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(ns swank.core.server
(:use (swank util core)
(swank.util sys io)
(swank.util.concurrent thread)
(swank.util.net sockets)
(swank.core connection protocol))
(:import (java.io File FileReader BufferedReader InputStreamReader OutputStreamWriter)
(java.net Socket)))
;; The swank.core.server is the layer above swank.util.net.sockets
;; - Manages the socket server
;; - Accepts and authenticates incoming connections
;; - Creates swank.core.connections
;; - Spins up new threads
(defonce connections (ref []))
(def slime-secret-path (str (user-home-path) File/separator ".slime-secret"))
(defn- slime-secret
"Returns the first line from the slime-secret file, path found in
slime-secret-path (default: .slime-secret in the user's home
See also: `accept-authenticated-connection'"
([] (failing-gracefully
(let [slime-secret-file (File. (str (user-home-path) File/separator ".slime-secret"))]
(when (and (.isFile slime-secret-file) (.canRead slime-secret-file))
(with-open [secret (BufferedReader. (FileReader. slime-secret-file))]
(.readLine secret)))))))
(defn- accept-authenticated-connection ;; rename to authenticate-socket, takes in a connection
"Accepts and returns new connection if it is from an authenticated
machine. Otherwise, return nil.
Authentication depends on the contents of a slime-secret file on
both the server (swank) and the client (emacs slime). If no
slime-secret file is provided on the server side, all connections
are accepted.
See also: `slime-secret'"
([#^Socket socket opts]
(returning [conn (make-connection socket (get opts :encoding default-encoding))]
(if-let [secret (slime-secret)]
(when-not (= (read-from-connection conn) secret)
(close-socket! socket))
(defn- make-output-redirection
#(with-connection conn
(send-to-emacs `(:write-string ~%)))))
{:tag java.io.StringWriter})
(defn- socket-serve [connection-serve socket opts]
(with-connection (accept-authenticated-connection socket opts)
(let [out-redir (java.io.PrintWriter. (make-output-redirection
(binding [*out* out-redir
*err* out-redir]
(dosync (ref-set (*current-connection* :writer-redir) *out*))
(dosync (alter connections conj *current-connection*))
(connection-serve *current-connection*)))))
;; Setup frontent
(defn start-swank-socket-server!
"Starts and returns the socket server as a swank host. Takes an
optional set of options as a map:
:announce - an fn that will be called and provided with the
listening port of the newly established server. Default: none."
([server connection-serve] (start-swank-socket-server! connection-serve {}))
([server connection-serve options]
(start-server-socket! server connection-serve)
(when-let [announce (options :announce)]
(announce (.getLocalPort server)))
(defn setup-server
"The port it started on will be called as an argument to (announce-fn
port). A connection will then be created and (connection-serve conn)
will then be called."
[port announce-fn connection-serve opts]
(make-server-socket {:port port
:host (opts :host "localhost")
:backlog (opts :backlog 0)})
#(socket-serve connection-serve % opts)
{:announce announce-fn}))
;; Announcement functions
(defn simple-announce [port]
(println "Connection opened on local port " port))
(defn announce-port-to-file
"Writes the given port number into a file."
([#^String file port]
(with-open [out (new java.io.FileWriter file)]
(doto out
(.write (str port "\n"))