Revert "fix typo'd var; otherwise colors would never apply"

This reverts commit abbeeb9d37.

That was not a typo
This commit is contained in:
Eric Nielsen 2017-12-01 07:18:40 -05:00
parent abbeeb9d37
commit 4004d109cf
1 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
# Colours
if (( ${terminfo[colors]} >= 8 )); then
if (( terminfo[colors] >= 8 )); then
if [[ ${OSTYPE} == (*bsd*|darwin*) ]]; then
(( ! ${+LSCOLORS} )) && export LSCOLORS='exfxcxdxbxGxDxabagacad'
if [[ ${OSTYPE} == openbsd* ]]; then
# stock OpenBSD ls does not support colours at all, but colorls does.
if (( ${+commands[colorls]} )); then
@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ if (( ${terminfo[colors]} >= 8 )); then
(( ! ${+GREP_COLOR} )) && export GREP_COLOR='37;45'
(( ! ${+LS_COLORS} )) && if [[ ${+commands[dircolors]} -ne 0 && -s ${HOME}/.dir_colors ]]; then
eval "$(dircolors --sh ${HOME}/.dir_colors)"