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*dracula.txt* For Vim version 8 Last change: 2021 Oct 22
*dracula* *vim-dracula*
|\ ,, ~
\\ _ || _ ~
/ \\ ,._-_ < \, _-_ \\ \\ || < \, ~
|| || || /-|| || || || || /-|| ~
|| || || (( || || || || || (( || ~
\\/ \\, \/\\ \\,/ \\/\\ \\ \/\\ ~
A dark theme for vim
CONTENTS *dracula-contents*
1. Intro ................................................... |dracula-intro|
2. Usage ................................................... |dracula-usage|
3. Configuration ................................... |dracula-configuration|
4. Personal Customization .......................... |dracula-customization|
5. License ............................................... |dracula-license|
6. Bugs ..................................................... |dracula-bugs|
7. Contributing ..................................... |dracula-contributing|
8. Credits ............................................... |dracula-credits|
INTRO *dracula-intro*
Dracula is a vim plugin that contains
- a dark colorscheme for vim
- a similarly-themed colorscheme for the vim plugin airline
USAGE *dracula-usage*
Install it with your favorite plugin manager, and then >
colorscheme dracula
in your vimrc! See also |dracula_runtimepath|.
If you are an airline user, you can also do >
let g:airline_theme='dracula'
to have airline use Dracula.
Note that dracula must be in your 'runtimepath' for this command to work
properly: Version 2.0 introduced autoload functionality for part of the
plugin, which doesn't work without 'runtimepath' properly set.
For users of Vim 8's |packages| feature, it suffices to put >
packadd! dracula
colorscheme dracula
in your vimrc. {name} Should be replaced by the directory you put the code in.
For example, if you use ~/.vim/pack/themes/start/my-dracula-theme, you would
do >
packadd! my-dracula-theme
For users of other plugin managers, consult your documentation
to make sure you put dracula on the 'runtimepath' before loading it.
CONFIGURATION *dracula-configuration*
There are a couple of variables used by Dracula that you might want to adjust
depending on your terminal's capabilities.
Default values are shown.
In the following section, `1` signifies `on` and `0` signifies `off`.
* *g:dracula_bold*
Include bold attributes in highlighting >
let g:dracula_bold = 1
* *g:dracula_italic*
Include italic attributes in highlighting >
let g:dracula_italic = 1
* *g:dracula_strikethrough*
Include strikethrough attributes in highlighting >
let g:dracula_strikethrough = 1
* *g:dracula_underline*
Include underline attributes in highlighting >
let g:dracula_underline = 1
* *g:dracula_undercurl*
Include undercurl attributes in highlighting (only if underline enabled) >
let g:dracula_undercurl = 1
* *g:dracula_full_special_attrs_support*
Explicitly declare full support for special attributes. By default it is 1
for graphical applications and 0 for terminals and terminal emulators. On
terminal emulators, set to 1 to allow underline/undercurl highlights without
changing the foreground color. >
let g:dracula_full_special_attrs_support = 1
* *g:dracula_high_contrast_diff*
Use high-contrast color when in diff mode. By default it is disabled, set to
1 to enable it.
let g:dracula_high_contrast_diff = 1
* *g:dracula_inverse*
Include inverse attributes in highlighting >
let g:dracula_inverse = 1
* *g:dracula_colorterm*
Include background fill colors >
let g:dracula_colorterm = 1
CUSTOMIZATION *dracula-customization*
Like all colorschemes, Dracula is easy to customize with |autocmd|. Make use
of the |ColorScheme| event as in the following examples. Like all autocommands,
it's best to put all of your personal changes in an |augroup|: >
augroup DraculaCustomization
" Change the highlight group used with vim-gitgutter.
autocmd ColorScheme dracula highlight! link GitGutterDelete DraculaRed
augroup END
colorscheme dracula
The autocommand must be defined before the colorscheme is set. To overwrite
any highlight link that is already established in `colors/dracula.vim`, you
will need to use the bang (!) modifier on the |hi-link| command.
For more than one customization, it will be easier to define a function that
can be called from the autocommand: >
function! s:customize_dracula() abort
" Link a highlight group to a predefined highlight group.
" See `colors/dracula.vim` for all predefined highlight groups.
" To overwrite a highlight link created in `colors/dracula.vim`, you
" will need to use the bang (!) modifier
highlight! link GitGutterDelete DraculaRed
" Customize existing highlight groups, for example adding underline.
highlight CursorLine cterm=underline term=underline
augroup DraculaCustomization
autocmd ColorScheme dracula call s:customize_dracula()
augroup END
colorscheme dracula
LICENSE *dracula-license*
MIT License. Copyright © 2016 Dracula Theme.
Full text available at
BUGS *dracula-bugs*
At the time of this writing, no major bugs have been found.
If you find one and wish to report it, you can do so at
CONTRIBUTING *dracula-contributing*
Want to submit a new feature, bugfix, or hack on Dracula?
Submit pull requests to
Existing code determines style guidelines.
CREDITS *dracula-credits*
Proudly built by the Dracula Theme organization
Dracula for other applications available at
Further information available at
Maintained by:
- Derek S. (https://github.com/dsifford)
- D. Ben Knoble (https://github.com/benknoble)
Git repository: