Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-09-28 13:37:00 -04:00
2022-07-05 14:25:26 +08:00

245 lines
9 KiB

'use strict'
import { Neovim } from '@chemzqm/neovim'
import fs from 'fs'
import { CancellationTokenSource, Disposable, Hover, MarkedString, MarkupContent, Range } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
import { URI } from 'vscode-uri'
import languages from '../languages'
import { Documentation } from '../types'
import FloatFactory from '../model/floatFactory'
import { TextDocumentContentProvider } from '../provider'
import { ConfigurationChangeEvent, FloatConfig, HandlerDelegate } from '../types'
import { disposeAll, isMarkdown } from '../util'
import { readFileLines } from '../util/fs'
import workspace from '../workspace'
const logger = require('../util/logger')('handler-hover')
export type HoverTarget = 'float' | 'preview' | 'echo'
interface HoverConfig {
target: HoverTarget
floatConfig: FloatConfig
previewMaxHeight: number
autoHide: boolean
export default class HoverHandler {
private hoverFactory: FloatFactory
private disposables: Disposable[] = []
private documentLines: string[] = []
private config: HoverConfig
private timer: NodeJS.Timeout
private hasProvider = false
private excludeImages = true
constructor(private nvim: Neovim, private handler: HandlerDelegate) {
workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(this.loadConfiguration, this, this.disposables)
this.hoverFactory = new FloatFactory(nvim)
private registerProvider(): void {
if (this.hasProvider) return
this.hasProvider = true
let { nvim } = this
let provider: TextDocumentContentProvider = {
onDidChange: null,
provideTextDocumentContent: async () => {
nvim.command('setlocal conceallevel=2 nospell nofoldenable wrap', true)
nvim.command('setlocal bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted', true)
nvim.command('setfiletype markdown', true)
nvim.command(`if winnr('j') != winnr('k') | exe "normal! z${Math.min(this.documentLines.length, this.config.previewMaxHeight)}\\<cr> | endif"`, true)
await nvim.resumeNotification()
return this.documentLines.join('\n')
this.disposables.push(workspace.registerTextDocumentContentProvider('coc', provider))
private loadConfiguration(e?: ConfigurationChangeEvent): void {
if (!e || e.affectsConfiguration('hover')) {
let config = workspace.getConfiguration('hover')
let target = config.get<HoverTarget>('target', 'float')
this.config = {
floatConfig: config.get('floatConfig', {}),
autoHide: config.get('autoHide', true),
target: target == 'float' && !workspace.floatSupported ? 'preview' : target,
previewMaxHeight: config.get<number>('previewMaxHeight', 12)
if (this.config.target == 'preview') {
let preferences = workspace.getConfiguration('coc.preferences')
this.excludeImages = preferences.get<boolean>('excludeImageLinksInMarkdownDocument', true)
public async onHover(hoverTarget?: HoverTarget): Promise<boolean> {
let { doc, position, winid } = await this.handler.getCurrentState()
if (hoverTarget == 'preview') this.registerProvider()
this.handler.checkProvier('hover', doc.textDocument)
await doc.synchronize()
let hovers = await this.handler.withRequestToken('hover', token => {
return languages.getHover(doc.textDocument, position, token)
}, true)
if (hovers == null || !hovers.length) return false
let hover = hovers.find(o => Range.is(o.range))
if (hover?.range) {
let win = this.nvim.createWindow(winid)
win.highlightRanges('CocHoverRange', [hover.range], 99, true)
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)
await this.previewHover(hovers, hoverTarget)
return true
public async definitionHover(hoverTarget: HoverTarget): Promise<boolean> {
const { doc, position, winid } = await this.handler.getCurrentState()
if (hoverTarget == 'preview') this.registerProvider()
this.handler.checkProvier('hover', doc.textDocument)
await doc.synchronize()
const hovers: (Hover | Documentation)[] = await this.handler.withRequestToken('hover', token => {
return languages.getHover(doc.textDocument, position, token)
}, true)
if (!hovers?.length) return false
const defs = await this.handler.withRequestToken('definitionHover', token => {
return languages.getDefinitionLinks(doc.textDocument, position, token)
}, false)
if (defs?.length) {
for (const def of defs) {
if (!def.targetRange) continue
const { start, end } = def.targetRange
const endLine = end.line - start.line >= 100 ? start.line + 100 : (end.character == 0 ? end.line - 1 : end.line)
let lines = await readLines(def.targetUri, start.line, endLine)
if (lines.length) {
let indent = lines[0].match(/^\s*/)[0]
if (indent) lines = lines.map(l => l.startsWith(indent) ? l.substring(indent.length) : l)
hovers.push({ content: lines.join('\n'), filetype: doc.filetype })
let hover = hovers.find(o => Hover.is(o) && Range.is(o.range)) as Hover
if (hover?.range) {
let win = this.nvim.createWindow(winid)
win.highlightRanges('CocHoverRange', [hover.range], 99, true)
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)
await this.previewHover(hovers, hoverTarget)
return true
private async previewHover(hovers: (Hover | Documentation)[], target?: string): Promise<void> {
let docs: Documentation[] = []
target = target || this.config.target
let isPreview = target === 'preview'
for (let hover of hovers) {
if (isDocumentation(hover)) {
let { contents } = hover
if (Array.isArray(contents)) {
for (let item of contents) {
if (typeof item === 'string') {
addDocument(docs, item, 'markdown', isPreview)
} else {
addDocument(docs, item.value, item.language, isPreview)
} else if (MarkedString.is(contents)) {
if (typeof contents == 'string') {
addDocument(docs, contents, 'markdown', isPreview)
} else {
addDocument(docs, contents.value, contents.language, isPreview)
} else if (MarkupContent.is(contents)) {
addDocument(docs, contents.value, isMarkdown(contents) ? 'markdown' : 'txt', isPreview)
if (target == 'float') {
let config = this.hoverFactory.applyFloatConfig({
modes: ['n'],
autoHide: this.config.autoHide,
excludeImages: this.excludeImages,
maxWidth: 80,
}, this.config.floatConfig)
await this.hoverFactory.show(docs, config)
let lines = docs.reduce((p, c) => {
let arr = c.content.split(/\r?\n/)
if (p.length > 0) p.push('')
return p
}, [])
if (target == 'echo') {
const msg = lines.join('\n').trim()
await this.nvim.call('coc#ui#echo_hover', [msg])
} else {
this.documentLines = lines
await this.nvim.command(`noswapfile pedit coc://document`)
* Get hover text array
public async getHover(): Promise<string[]> {
let result: string[] = []
let { doc, position } = await this.handler.getCurrentState()
this.handler.checkProvier('hover', doc.textDocument)
await doc.synchronize()
let tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource()
let hovers = await languages.getHover(doc.textDocument, position, tokenSource.token)
if (Array.isArray(hovers)) {
for (let h of hovers) {
let { contents } = h
if (Array.isArray(contents)) {
contents.forEach(c => {
result.push(typeof c === 'string' ? c : c.value)
} else if (MarkupContent.is(contents)) {
} else {
result.push(typeof contents === 'string' ? contents : contents.value)
result = result.filter(s => s != null && s.length > 0)
return result
public dispose(): void {
if (this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer)
function addDocument(docs: Documentation[], text: string, filetype: string, isPreview = false): void {
let content = text.trim()
if (!content.length)
if (isPreview && filetype !== 'markdown') {
content = '``` ' + filetype + '\n' + content + '\n```'
docs.push({ content, filetype })
function isDocumentation(obj: any): obj is Documentation {
if (!obj) return false
return typeof obj.filetype === 'string' && typeof obj.content === 'string'
async function readLines(uri: string, start: number, end: number): Promise<string[]> {
let doc = workspace.getDocument(uri)
if (doc) return doc.getLines(start, end + 1)
let fsPath = URI.parse(uri).fsPath
if (!fs.existsSync(fsPath)) return []
return await readFileLines(fsPath, start, end)