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2015-12-27 19:33:30 -05:00

140 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Generates trace log to debug zim and zsh issues
print "This function creates a trace log to debug
Zsh and Zim functionality.
It will copy your .zshrc to /tmp/ztrace/, ammend profiling
code, launch a new shell, log the trace, close the shell,
archive the logs, and finally print the path to the archive."
read \?"Press [Enter] to begin trace."
mkdir -p /tmp/ztrace
# make sure that we were able to create the directory
if [[ ! -d /tmp/ztrace ]]; then
print 'failed to create /tmp/ztrace directory. Aborting.'
return 1
# check if known output file, if exists
# rm all directory contents
if [[ -e /tmp/ztrace/ztrace.log ]]; then
print "\nLogs from previous run of trace-zim are present
Deleting old logs now..."
# use of anonymous function for dotglob opt
() {
setopt dotglob
rm -rf /tmp/ztrace/*
# get some basic system information (kernel and zsh version)
print "Zsh version:
$(zsh --version)
Kernel information:
$(uname -mosr)
fpath info:
${fpath}" >! /tmp/ztrace/sysinfo
cp ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zshrc /tmp/ztrace/.zshrc.orig
cp ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc /tmp/ztrace/.zimrc
# rsync will allow us to not have to copy the .git folder; use if available
if (( ${+commands[rsync]} )); then
rsync -az --exclude .git ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zim /tmp/ztrace/
cp -R ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zim /tmp/ztrace/
# trace code to add to modified .zshrc
if [[ ${OSTYPE} == linux-gnu ]]; then
read -d '' tracetop << EOF || true
# zim trace start #
exec 3>&2 2> >(tee /tmp/ztrace/sample-time.\$\$.log |
sed -u 's/^.*$/now/' |
date -f - +%s.%N >/tmp/ztrace/sample-time.\$\$.tim)
zmodload zsh/zprof
set -x
# we need gnu-utils to do this, so we must check for darwin/bsd.
# if these platforms, we need to call gsed and gdate explicitly.
elif [[ ${OSTYPE} == (darwin*|*bsd*) ]]; then
if (( ${+commands[gdate]} && ${+commands[gsed]} )); then
read -d '' tracetop << EOF || true
# zim trace start #
exec 3>&2 2> >(tee /tmp/ztrace/sample-time.\$\$.log |
gsed -u 's/^.*$/now/' |
gdate -f - +%s.%N >/tmp/ztrace/sample-time.\$\$.tim)
zmodload zsh/zprof
set -x
print "debug module requires both gnu-sed (gsed) and gnu-date (gdate).
Please install these with brew before attempting to trace."
return 1
print "your system, ${OSTYPE}, is an unknown system.
Please create an issue at:
Include the following output in your report:
${OSTYPE} - $(uname -mosr)"
return 1
read -d '' tracebot << EOF || true
# zim trace end #
set +x
zprof >! /tmp/ztrace/zprof
#non-linux systems have weird fd; also, no real need to redirect back
#prompt is (practically speaking) non-interactive, fd exists only for that process
#which is closed (by typing exit)
#exec 2>&3 3>&-
# create a modified .zshrc to produce a trace log
print "${tracetop}\n${origzshrc}\n${tracebot}" >! /tmp/ztrace/.zshrc
# clean up the vars now that we are done with them.
unset origzshrc tracetop tracebot
print "\nSpawning zsh and producing trace...\n\n"
ZDOTDIR=/tmp/ztrace zsh -ic 'exit'
print "Trace complete.
Parsing logs to a nicer format; this may take some time..."
# this is ugly thing makes it pretty...
paste <( while read tim; do crt=000000000$((${tim//.}-10#0$last)); printf "%12.9f\n" ${crt:0:${#crt}-9}.${crt:${#crt}-9}; last=${tim//.}; done < /tmp/ztrace/sample-time.(*).tim; ) /tmp/ztrace/sample-time.(*).log > /tmp/ztrace/ztrace.log
print "Parsing complete!"
# safe to remove old, unneeded environment files
print "Tidying up before archive..."
rm -f /tmp/ztrace/sample-time.*
rm -rf /tmp/ztrace/.zim
rm -f /tmp/ztrace/.zshrc
mv /tmp/ztrace/.zshrc.orig /tmp/ztrace/.zshrc
rm -f /tmp/ztrace/.zhistory
rm -f /tmp/ztrace/.zcompdump*
print "Archiving trace logs...\n"
tar -cf /tmp/ztrace.tar.gz /tmp/ztrace/
print "Archive complete!\n
Trace by with execution time available at:
Archive (for sharing/help) available at: