94 lines
3.7 KiB
94 lines
3.7 KiB
" Vim auto-load script
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: June 23, 2013
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/notes/
function! xolox#notes#markdown#view() " {{{1
" Convert the current note to a Markdown document and show the converted text.
let note_text = join(getline(1, '$'), "\n")
let markdown_text = xolox#notes#markdown#convert_note(note_text)
call setline(1, split(markdown_text, "\n"))
setlocal filetype=markdown
function! xolox#notes#markdown#convert_note(note_text) " {{{1
" Convert a note's text to the [Markdown text format] [markdown]. The syntax
" used by vim-notes has a lot of similarities with Markdown, but there are
" some notable differences like the note title and the way code blocks are
" represented. This function takes the text of a note (the first argument)
" and converts it to the Markdown format, returning a string.
" [markdown]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown
let starttime = xolox#misc#timer#start()
let blocks = xolox#notes#parser#parse_note(a:note_text)
call map(blocks, 'xolox#notes#markdown#convert_block(v:val)')
let markdown = join(blocks, "\n\n")
call xolox#misc#timer#stop("notes.vim %s: Converted note to Markdown in %s.", g:xolox#notes#version, starttime)
return markdown
function! xolox#notes#markdown#convert_block(block) " {{{1
" Convert a single block produced by `xolox#misc#notes#parser#parse_note()`
" (the first argument, expected to be a dictionary) to the [Markdown text
" format] [markdown]. Returns a string.
if a:block.type == 'title'
let text = s:make_urls_explicit(a:block.text)
return printf("# %s", text)
elseif a:block.type == 'heading'
let marker = repeat('#', 1 + a:block.level)
let text = s:make_urls_explicit(a:block.text)
return printf("%s %s", marker, text)
elseif a:block.type == 'code'
let comment = "<!-- An innocent comment to force Markdown out of list parsing mode. See also http://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/99637 -->"
let text = xolox#misc#str#indent(xolox#misc#str#dedent(a:block.text), 4)
return join([comment, text], "\n\n")
elseif a:block.type == 'divider'
return '* * *'
elseif a:block.type == 'list'
let items = []
if a:block.ordered
let counter = 1
for item in a:block.items
let indent = repeat(' ', item.indent * 4)
let text = s:make_urls_explicit(item.text)
call add(items, printf("%s%d. %s", indent, counter, text))
let counter += 1
for item in a:block.items
let indent = repeat(' ', item.indent * 4)
let text = s:make_urls_explicit(item.text)
call add(items, printf("%s- %s", indent, text))
return join(items, "\n\n")
elseif a:block.type == 'block-quote'
let lines = []
for line in a:block.lines
let prefix = repeat('>', line.level)
call add(lines, printf('%s %s', prefix, line.text))
return join(lines, "\n")
elseif a:block.type == 'paragraph'
let text = s:make_urls_explicit(a:block.text)
if len(text) <= 50 && text =~ ':$'
let text = printf('**%s**', text)
return text
let msg = "Encountered unsupported block: %s!"
throw printf(msg, string(a:block))
function! s:make_urls_explicit(text) " {{{1
" In the vim-notes syntax, URLs are implicitly hyperlinks.
" In Markdown syntax they have to be wrapped in <markers>.
return substitute(a:text, g:xolox#notes#url_pattern, '\= s:url_callback(submatch(0))', 'g')
function! s:url_callback(url)
let label = substitute(a:url, '^\w\+:\(//\)\?', '', '')
return printf('[%s](%s)', label, a:url)