Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-12-03 06:05:35 -05:00

Added a maintained version of nginx syntax. Removed vim-racer (buggy)

This commit is contained in:
amix 2016-02-20 13:51:59 +00:00 committed by Siew Yi Liang
parent a5f9f46e6c
commit d90ae8091f
13 changed files with 62 additions and 1019 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# nginx syntax files for Vim.
*NOTE*: As of Dec. 2013, these scripts are maintained in the "contrib" directory of the Nginx source:
* http://hg.nginx.org/nginx/rev/f38043bd15f5
You can see the original vim.org version here:
* http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1886

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.nginx set ft=nginx
au BufRead,BufNewFile */etc/nginx/* set ft=nginx
au BufRead,BufNewFile */usr/local/nginx/conf/* set ft=nginx
au BufRead,BufNewFile nginx.conf set ft=nginx

View file

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
setlocal indentexpr=
" cindent actually works for nginx' simple file structure
setlocal cindent
" Just make sure that the comments are not reset as defs would be.

View file

@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ setlocal iskeyword+=.
setlocal iskeyword+=/
setlocal iskeyword+=:
syn match ngxVariable '\$\w\w*'
syn match ngxVariableBlock '\$\w\w*' contained
syn match ngxVariableString '\$\w\w*' contained
syn region ngxBlock start=+^+ end=+{+ contains=ngxComment,ngxDirectiveBlock,ngxVariableBlock,ngxString oneline
syn region ngxString start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ contains=ngxVariableString oneline
syn region ngxString start=+'+ end=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ contains=ngxVariableString oneline
syn match ngxVariable '\$\(\w\+\|{\w\+}\)'
syn match ngxVariableBlock '\$\(\w\+\|{\w\+}\)' contained
syn match ngxVariableString '\$\(\w\+\|{\w\+}\)' contained
syn region ngxBlock start=+^+ end=+{+ skip=+\${+ contains=ngxComment,ngxDirectiveBlock,ngxVariableBlock,ngxString oneline
syn region ngxString start=+\z(["']\)+ end=+\z1+ skip=+\\\\\|\\\z1+ contains=ngxVariableString
syn match ngxComment ' *#.*$'
syn keyword ngxBoolean on
@ -643,6 +642,46 @@ syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty xss_get
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty xss_input_types
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty xss_output_type
" uWSGI Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpUwsgiModule>
" Allows Nginx to interact with uWSGI processes and control what parameters are passed to the process.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_bind
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_buffer_size
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_buffering
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_buffers
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_busy_buffers_size
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_cache
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_cache_bypass
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_cache_key
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_cache_lock
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_cache_lock_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_cache_methods
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_cache_min_uses
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_cache_path
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_cache_use_stale
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_cache_valid
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_connect_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_hide_header
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_ignore_client_abort
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_ignore_headers
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_intercept_errors
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_max_temp_file_size
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_modifier1
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_modifier2
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_next_upstream
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_no_cache
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_param
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_pass
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_pass_header
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_pass_request_body
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_pass_request_headers
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_read_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_send_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_store
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_store_access
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_string
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_temp_file_write_size
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty uwsgi_temp_path
" highlight
hi link ngxComment Comment

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# nginx syntax files for Vim.
Copied into a directory to play well with pathogen.
* Original: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1886

View file

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
au BufRead,BufNewFile /etc/nginx/* set ft=nginx
au BufRead,BufNewFile /usr/local/nginx/conf/* set ft=nginx

View file

@ -1,664 +0,0 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: nginx.conf
if exists("b:current_syntax")
setlocal iskeyword+=.
setlocal iskeyword+=/
setlocal iskeyword+=:
syn match ngxVariable '\$\w\w*'
syn match ngxVariableBlock '\$\w\w*' contained
syn match ngxVariableString '\$\w\w*' contained
syn region ngxBlock start=+^+ end=+{+ contains=ngxComment,ngxDirectiveBlock,ngxVariableBlock,ngxString oneline
syn region ngxString start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ contains=ngxVariableString oneline
syn region ngxString start=+'+ end=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ contains=ngxVariableString oneline
syn match ngxComment ' *#.*$'
syn keyword ngxBoolean on
syn keyword ngxBoolean off
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock http contained
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock mail contained
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock events contained
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock server contained
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock types contained
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock location contained
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock upstream contained
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock charset_map contained
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock limit_except contained
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock if contained
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock geo contained
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock map contained
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant include
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant root
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant server
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant server_name
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant listen
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant internal
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant proxy_pass
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant memcached_pass
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant fastcgi_pass
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant try_files
syn keyword ngxDirectiveControl break
syn keyword ngxDirectiveControl return
syn keyword ngxDirectiveControl rewrite
syn keyword ngxDirectiveControl set
syn keyword ngxDirectiveError error_page
syn keyword ngxDirectiveError post_action
syn keyword ngxDirectiveDeprecated connections
syn keyword ngxDirectiveDeprecated imap
syn keyword ngxDirectiveDeprecated open_file_cache_retest
syn keyword ngxDirectiveDeprecated optimize_server_names
syn keyword ngxDirectiveDeprecated satisfy_any
syn keyword ngxDirective accept_mutex
syn keyword ngxDirective accept_mutex_delay
syn keyword ngxDirective access_log
syn keyword ngxDirective add_after_body
syn keyword ngxDirective add_before_body
syn keyword ngxDirective add_header
syn keyword ngxDirective addition_types
syn keyword ngxDirective aio
syn keyword ngxDirective alias
syn keyword ngxDirective allow
syn keyword ngxDirective ancient_browser
syn keyword ngxDirective ancient_browser_value
syn keyword ngxDirective auth_basic
syn keyword ngxDirective auth_basic_user_file
syn keyword ngxDirective auth_http
syn keyword ngxDirective auth_http_header
syn keyword ngxDirective auth_http_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective autoindex
syn keyword ngxDirective autoindex_exact_size
syn keyword ngxDirective autoindex_localtime
syn keyword ngxDirective charset
syn keyword ngxDirective charset_types
syn keyword ngxDirective client_body_buffer_size
syn keyword ngxDirective client_body_in_file_only
syn keyword ngxDirective client_body_in_single_buffer
syn keyword ngxDirective client_body_temp_path
syn keyword ngxDirective client_body_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective client_header_buffer_size
syn keyword ngxDirective client_header_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective client_max_body_size
syn keyword ngxDirective connection_pool_size
syn keyword ngxDirective create_full_put_path
syn keyword ngxDirective daemon
syn keyword ngxDirective dav_access
syn keyword ngxDirective dav_methods
syn keyword ngxDirective debug_connection
syn keyword ngxDirective debug_points
syn keyword ngxDirective default_type
syn keyword ngxDirective degradation
syn keyword ngxDirective degrade
syn keyword ngxDirective deny
syn keyword ngxDirective devpoll_changes
syn keyword ngxDirective devpoll_events
syn keyword ngxDirective directio
syn keyword ngxDirective directio_alignment
syn keyword ngxDirective empty_gif
syn keyword ngxDirective env
syn keyword ngxDirective epoll_events
syn keyword ngxDirective error_log
syn keyword ngxDirective eventport_events
syn keyword ngxDirective expires
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_bind
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_buffer_size
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_buffers
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_busy_buffers_size
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_cache
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_cache_key
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_cache_methods
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_cache_min_uses
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_cache_path
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_cache_use_stale
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_cache_valid
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_catch_stderr
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_connect_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_hide_header
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_ignore_client_abort
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_ignore_headers
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_index
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_intercept_errors
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_max_temp_file_size
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_next_upstream
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_param
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_pass_header
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_pass_request_body
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_pass_request_headers
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_read_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_send_lowat
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_send_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_split_path_info
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_store
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_store_access
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_temp_file_write_size
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_temp_path
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_upstream_fail_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective fastcgi_upstream_max_fails
syn keyword ngxDirective flv
syn keyword ngxDirective geoip_city
syn keyword ngxDirective geoip_country
syn keyword ngxDirective google_perftools_profiles
syn keyword ngxDirective gzip
syn keyword ngxDirective gzip_buffers
syn keyword ngxDirective gzip_comp_level
syn keyword ngxDirective gzip_disable
syn keyword ngxDirective gzip_hash
syn keyword ngxDirective gzip_http_version
syn keyword ngxDirective gzip_min_length
syn keyword ngxDirective gzip_no_buffer
syn keyword ngxDirective gzip_proxied
syn keyword ngxDirective gzip_static
syn keyword ngxDirective gzip_types
syn keyword ngxDirective gzip_vary
syn keyword ngxDirective gzip_window
syn keyword ngxDirective if_modified_since
syn keyword ngxDirective ignore_invalid_headers
syn keyword ngxDirective image_filter
syn keyword ngxDirective image_filter_buffer
syn keyword ngxDirective image_filter_jpeg_quality
syn keyword ngxDirective image_filter_transparency
syn keyword ngxDirective imap_auth
syn keyword ngxDirective imap_capabilities
syn keyword ngxDirective imap_client_buffer
syn keyword ngxDirective index
syn keyword ngxDirective ip_hash
syn keyword ngxDirective keepalive_requests
syn keyword ngxDirective keepalive_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective kqueue_changes
syn keyword ngxDirective kqueue_events
syn keyword ngxDirective large_client_header_buffers
syn keyword ngxDirective limit_conn
syn keyword ngxDirective limit_conn_log_level
syn keyword ngxDirective limit_rate
syn keyword ngxDirective limit_rate_after
syn keyword ngxDirective limit_req
syn keyword ngxDirective limit_req_log_level
syn keyword ngxDirective limit_req_zone
syn keyword ngxDirective limit_zone
syn keyword ngxDirective lingering_time
syn keyword ngxDirective lingering_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective lock_file
syn keyword ngxDirective log_format
syn keyword ngxDirective log_not_found
syn keyword ngxDirective log_subrequest
syn keyword ngxDirective map_hash_bucket_size
syn keyword ngxDirective map_hash_max_size
syn keyword ngxDirective master_process
syn keyword ngxDirective memcached_bind
syn keyword ngxDirective memcached_buffer_size
syn keyword ngxDirective memcached_connect_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective memcached_next_upstream
syn keyword ngxDirective memcached_read_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective memcached_send_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective memcached_upstream_fail_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective memcached_upstream_max_fails
syn keyword ngxDirective merge_slashes
syn keyword ngxDirective min_delete_depth
syn keyword ngxDirective modern_browser
syn keyword ngxDirective modern_browser_value
syn keyword ngxDirective msie_padding
syn keyword ngxDirective msie_refresh
syn keyword ngxDirective multi_accept
syn keyword ngxDirective open_file_cache
syn keyword ngxDirective open_file_cache_errors
syn keyword ngxDirective open_file_cache_events
syn keyword ngxDirective open_file_cache_min_uses
syn keyword ngxDirective open_file_cache_valid
syn keyword ngxDirective open_log_file_cache
syn keyword ngxDirective output_buffers
syn keyword ngxDirective override_charset
syn keyword ngxDirective perl
syn keyword ngxDirective perl_modules
syn keyword ngxDirective perl_require
syn keyword ngxDirective perl_set
syn keyword ngxDirective pid
syn keyword ngxDirective pop3_auth
syn keyword ngxDirective pop3_capabilities
syn keyword ngxDirective port_in_redirect
syn keyword ngxDirective postpone_gzipping
syn keyword ngxDirective postpone_output
syn keyword ngxDirective protocol
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_bind
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_buffer
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_buffer_size
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_buffering
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_buffers
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_busy_buffers_size
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_cache
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_cache_key
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_cache_methods
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_cache_min_uses
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_cache_path
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_cache_use_stale
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_cache_valid
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_connect_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_headers_hash_max_size
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_hide_header
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_ignore_client_abort
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_ignore_headers
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_intercept_errors
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_max_temp_file_size
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_method
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_next_upstream
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_pass_error_message
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_pass_header
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_pass_request_body
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_pass_request_headers
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_read_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_redirect
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_send_lowat
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_send_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_set_body
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_set_header
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_ssl_session_reuse
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_store
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_store_access
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_temp_file_write_size
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_temp_path
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_upstream_fail_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective proxy_upstream_max_fails
syn keyword ngxDirective random_index
syn keyword ngxDirective read_ahead
syn keyword ngxDirective real_ip_header
syn keyword ngxDirective recursive_error_pages
syn keyword ngxDirective request_pool_size
syn keyword ngxDirective reset_timedout_connection
syn keyword ngxDirective resolver
syn keyword ngxDirective resolver_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective rewrite_log
syn keyword ngxDirective rtsig_overflow_events
syn keyword ngxDirective rtsig_overflow_test
syn keyword ngxDirective rtsig_overflow_threshold
syn keyword ngxDirective rtsig_signo
syn keyword ngxDirective satisfy
syn keyword ngxDirective secure_link_secret
syn keyword ngxDirective send_lowat
syn keyword ngxDirective send_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective sendfile
syn keyword ngxDirective sendfile_max_chunk
syn keyword ngxDirective server_name_in_redirect
syn keyword ngxDirective server_names_hash_bucket_size
syn keyword ngxDirective server_names_hash_max_size
syn keyword ngxDirective server_tokens
syn keyword ngxDirective set_real_ip_from
syn keyword ngxDirective smtp_auth
syn keyword ngxDirective smtp_capabilities
syn keyword ngxDirective smtp_client_buffer
syn keyword ngxDirective smtp_greeting_delay
syn keyword ngxDirective so_keepalive
syn keyword ngxDirective source_charset
syn keyword ngxDirective ssi
syn keyword ngxDirective ssi_ignore_recycled_buffers
syn keyword ngxDirective ssi_min_file_chunk
syn keyword ngxDirective ssi_silent_errors
syn keyword ngxDirective ssi_types
syn keyword ngxDirective ssi_value_length
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl_certificate
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl_certificate_key
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl_ciphers
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl_client_certificate
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl_crl
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl_dhparam
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl_engine
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl_prefer_server_ciphers
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl_protocols
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl_session_cache
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl_session_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl_verify_client
syn keyword ngxDirective ssl_verify_depth
syn keyword ngxDirective starttls
syn keyword ngxDirective stub_status
syn keyword ngxDirective sub_filter
syn keyword ngxDirective sub_filter_once
syn keyword ngxDirective sub_filter_types
syn keyword ngxDirective tcp_nodelay
syn keyword ngxDirective tcp_nopush
syn keyword ngxDirective thread_stack_size
syn keyword ngxDirective timeout
syn keyword ngxDirective timer_resolution
syn keyword ngxDirective types_hash_bucket_size
syn keyword ngxDirective types_hash_max_size
syn keyword ngxDirective underscores_in_headers
syn keyword ngxDirective uninitialized_variable_warn
syn keyword ngxDirective use
syn keyword ngxDirective user
syn keyword ngxDirective userid
syn keyword ngxDirective userid_domain
syn keyword ngxDirective userid_expires
syn keyword ngxDirective userid_mark
syn keyword ngxDirective userid_name
syn keyword ngxDirective userid_p3p
syn keyword ngxDirective userid_path
syn keyword ngxDirective userid_service
syn keyword ngxDirective valid_referers
syn keyword ngxDirective variables_hash_bucket_size
syn keyword ngxDirective variables_hash_max_size
syn keyword ngxDirective worker_connections
syn keyword ngxDirective worker_cpu_affinity
syn keyword ngxDirective worker_priority
syn keyword ngxDirective worker_processes
syn keyword ngxDirective worker_rlimit_core
syn keyword ngxDirective worker_rlimit_nofile
syn keyword ngxDirective worker_rlimit_sigpending
syn keyword ngxDirective worker_threads
syn keyword ngxDirective working_directory
syn keyword ngxDirective xclient
syn keyword ngxDirective xml_entities
syn keyword ngxDirective xslt_stylesheet
syn keyword ngxDirective xslt_types
" 3rd party module list:
" http://wiki.nginx.org/Nginx3rdPartyModules
" Accept Language Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxAcceptLanguageModule>
" Parses the Accept-Language header and gives the most suitable locale from a list of supported locales.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty set_from_accept_language
" Access Key Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpAccessKeyModule>
" Denies access unless the request URL contains an access key.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty accesskey
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty accesskey_arg
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty accesskey_hashmethod
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty accesskey_signature
" Auth PAM Module <http://web.iti.upv.es/~sto/nginx/>
" HTTP Basic Authentication using PAM.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty auth_pam
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty auth_pam_service_name
" Cache Purge Module <http://labs.frickle.com/nginx_ngx_cache_purge/>
" Module adding ability to purge content from FastCGI and proxy caches.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty fastcgi_cache_purge
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty proxy_cache_purge
" Chunkin Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpChunkinModule>
" HTTP 1.1 chunked-encoding request body support for Nginx.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty chunkin
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty chunkin_keepalive
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty chunkin_max_chunks_per_buf
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty chunkin_resume
" Circle GIF Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpCircleGifModule>
" Generates simple circle images with the colors and size specified in the URL.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty circle_gif
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty circle_gif_max_radius
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty circle_gif_min_radius
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty circle_gif_step_radius
" Drizzle Module <http://github.com/chaoslawful/drizzle-nginx-module>
" Make nginx talk directly to mysql, drizzle, and sqlite3 by libdrizzle.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty drizzle_connect_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty drizzle_dbname
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty drizzle_keepalive
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty drizzle_module_header
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty drizzle_pass
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty drizzle_query
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty drizzle_recv_cols_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty drizzle_recv_rows_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty drizzle_send_query_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty drizzle_server
" Echo Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpEchoModule>
" Brings 'echo', 'sleep', 'time', 'exec' and more shell-style goodies to Nginx config file.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_after_body
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_before_body
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_blocking_sleep
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_duplicate
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_end
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_exec
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_flush
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_foreach_split
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_location
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_location_async
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_read_request_body
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_request_body
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_reset_timer
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_sleep
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_subrequest
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty echo_subrequest_async
" Events Module <http://docs.dutov.org/nginx_modules_events_en.html>
" Privides options for start/stop events.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty on_start
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty on_stop
" EY Balancer Module <http://github.com/ry/nginx-ey-balancer>
" Adds a request queue to Nginx that allows the limiting of concurrent requests passed to the upstream.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty max_connections
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty max_connections_max_queue_length
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty max_connections_queue_timeout
" Fancy Indexes Module <https://connectical.com/projects/ngx-fancyindex/wiki>
" Like the built-in autoindex module, but fancier.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty fancyindex
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty fancyindex_exact_size
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty fancyindex_footer
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty fancyindex_header
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty fancyindex_localtime
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty fancyindex_readme
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty fancyindex_readme_mode
" GeoIP Module (DEPRECATED) <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttp3rdPartyGeoIPModule>
" Country code lookups via the MaxMind GeoIP API.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty geoip_country_file
" Headers More Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpHeadersMoreModule>
" Set and clear input and output headers...more than "add"!
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty more_clear_headers
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty more_clear_input_headers
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty more_set_headers
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty more_set_input_headers
" HTTP Push Module <http://pushmodule.slact.net/>
" Turn Nginx into an adept long-polling HTTP Push (Comet) server.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty push_buffer_size
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty push_listener
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty push_message_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty push_queue_messages
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty push_sender
" HTTP Redis Module <http://people.FreeBSD.ORG/~osa/ngx_http_redis-0.3.1.tar.gz>>
" Redis <http://code.google.com/p/redis/> support.>
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty redis_bind
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty redis_buffer_size
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty redis_connect_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty redis_next_upstream
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty redis_pass
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty redis_read_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty redis_send_timeout
" HTTP JavaScript Module <http://wiki.github.com/kung-fu-tzu/ngx_http_js_module>
" Embedding SpiderMonkey. Nearly full port on Perl module.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty js
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty js_filter
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty js_filter_types
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty js_load
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty js_maxmem
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty js_require
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty js_set
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty js_utf8
" Log Request Speed <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpLogRequestSpeed>
" Log the time it took to process each request.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty log_request_speed_filter
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty log_request_speed_filter_timeout
" Memc Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpMemcModule>
" An extended version of the standard memcached module that supports set, add, delete, and many more memcached commands.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty memc_buffer_size
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty memc_cmds_allowed
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty memc_connect_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty memc_flags_to_last_modified
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty memc_next_upstream
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty memc_pass
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty memc_read_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty memc_send_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty memc_upstream_fail_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty memc_upstream_max_fails
" Mogilefs Module <http://www.grid.net.ru/nginx/mogilefs.en.html>
" Implements a MogileFS client, provides a replace to the Perlbal reverse proxy of the original MogileFS.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty mogilefs_connect_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty mogilefs_domain
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty mogilefs_methods
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty mogilefs_noverify
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty mogilefs_pass
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty mogilefs_read_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty mogilefs_send_timeout
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty mogilefs_tracker
" MP4 Streaming Lite Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxMP4StreamingLite>
" Will seek to a certain time within H.264/MP4 files when provided with a 'start' parameter in the URL.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty mp4
" Nginx Notice Module <http://xph.us/software/nginx-notice/>
" Serve static file to POST requests.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty notice
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty notice_type
" Phusion Passenger <http://www.modrails.com/documentation.html>
" Easy and robust deployment of Ruby on Rails application on Apache and Nginx webservers.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty passenger_base_uri
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty passenger_default_user
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty passenger_enabled
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty passenger_log_level
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty passenger_max_instances_per_app
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty passenger_max_pool_size
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty passenger_pool_idle_time
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty passenger_root
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty passenger_ruby
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty passenger_use_global_queue
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty passenger_user_switching
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty rack_env
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty rails_app_spawner_idle_time
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty rails_env
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty rails_framework_spawner_idle_time
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty rails_spawn_method
" RDS JSON Module <http://github.com/agentzh/rds-json-nginx-module>
" Help ngx_drizzle and other DBD modules emit JSON data.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty rds_json
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty rds_json_content_type
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty rds_json_format
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty rds_json_ret
" RRD Graph Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxNgx_rrd_graph>
" This module provides an HTTP interface to RRDtool's graphing facilities.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty rrd_graph
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty rrd_graph_root
" Secure Download <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpSecureDownload>
" Create expiring links.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty secure_download
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty secure_download_fail_location
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty secure_download_path_mode
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty secure_download_secret
" SlowFS Cache Module <http://labs.frickle.com/nginx_ngx_slowfs_cache/>
" Module adding ability to cache static files.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty slowfs_big_file_size
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty slowfs_cache
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty slowfs_cache_key
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty slowfs_cache_min_uses
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty slowfs_cache_path
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty slowfs_cache_purge
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty slowfs_cache_valid
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty slowfs_temp_path
" Strip Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpStripModule>
" Whitespace remover.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty strip
" Substitutions Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpSubsModule>
" A filter module which can do both regular expression and fixed string substitutions on response bodies.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty subs_filter
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty subs_filter_types
" Supervisord Module <http://labs.frickle.com/nginx_ngx_supervisord/>
" Module providing nginx with API to communicate with supervisord and manage (start/stop) backends on-demand.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty supervisord
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty supervisord_inherit_backend_status
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty supervisord_name
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty supervisord_start
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty supervisord_stop
" Upload Module <http://www.grid.net.ru/nginx/upload.en.html>
" Parses multipart/form-data allowing arbitrary handling of uploaded files.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_aggregate_form_field
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_buffer_size
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_cleanup
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_limit_rate
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_max_file_size
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_max_output_body_len
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_max_part_header_len
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_pass
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_pass_args
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_pass_form_field
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_set_form_field
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_store
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_store_access
" Upload Progress Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpUploadProgressModule>
" Tracks and reports upload progress.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty report_uploads
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty track_uploads
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_progress
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_progress_content_type
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_progress_header
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_progress_json_output
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upload_progress_template
" Upstream Fair Balancer <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpUpstreamFairModule>
" Sends an incoming request to the least-busy backend server, rather than distributing requests round-robin.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty fair
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty upstream_fair_shm_size
" Upstream Consistent Hash <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpUpstreamConsistentHash>
" Select backend based on Consistent hash ring.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty consistent_hash
" Upstream Hash Module <http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpUpstreamRequestHashModule>
" Provides simple upstream load distribution by hashing a configurable variable.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty hash
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty hash_again
" XSS Module <http://github.com/agentzh/xss-nginx-module>
" Native support for cross-site scripting (XSS) in an nginx.
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty xss_callback_arg
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty xss_get
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty xss_input_types
syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty xss_output_type
" highlight
hi link ngxComment Comment
hi link ngxVariable Identifier
hi link ngxVariableBlock Identifier
hi link ngxVariableString PreProc
hi link ngxBlock Normal
hi link ngxString String
hi link ngxBoolean Boolean
hi link ngxDirectiveBlock Statement
hi link ngxDirectiveImportant Type
hi link ngxDirectiveControl Keyword
hi link ngxDirectiveError Constant
hi link ngxDirectiveDeprecated Error
hi link ngxDirective Identifier
hi link ngxDirectiveThirdParty Special
let b:current_syntax = "nginx"

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1886
nginx.vim highlights configuration files for nginx, the high-performance web server (see http://nginx.net).

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# Vim Racer Plugin
This plugin allows vim to use [Racer](http://github.com/phildawes/racer) for Rust code completion and navigation.
## Installation
1. Build / Install [Racer](http://github.com/phildawes/racer)
1. Install using Pathogen, Vundle or NeoBundle. Or, copy `plugin/racer.vim` into your `~/.vim/plugin` directory.
Vundle users:
Plugin 'racer-rust/vim-racer'
NeoBundle users:
NeoBundle 'racer-rust/vim-racer'
vim-plug users:
Plug 'racer-rust/vim-racer'
2. Add `g:racer_cmd` and `$RUST_SRC_PATH` variables to your `.vimrc`. Also it's worth turning on 'hidden' mode for buffers otherwise you need to save the current buffer every time you do a goto-definition. E.g.:
set hidden
let g:racer_cmd = "<path-to-racer>/target/release/racer"
let $RUST_SRC_PATH="<path-to-rust-srcdir>/src/"
3. In insert mode use `C-x-C-o` to search for completions
4. In normal mode type `gd` to go to a definition

View file

@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
" Vim plugin for Racer
" (by Phil Dawes)
" 1. Edit the variables below (or override in .vimrc)
" 2. copy this file into .vim/plugin/
" 3. - now in insert mode do 'C-x C-o' to autocomplete the thing at the cursor
" - in normal mode do 'gd' to go to definition
" - 'gD' goes to the definition in a new vertical split
" (This plugin is best used with the 'hidden' option enabled so that switching buffers doesn't force you to save)
if exists('g:loaded_racer')
let g:loaded_racer = 1
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
if !exists('g:racer_cmd')
let path = escape(expand('<sfile>:p:h'), '\') . '/../target/release/'
if isdirectory(path)
let s:pathsep = has("win32") ? ';' : ':'
let $PATH .= s:pathsep . path
let g:racer_cmd = 'racer'
if !(executable(g:racer_cmd))
echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "No racer executable found in $PATH (" . $PATH . ")"
if !exists('$RUST_SRC_PATH')
let s:rust_src_default = 1
if isdirectory("/usr/local/src/rust/src")
let $RUST_SRC_PATH="/usr/local/src/rust/src"
if isdirectory("/usr/src/rust/src")
let $RUST_SRC_PATH="/usr/src/rust/src"
if isdirectory("C:\\rust\\src")
let $RUST_SRC_PATH="C:\\rust\\src"
if !isdirectory($RUST_SRC_PATH)
if exists('s:rust_src_default')
echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "No RUST_SRC_PATH environment variable present, nor could default installation be found at: " . $RUST_SRC_PATH
echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "No directory was found at provided RUST_SRC_PATH: " . $RUST_SRC_PATH
if !exists('g:racer_experimental_completer')
let g:racer_experimental_completer = 0
if !exists('g:racer_insert_paren')
let g:racer_insert_paren = 1
function! RacerGetPrefixCol(base)
let col = col(".")-1
let b:racer_col = col
let b:tmpfname = tempname()
call writefile(RacerGetBufferContents(a:base), b:tmpfname)
let cmd = g:racer_cmd." prefix ".line(".")." ".col." ".b:tmpfname
let res = system(cmd)
let prefixline = split(res, "\\n")[0]
let startcol = split(prefixline[7:], ",")[0]
return startcol
function! RacerGetExpCompletions(base)
let col = strlen(getline('.')) + strlen(a:base) " use the column from the previous RacerGetPrefixCol() call, since vim ammends it afterwards
call writefile(RacerGetBufferContents(a:base), b:tmpfname)
let fname = expand("%:p")
let cmd = g:racer_cmd." complete ".line(".")." ".col." ".fname." ".b:tmpfname
let res = system(cmd)
let typeMap = {
\ 'Struct' : 's', 'Module' : 'M', 'Function' : 'f',
\ 'Crate' : 'C', 'Let' : 'v', 'StructField' : 'm',
\ 'Impl' : 'i', 'Enum' : 'e', 'EnumVariant' : 'E',
\ 'Type' : 't', 'FnArg' : 'v', 'Trait' : 'T'
\ }
let lines = split(res, "\\n")
let out = []
for line in lines
if line =~ "^MATCH"
let completions = split(line[6:], ",")
let kind = get(typeMap, completions[4])
let completion = {'kind' : kind, 'word' : completions[0], 'dup':1 }
if kind ==# 'f' " function
let completion['menu'] = substitute(substitute(substitute(join(completions[5:], ','), '\(pub\|fn\) ',"","g"), '{*$', "", ""), ' where\s\?.*$', "", "")
if g:racer_insert_paren == 1
let completion['abbr'] = completions[0]
let completion['word'] .= "("
let completion['info'] = join(completions[5:], ',')
elseif kind ==# 's' " struct
let completion['menu'] = substitute(substitute(join(completions[5:], ','), '\(pub\|struct\) ',"","g"), '{*$', "", "")
let out = add(out, completion)
call delete(b:tmpfname)
return out
function! RacerGetCompletions(base)
let col = strlen(getline('.')) + strlen(a:base) " use the column from the previous RacerGetPrefixCol() call, since vim ammends it afterwards
call writefile(RacerGetBufferContents(a:base), b:tmpfname)
let fname = expand("%:p")
let cmd = g:racer_cmd." complete ".line(".")." ".col." ".fname." ".b:tmpfname
let res = system(cmd)
let lines = split(res, "\\n")
let out = []
for line in lines
if line =~ "^MATCH"
let completion = split(line[6:], ",")[0]
let out = add(out, completion)
call delete(b:tmpfname)
return out
function! RacerGoToDefinition()
let col = col(".")-1
let b:racer_col = col
let fname = expand("%:p")
let tmpfname = tempname()
call writefile(getline(1, '$'), tmpfname)
let cmd = g:racer_cmd." find-definition ".line(".")." ".col." ".fname." ".tmpfname
let res = system(cmd)
let lines = split(res, "\\n")
for line in lines
if line =~ "^MATCH"
let linenum = split(line[6:], ",")[1]
let colnum = split(line[6:], ",")[2]
let fname = split(line[6:], ",")[3]
call RacerJumpToLocation(fname, linenum, colnum)
call delete(tmpfname)
function! RacerGetBufferContents(base)
" Re-combine the completion base word from omnicomplete with the current
" line contents. Since the base word gets remove from the buffer before
" this function is invoked we have to put it back in to out tmpfile.
let col = col(".")-1
let buf_lines = getline(1, '$')
let line_contents = getline('.')
let buf_lines[line('.') - 1] = strpart(line_contents, 0, col).a:base.strpart(line_contents, col, len(line_contents))
return buf_lines
function! RacerJumpToLocation(filename, linenum, colnum)
if(a:filename != '')
" Record jump mark
normal! m`
if a:filename != bufname('%')
exec 'keepjumps e ' . fnameescape(a:filename)
call cursor(a:linenum, a:colnum+1)
" Center definition on screen
normal! zz
function! RacerComplete(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
return RacerGetPrefixCol(a:base)
if g:racer_experimental_completer == 1
return RacerGetExpCompletions(a:base)
return RacerGetCompletions(a:base)
autocmd FileType rust setlocal omnifunc=RacerComplete
autocmd FileType rust nnoremap <buffer>gd :call RacerGoToDefinition()<cr>
autocmd FileType rust nnoremap <buffer>gD :vsplit<cr>:call RacerGoToDefinition()<cr>
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo

View file

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
# FILE: racer.py
# AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com>
# License: MIT license {{{
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
# the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# }}}
import re
import os
import subprocess
from .base import Base
class Source(Base):
def __init__(self, vim):
Base.__init__(self, vim)
self.name = 'racer'
self.mark = '[racer]'
self.filetypes = ['rust']
self.input_pattern = r'(\.|::)\w*'
self.__executable_racer = self.vim.funcs.executable(
self.__racer = self.vim.eval('g:racer_cmd')
self.__encoding = self.vim.eval('&encoding')
def get_complete_position(self, context):
if not self.__executable_racer:
return -1
results = self.get_results('prefix', self.vim.funcs.col('.'))
if not results:
return -1
prefixline = results[0]
return int(prefixline[7:].split(',')[0])
def gather_candidates(self, context):
typeMap = {
'Struct': 's', 'Module': 'M', 'Function': 'f',
'Crate': 'C', 'Let': 'v', 'StructField': 'm',
'Impl': 'i', 'Enum': 'e', 'EnumVariant': 'E',
'Type': 't', 'FnArg': 'v', 'Trait': 'T'
candidates = []
insert_paren = int(self.vim.eval('g:racer_insert_paren'))
for line in [l[6:] for l
in self.get_results('complete-with-snippet',
context['complete_position'] + 1)
if l.startswith('MATCH')]:
completions = line.split(';', 6)
kind = typeMap[completions[5]]
completion = { 'kind': kind, 'word': completions[0], 'dup': 1 }
if kind == 'f': # function
completion['menu'] = completions[6].replace(
'pub ', '').replace('fn ', '').rstrip('{')
if ' where ' in completion['menu'] or completion[
'menu'].endswith(' where') :
where = completion['menu'].rindex(' where')
completion['menu'] = completion['menu'][: where]
if insert_paren:
completion['abbr'] = completions[0]
completion['word'] += '('
elif kind == 's' : # struct
completion['menu'] = completions[6].replace(
'pub ', '').replace( 'struct ', '').rstrip('{')
return candidates
def get_results(self, command, col):
temp = self.vim.funcs.tempname()
with open(temp, 'w') as f:
for l in self.vim.current.buffer:
f.write(l + "\n")
results = subprocess.check_output([
self.__racer, command,
str(col - 1),
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return []
return results

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ bufexplorer https://github.com/corntrace/bufexplorer
ctrlp.vim https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim
mayansmoke https://github.com/vim-scripts/mayansmoke
nerdtree https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree
nginx.vim https://github.com/vim-scripts/nginx.vim
nginx-vim-syntax https://github.com/evanmiller/nginx-vim-syntax
open_file_under_cursor.vim https://github.com/amix/open_file_under_cursor.vim
snipmate-snippets https://github.com/scrooloose/snipmate-snippets
tlib https://github.com/vim-scripts/tlib