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2015-12-08 08:20:04 -05:00
# shebang
snippet #!
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
# Hash Pointer
snippet .
# Function
snippet sub
sub ${1:function_name}(${2:Str $var}) {
snippet mul
multi ${1:function_name}(${2:Str $var}) {
# Conditional
snippet if
if ${1} {
# Conditional if..else
snippet ife
if ${1} {
else {
snippet eif
elsif ${1) {
# Conditional One-line
snippet xif
${1:expression} if ${2:condition};
# Unless conditional
snippet unless
unless ${1} {
# Unless conditional One-line
snippet xunless
${1:expression} unless ${2:condition};
# Ternary conditional
snippet tc
${1:condition} ?? ${2:value-if-true} !! ${3:value-if-false};
# given - when (perl6 switch)
snippet switch
given ${1:$var} {
when ${2:condition} {
${3:# code block ...}
default {
# 'loop' - C's for.
snippet loop
loop (my ${1:$i} = 0; $$1 < ${2:count}; $$1++) {
# for loop
snippet for
for ${1:@array} -> ${2:$variable} {
# While Loop
snippet wh
while ${1} {
# Repeat while and repean until
snippet rp
repeat {
} ${2:while|until} ${3};
# classes ..
snippet cl
${1:my} class ${2:ClassName} ${3:is|does Parent|Role}{
snippet has
has ${1:Type} ${2:$!identifier};
snippet mth
method ${1:method_name}(${2:$attr}) {
snippet pmth
method ${1:!}${2:method_name}(${3:$attr}) {
snippet smth
submethod ${1:submethod_name}(${2:$attr}) {
# Tests
snippet test
use v6;
use Test;
${1:use lib 'lib';}
plan ${2:$num-tests};
# IO
snippet slurp
my ${1:$var} = "${2:filename}".IO.slurp;
snippet rfile
for "${1:filename}".IO.lines -> $line {
snippet open
my $fh = open "${1:filename}", ${2::r|:w|:a};
${3:# actions};