and rename previous to git.
Tools allow for different install and update scripts. The git tool does
what the previous implementation did (installs and updates using the git
client). The new tool installs and updates with the GitHub API, not
using the git client, but using curl/wget and tar instead.
`foo | sed 's?^.*/v??' | sort -n -t. -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 | tail -n1` is
the same as `${${(On)${(f)"$(foo)"}##*v}[1]}`. We don't want to depend
on external tools that might not be available in all platforms.
to avoid conflicts when we have Zim modules made to also be compatible
with ohmyzsh, like
We don't want to be affected by the noise a `${module_name}.plugin.zsh`
file creates, as we always want to source `init.zsh` when a module also
has a `functions` subdir. Hope this better protects us from the "wild
west out there".
We need to fetch all branches first to handle the scenario when the HEAD
remote branch was renamed. Recently repositories started changing their
HEAD branch names from master to main.
The regression was introduced in commit 3567694. I wrongly assumed that
`git fetch -pq origin HEAD` would fetch from the remote default branch.
as we do for init.zsh, so behavior is symmetric. This guarantees that
both init.zsh and login_init.zsh will always have newer timestamps than
.zimrc after a build.
gunzip should not try to seek the stream, but an issue was reported
in #407, where it fails with
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
So we're writing to a file first just to be safer.
Pattern must match from the beginning (`##`).
Also don't quote ${ZIM_HOME}. We don't want to have an array like
('${ZIM_HOME}' '/path/to/zim_home'), so it needs to be unquoted for the
uniqueness to work.
instead of allowing xargs to execute the action with no positional
Also don't try to write to .latest_version if there's no write
permission. This is supposed to be a background/optional operation, so
we don't want to show an error message in this case.
And use Zsh globs instead of find with -exec, and find won't fail if
there's an error with the -exec command.
before initial check for latest version. Not all versions of Zsh or all
OSs are affected. Error seen with Zsh 5.6.2 running on FreeBSD is:
_zimfw_version_check:10: no such file or directory: /path/to/.latest_version
Last-minute minor fixes:
* Delete .latest_version after upgrading. Having a cache brings in these
* Print warning to stderr, to distinguish it from the normal output.
* Update help to be in sync with the
as it was being used to update the login_init.zsh script. BUT the
function mentioned, which updates that script, would only be updated
after zimfw.zsh is sourced again, so no point in trying to call it at
this point.
so the normal output is focused on the given action, and output for
additional steps perfomed after the given action is only shown in
verbose mode.
Also, the output of wget is only shown in verbose mode. This is because
wget always shows some output (to stderr) even when there are no errors.
This should give a friendlier output.
See #360
Zim does not use/modify .zprofile in it's templates. For completeness/
performance, the .zprofile should be compiled/cleaned if present.