Updated documentation for submission guidelines just a touch.

This commit is contained in:
Eric Renfro 2015-05-18 10:41:07 -04:00
parent 80a671a8d7
commit 208558e20a

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@ -74,11 +74,12 @@ Contributing
1. Fork the repository on Github.
2. Switch to the develop branch.
3. Create a named feature branch off develop (like `add_component_x`).
3. Create a named feature branch off develop (like `githubusername/feature/add_component_x`).
4. Write your change.
5. Write tests for your change (if applicable).
6. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass.
7. Submit a Pull Request using Github to develop branch.
5. Update documentation if appropriate.
6. Write tests for your change (if applicable).
7. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass.
8. Submit a Pull Request using Github to develop branch.