2015-12-15 00:12:17 -05:00
2018-04-24 09:04:44 -05:00
# Enable searching history with substrings
2015-12-15 00:12:17 -05:00
2018-04-24 09:04:44 -05:00
# Source script
2015-12-15 00:12:17 -05:00
source ${0:h}/external/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh || return 1
2018-09-16 12:01:52 -05:00
# Binding ^[[A/^[[B manually mean up/down works with history-substring-search both before and after zle-line-init
bindkey '^[[A' history-substring-search-up
bindkey '^[[B' history-substring-search-down
2018-09-17 15:32:44 -05:00
# Bind up and down keys
zmodload -F zsh/terminfo +p:terminfo
bindkey "${terminfo[kcuu1]}" history-substring-search-up
bindkey "${terminfo[kcud1]}" history-substring-search-down