Environment variables set in `.zshenv` should not be overwritten.
However, it is sourced before Zim loads, making Zim overwrite the
Fixes#175. Closes#179
breaking the current prompt after `prompt -p`. Actually liquidprompt is
pretty invasive in the way it is implemented, defining extra
`prompt_on`, `prompt_off` and `prompt_OFF` functions to switch it after
it is executed.
Fixes#112, Closes#165
that was only being used in the `git` and `git-info` modules to check
the output of `git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree`. The code depending
on this function was already changed.
The function is currently only being used for checking the result of
`git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree`. Checking for the return code of
the command is enough.
from `git` module. Actually, the function is a little bit of
over-engineering and it's currently only being used for checking the
result of `git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree`, even in the `git`
module code.
Checking for the return code of `git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree` is
enough. Also refactored other portions of the code where return codes
are being checked.
Fixes#161, Closes#162
`url-quote-magic` automatically escapes characters that fit a URI scheme
as you type. From what I can tell from the commit history, this was
mistakenly placed in `else` branch of the nested conditional instead of
at the end of the outermost conditional.
The contents of git_info are subject to expansion by the shell. Avoid
putting raw ref names in the prompt to protect the user from arbitrary
code execution via specially crafted ref names (e.g., a ref named
'$(IFS=_;cmd=sudo_rm_-rf_/;$cmd)' would execute 'sudo rm -rf /' when the
prompt is drawn). Instead, put the ref names in new global variables and
reference these variables from git_info.
- https://github.com/njhartwell/pw3nage
- 8976500cbbFixes#158, Closes#159
This uses the verbose mode to be able to display indexed, unindexed and
untracked files indicators. This is the last theme left to be migrated
to git-info, and the first one to use its verbose mode.
Originally, the theme also supported svn via vcs_info. The svn support
is lost in this rewrite. Maybe if a new svn-info module is introduced to
so it behaves alike the non-verbose mode. For example, in the "merge"
special action context, files are being reported as both indexed and
unindexed by `git diff-index` and `git diff-files` commands in
non-verbose mode. That was not the case with the regular expressions
used in the verbose mode.
As previous migrations of themes to git-info, this does not use its
verbose mode, so a repo with just untracked files is not considered
It uses the newly-introduced `diverged` context and `coalesce` function
from git-info.
that will be used by the minimal theme, and could be used for future
themes too. Prezto had this, but we diminished its necessity by
simplifying how git-info works.
`prompt.showinfo` for enabling or disabling it globally or per
repository. It can be globally disabled by not loading the `git-info`
module at all, and prompts currently will not break (and in the future
should still not break) if the module is not loaded.
This removes one git call that is used to check for the
`prompt.showinfo` configuration value.
that, when defined, will be set if branch is both ahead and behind of
remote. If not defined, the `ahead` and `behind` contexts will still be
set, as how they worked previously.
Based on my rewrite of the Agnoster theme, uses simpler segment drawing
functions and only relies on local variables. Uses git-info module in
non-verbose mode, so a repo with only untracked files will not count as
dirty (but dirty state is computed faster). Also took the freedom of
adding an extra space character after the 'r' for the Ranger segment,
and after the dirty indicator for the Git segment. Everything else looks
and behaves exactly the same as the original prompt.
- Fix word completion for fasd
- Fix initialization script to have all fasd-related functions inside it
(functions was not called properly when they was in separate files)
- Add another alias `v` for fasd that will access recently used files
from .viminfo
Signed-off-by: Tomas Slusny <slusnucky@gmail.com>
Fixes#111, Closes#133