My Chezmoi-managed Dotfiles
Updated 2023-12-27 22:10:48 -05:00
Dynamic IP Updator Script system
Updated 2023-11-01 02:39:22 -04:00
Simple Doors for even advanced needs!
Updated 2020-10-01 13:14:17 -04:00
Psi-Jack's Personal Dotfiles
Updated 2018-11-27 17:43:28 -05:00
Certificate Authority automation scripts
Updated 2018-11-27 17:59:58 -05:00
Zabbix Trapper System & Scripts
Updated 2018-11-27 18:54:36 -05:00
Sensu Metrics Relay
Updated 2018-11-27 18:12:19 -05:00
My Tmux Configuration. Including support for tmux inception (Running tmux locally and remotely and switching between the two).
Updated 2018-12-21 06:16:41 -05:00
Prometheus Second Generation SaltStack Formula
Updated 2019-05-26 14:22:05 -04:00
HAProxy Salt Formula
Updated 2018-11-27 21:03:36 -05:00
Fabio Salt Formua
Updated 2018-11-27 21:04:46 -05:00
My Yadm Dotfiles
Updated 2023-12-17 14:00:37 -05:00
systemd Integration for xfce-session
Updated 2022-09-13 22:26:38 -04:00
Personal home kubernetes helm charts
Updated 2023-11-12 16:16:20 -05:00
My personal yadm dotfiles setup, revamped and re-created from scratch to be better than before.
Updated 2024-06-09 12:46:42 -04:00
Generate an OpenVPN Connect private tunnel profile in the unified format
Updated 2019-11-25 10:36:27 -05:00
Base approach to setting up resticprofile with scripts to enhance the backup process.
Updated 2024-07-08 13:22:42 -04:00
Yet Another Dotfiles Manager
Updated 2023-11-12 08:33:09 -05:00
Grafana SaltStack Formula
Updated 2022-03-01 08:08:04 -05:00
sudoers saltstack formula
Updated 2024-07-01 19:12:11 -04:00