.. | ||
snippets | ||
UltiSnips | ||
addon-info.json | ||
IMPORTANT: comment on: What about merging whith Ultisnip using its engine
Snipmate & UltiSnip Snippets
This repository contains snippets files for various programming languages.
It is community-maintained and many people have contributed snippet files and other improvements already.
snippets/*: snippets using snipmate format
UltiSnips/*: snippets using UltiSnips format
Snippet engines
There are different forks of snippet engines which allow the user to insert sippets by typing the name of a snippet hitting the expansion mapping.
garbas/vim-snipmate [4]:
VimL, snipmate-snippets, engine sometimes behaves strange, supports
rewriting snippets on the fly (eg adding a second version with folding
MarcWeber/UltiSnips [6]:
python, snipmate-snippets and UltiSnips-snippets
SirVer/ultisnips [7]:
python, UltiSnips-snippets
github.com/Shougo/neosnippet [5]:
viml, has a compatible mode allowing to reuse most snipmate snippets ?
totally different syntax, does not read snippets contained in this file,
but it is also very powerful
... there are some more, but they have less features which is why I don't
mention them here
UltiSnips engine has additional features such as "nested snippets".
Which one to use? If you have python give MarcWeber/UltiSnips a try because its fast and supports all important features. You can prefer the UltiSnip versions of the snippets by setting the "always_use_first_snippet" option to 1.
If you have VimL only (vim without python support) your best option is using garbas/vim-snipmate and cope with the minor bugs found in the engine.
Related repositories
We also encourage people to maintain sets of snippets for particular use cases so that all users can benefit from them. People can list their snippet repositories here:
* https://github.com/rbonvall/snipmate-snippets-bib (snippets for BibTeX files)
* https://github.com/sudar/vim-arduino-snippets (snippets for Arduino files)
* https://github.com/zedr/zope-snipmate-bundle.git (snippets for Python, TAL and ZCML)
* https://github.com/bonsaiben/bootstrap-snippets (snippets for Twitter Bootstrap markup, in HTML and Haml)
Installation using VAM: "github:rbonvall/snipmate-snippets-bib"
If you believe in the success of vim-snipmate
then you may also want to have a look at vim-git-wiki. If you contribute to this git based wiki editable by Vim we have a chance of making it official at www.vim.org.
Historical notes
vim-snipmate was originally started by Michael Sanders who has now unfortunately abandoned the project. Rok Garbas is now maintaining a fork of the project in hopes of improving the existing code base.
Versions / dialects / ..
There are some issues, such as newer language versions may require other snippets than older. If this exists we currently recommend doing this:
add snippets/ruby.snippets (common snippets) add snippets/ruby-1.8.snippets (1.8 only) add snippets/ruby-1.9.snippets (1.9 only)
then configure github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate this way:
let g:snipMate = {}
let g:snipMate.scope_aliases = {}
let g:snipMate.scope_aliases['ruby'] = 'ruby,ruby-rails,ruby-1.9'
or github.com/MarcWeber/UltiSnips this way:
let g:UltiSnips = {}
let g:UltiSnips.snipmate_ft_filter = {
\ 'default' : {'filetypes': ["FILETYPE"] },
\ 'ruby' : {'filetypes': ["ruby", "ruby-rails", "ruby-1.9"] },
If it happens that you work on a project requiring ruby-1.8 snippets instead, consider using vim-addon-local-vimrc and override the filetypes.
Well - of course it may not make sense to create a new file for each ruby-library-version triplet. Sometimes postfixing a name such as
will do it then if syntax has changed.
Language maintainers
No one can really be proficient in all programming languages. If you would like to maintain snippets for a language, please get in touch.
Notes: People are interested in snippets - and their interest may stop again at will. So its ok if people maintain a language only for a short period of time - or jump in and get things done - don't let the flow stop :) vim-snippets is not like the "linux kernel".
- Python - honza
- Javascript - honza
- HTML Django - honza
- Markdown - honza
- Ruby - taq
- PHP - chrisyue
- Scala - gorodinskiy
Contributing notes
Until further work is done on vim-snipmate
, please don't add folding markers
into snippets. vim-snipmate
has some comments about how to patch all snippets
on the fly adding those.
Because MarcWeber/UltiSnips 6 supports also snipmate-snippets there is no need to duplicate all snippets - only those snippets who use advanced UltiSnips features should be duplicated in UltiSnips (?)
Currently all snippets from UltiSnips have been put into UltiSnips - some work on merging should be done (dropping duplicates etc)
For a list of authors, please see the AUTHORS
Just as the original snipMate plugin, all the snippets are licensed under the terms of the MIT license.