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mirror of synced 2024-06-25 18:21:11 -04:00
2022-07-20 13:20:15 +08:00

99 lines
4 KiB

'use strict'
import { Neovim } from '@chemzqm/neovim'
import { v1 as uuid } from 'uuid'
import { Disposable } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
import { KeymapOption } from '../types'
import { getKeymapModifier, MapMode } from '../util'
import Documents from './documents'
const logger = require('../util/logger')('core-keymaps')
export default class Keymaps {
private readonly keymaps: Map<string, [Function, boolean]> = new Map()
private nvim: Neovim
constructor(private documents: Documents) {
public attach(nvim: Neovim): void {
this.nvim = nvim
public async doKeymap(key: string, defaultReturn = '', pressed?: string): Promise<string> {
let keymap = this.keymaps.get(key)
if (!keymap) {
logger.error(`keymap for ${key} not found`)
if (pressed) this.nvim.command(`silent! unmap <buffer> ${pressed.startsWith('{') && pressed.endsWith('}') ? `<${pressed.slice(1, -1)}>` : pressed}`, true)
return defaultReturn
let [fn, repeat] = keymap
let res = await Promise.resolve(fn())
if (repeat) await this.nvim.command(`silent! call repeat#set("\\<Plug>(coc-${key})", -1)`)
return res ?? defaultReturn
* Register <Plug>(coc-${key}) key mapping.
public registerKeymap(modes: MapMode[], key: string, fn: Function, opts: Partial<KeymapOption> = {}): Disposable {
if (!key) throw new Error(`Invalid key ${key} of registerKeymap`)
if (this.keymaps.has(key)) throw new Error(`${key} already exists.`)
opts = Object.assign({ sync: true, cancel: true, silent: true, repeat: false }, opts)
let { nvim } = this
this.keymaps.set(key, [fn, !!opts.repeat])
let method = opts.sync ? 'request' : 'notify'
let silent = opts.silent ? '<silent>' : ''
for (let m of modes) {
if (m == 'i') {
nvim.command(`inoremap ${silent}<expr> <Plug>(coc-${key}) coc#_insert_key('${method}', '${key}', ${opts.cancel ? 1 : 0})`, true)
} else {
let modify = getKeymapModifier(m)
nvim.command(`${m}noremap ${silent} <Plug>(coc-${key}) :${modify}call coc#rpc#${method}('doKeymap', ['${key}'])<cr>`, true)
return Disposable.create(() => {
for (let m of modes) {
nvim.command(`${m}unmap <Plug>(coc-${key})`, true)
public registerExprKeymap(mode: 'i' | 'n' | 'v' | 's' | 'x', key: string, fn: Function, buffer = false): Disposable {
let id = `${mode}${global.Buffer.from(key).toString('base64')}${buffer ? '1' : '0'}`
let { nvim } = this
this.keymaps.set(id, [fn, false])
if (mode == 'i') {
nvim.command(`inoremap <silent><expr>${buffer ? '<nowait><buffer>' : ''} ${key} coc#_insert_key('request', '${id}')`, true)
} else {
nvim.command(`${mode}noremap <silent><expr>${buffer ? '<nowait><buffer>' : ''} ${key} coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['${id}'])`, true)
return Disposable.create(() => {
nvim.command(`${mode}unmap ${buffer ? '<buffer>' : ''} ${key}`, true)
public registerLocalKeymap(mode: 'n' | 'v' | 's' | 'x', key: string, fn: Function, notify = false): Disposable {
let id = uuid()
let { nvim } = this
let bufnr = this.documents.bufnr
this.keymaps.set(id, [fn, false])
let method = notify ? 'notify' : 'request'
let modify = getKeymapModifier(mode)
// neoivm's bug '<' can't be used.
let escaped = key.startsWith('<') && key.endsWith('>') ? `{${key.slice(1, -1)}}` : key
if (this.nvim.hasFunction('nvim_buf_set_keymap') && !global.hasOwnProperty('__TEST__')) {
nvim.call('nvim_buf_set_keymap', [0, mode, key, `:${modify}call coc#rpc#${method}('doKeymap', ['${id}', '', '${escaped}'])<CR>`, {
silent: true,
nowait: true
}], true)
} else {
let cmd = `${mode}noremap <silent><nowait><buffer> ${key} :${modify}call coc#rpc#${method}('doKeymap', ['${id}', '', '${escaped}'])<CR>`
nvim.command(cmd, true)
return Disposable.create(() => {
nvim.call('coc#compat#buf_del_keymap', [bufnr, mode, key], true)