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mirror of synced 2024-10-01 15:07:00 -04:00
2018-10-14 21:43:54 +08:00

46 lines
1.6 KiB

" gomod.vim: Vim syntax file for go.mod file
" Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syntax case match
" match keywords
syntax keyword gomodModule module
syntax keyword gomodRequire require
syntax keyword gomodExclude exclude
syntax keyword gomodReplace replace
" require, exclude and replace can be also grouped into block
syntax region gomodRequire start='require (' end=')' transparent contains=gomodRequire,gomodVersion
syntax region gomodExclude start='exclude (' end=')' transparent contains=gomodExclude,gomodVersion
syntax region gomodReplace start='replace (' end=')' transparent contains=gomodReplace,gomodVersion
" set highlights
highlight default link gomodModule Keyword
highlight default link gomodRequire Keyword
highlight default link gomodExclude Keyword
highlight default link gomodReplace Keyword
" comments are always in form of // ...
syntax region gomodComment start="//" end="$" contains=@Spell
highlight default link gomodComment Comment
" make sure quoted import paths are higlighted
syntax region gomodString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
highlight default link gomodString String
" replace operator is in the form of '=>'
syntax match gomodReplaceOperator "\v\=\>"
highlight default link gomodReplaceOperator Operator
" highlight semver, note that this is very simple. But it works for now
syntax match gomodVersion "v\d\+\.\d\+\.\d\+"
syntax match gomodVersion "v\d\+\.\d\+\.\d\+-\S*"
syntax match gomodVersion "v\d\+\.\d\+\.\d\++incompatible"
highlight default link gomodVersion Identifier
let b:current_syntax = "gomod"