
58 lines
2.5 KiB

# Creates archive files
archive() {
local name="${1%.[^.]*}"
local type="${1##*.}"
local files="${@}"
if [ -z "${#}" ]; then
echo "archive(): archive a file or directory."
echo "Usage: archive <archive> <files>"
echo "Error: Please give a valid file or directory name!"
return 1
# we are quitting (above) if there is only 1 var
if [ -f "${name}.${type}" ]; then
echo "archive(): file ${name}.${type} already exists."
name=$(mktemp --dry-run "./${name}_XXX.${type}")
echo "archive(): using ${name}.${type} instead."
# ensure xz uses all available CPU cores by additional options
case "${type}" in
tar) shift; tar cvf "${name}.tar" ${files} ;;
tbz|tar.bz) shift; tar cvjf "${name}.tar.bz2" ${files} ;;
tbz2|tar.bz2) shift; tar cvjf "${name}.tar.bz2" ${files} ;;
txz|tar.xz) shift; env XZ_OPT=-T0 tar cvJf "${name}.tar.xz" ${files} ;;
tgz|tar.gz) shift; tar cvzf "${name}.tar.gz" ${files} ;;
tZ|tar.Z) shift; tar cvZf "${name}.tar.Z" ${files} ;;
gz|gzip) shift; gzip -vcf ${files} > "${name}.gz" ;;
bz|bzip) shift; bzip2 -vcf ${files} > "${name}.bz" ;;
bz2|bzip2) shift; bzip2 -vcf ${files} > "${name}.bz2" ;;
Z|compress) shift; compress -vcf "${files}" > "${name}.Z" ;;
zip) shift; zip -rull "${name}.zip" ${files} ;;
7z|7zip) shift; 7z u "${name}.7z" ${files} ;;
rar) shift; rar a "${name}.rar" ${files} ;;
lzo) shift; lzop -vc ${files} > "${name}.lzo" ;;
xz) shift; xz -vc -T0 ${files} > "${name}.xz" ;;
lzma) shift; lzma -vc ${files} > "${name}.lzma" ;;
*) echo "archive(): archive a file or directory."
echo "Usage: archive <archive> <files>"
echo "Example: archive file.tbz2 file.txt file.png"
echo "Please specify archive and files."
echo "Valid archive file extensions are:"
echo "tar, tbz2, txz, tgz, tZ, gz, bz2, Z,"
echo "zip, 7z, rar, lzo, xz, and lzma."
echo "Note: .gz, .bzip2, .xz and .lzma only"
echo "accept a single file and no directories!"
echo "Use tar instead for multiple files and "
echo "other compression algorithms for directories." ;;