2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
snippet #!
#!/usr/bin/env python
snippet imp
import ${1:module}
snippet from
from ${1:package} import ${2:module}
# Module Docstring
snippet docs
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
File: ${1:`Filename('$1.py', 'foo.py')`}
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
Author: `g:snips_author`
Email: `g:snips_email`
Github: `g:snips_github`
Description: ${2}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
snippet wh
while ${1:condition}:
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${2:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
# dowh - does the same as do...while in other languages
snippet dowh
while True:
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${1:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
if ${2:condition}:
snippet with
with ${1:expr} as ${2:var}:
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${3:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
# New Class
snippet cl
class ${1:ClassName}(${2:object}):
"""${3:docstring for $1}"""
def __init__(self, ${4:arg}):
${5:super($1, self).__init__()}
self.$4 = $4
# New Function
snippet def
def ${1:fname}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}):
"""${3:docstring for $1}"""
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${4:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
snippet deff
def ${1:fname}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}):
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${3:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
# New Method
snippet defs
def ${1:mname}(self, ${2:arg}):
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${3:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
# New Property
snippet property
def ${1:foo}():
doc = "${2:The $1 property.}"
def fget(self):
${3:return self._$1}
def fset(self, value):
${4:self._$1 = value}
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
def fdel(self):
${5:del self._$1}
return locals()
$1 = property(**$1())
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
# Ifs
snippet if
if ${1:condition}:
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${2:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
snippet el
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${1:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
snippet ei
elif ${1:condition}:
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${2:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
# For
snippet for
for ${1:item} in ${2:items}:
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${3:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
# Encodes
snippet cutf8
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
snippet clatin1
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
snippet cascii
# -*- coding: ascii -*-
# Lambda
2013-05-25 20:31:29 -04:00
snippet lda
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
${1:var} = lambda ${2:vars} : ${3:action}
snippet .
snippet try Try/Except
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${1:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:
${4:raise $3}
snippet try Try/Except/Else
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${1:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:
${4:raise $3}
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${5:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
snippet try Try/Except/Finally
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${1:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:
${4:raise $3}
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${5:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
snippet try Try/Except/Else/Finally
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${1:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:
${4:raise $3}
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${5:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${6:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
# if __name__ == '__main__':
snippet ifmain
if __name__ == '__main__':
# __magic__
snippet _
# python debugger (pdb)
snippet pdb
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# ipython debugger (ipdb)
snippet ipdb
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
# ipython debugger (pdbbb)
snippet pdbbb
import pdbpp; pdbpp.set_trace()
snippet pprint
import pprint; pprint.pprint(${1})${2}
snippet "
# test function/method
snippet test
def test_${1:description}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}):
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${3:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
# test case
snippet testcase
class ${1:ExampleCase}(unittest.TestCase):
def test_${2:description}(self):
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
${3:# TODO: write code...}
2012-08-16 23:41:25 -04:00
snippet fut
from __future__ import ${1}
2013-04-13 14:45:21 -03:00
snippet getopt
# Short option syntax: "hv:"
# Long option syntax: "help" or "verbose="
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "${1:short_options}", [${2:long_options}])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
# Print debug info
print str(err)
for option, argument in opts:
if option in ("-h", "--help"):
elif option in ("-v", "--verbose"):
verbose = argument
2013-05-25 20:31:29 -04:00
# logging
# glog = get log
snippet glog
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(${1:__name__})
snippet le
snippet ld
snippet lw
snippet lc
snippet li