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mirror of synced 2024-10-04 19:19:06 -04:00

141 lines
4 KiB
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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

" Recalculate the trailing whitespace warning when idle, and after saving
autocmd CursorHold,BufWritePost,InsertLeave * unlet! b:statusline_trailing_space_warning
function! Powerline#Functions#GetFilepath() " {{{
" Recalculate the filepath when cwd changes.
let cwd = getcwd()
if exists("b:Powerline_cwd") && cwd != b:Powerline_cwd
unlet! b:Powerline_filepath
let b:Powerline_cwd = cwd
if exists('b:Powerline_filepath')
return b:Powerline_filepath
let dirsep = has('win32') && ! &shellslash ? '\' : '/'
let filepath = expand('%:p')
if empty(filepath)
return ''
let ret = ''
if g:Powerline_stl_path_style == 'short'
" Display a short path where the first directory is displayed with its
" full name, and the subsequent directories are shortened to their
" first letter, i.e. "/home/user/foo/foo/bar/baz.vim" becomes
" "~/foo/f/b/baz.vim"
" This displays the shortest possible path, relative to ~ or the
" current directory.
let mod = (exists('+acd') && &acd) ? ':~:h' : ':~:.:h'
let fpath = split(fnamemodify(filepath, mod), dirsep)
let fpath_shortparts = map(fpath[1:], 'v:val[0]')
let ret = join(extend([fpath[0]], fpath_shortparts), dirsep) . dirsep
elseif g:Powerline_stl_path_style == 'relative'
" Display a relative path, similar to the %f statusline item
let ret = fnamemodify(filepath, ':~:.:h') . dirsep
elseif g:Powerline_stl_path_style == 'full'
" Display the full path, similar to the %F statusline item
let ret = fnamemodify(filepath, ':h') . dirsep
if ret == ('.' . dirsep)
let ret = ''
let b:Powerline_filepath = ret
return ret
endfunction " }}}
function! Powerline#Functions#GetShortPath(threshold) " {{{
let fullpath = split(substitute(expand('%:p:h'), $HOME, '~', 'g'), '/')
if len(fullpath) > a:threshold
let fullpath = [fullpath[0], '…'] + fullpath[-a:threshold + 1 :]
return join(fullpath, '/')
endfunction " }}}
function! Powerline#Functions#GetMode() " {{{
let mode = mode()
if mode ==# 'v'
let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_v", "VISUAL")
elseif mode ==# 'V'
let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_V", "V⋅LINE")
elseif mode ==# ''
let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_cv", "V⋅BLOCK")
elseif mode ==# 's'
let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_s", "SELECT")
elseif mode ==# 'S'
let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_S", "S⋅LINE")
elseif mode ==# ''
let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_cs", "S⋅BLOCK")
elseif mode =~# '\vi'
let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_i", "INSERT")
elseif mode =~# '\v(R|Rv)'
let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_R", "REPLACE")
" Fallback to normal mode
let mode = get(g:, "Powerline_mode_n", "NORMAL")
return mode
endfunction " }}}
function! Powerline#Functions#GetFilesize() " {{{
let bytes = getfsize(expand("%:p"))
if bytes <= 0
return ''
if bytes < 1024
return bytes . 'B'
return (bytes / 1024) . 'kB'
endfunction "}}}
function! Powerline#Functions#GetCharCode() " {{{
" Get the output of :ascii
redir => ascii
silent! ascii
redir END
if match(ascii, 'NUL') != -1
return 'NUL'
" Zero pad hex values
let nrformat = '0x%02x'
let encoding = (&fenc == '' ? &enc : &fenc)
if encoding == 'utf-8'
" Zero pad with 4 zeroes in unicode files
let nrformat = '0x%04x'
" Get the character and the numeric value from the return value of :ascii
" This matches the two first pieces of the return value, e.g.
" "<F> 70" => char: 'F', nr: '70'
let [str, char, nr; rest] = matchlist(ascii, '\v\<(.{-1,})\>\s*([0-9]+)')
" Format the numeric value
let nr = printf(nrformat, nr)
return "'". char ."' ". nr
endfunction "}}}
function! Powerline#Functions#GetWSMarker() " {{{
" Return '...' if trailing white space is detected
" Return '' otherwise
if ! exists("b:statusline_trailing_space_warning")
if search('\s$', 'nw') != 0
let b:statusline_trailing_space_warning = ' … '
let b:statusline_trailing_space_warning = ''
return b:statusline_trailing_space_warning
endfunction " }}}