Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-06-01 15:01:10 -04:00
2022-07-20 13:20:15 +08:00

1154 lines
28 KiB

'use strict'
// vim: set sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 et foldmarker={{,}} foldmethod=marker foldlevel=0 nofen:
import { Buffer, Neovim, Window } from '@chemzqm/neovim'
import { CancellationToken, CodeAction, CodeActionKind, CreateFile, CreateFileOptions, DeleteFile, DeleteFileOptions, Disposable, DocumentSelector, Event, FormattingOptions, Location, Position, Range, RenameFile, RenameFileOptions, SymbolKind, TextDocumentEdit, TextDocumentSaveReason, TextEdit, WorkspaceEdit, WorkspaceFolder } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
import { TextDocument } from 'vscode-languageserver-textdocument'
import { URI } from 'vscode-uri'
import Configurations from './configuration'
import Document from './model/document'
import { ProviderResult, TextDocumentContentProvider } from './provider'
declare global {
namespace NodeJS {
interface Global {
__TEST__?: boolean
export type Optional<T extends object, K extends keyof T = keyof T> = Omit<
> &
Partial<Pick<T, K>>
export interface Thenable<T> {
then<TResult>(onfulfilled?: (value: T) => TResult | Thenable<TResult>, onrejected?: (reason: any) => TResult | Thenable<TResult>): Thenable<TResult>
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
then<TResult>(onfulfilled?: (value: T) => TResult | Thenable<TResult>, onrejected?: (reason: any) => void): Thenable<TResult>
export type ProviderName = 'rename' | 'onTypeEdit' | 'documentLink' | 'documentColor'
| 'foldingRange' | 'format' | 'codeAction' | 'workspaceSymbols' | 'formatRange' | 'formatOnType'
| 'hover' | 'signature' | 'documentSymbol' | 'documentHighlight' | 'definition'
| 'declaration' | 'typeDefinition' | 'reference' | 'implementation'
| 'codeLens' | 'selectionRange' | 'callHierarchy' | 'semanticTokens' | 'linkedEditing'
export type LocalMode = 'n' | 'v' | 's' | 'x'
export interface CurrentState {
doc: Document
winid: number
position: Position
// :h mode()
mode: string
export interface BufferOption {
readonly bufnr: number
readonly eol: number
readonly size: number
readonly winid: number
readonly lines: null | string[]
readonly variables: { [key: string]: any }
readonly bufname: string
readonly fullpath: string
readonly buftype: string
readonly filetype: string
readonly iskeyword: string
readonly changedtick: number
readonly previewwindow: number
readonly indentkeys: string
export interface HandlerDelegate {
checkProvier: (id: ProviderName, document: TextDocument) => void
withRequestToken: <T> (name: string, fn: (token: CancellationToken) => Thenable<T>, checkEmpty?: boolean) => Promise<T>
getCurrentState: () => Promise<CurrentState>
addDisposable: (disposable: Disposable) => void
getIcon(kind: SymbolKind): { text: string, hlGroup: string }
getCodeActions(doc: Document, range?: Range, only?: CodeActionKind[]): Promise<ExtendedCodeAction[]>
applyCodeAction(action: ExtendedCodeAction): Promise<void>
* With providerId so it can be resolved.
export interface ExtendedCodeAction extends CodeAction {
providerId: string
export interface FileSystemWatcher extends Disposable {
ignoreCreateEvents: boolean
ignoreChangeEvents: boolean
ignoreDeleteEvents: boolean
onDidCreate: Event<URI>
onDidChange: Event<URI>
onDidDelete: Event<URI>
export interface FloatConfig {
border?: boolean
rounded?: boolean
highlight?: string
title?: string
borderhighlight?: string
close?: boolean
maxHeight?: number
maxWidth?: number
winblend?: number
focusable?: boolean
shadow?: boolean
export interface HighlightItemOption {
* default to true
combine?: boolean
* default to false
start_incl?: boolean
* default to false
end_incl?: boolean
* Represent a highlight that not cross lines
* all zero based.
export interface HighlightItem extends HighlightItemOption {
lnum: number
hlGroup: string
* 0 based start column.
colStart: number
* 0 based end column.
colEnd: number
export interface BufferSyncItem {
* Called on buffer unload.
dispose: () => void
* Called on buffer change.
onChange?(e: DidChangeTextDocumentParams): void
export interface Env {
completeOpt: string
runtimepath: string
readonly guicursor: string
readonly tabCount: number
readonly mode: string
readonly apiversion: number
readonly floating: boolean
readonly sign: boolean
readonly extensionRoot: string
readonly globalExtensions: string[]
readonly workspaceFolders: string[]
readonly config: any
readonly pid: number
readonly columns: number
readonly lines: number
readonly pumevent: boolean
readonly cmdheight: number
readonly filetypeMap: { [index: string]: string }
readonly isVim: boolean
readonly isCygwin: boolean
readonly isMacvim: boolean
readonly isiTerm: boolean
readonly version: string
readonly locationlist: boolean
readonly progpath: string
readonly dialog: boolean
readonly textprop: boolean
readonly updateHighlight: boolean
readonly vimCommands: CommandConfig[]
readonly semanticHighlights: string[]
export interface CommandConfig {
id: string
cmd: string
title?: string
export interface EditerState {
document: TextDocument
position: Position
* An output channel is a container for readonly textual information.
* To get an instance of an `OutputChannel` use
* [createOutputChannel](#window.createOutputChannel).
export interface OutputChannel {
* The human-readable name of this output channel.
readonly name: string
readonly content: string
* Append the given value to the channel.
* @param value A string, falsy values will not be printed.
append(value: string): void
* Append the given value and a line feed character
* to the channel.
* @param value A string, falsy values will be printed.
appendLine(value: string): void
* Removes output from the channel. Latest `keep` lines will be remained.
clear(keep?: number): void
* Reveal this channel in the UI.
* @param preserveFocus When `true` the channel will not take focus.
show(preserveFocus?: boolean): void
* Hide this channel from the UI.
hide(): void
* Dispose and free associated resources.
dispose(): void
export interface KeymapOption {
sync: boolean
cancel: boolean
silent: boolean
repeat: boolean
export interface Autocmd {
pattern?: string
event: string | string[]
arglist?: string[]
request?: boolean
thisArg?: any
callback: Function
export interface UltiSnippetOption {
regex?: string
context?: string
noPython?: boolean
export interface IWorkspace {
readonly nvim: Neovim
readonly cwd: string
readonly root: string
readonly isVim: boolean
readonly isNvim: boolean
readonly filetypes: Set<string>
readonly languageIds: Set<string>
readonly pluginRoot: string
readonly completeOpt: string
readonly channelNames: string[]
readonly documents: Document[]
readonly configurations: Configurations
textDocuments: TextDocument[]
onDidOpenTextDocument: Event<TextDocument & { bufnr: number }>
onDidCloseTextDocument: Event<TextDocument & { bufnr: number }>
onDidChangeTextDocument: Event<DidChangeTextDocumentParams>
onWillSaveTextDocument: Event<TextDocumentWillSaveEvent>
onDidSaveTextDocument: Event<TextDocument>
onDidChangeConfiguration: Event<ConfigurationChangeEvent>
findUp(filename: string | string[]): Promise<string | null>
getDocument(uri: number | string): Document
getFormatOptions(uri?: string): Promise<FormattingOptions>
getConfigFile(target: ConfigurationTarget): string
applyEdit(edit: WorkspaceEdit): Promise<boolean>
createFileSystemWatcher(globPattern: string, ignoreCreate?: boolean, ignoreChange?: boolean, ignoreDelete?: boolean): FileSystemWatcher
getConfiguration(section?: string, _resource?: string): WorkspaceConfiguration
registerTextDocumentContentProvider(scheme: string, provider: TextDocumentContentProvider): Disposable
getWorkspaceFolder(uri: string): WorkspaceFolder | undefined
getQuickfixItem(loc: Location, text?: string, type?: string): Promise<QuickfixItem>
getQuickfixList(locations: Location[]): Promise<ReadonlyArray<QuickfixItem>>
getLine(uri: string, line: number): Promise<string>
readFile(uri: string): Promise<string>
jumpTo(uri: string, position: Position): Promise<void>
createFile(filepath: string, opts?: CreateFileOptions): Promise<void>
renameFile(oldPath: string, newPath: string, opts?: RenameFileOptions): Promise<void>
deleteFile(filepath: string, opts?: DeleteFileOptions): Promise<void>
openResource(uri: string): Promise<void>
resolveModule(name: string): Promise<string>
match(selector: DocumentSelector, document: TextDocument): number
runCommand(cmd: string, cwd?: string, timeout?: number): Promise<string>
dispose(): void
// window {{
export type MsgTypes = 'error' | 'warning' | 'more'
export type HighlightItemResult = [string, number, number, number, number?]
export type HighlightItemDef = [string, number, number, number, number?, number?, number?]
export interface HighlightDiff {
remove: number[]
removeMarkers: number[]
add: HighlightItemDef[]
export interface StatusItemOption {
progress?: boolean
export interface ScreenPosition {
row: number
col: number
export interface OpenTerminalOption {
* Cwd of terminal, default to result of |getcwd()|
cwd?: string
* Close terminal on job finish, default to true.
autoclose?: boolean
* Keep focus current window, default to false.
keepfocus?: boolean
* Position of terminal window, default to 'right'.
position?: 'bottom' | 'right'
export interface TerminalResult {
bufnr: number
success: boolean
content?: string
* Value-object describing where and how progress should show.
export interface ProgressOptions {
* A human-readable string which will be used to describe the
* operation.
title?: string
* Controls if a cancel button should show to allow the user to
* cancel the long running operation.
cancellable?: boolean
* Extension or language-client id
source?: string
* Represents an action that is shown with an information, warning, or
* error message.
* @see [showInformationMessage](#window.showInformationMessage)
* @see [showWarningMessage](#window.showWarningMessage)
* @see [showErrorMessage](#window.showErrorMessage)
export interface MessageItem {
* A short title like 'Retry', 'Open Log' etc.
title: string
* A hint for modal dialogs that the item should be triggered
* when the user cancels the dialog (e.g. by pressing the ESC
* key).
* Note: this option is ignored for non-modal messages.
* Note: not used by coc.nvim for now.
isCloseAffordance?: boolean
export type MenuOption = {
title?: string,
content?: string
* Create and highlight shortcut characters.
shortcuts?: boolean
* Position of menu picker, default to 'cursor'
position?: 'cursor' | 'center'
* Border highlight that override user configuration.
borderhighlight?: string
} | string
// }}
// vim {{
export interface LocationListItem {
bufnr: number
lnum: number
end_lnum: number
col: number
end_col: number
text: string
type: string
export interface QuickfixItem {
uri?: string
module?: string
range?: Range
text?: string
type?: string
filename?: string
bufnr?: number
lnum?: number
end_lnum?: number
col?: number
end_col?: number
valid?: boolean
nr?: number
* Options to configure the behavior of the quick pick UI.
export interface QuickPickOptions {
* An optional string that represents the title of the quick pick.
title?: string
* An optional flag to include the description when filtering the picks.
matchOnDescription?: boolean
* An optional flag to make the picker accept multiple selections, if true the result is an array of picks.
canPickMany?: boolean
* Represents an item that can be selected from
* a list of items.
export interface QuickPickItem {
* A human-readable string which is rendered prominent
label: string
* A human-readable string which is rendered less prominent in the same line
description?: string
* Optional flag indicating if this item is picked initially.
picked?: boolean
// }}
// Enums{{
export enum PatternType {
export enum SourceType {
export enum MessageLevel {
export enum ConfigurationTarget {
export enum ServiceStat {
export enum FileType {
* The file type is unknown.
Unknown = 0,
* A regular file.
File = 1,
* A directory.
Directory = 2,
* A symbolic link to a file.
SymbolicLink = 64
// }}
// TextDocument {{
* An event that is fired when a [document](#TextDocument) will be saved.
* To make modifications to the document before it is being saved, call the
* [`waitUntil`](#TextDocumentWillSaveEvent.waitUntil)-function with a thenable
* that resolves to an array of [text edits](#TextEdit).
export interface TextDocumentWillSaveEvent {
* The document that will be saved.
document: TextDocument
* The reason why save was triggered.
reason: TextDocumentSaveReason
* Allows to pause the event loop and to apply [pre-save-edits](#TextEdit).
* Edits of subsequent calls to this function will be applied in order. The
* edits will be *ignored* if concurrent modifications of the document happened.
* *Note:* This function can only be called during event dispatch and not
* in an asynchronous manner:
* @param thenable A thenable that resolves to [pre-save-edits](#TextEdit).
waitUntil(thenable: Thenable<TextEdit[] | any>): void
export type DocumentChange = TextDocumentEdit | CreateFile | RenameFile | DeleteFile
export interface LinesChange {
uri: string
lnum: number
oldLines: ReadonlyArray<string>
newLines: ReadonlyArray<string>
* An event describing a change to a text document.
export interface TextDocumentContentChange {
* The range of the document that changed.
range: Range
* The optional length of the range that got replaced.
* @deprecated use range instead.
rangeLength?: number
* The new text for the provided range.
text: string
export interface DidChangeTextDocumentParams {
* The document that did change. The version number points
* to the version after all provided content changes have
* been applied.
readonly textDocument: {
version: number
uri: string
* The actual content changes. The content changes describe single state changes
* to the document. So if there are two content changes c1 (at array index 0) and
* c2 (at array index 1) for a document in state S then c1 moves the document from
* S to S' and c2 from S' to S''. So c1 is computed on the state S and c2 is computed
* on the state S'.
readonly contentChanges: ReadonlyArray<TextDocumentContentChange>
* Buffer number of document.
readonly bufnr: number
* Original content before change
readonly original: string
* Changed lines
readonly originalLines: ReadonlyArray<string>
// }}
// Completion {{
export interface Documentation {
filetype: string
content: string
highlights?: HighlightItem[]
active?: [number, number]
export interface VimCompleteItem {
word: string
abbr?: string
menu?: string
info?: string
kind?: string
icase?: number
equal?: number
dup?: number
empty?: number
user_data?: string
export interface CompleteDoneItem {
readonly word: string
readonly user_data?: string
// if there's ClosePum event just received.
close?: boolean
// already cancelled by completion.stop()
closed?: boolean
export interface ExtendedCompleteItem extends VimCompleteItem {
score?: number
sortText?: string
sourceScore?: number
filterText?: string
isSnippet?: boolean
source?: string
matchScore?: number
priority?: number
preselect?: boolean
signature?: string
localBonus?: number
index?: number
// used for preview
documentation?: Documentation[]
detailShown?: number
resolved?: boolean
// saved line for apply TextEdit
line?: string
recentScore?: number
export interface CompleteResult {
items: ExtendedCompleteItem[]
isIncomplete?: boolean
startcol?: number
priority?: number
// option on complete & should_complete
// what need change? line, col, input, colnr, changedtick
// word = '', triggerForInComplete = false
export interface CompleteOption {
readonly bufnr: number
readonly line: string
col: number
input: string
filetype: string
readonly filepath: string
readonly word: string
// cursor position
colnr: number
synname?: string
readonly linenr: number
readonly source?: string
readonly blacklist: string[]
readonly disabled: ReadonlyArray<string>
readonly changedtick: number
readonly indentkeys: string
readonly triggerCharacter?: string
triggerForInComplete?: boolean
export interface SourceStat {
name: string
priority: number
triggerCharacters: string[]
type: string
shortcut: string
filepath: string
disabled: boolean
filetypes: string[]
export type SourceConfig = Omit<Partial<ISource>, 'shortcut' | 'priority' | 'triggerOnly' | 'triggerCharacters' | 'triggerPatterns' | 'enable' | 'filetypes' | 'disableSyntaxes'>
export interface ISource {
name: string
enable?: boolean
shortcut?: string
priority?: number
sourceType?: SourceType
optionalFns?: string[]
triggerCharacters?: string[]
triggerOnly?: boolean
triggerPatterns?: RegExp[]
disableSyntaxes?: string[]
isSnippet?: boolean
filetypes?: string[]
documentSelector?: DocumentSelector
filepath?: string
firstMatch?: boolean
refresh?(): Promise<void>
toggle?(): void
onEnter?(bufnr: number): void
shouldComplete?(opt: CompleteOption): Promise<boolean>
doComplete(opt: CompleteOption, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<CompleteResult | null>
onCompleteResolve?(item: ExtendedCompleteItem, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<void> | void
onCompleteDone?(item: ExtendedCompleteItem, opt: CompleteOption): ProviderResult<void>
shouldCommit?(item: ExtendedCompleteItem, character: string): boolean
// }}
// Configuration {{
* An event describing the change in Configuration
export interface ConfigurationChangeEvent {
* Returns `true` if the given section for the given resource (if provided) is affected.
* @param section Configuration name, supports _dotted_ names.
* @param resource A resource URI.
* @return `true` if the given section for the given resource (if provided) is affected.
affectsConfiguration(section: string, resource?: string): boolean
export interface WorkspaceConfiguration {
* Return a value from this configuration.
* @param section Configuration name, supports _dotted_ names.
* @return The value `section` denotes or `undefined`.
get<T>(section: string): T | undefined
* Return a value from this configuration.
* @param section Configuration name, supports _dotted_ names.
* @param defaultValue A value should be returned when no value could be found, is `undefined`.
* @return The value `section` denotes or the default.
get<T>(section: string, defaultValue: T): T
* Check if this configuration has a certain value.
* @param section Configuration name, supports _dotted_ names.
* @return `true` if the section doesn't resolve to `undefined`.
has(section: string): boolean
* Retrieve all information about a configuration setting. A configuration value
* often consists of a *default* value, a global or installation-wide value,
* a workspace-specific value
* *Note:* The configuration name must denote a leaf in the configuration tree
* (`editor.fontSize` vs `editor`) otherwise no result is returned.
* @param section Configuration name, supports _dotted_ names.
* @return Information about a configuration setting or `undefined`.
inspect<T>(section: string): ConfigurationInspect<T> | undefined
* Update a configuration value. The updated configuration values are persisted.
* @param section Configuration name, supports _dotted_ names.
* @param value The new value.
* @param isUser if true, always update user configuration
update(section: string, value: any, isUser?: boolean): void
* Readable dictionary that backs this configuration.
readonly [key: string]: any
export interface ErrorItem {
location: Location
message: string
export interface ConfigurationInspect<T> {
key: string
defaultValue?: T
globalValue?: T
workspaceValue?: T
export interface IConfigurationOverrides {
overrideIdentifier?: string | null
resource?: URI | null
export interface ConfigurationShape {
* Resolve possible workspace config from resource.
getWorkspaceConfig?(resource?: string): URI | undefined
$updateConfigurationOption(target: ConfigurationTarget, key: string, value: any, overrides?: IConfigurationOverrides): void
$removeConfigurationOption(target: ConfigurationTarget, key: string, overrides?: IConfigurationOverrides): void
export interface IConfigurationModel {
contents: any
export interface IConfigurationData {
defaults: IConfigurationModel
user: IConfigurationModel
workspace: IConfigurationModel
// }}
// File operation {{
* An event that is fired when files are going to be renamed.
* To make modifications to the workspace before the files are renamed,
* call the [`waitUntil](#FileWillCreateEvent.waitUntil)-function with a
* thenable that resolves to a [workspace edit](#WorkspaceEdit).
export interface FileWillRenameEvent {
* The files that are going to be renamed.
readonly files: ReadonlyArray<{ oldUri: URI, newUri: URI }>
* Allows to pause the event and to apply a [workspace edit](#WorkspaceEdit).
* *Note:* This function can only be called during event dispatch and not
* in an asynchronous manner:
* ```ts
* workspace.onWillCreateFiles(event => {
* // async, will *throw* an error
* setTimeout(() => event.waitUntil(promise));
* // sync, OK
* event.waitUntil(promise);
* })
* ```
* @param thenable A thenable that delays saving.
waitUntil(thenable: Thenable<WorkspaceEdit | any>): void
* An event that is fired after files are renamed.
export interface FileRenameEvent {
* The files that got renamed.
readonly files: ReadonlyArray<{ oldUri: URI, newUri: URI }>
* An event that is fired when files are going to be created.
* To make modifications to the workspace before the files are created,
* call the [`waitUntil](#FileWillCreateEvent.waitUntil)-function with a
* thenable that resolves to a [workspace edit](#WorkspaceEdit).
export interface FileWillCreateEvent {
* A cancellation token.
readonly token: CancellationToken
* The files that are going to be created.
readonly files: ReadonlyArray<URI>
* Allows to pause the event and to apply a [workspace edit](#WorkspaceEdit).
* *Note:* This function can only be called during event dispatch and not
* in an asynchronous manner:
* ```ts
* workspace.onWillCreateFiles(event => {
* // async, will *throw* an error
* setTimeout(() => event.waitUntil(promise));
* // sync, OK
* event.waitUntil(promise);
* })
* ```
* @param thenable A thenable that delays saving.
waitUntil(thenable: Thenable<WorkspaceEdit | any>): void
* An event that is fired after files are created.
export interface FileCreateEvent {
* The files that got created.
readonly files: ReadonlyArray<URI>
* An event that is fired when files are going to be deleted.
* To make modifications to the workspace before the files are deleted,
* call the [`waitUntil](#FileWillCreateEvent.waitUntil)-function with a
* thenable that resolves to a [workspace edit](#WorkspaceEdit).
export interface FileWillDeleteEvent {
* The files that are going to be deleted.
readonly files: ReadonlyArray<URI>
* Allows to pause the event and to apply a [workspace edit](#WorkspaceEdit).
* *Note:* This function can only be called during event dispatch and not
* in an asynchronous manner:
* ```ts
* workspace.onWillCreateFiles(event => {
* // async, will *throw* an error
* setTimeout(() => event.waitUntil(promise));
* // sync, OK
* event.waitUntil(promise);
* })
* ```
* @param thenable A thenable that delays saving.
waitUntil(thenable: Thenable<WorkspaceEdit | any>): void
* An event that is fired after files are deleted.
export interface FileDeleteEvent {
* The files that got deleted.
readonly files: ReadonlyArray<URI>
// }}
// List {{
export interface LocationWithLine {
uri: string
line: string
text?: string
export interface ListItem {
label: string
filterText?: string
preselect?: boolean
location?: Location | LocationWithLine | string
data?: any
ansiHighlights?: AnsiHighlight[]
resolved?: boolean
* A string that should be used when comparing this item
* with other items, only used for fuzzy filter.
sortText?: string
converted?: boolean
export interface ListHighlights {
// column indexes
spans: [number, number][]
hlGroup?: string
export interface ListItemWithHighlights extends ListItem {
score?: number
highlights?: ListHighlights
export interface AnsiHighlight {
span: [number, number]
hlGroup: string
export interface ListItemsEvent {
items: ListItem[]
finished: boolean
append?: boolean
reload?: boolean
export type ListMode = 'normal' | 'insert'
export type Matcher = 'strict' | 'fuzzy' | 'regex'
export interface ListOptions {
position: string
reverse: boolean
input: string
ignorecase: boolean
interactive: boolean
sort: boolean
mode: ListMode
matcher: Matcher
autoPreview: boolean
numberSelect: boolean
noQuit: boolean
first: boolean
export interface ListContext {
args: string[]
input: string
cwd: string
options: ListOptions
window: Window
buffer: Buffer
listWindow: Window
export interface ListAction {
name: string
persist?: boolean
reload?: boolean
parallel?: boolean
multiple?: boolean
tabPersist?: boolean
execute: (item: ListItem | ListItem[], context: ListContext) => ProviderResult<void>
export interface ListTask {
on(event: 'data', callback: (item: ListItem) => void): void
on(event: 'end', callback: () => void): void
on(event: 'error', callback: (msg: string | Error) => void): void
dispose(): void
export interface ListArgument {
key?: string
hasValue?: boolean
name: string
description: string
export interface IList {
* Unique name of list.
name: string
* Action list.
actions: ListAction[]
* Default action name.
defaultAction: string
* Load list items.
loadItems(context: ListContext, token: CancellationToken): Promise<ListItem[] | ListTask | null | undefined>
* Resolve list item.
resolveItem?(item: ListItem): Promise<ListItem | null>
* Should be true when interactive is supported.
interactive?: boolean
* Description of list.
description?: string
* Detail description, shown in help.
detail?: string
* Options supported by list.
options?: ListArgument[]
* Highlight buffer by vim's syntax commands.
doHighlight?(): void
dispose?(): void
// }}