Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-06-02 23:31:11 -04:00

Compare commits


No commits in common. "5f649d3031d44ff2f3b99d31eeadbd38982e44ad" and "d33d632ec13dc2f2d6cdab1f79c35e6b2dc3bd1f" have entirely different histories.

24 changed files with 203 additions and 215 deletions

View file

@ -9,13 +9,6 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
_No unreleased changes._
## [1.12.1] - 2023-09-16
### Fixed
- Expansion of prompt sequences in print statements causing text between
backticks to be executed by the shell.
## [1.12.0] - 2023-07-17
### Added
@ -37,7 +30,7 @@ _No unreleased changes._
### Deprecated
- `check-dumpfile` action. The [completion] module alone now handles
- The `zmodule check-dumpfile` action. The [completion] module alone now handles
checking the dumpfile. (See
@ -361,8 +354,7 @@ Take your time to review the updated [README.md] and the changes listed below.
[termtitle]: https://github.com/zimfw/termtitle
[s1ck94]: https://github.com/zimfw/s1ck94
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw/compare/v1.12.1...HEAD
[1.12.1]: https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw/compare/v1.12.0...v1.12.1
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw/compare/v1.12.0...HEAD
[1.12.0]: https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw/compare/v1.11.3...v1.12.0
[1.11.3]: https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw/compare/v1.11.2...v1.11.3
[1.11.2]: https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw/compare/v1.11.1...v1.11.2

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
autoload -Uz is-at-least && if ! is-at-least <%= min_zsh_version %>; then
print -u2 -R $'<%= red %>'${0}$': Error starting zimfw. You\'re using Zsh version <%= bold %>'${ZSH_VERSION}$'<%= normalred %> and versions < <%= bold %><%= min_zsh_version %><%= normalred %> are not supported. Upgrade your Zsh.<%= normal %>'
print -u2 -PR "%F{red}${0}: Error starting Zim. You're using Zsh version %B${ZSH_VERSION}%b and versions < %B<%= min_zsh_version %>%b are not supported. Upgrade your Zsh.%f"
return 1
autoload -Uz zargs
# Define zimfw location
# Define Zim location
if (( ! ${+ZIM_HOME} )) typeset -g ZIM_HOME=${0:h}

View file

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ _zimfw_mv() {
local -a cklines
if cklines=(${(f)"$(command cksum ${1} ${2} 2>/dev/null)"}) && \
[[ ${${(z)cklines[1]}[1,2]} == ${${(z)cklines[2]}[1,2]} ]]; then
_zimfw_print -R $'<%= okay %><%= bold %>'${2}$':<%= normal %> Already up to date'
_zimfw_print -PR "<%= okay %>%B${2}:%b Already up to date"
if [[ -e ${2} ]]; then
command mv -f ${2}{,.old} || return 1
command mv -f ${1} ${2} && _zimfw_print -R $'<%= okay %><%= bold %>'${2}$':<%= normal %> Updated.'${_zrestartmsg}
command mv -f ${1} ${2} && _zimfw_print -PR "<%= okay %>%B${2}:%b Updated.${_zrestartmsg}"

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ _zimfw_build_init() {
if (( ${#_zfpaths} )) print -R 'fpath=('${(q-)${_zfpaths#${~zpre}}:a}' ${fpath})'
if (( ${#_zfpaths} )) print 'fpath=('${(q-)${_zfpaths#${~zpre}}:a}' ${fpath})'
if (( ${#zfunctions} )) print -R 'autoload -Uz -- '${zfunctions#${~zpre}}
for zroot_dir in ${_zroot_dirs}; do

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
_zimfw_build() {
_zimfw_build_init && _zimfw_build_login_init && _zimfw_print 'Done with build.'
_zimfw_build_init && _zimfw_build_login_init && _zimfw_print -P '<%= done %>Done with build.'

View file

@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
zmodule() {
local -r ztarget=${ZIM_CONFIG_FILE:-<%= home %>/.zimrc}
local -r zusage=$'Usage: <%= bold %>'${0}$'<%= normal %> <url> [<%= bold %>-n<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>--name<%= normal %> <module_name>] [<%= bold %>-r<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>--root<%= normal %> <path>] [options]
local -r zusage="Usage: %B${0}%b <url> [%B-n%b|%B--name%b <module_name>] [%B-r%b|%B--root%b <path>] [options]
Add <%= bold %>zmodule<%= normal %> calls to your <%= bold %>'${ztarget}$'<%= normal %> file to define the modules to be initialized.
The initialization will be done in the same order it\'s defined.
Add %Bzmodule%b calls to your %B${ztarget}%b file to define the modules to be initialized.
The initialization will be done in the same order it's defined.
<url> Module absolute path or repository URL. The following URL formats
are equivalent: <%= bold %>foo<%= normal %>, <%= bold %>zimfw/foo<%= normal %>, <%= bold %>https://github.com/zimfw/foo.git<%= normal %>.
are equivalent: %Bfoo%b, %Bzimfw/foo%b, %Bhttps://github.com/zimfw/foo.git%b.
If an absolute path is given, the module is considered externally
installed, and won\'t be installed or updated by zimfw.
<%= bold %>-n<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>--name<%= normal %> <module_name> Set a custom module name. Default: the last component in <url>.
installed, and won't be installed or updated by zimfw.
%B-n%b|%B--name%b <module_name> Set a custom module name. Default: the last component in <url>.
Slashes can be used inside the name to organize the module into
subdirectories. The module will be installed at
<%= bold %>'${ZIM_HOME}$'/<%= normal %><module_name>.
<%= bold %>-r<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>--root<%= normal %> <path> Relative path to the module root.
%B-r%b|%B--root%b <path> Relative path to the module root.
Per-module options:
<%= bold %>-b<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>--branch<%= normal %> <branch_name> Use specified branch when installing and updating the module.
%B-b%b|%B--branch%b <branch_name> Use specified branch when installing and updating the module.
Overrides the tag option. Default: the repository default branch.
<%= bold %>-t<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>--tag<%= normal %> <tag_name> Use specified tag when installing and updating the module. Over-
%B-t%b|%B--tag%b <tag_name> Use specified tag when installing and updating the module. Over-
rides the branch option.
<%= bold %>-u<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>--use<%= normal %> <<%= bold %>git<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>degit<%= normal %>> Install and update the module using the defined tool. Default is
either defined by <%= bold %>zstyle \':zim:zmodule\' use \'<%= normal %><<%= bold %>git<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>degit<%= normal %>><%= bold %>\'<%= normal %>, or <%= bold %>git<%= normal %>
%B-u%b|%B--use%b <%%Bgit%b|%Bdegit%b> Install and update the module using the defined tool. Default is
either defined by %Bzstyle ':zim:zmodule' use '%b<%%Bgit%b|%Bdegit%b>%B'%b, or %Bgit%b
if none is provided.
<%= bold %>git<%= normal %> requires git itself. Local changes are preserved on updates.
<%= bold %>degit<%= normal %> requires curl or wget, and currently only works with GitHub
%Bgit%b requires git itself. Local changes are preserved on updates.
%Bdegit%b requires curl or wget, and currently only works with GitHub
URLs. Modules install faster and take less disk space. Local
changes are lost on updates. Git submodules are not supported.
<%= bold %>--no-submodules<%= normal %> Don\'t install or update git submodules.
<%= bold %>-z<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>--frozen<%= normal %> Don\'t install or update the module.
%B--no-submodules%b Don't install or update git submodules.
%B-z%b|%B--frozen%b Don't install or update the module.
The per-module options above are carried over multiple zmodule calls for the same module.
Modules are uniquely identified by their name.
Per-module-root options:
<%= bold %>--if<%= normal %> <test> Will only initialize module root if specified test returns a zero
%B--if%b <test> Will only initialize module root if specified test returns a zero
exit status. The test is evaluated at every new terminal startup.
<%= bold %>--on-pull<%= normal %> <command> Execute command after installing or updating the module. The com-
%B--on-pull%b <command> Execute command after installing or updating the module. The com-
mand is executed in the module root directory.
<%= bold %>-d<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>--disabled<%= normal %> Don\'t initialize the module root or uninstall the module.
%B-d%b|%B--disabled%b Don't initialize the module root or uninstall the module.
The per-module-root options above are carried over multiple zmodule calls for the same mod-
ule root.
Per-call initialization options:
<%= bold %>-f<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>--fpath<%= normal %> <path> Will add specified path to fpath. The path is relative to the
module root directory. Default: <%= bold %>functions<%= normal %>, if the subdirectory
%B-f%b|%B--fpath%b <path> Will add specified path to fpath. The path is relative to the
module root directory. Default: %Bfunctions%b, if the subdirectory
exists and is non-empty.
<%= bold %>-a<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>--autoload<%= normal %> <func_name> Will autoload specified function. Default: all valid names inside
the <%= bold %>functions<%= normal %> subdirectory, if any.
<%= bold %>-s<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>--source<%= normal %> <file_path> Will source specified file. The path is relative to the module
root directory. Default: <%= bold %>init.zsh<%= normal %>, if a non-empty <%= bold %>functions<%= normal %> sub-
%B-a%b|%B--autoload%b <func_name> Will autoload specified function. Default: all valid names inside
the %Bfunctions%b subdirectory, if any.
%B-s%b|%B--source%b <file_path> Will source specified file. The path is relative to the module
root directory. Default: %Binit.zsh%b, if a non-empty %Bfunctions%b sub-
directory exists, else the largest of the files matching the glob
<%= bold %>(init.zsh|<%= normal %><name><%= bold %>.(zsh|plugin.zsh|zsh-theme|sh))<%= normal %>, if any.
%B(init.zsh|%b<name>%B.(zsh|plugin.zsh|zsh-theme|sh))%b, if any.
<name> in the glob is resolved to the last component of the mod-
ule name, or the last component of the path to the module root.
<%= bold %>-c<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>--cmd<%= normal %> <command> Will execute specified command. Occurrences of the <%= bold %>{}<%= normal %> placeholder
%B-c%b|%B--cmd%b <command> Will execute specified command. Occurrences of the %B{}%b placeholder
in the command are substituted by the module root directory path.
I.e., <%= bold %>-s \'foo.zsh\'<%= normal %> and <%= bold %>-c \'source {}/foo.zsh\'<%= normal %> are equivalent.
I.e., %B-s 'foo.zsh'%b and %B-c 'source {}/foo.zsh'%b are equivalent.
Setting any per-call initialization option above will disable the default values from the
other per-call initialization options, so only your provided values will be used. I.e. these
values are either all automatic, or all manual in each zmodule call. To use default values
and also provided values, use separate zmodule calls.'
and also provided values, use separate zmodule calls."
if [[ ${${funcfiletrace[1]%:*}:A} != ${ztarget:A} ]]; then
print -u2 -lR $'<%= red %>'${0}$': Must be called from <%= bold %>'${ztarget}$'<%= normal %>' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}${0}: Must be called from %B${ztarget}%b%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
if (( ! # )); then
print -u2 -lR $'<%= red %><%= error %>'${funcfiletrace[1]}$': Missing zmodule url<%= normal %>' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}<%= error %>${funcfiletrace[1]}: Missing zmodule url%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
while [[ ${1} == (-n|--name|-r|--root) ]]; do
if (( # < 2 )); then
print -u2 -lR $'<%= red %><%= error %>'${funcfiletrace[1]}$':<%= bold %>'${zname}$':<%= normalred %> Missing argument for zmodule option <%= bold %>'${1}$'<%= normal %>' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}<%= error %>${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}:%b Missing argument for zmodule option %B${1}%b%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
if [[ ${+_zurls[${zname}]} -ne 0 && ${_zurls[${zname}]} != ${zurl} ]]; then
print -u2 -lR $'<%= red %><%= error %>'${funcfiletrace[1]}$':<%= bold %>'${zname}$':<%= normalred %> Module already defined with a different URL. Expected <%= bold %>'${_zurls[${zname}]}$'<%= normal %>' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}<%= error %>${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}:%b Module already defined with a different URL. Expected %B${_zurls[${zname}]}%b%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
case ${1} in
if (( # < 2 )); then
print -u2 -lR $'<%= red %><%= error %>'${funcfiletrace[1]}$':<%= bold %>'${zname}$':<%= normalred %> Missing argument for zmodule option <%= bold %>'${1}$'<%= normal %>' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}<%= error %>${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}:%b Missing argument for zmodule option %B${1}%b%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
case ${1} in
if [[ -z ${zurl} ]] _zimfw_print -u2 -R $'<%= yellow %><%= warn %>'${funcfiletrace[1]}$':<%= bold %>'${zname}$':<%= normalyellow %> The zmodule option <%= bold %>'${1}$'<%= normalyellow %> has no effect for external modules<%= normal %>'
if [[ -z ${zurl} ]] _zimfw_print -u2 -PR "%F{yellow}<%= warn %>${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}:%b The zmodule option %B${1}%b has no effect for external modules%f"
case ${1} in
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
-d|--disabled) _zdisabled_root_dirs+=(${zroot_dir}) ;;
print -u2 -lR $'<%= red %><%= error %>'${funcfiletrace[1]}$':<%= bold %>'${zname}$':<%= normalred %> Unknown zmodule option <%= bold %>'${1}$'<%= normal %>' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}<%= error %>${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}:%b Unknown zmodule option %B${1}%b%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
if (( _zflags & 2 )); then
if [[ ! -e ${zroot_dir} ]]; then
print -u2 -R $'<%= red %><%= error %>'${funcfiletrace[1]}$':<%= bold %>'${zname}': '${zroot_dir}$'<%= normalred %> not found<%= normal %>'
print -u2 -PR "%F{red}<%= error %>${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}: ${zroot_dir}%b not found%f"
return 1
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
if (( ! ${#zfpaths} && ! ${#zfunctions} && ! ${#zcmds} )); then
_zimfw_print -u2 -lR $'<%= yellow %><%= warn %>'${funcfiletrace[1]}$':<%= bold %>'${zname}$':<%= normalyellow %> Nothing found to be initialized. Customize the module name, root or initialization with <%= bold %>zmodule<%= normalyellow %> options.<%= normal %>' '' ${zusage}
_zimfw_print -u2 -PlR "%F{yellow}<%= warn %>${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}:%b Nothing found to be initialized. Customize the module name, root or initialization with %Bzmodule%b options.%f" '' ${zusage}
# Prefix is added to all _zfpaths, _zfunctions and _zcmds to distinguish the originating root dir
local -r zpre=${zroot_dir}$'\0'

View file

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ _zimfw_source_zimrc() {
local -r ztarget=${ZIM_CONFIG_FILE:-<%= home %>/.zimrc} _zflags=${1}
local -i _zfailed=0
if ! source ${ztarget} || (( _zfailed )); then
print -u2 -R $'<%= red %>Failed to source <%= bold %>'${ztarget}$'<%= normal %>'
print -u2 -PR "%F{red}<%= failed %>Failed to source %B${ztarget}%b%f"
return 1
if (( _zflags & 1 && ${#_znames} == 0 )); then
print -u2 -R $'<%= red %>No modules defined in <%= bold %>'${ztarget}$'<%= normal %>'
print -u2 -PR "%F{red}<%= failed %>No modules defined in %B${ztarget}%b%f"
return 1
# Remove all from _zfpaths, _zfunctions and _zcmds with disabled root dirs prefixes

View file

@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ _zimfw_list_unuseds() {
# Unused = all installed dirs not in zdirs
local zunused
for zunused (${_zunused_dirs}) _zimfw_print -R $'<%= bold %>'${zunused:t}$':<%= normal %> '${zunused}${1}
for zunused (${_zunused_dirs}) _zimfw_print -PR "%B${zunused:t}:%b ${zunused}${1}"

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
_zimfw_check_dumpfile() {
_zimfw_print -u2 $'<%= yellow %><%= warn %>Deprecated action. This is now handled by the completion module alone.<%= normal %>'
_zimfw_print -u2 -PR '%F{yellow}<%= warn %>Deprecated action. This is now handled by the completion module alone.'

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ _zimfw_check_version() {
if [[ -f ${_zversion_target} ]]; then
local -r zlatest_version=$(<${_zversion_target})
if [[ -n ${zlatest_version} && ${_zversion} != ${zlatest_version} ]]; then
_zimfw_print -u2 -R $'<%= yellow %>Latest zimfw version is <%= bold %>'${zlatest_version}$'<%= normalyellow %>. You\'re using version <%= bold %>'${_zversion}$'<%= normalyellow %>. Run <%= bold %>zimfw upgrade<%= normalyellow %> to upgrade.<%= normal %>'
_zimfw_print -u2 -PR "%F{yellow}Latest zimfw version is %B${zlatest_version}%b. You're using version %B${_zversion}%b. Run %Bzimfw upgrade%b to upgrade.%f"
return 4

View file

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ _zimfw_clean_compiled() {
local zopt
if (( _zprintlevel > 0 )) zopt=-v
command rm -f ${zopt} ${^zscriptdirs}/**/*.zwc(|.old)(N) && \
_zimfw_print $'Done with clean-compiled. Restart your terminal or run <%= bold %>zimfw compile<%= normal %> to re-compile.'
_zimfw_print -P '<%= done %>Done with clean-compiled. Restart your terminal or run %Bzimfw compile%b to re-compile.'

View file

@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ _zimfw_clean_dumpfile() {
zstyle -s ':zim:completion' dumpfile 'zdumpfile' || zdumpfile=<%= home %>/.zcompdump
if (( _zprintlevel > 0 )) zopt=-v
command rm -f ${zopt} ${zdumpfile}(|.dat|.zwc(|.old))(N) && \
_zimfw_print -R "Done with clean-dumpfile.${_zrestartmsg}"
_zimfw_print -P "<%= done %>Done with clean-dumpfile.${_zrestartmsg}"

View file

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
_zimfw_compile() {
# Compile zimfw scripts
# Compile Zim scripts
local zroot_dir zfile
for zroot_dir in ${_zroot_dirs:|_zdisabled_root_dirs}; do
if [[ ! -w ${zroot_dir} ]]; then
_zimfw_print -R $'<%= yellow %><%= warn %><%= bold %>'${zroot_dir}$':<%= normalyellow %> No write permission, unable to compile.<%= normal %>'
_zimfw_print -PR "%F{yellow}<%= warn %>%B${zroot_dir}:%b No write permission, unable to compile.%f"
for zfile in ${zroot_dir}/(^*test*/)#*.zsh(|-theme)(N-.); do
if [[ ! ${zfile}.zwc -nt ${zfile} ]]; then
zcompile -UR ${zfile} && _zimfw_print -R $'<%= okay %><%= bold %>'${zfile}$'.zwc:<%= normal %> Compiled'
zcompile -UR ${zfile} && _zimfw_print -PR "<%= okay %>%B${zfile}.zwc:%b Compiled"
_zimfw_print 'Done with compile.'
_zimfw_print -P '<%= done %>Done with compile.'

View file

@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ _zimfw_uninstall() {
command rm -rf ${zopt} ${_zunused_dirs} || return 1
_zimfw_print 'Done with uninstall.'
_zimfw_print -P '<%= done %>Done with uninstall.'

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ _zimfw_upgrade() {
if (( _zprintlevel <= 1 )) zopt=-q
if ! command wget -nv ${zopt} -O ${ztarget}.new.gz ${zurl}; then
if (( _zprintlevel <= 1 )); then
print -u2 -R $'<%= red %>Failed to download <%= bold %>'${zurl}$'<%= normalred %>. Use <%= bold %>-v<%= normalred %> option to see details.<%= normal %>'
print -u2 -PR "%F{red}<%= failed %>Failed to download %B${zurl}%b. Use %B-v%b option to see details.%f"
return 1
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ _zimfw_upgrade() {
# .latest_version can be outdated and will yield a false warning if zimfw is
# upgraded before .latest_version is refreshed. Bad thing about having a cache.
_zimfw_mv ${ztarget}{.new,} && command rm -f ${ZIM_HOME}/.latest_version && \
_zimfw_print 'Done with upgrade.'
_zimfw_print -P '<%= done %>Done with upgrade.'
} always {
command rm -f ${ztarget}.new{,.gz}

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
_zimfw_run_list() {
local -r zname=${1}
local -r zdir=${_zdirs[${zname}]}
print -nR $'<%= bold %>'${zname}$':<%= normal %> '${zdir}
print -PnR "%B${zname}:%b ${zdir}"
if [[ -z ${_zurls[${zname}]} ]] print -n ' (external)'
if (( ${_zfrozens[${zname}]} )) print -n ' (frozen)'
if (( ${_zdisabled_root_dirs[(I)${zdir}]} )) print -n ' (disabled)'

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
_zimfw_print_error() {
print -u2 -lR $'<%= clear_line %><%= red %><%= error %><%= bold %>'${_zname}$':<%= normalred %> '${1}$'<%= normal %>' ${2:+${(F):- ${(f)^2}}}
print -u2 -PlR <%= clear_line %>"%F{red}<%= error %>%B${_zname}:%b ${1}%f" ${2:+${(F):- ${(f)^2}}}

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
_zimfw_print_okay() {
if (( _zprintlevel > ${2:-0} )) print -lR $'<%= clear_line %><%= okay %><%= bold %>'${_zname}$':<%= normal %> '${1} ${3:+${(F):- ${(f)^3}}}
if (( _zprintlevel > ${2:-0} )) print -PlR <%= clear_line %>"<%= okay %>%B${_zname}:%b ${1}" ${3:+${(F):- ${(f)^3}}}

View file

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ _zimfw_tool_degit() {
if [[ ! -r ${INFO_TARGET} ]]; then
_zimfw_print -u2 -R $'<%= clear_line %><%= yellow %><%= warn %><%= bold %>'${_zname}$':<%= normalyellow %> Module was not installed using zimfw\'s degit. Will not try to '${_zaction}$'. Use zmodule option <%= bold %>-z<%= normalyellow %>|<%= bold %>--frozen<%= normalyellow %> to disable this warning.<%= normal %>'
_zimfw_print -u2 -PR <%= clear_line %>"%F{yellow}<%= warn %>%B${_zname}:%b Module was not installed using Zim's degit. Will not try to ${_zaction}. Use zmodule option %B-z%b|%B--frozen%b to disable this warning.%f"
return 0
readonly DIR_NEW=${DIR}${TEMP}
@ -140,6 +140,6 @@ _zimfw_tool_degit() {
# Check after successful install or update
if [[ ${_zprintlevel} -gt 0 && ${SUBMODULES} -ne 0 && -e ${DIR}/.gitmodules ]]; then
print -u2 -R $'<%= clear_line %><%= yellow %><%= warn %><%= bold %>'${_zname}$':<%= normalyellow %> Module contains git submodules, which are not supported by zimfw\'s degit. Use zmodule option <%= bold %>--no-submodules<%= normalyellow %> to disable this warning.<%= normal %>'
print -u2 -PR <%= clear_line %>"%F{yellow}<%= warn %>%B${_zname}:%b Module contains git submodules, which are not supported by Zim's degit. Use zmodule option %B--no-submodules%b to disable this warning.%f"

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ _zimfw_tool_git() {
if [[ ! -r ${DIR}/.git ]]; then
_zimfw_print -u2 -R $'<%= clear_line %><%= yellow %><%= warn %><%= bold %>'${_zname}$':<%= normalyellow %> Module was not installed using git. Will not try to '${_zaction}$'. Use zmodule option <%= bold %>-z<%= normalyellow %>|<%= bold %>--frozen<%= normalyellow %> to disable this warning.<%= normal %>'
_zimfw_print -u2 -PR <%= clear_line %>"%F{yellow}<%= warn %>%B${_zname}:%b Module was not installed using git. Will not try to ${_zaction}. Use zmodule option %B-z%b|%B--frozen%b to disable this warning.%f"
return 0
if [[ ${URL} != $(command git -C ${DIR} config --get remote.origin.url) ]]; then

View file

@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ _zimfw_run_tool() {
_zimfw_print_okay 'Skipping already installed module' 1
return 0
_zimfw_print -nR $'<%= clear_line %>Installing '${_zname}'<%= ellipsis %>'
_zimfw_print -nR <%= clear_line %>"Installing ${_zname}<%= ellipsis %>"
if [[ ! -d ${_zdirs[${_zname}]} ]]; then
_zimfw_print_error $'Not installed. Run <%= bold %>zimfw install<%= normalred %> to install.'
_zimfw_print_error 'Not installed. Run %Bzimfw install%b to install.'
return 1
if [[ ${_zaction} == check ]]; then
if (( _zprintlevel > 1 )) print -nR $'<%= clear_line %>Checking '${_zname}'<%= ellipsis %>'
if (( _zprintlevel > 1 )) print -nR <%= clear_line %>"Checking ${_zname}<%= ellipsis %>"
_zimfw_print -nR $'<%= clear_line %>Updating '${_zname}'<%= ellipsis %>'
_zimfw_print -nR <%= clear_line %>"Updating ${_zname}<%= ellipsis %>"

View file

@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
zimfw() {
builtin emulate -L zsh -o EXTENDED_GLOB
local -r _zversion='<%= version %>' _zversion_target=${ZIM_HOME}/.latest_version zusage=$'Usage: <%= bold %>'${0}$'<%= normal %> <action> [<%= bold %>-q<%= normal %>|<%= bold %>-v<%= normal %>]
local -r _zversion='<%= version %>' _zversion_target=${ZIM_HOME}/.latest_version zusage="Usage: %B${0}%b <action> [%B-q%b|%B-v%b]
<%= bold %>build<%= normal %> Build <%= bold %>'${ZIM_HOME}$'/init.zsh<%= normal %> and <%= bold %>'${ZIM_HOME}$'/login_init.zsh<%= normal %>.
Also does <%= bold %>compile<%= normal %>. Use <%= bold %>-v<%= normal %> to also see its output.
<%= bold %>clean<%= normal %> Clean all. Does both <%= bold %>clean-compiled<%= normal %> and <%= bold %>clean-dumpfile<%= normal %>.
<%= bold %>clean-compiled<%= normal %> Clean Zsh compiled files.
<%= bold %>clean-dumpfile<%= normal %> Clean completion dumpfile.
<%= bold %>compile<%= normal %> Compile Zsh files.
<%= bold %>help<%= normal %> Print this help.
<%= bold %>info<%= normal %> Print zimfw and system info.
<%= bold %>list<%= normal %> List all modules currently defined in <%= bold %>'${ZIM_CONFIG_FILE:-<%= home %>/.zimrc}$'<%= normal %>.
Use <%= bold %>-v<%= normal %> to also see the modules details.
<%= bold %>init<%= normal %> Same as <%= bold %>install<%= normal %>, but with output tailored to be used at terminal startup.
<%= bold %>install<%= normal %> Install new modules. Also does <%= bold %>build<%= normal %>, <%= bold %>compile<%= normal %>. Use <%= bold %>-v<%= normal %> to also see their
%Bbuild%b Build %B${ZIM_HOME}/init.zsh%b and %B${ZIM_HOME}/login_init.zsh%b.
Also does %Bcompile%b. Use %B-v%b to also see its output.
%Bclean%b Clean all. Does both %Bclean-compiled%b and %Bclean-dumpfile%b.
%Bclean-compiled%b Clean Zsh compiled files.
%Bclean-dumpfile%b Clean completion dumpfile.
%Bcompile%b Compile Zsh files.
%Bhelp%b Print this help.
%Binfo%b Print Zim and system info.
%Blist%b List all modules currently defined in %B${ZIM_CONFIG_FILE:-<%= home %>/.zimrc}%b.
Use %B-v%b to also see the modules details.
%Binit%b Same as %Binstall%b, but with output tailored to be used at terminal startup.
%Binstall%b Install new modules. Also does %Bbuild%b, %Bcompile%b. Use %B-v%b to also see their
output, any on-pull output and skipped modules.
<%= bold %>uninstall<%= normal %> Delete unused modules. Prompts for confirmation. Use <%= bold %>-q<%= normal %> for quiet uninstall.
<%= bold %>check<%= normal %> Check if updates for current modules are available. Use <%= bold %>-v<%= normal %> to also see
%Buninstall%b Delete unused modules. Prompts for confirmation. Use %B-q%b for quiet uninstall.
%Bcheck%b Check if updates for current modules are available. Use %B-v%b to also see
skipped and up to date modules.
<%= bold %>update<%= normal %> Update current modules. Also does <%= bold %>build<%= normal %>, <%= bold %>compile<%= normal %>. Use <%= bold %>-v<%= normal %> to also see their
%Bupdate%b Update current modules. Also does %Bbuild%b, %Bcompile%b. Use %B-v%b to also see their
output, any on-pull output and skipped modules.
<%= bold %>check-version<%= normal %> Check if a new version of zimfw is available.
<%= bold %>upgrade<%= normal %> Upgrade zimfw. Also does <%= bold %>compile<%= normal %>. Use <%= bold %>-v<%= normal %> to also see its output.
<%= bold %>version<%= normal %> Print zimfw version.
%Bcheck-version%b Check if a new version of zimfw is available.
%Bupgrade%b Upgrade zimfw. Also does %Bcompile%b. Use %B-v%b to also see its output.
%Bversion%b Print zimfw version.
<%= bold %>-q<%= normal %> Quiet (yes to prompts and only outputs errors)
<%= bold %>-v<%= normal %> Verbose (outputs more details)'
%B-q%b Quiet (yes to prompts and only outputs errors)
%B-v%b Verbose (outputs more details)"
local -Ua _znames _zroot_dirs _zdisabled_root_dirs
local -A _zfrozens _ztools _zdirs _zurls _ztypes _zrevs _zsubmodules _zonpulls _zifs
local -a _zfpaths _zfunctions _zcmds _zunused_dirs
local -i _zprintlevel=1
if (( # > 2 )); then
print -u2 -lR $'<%= red %>'${0}$': Too many options<%= normal %>' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}${0}: Too many options%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
elif (( # > 1 )); then
case ${2} in
-q) _zprintlevel=0 ;;
-v) _zprintlevel=2 ;;
print -u2 -lR $'<%= red %>'${0}': Unknown option '${2}$'<%= normal %>' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}${0}: Unknown option ${2}%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Options:
clean-compiled) _zimfw_source_zimrc 2 && _zimfw_clean_compiled ;;
clean-dumpfile) _zimfw_clean_dumpfile ;;
compile) _zimfw_source_zimrc 2 && _zimfw_compile ;;
help) print -R ${zusage} ;;
help) print -PR ${zusage} ;;
info) _zimfw_info ;;
_zimfw_source_zimrc 3 && zargs -n 1 -- "${_znames[@]}" -- _zimfw_run_list && \
@ -74,18 +74,18 @@ Options:
_zimfw_run_tool_action ${1} || return 1
(( _zprintlevel-- ))
_zimfw_print -R "Done with ${1}." # Only printed in verbose mode
_zimfw_print -PR "<%= done %>Done with ${1}." # Only printed in verbose mode
_zimfw_run_tool_action install || return 1
(( _zprintlevel-- ))
_zimfw_print 'Done with install.' # Only printed in verbose mode
_zimfw_print -PR "<%= done %>Done with install." # Only printed in verbose mode
_zimfw_source_zimrc 2 && _zimfw_build && _zimfw_compile
_zimfw_run_tool_action ${1} || return 1
_zimfw_print -R "Done with ${1}.${_zrestartmsg}"
_zimfw_print -PR "<%= done %>Done with ${1}.${_zrestartmsg}"
(( _zprintlevel-- ))
_zimfw_source_zimrc 2 && _zimfw_build && _zimfw_compile
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ Options:
(( _zprintlevel-- ))
_zimfw_source_zimrc 2 && _zimfw_compile
version) print -R ${_zversion} ;;
version) print -PR ${_zversion} ;;
print -u2 -lR $'<%= red %>'${0}': Unknown action '${1}$'<%= normal %>' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}${0}: Unknown action ${1}%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2

View file

@ -1,27 +1,23 @@
class Zim
attr_reader :version, :home, :min_zsh_version, :url_regex,
:bold, :normal, :red, :normalred, :yellow, :normalyellow, :clear_line, :ellipsis, :okay, :warn, :error
:clear_line, :ellipsis, :okay, :warn, :error, :done, :failed
def initialize
@version = "1.12.1"
@version = "1.12.1-SNAPSHOT"
@home = "${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}"
@min_zsh_version = "5.2"
# Matches {ssh,http,https,git}://{user@,}host/org/repo and {user@,}host:org/repo
# but not file:///path/to/repo or /path/to/repo
# ${match[3]} contains host, and ${match[4]} contains org/repo
@url_regex = "^([^:@/]+://)?([^@]+@)?([^:/]+)[:/]([^/]+/[^/]+)/?$"
@bold = "\\E[1m"
@normal = "\\E[0m"
@yellow = "\\E[33m"
@normalyellow = "\\E[0;33m"
@red = "\\E[31m"
@normalred = "\\E[0;31m"
@clear_line = "\\E[2K\\r"
@clear_line = "$'\\E[2K\\r'"
@ellipsis = " ..."
@okay = "\\E[32m)\\E[0m "
@okay = "%F{green})%f "
@warn = "! "
@error = "x "
@done = ""
@failed = ""
def render(filename)

View file

@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
autoload -Uz is-at-least && if ! is-at-least 5.2; then
print -u2 -R $'\E[31m'${0}$': Error starting zimfw. You\'re using Zsh version \E[1m'${ZSH_VERSION}$'\E[0;31m and versions < \E[1m5.2\E[0;31m are not supported. Upgrade your Zsh.\E[0m'
print -u2 -PR "%F{red}${0}: Error starting Zim. You're using Zsh version %B${ZSH_VERSION}%b and versions < %B5.2%b are not supported. Upgrade your Zsh.%f"
return 1
autoload -Uz zargs
# Define zimfw location
# Define Zim location
if (( ! ${+ZIM_HOME} )) typeset -g ZIM_HOME=${0:h}
_zimfw_print() {
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ _zimfw_mv() {
local -a cklines
if cklines=(${(f)"$(command cksum ${1} ${2} 2>/dev/null)"}) && \
[[ ${${(z)cklines[1]}[1,2]} == ${${(z)cklines[2]}[1,2]} ]]; then
_zimfw_print -R $'\E[32m)\E[0m \E[1m'${2}$':\E[0m Already up to date'
_zimfw_print -PR "%F{green})%f %B${2}:%b Already up to date"
if [[ -e ${2} ]]; then
command mv -f ${2}{,.old} || return 1
command mv -f ${1} ${2} && _zimfw_print -R $'\E[32m)\E[0m \E[1m'${2}$':\E[0m Updated.'${_zrestartmsg}
command mv -f ${1} ${2} && _zimfw_print -PR "%F{green})%f %B${2}:%b Updated.${_zrestartmsg}"
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ _zimfw_build_init() {
if (( ${#_zfpaths} )) print -R 'fpath=('${(q-)${_zfpaths#${~zpre}}:a}' ${fpath})'
if (( ${#_zfpaths} )) print 'fpath=('${(q-)${_zfpaths#${~zpre}}:a}' ${fpath})'
if (( ${#zfunctions} )) print -R 'autoload -Uz -- '${zfunctions#${~zpre}}
for zroot_dir in ${_zroot_dirs}; do
@ -107,80 +107,80 @@ _zimfw_build_login_init() {
_zimfw_build() {
_zimfw_build_init && _zimfw_build_login_init && _zimfw_print 'Done with build.'
_zimfw_build_init && _zimfw_build_login_init && _zimfw_print -P 'Done with build.'
zmodule() {
local -r ztarget=${ZIM_CONFIG_FILE:-${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc}
local -r zusage=$'Usage: \E[1m'${0}$'\E[0m <url> [\E[1m-n\E[0m|\E[1m--name\E[0m <module_name>] [\E[1m-r\E[0m|\E[1m--root\E[0m <path>] [options]
local -r zusage="Usage: %B${0}%b <url> [%B-n%b|%B--name%b <module_name>] [%B-r%b|%B--root%b <path>] [options]
Add \E[1mzmodule\E[0m calls to your \E[1m'${ztarget}$'\E[0m file to define the modules to be initialized.
The initialization will be done in the same order it\'s defined.
Add %Bzmodule%b calls to your %B${ztarget}%b file to define the modules to be initialized.
The initialization will be done in the same order it's defined.
<url> Module absolute path or repository URL. The following URL formats
are equivalent: \E[1mfoo\E[0m, \E[1mzimfw/foo\E[0m, \E[1mhttps://github.com/zimfw/foo.git\E[0m.
are equivalent: %Bfoo%b, %Bzimfw/foo%b, %Bhttps://github.com/zimfw/foo.git%b.
If an absolute path is given, the module is considered externally
installed, and won\'t be installed or updated by zimfw.
\E[1m-n\E[0m|\E[1m--name\E[0m <module_name> Set a custom module name. Default: the last component in <url>.
installed, and won't be installed or updated by zimfw.
%B-n%b|%B--name%b <module_name> Set a custom module name. Default: the last component in <url>.
Slashes can be used inside the name to organize the module into
subdirectories. The module will be installed at
\E[1m-r\E[0m|\E[1m--root\E[0m <path> Relative path to the module root.
%B-r%b|%B--root%b <path> Relative path to the module root.
Per-module options:
\E[1m-b\E[0m|\E[1m--branch\E[0m <branch_name> Use specified branch when installing and updating the module.
%B-b%b|%B--branch%b <branch_name> Use specified branch when installing and updating the module.
Overrides the tag option. Default: the repository default branch.
\E[1m-t\E[0m|\E[1m--tag\E[0m <tag_name> Use specified tag when installing and updating the module. Over-
%B-t%b|%B--tag%b <tag_name> Use specified tag when installing and updating the module. Over-
rides the branch option.
\E[1m-u\E[0m|\E[1m--use\E[0m <\E[1mgit\E[0m|\E[1mdegit\E[0m> Install and update the module using the defined tool. Default is
either defined by \E[1mzstyle \':zim:zmodule\' use \'\E[0m<\E[1mgit\E[0m|\E[1mdegit\E[0m>\E[1m\'\E[0m, or \E[1mgit\E[0m
%B-u%b|%B--use%b <%Bgit%b|%Bdegit%b> Install and update the module using the defined tool. Default is
either defined by %Bzstyle ':zim:zmodule' use '%b<%Bgit%b|%Bdegit%b>%B'%b, or %Bgit%b
if none is provided.
\E[1mgit\E[0m requires git itself. Local changes are preserved on updates.
\E[1mdegit\E[0m requires curl or wget, and currently only works with GitHub
%Bgit%b requires git itself. Local changes are preserved on updates.
%Bdegit%b requires curl or wget, and currently only works with GitHub
URLs. Modules install faster and take less disk space. Local
changes are lost on updates. Git submodules are not supported.
\E[1m--no-submodules\E[0m Don\'t install or update git submodules.
\E[1m-z\E[0m|\E[1m--frozen\E[0m Don\'t install or update the module.
%B--no-submodules%b Don't install or update git submodules.
%B-z%b|%B--frozen%b Don't install or update the module.
The per-module options above are carried over multiple zmodule calls for the same module.
Modules are uniquely identified by their name.
Per-module-root options:
\E[1m--if\E[0m <test> Will only initialize module root if specified test returns a zero
%B--if%b <test> Will only initialize module root if specified test returns a zero
exit status. The test is evaluated at every new terminal startup.
\E[1m--on-pull\E[0m <command> Execute command after installing or updating the module. The com-
%B--on-pull%b <command> Execute command after installing or updating the module. The com-
mand is executed in the module root directory.
\E[1m-d\E[0m|\E[1m--disabled\E[0m Don\'t initialize the module root or uninstall the module.
%B-d%b|%B--disabled%b Don't initialize the module root or uninstall the module.
The per-module-root options above are carried over multiple zmodule calls for the same mod-
ule root.
Per-call initialization options:
\E[1m-f\E[0m|\E[1m--fpath\E[0m <path> Will add specified path to fpath. The path is relative to the
module root directory. Default: \E[1mfunctions\E[0m, if the subdirectory
%B-f%b|%B--fpath%b <path> Will add specified path to fpath. The path is relative to the
module root directory. Default: %Bfunctions%b, if the subdirectory
exists and is non-empty.
\E[1m-a\E[0m|\E[1m--autoload\E[0m <func_name> Will autoload specified function. Default: all valid names inside
the \E[1mfunctions\E[0m subdirectory, if any.
\E[1m-s\E[0m|\E[1m--source\E[0m <file_path> Will source specified file. The path is relative to the module
root directory. Default: \E[1minit.zsh\E[0m, if a non-empty \E[1mfunctions\E[0m sub-
%B-a%b|%B--autoload%b <func_name> Will autoload specified function. Default: all valid names inside
the %Bfunctions%b subdirectory, if any.
%B-s%b|%B--source%b <file_path> Will source specified file. The path is relative to the module
root directory. Default: %Binit.zsh%b, if a non-empty %Bfunctions%b sub-
directory exists, else the largest of the files matching the glob
\E[1m(init.zsh|\E[0m<name>\E[1m.(zsh|plugin.zsh|zsh-theme|sh))\E[0m, if any.
%B(init.zsh|%b<name>%B.(zsh|plugin.zsh|zsh-theme|sh))%b, if any.
<name> in the glob is resolved to the last component of the mod-
ule name, or the last component of the path to the module root.
\E[1m-c\E[0m|\E[1m--cmd\E[0m <command> Will execute specified command. Occurrences of the \E[1m{}\E[0m placeholder
%B-c%b|%B--cmd%b <command> Will execute specified command. Occurrences of the %B{}%b placeholder
in the command are substituted by the module root directory path.
I.e., \E[1m-s \'foo.zsh\'\E[0m and \E[1m-c \'source {}/foo.zsh\'\E[0m are equivalent.
I.e., %B-s 'foo.zsh'%b and %B-c 'source {}/foo.zsh'%b are equivalent.
Setting any per-call initialization option above will disable the default values from the
other per-call initialization options, so only your provided values will be used. I.e. these
values are either all automatic, or all manual in each zmodule call. To use default values
and also provided values, use separate zmodule calls.'
and also provided values, use separate zmodule calls."
if [[ ${${funcfiletrace[1]%:*}:A} != ${ztarget:A} ]]; then
print -u2 -lR $'\E[31m'${0}$': Must be called from \E[1m'${ztarget}$'\E[0m' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}${0}: Must be called from %B${ztarget}%b%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
if (( ! # )); then
print -u2 -lR $'\E[31mx '${funcfiletrace[1]}$': Missing zmodule url\E[0m' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}x ${funcfiletrace[1]}: Missing zmodule url%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
while [[ ${1} == (-n|--name|-r|--root) ]]; do
if (( # < 2 )); then
print -u2 -lR $'\E[31mx '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0;31m Missing argument for zmodule option \E[1m'${1}$'\E[0m' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}x ${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}:%b Missing argument for zmodule option %B${1}%b%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
if [[ ${+_zurls[${zname}]} -ne 0 && ${_zurls[${zname}]} != ${zurl} ]]; then
print -u2 -lR $'\E[31mx '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0;31m Module already defined with a different URL. Expected \E[1m'${_zurls[${zname}]}$'\E[0m' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}x ${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}:%b Module already defined with a different URL. Expected %B${_zurls[${zname}]}%b%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
case ${1} in
if (( # < 2 )); then
print -u2 -lR $'\E[31mx '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0;31m Missing argument for zmodule option \E[1m'${1}$'\E[0m' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}x ${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}:%b Missing argument for zmodule option %B${1}%b%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
case ${1} in
if [[ -z ${zurl} ]] _zimfw_print -u2 -R $'\E[33m! '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0;33m The zmodule option \E[1m'${1}$'\E[0;33m has no effect for external modules\E[0m'
if [[ -z ${zurl} ]] _zimfw_print -u2 -PR "%F{yellow}! ${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}:%b The zmodule option %B${1}%b has no effect for external modules%f"
case ${1} in
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
-d|--disabled) _zdisabled_root_dirs+=(${zroot_dir}) ;;
print -u2 -lR $'\E[31mx '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0;31m Unknown zmodule option \E[1m'${1}$'\E[0m' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}x ${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}:%b Unknown zmodule option %B${1}%b%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
if (( _zflags & 2 )); then
if [[ ! -e ${zroot_dir} ]]; then
print -u2 -R $'\E[31mx '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}': '${zroot_dir}$'\E[0;31m not found\E[0m'
print -u2 -PR "%F{red}x ${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}: ${zroot_dir}%b not found%f"
return 1
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ Per-call initialization options:
if (( ! ${#zfpaths} && ! ${#zfunctions} && ! ${#zcmds} )); then
_zimfw_print -u2 -lR $'\E[33m! '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0;33m Nothing found to be initialized. Customize the module name, root or initialization with \E[1mzmodule\E[0;33m options.\E[0m' '' ${zusage}
_zimfw_print -u2 -PlR "%F{yellow}! ${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zname}:%b Nothing found to be initialized. Customize the module name, root or initialization with %Bzmodule%b options.%f" '' ${zusage}
# Prefix is added to all _zfpaths, _zfunctions and _zcmds to distinguish the originating root dir
local -r zpre=${zroot_dir}$'\0'
@ -345,11 +345,11 @@ _zimfw_source_zimrc() {
local -r ztarget=${ZIM_CONFIG_FILE:-${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc} _zflags=${1}
local -i _zfailed=0
if ! source ${ztarget} || (( _zfailed )); then
print -u2 -R $'\E[31mFailed to source \E[1m'${ztarget}$'\E[0m'
print -u2 -PR "%F{red}Failed to source %B${ztarget}%b%f"
return 1
if (( _zflags & 1 && ${#_znames} == 0 )); then
print -u2 -R $'\E[31mNo modules defined in \E[1m'${ztarget}$'\E[0m'
print -u2 -PR "%F{red}No modules defined in %B${ztarget}%b%f"
return 1
# Remove all from _zfpaths, _zfunctions and _zcmds with disabled root dirs prefixes
@ -378,11 +378,11 @@ _zimfw_list_unuseds() {
# Unused = all installed dirs not in zdirs
local zunused
for zunused (${_zunused_dirs}) _zimfw_print -R $'\E[1m'${zunused:t}$':\E[0m '${zunused}${1}
for zunused (${_zunused_dirs}) _zimfw_print -PR "%B${zunused:t}:%b ${zunused}${1}"
_zimfw_check_dumpfile() {
_zimfw_print -u2 $'\E[33m! Deprecated action. This is now handled by the completion module alone.\E[0m'
_zimfw_print -u2 -PR '%F{yellow}! Deprecated action. This is now handled by the completion module alone.'
_zimfw_check_version() {
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ _zimfw_check_version() {
if [[ -f ${_zversion_target} ]]; then
local -r zlatest_version=$(<${_zversion_target})
if [[ -n ${zlatest_version} && ${_zversion} != ${zlatest_version} ]]; then
_zimfw_print -u2 -R $'\E[33mLatest zimfw version is \E[1m'${zlatest_version}$'\E[0;33m. You\'re using version \E[1m'${_zversion}$'\E[0;33m. Run \E[1mzimfw upgrade\E[0;33m to upgrade.\E[0m'
_zimfw_print -u2 -PR "%F{yellow}Latest zimfw version is %B${zlatest_version}%b. You're using version %B${_zversion}%b. Run %Bzimfw upgrade%b to upgrade.%f"
return 4
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ _zimfw_clean_compiled() {
local zopt
if (( _zprintlevel > 0 )) zopt=-v
command rm -f ${zopt} ${^zscriptdirs}/**/*.zwc(|.old)(N) && \
_zimfw_print $'Done with clean-compiled. Restart your terminal or run \E[1mzimfw compile\E[0m to re-compile.'
_zimfw_print -P 'Done with clean-compiled. Restart your terminal or run %Bzimfw compile%b to re-compile.'
_zimfw_clean_dumpfile() {
@ -423,28 +423,28 @@ _zimfw_clean_dumpfile() {
zstyle -s ':zim:completion' dumpfile 'zdumpfile' || zdumpfile=${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zcompdump
if (( _zprintlevel > 0 )) zopt=-v
command rm -f ${zopt} ${zdumpfile}(|.dat|.zwc(|.old))(N) && \
_zimfw_print -R "Done with clean-dumpfile.${_zrestartmsg}"
_zimfw_print -P "Done with clean-dumpfile.${_zrestartmsg}"
_zimfw_compile() {
# Compile zimfw scripts
# Compile Zim scripts
local zroot_dir zfile
for zroot_dir in ${_zroot_dirs:|_zdisabled_root_dirs}; do
if [[ ! -w ${zroot_dir} ]]; then
_zimfw_print -R $'\E[33m! \E[1m'${zroot_dir}$':\E[0;33m No write permission, unable to compile.\E[0m'
_zimfw_print -PR "%F{yellow}! %B${zroot_dir}:%b No write permission, unable to compile.%f"
for zfile in ${zroot_dir}/(^*test*/)#*.zsh(|-theme)(N-.); do
if [[ ! ${zfile}.zwc -nt ${zfile} ]]; then
zcompile -UR ${zfile} && _zimfw_print -R $'\E[32m)\E[0m \E[1m'${zfile}$'.zwc:\E[0m Compiled'
zcompile -UR ${zfile} && _zimfw_print -PR "%F{green})%f %B${zfile}.zwc:%b Compiled"
_zimfw_print 'Done with compile.'
_zimfw_print -P 'Done with compile.'
_zimfw_info() {
print -R 'zimfw version: '${_zversion}' (built at 2023-09-16 18:25:16 UTC, previous commit is 26151d2)'
print -R 'zimfw version: '${_zversion}' (built at 2023-09-16 00:51:35 UTC, previous commit is e0d0679)'
local zparam
print -R ${(r.22....:.)zparam}${(P)zparam}
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ _zimfw_uninstall() {
command rm -rf ${zopt} ${_zunused_dirs} || return 1
_zimfw_print 'Done with uninstall.'
_zimfw_print -P 'Done with uninstall.'
_zimfw_upgrade() {
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ _zimfw_upgrade() {
if (( _zprintlevel <= 1 )) zopt=-q
if ! command wget -nv ${zopt} -O ${ztarget}.new.gz ${zurl}; then
if (( _zprintlevel <= 1 )); then
print -u2 -R $'\E[31mFailed to download \E[1m'${zurl}$'\E[0;31m. Use \E[1m-v\E[0;31m option to see details.\E[0m'
print -u2 -PR "%F{red}Failed to download %B${zurl}%b. Use %B-v%b option to see details.%f"
return 1
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ _zimfw_upgrade() {
# .latest_version can be outdated and will yield a false warning if zimfw is
# upgraded before .latest_version is refreshed. Bad thing about having a cache.
_zimfw_mv ${ztarget}{.new,} && command rm -f ${ZIM_HOME}/.latest_version && \
_zimfw_print 'Done with upgrade.'
_zimfw_print -P 'Done with upgrade.'
} always {
command rm -f ${ztarget}.new{,.gz}
@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ _zimfw_upgrade() {
_zimfw_run_list() {
local -r zname=${1}
local -r zdir=${_zdirs[${zname}]}
print -nR $'\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0m '${zdir}
print -PnR "%B${zname}:%b ${zdir}"
if [[ -z ${_zurls[${zname}]} ]] print -n ' (external)'
if (( ${_zfrozens[${zname}]} )) print -n ' (frozen)'
if (( ${_zdisabled_root_dirs[(I)${zdir}]} )) print -n ' (disabled)'
@ -530,11 +530,11 @@ _zimfw_run_list() {
_zimfw_print_error() {
print -u2 -lR $'\E[2K\r\E[31mx \E[1m'${_zname}$':\E[0;31m '${1}$'\E[0m' ${2:+${(F):- ${(f)^2}}}
print -u2 -PlR $'\E[2K\r'"%F{red}x %B${_zname}:%b ${1}%f" ${2:+${(F):- ${(f)^2}}}
_zimfw_print_okay() {
if (( _zprintlevel > ${2:-0} )) print -lR $'\E[2K\r\E[32m)\E[0m \E[1m'${_zname}$':\E[0m '${1} ${3:+${(F):- ${(f)^3}}}
if (( _zprintlevel > ${2:-0} )) print -PlR $'\E[2K\r'"%F{green})%f %B${_zname}:%b ${1}" ${3:+${(F):- ${(f)^3}}}
_zimfw_pull_print_okay() {
@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ _zimfw_tool_degit() {
if [[ ! -r ${INFO_TARGET} ]]; then
_zimfw_print -u2 -R $'\E[2K\r\E[33m! \E[1m'${_zname}$':\E[0;33m Module was not installed using zimfw\'s degit. Will not try to '${_zaction}$'. Use zmodule option \E[1m-z\E[0;33m|\E[1m--frozen\E[0;33m to disable this warning.\E[0m'
_zimfw_print -u2 -PR $'\E[2K\r'"%F{yellow}! %B${_zname}:%b Module was not installed using Zim's degit. Will not try to ${_zaction}. Use zmodule option %B-z%b|%B--frozen%b to disable this warning.%f"
return 0
readonly DIR_NEW=${DIR}${TEMP}
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ _zimfw_tool_degit() {
# Check after successful install or update
if [[ ${_zprintlevel} -gt 0 && ${SUBMODULES} -ne 0 && -e ${DIR}/.gitmodules ]]; then
print -u2 -R $'\E[2K\r\E[33m! \E[1m'${_zname}$':\E[0;33m Module contains git submodules, which are not supported by zimfw\'s degit. Use zmodule option \E[1m--no-submodules\E[0;33m to disable this warning.\E[0m'
print -u2 -PR $'\E[2K\r'"%F{yellow}! %B${_zname}:%b Module contains git submodules, which are not supported by Zim's degit. Use zmodule option %B--no-submodules%b to disable this warning.%f"
@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ _zimfw_tool_git() {
if [[ ! -r ${DIR}/.git ]]; then
_zimfw_print -u2 -R $'\E[2K\r\E[33m! \E[1m'${_zname}$':\E[0;33m Module was not installed using git. Will not try to '${_zaction}$'. Use zmodule option \E[1m-z\E[0;33m|\E[1m--frozen\E[0;33m to disable this warning.\E[0m'
_zimfw_print -u2 -PR $'\E[2K\r'"%F{yellow}! %B${_zname}:%b Module was not installed using git. Will not try to ${_zaction}. Use zmodule option %B-z%b|%B--frozen%b to disable this warning.%f"
return 0
if [[ ${URL} != $(command git -C ${DIR} config --get remote.origin.url) ]]; then
@ -807,17 +807,17 @@ _zimfw_run_tool() {
_zimfw_print_okay 'Skipping already installed module' 1
return 0
_zimfw_print -nR $'\E[2K\rInstalling '${_zname}' ...'
_zimfw_print -nR $'\E[2K\r'"Installing ${_zname} ..."
if [[ ! -d ${_zdirs[${_zname}]} ]]; then
_zimfw_print_error $'Not installed. Run \E[1mzimfw install\E[0;31m to install.'
_zimfw_print_error 'Not installed. Run %Bzimfw install%b to install.'
return 1
if [[ ${_zaction} == check ]]; then
if (( _zprintlevel > 1 )) print -nR $'\E[2K\rChecking '${_zname}' ...'
if (( _zprintlevel > 1 )) print -nR $'\E[2K\r'"Checking ${_zname} ..."
_zimfw_print -nR $'\E[2K\rUpdating '${_zname}' ...'
_zimfw_print -nR $'\E[2K\r'"Updating ${_zname} ..."
@ -845,47 +845,47 @@ _zimfw_run_tool_action() {
zimfw() {
builtin emulate -L zsh -o EXTENDED_GLOB
local -r _zversion='1.12.1' _zversion_target=${ZIM_HOME}/.latest_version zusage=$'Usage: \E[1m'${0}$'\E[0m <action> [\E[1m-q\E[0m|\E[1m-v\E[0m]
local -r _zversion='1.12.1-SNAPSHOT' _zversion_target=${ZIM_HOME}/.latest_version zusage="Usage: %B${0}%b <action> [%B-q%b|%B-v%b]
\E[1mbuild\E[0m Build \E[1m'${ZIM_HOME}$'/init.zsh\E[0m and \E[1m'${ZIM_HOME}$'/login_init.zsh\E[0m.
Also does \E[1mcompile\E[0m. Use \E[1m-v\E[0m to also see its output.
\E[1mclean\E[0m Clean all. Does both \E[1mclean-compiled\E[0m and \E[1mclean-dumpfile\E[0m.
\E[1mclean-compiled\E[0m Clean Zsh compiled files.
\E[1mclean-dumpfile\E[0m Clean completion dumpfile.
\E[1mcompile\E[0m Compile Zsh files.
\E[1mhelp\E[0m Print this help.
\E[1minfo\E[0m Print zimfw and system info.
\E[1mlist\E[0m List all modules currently defined in \E[1m'${ZIM_CONFIG_FILE:-${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc}$'\E[0m.
Use \E[1m-v\E[0m to also see the modules details.
\E[1minit\E[0m Same as \E[1minstall\E[0m, but with output tailored to be used at terminal startup.
\E[1minstall\E[0m Install new modules. Also does \E[1mbuild\E[0m, \E[1mcompile\E[0m. Use \E[1m-v\E[0m to also see their
%Bbuild%b Build %B${ZIM_HOME}/init.zsh%b and %B${ZIM_HOME}/login_init.zsh%b.
Also does %Bcompile%b. Use %B-v%b to also see its output.
%Bclean%b Clean all. Does both %Bclean-compiled%b and %Bclean-dumpfile%b.
%Bclean-compiled%b Clean Zsh compiled files.
%Bclean-dumpfile%b Clean completion dumpfile.
%Bcompile%b Compile Zsh files.
%Bhelp%b Print this help.
%Binfo%b Print Zim and system info.
%Blist%b List all modules currently defined in %B${ZIM_CONFIG_FILE:-${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc}%b.
Use %B-v%b to also see the modules details.
%Binit%b Same as %Binstall%b, but with output tailored to be used at terminal startup.
%Binstall%b Install new modules. Also does %Bbuild%b, %Bcompile%b. Use %B-v%b to also see their
output, any on-pull output and skipped modules.
\E[1muninstall\E[0m Delete unused modules. Prompts for confirmation. Use \E[1m-q\E[0m for quiet uninstall.
\E[1mcheck\E[0m Check if updates for current modules are available. Use \E[1m-v\E[0m to also see
%Buninstall%b Delete unused modules. Prompts for confirmation. Use %B-q%b for quiet uninstall.
%Bcheck%b Check if updates for current modules are available. Use %B-v%b to also see
skipped and up to date modules.
\E[1mupdate\E[0m Update current modules. Also does \E[1mbuild\E[0m, \E[1mcompile\E[0m. Use \E[1m-v\E[0m to also see their
%Bupdate%b Update current modules. Also does %Bbuild%b, %Bcompile%b. Use %B-v%b to also see their
output, any on-pull output and skipped modules.
\E[1mcheck-version\E[0m Check if a new version of zimfw is available.
\E[1mupgrade\E[0m Upgrade zimfw. Also does \E[1mcompile\E[0m. Use \E[1m-v\E[0m to also see its output.
\E[1mversion\E[0m Print zimfw version.
%Bcheck-version%b Check if a new version of zimfw is available.
%Bupgrade%b Upgrade zimfw. Also does %Bcompile%b. Use %B-v%b to also see its output.
%Bversion%b Print zimfw version.
\E[1m-q\E[0m Quiet (yes to prompts and only outputs errors)
\E[1m-v\E[0m Verbose (outputs more details)'
%B-q%b Quiet (yes to prompts and only outputs errors)
%B-v%b Verbose (outputs more details)"
local -Ua _znames _zroot_dirs _zdisabled_root_dirs
local -A _zfrozens _ztools _zdirs _zurls _ztypes _zrevs _zsubmodules _zonpulls _zifs
local -a _zfpaths _zfunctions _zcmds _zunused_dirs
local -i _zprintlevel=1
if (( # > 2 )); then
print -u2 -lR $'\E[31m'${0}$': Too many options\E[0m' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}${0}: Too many options%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
elif (( # > 1 )); then
case ${2} in
-q) _zprintlevel=0 ;;
-v) _zprintlevel=2 ;;
print -u2 -lR $'\E[31m'${0}': Unknown option '${2}$'\E[0m' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}${0}: Unknown option ${2}%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2
@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ Options:
clean-compiled) _zimfw_source_zimrc 2 && _zimfw_clean_compiled ;;
clean-dumpfile) _zimfw_clean_dumpfile ;;
compile) _zimfw_source_zimrc 2 && _zimfw_compile ;;
help) print -R ${zusage} ;;
help) print -PR ${zusage} ;;
info) _zimfw_info ;;
_zimfw_source_zimrc 3 && zargs -n 1 -- "${_znames[@]}" -- _zimfw_run_list && \
@ -919,18 +919,18 @@ Options:
_zimfw_run_tool_action ${1} || return 1
(( _zprintlevel-- ))
_zimfw_print -R "Done with ${1}." # Only printed in verbose mode
_zimfw_print -PR "Done with ${1}." # Only printed in verbose mode
_zimfw_run_tool_action install || return 1
(( _zprintlevel-- ))
_zimfw_print 'Done with install.' # Only printed in verbose mode
_zimfw_print -PR "Done with install." # Only printed in verbose mode
_zimfw_source_zimrc 2 && _zimfw_build && _zimfw_compile
_zimfw_run_tool_action ${1} || return 1
_zimfw_print -R "Done with ${1}.${_zrestartmsg}"
_zimfw_print -PR "Done with ${1}.${_zrestartmsg}"
(( _zprintlevel-- ))
_zimfw_source_zimrc 2 && _zimfw_build && _zimfw_compile
@ -941,9 +941,9 @@ Options:
(( _zprintlevel-- ))
_zimfw_source_zimrc 2 && _zimfw_compile
version) print -R ${_zversion} ;;
version) print -PR ${_zversion} ;;
print -u2 -lR $'\E[31m'${0}': Unknown action '${1}$'\E[0m' '' ${zusage}
print -u2 -PlR "%F{red}${0}: Unknown action ${1}%f" '' ${zusage}
return 2