Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-06-25 18:21:11 -04:00
2022-07-20 13:20:15 +08:00

105 lines
3.6 KiB

'use strict'
import { Neovim } from '@chemzqm/neovim'
import { URI } from 'vscode-uri'
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import extensions from '../extensions'
import { HandlerDelegate, PatternType, WorkspaceConfiguration } from '../types'
import workspace from '../workspace'
import window from '../window'
import snippetManager from '../snippets/manager'
const logger = require('../util/logger')('handler-workspace')
declare const REVISION
interface RootPatterns {
buffer: string[]
server: string[]
global: string[]
export default class WorkspaceHandler {
private nvim: Neovim,
private handler: HandlerDelegate
) {
public async openLog(): Promise<void> {
let file = logger.logfile
await workspace.jumpTo(URI.file(file).toString())
public async doAutocmd(id: number, args: any[]): Promise<void> {
await workspace.autocmds.doAutocmd(id, args)
public async getConfiguration(key: string): Promise<WorkspaceConfiguration> {
let document = await workspace.document
return workspace.getConfiguration(key, document ? document.uri : undefined)
public getRootPatterns(bufnr: number): RootPatterns | null {
let doc = workspace.getDocument(bufnr)
if (!doc) return null
return {
buffer: workspace.workspaceFolderControl.getRootPatterns(doc, PatternType.Buffer),
server: workspace.workspaceFolderControl.getRootPatterns(doc, PatternType.LanguageServer) || [],
global: workspace.workspaceFolderControl.getRootPatterns(doc, PatternType.Global)
public async ensureDocument(): Promise<boolean> {
let doc = await workspace.document
return doc && !doc.isCommandLine && doc.attached
public async doKeymap(key: string, defaultReturn = '', pressed?: string): Promise<string> {
return await workspace.keymaps.doKeymap(key, defaultReturn, pressed)
public async snippetCheck(checkExpand: boolean, checkJump: boolean): Promise<boolean> {
if (checkExpand && !extensions.has('coc-snippets')) {
this.nvim.echoError('coc-snippets required for check expand status!')
return false
if (checkJump) {
let jumpable = snippetManager.jumpable()
if (jumpable) return true
if (checkExpand) {
let api = extensions.getExtensionApi('coc-snippets') as any
if (api && api.hasOwnProperty('expandable')) {
let expandable = await Promise.resolve(api.expandable())
if (expandable) return true
return false
public async showInfo(): Promise<void> {
let lines: string[] = []
let version = workspace.version + (typeof REVISION === 'string' ? '-' + REVISION : '')
lines.push('## versions')
let out = await this.nvim.call('execute', ['version']) as string
let first = out.trim().split(/\r?\n/, 2)[0].replace(/\(.*\)/, '').trim()
lines.push('vim version: ' + first + `${workspace.isVim ? ' ' + workspace.env.version : ''}`)
lines.push('node version: ' + process.version)
lines.push('coc.nvim version: ' + version)
lines.push('coc.nvim directory: ' + path.dirname(__dirname))
lines.push('term: ' + (process.env.TERM_PROGRAM || process.env.TERM))
lines.push('platform: ' + process.platform)
lines.push('## Log of coc.nvim')
let file = logger.logfile
if (fs.existsSync(file)) {
let content = fs.readFileSync(file, { encoding: 'utf8' })
await this.nvim.command('vnew +setl\\ buftype=nofile\\ bufhidden=wipe\\ nobuflisted')
let buf = await this.nvim.buffer
await buf.setLines(lines, { start: 0, end: -1, strictIndexing: false })