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" word_complete.vim: (global plugin) automatically offer word completion
" Last Change: Wed 6 Dec 2006 12:51:42 PM EST
" Author: Benji Fisher <benji@member.AMS.org>
" Version: 1.1, for Vim 7.0+
" URL: http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=73
" Each time you type an alphabetic character, the script attempts
" to complete the current word. The suggested completion is selected
" in Select mode, so you can just type another character to keep going.
" Other options: <Tab> to accept, <BS> to get rid of the completion,
" <Esc> to leave Insert mode without accepting the completion, <C-N>
" or <C-P> to cycle through choices, <C-X> to enter <C-X> mode.
" The script works by :imap'ping each alphabetic character, and uses
" Insert-mode completion (:help ins-completion). It is far from perfect.
" Since characters you type are not entered in a single round of Insert mode,
" abbreviations will usually not work. I have at least one report that
" mswin.vim interferes a little. Since Select mode uses the same mappings as
" Visual mode, the special keys mentioned above may conflict with what you
" are used to in Visual mode.
" :source it from your vimrc file or drop it in your plugin directory.
" To activate, choose "Word Completion" from the Tools menu, or type
" :call DoWordComplete()
" To make it stop, choose "Tools/Stop Completion", or type
" :call EndWordComplete()
" If you want to activate the script by default, add the line
" autocmd BufEnter * call DoWordComplete()
" to your vimrc file.
" Use this section to change some of the defaults. Before upgrading to a new
" version of this file, you should copy the following section to a file
" word_complete.vimrc in your plugin directory, normally the same directory
" as this file. If your system administrator has installed this file, you
" should install word_complete.vimrc in your after/plugin/ directory so that
" your choices override the system defaults. See
" :help ftplugin-overrule
" :help 'runtimepath'
" for details.
" ==================== file word_complete.vimrc ====================
" User Configuration file for word_complete.vim .
" To use this, uncomment and change the defaults.
" Do not complete words shorter than this length:
" let g:WC_min_len = 1
" Use this key to accept the offered completion:
" let g:WC_accept_key = "<Tab>"
" ==================== end: word_complete.vimrc ====================
" source the user configuration file(s):
runtime! plugin/<sfile>:t:r.vimrc
" Use the values from the configuration file(s) or the defaults:
let s:min_len = exists("g:WC_min_len") ? g:WC_min_len : 1
let s:accept_key = exists("g:WC_accept_key") ? g:WC_accept_key : "<Tab>"
" Use Vim defaults while :source'ing this file.
let save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
if has("menu")
amenu &Tools.&Word\ Completion :call DoWordComplete()<CR>
amenu &Tools.&Stop\ Completion :call EndWordComplete()<CR>
" Return the :lmap value if there is one, otherwise echo the input.
fun! s:Langmap(char)
let val = maparg(a:char, "l")
return (val != "") ? val : a:char
" The :startinsert command does not have an option for acting like "a"
" instead of "i" so this implements it.
fun! s:StartAppend()
if strlen(getline(".")) > col(".")
normal l
fun! WordComplete()
let length=strlen(expand("<cword>"))
" Do not try to complete 1- nor 2-character words.
if length < s:min_len
call s:StartAppend()
" Save and reset the 'ignorecase' option.
let save_ic = &ignorecase
set noignorecase
" Use language maps (keymaps) if appropriate.
if &iminsert == 1
let char = getline(".")[col(".")-1]
let lchar = maparg(char, "l")
if lchar != ""
execute "normal! r" . lchar
" If at EOL or before a space or punctuation character, do completion.
if strlen(getline(".")) == col(".")
\ || getline(".")[col(".")] =~ '[[:punct:][:space:]]'
execute "normal a\<C-P>\<Esc>"
" If a match was found, highlight the completed part in Select mode.
if strlen(expand("<cword>")) > length
execute "normal viwo" . length . "l\<C-G>"
else " ... just return to Insert mode.
if version > 505
call s:StartAppend()
execute "normal a*\<Esc>gh"
endif "version > 505
" Restore the 'ignorecase' option.
let &ignorecase = save_ic
" Make an :imap for each alphabetic character, and define a few :smap's.
fun! DoWordComplete()
execute "snoremap <buffer>" s:accept_key "<Esc>`>a"
snoremap <buffer> <Esc> d
if has("mac")
snoremap <buffer>  <Del>a
snoremap <buffer> <BS> <Del>a
endif "has("mac")
if version > 505
snoremap <buffer> <C-N> <Del>a<C-N>
snoremap <buffer> <C-P> <Del>a<C-P><C-P>
snoremap <buffer> <C-X> <Del>a<C-P><C-X>
endif "version > 505
" Thanks to Bohdan Vlasyuk for suggesting a loop here:
let letter = "a"
while letter <=# "z"
execute "inoremap <buffer>" letter letter . "<Esc>:call WordComplete()<CR>"
let letter = nr2char(char2nr(letter) + 1)
" Remove all the mappings created by DoWordComplete().
" Lazy: I do not save and restore existing mappings.
fun! EndWordComplete()
execute "vunmap <buffer>" s:accept_key
vunmap <buffer> <Esc>
if has("mac")
vunmap <buffer> 
vunmap <buffer> <BS>
endif "has("mac")
if version > 505
vunmap <buffer> <C-N>
vunmap <buffer> <C-P>
vunmap <buffer> <C-X>
endif "version > 505
" Thanks to Bohdan Vlasyuk for suggesting a loop here:
let letter = char2nr("a")
while letter <= char2nr("z")
execute "iunmap <buffer>" nr2char(letter)
let letter = letter + 1
let &cpo = save_cpo
" vim:sts=2:sw=2:ff=unix: