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# Author: Dimitri Antoniou <dimitri@risc2.aecom.yu.edu>
# usage: ltags filename
# handles: \label and \cite{ } with one or more arguments
# fails if arguments of cite spread over more than one line
# also searches in files that are \include or \input in the main file
# get main LaTeX source file from command line:
$mainfile = shift;
# get names of included files and store them in an array
open MAIN, $mainfile or die "$!" ;
@allsrcfiles = map{ /^\\(?:input|include){(.*?)}/ } @mainfile;
unshift @allsrcfiles, $mainfile;
# loop over all source files
for $srcfile (@allsrcfiles) {
# if \input{fname} append .tex to fname
unless ( $srcfile =~ m/\.tex/ ) { $srcfile = $srcfile . "\.tex" }
open SRC, $srcfile or die "$!" ;
# store contents of source file in array @texfile
# store lines with \label and \cite (or \citeonline) in arrays
@labelList = grep{ /\\label{/ } @texfile;
@citeList = grep{ /\\(cite|citeonline){/ } @texfile;
# see if we use an external database; if yes, store its name in $bibfile
($dbase) = grep{ /^\\bibliography{/ } @texfile;
if ($dbase) {
$dbase =~ m/\\bibliography{(.*?)}/;
$bibfile = $1;
# write \bibitem in tags file
foreach (@citeList) {
while ( m/\\(?:cite|citeonline){(.*?)}/g ) {
$refs = $1;
# if \cite has more than one argument, split them:
if ($refs =~ /,/) {
@mrefs = split /,/, $refs;
# there might be more than one \cite in a line:
push (@multirefs, @mrefs);
else {
@refs = ($refs);
push (@multirefs, @refs);
# in BibTeX, format is @ARTICLE{Name, }; in source file, \bibitem{Name}
for $ref (@multirefs) {
if ( $dbase ) {
push @unsorttag, "$ref\t$bibfile\t/{$ref,/\n"
else {
push @unsorttag, "$ref\t$srcfile\t/bibitem{$ref}/\n"
# write \label in tag file
foreach (@labelList) {
push @unsorttag, "$1\t$srcfile\t/label{$1}/\n";
# sort tag file; then, eliminate duplicates
@sortedtag = sort @unsorttag;
%seen = ();
@uniqtag = grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } @sortedtag;
open(TAGS, "> tags");
print TAGS @uniqtag;