Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-06-26 02:31:09 -04:00
2022-07-20 13:20:15 +08:00

732 lines
21 KiB

'use strict'
import { Buffer, Neovim, VimValue } from '@chemzqm/neovim'
import debounce from 'debounce'
import { CancellationToken, Disposable, Emitter, Event, Position, Range, TextEdit } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
import { URI } from 'vscode-uri'
import events, { InsertChange } from '../events'
import { BufferOption, DidChangeTextDocumentParams, HighlightItem, HighlightItemOption, TextDocumentContentChange } from '../types'
import { diffLines, getTextEdit } from '../util/diff'
import { disposeAll, getUri, wait, waitNextTick } from '../util/index'
import { equals } from '../util/object'
import { comparePosition, emptyRange } from '../util/position'
import { byteIndex, byteLength, byteSlice, characterIndex } from '../util/string'
import { applyEdits, filterSortEdits, getPositionFromEdits, mergeTextEdits, TextChangeItem, toTextChanges } from '../util/textedit'
import { Chars } from './chars'
import { LinesTextDocument } from './textdocument'
const logger = require('../util/logger')('model-document')
export type LastChangeType = 'insert' | 'change' | 'delete'
export interface Env {
readonly filetypeMap: { [index: string]: string }
readonly isVim: boolean
readonly isCygwin: boolean
export interface ChangeInfo {
bufnr: number
lnum: number
line: string
changedtick: number
// getText, positionAt, offsetAt
export default class Document {
public buftype: string
public isIgnored = false
public chars: Chars
private eol = true
private _noFetch: boolean
private _disposed = false
private _attached = false
private _previewwindow = false
private _winid = -1
private _filetype: string
private _bufname: string
private _uri: string
private _indentkeys: string
private _changedtick: number
private variables: { [key: string]: VimValue }
private disposables: Disposable[] = []
private _textDocument: LinesTextDocument
// real current lines
private lines: ReadonlyArray<string> = []
public fireContentChanges: Function & { clear(): void }
public fetchContent: Function & { clear(): void }
private _onDocumentChange = new Emitter<DidChangeTextDocumentParams>()
public readonly onDocumentChange: Event<DidChangeTextDocumentParams> = this._onDocumentChange.event
public readonly buffer: Buffer,
private env: Env,
private nvim: Neovim,
opts: BufferOption
) {
this.fireContentChanges = debounce(() => {
}, global.__TEST__ ? 20 : 150)
this.fetchContent = debounce(() => {
void this._fetchContent()
}, 100)
* Synchronize content
public get content(): string {
return this.syncLines.join('\n') + (this.eol ? '\n' : '')
public get attached(): boolean {
return this._attached
* Synchronized textDocument.
public get textDocument(): LinesTextDocument {
return this._textDocument
private get syncLines(): ReadonlyArray<string> {
return this._textDocument.lines
public get version(): number {
return this._textDocument.version
* Buffer number
public get bufnr(): number {
return this.buffer.id
public get bufname(): string {
return this._bufname
public get filetype(): string {
return this._filetype
public get uri(): string {
return this._uri
public get isCommandLine(): boolean {
return this.uri && this.uri.endsWith('%5BCommand%20Line%5D')
public get enabled(): boolean {
return this.getVar('enabled', true)
* LanguageId of TextDocument, main filetype are used for combined filetypes
* with '.'
public get languageId(): string {
let { _filetype } = this
return _filetype.includes('.') ? _filetype.match(/(.*?)\./)[1] : _filetype
* Get current buffer changedtick.
public get changedtick(): number {
return this._changedtick
* Map filetype for languageserver.
public convertFiletype(filetype: string): string {
switch (filetype) {
case 'javascript.jsx':
return 'javascriptreact'
case 'typescript.jsx':
case 'typescript.tsx':
return 'typescriptreact'
case 'tex':
// Vim filetype 'tex' means LaTeX, which has LSP language ID 'latex'
return 'latex'
default: {
let map = this.env.filetypeMap
return String(map[filetype] || filetype)
* Scheme of document.
public get schema(): string {
return URI.parse(this.uri).scheme
* Line count of current buffer.
public get lineCount(): number {
return this.lines.length
* Window ID when buffer create, could be -1 when no window associated.
public get winid(): number {
return this._winid
public get indentkeys(): string {
return this._indentkeys
* Returns if current document is opended with previewwindow
* @deprecated
public get previewwindow(): boolean {
return this._previewwindow
* Initialize document model.
private init(opts: BufferOption): void {
let buftype = this.buftype = opts.buftype
this._indentkeys = opts.indentkeys
this._bufname = opts.bufname
this._previewwindow = !!opts.previewwindow
this._winid = opts.winid
this.variables = opts.variables || {}
this._changedtick = opts.changedtick
this.eol = opts.eol == 1
this._uri = getUri(opts.fullpath, this.bufnr, buftype, this.env.isCygwin)
if (Array.isArray(opts.lines)) {
this.lines = opts.lines
this._noFetch = true
this._attached = true
this._filetype = this.convertFiletype(opts.filetype)
this.createTextDocument(1, this.lines)
private attach(): void {
if (this.env.isVim) return
let lines = this.lines
this.buffer.attach(true).then(res => {
if (!res) fireDetach(this.bufnr)
}, _e => {
this.buffer.listen('lines', (buf: Buffer, tick: number, firstline: number, lastline: number, linedata: string[]) => {
if (buf.id !== this.bufnr || !this._attached || tick == null) return
if (tick > this._changedtick) {
this._changedtick = tick
lines = [...lines.slice(0, firstline), ...linedata, ...(lastline == -1 ? [] : lines.slice(lastline))]
if (lines.length == 0) lines = ['']
this.lines = lines
if (events.pumvisible) return
}, this.disposables)
this.buffer.listen('detach', () => {
}, this.disposables)
* Check if document changed after last synchronize
public get dirty(): boolean {
// if (this.lines === this.syncLines) return false
// return !equals(this.lines, this.syncLines)
return this.lines !== this.syncLines
public get hasChanged(): boolean {
if (!this.dirty) return false
return !equals(this.lines, this.syncLines)
private _fireContentChanges(edit?: TextEdit): void {
if (this.lines === this.syncLines) return
let textDocument = this._textDocument
let changes: TextDocumentContentChange[] = []
if (!edit) {
let { cursor, insertMode } = events
let pos: Position
// consider cursor position.
if (cursor && cursor.bufnr == this.bufnr) {
let content = this.lines[cursor.lnum - 1] ?? ''
pos = Position.create(cursor.lnum - 1, characterIndex(content, cursor.col - 1))
edit = getTextEdit(textDocument.lines, this.lines, pos, insertMode)
let original: string
if (edit) {
original = textDocument.getText(edit.range)
changes.push({ range: edit.range, text: edit.newText, rangeLength: original.length })
} else {
original = ''
let created = this.createTextDocument(this.version + (edit ? 1 : 0), this.lines)
bufnr: this.bufnr,
originalLines: textDocument.lines,
textDocument: { version: created.version, uri: this.uri },
contentChanges: changes
public async applyEdits(edits: TextEdit[], joinUndo = false, move: boolean | Position = false): Promise<TextEdit | undefined> {
if (Array.isArray(arguments[1])) edits = arguments[1]
if (!this._attached || edits.length === 0) return
let textDocument = this.textDocument
edits = filterSortEdits(textDocument, edits)
if (edits.length === 0) return
// apply edits to current textDocument
let newLines = applyEdits(textDocument, edits)
if (!newLines) return
let lines = textDocument.lines
let changed = diffLines(lines, newLines, edits[0].range.start.line)
if (changed.start === changed.end && changed.replacement.length == 0) return
// append new lines
let isAppend = changed.start === changed.end && changed.start === lines.length + (this.eol ? 0 : 1)
let original = lines.slice(changed.start, changed.end)
let changes: TextChangeItem[] = []
// avoid out of range and lines replacement.
if (this.nvim.hasFunction('nvim_buf_set_text')
&& edits.length < 200
&& changed.start !== changed.end
&& edits[edits.length - 1].range.end.line < lines.length + (this.eol ? 0 : 1)
) {
changes = toTextChanges(lines, edits)
let cursor: [number, number]
let isCurrent = events.bufnr == this.bufnr
let col: number
if (move && isCurrent && !isAppend) {
let pos = Position.is(move) ? move : undefined
if (move === true && this.bufnr === events.cursor?.bufnr) {
let { col, lnum } = events.cursor
pos = Position.create(lnum - 1, characterIndex(this.lines[lnum - 1], col - 1))
if (pos) {
let position = getPositionFromEdits(pos, edits)
if (comparePosition(pos, position) !== 0) {
let content = newLines[position.line] ?? ''
let col = byteIndex(content, position.character) + 1
cursor = [position.line + 1, col]
col = byteIndex(this.lines[pos.line], pos.character) + 1
if (isCurrent && joinUndo) this.nvim.command('undojoin', true)
if (isAppend) {
this.buffer.setLines(changed.replacement, { start: -1, end: -1 }, true)
} else {
this.nvim.call('coc#ui#set_lines', [
], true)
this.nvim.resumeNotification(isCurrent, true)
let textEdit = edits.length == 1 ? edits[0] : mergeTextEdits(edits, lines, newLines)
await waitNextTick()
this.lines = newLines
let range = Range.create(changed.start, 0, changed.start + changed.replacement.length, 0)
return TextEdit.replace(range, original.join('\n') + '\n')
public async changeLines(lines: [number, string][]): Promise<void> {
let filtered: [number, string][] = []
let newLines = this.lines.slice()
for (let [lnum, text] of lines) {
if (newLines[lnum] != text) {
filtered.push([lnum, text])
newLines[lnum] = text
if (!filtered.length) return
this.nvim.call('coc#ui#change_lines', [this.bufnr, filtered], true)
this.lines = newLines
public _forceSync(): void {
public forceSync(): void {
// may cause bugs, prevent extensions use it.
if (global.hasOwnProperty('__TEST__')) {
* Get offset from lnum & col
public getOffset(lnum: number, col: number): number {
return this.textDocument.offsetAt({
line: lnum - 1,
character: col
* Check string is word.
public isWord(word: string): boolean {
return this.chars.isKeyword(word)
public async matchWords(token: CancellationToken): Promise<Set<string> | undefined> {
return await this.chars.matchLines(this.textDocument.lines, 2, token)
* Current word for replacement
public getWordRangeAtPosition(position: Position, extraChars?: string, current = true): Range | null {
let chars = this.chars.clone()
if (extraChars && extraChars.length) {
for (let ch of extraChars) {
let line = this.getline(position.line, current)
let ch = line[position.character]
if (ch == null || !chars.isKeywordChar(ch)) return null
let start = position.character
let end = position.character + 1
while (start >= 0) {
let ch = line[start - 1]
if (!ch || !chars.isKeywordChar(ch)) break
start = start - 1
while (end <= line.length) {
let ch = line[end]
if (!ch || !chars.isKeywordChar(ch)) break
end = end + 1
return Range.create(position.line, start, position.line, end)
private createTextDocument(version: number, lines: ReadonlyArray<string>): LinesTextDocument {
let { uri, languageId, eol } = this
let textDocument = this._textDocument = new LinesTextDocument(uri, languageId, version, lines, this.bufnr, eol)
return textDocument
* Used by vim for fetch new lines.
private async _fetchContent(sync?: boolean): Promise<void> {
if (!this.env.isVim || !this._attached) return
let { nvim, bufnr, changedtick } = this
let o = await nvim.call('coc#util#get_buf_lines', [bufnr, changedtick])
this._noFetch = true
if (o) {
this._changedtick = o.changedtick
this.lines = o.lines
if (sync) {
} else {
} else if (sync) {
* Only used on vim8 for set new line with TextChangedP
public changeLine(lnum: number, line: string, changedtick: number): void {
let curr = this.lines[lnum - 1]
if (curr === undefined) return
let newLines = this.lines.slice()
newLines[lnum - 1] = line
this.lines = newLines
this._changedtick = changedtick
* Get and synchronize change
public async patchChange(currentLine?: boolean): Promise<void> {
if (!this._attached) return
if (this.env.isVim) {
if (currentLine) {
let change = await this.nvim.call('coc#util#get_changeinfo', []) as ChangeInfo
if (change.bufnr !== this.bufnr) return
if (change.changedtick < this._changedtick) {
let { lnum, line, changedtick } = change
let curr = this.getline(lnum - 1)
this._changedtick = changedtick
if (curr == line) {
} else {
let newLines = this.lines.slice()
newLines[lnum - 1] = line
this.lines = newLines
} else {
await this._fetchContent(true)
} else {
// changedtick from buffer events could be not latest. #3003
this._changedtick = await this.buffer.getVar('changedtick') as number
* Get ranges of word in textDocument.
public getSymbolRanges(word: string): Range[] {
let { version, filetype, uri } = this
let textDocument = new LinesTextDocument(uri, filetype, version, this.lines, this.bufnr, this.eol)
let res: Range[] = []
let content = textDocument.getText()
let str = ''
for (let i = 0, l = content.length; i < l; i++) {
let ch = content[i]
if ('-' == ch && str.length == 0) {
let isKeyword = this.chars.isKeywordChar(ch)
if (isKeyword) {
str = str + ch
if (str.length > 0 && !isKeyword && str == word) {
res.push(Range.create(textDocument.positionAt(i - str.length), textDocument.positionAt(i)))
if (!isKeyword) {
str = ''
return res
* Adjust col with new valid character before position.
public fixStartcol(position: Position, valids: string[]): number {
let line = this.getline(position.line)
if (!line) return null
let { character } = position
let start = line.slice(0, character)
let col = byteLength(start)
let { chars } = this
for (let i = start.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let c = start[i]
if (c == ' ') break
if (!chars.isKeywordChar(c) && !valids.includes(c)) {
col = col - byteLength(c)
return col
* Add vim highlight items from highlight group and range.
* Synchronized lines are used for calculate cols.
public addHighlights(items: HighlightItem[], hlGroup: string, range: Range, opts: HighlightItemOption = {}): void {
let { start, end } = range
if (emptyRange(range)) return
for (let line = start.line; line <= end.line; line++) {
const text = this.getline(line, false)
let colStart = line == start.line ? byteIndex(text, start.character) : 0
let colEnd = line == end.line ? byteIndex(text, end.character) : global.Buffer.byteLength(text)
if (colStart >= colEnd) continue
items.push(Object.assign({ hlGroup, lnum: line, colStart, colEnd }, opts))
* Real current line
public getline(line: number, current = true): string {
if (current) return this.lines[line] || ''
return this.syncLines[line] || ''
* Get lines, zero indexed, end exclude.
public getLines(start?: number, end?: number): string[] {
return this.lines.slice(start ?? 0, end ?? this.lines.length)
* Get current content text.
public getDocumentContent(): string {
let content = this.lines.join('\n')
return this.eol ? content + '\n' : content
* Get variable value by key, defined by `b:coc_{key}`
public getVar<T extends VimValue>(key: string, defaultValue?: T): T {
let val = this.variables[`coc_${key}`] as T
return val === undefined ? defaultValue : val
* Get position from lnum & col
public getPosition(lnum: number, col: number): Position {
let line = this.getline(lnum - 1)
if (!line || col == 0) return { line: lnum - 1, character: 0 }
let pre = byteSlice(line, 0, col - 1)
return { line: lnum - 1, character: pre.length }
* Get end offset from cursor position.
* For normal mode, use offset - 1 when possible
public getEndOffset(lnum: number, col: number, insert: boolean): number {
let total = 0
let len = this.lines.length
for (let i = lnum - 1; i < len; i++) {
let line = this.lines[i]
let l = line.length
if (i == lnum - 1 && l != 0) {
// current
let buf = global.Buffer.from(line, 'utf8')
let isEnd = buf.byteLength <= col - 1
if (!isEnd) {
total = total + buf.slice(col - 1, buf.length).toString('utf8').length
if (!insert) total = total - 1
} else {
total = total + l
if (!this.eol && i == len - 1) break
total = total + 1
return total
* Recreate document with new filetype.
public setFiletype(filetype: string): void {
this._filetype = this.convertFiletype(filetype)
let lines = this._textDocument.lines
this._textDocument = new LinesTextDocument(this.uri, this.languageId, 1, lines, this.bufnr, this.eol)
* Change iskeyword option of document
public setIskeyword(iskeyword: string): void {
let chars = this.chars = new Chars(iskeyword)
let additional = this.getVar<string[]>('additional_keywords', [])
if (additional && Array.isArray(additional)) {
for (let ch of additional) {
* Detach document.
public detach(): void {
if (this._disposed) return
this._disposed = true
this._attached = false
this.lines = []
* Get localify bonus map.
public getLocalifyBonus(sp: Position, ep: Position, max?: number): Map<string, number> {
return this.chars.getLocalifyBonus(sp, ep, this.lines, max)
* Synchronize latest document content
public async synchronize(): Promise<void> {
if (!this.attached) return
let { changedtick } = this
await this.patchChange()
if (changedtick != this.changedtick) {
await wait(50)
* Used by vim8 to fetch lines.
public onTextChange(event: string, change?: InsertChange): void {
if (event === 'TextChanged'
|| (event === 'TextChangedI' && !change.insertChar)
|| !this._noFetch) {
this._noFetch = false
let { line, changedtick, lnum } = change
if (changedtick === this.changedtick) return
this.changeLine(lnum, line, changedtick)
if (event !== 'TextChangedP') this._forceSync()
public onCursorHold(variables: { [key: string]: VimValue }): void {
this.variables = variables
function fireDetach(bufnr: number): void {
void events.fire('BufDetach', [bufnr])
function fireLinesChanged(bufnr: number): void {
void events.fire('LinesChanged', [bufnr])