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# voom_mode_txt2tags.py
# Last Modified: 2011-05-01
# VOoM -- Vim two-pane outliner, plugin for Python-enabled Vim version 7.x
# Website: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2657
# Author: Vlad Irnov (vlad DOT irnov AT gmail DOT com)
# License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty,
# to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To
# Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar.
# See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
VOoM markup mode for txt2tags titles.
See |voom_mode_txt2tags|, ../../doc/voom.txt#*voom_mode_txt2tags*
import re
# from txt2tags.py
# titskel = r'^ *(?P<id>%s)(?P<txt>%s)\1(\[(?P<label>[\w-]*)\])?\s*$'
# bank[ 'title'] = re.compile(titskel%('[=]{1,5}','[^=](|.*[^=])'))
# bank['numtitle'] = re.compile(titskel%('[+]{1,5}','[^+](|.*[^+])'))
# === headline ===
headline1_match = re.compile(r'^ *(=+)([^=].*[^=]|[^=])(\1)(\[[\w-]*\])?\s*$').match
# +++ headline +++
headline2_match = re.compile(r'^ *(\++)([^+].*[^+]|[^+])(\1)(\[[\w-]*\])?\s*$').match
def hook_makeOutline(VO, blines):
"""Return (tlines, bnodes, levels) for Body lines blines.
blines is either Vim buffer object (Body) or list of buffer lines.
Z = len(blines)
tlines, bnodes, levels = [], [], []
tlines_add, bnodes_add, levels_add = tlines.append, bnodes.append, levels.append
areaVerb,areaRaw,areaTagged = False,False,False
for i in xrange(Z):
bline = blines[i]
# ignore Verbatim/Raw/Tagged Areas
bline_rs = bline.rstrip()
if bline_rs=='```' and not (areaRaw or areaTagged):
areaVerb = not areaVerb; continue
elif bline_rs=='"""' and not (areaVerb or areaTagged):
areaRaw = not areaRaw; continue
elif bline_rs=="'''" and not (areaVerb or areaRaw):
areaTagged = not areaTagged; continue
if areaVerb or areaRaw or areaTagged: continue
# there can be leading spaces but not tabs
bline = bline.lstrip(' ')
if bline.startswith('='):
m = headline1_match(bline)
if not m: continue
plus = ''
elif bline.startswith('+'):
m = headline2_match(bline)
if not m: continue
plus = '+ '
lev = len(m.group(1))
head = '%s%s' %(plus, m.group(2).strip())
tline = ' %s|%s' %('. '*(lev-1), head)
return (tlines, bnodes, levels)
def hook_newHeadline(VO, level, blnum, tlnum):
"""Return (tree_head, bodyLines).
tree_head is new headline string in Tree buffer (text after |).
bodyLines is list of lines to insert in Body buffer.
tree_head = 'NewHeadline'
# choose = or + headline type -- same as previous headline
if tlnum > 1:
prev_head = VO.Body[VO.bnodes[tlnum-1] - 1]
if prev_head.lstrip()[0] == '=':
lev = '='*level
lev = '+'*level
tree_head = '+ NewHeadline'
lev = '='*level
bodyLines = ['%s NewHeadline %s' %(lev, lev), '']
return (tree_head, bodyLines)
def hook_changeLevBodyHead(VO, h, levDelta):
"""Increase of decrease level number of Body headline by levDelta."""
if levDelta==0: return h
hLS = h.lstrip()
if hLS[0] == '=':
m = headline1_match(h)
level = len(m.group(1))
s = '='*(level+levDelta)
elif hLS[0] == '+':
m = headline2_match(h)
level = len(m.group(1))
s = '+'*(level+levDelta)
else: assert False
return '%s%s%s%s%s' %(h[:m.start(1)], s, h[m.end(1):m.start(3)], s, h[m.end(3):])