #360)
  • wget's output is only shown in verbose mode.

1.0.1 - 2020-01-09


  • Zsh 5.2 does not recognize the :P modifier. Replace it by :A.
  • Also compile and clean .zprofile among the startup files.
  • Don't fail on clean-dumpfile when there's nothing to remove.

1.0.0 - 2020-01-07

This is a major change, where modules are not git submodules in the Zim repo anymore, but customized and installed separately as individual repositories. External modules can more easily be installed, updated and uninstalled. This makes Zim a project for Zsh that is both a set of community-maintained modules with a default installation (like on-my-zsh and prezto) and a plugin manager (like antigen and zplug).

This version is not backwards-compatible with previous versions, so a new installation of Zim is required.

Take your time to review the updated README.md and the changes listed below.


  • zimfw CLI tool.
  • zmodule function to define modules.
  • Automatic installation script.
  • zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions is enabled by default in new installations.


  • The Zim "core" is reduced to a single file, namely zimfw.zsh, that is self-updated without requiring git. With this, ZIM_HOME is not (the root of) a git repo anymore.
  • Zsh and modules are initialized in .zshrc instead of .zimrc.
  • .zimrc is not sourced during Zsh startup anymore, and only contains the module definitions.
  • Zim's init.zsh and login_init.zsh scripts are generated by the zimfw CLI tool and contain static code. This allows for constant startup time, regardless of how complex the module definitions are.
  • Zim modules moved to individual repositories in the https://github.com/zimfw organization.
  • Zim modules are configured with zstyle instead of environment variables.
  • Zim themes are sourced directly, instead of working with prompinit, and are configured with environment variables instead of with promptinit parameters.
  • The environment module is reduced in scope to to only set Zsh options. The additional code moved to the input module (smart-URL widgets), the utility module (default pager), and a new termtitle module (terminal window title).
  • The minimal theme is renamed to s1ck94.


  • zmanage CLI tool.
  • The directory and history modules. Their code moved into the environment module.
  • The prompt module, and the external lean, liquidprompt and pure themes. Use zmodule miekg/lean, or zmodule nojhan/liquidprompt, or zmodule sindresorhus/pure --source async.zsh --source pure.zsh to define one of these external themes, respectively. The Zim themes moved to individual repositories.
  • Support for themes that require promptinit. (See #325)


  • ZIM_HOME is set in .zshenv instead of .zshrc. The issue was that the variable was not available in .zlogin in non-interactive login shells.