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*vim-go.txt* Go development plugin
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CONTENTS *go-contents*
1. Intro........................................|go-intro|
2. Install......................................|go-install|
3. Commands.....................................|go-commands|
4. Mappings.....................................|go-mappings|
5. Text Objects.................................|go-text-objects|
6. Functions....................................|go-functions|
7. Settings.....................................|go-settings|
8. Troubleshooting..............................|go-troubleshooting|
9. Credits......................................|go-credits|
INTRO *go-intro*
Go (golang) support for Vim. vim-go installs automatically all necessary
binaries for providing seamless Vim integration. It comes with pre-defined
sensible settings (like auto gofmt on save), has autocomplete, snippet
support, improved syntax highlighting, go toolchain commands, etc... It's
highly customizable and each individual feature can be disabled/enabled
* Improved Syntax highlighting with items such as Functions, Operators, Methods.
* Auto completion support via `gocode`
* Better `gofmt` on save, which keeps cursor position and doesn't break your undo
* Go to symbol/declaration with `:GoDef`
* Look up documentation with `:GoDoc` inside Vim or open it in browser
* Automatically import packages via `:GoImport` or plug it into autosave
* Compile your package with `:GoBuild`, install it with `:GoInstall` or test
them with `:GoTest` (also supports running single tests via `:GoTestFunc`)
* Quickly execute your current file/files with `:GoRun`
* Automatic `GOPATH` detection based on the directory structure (i.e. `gb`
projects, `godep` vendored projects)
* Change or display `GOPATH` with `:GoPath`
* Create a coverage profile and display annotated source code in to see
which functions are covered with `:GoCoverage`
* Call `gometalinter` with `:GoMetaLinter`, which invokes all possible linters
(golint, vet, errcheck, deadcode, etc..) and shows the warnings/errors
* Lint your code with `:GoLint`
* Run your code through `:GoVet` to catch static errors
* Advanced source analysis tools utilizing oracle, such as `:GoImplements`,
`:GoCallees`, and `:GoReferrers`
* Precise type-safe renaming of identifiers with `:GoRename`
* List all source files and dependencies
* Unchecked error checking with `:GoErrCheck`
* Integrated and improved snippets, supporting `ultisnips` or `neosnippet`
* Share your current code to [play.golang.org](http://play.golang.org) with `:GoPlay`
* On-the-fly type information about the word under the cursor. Plug it into
your custom vim function.
* Go asm formatting on save
* Tagbar support to show tags of the source code in a sidebar with `gotags`
* Custom vim text objects such as `a function` or `inner function`
* A async launcher for the go command is implemented for neovim, fully async
building and testing.
* Integrated with the neovim terminal, launch `:GoRun` and other go commands
in their own new terminal.
* Alternate between implementation and test code with `:GoAlternate`
INSTALL *go-install*
Vim-go follows the standard runtime path structure, so I highly recommend to use
a common and well known plugin manager to install vim-go. Do not use vim-go with
other Go plugins. For Pathogen just clone the repo, for other plugin managers
add the appropriate lines and execute the plugin's install command.
* https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen >
git clone https://github.com/fatih/vim-go.git ~/.vim/bundle/vim-go
* https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug >
Plug 'fatih/vim-go'
* https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim >
NeoBundle 'fatih/vim-go'
* https://github.com/gmarik/vundle >
Plugin 'fatih/vim-go'
* Manual >
Copy all of the files into your `~/.vim` directory
Please be sure all necessary binaries are installed (such as `gocode`, `godef`,
`goimports`, etc..). You can easily install them with the included
|GoInstallBinaries| command. If you invoke it, all necessary binaries will be
automatically downloaded and installed to your `$GOBIN` environment (if not set
it will use `$GOPATH/bin`). It requires `git` for fetching the individual Go
* Autocompletion is enabled by default via `<C-x><C-o>`, to get real-time
completion (completion by type) install:
https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplete.vim for Vim or
https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim and
https://github.com/zchee/deoplete-go for Neovim
* To get displayed source code tag informations on a sidebar install
* For snippet feature install:
https://github.com/Shougo/neosnippet.vim or
* For a better documentation viewer checkout: https://github.com/garyburd/go-explorer
COMMANDS *go-commands*
:GoPath [path]
GoPath sets and overrides GOPATH with the given {path}. If no {path} is
given it shows the current GOPATH. If `""` is given as path, it clears
current `GOPATH` which was set with |GoPath| and restores `GOPATH` back to
the initial value which was sourced when Vim was started.
:GoImport[!] [path]
Import ensures that the provided package {path} is imported in the current
Go buffer, using proper style and ordering. If {path} is already being
imported, an error will be displayed and the buffer will be untouched.
If [!] is given it will download the package with `go get`
:GoImportAs [localname] [path]
Same as Import, but uses a custom local name for the package.
:GoDrop [path]
Remove the import line for the provided package {path}, if present in the
current Go buffer. If {path} is not being imported, an error will be
displayed and the buffer will be untouched.
:GoLint [packages]
Run golint for the current Go file, or for given packages.
:GoDoc [word]
Open the relevant GoDoc in split window for either the word[s] passed to
the command or by default, the word under the cursor.
:GoDocBrowser [word]
Open the relevant GoDoc in browser for either the word[s] passed to the
command or by default, the word under the cursor.
Filter the current Go buffer through gofmt. It tries to preserve cursor
position and avoids replacing the buffer with stderr output.
Filter the current Go buffer through goimports (needs to be installed).
`goimports` automatically discards/add import path based on the code. Like
|GoFmt|, It tries to preserve cursor position and avoids replacing the
buffer with stderr output.
Share snippet to play.golang.org. If no [range] is given it shares
the whole file, otherwise the selected lines are shared. Snippet URL
is copied to system clipboard if Vim is compiled with 'clipboard' or
'xterm-clipboard' otherwise it's get yanked into the `""` register.
:GoVet[!] [options]
Run `go vet` for the directory under your current file. Vet examines Go
source code and reports suspicious constructs, such as Printf calls whose
arguments do not align with the format string. Vet uses heuristics that do not
guarantee all reports are genuine problems, but it can find errors not caught
by the compilers.
You may optionally pass any valid go tool vet flags/options. In this case,
`go tool vet` is run in place of `go vet`. For a full list please see
`go tool vet -h`.
If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
:GoDef [identifier]
Goto declaration/definition for the given [identifier]. If no argument is
given, it will jump to the declaration under the cursor. By default the
CTRL-] key and the mapping `gd` are enabled to invoke :GoDef for the
identifier under the cursor. See |g:go_def_mapping_enabled| to disable them.
vim-go also keeps a per-window location stack, roughly analagous to how
vim's internal |tags| functionality works. This is pushed to every time a
jump is made using the GoDef functionality. In essence, this is a LIFO list
of file locations you have visited with :GoDef that is retained to help you
navigate software. For more information on displaying the stack, see
:GoDefJump [number]
This command Jumps to a given location in the jumpstack, retaining all other
entries. Jumps to non-existent entries will print an informative message,
but are otherwise a noop.
If no argument is given, it will print out an interactive list of all items
in the stack. Its output looks like this:
1 /path/to/first/file.go|1187 col 16|AddThing func(t *Thing)
> 2 /path/to/thing/thing.go|624 col 19|String() string
3 /path/to/thing/thing.go|744 col 6|func Sprintln(a ...interface{}) string
This list shows the identifiers that you jumped to and the file and cursor
position before that jump. The older jumps are at the top, the newer at the
The '>' points to the active entry. This entry and any newer entries below
it will be replaced if |:GoDef| is done from this location. The CTRL-t and
|:GoDefPop| command will jump to the position above the active entry.
Jumps to non-existent entries will print an informative message, but are
otherwise a noop.
:GoDefPop [count]
Navigate to the [count] earlier entry in the jump stack, retaining the newer
entries. If no argument is given, it will jump to the next most recent entry
(`:GoDefPop 1`). If [count] is greater than the number of prior entries,
an error will be printed and no jump will be performed.
If you have used :GoDefPop to jump to an earlier location, and you issue
another :GoDef command, the current entry will be replaced, and all newer
entries will be removed, effectively resuming the stack at that location.
By default [count]CTRL-t is enabled to invoke :GoDefPop. Similarly, hitting
CTRL-t without a prior count is equivalent to `:GoDefPop 1`. See
|g:go_def_mapping_enabled| to disable this.
:GoRun[!] [expand]
Build and run your current main package. By default all main files for the
current file is used. If an argument is passed, 'expand' is used as file
selector. For example use `:GoRun %` to select the current file only.
You may optionally pass any valid go run flags/options. For a full list
please see `go help run`.
If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
If using neovim then `:GoRun` will run in a new terminal according to
:GoBuild[!] [expand]
Build your package with `go build`. Errors are populated in the quickfix
window. It automatically builds only the files that depends on the current
file. `:GoBuild` doesn't produce a result file.
Use 'make' to create a result file.
You may optionally pass any valid go build flags/options. For a full list
please see `go help build`. Options are expanded with 'expand'.
If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
If using neovim then this command is fully async, it does not block the
:GoGenerate[!] [expand]
Creates or updates your auto-generated source files by running `go
You may optionally pass any valid go generate flags/options. For a full list
please see `go help generate`. Options are expanded with 'expand'.
If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
Show type information about the identifier under the cursor. For example
putting it above a function call is going to show the full function
signature. It uses gocode to get the type informations.
:GoInstall[!] [options]
Install your package with `go install`.
You may optionally pass any valid go install flags/options. For a full list
please see `go help install`.
If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
:GoTest[!] [expand]
Run the tests on your _test.go files via in your current directory. Errors
are populated in the quickfix window. If an argument is passed, 'expand'
is used as file selector (useful for cases like `:GoTest ./...`).
You may optionally pass any valid go test flags/options. For a full list
please see `go help test`.
GoTest timesout automatically after 10 seconds. To customize the timeout
use |g:go_test_timeout|. This feature is disabled if any arguments are
passed to the `:GoTest` command.
If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
If using neovim `:GoTest` will run in a new terminal or run asynchronously
in the background according to |g:go_term_enabled|. You can set the mode of
the new terminal with |g:go_term_mode|.
:GoTestFunc[!] [expand]
Runs :GoTest, but only on the single test function immediate to your
cursor using 'go test's '-run' flag.
Lookup is done starting at the cursor (including that line) moving up till
a matching `func Test` pattern is found or top of file is reached. Search
will not wrap around when at the top of the file.
If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
If using neovim `:GoTestFunc` will run in a new terminal or run asynchronously
in the background according to |g:go_term_enabled|. You can set the mode of
the new terminal with |g:go_term_mode|.
:GoTestCompile[!] [expand]
Compile your _test.go files via in your current directory. Errors are
populated in the quickfix window. If an argument is passed, 'expand' is
used as file selector (useful for cases like `:GoTest ./...`). Useful to
not run the tests and capture/fix errors before running the tests or to
create test binary.
If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
If using neovim `:GoTestCompile` will run in a new terminal or run
asynchronously in the background according to |g:go_term_enabled|. You can
set the mode of the new terminal with |g:go_term_mode|.
:GoCoverage[!] [options]
Create a coverage profile and annotates the current file's source code. If
called again clears the annotation (works as a toggle)
If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
:GoCoverageBrowser[!] [options]
Create a coverage profile and open a browser to display the annotated
source code of the current package.
You may optionally pass any valid go test flags/options, such as
`-covermode set,count,atomic`. For a full list please see `go help test`.
If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
:GoErrCheck [options]
Check for unchecked errors in you current package. Errors are populated in
the quickfix window.
You may optionally pass any valid errcheck flags/options. For a full list
please see `errcheck -h`.
Show source files that depends for the current package
Show dependencies for the current package
Download and Install all necessary Go tool binaries such as `godef`,
`goimports`, `gocode`, etc.. under `g:go_bin_path`
Download and Update previously installed Go tool binaries such as `godef`,
`goimports`, `gocode`, etc.. under `g:go_bin_path`. This can be used to
update the necessary Go binaries.
Show 'implements' relation for a selected package. A list of interfaces
for the type that implements an interface under the cursor (or selected
package) is shown in a location list.
:GoRename[!] [to]
Rename the identifier under the cursor to the desired new name. If no
argument is given a prompt will ask for the desired identifier.
If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
:GoOracleScope [path1] [path2] ...
Changes the custom |g:go_oracle_scope| setting and overrides it with the
given import paths. The custom scope is cleared (unset) if `""` is given
as the only path. If no arguments is given it prints the current custom
Show 'callees' relation for a selected package. A list of possible call
targets for the type under the cursor (or selected package) is shown in a
location list.
Show 'callers' relation for a selected function. A list of possible
callers for the selected function under the cursor is shown in a location
Shows various properties of the selected syntax: its syntactic kind, its
type (for an expression), its value (for a constant expression), its size,
alignment, method set and interfaces (for a type), its declaration (for an
identifier), etc. Almost any piece of syntax may be described, and the
oracle will try to print all the useful information it can.
Shows 'callstack' relation for the selected function. An arbitrary path
from the root of the callgraph to the selected function is shown in a
location list. This may be useful to understand how the function is
reached in a given program.
Enumerates the free variables of the selection. “Free variables” is a
technical term meaning the set of variables that are referenced but not
defined within the selection, or loosely speaking, its inputs.
This information is useful if youre considering whether to refactor the
selection into a function of its own, as the free variables would be the
necessary parameters of that function. Its also useful when you want to
understand what the inputs are to a complex block of code even if you
dont plan to change it.
Shows the set of possible sends/receives on the channel operand of the
selected send or receive operation; the selection must be a <- token.
For example, visually select a channel operand in the form of:
"done <- true"
and call |GoChannelPeers| on it. It will show where it was allocated, and
the sending and receiving endings.
The referrers query shows the set of identifiers that refer to the same
object as does the selected identifier, within any package in the analysis
:GoMetaLinter [path]
Calls the underlying `gometalinter` tool and displays all warnings and
errors in the quickfix window. By default the following linters are
enabled: "'vet', 'golint', 'errcheck'". This can be changed with the
|g:go_metalinter_enabled| variable. To override the command completely use
the variable |g:go_metalinter_command|. To override the maximum linters
execution time use |g:go_metalinter_deadline| variable.
:GoOracleTags [tags]
Changes the custom |g:go_oracle_tags| setting and overrides it with the
given build tags. This command cooperate with GoReferrers command when
there exist mulitiple build tags in your project, then you can set one
of the build tags for GoReferrers to find more accurate.
The custom build tags is cleared (unset) if `""` is given. If no arguments
is given it prints the current custom build tags.
Filter the current Go asm buffer through asmfmt. It tries to preserve cursor
position and avoids replacing the buffer with stderr output.
Alternates between the implementation and test code. For example if in main.go,
switch to main_test.go. Uses the |g:go_alternate_mode| setting as the command
to open the file.
If [!] is given then it switches to the new file even if it does not exist.
If you would like to override the traditional commands for alternating, add
the following to your .vimrc:
augroup go
autocmd Filetype go command! -bang A call go#alternate#Switch(<bang>0, 'edit')
autocmd Filetype go command! -bang AV call go#alternate#Switch(<bang>0, 'vsplit')
autocmd Filetype go command! -bang AS call go#alternate#Switch(<bang>0, 'split')
augroup END
:GoDecls [file]
Only enabled if `ctrlp.vim` is installed. If run shows all function and
type declarations for the current file. If [file] is non empty it parses
the given file.
By default `type` and `func` declarations are being showed. This can be
changed via |g:go_decls_includes|, which accepts a comma delimited list of
definitions. By default set to: `"func,type"`. Possible options are:
:GoDeclsDir [dir]
Only enabled if `ctrlp.vim` is installed. If run shows all function and
type declarations for the current directory. If [dir] is given it parses
the given directory.
By default `type` and `func` declarations are being showed. This can be
changed via |g:go_decls_includes|, which accepts a comma delimited list of
definitions. By default set to: `"func,type"`. Possible options are:
MAPPINGS *go-mappings*
vim-go has several <Plug> keys which can be used to create custom mappings
For example, to create a mapping that `go run` the current file create a
mapping for the `(go-run)`: >
au FileType go nmap <leader>r <Plug>(go-run)
As always one is free to create more advanced mappings or functions based with
|go-commands|. For more information please check out the mappings command
documentation in the |go-commands| section. Available <Plug> keys are:
Calls `go run` for the current file
Calls `go run` for the current file in a new terminal tab
This option is neovim only.
Calls `go run` for the current file in a new terminal horizontal split
This option is neovim only.
Calls `go run` for the current file in a new terminal vertical split
This option is neovim only.
Calls `go build` for the current package
Calls `go generate` for the current package
Shows type information for the word under the cursor
Calls `go install` for the current package
Calls `go test` for the current package
Calls `go test -run '...'` for the test function immediate to cursor
Calls `go test -c` for the current package
Calls `go test -coverprofile-temp.out` for the current package
Calls `go vet` for the current package
Show source files that depends for the current package
Show dependencies for the current package
Show the relevant GoDoc for the word under the cursor in a split window
leftabove (default mode).
Show the relevant GoDoc for the word under the cursor in a split window.
Show the relevant GoDoc for the word under the cursor in a vertical split
Show the relevant GoDoc for the word under the cursor in a tab window.
Show the relevant GoDoc for the word under in browser
Goto declaration/definition. Results are shown in the current buffer.
Goto declaration/definition. Results are shown in a split window.
Goto declaration/definition. Results are shown in a vertical split window.
Goto declaration/definition. Results are shown in a tab window.
Show the interfaces that the type under the cursor implements.
Rename the identifier under the cursor to the desired new name
Show the call targets for the type under the cursor
Show possible callers of selected function
Describe selected syntax: definition, methods, etc
Show path from callgraph root to selected function
Show free variables of selection
Show send/receive corresponding to selected channel op
Show all refs to entity denoted by selected identifier
Calls `go-metalinter` for the current directory
Alternates between the implementation and test code in the current window
Alternates between the implementation and test code in a new horizontal split
Alternates between the implementation and test code in a new vertical split
TEXT OBJECTS *go-text-objects*
vim-go comes with several custom |text-objects| that can be used to operate
upon regions of text. vim-go currently defines the following text objects:
*go-v_af* *go-af*
af "a function", select contents from a function definition to the
closing bracket. If |g:go_textobj_include_function_doc| is
enabled it also includes the comment doc for a function
declaration. This text-object also supports literal functions.
*go-v_if* *go-if*
if "inside a function", select contents of a function,
excluding the function definition and the closing bracket. This
text-object also supports literal functions
vim-go also defines the following text motion objects:
*go-v_]]* *go-]]*
]] [count] forward to next function declaration. If
|g:go_textobj_include_function_doc| is enabled and if your
on a comment, it skips the function which the comment
belongs and forwards to the next function declaration.
*go-v_[[* *go-[[*
[[ [count] backward to previous function declaration.
FUNCTIONS *go-functions*
Shows the status of a job running asynchronously. Can be used to plug into the
statusline. It works to show the status per package instead of per
file. Assume you have three files open, all belonging to the same package,
if the package build (`:GoBuild`) is successful, all statusline's will be empty
(means SUCCESS), if you it fails all file's statusline will show FAILED.
Returns the description of the identifer under the cursor. Can be used to plug
into the statusline. This function is also used for |g:go_auto_type_info|.
SETTINGS *go-settings*
Use this option to change the test timeout of |:GoTest|. By default it is
set to 10 seconds . >
let g:go_test_timeout= '10s'
Use this option to change the browser that is used to open the snippet url
posted to play.golang.org with |:GoPlay| or for the relevant documentation
used with |:GoDocBrowser|. By default it tries to find it automatically for
the current OS. >
let g:go_play_browser_command = ''
Use this option to open browser after posting the snippet to play.golang.org
with |:GoPlay|. By default it's enabled. >
let g:go_play_open_browser = 1
Use this option to show the type info (|:GoInfo|) for the word under the cursor
automatically. Whenever the cursor changes the type info will be updated.
By default it's disabled >
let g:go_auto_type_info = 0
Use this option to enable/disable passing the bang attribute to the mappings
|(go-build)|, |(go-run)|, etc.. When enabled it will jump to the first error
automatically (means it will NOT pass the bang attribute to the appropriate
command, i.e: (go-run) -> :GoRun ). Note, that calling this doesn't have any
affect on calling the commands manually. This setting is only useful for
changing the behaviour of our custom static mappings. By default it's enabled.
let g:go_jump_to_error = 1
Use this option to auto |:GoFmt| on save. By default it's enabled >
let g:go_fmt_autosave = 1
Use this option to define which tool is used to gofmt. By default `gofmt` is
used >
let g:go_fmt_command = "gofmt"
Use this option to add additional options to the |g:go_fmt_command|. Default
is empty. >
let g:go_fmt_options = ''
Use this option to disable showing a location list when |g:go_fmt_command|
fails. By default the location list is shown. >
let g:go_fmt_fail_silently = 0
Use this option to enable fmt's experimental mode. This experimental mode is
superior to the current mode as it fully saves the undo history, so undo/redo
doesn't break. However it's slows (creates/deletes a file for every save) and
it's causing problems on some Vim versions. By default it's disabled. >
let g:go_fmt_experimental = 0
Use this option to run `godoc` on words under the cursor with the default
K , keywordprg shortcut. Usually this shortcut is set to use the program `man`.
In Go, using `godoc` is more idiomatic. Default is enabled. >
let g:go_doc_keywordprg_enabled = 1
Use this option to enable/disable the default mapping of CTRL-] and (`gd`) for
GoDef and CTRL-t for :GoDefPop. Disabling it allows you to map something else to
these keys or mappings. Default is enabled. >
let g:go_def_mapping_enabled = 1
Use this option to enable/disable the use of Dispatch to execute the
`:GoRun`, `:GoBuild` and `:GoGenerate` commands. More information about Dispatch
is available at https://github.com/tpope/vim-dispatch. Default is disabled. >
let g:go_dispatch_enabled = 0
Use this option to define which tool is used to godoc. By default `godoc` is
used >
let g:go_doc_command = "godoc"
Use this option to add additional options to the |g:go_doc_command|. Default
is empty. >
let g:go_doc_options = ''
< *'g:go_bin_path'*
Use this option to change default path for vim-go tools when using
|GoInstallBinaries| and |GoUpdateBinaries|. If not set `$GOBIN` or
`$GOPATH/bin` is used. >
let g:go_bin_path = ""
Use this option to define the default snippet engine. By default "ultisnips"
is used. Use "neosnippet" for neosnippet.vim: >
let g:go_snippet_engine = "ultisnips"
Use this option to define the scope of the analysis to be passed for oracle
related commands, such as |GoImplements|, |GoCallers|, etc. By default it's
not set, so only the current package's go files are passed as scope. You can
change it on-the-fly with |GoOracleScope|. For more info, please have a look
at oracle's user manual:
https://golang.org/s/oracle-user-manual#heading=h.nwso96pj07q8 >
let g:go_oracle_scope = ''
Highlights white space after "[]". >
let g:go_highlight_array_whitespace_error = 1
Highlights white space around the communications operator (`<-`) that doesn't
follow the standard style. >
let g:go_highlight_chan_whitespace_error = 1
Highlights commonly used library types (io.Reader, etc.). >
let g:go_highlight_extra_types = 1
Highlights instances of tabs following spaces. >
let g:go_highlight_space_tab_error = 1
Highlights trailing white space. >
let g:go_highlight_trailing_whitespace_error = 1
Highlights operators such as `:=` , `==`, `-=`, etc. By default it's
disabled. >
let g:go_highlight_operators = 0
Highlights function names. By default it's disabled. >
let g:go_highlight_functions = 0
Highlights method names. By default it's disabled. >
let g:go_highlight_methods = 0
Highlights struct names. By default it's disabled. >
let g:go_highlight_structs = 0
Highlights interface names. By default it's disabled. >
let g:go_highlight_interfaces = 0
Highlights build constraints. By default it's disabled. >
let g:go_highlight_build_constraints = 0
Use this option to highlight spelling errors in strings when |spell| is
also enabled. By default it's enabled. >
let g:go_highlight_string_spellcheck = 1
Use this option to highlight printf-style operators inside string literals.
By default it's enabled. >
let g:go_highlight_format_strings = 1
Automatically modifies GOPATH for certain directory structures, such as for
the tool `godep` which has his own dependencies via the `Godeps` folder. What
this means is that all tools are now working with the newly modified GOPATH.
So |GoDef| for example jumps to the source inside the `Godeps` (vendored)
source. Currently `godep` and `gb` is supported, in the near future more tool
supports will be added. By default it's enabled. >
let g:go_autodetect_gopath = 1
Adds custom text objects. By default it's enabled. >
let g:go_textobj_enabled = 1
Use this option to auto |:GoMetaLinter| on save. Only linter messages for
the active buffer will be shown. By default it's disabled >
let g:go_metalinter_autosave = 0
Specifies the enabled linters for auto |GoMetaLinter| on save. By
default it's using `vet` and `golint`.
let g:go_metalinter_autosave_enabled = ['vet', 'golint']
Specifies the currently enabled linters for the |GoMetaLinter| command. By
default it's using `vet`, `golint` and `errcheck`.
let g:go_metalinter_enabled = ['vet', 'golint', 'errcheck']
Overrides the command to be executed when |GoMetaLinter| is called. This is
an advanced settings and is for users who want to have a complete control
over how `gometalinter` should be executed. By default it's empty.
let g:go_metalinter_command = ""
Overrides the maximum time the linters have to complete. By default it's 5
let g:go_metalinter_deadline = "5s"
Specifies the window height for the quickfix and location list windows. The
default value (empty) automatically sets the height to the number of items
(maximum up to 10 items to prevent large heights). Setting the value
explicitly overrides this behavior. For standard Vim behavior, set it to 10.
let g:go_list_height = 0
Specifies the type of list to use. The default value (empty) will use the
appropriate kind of list for the command that was called. Supported values are
"", "quickfix", and "locationlist". >
let g:go_list_type = ""
Use this option to auto |:AsmFmt| on save. By default it's enabled. >
let g:go_asmfmt_autosave = 1
This option is Neovim only. Use it to change the default command used to
open a new terminal for go commands such as |:GoRun|.
The default is vsplit.
let g:go_term_mode = "vsplit"
These options are Neovim only. Use them to control the height and width of
a terminal split. By default these are not set, meaning that the height and
width are set automatically by Neovim. The height only applies to a
horizontal split and width only applies to a vertical split.
For example here is how to set each to 30.
let g:go_term_height = 30
let g:go_term_width = 30
This option is Neovim only. Use it to change the behavior of the test
commands. If set to 1 it opens the test commands inside a new terminal
according to |g:go_term_mode|, otherwise it will run them in the background
just like `:GoBuild` and then display the status with |go#jobcontrol#Statusline()|.
By default it is disabled.
let g:go_term_enabled = 0
Specifies the command that |:GoAlternate| uses to open the alternate file.
By default it is set to edit.
let g:go_alternate_mode = "edit"
Specifies whether |:GoRename| prefills the new identifier name with the
word under the cursor. By default is is enabled.
let g:go_gorename_prefill = 1
TROUBLESHOOTING *go-troubleshooting*
I'm using Fish shell but have some problems using vim-go~
First environment variables in Fish are applied differently, it should be like:
set -x GOPATH /your/own/gopath
Second, Vim needs a POSIX compatible shell (more info here:
https://github.com/dag/vim-fish#teach-a-vim-to-fish). If you use Fish to open
Vim, it will make certain shell based commands fail (means vim-go will fail
too). To overcome this problem change the default shell by adding the
following into your .vimrc (on the top of the file):
if $SHELL =~ 'fish'
set shell='/bin/sh'
set shell='/bin/sh'
I'm seeing weird errors during installation of binaries with
If you see errors like this:
Error installing code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/goimports:
Error installing code.google.com/p/rog-go/exp/cmd/godef:
that means your local Go setup is broken or the remote website is down. For
example sometimes code.google.com times out. To test, just execute a simple go
go get code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/goimports
You'll see a more detailed error. If this works, vim-go will work too.
CREDITS *go-credits*
* Go Authors for official vim plugins
* Gocode, Godef, Golint, Oracle, Goimports, Errcheck projects and authors of
those projects.
* Other vim-plugins, thanks for inspiration (vim-golang, go.vim, vim-gocode,
* vim-go contributors: https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/graphs/contributors