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2016-09-06 23:18:34 -04:00
# User interface text and labels
# English (default)
# -----------------
page : "Page"
pagination_previous : "Previous"
pagination_next : "Next"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Home"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "On This Page"
ext_link_label : "Direct Link"
less_than : "less than"
minute_read : "minute read"
share_on_label : "Share on"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Tags:"
categories_label : "Categories:"
date_label : "Updated:"
comments_label : "Leave a Comment"
comments_title : "Comments"
more_label : "Learn More"
related_label : "You May Also Enjoy"
follow_label : "Follow:"
feed_label : "Feed"
powered_by : "Powered by"
website_label : "Website"
email_label : "Email"
recent_posts : "Recent Posts"
undefined_wpm : "Undefined parameter words_per_minute at _config.yml"
comment_form_info : "Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked"
comment_form_comment_label : "Comment"
comment_form_md_info : "Markdown is supported."
comment_form_name_label : "Name"
comment_form_email_label : "Email address"
comment_form_website_label : "Website (optional)"
comment_btn_submit : "Submit Comment"
comment_btn_submitted : "Submitted"
comment_success_msg : "Thanks for your comment! It will show on the site once it has been approved."
comment_error_msg : "Sorry, there was an error with your submission. Please make sure all required fields have been completed and try again."
loading_label : "Loading..."
# Spanish
# --------------
page : "Página"
pagination_previous : "Anterior"
pagination_next : "Siguiente"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Inicio"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "Contenidos"
ext_link_label : "Enlace"
less_than : "menos de"
minute_read : "minuto de lectura"
share_on_label : "Compartir"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Etiquetas:"
categories_label : "Categorías:"
date_label : "Actualizado:"
comments_label : "Comentar"
comments_title :
more_label : "Ver más"
related_label : "Podrías ver también"
follow_label : "Seguir:"
feed_label : "Feed"
powered_by : "Powered by"
website_label : "Sitio web"
email_label : "Email"
recent_posts : "Entradas recientes"
undefined_wpm : "Parametro words_per_minute (Palabras por minuto) no definido en _config.yml"
comment_form_info :
comment_form_comment_label :
comment_form_md_info :
comment_form_name_label :
comment_form_email_label :
comment_form_website_label :
comment_btn_submit :
comment_btn_submitted :
comment_success_msg :
comment_error_msg :
loading_label :
# French
# -----------------
page : "Page"
pagination_previous : "Précédent"
pagination_next : "Suivant"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Accueil"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "Sur cette page"
ext_link_label : "Lien direct"
less_than : "plus petit que"
minute_read : "minute de lecture"
share_on_label : "Partager sur"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Tags :"
categories_label : "Catégories :"
date_label : "Mis à jour :"
comments_label : "Laisser un commentaire"
comments_title :
more_label : "Lire plus"
related_label : "Vous pourriez aimer"
follow_label : "Suivez moi"
feed_label : "Flux"
powered_by : "Propulsé par"
website_label : "Site"
email_label : "Email"
recent_posts : "Posts récents"
undefined_wpm : "Le paramètre words_per_minute n'est pas défini dans _config.yml"
comments_title : "Commentaires"
comment_form_info : "Votre adresse email ne sera pas visible. Les champs obligatoires sont marqués"
comment_form_comment_label : "Commentaire"
comment_form_md_info : "Markdown est supporté."
comment_form_name_label : "Nom"
comment_form_email_label : "Adresse mail"
comment_form_website_label : "Site web (optionnel)"
comment_btn_submit : "Envoyer"
comment_btn_submitted : "Envoyé"
comment_success_msg : "Merci pour votre comentaire, il sera visible sur le site une fois approuvé."
comment_error_msg : "Désolé, une erreur est survenue lors de la soumission. Vérifiez que les champs obligatoires ont été remplis et réessayez."
loading_label : "Chargement..."
# Turkish
# -----------------
page : "Sayfa"
pagination_previous : "Önceki"
pagination_next : "Sonraki"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Ana Sayfa"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "İçindekiler"
ext_link_label : "Doğrudan Bağlantı"
less_than : "Şu süreden az: "
minute_read : "dakika tahmini okuma süresi"
share_on_label : "Paylaş"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Etiketler:"
categories_label : "Kategoriler:"
date_label : "Güncelleme tarihi:"
comments_label : "Yorum yapın"
comments_title :
more_label : "Daha fazlasını öğrenin"
related_label : "Bunlar ilginizi çekebilir:"
follow_label : "Takip et:"
feed_label : "RSS"
powered_by : "Emeği geçenler: "
website_label : "Web sayfası"
email_label : "E-posta"
recent_posts : "Son yazılar"
undefined_wpm : "_config.yml dosyasında tanımlanmamış words_per_minute parametresi"
comment_form_info :
comment_form_comment_label :
comment_form_md_info :
comment_form_name_label :
comment_form_email_label :
comment_form_website_label :
comment_btn_submit :
comment_btn_submitted :
comment_success_msg :
comment_error_msg :
loading_label :
# Brazilian Portguese
# -----------------
page : "Página"
pagination_previous : "Anterior"
pagination_next : "Próxima"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Home"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "Nesta página"
ext_link_label : "Link direto"
less_than : "meno que"
minute_read : "minutos de leitura"
share_on_label : "Compartilhe em"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Tags:"
categories_label : "Categorias:"
date_label : "Atualizado em:"
comments_label : "Deixe um comentário"
comments_title :
more_label : "Aprenda Mais"
related_label : "Você Talvez Goste Também"
follow_label : "Acompanhe em"
feed_label : "Feed"
powered_by : "Feito com"
website_label : "Site"
email_label : "Email"
recent_posts : "Postagens recentes"
undefined_wpm : "Parâmetro indefinido em word_per_minute no _config.yml"
comment_form_info :
comment_form_comment_label :
comment_form_md_info :
comment_form_name_label :
comment_form_email_label :
comment_form_website_label :
comment_btn_submit :
comment_btn_submitted :
comment_success_msg :
comment_error_msg :
loading_label :
# Italian
# -----------------
page : "Pagina"
pagination_previous : "Precedente"
pagination_next : "Prossima"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Home"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "Indice della pagina"
ext_link_label : "Link"
less_than : "meno di"
minute_read : "minuto/i di lettura"
share_on_label : "Condividi"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Tags:"
categories_label : "Categorie:"
date_label : "Aggiornato:"
comments_label : "Scrivi un commento"
comments_title :
more_label : "Scopri di più"
related_label : "Potrebbe Piacerti Anche"
follow_label : "Segui:"
feed_label : "Feed"
powered_by : "Powered by"
website_label : "Website"
email_label : "Email"
recent_posts : "Articoli Recenti"
undefined_wpm : "Parametro words_per_minute non definito in _config.yml"
comment_form_info :
comment_form_comment_label :
comment_form_md_info :
comment_form_name_label :
comment_form_email_label :
comment_form_website_label :
comment_btn_submit :
comment_btn_submitted :
comment_success_msg :
comment_error_msg :
loading_label :
# Another locale
# --------------