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2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
" tlib.vim -- Some utility functions
" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
" @Created: 2007-04-10.
" @Last Change: 2012-10-03.
" @Revision: 725
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
" GetLatestVimScripts: 1863 1 tlib.vim
if &cp || exists("loaded_tlib")
if v:version < 700 "{{{2
echoerr "tlib requires Vim >= 7"
let loaded_tlib = 102
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Init~ {{{1
" call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init()
" Commands~ {{{1
" :display: :TRequire NAME [VERSION [FILE]]
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
" Make a certain vim file is loaded.
" Conventions: If FILE isn't defined, plugin/NAME.vim is loaded. The
" file must provide a variable loaded_{NAME} that represents the version
" number.
command! -nargs=+ TRequire let s:require = [<f-args>]
\ | if !exists('loaded_'. get(s:require, 0))
\ | exec 'runtime '. get(s:require, 2, 'plugin/'. get(s:require, 0) .'.vim')
\ | if !exists('loaded_'. get(s:require, 0)) || loaded_{get(s:require, 0)} < get(s:require, 1, loaded_{get(s:require, 0)})
\ | echoerr 'Require '. get(s:require, 0) .' >= '. get(s:require, 1, 'any version will do')
\ | finish
\ | endif
\ | endif | unlet s:require
" :display: :TLet VAR = VALUE
" Set a variable only if it doesn't already exist.
" TLet foo = 1
" TLet foo = 2
" echo foo
" => 1
command! -nargs=+ TLet if !exists(matchstr(<q-args>, '^[^=[:space:]]\+')) | exec 'let '. <q-args> | endif
" Open a scratch buffer (a buffer without a file).
" TScratch ... use split window
" TScratch! ... use the whole frame
" This command takes an (inner) dictionary as optional argument.
" TScratch 'scratch': '__FOO__'
" => Open a scratch buffer named __FOO__
command! -bar -nargs=* -bang TScratch call tlib#scratch#UseScratch({'scratch_split': '<bang>' != '!', <args>})
" :display: :TVarArg VAR1, [VAR2, DEFAULT2] ...
" A convenience wrapper for |tlib#arg#Let|.
" function! Foo(...)
" TVarArg ['a', 1], 'b'
" echo 'a='. a
" echo 'b='. b
" endf
command! -nargs=+ TVarArg exec tlib#arg#Let([<args>])
" :display: :TKeyArg DICT, VAR1, [VAR2, DEFAULT2] ...
" A convenience wrapper for |tlib#arg#Let|.
" function! Foo(keyargs)
" TKeyArg a:keyargs, ['a', 1], 'b'
" echo 'a='. a
" echo 'b='. b
" endf
command! -nargs=+ TKeyArg exec tlib#arg#Key([<args>])
" :display: :TBrowseOutput COMMAND
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
" Ever wondered how to efficiently browse the output of a command
" without redirecting it to a file? This command takes a command as
" argument and presents the output via |tlib#input#List()| so that you
" can easily search for a keyword (e.g. the name of a variable or
" function) and the like.
" If you press enter, the selected line will be copied to the command
" line. Press ESC to cancel browsing.
" TBrowseOutput 20verb TeaseTheCulprit
command! -nargs=1 -complete=command TBrowseOutput call tlib#cmd#BrowseOutput(<q-args>)
" :display: :TBrowseScriptnames
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
" List all sourced script names (the output of ':scriptnames').
" When you press enter, the selected script will be opened in the current
" window. Press ESC to cancel.
" TBrowseScriptnames
command! -nargs=0 -complete=command TBrowseScriptnames call
\ tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback("tlib#cmd#ParseScriptname", "scriptnames")
" :display: :TTimeCommand CMD
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
" Time the execution time of CMD.
command! -nargs=1 -complete=command TTimeCommand call tlib#cmd#Time(<q-args>)
" :doc:
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
" Variables~ {{{1
" When 1, automatically select the last remaining item only if the list
" had only one item to begin with.
" When 2, automatically select a last remaining item after applying
" any filters.
" See |tlib#input#List()|.
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
TLet g:tlib_pick_last_item = 1
" If a list is bigger than this value, don't try to be smart when
" selecting an item. Be slightly faster instead.
" See |tlib#input#List()|.
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
TLet g:tlib_sortprefs_threshold = 200
" Scratch window position. By default the list window is opened on the
" bottom. Set this variable to 'topleft' or '' to change this behaviour.
" See |tlib#input#List()|.
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
TLet g:tlib_scratch_pos = 'botright'
" Size of the input list window (in percent) from the main size (of &lines).
" See |tlib#input#List()|.
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
TLet g:tlib_inputlist_pct = 50
" Size of filename columns when listing filenames.
" See |tlib#input#List()|.
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
TLet g:tlib_inputlist_width_filename = '&co / 3'
" TLet g:tlib_inputlist_width_filename = 25
" The highlight group to use for showing matches in the input list
" window.
" See |tlib#input#List()|.
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
TLet g:tlib_inputlist_higroup = 'IncSearch'
" If a list contains more items, |tlib#input#List()| does not perform an
" incremental "live search" but uses |input()| to query the user for a
" filter. This is useful on slower machines or with very long lists.
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
TLet g:tlib_inputlist_livesearch_threshold = 1000
" If true, |tlib#input#List()| will show some indicators about the
" status of a filename (e.g. buflisted(), bufloaded() etc.).
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
" This is disabled by default because vim checks also for the file on
" disk when doing this.
TLet g:tlib_inputlist_filename_indicators = 0
" Determine how |tlib#input#List()| and related functions work.
" Can be "cnf", "cnfd", "cnfx", "seq", or "fuzzy". See:
" cnfx ... Like cnfd but |g:tlib#Filter_cnfx#expander| is interpreted
" as a wildcard (this is the default method)
" - A plus character ("+") acts as a wildcard as if ".\{-}" (see
" |/\{-|) were entered.
" - Examples:
" - "f+o" matches "fo", "fxo", and "fxxxoo", but doesn't match
" "far".
" - Otherwise it is a derivate of the cnf method (see below).
" - See also |tlib#Filter_cnfx#New()|.
" cnfd ... Like cnf but "." is interpreted as a wildcard, i.e. it is
" expanded to "\.\{-}"
" - A period character (".") acts as a wildcard as if ".\{-}" (see
" |/\{-|) were entered.
" - Examples:
" - "f.o" matches "fo", "fxo", and "fxxxoo", but doesn't match
" "far".
" - Otherwise it is a derivate of the cnf method (see below).
" - See also |tlib#Filter_cnfd#New()|.
" cnf .... Match substrings
" - A blank creates an AND conjunction, i.e. the next pattern has to
" match too.
" - A pipe character ("|") creates an OR conjunction, either this or
" the next next pattern has to match.
" - Patterns are very 'nomagic' |regexp| with a |\V| prefix.
" - A pattern starting with "-" makes the filter exclude items
" matching that pattern.
" - Examples:
" - "foo bar" matches items that contain the strings "foo" AND
" "bar".
" - "foo|bar boo|far" matches items that contain either ("foo" OR
" "bar") AND ("boo" OR "far").
" - See also |tlib#Filter_cnf#New()|.
" seq .... Match sequences of characters
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
" - |tlib#Filter_seq#New()|
" fuzzy .. Match fuzzy character sequences
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
" - |tlib#Filter_fuzzy#New()|
TLet g:tlib_inputlist_match = 'cnfx'
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
" If not null, display only a short info about the filter.
TLet g:tlib_inputlist_shortmessage = 0
" Extra tags for |tlib#tag#Retrieve()| (see there). Can also be buffer-local.
TLet g:tlib_tags_extra = ''
" Filter the tag description through |substitute()| for these filetypes.
" This applies only if the tag cmd field (see |taglist()|) is used.
" :nodefault:
TLet g:tlib_tag_substitute = {
\ 'java': [['\s*{\s*$', '', '']],
\ 'ruby': [['\<\(def\|class\|module\)\>\s\+', '', '']],
\ 'vim': [
\ ['^\s*com\%[mand]!\?\(\s\+-\S\+\)*\s*\u\w*\zs.*$', '', ''],
\ ['^\s*\(let\|aug\%[roup]\|fu\%[nction]!\?\|com\%[mand]!\?\(\s\+-\S\+\)*\)\s*', '', ''],
\ ['"\?\s*{{{\d.*$', '', ''],
\ ],
\ }
" " Alternative rx for keywords, in case 'iskeyword' is inadequate for
" " the purposes of tlib but you don't want to change it's value.
" TLet g:tlib_keyword_rx = {
" \ 'vim': '\(\w\|#\)',
" \ }
TLet g:tlib_filename_sep = '/'
" TLet g:tlib_filename_sep = exists('+shellslash') && !&shellslash ? '\' : '/' " {{{2
" The cache directory. If empty, use |tlib#dir#MyRuntime|.'/cache'.
" You might want to delete old files from this directory from time to
" time with a command like: >
" find ~/vimfiles/cache/ -atime +31 -type f -print -delete
TLet g:tlib_cache = ''
" Where to display the line when using |tlib#buffer#ViewLine|.
" For possible values for position see |scroll-cursor|.
TLet g:tlib_viewline_position = 'zz'
" :doc:
" Keys for |tlib#input#List|~
TLet g:tlib_inputlist_and = ' '
TLet g:tlib_inputlist_or = '|'
TLet g:tlib_inputlist_not = '-'
" When editing a list with |tlib#input#List|, typing these numeric chars
" (as returned by getchar()) will select an item based on its index, not
" based on its name. I.e. in the default setting, typing a "4" will
" select the fourth item, not the item called "4".
" In order to make keys 0-9 filter the items in the list and make
" <m-[0-9]> select an item by its index, remove the keys 48 to 57 from
" this dictionary.
" Format: [KEY] = BASE ... the number is calculated as KEY - BASE.
" :nodefault:
TLet g:tlib_numeric_chars = {
\ 176: 176,
\ 177: 176,
\ 178: 176,
\ 179: 176,
\ 180: 176,
\ 181: 176,
\ 182: 176,
\ 183: 176,
\ 184: 176,
\ 185: 176,
" \ 48: 48,
" \ 49: 48,
" \ 50: 48,
" \ 51: 48,
" \ 52: 48,
" \ 53: 48,
" \ 54: 48,
" \ 55: 48,
" \ 56: 48,
" \ 57: 48,
" :nodefault:
" The default key bindings for single-item-select list views. If you
" want to use <c-j>, <c-k> to move the cursor up and down, add these two
" lines to after/plugin/02tlib.vim: >
" let g:tlib_keyagents_InputList_s[10] = 'tlib#agent#Down' " <c-j>
" let g:tlib_keyagents_InputList_s[11] = 'tlib#agent#Up' " <c-k>
TLet g:tlib_keyagents_InputList_s = {
\ "\<PageUp>": 'tlib#agent#PageUp',
\ "\<PageDown>": 'tlib#agent#PageDown',
\ "\<Up>": 'tlib#agent#Up',
\ "\<Down>": 'tlib#agent#Down',
\ "\<c-Up>": 'tlib#agent#UpN',
\ "\<c-Down>": 'tlib#agent#DownN',
\ "\<Left>": 'tlib#agent#ShiftLeft',
\ "\<Right>": 'tlib#agent#ShiftRight',
\ 18: 'tlib#agent#Reset',
\ 242: 'tlib#agent#Reset',
\ 17: 'tlib#agent#Input',
\ 241: 'tlib#agent#Input',
\ 27: 'tlib#agent#Exit',
\ 26: 'tlib#agent#Suspend',
\ 250: 'tlib#agent#Suspend',
\ 15: 'tlib#agent#SuspendToParentWindow',
\ 63: 'tlib#agent#Help',
\ "\<F1>": 'tlib#agent#Help',
\ "\<F10>": 'tlib#agent#ExecAgentByName',
\ "\<S-Esc>": 'tlib#agent#ExecAgentByName',
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
\ "\<bs>": 'tlib#agent#ReduceFilter',
\ "\<del>": 'tlib#agent#ReduceFilter',
\ "\<c-bs>": 'tlib#agent#PopFilter',
\ "\<m-bs>": 'tlib#agent#PopFilter',
\ "\<c-del>": 'tlib#agent#PopFilter',
\ "\<m-del>": 'tlib#agent#PopFilter',
\ "\<s-space>": 'tlib#agent#Wildcard',
\ 191: 'tlib#agent#Debug',
\ char2nr(g:tlib_inputlist_or): 'tlib#agent#OR',
\ char2nr(g:tlib_inputlist_and): 'tlib#agent#AND',
\ }
" Number of items to move when pressing <c-up/down> in the input list window.
TLet g:tlib_scroll_lines = 10
" :nodefault:
TLet g:tlib_keyagents_InputList_m = {
\ 35: 'tlib#agent#Select',
\ "\<s-up>": 'tlib#agent#SelectUp',
\ "\<s-down>": 'tlib#agent#SelectDown',
\ 1: 'tlib#agent#SelectAll',
\ 225: 'tlib#agent#SelectAll',
\ }
" "\<c-space>": 'tlib#agent#Select'
" :nodefault:
TLet g:tlib_handlers_EditList = [
\ {'key': 5, 'agent': 'tlib#agent#EditItem', 'key_name': '<c-e>', 'help': 'Edit item'},
\ {'key': 4, 'agent': 'tlib#agent#DeleteItems', 'key_name': '<c-d>', 'help': 'Delete item(s)'},
\ {'key': 14, 'agent': 'tlib#agent#NewItem', 'key_name': '<c-n>', 'help': 'New item'},
\ {'key': 24, 'agent': 'tlib#agent#Cut', 'key_name': '<c-x>', 'help': 'Cut item(s)'},
\ {'key': 3, 'agent': 'tlib#agent#Copy', 'key_name': '<c-c>', 'help': 'Copy item(s)'},
\ {'key': 22, 'agent': 'tlib#agent#Paste', 'key_name': '<c-v>', 'help': 'Paste item(s)'},
\ {'pick_last_item': 0},
\ {'return_agent': 'tlib#agent#EditReturnValue'},
\ {'help_extra': [
\ 'Submit changes by pressing ENTER or <c-s> or <c-w><cr>',
\ 'Cancel editing by pressing <c-w>c'
\ ]},
\ ]
" :nodefault:
TLet g:tlib_debug = 0
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo