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;;; class-browse.clj -- Java classpath and Clojure namespace browsing
;; by Jeff Valk
;; created 2009-10-14
;; Scans the classpath for all class files, and provides functions for
;; categorizing them.
;; See the following for JVM classpath and wildcard expansion rules:
;; http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/findingclasses.html
;; http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/solaris/classpath.html
(ns swank.util.class-browse
"Provides Java classpath and (compiled) Clojure namespace browsing.
Scans the classpath for all class files, and provides functions for
categorizing them. Classes are resolved on the start-up classpath only.
Calls to 'add-classpath', etc are not considered.
Class information is built as a list of maps of the following keys:
:name Java class or Clojure namespace name
:loc Classpath entry (directory or jar) on which the class is located
:file Path of the class file, relative to :loc"
(:import [java.io File FilenameFilter]
[java.util StringTokenizer]
[java.util.jar JarFile JarEntry]
[java.util.regex Pattern]))
;;; Class file naming, categorization
(defn jar-file? [#^String n] (.endsWith n ".jar"))
(defn class-file? [#^String n] (.endsWith n ".class"))
(defn clojure-ns-file? [#^String n] (.endsWith n "__init.class"))
(defn clojure-fn-file? [#^String n] (re-find #"\$.*__\d+\.class" n))
(defn top-level-class-file? [#^String n] (re-find #"^[^\$]+\.class" n))
(defn nested-class-file? [#^String n]
;; ^ excludes anonymous classes
(re-find #"^[^\$]+(\$[^\d]\w*)+\.class" n))
(def clojure-ns? (comp clojure-ns-file? :file))
(def clojure-fn? (comp clojure-fn-file? :file))
(def top-level-class? (comp top-level-class-file? :file))
(def nested-class? (comp nested-class-file? :file))
(defn class-or-ns-name
"Returns the Java class or Clojure namespace name for a class relative path."
[#^String n]
(if (clojure-ns-file? n)
(-> n (.replace "__init.class" "") (.replace "_" "-"))
(.replace n ".class" ""))
File/separator "."))
;;; Path scanning
(defmulti path-class-files
"Returns a list of classes found on the specified path location
(jar or directory), each comprised of a map with the following keys:
:name Java class or Clojure namespace name
:loc Classpath entry (directory or jar) on which the class is located
:file Path of the class file, relative to :loc"
(fn [#^ File f _]
(cond (.isDirectory f) :dir
(jar-file? (.getName f)) :jar
(class-file? (.getName f)) :class)))
(defmethod path-class-files :default
[& _] [])
(defmethod path-class-files :jar
;; Build class info for all jar entry class files.
[#^File f #^File loc]
(let [lp (.getPath loc)]
(map (fn [fp] {:loc lp :file fp :name (class-or-ns-name fp)})
(filter class-file?
(map #(.getName #^JarEntry %)
(enumeration-seq (.entries (JarFile. f))))))
(catch Exception e [])))) ; fail gracefully if jar is unreadable
(defmethod path-class-files :dir
;; Dispatch directories and files (excluding jars) recursively.
[#^File d #^File loc]
(let [fs (.listFiles d (proxy [FilenameFilter] []
(accept [d n] (not (jar-file? n)))))]
(reduce concat (for [f fs] (path-class-files f loc)))))
(defmethod path-class-files :class
;; Build class info using file path relative to parent classpath entry
;; location. Make sure it decends; a class can't be on classpath directly.
[#^File f #^File loc]
(let [fp (.getPath f), lp (.getPath loc)
m (re-matcher (re-pattern (Pattern/quote
(str "^" lp File/separator))) fp)]
(if (not (.find m)) ; must be descendent of loc
(let [fpr (.substring fp (.end m))]
[{:loc lp :file fpr :name (class-or-ns-name fpr)}]))))
;;; Classpath expansion
(def java-version
(Float/parseFloat (.substring (System/getProperty "java.version") 0 3)))
(defn expand-wildcard
"Expands a wildcard path entry to its matching .jar files (JDK 1.6+).
If not expanding, returns the path entry as a single-element vector."
[#^String path]
(let [f (File. path)]
(if (and (= (.getName f) "*") (>= java-version 1.6))
(-> f .getParentFile
(.list (proxy [FilenameFilter] []
(accept [d n] (jar-file? n)))))
(defn scan-paths
"Takes one or more classpath strings, scans each classpath entry location, and
returns a list of all class file paths found, each relative to its parent
directory or jar on the classpath."
(if cp
(let [entries (enumeration-seq
(StringTokenizer. cp File/pathSeparator))
locs (mapcat expand-wildcard entries)]
(reduce concat (for [loc locs] (path-class-files loc loc))))
([cp & more]
(reduce #(concat %1 (scan-paths %2)) (scan-paths cp) more)))
;;; Class browsing
(def available-classes
(filter (complement clojure-fn?) ; omit compiled clojure fns
(scan-paths (System/getProperty "sun.boot.class.path")
(System/getProperty "java.ext.dirs")
(System/getProperty "java.class.path"))))
;; Force lazy seqs before any user calls, and in background threads; there's
;; no sense holding up SLIME init. (It's usually quick, but a monstrous
;; classpath could concievably take a while.)
(def top-level-classes
(future (doall (map (comp class-or-ns-name :name)
(filter top-level-class?
(def nested-classes
(future (doall (map (comp class-or-ns-name :name)
(filter nested-class?