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mirror of synced 2025-03-25 15:19:53 -04:00

cleanup trace function a bit

This commit is contained in:
Matt Hamilton 2015-12-27 19:33:30 -05:00
parent 50c8f70179
commit 5cccdc255b

View file

@ -3,16 +3,12 @@
# Generates trace log to debug zim and zsh issues
cat >&2 <<EOF
This function creates a trace log to debug
print "This function creates a trace log to debug
Zsh and Zim functionality.
It will copy your .zshrc to /tmp/ztrace/, ammend profiling
code, launch a new shell, log the trace, close the shell,
archive the logs, and finally print the path to the archive.
archive the logs, and finally print the path to the archive."
read \?"Press [Enter] to begin trace."
@ -25,8 +21,8 @@ else
# check if known output file, if exists
# rm all directory contents
if [[ -e /tmp/ztrace/ztrace.log ]]; then
print "\nLogs from previous run of trace-zim are present"
print "Deleting old logs now..."
print "\nLogs from previous run of trace-zim are present
Deleting old logs now..."
# use of anonymous function for dotglob opt
() {
setopt dotglob
@ -36,28 +32,28 @@ else
# get some basic system information (kernel and zsh version)
print 'Zsh version:' > /tmp/ztrace/sysinfo
print $(zsh --version) >> /tmp/ztrace/sysinfo
print "\nkernel information:" >> /tmp/ztrace/sysinfo
print $(uname -mosr) >> /tmp/ztrace/sysinfo
print "\n$fpath info:" >> /tmp/ztrace/sysinfo
print -l ${fpath} >> /tmp/ztrace/sysinfo
print "Zsh version:
$(zsh --version)
Kernel information:
$(uname -mosr)
fpath info:
${fpath}" >! /tmp/ztrace/sysinfo
cp ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zshrc /tmp/ztrace/.zshrc.orig
cp ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc /tmp/ztrace/.zimrc
# rsync will allow us to not have to copy the .git folder; use if available
if (( $+commands[rsync] )); then
rsync -az --exclude .git "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zim" "/tmp/ztrace/"
if (( ${+commands[rsync]} )); then
rsync -az --exclude .git ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zim /tmp/ztrace/
cp -R "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zim" "/tmp/ztrace/"
cp -R ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zim /tmp/ztrace/
# trace code to add to modified .zshrc
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == linux-gnu ]]; then
if [[ ${OSTYPE} == linux-gnu ]]; then
read -d '' tracetop << EOF || true
# zim trace start #
exec 3>&2 2> >(tee /tmp/ztrace/sample-time.\$\$.log |
sed -u 's/^.*$/now/' |
date -f - +%s.%N >/tmp/ztrace/sample-time.\$\$.tim)
@ -67,12 +63,12 @@ EOF
# we need gnu-utils to do this, so we must check for darwin/bsd.
# if these platforms, we need to call gsed and gdate explicitly.
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == (darwin*|*bsd*) ]]; then
if (( $+commands[gdate] && $+commands[gsed] )); then
elif [[ ${OSTYPE} == (darwin*|*bsd*) ]]; then
if (( ${+commands[gdate]} && ${+commands[gsed]} )); then
read -d '' tracetop << EOF || true
# zim trace start #
exec 3>&2 2> >(tee /tmp/ztrace/sample-time.\$\$.log |
gsed -u 's/^.*$/now/' |
gdate -f - +%s.%N >/tmp/ztrace/sample-time.\$\$.tim)
@ -80,23 +76,23 @@ zmodload zsh/zprof
set -x
print "debug module requires both gnu-sed (gsed) and gnu-date (gdate)."
print "please install these with brew before attempting to trace."
print "debug module requires both gnu-sed (gsed) and gnu-date (gdate).
Please install these with brew before attempting to trace."
return 1
print "your system, ${OSTYPE}, is an unknown system."
print "please create an issue at:"
print "\thttps://github.com/Eriner/zim/issues"
print "Please paste the following output in your report:"
print "\t${OSTYPE} - $(uname -mosr)"
print "your system, ${OSTYPE}, is an unknown system.
Please create an issue at:
Include the following output in your report:
${OSTYPE} - $(uname -mosr)"
return 1
read -d '' tracebot << EOF || true
# zim trace end #
set +x
zprof >! /tmp/ztrace/zprof
@ -109,20 +105,18 @@ EOF
# create a modified .zshrc to produce a trace log
print "$tracetop\n$origzshrc\n$tracebot" >! "/tmp/ztrace/.zshrc"
print "${tracetop}\n${origzshrc}\n${tracebot}" >! /tmp/ztrace/.zshrc
# clean up the vars now that we are done with them.
unset origzshrc
unset tracetop
unset tracebot
unset origzshrc tracetop tracebot
print "\nSpawning zsh and producing trace...\n\n"
ZDOTDIR=/tmp/ztrace zsh -ic 'exit'
print "Trace complete.\n"
print "Parsing logs to a nicer format; this may take some time..."
print "Trace complete.
Parsing logs to a nicer format; this may take some time..."
# this is ugly thing makes it pretty...
paste <( while read tim; do crt=000000000$((${tim//.}-10#0$last)); printf "%12.9f\n" ${crt:0:${#crt}-9}.${crt:${#crt}-9}; last=${tim//.}; done < /tmp/ztrace/sample-time.(*).tim; ) /tmp/ztrace/sample-time.(*).log > "/tmp/ztrace/ztrace.log"
paste <( while read tim; do crt=000000000$((${tim//.}-10#0$last)); printf "%12.9f\n" ${crt:0:${#crt}-9}.${crt:${#crt}-9}; last=${tim//.}; done < /tmp/ztrace/sample-time.(*).tim; ) /tmp/ztrace/sample-time.(*).log > /tmp/ztrace/ztrace.log
print "Parsing complete!"
# safe to remove old, unneeded environment files
@ -132,16 +126,15 @@ rm -rf /tmp/ztrace/.zim
rm -f /tmp/ztrace/.zshrc
mv /tmp/ztrace/.zshrc.orig /tmp/ztrace/.zshrc
rm -f /tmp/ztrace/.zhistory
rm -f /tmp/ztrace/.zcompdump.zwc
rm -f /tmp/ztrace/.zcompdump*
print "Archiving trace logs...\n"
tar -cf "/tmp/ztrace.tar.gz" "/tmp/ztrace/"
tar -cf /tmp/ztrace.tar.gz /tmp/ztrace/
print "Archive complete!\n"
print "\nTrace by with execution time available at:"
print "\t/tmp/ztrace/ztrace.log"
print "\nArchive (for sharing/help) available at:"
print "\t/tmp/ztrace.tar.gz"
print "Archive complete!\n
Trace by with execution time available at:
Archive (for sharing/help) available at: