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add vim-session

This commit is contained in:
huhuaishun 2017-04-18 13:13:51 +08:00 committed by Huaishun Hu
parent 7f9ab057ba
commit d56a49f5b4
39 changed files with 7603 additions and 0 deletions

sources_non_forked/vim-misc/.gitignore vendored Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Installation instructions
There are two ways to install the vim-misc plug-in and it's up to you which you prefer, both options are explained below. Please note that below are generic installation instructions while some Vim plug-ins may have external dependencies, please refer to the plug-in's [readme](README.md) for details.
## Installation using a ZIP archive
Unzip the most recent ZIP archive of the [vim-misc](http://peterodding.com/code/vim/downloads/misc.zip) plug-in inside your Vim profile directory (usually this is `~/.vim` on UNIX and `%USERPROFILE%\vimfiles` on Windows), restart Vim and execute the command `:helptags ~/.vim/doc` (use `:helptags ~\vimfiles\doc` instead on Windows).
If you get warnings about overwriting existing files while unpacking the ZIP archive you probably don't need to worry about this because it's most likely caused by files like `README.md`, `INSTALL.md` and `addon-info.json`. If these files bother you then you can remove them after unpacking the ZIP archive, they are not required to use the plug-in.
## Installation using a Vim plug-in manager
If you prefer you can also use [Pathogen](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2332), [Vundle](https://github.com/gmarik/vundle) or a similar tool to install and update the [vim-misc](https://github.com/xolox/vim-misc) plug-in using a local clone of the git repository. This takes a bit of work to set up the first time but it makes updating much easier, and it keeps each plug-in in its own directory which helps to keep your Vim profile uncluttered.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"vim_script_nr": 4597, "dependencies": {}, "homepage": "http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc", "name": "vim-misc"}

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
" The version of my miscellaneous scripts.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: May 21, 2015
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
let g:xolox#misc#version = '1.17.6'

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@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
" Asynchronous Vim script evaluation.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: September 17, 2014
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
" The `xolox#misc#async#call()` function builds on top of `xolox#misc#os#exec()`
" to support asynchronous evaluation of Vim scripts. The first (and for now
" only) use case is my [vim-easytags][] plug-in which has a bunch of
" conflicting requirements:
" 1. I want the [vim-easytags][] plug-in to be as portable as possible.
" Ideally everything is implemented in Vim script because that's the only
" thing I can rely on to be available for all potential users of the
" plug-in!
" 2. Because of point one I've been forced to implement tags file reading,
" parsing, (fold case) sorting and writing in Vim script. This is fine for
" small tags files but once they grow to a couple of megabytes it becomes
" annoying because Vim is unresponsive during tags file updates (key
" presses are fortunately buffered due to Vim's input model but that
" doesn't make it a nice user experience :-).
" 3. I could (and did in the past) come up with all sorts of hacks to speed
" things up without switching away from Vim script, but none of them are
" going to solve the fundamental problem that Vim's unresponsive hiccups
" become longer as tags files grow larger.
" By now it should be clear where this is heading: _Why not handle tags file
" updates in a Vim process that runs in the background without blocking the
" Vim process that the user is interacting with?_ It turns out that there are
" quite a few details to take care of, but with those out of the way, it might
" just work! I'm actually hoping to make asynchronous updates the default mode
" in [vim-easytags][]. This means I need this functionality to be as
" portable and robust as possible.
" **Status:** This code has seen little testing so I wouldn't trust it too
" much just yet. On the other hand, as I said, my intention is to make this
" functionality as portable and robust as possible. You be the judge :-).
" [vim-easytags]: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/easytags/
if !exists('g:xolox#misc#async#counter')
" Increasing integer number used to match asynchronous responses to the
" requests that generated them.
let g:xolox#misc#async#counter = 1
if !exists('g:xolox#misc#async#requests')
" Queue of asynchronous requests that haven't received a response yet.
let g:xolox#misc#async#requests = {}
function! xolox#misc#async#call(options) " {{{1
" Call a Vim script function asynchronously by starting a hidden Vim process
" in the background. Once the function returns the hidden Vim process
" terminates itself. This function takes a single argument which is a
" dictionary with the following key/value pairs:
" - **function** (required): The name of the Vim function to call inside
" the child process (a string). I suggest using an [autoload][] function
" for this, see below.
" - **arguments** (optional): A list of arguments to pass to the function.
" This list is serialized to a string using [string()][] and deserialized
" using [eval()][].
" - **callback** (optional): The name of a Vim function to call in the
" parent process when the child process has completed (a string).
" - **clientserver** (optional): If this is true (1) the child process will
" notify the parent process when it has finished (the default is true).
" This works using Vim's client/server support which is not always
" available. As a fall back Vim's [CursorHold][] automatic command is
" also supported (although the effect is not quite as instantaneous :-).
" This functionality is experimental and non trivial to use, so consider
" yourself warned :-).
" **Limitations**
" I'm making this functionality available in [vim-misc][] because I think it
" can be useful to other plug-ins, however if you are going to use it you
" should be aware of the following limitations:
" - Because of the use of multiple processes this functionality is only
" suitable for 'heavy' tasks.
" - The function arguments are serialized to a string which is passed to
" the hidden Vim process as a command line argument, so the amount of
" data you can pass will be limited by your operating environment.
" - The hidden Vim process is explicitly isolated from the user in several
" ways (see below for more details). This is to make sure that the hidden
" Vim processes are fast and don't clobber the user's editing sessions in
" any way.
" **Changes to how Vim normally works**
" You have to be aware that the hidden Vim process is initialized in a
" specific way that is very different from your regular Vim editing
" sessions:
" - Your [vimrc][] file is ignored using the `-u NONE` command line option.
" - Your [gvimrc][] file (if you even knew it existed ;-) is ignored using
" the `-U NONE` command line option.
" - Plug-in loading is skipped using the `--noplugin` command line option.
" - Swap files (see [swap-file][]) are disabled using the `-n` command line
" option. This makes sure asynchronous Vim processes don't disturb the
" user's editing session.
" - Your [viminfo][] file is ignored using the `-i NONE` command line
" option. Just like with swap files this makes sure asynchronous Vim
" processes don't disturb the user's editing session.
" - No-compatible mode is enabled using the `-N` command line option
" (usually the existence of your vimrc script would have achieved the
" same effect but since we disable loading of your vimrc we need to spell
" things out for Vim).
" **Use an auto-load function**
" The function you want to call is identified by its name which has to be
" defined, but I just explained above that all regular initialization is
" disabled for asynchronous Vim processes, so what gives? The answer is to
" use an [autoload][] function. This should work fine because the
" asynchronous Vim process 'inherits' the value of the ['runtimepath'][]
" option from your editing session.
" ['runtimepath']: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'runtimepath'
" [autoload]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#autoload
" [CursorHold]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/autocmd.html#CursorHold
" [eval()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#eval()
" [gvimrc]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/gui.html#gvimrc
" [string()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#string()
" [swap-file]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/recover.html#swap-file
" [vim-misc]: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
" [viminfo]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/starting.html#viminfo
" [vimrc]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/starting.html#vimrc
let unique_number = g:xolox#misc#async#counter
let g:xolox#misc#async#counter += 1
let request = {'function': a:options['function']}
let request['arguments'] = get(a:options, 'arguments', [])
let request['starttime'] = xolox#misc#timer#start()
let request['number'] = unique_number
let callback = get(a:options, 'callback')
if !empty(callback)
let request['callback'] = callback
if get(a:options, 'clientserver', 1) && !empty(v:servername)
let request['servername'] = v:servername
let temporary_file = tempname()
let request['temporary_file'] = temporary_file
let vim_command = printf('let &rtp = %s | call xolox#misc#async#inside_child(%s)', string(&rtp), string(request))
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Generated asynchronous Vim command #%i: %s", g:xolox#misc#version, unique_number, vim_command)
let quoted_program = xolox#misc#escape#shell(xolox#misc#os#find_vim('vim'))
let quoted_command = xolox#misc#escape#shell(vim_command)
let shell_command = printf('%s -u NONE -U NONE --noplugin -n -N -i NONE --cmd %s', quoted_program, quoted_command)
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Generated asynchronous shell command #%i: %s", g:xolox#misc#version, unique_number, shell_command)
call xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': shell_command, 'async': 1})
let g:xolox#misc#async#requests[unique_number] = request
function! xolox#misc#async#inside_child(request) " {{{1
" Entry point inside the hidden Vim process that runs in the background.
" Invoked indirectly by `xolox#misc#async#call()` because it runs a command
" similar to the following:
" vim --cmd 'call xolox#misc#async#inside_child(...)'
" This function is responsible for calling the user defined function,
" capturing exceptions and reporting the results back to the parent Vim
" process using Vim's client/server support or a temporary file.
let response = {'number': a:request['number']}
let starttime = xolox#misc#timer#start()
" Call the user defined function and store its result.
let response['result'] = call(a:request['function'], a:request['arguments'])
" Intercept errors raised by the user defined function.
let response['exception'] = v:exception
let response['throwpoint'] = v:throwpoint
" Record the elapsed time.
let response['elapsed_time'] = xolox#misc#timer#convert(starttime)
" Communicate the results back to the master Vim process.
let servername = get(a:request, 'servername', '')
if !empty(servername)
" Actively notify the parent process using Vim's client/server support?
call remote_expr(servername, printf('xolox#misc#async#callback_to_parent(%s)', string(response)))
" 'Passively' notify the parent process by creating the expected
" temporary file.
call xolox#misc#persist#save(a:request['temporary_file'], response)
" Make sure we terminate this hidden Vim process.
function! xolox#misc#async#callback_to_parent(response) " {{{1
" When Vim was compiled with client/server support this function (in the
" parent process) will be called by `xolox#misc#async#inside_child()` (in
" the child process) after the user defined function has returned. This
" enables more or less instant callbacks after running an asynchronous
" function.
let unique_number = a:response['number']
let request = g:xolox#misc#async#requests[unique_number]
call xolox#misc#timer#stop("vim-misc %s: Processing asynchronous callback #%i after %s ..", g:xolox#misc#version, unique_number, request['starttime'])
call remove(g:xolox#misc#async#requests, unique_number)
let callback = get(request, 'callback')
if !empty(callback)
call call(callback, [a:response])
function! xolox#misc#async#periodic_callback() " {{{1
" When client/server support is not being used the vim-misc plug-in
" improvises: It uses Vim's [CursorHold][] event to periodically check if an
" asynchronous process has written its results to one of the expected
" temporary files. If a response is found the temporary file is read and
" deleted and then `xolox#misc#async#callback_to_parent()` is called to
" process the response.
" [CursorHold]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/autocmd.html#CursorHold
if !empty(g:xolox#misc#async#requests)
let num_processed = 0
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Checking for asynchronous responses (%i responses not yet received) ..", g:xolox#misc#version, len(g:xolox#misc#async#requests))
for unique_number in sort(keys(g:xolox#misc#async#requests))
let request = g:xolox#misc#async#requests[unique_number]
let temporary_file = get(request, 'temporary_file', '')
if !empty(temporary_file) && getfsize(temporary_file) > 0
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Found asynchronous response by %s in %s ..", g:xolox#misc#version, request['function'], temporary_file)
call xolox#misc#async#callback_to_parent(xolox#misc#persist#load(temporary_file))
let num_processed += 1
call delete(temporary_file)
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Processed %i asynchronous responses (%i responses not yet received).", g:xolox#misc#version, num_processed, len(g:xolox#misc#async#requests))
" }}}1
" The interval in the options below is set to one (1) although the default
" value for &updatetime is four seconds. Because vim-misc never modifies
" &updatetime the interval will effectively default to four seconds unless the
" user has set &updatetime to a lower value themselves.
call xolox#misc#cursorhold#register({'function': 'xolox#misc#async#periodic_callback', 'interval': 1})
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
" Handling of special buffers
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: May 19, 2013
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
" The functions defined here make it easier to deal with special Vim buffers
" that contain text generated by a Vim plug-in. For example my [vim-notes
" plug-in] [vim-notes] generates several such buffers:
" - [:RecentNotes] [RecentNotes] lists recently modified notes
" - [:ShowTaggedNotes] [ShowTaggedNotes] lists notes grouped by tags
" - etc.
" Because the text in these buffers is generated, Vim shouldn't bother with
" swap files and it should never prompt the user whether to save changes to
" the generated text.
" [vim-notes]: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/notes/
" [RecentNotes]: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/notes/#recentnotes_command
" [ShowTaggedNotes]: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/notes/#showtaggednotes_command
function! xolox#misc#buffer#is_empty() " {{{1
" Checks if the current buffer is an empty, unchanged buffer which can be
" reused. Returns 1 if an empty buffer is found, 0 otherwise.
return !&modified && expand('%') == '' && line('$') <= 1 && getline(1) == ''
function! xolox#misc#buffer#prepare(...) " {{{1
" Open a special buffer, i.e. a buffer that will hold generated contents,
" not directly edited by the user. The buffer can be customized by passing a
" dictionary with the following key/value pairs as the first argument:
" - **name** (required): The base name of the buffer (i.e. the base name of
" the file loaded in the buffer, even though it isn't really a file and
" nothing is really 'loaded' :-)
" - **path** (required): The pathname of the buffer. May be relevant if
" [:lcd] [lcd] or ['autochdir'] [acd] is being used.
" [lcd]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/editing.html#:lcd
" [acd]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'autochdir'
if a:0 == 1 && type(a:1) == type('')
" Backwards compatibility with old interface.
let options = {'name': a:1, 'path': a:1}
elseif type(a:1) == type({})
let options = a:1
throw "Invalid arguments"
let winnr = 1
let found = 0
for bufnr in tabpagebuflist()
if xolox#misc#path#equals(options['path'], bufname(bufnr))
execute winnr . 'wincmd w'
let found = 1
let winnr += 1
if !(found || xolox#misc#buffer#is_empty())
silent execute 'edit' fnameescape(options['path'])
lcd " clear working directory
setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile
let &l:statusline = '[' . options['name'] . ']'
call xolox#misc#buffer#unlock()
silent %delete
function! xolox#misc#buffer#lock() " {{{1
" Lock a special buffer so that its contents can no longer be edited.
setlocal readonly nomodifiable nomodified
function! xolox#misc#buffer#unlock() " {{{1
" Unlock a special buffer so that its content can be updated.
setlocal noreadonly modifiable

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
" Tab completion for user defined commands.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: July 9, 2014
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
function! xolox#misc#complete#keywords(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos)
" This function can be used to perform keyword completion for user defined
" Vim commands based on the contents of the current buffer. Here's an
" example of how you would use it:
" :command -nargs=* -complete=customlist,xolox#misc#complete#keywords MyCmd call s:MyCmd(<f-args>)
let words = {}
for line in getline(1, '$')
for word in split(line, '\W\+')
let words[word] = 1
let arguments = [keys(filter(words, 'v:key =~# a:arglead'))]
if &ignorecase
call add(arguments, 1)
return call('sort', arguments)
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
" Rate limiting for Vim's CursorHold event.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: June 22, 2014
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
" Several of my Vim plug-ins (e.g. [vim-easytags][], [vim-notes][] and
" [vim-session][]) use Vim's [CursorHold][] and [CursorHoldI][] events to
" perform periodic tasks when the user doesn't press any keys for a couple of
" seconds. These events by default fire after four seconds, this is
" configurable using Vim's ['updatetime'][] option. The problem that this
" script solves is that there are Vim plug-ins which set the ['updatetime'][]
" option to unreasonably low values, thereby breaking my Vim plug-ins and
" probably a lot of other Vim plug-ins out there. When users complain about
" this I can tell them that another Vim plug-in is to blame, but users don't
" care for the difference, their Vim is broken! So I implemented a workaround.
" This script enables registration of [CursorHold][] event handlers with a
" configurable interval (expressed in seconds). The event handlers will be
" called no more than once every interval.
" ['updatetime']: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'updatetime'
" [CursorHold]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/autocmd.html#CursorHold
" [CursorHoldI]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/autocmd.html#CursorHoldI
" [vim-easytags]: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/easytags/
" [vim-notes]: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/notes/
" [vim-session]: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/session/
if !exists('g:xolox#misc#cursorhold#handlers')
let g:xolox#misc#cursorhold#handlers = []
function! xolox#misc#cursorhold#register(options)
" Register a [CursorHold][] event handler with a custom interval. This
" function takes a single argument which is a dictionary with the following
" fields:
" - **function** (required): The name of the event handler function (a
" string).
" - **arguments** (optional): A list of arguments to pass to the event
" handler function (defaults to an empty list).
" - **interval** (optional): The number of seconds between calls to the
" event handler (defaults to 4).
call add(g:xolox#misc#cursorhold#handlers, copy(a:options))
function! xolox#misc#cursorhold#autocmd()
" The 'top level event handler' that's called by Vim whenever the
" [CursorHold][] or [CursorHoldI][] event fires. It iterates through the
" event handlers registered using `xolox#misc#cursorhold#register()` and
" calls each event handler at the appropriate interval, keeping track of
" the time when each event handler was last run.
for handler in g:xolox#misc#cursorhold#handlers
let function = handler['function']
let last_run = get(handler, 'last_run', 0)
let interval = get(handler, 'interval', 4)
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Checking handler %s with interval %i and last run %i ..", g:xolox#misc#version, function, interval, last_run)
" Rate limit in case &updatetime is set (very) low.
let time_until_next_run = (last_run + interval) - localtime()
if time_until_next_run > 0
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Rate limiting handler %s (time until next run: %i seconds).", g:xolox#misc#version, function, time_until_next_run)
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Running handler %s ..", g:xolox#misc#version, function)
call call(function, get(handler, 'arguments', []))
let handler['last_run'] = localtime()
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
" String escaping functions.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: May 19, 2013
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
function! xolox#misc#escape#pattern(string) " {{{1
" Takes a single string argument and converts it into a [:substitute]
" [subcmd] / [substitute()] [subfun] pattern string that matches the given
" string literally.
" [subfun]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#substitute()
" [subcmd]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/change.html#:substitute
if type(a:string) == type('')
let string = escape(a:string, '^$.*\~[]')
return substitute(string, '\n', '\\n', 'g')
return ''
function! xolox#misc#escape#substitute(string) " {{{1
" Takes a single string argument and converts it into a [:substitute]
" [subcmd] / [substitute()] [subfun] replacement string that inserts the
" given string literally.
if type(a:string) == type('')
let string = escape(a:string, '\&~%')
return substitute(string, '\n', '\\r', 'g')
return ''
function! xolox#misc#escape#shell(string) " {{{1
" Takes a single string argument and converts it into a quoted command line
" argument.
" I was going to add a long rant here about Vim's ['shellslash' option]
" [shellslash], but really, it won't make any difference. Let's just suffice
" to say that I have yet to encounter a single person out there who uses
" this option for its intended purpose (running a UNIX style shell on
" Microsoft Windows).
" [shellslash]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'shellslash'
if xolox#misc#os#is_win()
let ssl_save = &shellslash
set noshellslash
return shellescape(a:string)
let &shellslash = ssl_save
return shellescape(a:string)
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
" Human friendly string formatting for Vim.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: June 2, 2013
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
function! xolox#misc#format#pluralize(count, singular, plural) " {{{1
" Concatenate a counter (the first argument, expected to be an integer) with
" a singular or plural label (the second and third arguments, both expected
" to be strings).
if a:count == 0
return printf('no %s', a:plural)
return printf('%i %s', a:count, a:count == 1 ? a:singular : a:plural)
function! xolox#misc#format#timestamp(ts) " {{{1
" Format a time stamp (a string containing a formatted floating point
" number) into a human friendly format, for example 70 seconds is phrased as
" "1 minute and 10 seconds".
let seconds = a:ts + 0
" Fast common case with extra precision from reltime().
if seconds < 5
let extract = matchstr(a:ts, '^\d\+\(\.0*[1-9][1-9]\?\)\?')
if extract =~ '[123456789]'
return extract . ' second' . (extract != '1' ? 's' : '')
" Generic but slow code.
let result = []
for [name, size] in [['day', 60 * 60 * 24], ['hour', 60 * 60], ['minute', 60], ['second', 1]]
if seconds >= size
let counter = seconds / size
let seconds = seconds % size
let suffix = counter != 1 ? 's' : ''
call add(result, printf('%i %s%s', counter, name, suffix))
" Format the resulting text?
if len(result) == 1
return result[0]
return join(result[0:-2], ', ') . ' and ' . result[-1]

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
" List handling functions.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: June 2, 2013
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
function! xolox#misc#list#unique(list) " {{{1
" Remove duplicate values from the given list in-place (preserves order).
call reverse(a:list)
call filter(a:list, 'count(a:list, v:val) == 1')
return reverse(a:list)
function! xolox#misc#list#binsert(list, value, ...) " {{{1
" Performs in-place binary insertion, which depending on your use case can
" be more efficient than calling Vim's [sort()] [sort] function after each
" insertion (in cases where a single, final sort is not an option). Expects
" three arguments:
" 1. A list
" 2. A value to insert
" 3. 1 (true) when case should be ignored, 0 (false) otherwise
" [sort]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#sort()
let idx = s:binsert_r(a:list, 0, len(a:list), a:value, exists('a:1') && a:1)
return insert(a:list, a:value, idx)
function! s:binsert_r(list, low, high, value, ignorecase)
let mid = a:low + (a:high - a:low) / 2
if a:low == a:high
return a:low
elseif a:ignorecase ? a:value >? a:list[mid] : a:value > a:list[mid]
return s:binsert_r(a:list, mid + 1, a:high, a:value, a:ignorecase)
elseif a:ignorecase ? a:value <? a:list[mid] : a:value < a:list[mid]
return s:binsert_r(a:list, a:low, mid, a:value, a:ignorecase)
return mid
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

View file

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
" Functions to interact with the user.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: March 15, 2015
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
if !exists('g:xolox_message_buffer')
" For when I lose my :messages history :-\
let g:xolox_message_buffer = 100
if !exists('g:xolox_messages')
let g:xolox_messages = []
function! xolox#misc#msg#info(...) " {{{1
" Show a formatted informational message to the user.
" This function has the same argument handling as Vim's [printf()] []
" function with one notable difference: Any arguments which are not numbers
" or strings are coerced to strings using Vim's [string()] [] function.
" In the case of `xolox#misc#msg#info()`, automatic string coercion simply
" makes the function a bit easier to use.
" The messages emitted by this function have no highlighting. Previously
" these messages were highlighted using the [Title group] [hl-title], but it
" was pointed out in [pull request 16] [pr-16] that this group shouldn't be
" used for informational messages because it is meant for titles and because
" of this some color schemes use colors that stand out quite a bit, causing
" the informational messages to look like errors.
" [hl-title]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/syntax.html#hl-Title
" [pr-16]: https://github.com/xolox/vim-misc/pull/16
" [printf()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#printf()
" [string()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#string()
call s:show_message('None', a:000)
function! xolox#misc#msg#warn(...) " {{{1
" Show a formatted warning message to the user.
" This function has the same argument handling as the
" `xolox#misc#msg#info()` function.
call s:show_message('WarningMsg', a:000)
function! xolox#misc#msg#debug(...) " {{{1
" Show a formatted debugging message to the user, *if the user has enabled
" increased verbosity by setting Vim's ['verbose'] [] option to one
" (1) or higher*.
" This function has the same argument handling as the
" `xolox#misc#msg#info()` function.
" In the case of `xolox#misc#msg#debug()`, automatic string coercion
" provides lazy evaluation in the sense that complex data structures are
" only converted to strings when the user has enabled increased verbosity.
" ['verbose']: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'verbose'
if &vbs >= 1
call s:show_message('Question', a:000)
function! s:show_message(hlgroup, args) " {{{1
" The implementation of info() and warn().
let nargs = len(a:args)
if nargs == 1
let message = a:args[0]
elseif nargs >= 2
let args = map(copy(a:args), 's:coerce_argument(v:val)')
let message = call('printf', args)
if exists('message')
" Temporarily disable Vim's |hit-enter| prompt and mode display.
if !exists('s:more_save')
let s:more_save = &more
let s:ruler_save = &ruler
let s:smd_save = &showmode
set nomore noshowmode
if winnr('$') == 1 | set noruler | endif
augroup PluginXoloxHideMode
autocmd! CursorHold,CursorHoldI * call s:clear_message()
augroup END
execute 'echohl' a:hlgroup
" Redraw to avoid the |hit-enter| prompt. We use :silent to avoid issues
" like this one: https://github.com/xolox/vim-easytags/issues/69.
silent! redraw
for line in split(message, "\n")
echomsg line
if g:xolox_message_buffer > 0
call add(g:xolox_messages, message)
if len(g:xolox_messages) > g:xolox_message_buffer
call remove(g:xolox_messages, 0)
" Always clear message highlighting, even when interrupted by Ctrl-C.
echohl none
function! s:coerce_argument(value) " {{{1
" Callback to coerce printf() arguments into strings.
let value_type = type(a:value)
if value_type != type(0) && value_type != type('')
return string(a:value)
return a:value
function! s:clear_message() " {{{1
" Callback to clear message after some time has passed.
echo ''
let &more = s:more_save
let &showmode = s:smd_save
let &ruler = s:ruler_save
unlet s:more_save s:ruler_save s:smd_save
autocmd! PluginXoloxHideMode
augroup! PluginXoloxHideMode
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

View file

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
" Integration between Vim and its environment.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: June 19, 2013
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
let s:enoimpl = "vim-misc %s: %s() hasn't been implemented for your platform! If you have suggestions, please get in touch at https://github.com/xolox/vim-misc/issues"
let s:handlers = ['gnome-open', 'kde-open', 'exo-open', 'xdg-open', 'cygstart']
function! xolox#misc#open#file(location, ...) " {{{1
" Given a pathname or URL as the first argument, this opens the file with
" the program associated with the file type. So for example a text file
" might open in Vim, an `*.html` file would probably open in your web
" browser and a media file would open in a media player.
" This should work on Windows, Mac OS X and most Linux distributions. If
" this fails to find a file association, you can pass one or more external
" commands to try as additional arguments. For example:
" :call xolox#misc#open#file('/path/to/my/file', 'firefox', 'google-chrome')
" This generally shouldn't be necessary but it might come in handy now and
" then.
if xolox#misc#os#is_win()
call xolox#shell#open_with_windows_shell(a:location)
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E117/
let command = '!start CMD /C START "" %s'
silent execute printf(command, xolox#misc#escape#shell(a:location))
elseif xolox#misc#os#is_mac()
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Detected Mac OS X, using 'open' command to open %s ..", g:xolox#misc#version, string(a:location))
let cmd = 'open ' . shellescape(a:location) . ' 2>&1'
call s:handle_error(cmd, system(cmd))
for handler in s:handlers + a:000
if executable(handler)
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Using '%s' to open '%s'.", g:xolox#misc#version, handler, a:location)
let cmd = shellescape(handler) . ' ' . shellescape(a:location) . ' 2>&1'
call s:handle_error(cmd, system(cmd))
throw printf(s:enoimpl, g:xolox#misc#version, 'xolox#misc#open#file')
function! xolox#misc#open#url(url) " {{{1
" Given a URL as the first argument, this opens the URL in your preferred or
" best available web browser:
" - In GUI environments a graphical web browser will open (or a new tab will
" be created in an existing window)
" - In console Vim without a GUI environment, when you have any of `lynx`,
" `links` or `w3m` installed it will launch a command line web browser in
" front of Vim (temporarily suspending Vim)
let url = a:url
if url !~ '^\w\+://'
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: The URL %s doesn't contain a scheme, improvising ..", g:xolox#misc#version, string(url))
if url !~ '@'
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Defaulting to http:// URL scheme ..", g:xolox#misc#version)
let url = 'http://' . url
elseif url !~ '^mailto:'
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Defaulting to mailto: URL scheme ..", g:xolox#misc#version)
let url = 'mailto:' . url
let on_unix = has('unix')
let not_on_mac = !xolox#misc#os#is_mac()
let no_gui_available = (has('gui_running') == 0 && $DISPLAY == '')
if on_unix && not_on_mac && no_gui_available
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Using command line web browser because no GUI seems to be available ..", g:xolox#misc#version)
for browser in ['lynx', 'links', 'w3m']
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Checking whether %s command line web browser is installed ..", g:xolox#misc#version, string(browser))
if executable(browser)
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Found %s, using it to open %s ..", g:xolox#misc#version, string(browser), string(url))
execute '!' . browser fnameescape(url)
call s:handle_error(browser . ' ' . url, '')
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Defaulting to GUI web browser to open %s ..", g:xolox#misc#version, string(url))
call xolox#misc#open#file(url, 'firefox', 'google-chrome')
function! s:handle_error(cmd, output) " {{{1
if v:shell_error
let message = "vim-misc %s: Failed to execute program! (command line: %s%s)"
let output = strtrans(xolox#misc#str#trim(a:output))
if output != ''
let output = ", output: " . string(output)
throw printf(message, g:xolox#misc#version, a:cmd, output)
" vim: et ts=2 sw=2 fdm=marker

View file

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
" Vim and plug-in option handling.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: April 1, 2015
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
function! xolox#misc#option#get(name, ...) " {{{1
" Expects one or two arguments: 1. The name of a variable and 2. the default
" value if the variable does not exist.
" Returns the value of the variable from a buffer local variable, global
" variable or the default value, depending on which is defined.
" This is used by some of my Vim plug-ins for option handling, so that users
" can customize options for specific buffers.
if exists('b:' . a:name)
" Buffer local variable.
return eval('b:' . a:name)
elseif exists('g:' . a:name)
" Global variable.
return eval('g:' . a:name)
elseif exists('a:1')
" Default value.
return a:1
function! xolox#misc#option#split(value) " {{{1
" Given a multi-value Vim option like ['runtimepath'] [rtp] this returns a
" list of strings. For example:
" :echo xolox#misc#option#split(&runtimepath)
" ['/home/peter/Projects/Vim/misc',
" '/home/peter/Projects/Vim/colorscheme-switcher',
" '/home/peter/Projects/Vim/easytags',
" ...]
" [rtp]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'runtimepath'
let values = split(a:value, '[^\\]\zs,')
return map(values, 's:unescape(v:val)')
function! s:unescape(s)
return substitute(a:s, '\\\([\\,]\)', '\1', 'g')
function! xolox#misc#option#join(values) " {{{1
" Given a list of strings like the ones returned by
" `xolox#misc#option#split()`, this joins the strings together into a
" single value that can be used to set a Vim option.
let values = copy(a:values)
call map(values, 's:escape(v:val)')
return join(values, ',')
function! s:escape(s)
return escape(a:s, ',\')
function! xolox#misc#option#split_tags(value) " {{{1
" Customized version of `xolox#misc#option#split()` with specialized
" handling for Vim's ['tags' option] [tags].
" [tags]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'tags'
let values = split(a:value, '[^\\]\zs,')
return map(values, 's:unescape_tags(v:val)')
function! s:unescape_tags(s)
return substitute(a:s, '\\\([\\, ]\)', '\1', 'g')
function! xolox#misc#option#join_tags(values) " {{{1
" Customized version of `xolox#misc#option#join()` with specialized
" handling for Vim's ['tags' option] [tags].
let values = copy(a:values)
call map(values, 's:escape_tags(v:val)')
return join(values, ',')
function! s:escape_tags(s)
return escape(a:s, ', ')
function! xolox#misc#option#eval_tags(value, ...) " {{{1
" Evaluate Vim's ['tags' option] [tags] without looking at the file
" system, i.e. this will report tags files that don't exist yet. Expects
" the value of the ['tags' option] [tags] as the first argument. If the
" optional second argument is 1 (true) only the first match is returned,
" otherwise (so by default) a list with all matches is returned.
let pathnames = []
let first_only = exists('a:1') ? a:1 : 0
for pattern in xolox#misc#option#split_tags(a:value)
" Make buffer relative pathnames absolute.
if pattern =~ '^\./'
let suffix = matchstr(pattern, '^./\zs.*$')
let directory = (&cpoptions =~# 'd') ? getcwd() : expand('%:p:h')
let pattern = xolox#misc#path#merge(directory, suffix)
" Make working directory relative pathnames absolute.
if xolox#misc#path#is_relative(pattern)
let pattern = xolox#misc#path#merge(getcwd(), pattern)
" Ignore the trailing `;' for recursive upwards searching because we
" always want the most specific pathname available.
let pattern = substitute(pattern, ';$', '', '')
" Expand the pattern.
call extend(pathnames, split(expand(pattern), "\n"))
if first_only && !empty(pathnames)
return pathnames[0]
return first_only ? '' : pathnames
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

View file

@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
" Operating system interfaces.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: May 21, 2015
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
function! xolox#misc#os#is_mac() " {{{1
" Returns 1 (true) when on Mac OS X, 0 (false) otherwise. You would expect
" this to simply check the Vim feature list, but for some obscure reason the
" `/usr/bin/vim` included in Mac OS X (verified on version 10.7.5) returns 0
" (false) in response to `has('mac')`, so we check the output of `uname`
" to avoid false negatives.
if !exists('s:is_mac')
" By default we assume we are *not* on Mac OS X.
let s:is_mac = 0
if has('mac') || has('macunix') || has('gui_mac')
" If Vim's feature list indicates we are on Mac OS X, we have our answer :-).
let s:is_mac = 1
elseif !xolox#misc#os#is_win()
" Otherwise we check the output of `uname' to avoid false negatives.
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': 'uname', 'check': 0})
if result['exit_code'] == 0 && get(result['stdout'], 0, '') == 'Darwin'
let s:is_mac = 1
return s:is_mac
function! xolox#misc#os#is_win() " {{{1
" Returns 1 (true) when on Microsoft Windows, 0 (false) otherwise.
return has('win16') || has('win32') || has('win64')
function! xolox#misc#os#find_vim(...) " {{{1
" Returns the program name of Vim as a string. On Windows and UNIX this just
" [v:progname] [] as an absolute pathname while on Mac OS X there is
" some special magic to find MacVim's executable even though it's usually
" not on the executable search path. If you want, you can override the
" value returned from this function by setting the global variable
" `g:xolox#misc#os#vim_progname`.
" By default the choice of console Vim vs graphical Vim is made based on
" the value of [v:progname] [], but if you have a preference you can pass
" the string `vim` or `gvim` as the first and only argument.
" [v:progname]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#v:progname
if exists('a:1')
let program_name = a:1
let program_name = v:progname
if exists('g:xolox#misc#os#vim_progname')
let pathname = g:xolox#misc#os#vim_progname
let pathname = ''
if empty(pathname) && xolox#misc#os#is_mac()
" Special handling for Mac OS X where MacVim is usually not on the $PATH.
" This always returns the "Vim" executable and not "MacVim" (regardless of
" the caller's preference) because "MacVim" has funky dock magic going on.
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Trying MacVim workaround to find Vim executable ..", g:xolox#misc#version)
let segments = xolox#misc#path#split($VIMRUNTIME)
if segments[-3:] == ['Resources', 'vim', 'runtime']
let pathname = xolox#misc#path#join(segments[0:-4] + ['MacOS', 'Vim'])
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: The MacVim workaround resulted in the Vim executable %s.", g:xolox#misc#version, string(pathname))
if empty(pathname)
" Default logic.
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Looking for Vim executable named %s on search path ..", g:xolox#misc#version, string(program_name))
let candidates = xolox#misc#path#which(program_name)
if !empty(candidates)
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Found %i candidate(s) on search path: %s.", g:xolox#misc#version, len(candidates), string(candidates))
let pathname = candidates[0]
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Reporting Vim executable %s.", g:xolox#misc#version, string(pathname))
return pathname
function! xolox#misc#os#exec(options) " {{{1
" Execute an external command (hiding the console on Microsoft Windows when
" my [vim-shell plug-in] [vim-shell] is installed).
" Expects a dictionary with the following key/value pairs as the first
" argument:
" - **command** (required): The command line to execute
" - **async** (optional): set this to 1 (true) to execute the command in the
" background (asynchronously)
" - **stdin** (optional): a string or list of strings with the input for the
" external command
" - **check** (optional): set this to 0 (false) to disable checking of the
" exit code of the external command (by default an exception will be
" raised when the command fails)
" Returns a dictionary with one or more of the following key/value pairs:
" - **command** (always available): the generated command line that was used
" to run the external command
" - **exit_code** (only in synchronous mode): the exit status of the
" external command (an integer, zero on success)
" - **stdout** (only in synchronous mode): the output of the command on the
" standard output stream (a list of strings, one for each line)
" - **stderr** (only in synchronous mode): the output of the command on the
" standard error stream (as a list of strings, one for each line)
" [vim-shell]: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/shell/
" Unpack the options.
let cmd = a:options['command']
let async = get(a:options, 'async', 0)
" We need to know in a couple of places whether we are on Windows.
let is_win = xolox#misc#os#is_win()
" Use vim-shell so we don't pop up a console window on Windows? If the
" caller specifically asks us *not* to use vim-shell, we'll respect that
" choice; this is very useful for automated tests :-).
if get(a:options, 'use_dll', 1) == 0
let use_dll = 0
let use_dll = xolox#misc#os#can_use_dll()
" Decide whether to redirect the standard output and standard error
" streams to temporary files.
let redirect_output = !async && (use_dll || !is_win)
" Write the input for the external command to a temporary file?
if has_key(a:options, 'stdin') && use_dll
let tempin = tempname()
if type(a:options['stdin']) == type([])
let lines = a:options['stdin']
let lines = split(a:options['stdin'], "\n")
call writefile(lines, tempin)
let cmd .= ' < ' . xolox#misc#escape#shell(tempin)
" Redirect the standard output and/or standard error streams of the
" external process to temporary files? (only in synchronous mode)
if redirect_output
let tempout = tempname()
let temperr = tempname()
let cmd = printf('(%s) 1>%s 2>%s', cmd, xolox#misc#escape#shell(tempout), xolox#misc#escape#shell(temperr))
" Use vim-shell or system() to execute the external command?
if use_dll
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Executing external command using compiled DLL: %s", g:xolox#misc#version, cmd)
let exit_code = xolox#shell#execute_with_dll(cmd, async)
" Enable asynchronous mode (very platform specific).
if async
if is_win
" As pointed out in issue 17 [1] the use of `:!start' on Windows
" requires characters like `!', `%' and `#' to be escaped with a
" backslash [2]. Vim's shellescape() function knows how to escape
" these special characters however the use of `:!start' is an
" implementation detail of xolox#misc#os#exec() so I don't want to
" bother callers (who perform the shell escaping) with such a
" specific implementation detail. This is why I resort to manually
" escaping characters documented to have a special meaning [2].
" [1] https://github.com/xolox/vim-misc/issues/17
" [2] All characters interpreted specially in shell command lines
" executed from Vim's command mode, refer to `:help :!' for
" details.
let cmd = printf('start /b %s', escape(cmd, "\\\n!%#"))
elseif has('unix')
let cmd = printf('(%s) &', cmd)
call xolox#misc#msg#warn("vim-misc %s: I don't know how to execute the command %s asynchronously on your platform! Falling back to synchronous mode...", g:xolox#misc#version, cmd)
" On UNIX we explicitly execute the command line using 'sh' instead of
" the default shell, because we assume that standard output and standard
" error can be redirected separately, but (t)csh does not support this
" (and it might be the default shell).
if has('unix')
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Generated shell expression: %s", g:xolox#misc#version, cmd)
let cmd = printf('sh -c %s', xolox#misc#escape#shell(cmd))
" Let the user know what's happening (in case they're interested).
if async && is_win
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Executing external command using !start command: %s", g:xolox#misc#version, cmd)
silent execute '!' . cmd
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Executing external command using system() function: %s", g:xolox#misc#version, cmd)
let arguments = [cmd]
if has_key(a:options, 'stdin')
if type(a:options['stdin']) == type([])
call add(arguments, join(a:options['stdin'], "\n"))
call add(arguments, a:options['stdin'])
let stdout = call('system', arguments)
let exit_code = v:shell_error
" Return the results as a dictionary with one or more key/value pairs.
let result = {'command': cmd}
if !async
let result['exit_code'] = exit_code
" Get the standard output of the command.
if redirect_output
let result['stdout'] = s:readfile(tempout, 'standard output', a:options['command'])
elseif exists('stdout')
let result['stdout'] = split(stdout, "\n")
let result['stdout'] = []
" Get the standard error of the command.
if exists('temperr')
let result['stderr'] = s:readfile(temperr, 'standard error', a:options['command'])
let result['stderr'] = []
" If we just executed a synchronous command and the caller didn't
" specifically ask us *not* to check the exit code of the external
" command, we'll do so now. The idea here is that it should be easy
" to 'do the right thing'.
if get(a:options, 'check', 1) && exit_code != 0
" Prepare an error message with enough details so the user can investigate.
let msg = printf("vim-misc %s: External command failed with exit code %d!", g:xolox#misc#version, result['exit_code'])
let msg .= printf("\nCommand line: %s", result['command'])
" If the external command reported an error, we'll include it in our message.
if !empty(result['stderr'])
" This is where we would normally expect to find an error message.
let msg .= printf("\nOutput on standard output stream:\n%s", join(result['stderr'], "\n"))
elseif !empty(result['stdout'])
" Exuberant Ctags on Windows XP reports errors on standard output :-x.
let msg .= printf("\nOutput on standard error stream:\n%s", join(result['stdout'], "\n"))
throw msg
return result
" Cleanup any temporary files we created.
for name in ['tempin', 'tempout', 'temperr']
if exists(name)
call delete({name})
function! xolox#misc#os#can_use_dll() " {{{1
" If a) we're on Microsoft Windows, b) the vim-shell plug-in is installed
" and c) the compiled DLL included in vim-shell works, we can use the
" vim-shell plug-in to execute external commands! Returns 1 (true)
" if we can use the DLL, 0 (false) otherwise.
let can_use_dll = 0
let can_use_dll = xolox#shell#can_use_dll()
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E117/
" Silence E117.
return can_use_dll
function! s:readfile(fname, label, cmd) " {{{1
return readfile(a:fname)
call xolox#misc#msg#warn("vim-misc %s: Failed to read temporary file (%s) with %s of external command: %s! (external command: %s)", g:xolox#misc#version, a:fname, a:label, v:exception, a:cmd)
return []
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

View file

@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
" Pathname manipulation functions.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: July 7, 2014
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
let s:windows_compatible = xolox#misc#os#is_win()
function! xolox#misc#path#which(...) " {{{1
" Scan the executable search path (`$PATH`) for one or more external
" programs. Expects one or more string arguments with program names. Returns
" a list with the absolute pathnames of all found programs. Here's an
" example:
" :echo xolox#misc#path#which('gvim', 'vim')
" ['/usr/local/bin/gvim',
" '/usr/bin/gvim',
" '/usr/local/bin/vim',
" '/usr/bin/vim']
let extensions = s:windows_compatible ? split($PATHEXT, ';') : ['']
let matches = []
let checked = {}
for program in a:000
for directory in split($PATH, s:windows_compatible ? ';' : ':')
let directory = xolox#misc#path#absolute(directory)
if isdirectory(directory)
let found = 0
for extension in extensions
let path = xolox#misc#path#merge(directory, program . extension)
if executable(path)
call add(matches, path)
let found = 1
if s:windows_compatible && ! found
" Maybe the extension is already contained in program; try without
let path = xolox#misc#path#merge(directory, program)
if executable(path)
call add(matches, path)
return xolox#misc#list#unique(matches)
function! xolox#misc#path#split(path) " {{{1
" Split a pathname (the first and only argument) into a list of pathname
" components.
" On Windows, pathnames starting with two slashes or backslashes are UNC
" paths where the leading slashes are significant... In this case we split
" like this:
" - Input: `'//server/share/directory'`
" - Result: `['//server', 'share', 'directory']`
" Everything except Windows is treated like UNIX until someone has a better
" suggestion :-). In this case we split like this:
" - Input: `'/foo/bar/baz'`
" - Result: `['/', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz']`
" To join a list of pathname components back into a single pathname string,
" use the `xolox#misc#path#join()` function.
if type(a:path) == type('')
if s:windows_compatible
if a:path =~ '^[\/][\/]'
" UNC pathname.
return split(a:path, '\%>2c[\/]\+')
" If it's not a UNC pathname we can simply split on slashes and
" backslashes, although we should preserve a leading slash (which
" denotes a pathname that is 'absolute to the current drive').
let absolute = (a:path =~ '^[\/]')
let segments = split(a:path, '[\/]\+')
return absolute ? insert(segments, a:path[0]) : segments
" Everything else is treated as UNIX.
let absolute = (a:path =~ '^/')
let segments = split(a:path, '/\+')
return absolute ? insert(segments, '/') : segments
return []
function! xolox#misc#path#join(parts) " {{{1
" Join a list of pathname components (the first and only argument) into a
" single pathname string. This is the counterpart to the
" `xolox#misc#path#split()` function and it expects a list of pathname
" components as returned by `xolox#misc#path#split()`.
if type(a:parts) == type([])
if s:windows_compatible
return join(a:parts, xolox#misc#path#directory_separator())
elseif get(a:parts, 0) == '/'
" Absolute path on UNIX (non-Windows).
return '/' . join(a:parts[1:], '/')
" Relative path on UNIX (non-Windows).
return join(a:parts, '/')
return ''
function! xolox#misc#path#directory_separator() " {{{1
" Find the preferred directory separator for the platform and settings.
return exists('+shellslash') && &shellslash ? '/' : '\'
function! xolox#misc#path#absolute(path) " {{{1
" Canonicalize and resolve a pathname, *regardless of whether it exists*.
" This is intended to support string comparison to determine whether two
" pathnames point to the same directory or file.
if type(a:path) == type('')
let path = a:path
" Make the pathname absolute.
if path =~ '^\~'
" Expand ~ to $HOME.
let path = $HOME . '/' . path[1:]
elseif xolox#misc#path#is_relative(path)
" Make relative pathnames absolute.
let path = getcwd() . '/' . path
" Resolve symbolic links to find the canonical pathname. In my tests this
" also removes all symbolic pathname segments (`.' and `..'), even when
" the pathname does not exist. Also there used to be a bug in resolve()
" where it wouldn't resolve pathnames ending in a directory separator.
" Since it's not much trouble to work around, that's what we do.
let path = resolve(substitute(path, s:windows_compatible ? '[\/]\+$' : '/\+$', '', ''))
" Normalize directory separators (especially relevant on Windows).
let parts = xolox#misc#path#split(path)
if s:windows_compatible && parts[0] =~ '^[\/][\/]'
" Also normalize the two leading "directory separators" (I'm not
" sure what else to call them :-) in Windows UNC pathnames.
let parts[0] = repeat(xolox#misc#path#directory_separator(), 2) . parts[0][2:]
elseif s:windows_compatible && parts[0] =~ '^[\/]$'
" If a pathname is relative to the current drive we should add
" the drive letter in order to make the pathname absolute.
let parts[0] = matchstr(getcwd(), '^\a:')
return xolox#misc#path#join(parts)
return ''
function! xolox#misc#path#relative(path, base) " {{{1
" Make an absolute pathname (the first argument) relative to a directory
" (the second argument).
let path = xolox#misc#path#split(a:path)
let base = xolox#misc#path#split(a:base)
while path != [] && base != [] && path[0] == base[0]
call remove(path, 0)
call remove(base, 0)
let distance = repeat(['..'], len(base))
return xolox#misc#path#join(distance + path)
function! xolox#misc#path#merge(parent, child, ...) " {{{1
" Join a directory pathname and filename into a single pathname.
if type(a:parent) == type('') && type(a:child) == type('')
" TODO Use xolox#misc#path#is_relative()?
if s:windows_compatible
let parent = substitute(a:parent, '[\\/]\+$', '', '')
let child = substitute(a:child, '^[\\/]\+', '', '')
return parent . '\' . child
let parent = substitute(a:parent, '/\+$', '', '')
let child = substitute(a:child, '^/\+', '', '')
return parent . '/' . child
return ''
function! xolox#misc#path#commonprefix(paths) " {{{1
" Find the common prefix of path components in a list of pathnames.
let common = xolox#misc#path#split(a:paths[0])
for path in a:paths
let index = 0
for segment in xolox#misc#path#split(path)
if len(common) <= index
elseif common[index] != segment
call remove(common, index, -1)
let index += 1
return xolox#misc#path#join(common)
function! xolox#misc#path#starts_with(a, b) " {{{1
" Check whether the first pathname starts with the second pathname (expected
" to be a directory). This does not perform a regular string comparison;
" first it normalizes both pathnames, then it splits them into their
" pathname segments and then it compares the segments.
let a = xolox#misc#path#split(xolox#misc#path#absolute(a:a))
let b = xolox#misc#path#split(xolox#misc#path#absolute(a:b))
return a[0 : len(b) - 1] == b
function! xolox#misc#path#encode(path) " {{{1
" Encode a pathname so it can be used as a filename. This uses URL encoding
" to encode special characters.
if s:windows_compatible
let mask = '[*|\\/:"<>?%]'
elseif xolox#misc#os#is_mac()
let mask = '[\\/%:]'
let mask = '[\\/%]'
return substitute(a:path, mask, '\=printf("%%%x", char2nr(submatch(0)))', 'g')
function! xolox#misc#path#decode(encoded_path) " {{{1
" Decode a pathname previously encoded with `xolox#misc#path#encode()`.
return substitute(a:encoded_path, '%\(\x\x\?\)', '\=nr2char("0x" . submatch(1))', 'g')
" xolox#misc#path#equals(a, b) - Check whether two pathnames point to the same file. {{{1
if s:windows_compatible
function! xolox#misc#path#equals(a, b)
return a:a ==? a:b || xolox#misc#path#absolute(a:a) ==? xolox#misc#path#absolute(a:b)
function! xolox#misc#path#equals(a, b)
return a:a ==# a:b || xolox#misc#path#absolute(a:a) ==# xolox#misc#path#absolute(a:b)
function! xolox#misc#path#is_relative(path) " {{{1
" Returns true (1) when the pathname given as the first argument is
" relative, false (0) otherwise.
if a:path =~ '^\w\+://'
return 0
elseif s:windows_compatible
return a:path !~ '^\(\w:\|[\\/]\)'
return a:path !~ '^/'
function! xolox#misc#path#tempdir() " {{{1
" Create a temporary directory and return the pathname of the directory.
if !exists('s:tempdir_counter')
let s:tempdir_counter = 1
if exists('*mkdir')
if s:windows_compatible
let template = $TMP . '\vim_tempdir_'
elseif filewritable('/tmp') == 2
let template = '/tmp/vim_tempdir_'
if !exists('template')
throw "xolox#misc#path#tempdir() hasn't been implemented on your platform!"
while 1
let directory = template . s:tempdir_counter
call mkdir(directory, '', 0700)
return directory
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E739/
" Keep looking for a non-existing directory.
let s:tempdir_counter += 1
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

View file

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
" Manipulation of UNIX file permissions.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: June 30, 2014
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
" Vim's [writefile()][] function cannot set file permissions for newly created
" files and although Vim script has a function to get file permissions (see
" [getfperm()][]) there is no equivalent for changing a file's permissions.
" This omission breaks the otherwise very useful idiom of updating a file by
" writing its new contents to a temporary file and then renaming the temporary
" file into place (which is as close as you're going to get to atomically
" updating a file's contents on UNIX) because the file's permissions will not
" be preserved!
" **Here's a practical example:** My [vim-easytags][] plug-in writes tags file
" updates to a temporary file and renames the temporary file into place. When
" I use `sudo -s` on Ubuntu Linux it preserves my environment variables so my
" `~/.vimrc` and the [vim-easytags][] plug-in are still loaded. Now when a
" tags file is written the file becomes owned by root (my effective user id in
" the `sudo` session). Once I leave the `sudo` session I can no longer update
" my tags file because it's now owned by root … ಠ_ಠ
" [getfperm()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#getfperm()
" [vim-easytags]: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/easytags/
" [writefile()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#writefile()
function! xolox#misc#perm#update(fname, contents)
" Atomically update a file's contents while preserving the owner, group and
" mode. The first argument is the pathname of the file to update (a string).
" The second argument is the list of lines to be written to the file. Writes
" the new contents to a temporary file and renames the temporary file into
" place, thereby preventing readers from reading a partially written file.
" Returns 1 if the file is successfully updated, 0 otherwise.
" Note that if `xolox#misc#perm#get()` and `xolox#misc#perm#set()` cannot be
" used to preserve the file owner/group/mode the file is still updated using
" a rename (for compatibility with non-UNIX systems and incompatible
" `/usr/bin/stat` implementations) so in that case you can still lose the
" file's owner/group/mode.
let starttime = xolox#misc#timer#start()
let temporary_file = printf('%s.tmp', a:fname)
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Writing new contents of %s to temporary file %s ..", g:xolox#misc#version, a:fname, temporary_file)
if writefile(a:contents, temporary_file) == 0
call xolox#misc#perm#set(temporary_file, xolox#misc#perm#get(a:fname))
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Replacing %s with %s ..", g:xolox#misc#version, a:fname, temporary_file)
if rename(temporary_file, a:fname) == 0
call xolox#misc#timer#stop("vim-misc %s: Successfully updated %s using atomic rename in %s.", g:xolox#misc#version, a:fname, starttime)
return 1
if filereadable(temporary_file)
call delete(temporary_file)
return 0
function! xolox#misc#perm#get(fname)
" Get the owner, group and permissions of the pathname given as the first
" argument. Returns an opaque value which you can later pass to
" `xolox#misc#perm#set()`.
let pathname = xolox#misc#path#absolute(a:fname)
if filereadable(pathname)
let command = printf('stat --format %s %s', '%U:%G:%a', shellescape(pathname))
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': command, 'check': 0})
if result['exit_code'] == 0 && len(result['stdout']) >= 1
let tokens = split(result['stdout'][0], ':')
if len(tokens) == 3
let [owner, group, mode] = tokens
let mode = '0' . mode
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: File %s has owner %s, group %s, mode %s.", g:xolox#misc#version, pathname, owner, group, mode)
return [owner, group, mode]
return []
function! xolox#misc#perm#set(fname, perms)
" Set the permissions (the second argument) of the pathname given as the
" first argument. Expects a permissions value created by
" `xolox#misc#perm#get()`.
if !empty(a:perms)
let pathname = xolox#misc#path#absolute(a:fname)
let [owner, group, mode] = a:perms
if s:run('chown %s:%s %s', owner, group, pathname) && s:run('chmod %s %s', mode, pathname)
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Successfully set %s owner to %s, group to %s and permissions to %s.", g:xolox#misc#version, pathname, owner, group, mode)
return 1
return 0
function! s:run(command, ...)
let args = map(copy(a:000), 'shellescape(v:val)')
call insert(args, a:command, 0)
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': call('printf', args), 'check': 0})
return result['exit_code'] == 0

View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
" Persist/recall Vim values from/to files.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: June 30, 2014
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
" Vim's [string()][] function can be used to serialize Vim script values like
" numbers, strings, lists, dictionaries and composites of them to a string
" which can later be evaluated using the [eval()][] function to turn it back
" into the original value. This Vim script provides functions to use these
" functions to persist and recall Vim values from/to files. This is very
" useful for communication between (possibly concurrent) Vim processes.
function! xolox#misc#persist#load(filename, ...) " {{{1
" Read a Vim value like a number, string, list or dictionary from a file
" using [readfile()][] and [eval()][]. The first argument is the filename of
" the file to read (a string). The optional second argument specifies the
" default value which is returned when the file can't be loaded. This
" function returns the loaded value or the default value (which itself
" defaults to the integer 0).
" [eval()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#eval()
" [readfile()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#readfile()
let default_value = exists('a:1') ? a:1 : 0
let lines = readfile(a:filename)
return eval(join(lines, "\n"))
return default_value
function! xolox#misc#persist#save(filename, value) " {{{1
" Write a Vim value like a number, string, list or dictionary to a file
" using [string()][] and [writefile()][]. The first argument is the filename
" of the file to write (a string) and the second argument is the value to
" write (any value).
" This function writes the serialized value to an intermediate file which is
" then renamed into place atomically. This avoids issues with concurrent
" processes where for example a producer has written a partial file which is
" read by a consumer before the file is complete. In this case the consumer
" would read a corrupt value. The rename trick avoids this problem.
" [string()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#string()
" [writefile()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#writefile()
return xolox#misc#perm#update(a:filename, split(string(a:value), "\n"))
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
" String handling.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: September 17, 2014
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
function! xolox#misc#str#slug(s) " {{{1
" Convert a string to a "slug" - something that can be safely used in
" filenames and URLs without worrying about quoting/escaping of special
" characters.
return join(split(tolower(a:s), '\W\+'), '-')
function! xolox#misc#str#ucfirst(s) " {{{1
" Uppercase the first character in a string (the first argument).
return substitute(a:s, '^.', '\U\0', '')
function! xolox#misc#str#unescape(s) " {{{1
" Remove back slash escapes from a string (the first argument).
return substitute(a:s, '\\\(\_.\)', '\1', 'g')
function! xolox#misc#str#compact(s) " {{{1
" Compact whitespace in a string (the first argument).
return join(split(a:s), " ")
function! xolox#misc#str#trim(s) " {{{1
" Trim all whitespace from the start and end of a string (the first
" argument).
return substitute(a:s, '^\_s*\(.\{-}\)\_s*$', '\1', '')
function! xolox#misc#str#indent(text, num_spaces) " {{{1
" Indent all lines in a multi-line string (the first argument) with a
" specific number of *space characters* (the second argument, an integer).
let lines = split(a:text, "\n")
let indent = repeat(' ', a:num_spaces)
let [idx, limit] = [0, len(lines)]
while idx < limit
if lines[idx] =~ '\S'
let lines[idx] = indent . lines[idx]
let idx += 1
return join(lines, "\n")
function! xolox#misc#str#dedent(text) " {{{1
" Remove common whitespace from a multi line string.
let lines = split(a:text, "\n")
" First we need to determine the common indentation of all non-empty lines.
for line in lines
if line =~ '\S'
let indent = matchstr(line, '^\s*')
if !exists('common_indent')
let common_indent = indent
elseif len(indent) < len(common_indent)
let common_indent = indent
" Now we will strip the common indentation.
let [idx, limit] = [0, len(lines)]
let pattern = '^' . common_indent
while idx < limit
let lines[idx] = substitute(lines[idx], pattern, '', '')
let idx += 1
return join(lines, "\n")
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

View file

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
" Test runner & infrastructure for Vim plug-ins.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: June 2, 2013
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
" The Vim auto-load script `autoload/xolox/misc/test.vim` contains
" infrastructure that can be used to run an automated Vim plug-in test suite.
" It provides a framework for running test functions, keeping track of the
" test status, making assertions and reporting test results to the user.
" The process handling tests cannot use the built-in "echo" command from the
" Windows shell because it has way too much idiosyncrasies for me to put up
" with. Seriously. Instead I'm using an "echo.exe" from the UnxUtils project.
if xolox#misc#os#is_win()
let g:xolox#misc#test#echo = xolox#misc#escape#shell(xolox#misc#path#merge(expand('<sfile>:p:h'), 'echo.exe'))
let g:xolox#misc#test#echo = 'echo'
function! xolox#misc#test#reset() " {{{1
" Reset counters for executed tests and passed/failed assertions.
let s:num_executed = 0
let s:num_passed = 0
let s:num_failed = 0
let s:tests_started_at = xolox#misc#timer#start()
function! xolox#misc#test#summarize() " {{{1
" Print a summary of test results, to be interpreted interactively.
call s:delimit_output()
call xolox#misc#timer#force("Took %s to run %s: %s passed, %s failed.",
\ s:tests_started_at,
\ xolox#misc#format#pluralize(s:num_executed, 'test', 'tests'),
\ xolox#misc#format#pluralize(s:num_passed, 'assertion', 'assertions'),
\ xolox#misc#format#pluralize(s:num_failed, 'assertion', 'assertions'))
function! xolox#misc#test#wrap(function) " {{{1
" Call a function in a try/catch block and prevent exceptions from bubbling.
" The name of the function should be passed as the first and only argument;
" it should be a string containing the name of a Vim auto-load function.
let num_failed = s:num_failed
if s:num_passed + s:num_failed > 0
call s:delimit_output()
let test_name = split(a:function, '#')[-1]
let test_name = substitute(test_name, '_', ' ', 'g')
let test_name = substitute(test_name, '^.', '\U\0', '')
call xolox#misc#msg#info("Running test #%i: %s", s:num_executed + 1, test_name)
call call(a:function, [])
call xolox#misc#msg#warn("Test %s raised exception:", a:function)
call xolox#misc#msg#warn("%s", v:exception)
call xolox#misc#msg#warn("(at %s)", v:throwpoint)
if num_failed == s:num_failed
" Make sure exceptions are counted as failures, but don't inflate the
" number of failed assertions when it's not needed (it can produce
" confusing test output).
call xolox#misc#test#failed()
let s:num_executed += 1
function! xolox#misc#test#passed() " {{{1
" Record a test which succeeded.
let s:num_passed += 1
call s:print_feedback()
function! xolox#misc#test#failed() " {{{1
" Record a test which failed.
let s:num_failed += 1
call s:print_feedback()
function! s:delimit_output() " {{{1
" Print a delimiter between output of tests.
call xolox#misc#msg#info("%s", repeat("-", 40))
function! s:print_feedback() " {{{1
" Let the user know the status of the test suite.
call xolox#misc#msg#info("Test status: %s passed, %s failed ..",
\ xolox#misc#format#pluralize(s:num_passed, 'assertion', 'assertions'),
\ xolox#misc#format#pluralize(s:num_failed, 'assertion', 'assertions'))
function! xolox#misc#test#assert_true(expr) " {{{1
" Check whether an expression is true.
if a:expr
call xolox#misc#test#passed()
call xolox#misc#test#failed()
let msg = "Expected value to be true, got %s instead"
throw printf(msg, string(a:expr))
function! xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(expected, received) " {{{1
" Check whether two values are the same.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_same_type(a:expected, a:received)
if a:expected == a:received
call xolox#misc#test#passed()
call xolox#misc#test#failed()
let msg = "Expected value %s, received value %s!"
throw printf(msg, string(a:expected), string(a:received))
function! xolox#misc#test#assert_same_type(expected, received) " {{{1
" Check whether two values are of the same type.
if type(a:expected) == type(a:received)
call xolox#misc#test#passed()
call xolox#misc#test#failed()
let msg = "Expected value of same type as %s, got value %s!"
throw printf(msg, string(a:expected), string(a:received))
call xolox#misc#test#reset()

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@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
" Tests for the miscellaneous Vim scripts.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: June , 2013
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
" The Vim auto-load script `autoload/xolox/misc/tests.vim` contains the
" automated test suite of the miscellaneous Vim scripts. Right now the
" coverage is not very high yet, but this will improve over time.
let s:use_dll = 0
let s:can_use_dll = xolox#misc#os#can_use_dll()
function! xolox#misc#tests#run() " {{{1
" Run the automated test suite of the miscellaneous Vim scripts. To be used
" interactively. Intended to be safe to execute irrespective of context.
call xolox#misc#test#reset()
" Run the tests.
call s:test_string_escaping()
call s:test_list_handling()
call s:test_option_handling()
call s:test_command_execution()
call s:test_string_handling()
call s:test_version_handling()
" Report a short summary to the user.
call xolox#misc#test#summarize()
function! s:wrap_exec_test(function)
" Wrapper for tests that use xolox#misc#os#exec(). If we're on Windows and
" the vim-shell plug-in is installed, the test will be run twice: Once with
" vim-shell disabled and once with vim-shell enabled. This makes sure that
" all code paths are tested as much as possible.
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Temporarily disabling vim-shell so we can test vim-misc ..", g:xolox#misc#version)
let s:use_dll = 0
call xolox#misc#test#wrap(a:function)
if s:can_use_dll
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Re-enabling vim-shell so we can test that as well ..", g:xolox#misc#version)
let s:use_dll = 1
call xolox#misc#test#wrap(a:function)
" Tests for autoload/xolox/misc/escape.vim {{{1
function! s:test_string_escaping()
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#pattern_escaping')
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#substitute_escaping')
call s:wrap_exec_test('xolox#misc#tests#shell_escaping')
function! xolox#misc#tests#pattern_escaping() " {{{2
" Test escaping of regular expression patterns with
" `xolox#misc#escape#pattern()`.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals('foo [qux] baz', substitute('foo [bar] baz', xolox#misc#escape#pattern('[bar]'), '[qux]', 'g'))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals('also very nasty', substitute('also ~ nasty', xolox#misc#escape#pattern('~'), 'very', 'g'))
function! xolox#misc#tests#substitute_escaping() " {{{2
" Test escaping of substitution strings with
" `xolox#misc#escape#substitute()`.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals('nasty & tricky stuff', substitute('tricky stuff', 'tricky', xolox#misc#escape#substitute('nasty & tricky'), 'g'))
function! xolox#misc#tests#shell_escaping() " {{{2
" Test escaping of shell arguments with `xolox#misc#escape#shell()`.
let expected_value = 'this < is > a | very " scary ^ string '' indeed'
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': g:xolox#misc#test#echo . ' ' . xolox#misc#escape#shell(expected_value), 'use_dll': s:use_dll})
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(0, result['exit_code'])
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(0, result['exit_code'])
call xolox#misc#test#assert_same_type([], result['stdout'])
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(1, len(result['stdout']))
" XXX On Windows using system() there's a trailing space I can't explain.
" However the point of this test was to show that all characters pass
" through unharmed, so for now I'll just ignore the space :-)
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(expected_value, xolox#misc#str#trim(result['stdout'][0]))
" Tests for autoload/xolox/misc/list.vim {{{1
function! s:test_list_handling()
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#making_a_list_unique')
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#binary_insertion')
function! xolox#misc#tests#making_a_list_unique() " {{{2
" Test removing of duplicate values from lists with
" `xolox#misc#list#unique()`.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], xolox#misc#list#unique([1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5]))
" Should work for strings just as well. And it should preserve order.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(['a', 'b', 'c'], xolox#misc#list#unique(['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c']))
" Just to make sure that lists without duplicate values pass through unharmed.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], xolox#misc#list#unique([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
function! xolox#misc#tests#binary_insertion() " {{{2
" Test the binary insertion algorithm implemented in
" `xolox#misc#list#binsert()`.
let list = ['a', 'B', 'e']
" Insert 'c' (should end up between 'B' and 'e').
call xolox#misc#list#binsert(list, 'c', 1)
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(['a', 'B', 'c', 'e'], list)
" Insert 'D' (should end up between 'c' and 'e').
call xolox#misc#list#binsert(list, 'D', 1)
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(['a', 'B', 'c', 'D', 'e'], list)
" Insert 'f' (should end up after 'e', at the end).
call xolox#misc#list#binsert(list, 'f', 1)
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(['a', 'B', 'c', 'D', 'e', 'f'], list)
" Tests for autoload/xolox/misc/option.vim {{{1
function! s:test_option_handling()
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#getting_configuration_options')
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#splitting_of_multi_valued_options')
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#joining_of_multi_valued_options')
function! xolox#misc#tests#getting_configuration_options() " {{{2
" Test getting of scoped plug-in configuration "options" with
" `xolox#misc#option#get()`.
let magic_name = 'a_variable_that_none_would_use'
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(0, xolox#misc#option#get(magic_name))
" Test custom default values.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals([], xolox#misc#option#get(magic_name, []))
" Set the option as a global variable.
let global_value = 'global variable'
let g:{magic_name} = global_value
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(global_value, xolox#misc#option#get(magic_name))
" Set the option as a buffer local variable, thereby shadowing the global.
let local_value = 'buffer local variable'
let b:{magic_name} = local_value
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(local_value, xolox#misc#option#get(magic_name))
" Sanity check that it's possible to unshadow as well.
unlet b:{magic_name}
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(global_value, xolox#misc#option#get(magic_name))
" Cleanup after ourselves.
unlet g:{magic_name}
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(0, xolox#misc#option#get(magic_name))
function! xolox#misc#tests#splitting_of_multi_valued_options() " {{{2
" Test splitting of multi-valued Vim options with
" `xolox#misc#option#split()`.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals([], xolox#misc#option#split(''))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(['just one value'], xolox#misc#option#split('just one value'))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(['value 1', 'value 2'], xolox#misc#option#split('value 1,value 2'))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(['value 1', 'value 2', 'tricky,value'], xolox#misc#option#split('value 1,value 2,tricky\,value'))
function! xolox#misc#tests#joining_of_multi_valued_options() " {{{2
" Test joining of multi-valued Vim options with `xolox#misc#option#join()`.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals('', xolox#misc#option#join([]))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals('just one value', xolox#misc#option#join(['just one value']))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals('value 1,value 2', xolox#misc#option#join(['value 1', 'value 2']))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals('value 1,value 2,tricky\,value', xolox#misc#option#join(['value 1', 'value 2', 'tricky,value']))
" Tests for autoload/xolox/misc/os.vim {{{1
function! s:test_command_execution()
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#finding_vim_on_the_search_path')
call s:wrap_exec_test('xolox#misc#tests#synchronous_command_execution')
call s:wrap_exec_test('xolox#misc#tests#synchronous_command_execution_with_stderr')
call s:wrap_exec_test('xolox#misc#tests#synchronous_command_execution_with_raising_of_errors')
call s:wrap_exec_test('xolox#misc#tests#synchronous_command_execution_without_raising_errors')
call s:wrap_exec_test('xolox#misc#tests#asynchronous_command_execution')
function! xolox#misc#tests#finding_vim_on_the_search_path() " {{{2
" Test looking up Vim's executable on the search path using [v:progname] []
" with `xolox#misc#os#find_vim()`.
" [v:progname]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#v:progname
let pathname = xolox#misc#os#find_vim()
call xolox#misc#test#assert_same_type('', pathname)
call xolox#misc#test#assert_true(executable(pathname))
function! xolox#misc#tests#synchronous_command_execution() " {{{2
" Test basic functionality of synchronous command execution with
" `xolox#misc#os#exec()`.
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': printf('%s output', g:xolox#misc#test#echo), 'use_dll': s:use_dll})
call xolox#misc#test#assert_same_type({}, result)
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(0, result['exit_code'])
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(['output'], result['stdout'])
function! xolox#misc#tests#synchronous_command_execution_with_stderr() " {{{2
" Test basic functionality of synchronous command execution with
" `xolox#misc#os#exec()` including the standard error stream (not available
" on Windows when vim-shell is not installed).
if !(xolox#misc#os#is_win() && !s:use_dll)
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': printf('%s output && %s errors >&2', g:xolox#misc#test#echo, g:xolox#misc#test#echo), 'use_dll': s:use_dll})
call xolox#misc#test#assert_same_type({}, result)
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(0, result['exit_code'])
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(['output'], result['stdout'])
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(['errors'], result['stderr'])
function! xolox#misc#tests#synchronous_command_execution_with_raising_of_errors() " {{{2
" Test raising of errors during synchronous command execution with
" `xolox#misc#os#exec()`.
call xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': 'exit 1', 'use_dll': s:use_dll})
call xolox#misc#test#assert_true(0)
call xolox#misc#test#assert_true(1)
function! xolox#misc#tests#synchronous_command_execution_without_raising_errors() " {{{2
" Test synchronous command execution without raising of errors with
" `xolox#misc#os#exec()`.
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': 'exit 42', 'check': 0, 'use_dll': s:use_dll})
call xolox#misc#test#assert_true(1)
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals(42, result['exit_code'])
call xolox#misc#test#assert_true(0)
function! xolox#misc#tests#asynchronous_command_execution() " {{{2
" Test the basic functionality of asynchronous command execution with
" `xolox#misc#os#exec()`. This runs the external command `mkdir` and tests
" that the side effect of creating the directory takes place. This might
" seem like a peculiar choice, but it's one of the few 100% portable
" commands (Windows + UNIX) that doesn't involve input/output streams.
let temporary_directory = xolox#misc#path#tempdir()
let random_name = printf('%i', localtime())
let expected_directory = xolox#misc#path#merge(temporary_directory, random_name)
let command = 'mkdir ' . xolox#misc#escape#shell(expected_directory)
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': command, 'async': 1, 'use_dll': s:use_dll})
call xolox#misc#test#assert_same_type({}, result)
" Make sure the command is really executed.
let timeout = localtime() + 30
while !isdirectory(expected_directory) && localtime() < timeout
sleep 500 m
call xolox#misc#test#assert_true(isdirectory(expected_directory))
" Tests for autoload/xolox/misc/str.vim {{{1
function! s:test_string_handling()
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#string_case_transformation')
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#string_whitespace_compaction')
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#string_whitespace_trimming')
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#multiline_string_dedent')
function! xolox#misc#tests#string_case_transformation()
" Test string case transformation with `xolox#misc#str#ucfirst()`.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals('Foo', xolox#misc#str#ucfirst('foo'))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals('BAR', xolox#misc#str#ucfirst('BAR'))
function! xolox#misc#tests#string_whitespace_compaction()
" Test compaction of whitespace in strings with `xolox#misc#str#compact()`.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals('foo bar baz', xolox#misc#str#compact(' foo bar baz '))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals('test', xolox#misc#str#compact("\ntest "))
function! xolox#misc#tests#string_whitespace_trimming()
" Test trimming of whitespace in strings with `xolox#misc#str#trim()`.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals('foo bar baz', xolox#misc#str#trim("\nfoo bar baz "))
function! xolox#misc#tests#multiline_string_dedent()
" Test dedenting of multi-line strings with `xolox#misc#str#dedent()`.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals('test', xolox#misc#str#dedent(' test'))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals("1\n\n2", xolox#misc#str#dedent(" 1\n\n 2"))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals("1\n\n 2", xolox#misc#str#dedent(" 1\n\n 2"))
" Tests for autoload/xolox/misc/version.vim {{{1
function! s:test_version_handling()
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#version_string_parsing')
call xolox#misc#test#wrap('xolox#misc#tests#version_string_comparison')
function! xolox#misc#tests#version_string_parsing() " {{{2
" Test parsing of version strings with `xolox#misc#version#parse()`.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals([1], xolox#misc#version#parse('1'))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals([1, 5], xolox#misc#version#parse('1.5'))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals([1, 22, 3333, 44444, 55555], xolox#misc#version#parse('1.22.3333.44444.55555'))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_equals([1, 5], xolox#misc#version#parse('1x.5y'))
function! xolox#misc#tests#version_string_comparison() " {{{2
" Test comparison of version strings with `xolox#misc#version#at_least()`.
call xolox#misc#test#assert_true(xolox#misc#version#at_least('1', '1'))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_true(!xolox#misc#version#at_least('1', '0'))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_true(xolox#misc#version#at_least('1', '2'))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_true(xolox#misc#version#at_least('1.2.3', '1.2.3'))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_true(!xolox#misc#version#at_least('1.2.3', '1.2'))
call xolox#misc#test#assert_true(xolox#misc#version#at_least('1.2.3', '1.2.4'))

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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
" Timing of long during operations.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: July 19, 2014
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
if !exists('g:timer_enabled')
let g:timer_enabled = 0
if !exists('g:timer_verbosity')
let g:timer_verbosity = 1
let s:has_reltime = has('reltime')
let s:unique_marker = 'xolox#misc#timer#value'
function! xolox#misc#timer#resumable() " {{{1
" Create a resumable timer object. This returns an object (a dictionary with
" functions) with the following "methods":
" - `start()` instructs the timer object to start counting elapsed time
" (when a timer object is created it is not automatically started).
" - `stop()` instructs the timer object to stop counting elapsed time.
" This adds the time elapsed since `start()` was last called to the
" total elapsed time. This method will raise an error if called out of
" sequence.
" - `format()` takes the total elapsed time and reports it as a string
" containing a formatted floating point number.
" Timer objects are meant to accurately time short running operations so
" they're dependent on Vim's [reltime()][] and [reltimestr()][] functions.
" In order to make it possible to use timer objects in my Vim plug-ins
" unconditionally there's a fall back to [localtime()][] when [reltime()][]
" is not available. In this mode the timer objects are not very useful but
" at least they shouldn't raise errors.
" [localtime()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#localtime()
" [reltime()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#reltime()
" [reltimestr()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#reltimestr()
let object = {'total': [0, 0]}
function object.start() dict
if s:has_reltime
let self.current = reltime()
let self.current = localtime()
function object.stop() dict
if empty(get(self, 'current'))
throw "timer.stop() called on a timer that was never started!"
if s:has_reltime
let elapsed_time_string = xolox#misc#str#trim(reltimestr(reltime(self.current)))
" This is a bit silly (converting to a string and then parsing that) but
" the value of reltime() is documented as being platform specific...
let [seconds, microseconds] = split(elapsed_time_string, '\.')
let self.total[0] += substitute(seconds, '^0*', '', '')
let self.total[1] += substitute(microseconds, '^0*', '', '')
let self.current = []
let self.total[0] += localtime() - self.current
let self.current = 0
function object.format() dict
let seconds = self.total[0]
let microseconds = self.total[1]
if microseconds >= 1000000
let additional_seconds = microseconds / 1000000
let seconds += additional_seconds
let microseconds -= additional_seconds * 1000000
return printf('%i.%06i', seconds, microseconds)
return object
function! xolox#misc#timer#start() " {{{1
" Start a timer. This returns a list which can later be passed to
" `xolox#misc#timer#stop()`.
return [s:unique_marker, s:has_reltime ? reltime() : localtime()]
function! xolox#misc#timer#stop(...) " {{{1
" Show a formatted debugging message to the user, if the user has enabled
" increased verbosity by setting Vim's ['verbose'] [verbose] option to one
" (1) or higher.
" This function has the same argument handling as Vim's [printf()] [printf]
" function with one difference: At the point where you want the elapsed time
" to be embedded, you write `%s` and you pass the list returned by
" `xolox#misc#timer#start()` as an argument.
" [verbose]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'verbose'
" [printf]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#printf()
if (g:timer_enabled || &verbose >= g:timer_verbosity)
call call('xolox#misc#msg#info', map(copy(a:000), 'xolox#misc#timer#convert(v:val)'))
function! xolox#misc#timer#force(...) " {{{1
" Show a formatted message to the user. This function has the same argument
" handling as Vim's [printf()] [printf] function with one difference: At the
" point where you want the elapsed time to be embedded, you write `%s` and
" you pass the list returned by `xolox#misc#timer#start()` as an argument.
call call('xolox#misc#msg#info', map(copy(a:000), 'xolox#misc#timer#convert(v:val)'))
function! xolox#misc#timer#convert(value) " {{{1
" Convert the value returned by `xolox#misc#timer#start()` to a string
" representation of the elapsed time since `xolox#misc#timer#start()` was
" called. Other values are returned unmodified (this allows using it with
" Vim's [map()][] function).
" [map()]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#map()
if type(a:value) == type([]) && len(a:value) == 2 && a:value[0] == s:unique_marker
if s:has_reltime
let ts = xolox#misc#str#trim(reltimestr(reltime(a:value[1])))
let ts = localtime() - a:value[1]
return xolox#misc#format#timestamp(ts)
return a:value
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
" Version string handling.
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: June 22, 2013
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
function! xolox#misc#version#parse(version_string)
" Convert a version string to a list of integers.
let result = map(split(a:version_string, '\.'), 'v:val + 0')
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Parsed version string %s into %s.", g:xolox#misc#version, string(a:version_string), string(result))
return result
function! xolox#misc#version#at_least(expected_version, available_version)
" Check whether the second version string is equal to or greater than the
" first version string. Returns 1 (true) when it is, 0 (false) otherwise.
let expected_version = xolox#misc#version#parse(a:expected_version)
let available_version = xolox#misc#version#parse(a:available_version)
for idx in range(max([len(expected_version), len(available_version)]))
let expected_number = get(expected_version, idx, 0)
let available_number = get(available_version, idx, 0)
if available_number > expected_number
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Available version (%s) is higher than expected version (%s).", g:xolox#misc#version, a:available_version, a:expected_version)
return 1
elseif available_number < expected_number
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Available version (%s) is lower than expected version (%s).", g:xolox#misc#version, a:available_version, a:expected_version)
return 0
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("vim-misc %s: Available version (%s) is equal to expected version (%s).", g:xolox#misc#version, a:available_version, a:expected_version)
return 1
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
" Vim plug-in
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: June 21, 2014
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
" Don't source the plug-in when it's already been loaded or &compatible is set.
if &cp || exists('g:loaded_xolox_misc')
" Automatic commands used by the vim-misc plug-in.
augroup PluginXoloxMisc
autocmd! CursorHold,CursorHoldI * call xolox#misc#cursorhold#autocmd()
augroup END
" Make sure the plug-in is only loaded once.
let g:loaded_xolox_misc = 1
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Installation instructions
*Please note that the vim-session plug-in requires my vim-misc plug-in which is separately distributed.*
There are two ways to install the vim-session plug-in and it's up to you which you prefer, both options are explained below. Please note that below are generic installation instructions while some Vim plug-ins may have external dependencies, please refer to the plug-in's [readme](README.md) for details.
## Installation using ZIP archives
Unzip the most recent ZIP archives of the [vim-session](http://peterodding.com/code/vim/downloads/session.zip) and [vim-misc](http://peterodding.com/code/vim/downloads/misc.zip) plug-ins inside your Vim profile directory (usually this is `~/.vim` on UNIX and `%USERPROFILE%\vimfiles` on Windows), restart Vim and execute the command `:helptags ~/.vim/doc` (use `:helptags ~\vimfiles\doc` instead on Windows).
If you get warnings about overwriting existing files while unpacking the ZIP archives you probably don't need to worry about this because it's most likely caused by files like `README.md`, `INSTALL.md` and `addon-info.json`. If these files bother you then you can remove them after unpacking the ZIP archives, they are not required to use the plug-in.
## Installation using a Vim plug-in manager
If you prefer you can also use [Pathogen](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2332), [Vundle](https://github.com/gmarik/vundle) or a similar tool to install and update the [vim-session](https://github.com/xolox/vim-session) and [vim-misc](https://github.com/xolox/vim-misc) plug-ins using local clones of the git repositories. This takes a bit of work to set up the first time but it makes updating much easier, and it keeps each plug-in in its own directory which helps to keep your Vim profile uncluttered.

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@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
# Extended session management for Vim
The vim-session plug-in improves upon [Vim](http://www.vim.org/)'s built-in [:mksession][mksession] command by enabling you to easily and (if you want) automatically persist and restore your Vim editing sessions. It works by generating a [Vim script](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/usr_41.html#script) that restores your current settings and the arrangement of tab pages and/or split windows and the files they contain.
To persist your current editing session you can execute the `:SaveSession` command. If you don't provide a name for the session 'default' is used (you can change this name with an option). You're free to use whatever characters you like in session names. When you want to restore your session simply execute `:OpenSession`. Again the name 'default' is used if you don't provide one. When a session is active, has been changed and you quit Vim you'll be prompted whether you want to save the open session before quitting Vim:
![Screenshot of auto-save prompt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xolox/vim-session/master/screenshots/session-save-prompt.png)
If you want, the plug-in can also automatically save your session every few minutes (see the `g:session_autosave_periodic` option). When you start Vim without editing any files and the default session exists, you'll be prompted whether you want to restore the default session:
![Screenshot of auto-open prompt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xolox/vim-session/master/screenshots/session-restore-prompt.png)
When you start Vim with a custom [server name](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/remote.html#--servername) that matches one of the existing session names then the matching session will be automatically restored. For example I use several sessions to quickly edit my Vim plug-ins:
$ gvim --servername easytags-plugin
$ gvim --servername session-plugin
$ # etc.
The session scripts created by this plug-in are stored in the directory `~/.vim/sessions` (on UNIX) or `~\vimfiles\sessions` (on Windows) but you can change the location by setting `g:session_directory`. If you're curious what the session scripts generated by vim-session look like see the [sample below](http://peterodding.com/code/vim/session/#sample_session_script).
If you're still getting to know the plug-in, the "Sessions" menu may help: It contains menu items for most commands defined by the plug-in.
## Installation
Please refer to the [installation instructions] [howto-install] available on GitHub. Once you've installed the plug-in the commands below will be available to you.
## Commands
Note that environment variables inside command arguments are expanded by the plug-in.
### The `:SaveSession` command
This command saves your current editing session just like Vim's built-in [:mksession][mksession] command does. The difference is that you don't pass a full pathname as argument but just a name, any name really. Press `<Tab>` to get completion of existing session names. If you don't provide an argument the default session name is used, unless an existing session is open in which case the name of that session will be used.
If the session you're trying to save is already active in another Vim instance you'll get a warning and nothing happens. You can use a bang (!) as in `:SaveSession! ...` to ignore the warning and save the session anyway.
Your session script will be saved in the directory pointed to by the `g:session_directory` option.
### The `:OpenSession` command
This command is basically [:source][source] in disguise, but it supports tab completion of session names and it executes `:CloseSession` before opening the session. When you don't provide a session name and only a single session exists then that session is opened, otherwise the plug-in will ask you to select one from a list:
Please select the session to restore:
1. vim-profile
2. session-plugin
3. etc.
Type number and <Enter> or click with mouse (empty cancels):
If the session you're trying to open is already active in another Vim instance you'll get a warning and nothing happens. You can use a bang (!) as in `:OpenSession! ...` to ignore the warning and open the session anyway.
Note also that when you use a bang (!) right after the command name existing tab pages and windows are closed, discarding any changes in the files you were editing!
### The `:RestartVim` command
This command saves your current editing session, restarts Vim and restores your editing session. This can come in handy when you're debugging Vim scripts which can't be easily/safely [reloaded using a more lightweight approach](http://peterodding.com/code/vim/reload/). It should work fine on Windows and UNIX alike but because of technical limitations it only works in graphical Vim.
Any commands following the `:RestartVim` command are intercepted and executed after Vim is restarted and your session has been restored. This makes it easy to perform manual tests which involve restarting Vim, e.g. `:RestartVim | edit /path/to/file | call MyTest()`.
### The `:CloseSession` command
This command closes all but the current tab page and window and then edits a new, empty buffer. If a session is loaded when you execute this command the plug-in will first ask you whether you want to save that session.
Note that when you use a bang (!) right after the command name existing tab pages and windows are closed, discarding any changes in the files you were editing!
### The `:DeleteSession` command
Using this command you can delete any of the sessions created by this plug-in. If the session you are trying to delete is currently active in another Vim instance you'll get a warning and nothing happens. You can use a bang (!) as in `:DeleteSession! ...` to ignore the warning and delete the session anyway.
Note that this command only deletes the session script, it leaves your open tab pages and windows exactly as they were.
### The `:ViewSession` command
Execute this command to view the Vim script generated for a session. This command is useful when you need to review the generated Vim script repeatedly, for example while debugging or modifying the vim-session plug-in.
### Tab scoped sessions
When ['sessionoptions'] [sessionoptions] contains 'tabpages' (this is the default) session scripts will persist and restore all windows in all tab pages. When you remove 'tabpages' from ['sessionoptions'] [sessionoptions] you get a sort of light-weight sessions: They are constrained to a single tab page. Vim's [:mksession] [mksession] command and the vim-session plug-in both fully support this.
You can change ['sessionoptions'] [sessionoptions] in your [vimrc script] [vimrc] but then you can never save a session including tab pages. To decide on the spot whether you want a global or tab scoped session, the vim-session plug-in defines the three commands documented below.
Note that tab scoped sessions are regular session scripts, so when you load a tab scoped session using `:OpenSession` instead of `:OpenTabSession` the vim-session plug-in *assumes* it is a global session and will close all active tab pages before opening the tab scoped session.
#### The `:OpenTabSession` command
Just like `:OpenSession` but applies only to the current tab page.
#### The `:SaveTabSession` command
Just like `:SaveSession` but applies only to the current tab page.
#### The `:AppendTabSession` command
This command opens a new tab page and loads the given tab scoped session in that tab page. You can give this command a count just like [:tabnew] [tabnew].
#### The `:CloseTabSession` command
Just like `:CloseSession` but applies only to the current tab page.
## Options
The following Vim options and plug-in options (global variables) can be used to configure the plug-in to your preferences.
### The `sessionoptions` setting
Because the vim-session plug-in uses Vim's [:mksession][mksession] command you can change how it works by setting ['sessionoptions'][sessionoptions] in your [vimrc script] [vimrc], for example:
" If you only want to save the current tab page:
set sessionoptions-=tabpages
" If you don't want help windows to be restored:
set sessionoptions-=help
A lot of people don't like Vim's default behavior of saving hidden and unloaded buffers in sessions (which vim-session inherits due to the use of [:mksession][mksession]). To disable this behavior you can add the following line to your [vimrc script] [vimrc]:
" Don't save hidden and unloaded buffers in sessions.
set sessionoptions-=buffers
Note that the vim-session plug-in automatically and unconditionally executes the following change just before saving a session:
" Don't persist options and mappings because it can corrupt sessions.
set sessionoptions-=options
### The `g:session_directory` option
This option controls the location of your session scripts. Its default value is `~/.vim/sessions` (on UNIX) or `~\vimfiles\sessions` (on Windows). If you don't mind the default you don't have to do anything; the directory will be created for you. Note that a leading `~` is expanded to your current home directory (`$HOME` on UNIX, `%USERPROFILE%` on Windows).
### The `g:session_lock_directory` option
The vim-session plug-in uses lock files to prevent double loading of sessions. The default location (directory) of these lock files depends on a couple of factors:
1. If you have explicitly set the `g:session_lock_directory` option that defines the directory.
2. If the directory `/var/lock` exists and is writable that is used as a sane default.
3. As a sane fall back for platforms where `/var/lock` is not available the directory that stores the session scripts themselves is used.
### The `g:session_lock_enabled` option
Depending on your workflow locking of editing sessions can get annoying at times, so if you don't care about opening a session more than once and potentially "losing a version of your session" then you can use this option to completely disable session locking as follows:
" Disable all session locking - I know what I'm doing :-).
let g:session_lock_enabled = 0
### The `g:session_default_name` option
The name of the default session without directory or filename extension (you'll never guess what the default is).
### The `g:session_default_overwrite` option
If you set this to true (1), every Vim instance without an explicit session loaded will overwrite the default session (the last Vim instance wins).
### The `g:session_extension` option
The filename extension of session scripts. This should include the dot that separates the basename from the extension. Defaults to '.vim'.
### The `g:session_autoload` option
By default this option is set to `'prompt'`. This means that when you start Vim without opening any files and the default session script exists, the session plug-in will ask whether you want to restore your default session. When you set this option to `'yes'` and you start Vim without opening any files the default session will be restored without a prompt. To completely disable automatic loading you can set this option to `'no'`.
### The `g:session_autosave` option
By default this option is set to `'prompt'`. When you've opened a session and you quit Vim, the session plug-in will ask whether you want to save the changes to your session. Set this option to `'yes'` to always automatically save open sessions when you quit Vim. To completely disable automatic saving you can set this option to `'no'`.
### The `g:session_autosave_to` option
If `g:session_autosave` is `'yes'` and this option is a nonempty string, automatic session saving always saves to the session with the name given by `g:session_autosave_to` regardless of what the current session is or any other options. In particular, `g:session_default_overwrite` does not have any effect. By default this option isn't set so none of this applies. Refer to [pull request 81] [81] for a more detailed use case.
### The `g:session_autosave_periodic` option
This option sets the interval in minutes for automatic, periodic saving of active sessions. The default is zero which disables the feature.
Note that when the plug-in automatically saves a session (because you enabled this feature) the plug-in will not prompt for your permission.
### The `g:session_autosave_silent` option
If you set this option to true (1) the messages normally emitted by automatic, periodic saving of active sessions are silenced.
### The `g:session_verbose_messages` option
The session load/save prompts are quite verbose by default because they explain how to disable the prompts. If you find the additional explanation distracting you can lower the verbosity by setting this option to 0 (false) in your [vimrc script] [vimrc].
### The `g:session_default_to_last` option
By default this option is set to false (0). When you set this option to true (1) and you start Vim, the session plug-in will open your last used session instead of the default session. Note that the session plug-in will still show you the dialog asking whether you want to restore the last used session. To get rid of the dialog you have to set `g:session_autoload` to `'yes'`.
### The `g:session_persist_font` option
By default the plug-in will save the GUI font with the session to be reused the next time that session is loaded, this can be disabled by adding the following line to your [vimrc script] [vimrc]:
:let g:session_persist_font = 0
### The `g:session_persist_colors` option
By default the plug-in will save the color scheme and the ['background' option] [bg] with the session to be reused the next time that session is loaded, this can be disabled by adding the following line to your [vimrc script] [vimrc]:
:let g:session_persist_colors = 0
### The `g:session_persist_globals` option
The vim-session plug-in uses Vim's [:mksession] [mksession] command but it changes ['sessionoptions'][sessionoptions] so that Vim options and mappings are not persisted. The plug-in does this because persistence of options and mappings can break loading of sessions, in other words it's fragile (in my opinion).
If you want the plug-in to persist specific global variables or options you can add their names to the list `g:session_persist_globals` in your [vimrc script] [vimrc]:
" Persist the value of the global option 'makeprg'.
let g:session_persist_globals = ['&makeprg']
Because the [vimrc script] [vimrc] is loaded before the plug-in you have to define the list yourself. To persist multiple values:
" Persist all options related to :make.
let g:session_persist_globals = ['&makeprg', '&makeef']
Here's how you persist global variables: (in this case the variables of the session plug-in itself :-)
" Persist the options of the session plug-in using the session plug-in...
let g:session_persist_globals = ['&sessionoptions']
call add(g:session_persist_globals, 'g:session_autoload')
call add(g:session_persist_globals, 'g:session_autosave')
call add(g:session_persist_globals, 'g:session_default_to_last')
call add(g:session_persist_globals, 'g:session_persist_globals')
The example above doesn't persist the `g:session_directory` variable because this variable is used before loading a session script so persisting it inside the session script is pointless.
### The `g:session_restart_environment` option
This option is a list of environment variable names (without the dollar signs) that the `:RestartVim` command will pass on to the new instance of Vim. This option is only useful on UNIX. By default the three environment variables `$TERM`, `$VIM` and `$VIMRUNTIME` are included in this list.
### The `g:session_command_aliases` option
The names of the commands defined by the session plug-in start with the action they perform, followed by the string 'Session'. Some people prefer it the other way around because they find it easier to remember and you can type `:Session<Tab>` to get completion of all available commands (actually this works with the other style as well if you type `:*Session<Tab>` but I digress). If you are one of those people you can enable this option in your [vimrc script] [vimrc] like this:
:let g:session_command_aliases = 1
When this option is enabled the session plug-in will define the following command aliases:
* `SessionOpen` is an alias for `OpenSession`
* `SessionView` is an alias for `ViewSession`
* `SessionSave` is an alias for `SaveSession`
* `SessionDelete` is an alias for `DeleteSession`
* `SessionClose` is an alias for `CloseSession`
Then there are the command aliases for tab scoped sessions:
* `SessionTabOpen` is an alias for `OpenTabSession`
* `SessionTabSave` is an alias for `SaveTabSession`
* `SessionTabAppend` is an alias for `AppendTabSession`
* `SessionTabClose` is an alias for `CloseTabSession`
The aliases support tab completion just like the real commands; they're exactly the same except for the names.
When you enable the aliases, the default command names will still be available. If you really don't like them, feel free to delete them using [:delcommand] [delcommand].
### The `g:session_menu` option
By default the plug-in installs a top level menu. If you don't like this you can disable it by adding the following line to your [vimrc script] [vimrc]:
:let g:session_menu = 0
### The `g:session_name_suggestion_function` option
The default completion of the `:SaveSession` command is based on the names of the existing sessions. You can add your own suggestions using this option by setting the option to the name of a Vim script function. By default this option is set to an example function that suggests the name of the current git or Mercurial feature branch (when you're working in a version control repository).
### The `g:loaded_session` option
This variable isn't really an option but if you want to avoid loading the vim-session plug-in you can set this variable to any value in your [vimrc script] [vimrc]:
:let g:loaded_session = 1
## Compatibility with other plug-ins
Vim's [:mksession][mksession] command isn't really compatible with plug-ins that create buffers with generated content and because of this the vim-session plug-in includes specific workarounds for a couple of popular plug-ins:
* [BufExplorer](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=42), [Conque Shell](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2771), [NERD tree](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1658), [Project](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=69) and [taglist](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=273) windows are supported;
* When [shell.vim](http://peterodding.com/code/vim/shell/) is installed Vim's full-screen state is persisted;
* The [netrw](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/pi_netrw.html#netrw-start) plug-in supports sessions out of the box.
If your favorite plug-in doesn't work with the vim-session plug-in drop me a mail and I'll see what I can do. Please include a link to the plug-in in your e-mail so that I can install and test the plug-in.
## Function reference
<!-- Start of generated documentation -->
The documentation of the 39 functions below was extracted from
2 Vim scripts on April 1, 2015 at 22:22.
### Public API for the vim-session plug-in
#### The `xolox#session#save_session()` function
Save the current Vim editing session to a Vim script using the
[:mksession] [] command and some additional Vim magic provided by the
vim-session plug-in. When the generated session script is later sourced
using the [:source] [] command (possibly in another process or even on
another machine) it will restore the editing session to its previous state
(provided all of the files involved in the session are still there at
their original locations).
The first argument is expected to be a list, it will be extended with the
lines to be added to the session script. The second argument is expected
to be the filename under which the script will later be saved (it's
embedded in a comment at the top of the script).
[:mksession]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/starting.html#:mksession
[:source]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/repeat.html#:source
#### The `xolox#session#save_globals()` function
Serialize the values of the global variables configured by the user with
the `g:session_persist_globals` option. The first argument is expected to
be a list, it will be extended with the lines to be added to the session
#### The `xolox#session#save_features()` function
Save the current state of the following Vim features:
- Whether syntax highlighting is enabled (`:syntax on`)
- Whether file type detection is enabled (`:filetype on`)
- Whether file type plug-ins are enabled (`:filetype plugin on`)
- Whether file type indent plug-ins are enabled (`:filetype indent on`)
The first argument is expected to be a list, it will be extended with the
lines to be added to the session script.
#### The `xolox#session#save_colors()` function
Save the current color scheme and background color. The first argument is
expected to be a list, it will be extended with the lines to be added to
the session script.
#### The `xolox#session#save_fullscreen()` function
Save the full screen state of Vim. This function provides integration
between my [vim-session] [] and [vim-shell] [] plug-ins. The first
argument is expected to be a list, it will be extended with the lines to
be added to the session script.
[vim-session]: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/session
[vim-shell]: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/shell
#### The `xolox#session#save_qflist()` function
Save the contents of the quick-fix list. The first argument is expected to
be a list, it will be extended with the lines to be added to the session
#### The `xolox#session#save_state()` function
Wrapper for the [:mksession] [] command that slightly massages the
generated Vim script to get rid of some strange quirks in the way Vim
generates sessions. Also implements support for buffers with content that
was generated by other Vim plug-ins. The first argument is expected to
be a list, it will be extended with the lines to be added to the session
#### The `xolox#session#save_special_windows()` function
Implements support for buffers with content that was generated by other
Vim plug-ins. The first argument is expected to be a list, it will be
extended with the lines to be added to the session script.
#### The `xolox#session#auto_load()` function
Automatically load the default or last used session when Vim starts.
Normally called by the [VimEnter] [] automatic command event.
[VimEnter]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/autocmd.html#VimEnter
#### The `xolox#session#is_empty()` function
Check that the user has started Vim without editing any files. Used by
`xolox#session#auto_load()` to determine whether automatic session loading
should be performed. Currently checks the following conditions:
1. That the current buffer is either empty (contains no lines and is not
modified) or showing [vim-startify] [].
2. That the buffer list either empty or persistent.
[vim-startify]: https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify/
#### The `xolox#session#auto_save()` function
Automatically save the current editing session when Vim is closed.
Normally called by the [VimLeavePre] [] automatic command event.
[VimLeavePre]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/autocmd.html#VimLeavePre
#### The `xolox#session#auto_save_periodic()` function
Automatically saves the current editing session every few minutes.
Normally called by the [CursorHold] [] and [CursorHoldI] [] automatic
command events.
[CursorHold]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/autocmd.html#CursorHold
[CursorHoldI]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/autocmd.html#CursorHoldI
#### The `xolox#session#auto_unlock()` function
Automatically unlock all sessions when Vim quits. Normally called by the
[VimLeavePre] [] automatic command event.
[VimLeavePre]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/autocmd.html#VimLeavePre
#### The `xolox#session#prompt_for_name()` function
Prompt the user to select one of the existing sessions. The first argument
is expected to be a string describing what will be done to the session
once it's been selected. Returns the name of the selected session as a
string. If no session is selected an empty string is returned. Here's
an example of what the prompt looks like:
:call xolox#session#prompt_for_name('trash')
Please select the session to trash:
1. first-session
2. second-session
3. third-session
Type number and <Enter> or click with mouse (empty cancels):
If only a single session exists there's nothing to choose from so the name
of that session will be returned directly, without prompting the user.
#### The `xolox#session#name_to_path()` function
Convert the name of a session (the first argument, expected to be a
string) to an absolute pathname. Any special characters in the session
name will be encoded using URL encoding. This means you're free to use
whatever naming conventions you like (regardless of special characters
like slashes). Returns a string.
#### The `xolox#session#path_to_name()` function
Convert the absolute pathname of a session script (the first argument,
expected to be a string) to a session name. This function assumes the
absolute pathname refers to the configured session directory, but it does
not check for it nor does it require it (it simple takes the base name
of the absolute pathname of the session script and decodes it). Returns a
#### The `xolox#session#get_names()` function
Get the names of all available sessions. This scans the directory
configured with `g:session_directory` for files that end with the suffix
configured with `g:session_extension`, takes the base name of each file
and decodes any URL encoded characters. Returns a list of strings.
If the first argument is true (1) then the user defined function
configured with `g:session_name_suggestion_function` is called to find
suggested session names, which are prefixed to the list of available
sessions, otherwise the argument should be false (0).
#### The `xolox#session#complete_names()` function
Completion function for user defined Vim commands. Used by commands like
`:OpenSession` and `:DeleteSession` (but not `:SaveSession`) to support
user friendly completion.
#### The `xolox#session#complete_names_with_suggestions()` function
Completion function for the Vim command `:SaveSession`.
#### The `xolox#session#is_tab_scoped()` function
Determine whether the current session is tab scoped or global. Returns 1
(true) when the session is tab scoped, 0 (false) otherwise.
#### The `xolox#session#find_current_session()` function
Find the name of the current tab scoped or global session. Returns a
string. If no session is active an empty string is returned.
#### The `xolox#session#get_label()` function
Get a human readable label based on the scope (tab scoped or global) and
name of a session. The first argument is the name (a string) and the
second argument is a boolean indicating the scope of the session; 1 (true)
means tab scoped and 0 (false) means global scope. Returns a string.
#### The `xolox#session#options_include()` function
Check whether Vim's [sessionoptions] [] option includes the keyword given
as the first argument (expected to be a string). Returns 1 (true) when it
does, 0 (false) otherwise.
[sessionoptions]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'sessionoptions'
#### The `xolox#session#include_tabs()` function
Check whether Vim's [sessionoptions] [] option includes the `tabpages`
keyword. Returns 1 (true) when it does, 0 (false) otherwise.
#### The `xolox#session#change_tab_options()` function
Temporarily change Vim's [sessionoptions] [] option so we can save a tab
scoped session. Saves a copy of the original value to be restored later.
#### The `xolox#session#restore_tab_options()` function
Restore the original value of Vim's [sessionoptions] [] option.
#### The `xolox#session#locking_enabled()` function
Check whether session locking is enabled. Returns true (1) when locking is
enabled, false (0) otherwise.
By default session locking is enabled but users can opt-out by setting
`g:session_lock_enabled` to false (0).
### Example function for session name suggestions
#### The `xolox#session#suggestions#vcs_feature_branch()` function
This function implements an example of a function that can be used with
the `g:session_name_suggestion_function` option. It finds the name of the
current git or Mercurial feature branch (if any) and suggests this name as
the name for the session that is being saved with :SaveSession. Returns a
list with one string on success and an empty list on failure.
<!-- End of generated documentation -->
## Troubleshooting
### Using multiple platforms (multi boot, Cygwin, etc.)
Session scripts cannot be shared between platforms because they contain absolute pathnames that most certainly won't match between e.g. Windows and Linux or even Windows and Cygwin. The best you can do is keep separate session scripts for different platforms (and I would certainly consider Cygwin a separate platform altogether :-). For more information please refer to [issue 85] [85].
## Contact
If you have questions, bug reports, suggestions, etc. the author can be contacted at <peter@peterodding.com>. The latest version is available at <http://peterodding.com/code/vim/session/> and <http://github.com/xolox/vim-session>. If you like the script please vote for it on [Vim Online](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3150).
## License
This software is licensed under the [MIT license](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License).
© 2015 Peter Odding &lt;<peter@peterodding.com>&gt; and Ingo Karkat.
Thanks go out to everyone who has helped to improve the vim-session plug-in (whether through pull requests, bug reports or personal e-mails).
## Sample session script
Here's an example session script generated by the vim-session plug-in while I was editing the plug-in itself in Vim:
" ~/.vim/sessions/example.vim: Vim session script.
" Created by session.vim on 30 August 2010 at 05:26:28.
" Open this file in Vim and run :source % to restore your session.
set guioptions=aegit
set guifont=Monaco\ 13
if exists('g:syntax_on') != 1 | syntax on | endif
if exists('g:did_load_filetypes') != 1 | filetype on | endif
if exists('g:did_load_ftplugin') != 1 | filetype plugin on | endif
if exists('g:did_indent_on') != 1 | filetype indent on | endif
if !exists('g:colors_name') || g:colors_name != 'slate' | colorscheme slate | endif
call setqflist([])
let SessionLoad = 1
if &cp | set nocp | endif
let s:so_save = &so | let s:siso_save = &siso | set so=0 siso=0
let v:this_session=expand("<sfile>:p")
silent only
cd ~/Development/Vim/vim-session
if expand('%') == '' && !&modified && line('$') <= 1 && getline(1) == ''
let s:wipebuf = bufnr('%')
set shortmess=aoO
badd +473 ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/autoload.vim
badd +1 ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/README.md
badd +1 ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/session.vim
badd +1 ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/TODO.md
set lines=43 columns=167
edit ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/README.md
set splitbelow splitright
set nosplitbelow
set nosplitright
wincmd t
set winheight=1 winwidth=1
let s:l = 28 - ((27 * winheight(0) + 21) / 42)
if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
exe s:l
normal! zt
normal! 0
tabedit ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/TODO.md
set splitbelow splitright
set nosplitbelow
set nosplitright
wincmd t
set winheight=1 winwidth=1
let s:l = 6 - ((5 * winheight(0) + 21) / 42)
if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
exe s:l
normal! zt
normal! 0
tabedit ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/session.vim
set splitbelow splitright
set nosplitbelow
set nosplitright
wincmd t
set winheight=1 winwidth=1
let s:l = 17 - ((16 * winheight(0) + 21) / 42)
if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
exe s:l
normal! zt
normal! 014l
tabedit ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/autoload.vim
set splitbelow splitright
set nosplitbelow
set nosplitright
wincmd t
set winheight=1 winwidth=1
let s:l = 473 - ((41 * winheight(0) + 21) / 42)
if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
exe s:l
normal! zt
normal! 018l
tabnext 4
if exists('s:wipebuf')
silent exe 'bwipe ' . s:wipebuf
unlet! s:wipebuf
set winheight=1 winwidth=1 shortmess=filnxtToO
let s:sx = expand("<sfile>:p:r")."x.vim"
if file_readable(s:sx)
exe "source " . fnameescape(s:sx)
let &so = s:so_save | let &siso = s:siso_save
doautoall SessionLoadPost
unlet SessionLoad
[81]: https://github.com/xolox/vim-session/pull/81
[85]: https://github.com/xolox/vim-session/issues/85
[bg]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'background'
[delcommand]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/map.html#:delcommand
[howto-install]: https://github.com/xolox/vim-session/blob/master/INSTALL.md
[mksession]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/starting.html#:mksession
[sessionoptions]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#%27sessionoptions%27
[source]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/repeat.html#:source
[tabnew]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/tabpage.html#:tabnew
[vimrc]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/starting.html#vimrc

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# To-do list
* Vim's `:mksession` command doesn't support location list windows, find a good workaround?
* Try to find a more or less generic solution to restoring buffers with content generated at runtime by Vim plug-ins like the [NERD tree](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1658) and [Tag List](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=273).
* Add a [SwapExists](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/autocmd.html#SwapExists) example to the documentation which enables multiple Vim processes to edit the same files without [E325 warnings](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/usr_11.html#E325).

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"vim_script_nr": 3150, "dependencies": {"vim-misc": {}}, "homepage": "http://peterodding.com/code/vim/session", "name": "vim-session"}

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
" Example function for session name suggestions.
" Author: Peter Odding
" Last Change: July 6, 2014
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/session/
function! xolox#session#suggestions#vcs_feature_branch() " {{{1
" This function implements an example of a function that can be used with
" the `g:session_name_suggestion_function` option. It finds the name of the
" current git or Mercurial feature branch (if any) and suggests this name as
" the name for the session that is being saved with :SaveSession. Returns a
" list with one string on success and an empty list on failure.
let [kind, directory] = xolox#session#suggestions#find_vcs_repository()
if kind == 'git'
let command = 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD'
let names_to_ignore = ['master']
elseif kind == 'hg'
let command = 'hg branch'
let names_to_ignore = ['default']
return []
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': command, 'check': 0})
if result['exit_code'] == 0 && !empty(result['stdout'])
let branch_name = xolox#misc#str#trim(result['stdout'][0])
if !empty(branch_name) && index(names_to_ignore, branch_name) == -1
return [xolox#misc#str#slug(branch_name)]
return []
function! xolox#session#suggestions#find_vcs_repository()
for name in ['git', 'hg']
let match = finddir('.' . name, '.;')
if !empty(match)
let directory = fnamemodify(match, ':h')
return [name, directory]
return ['', '']

View file

@ -0,0 +1,960 @@
*session.txt* Extended session management for Vim
Contents ~
1. Introduction |session-introduction|
2. Installation |session-installation|
3. Commands |session-commands|
1. The |:SaveSession| command
2. The |:OpenSession| command
3. The |:RestartVim| command
4. The |:CloseSession| command
5. The |:DeleteSession| command
6. The |:ViewSession| command
7. Tab scoped sessions |tab-scoped-sessions|
1. The |:OpenTabSession| command
2. The |:SaveTabSession| command
3. The |:AppendTabSession| command
4. The |:CloseTabSession| command
4. Options |session-options|
1. The |sessionoptions| setting
2. The |g:session_directory| option
3. The |g:session_lock_directory| option
4. The |g:session_lock_enabled| option
5. The |g:session_default_name| option
6. The |g:session_default_overwrite| option
7. The |g:session_extension| option
8. The |g:session_autoload| option
9. The |g:session_autosave| option
10. The |g:session_autosave_to| option
11. The |g:session_autosave_periodic| option
12. The |g:session_autosave_silent| option
13. The |g:session_verbose_messages| option
14. The |g:session_default_to_last| option
15. The |g:session_persist_font| option
16. The |g:session_persist_colors| option
17. The |g:session_persist_globals| option
18. The |g:session_restart_environment| option
19. The |g:session_command_aliases| option
20. The |g:session_menu| option
21. The |g:session_name_suggestion_function| option
22. The |g:loaded_session| option
5. Compatibility with other plug-ins |session-compatibility-with-other-plug-ins|
6. Function reference |session-function-reference|
1. Public API for the vim-session plug-in |public-api-for-vim-session-plug-in|
1. The |xolox#session#save_session()| function
2. The |xolox#session#save_globals()| function
3. The |xolox#session#save_features()| function
4. The |xolox#session#save_colors()| function
5. The |xolox#session#save_fullscreen()| function
6. The |xolox#session#save_qflist()| function
7. The |xolox#session#save_state()| function
8. The |xolox#session#save_special_windows()| function
9. The |xolox#session#auto_load()| function
10. The |xolox#session#is_empty()| function
11. The |xolox#session#auto_save()| function
12. The |xolox#session#auto_save_periodic()| function
13. The |xolox#session#auto_unlock()| function
14. The |xolox#session#prompt_for_name()| function
15. The |xolox#session#name_to_path()| function
16. The |xolox#session#path_to_name()| function
17. The |xolox#session#get_names()| function
18. The |xolox#session#complete_names()| function
19. The |xolox#session#complete_names_with_suggestions()| function
20. The |xolox#session#is_tab_scoped()| function
21. The |xolox#session#find_current_session()| function
22. The |xolox#session#get_label()| function
23. The |xolox#session#options_include()| function
24. The |xolox#session#include_tabs()| function
25. The |xolox#session#change_tab_options()| function
26. The |xolox#session#restore_tab_options()| function
27. The |xolox#session#locking_enabled()| function
2. Example function for session name suggestions |example-function-for-session-name-suggestions|
1. The |xolox#session#suggestions#vcs_feature_branch()| function
7. Troubleshooting |session-troubleshooting|
1. Using multiple platforms (multi boot, Cygwin, etc.) |session-using-multiple-platforms|
8. Contact |session-contact|
9. License |session-license|
10. Sample session script |sample-session-script|
11. References |session-references|
Introduction ~
The vim-session plug-in improves upon Vim's built-in |:mksession| command by
enabling you to easily and (if you want) automatically persist and restore your
Vim editing sessions. It works by generating a Vim |script| that restores your
current settings and the arrangement of tab pages and/or split windows and the
files they contain.
To persist your current editing session you can execute the |:SaveSession|
command. If you don't provide a name for the session 'default' is used (you can
change this name with an option). You're free to use whatever characters you
like in session names. When you want to restore your session simply execute
|:OpenSession|. Again the name 'default' is used if you don't provide one. When
a session is active, has been changed and you quit Vim you'll be prompted
whether you want to save the open session before quitting Vim:
Image: Screenshot of auto-save prompt (see reference [1])
If you want, the plug-in can also automatically save your session every few
minutes (see the |g:session_autosave_periodic| option). When you start Vim
without editing any files and the default session exists, you'll be prompted
whether you want to restore the default session:
Image: Screenshot of auto-open prompt (see reference [2])
When you start Vim with a custom server name (see |--servername|) that matches
one of the existing session names then the matching session will be
automatically restored. For example I use several sessions to quickly edit my
Vim plug-ins:
$ gvim --servername easytags-plugin
$ gvim --servername session-plugin
$ # etc.
The session scripts created by this plug-in are stored in the directory
'~/.vim/sessions' (on UNIX) or '~\vimfiles\sessions' (on Windows) but you can
change the location by setting |g:session_directory|. If you're curious what
the session scripts generated by vim-session look like see the sample below
If you're still getting to know the plug-in, the "Sessions" menu may help: It
contains menu items for most commands defined by the plug-in.
Installation ~
Please refer to the installation instructions [4] available on GitHub. Once
you've installed the plug-in the commands below will be available to you.
Commands ~
Note that environment variables inside command arguments are expanded by the
The *:SaveSession* command
This command saves your current editing session just like Vim's built-in
|:mksession| command does. The difference is that you don't pass a full
pathname as argument but just a name, any name really. Press '<Tab>' to get
completion of existing session names. If you don't provide an argument the
default session name is used, unless an existing session is open in which case
the name of that session will be used.
If the session you're trying to save is already active in another Vim instance
you'll get a warning and nothing happens. You can use a bang (!) as in
':SaveSession! ...' to ignore the warning and save the session anyway.
Your session script will be saved in the directory pointed to by the
|g:session_directory| option.
The *:OpenSession* command
This command is basically |:source| in disguise, but it supports tab completion
of session names and it executes |:CloseSession| before opening the session.
When you don't provide a session name and only a single session exists then
that session is opened, otherwise the plug-in will ask you to select one from a
Please select the session to restore:
1. vim-profile
2. session-plugin
3. etc.
Type number and <Enter> or click with mouse (empty cancels):
If the session you're trying to open is already active in another Vim instance
you'll get a warning and nothing happens. You can use a bang (!) as in
':OpenSession! ...' to ignore the warning and open the session anyway.
Note also that when you use a bang (!) right after the command name existing
tab pages and windows are closed, discarding any changes in the files you were
The *:RestartVim* command
This command saves your current editing session, restarts Vim and restores your
editing session. This can come in handy when you're debugging Vim scripts which
can't be easily/safely reloaded using a more lightweight approach [5]. It
should work fine on Windows and UNIX alike but because of technical limitations
it only works in graphical Vim.
Any commands following the |:RestartVim| command are intercepted and executed
after Vim is restarted and your session has been restored. This makes it easy
to perform manual tests which involve restarting Vim, e.g. ':RestartVim | edit
/path/to/file | call MyTest()'.
The *:CloseSession* command
This command closes all but the current tab page and window and then edits a
new, empty buffer. If a session is loaded when you execute this command the
plug-in will first ask you whether you want to save that session.
Note that when you use a bang (!) right after the command name existing tab
pages and windows are closed, discarding any changes in the files you were
The *:DeleteSession* command
Using this command you can delete any of the sessions created by this plug-in.
If the session you are trying to delete is currently active in another Vim
instance you'll get a warning and nothing happens. You can use a bang (!) as in
':DeleteSession! ...' to ignore the warning and delete the session anyway.
Note that this command only deletes the session script, it leaves your open tab
pages and windows exactly as they were.
The *:ViewSession* command
Execute this command to view the Vim script generated for a session. This
command is useful when you need to review the generated Vim script repeatedly,
for example while debugging or modifying the vim-session plug-in.
Tab scoped sessions ~
When |'sessionoptions'| contains 'tabpages' (this is the default) session
scripts will persist and restore all windows in all tab pages. When you remove
'tabpages' from |'sessionoptions'| you get a sort of light-weight sessions:
They are constrained to a single tab page. Vim's |:mksession| command and the
vim-session plug-in both fully support this.
You can change |'sessionoptions'| in your |vimrc| script but then you can never
save a session including tab pages. To decide on the spot whether you want a
global or tab scoped session, the vim-session plug-in defines the three
commands documented below.
Note that tab scoped sessions are regular session scripts, so when you load a
tab scoped session using |:OpenSession| instead of |:OpenTabSession| the vim-
session plug-in _assumes_ it is a global session and will close all active tab
pages before opening the tab scoped session.
The *:OpenTabSession* command
Just like |:OpenSession| but applies only to the current tab page.
The *:SaveTabSession* command
Just like |:SaveSession| but applies only to the current tab page.
The *:AppendTabSession* command
This command opens a new tab page and loads the given tab scoped session in
that tab page. You can give this command a count just like |:tabnew|.
The *:CloseTabSession* command
Just like |:CloseSession| but applies only to the current tab page.
Options ~
The following Vim options and plug-in options (global variables) can be used to
configure the plug-in to your preferences.
The *sessionoptions* setting
Because the vim-session plug-in uses Vim's |:mksession| command you can change
how it works by setting |'sessionoptions'| in your |vimrc| script, for example:
" If you only want to save the current tab page:
set sessionoptions-=tabpages
" If you don't want help windows to be restored:
set sessionoptions-=help
A lot of people don't like Vim's default behavior of saving hidden and unloaded
buffers in sessions (which vim-session inherits due to the use of
|:mksession|). To disable this behavior you can add the following line to your
|vimrc| script:
" Don't save hidden and unloaded buffers in sessions.
set sessionoptions-=buffers
Note that the vim-session plug-in automatically and unconditionally executes
the following change just before saving a session:
" Don't persist options and mappings because it can corrupt sessions.
set sessionoptions-=options
The *g:session_directory* option
This option controls the location of your session scripts. Its default value is
'~/.vim/sessions' (on UNIX) or '~\vimfiles\sessions' (on Windows). If you don't
mind the default you don't have to do anything; the directory will be created
for you. Note that a leading '~' is expanded to your current home directory
('$HOME' on UNIX, '%USERPROFILE%' on Windows).
The *g:session_lock_directory* option
The vim-session plug-in uses lock files to prevent double loading of sessions.
The default location (directory) of these lock files depends on a couple of
1. If you have explicitly set the |g:session_lock_directory| option that
defines the directory.
2. If the directory '/var/lock' exists and is writable that is used as a
sane default.
3. As a sane fall back for platforms where '/var/lock' is not available the
directory that stores the session scripts themselves is used.
The *g:session_lock_enabled* option
Depending on your workflow locking of editing sessions can get annoying at
times, so if you don't care about opening a session more than once and
potentially "losing a version of your session" then you can use this option to
completely disable session locking as follows:
" Disable all session locking - I know what I'm doing :-).
let g:session_lock_enabled = 0
The *g:session_default_name* option
The name of the default session without directory or filename extension (you'll
never guess what the default is).
The *g:session_default_overwrite* option
If you set this to true (1), every Vim instance without an explicit session
loaded will overwrite the default session (the last Vim instance wins).
The *g:session_extension* option
The filename extension of session scripts. This should include the dot that
separates the basename from the extension. Defaults to '.vim'.
The *g:session_autoload* option
By default this option is set to "'prompt'". This means that when you start Vim
without opening any files and the default session script exists, the session
plug-in will ask whether you want to restore your default session. When you set
this option to "'yes'" and you start Vim without opening any files the default
session will be restored without a prompt. To completely disable automatic
loading you can set this option to "'no'".
The *g:session_autosave* option
By default this option is set to "'prompt'". When you've opened a session and
you quit Vim, the session plug-in will ask whether you want to save the changes
to your session. Set this option to "'yes'" to always automatically save open
sessions when you quit Vim. To completely disable automatic saving you can set
this option to "'no'".
The *g:session_autosave_to* option
If |g:session_autosave| is "'yes'" and this option is a nonempty string,
automatic session saving always saves to the session with the name given by
|g:session_autosave_to| regardless of what the current session is or any other
options. In particular, |g:session_default_overwrite| does not have any effect.
By default this option isn't set so none of this applies. Refer to pull request
81 [6] for a more detailed use case.
The *g:session_autosave_periodic* option
This option sets the interval in minutes for automatic, periodic saving of
active sessions. The default is zero which disables the feature.
Note that when the plug-in automatically saves a session (because you enabled
this feature) the plug-in will not prompt for your permission.
The *g:session_autosave_silent* option
If you set this option to true (1) the messages normally emitted by automatic,
periodic saving of active sessions are silenced.
The *g:session_verbose_messages* option
The session load/save prompts are quite verbose by default because they explain
how to disable the prompts. If you find the additional explanation distracting
you can lower the verbosity by setting this option to 0 (false) in your |vimrc|
The *g:session_default_to_last* option
By default this option is set to false (0). When you set this option to true
(1) and you start Vim, the session plug-in will open your last used session
instead of the default session. Note that the session plug-in will still show
you the dialog asking whether you want to restore the last used session. To get
rid of the dialog you have to set |g:session_autoload| to "'yes'".
The *g:session_persist_font* option
By default the plug-in will save the GUI font with the session to be reused the
next time that session is loaded, this can be disabled by adding the following
line to your |vimrc| script:
:let g:session_persist_font = 0
The *g:session_persist_colors* option
By default the plug-in will save the color scheme and the |'background'| option
with the session to be reused the next time that session is loaded, this can be
disabled by adding the following line to your |vimrc| script:
:let g:session_persist_colors = 0
The *g:session_persist_globals* option
The vim-session plug-in uses Vim's |:mksession| command but it changes
|'sessionoptions'| so that Vim options and mappings are not persisted. The
plug-in does this because persistence of options and mappings can break loading
of sessions, in other words it's fragile (in my opinion).
If you want the plug-in to persist specific global variables or options you can
add their names to the list |g:session_persist_globals| in your |vimrc| script:
" Persist the value of the global option 'makeprg'.
let g:session_persist_globals = ['&makeprg']
Because the |vimrc| script is loaded before the plug-in you have to define the
list yourself. To persist multiple values:
" Persist all options related to :make.
let g:session_persist_globals = ['&makeprg', '&makeef']
Here's how you persist global variables: (in this case the variables of the
session plug-in itself :-)
" Persist the options of the session plug-in using the session plug-in...
let g:session_persist_globals = ['&sessionoptions']
call add(g:session_persist_globals, 'g:session_autoload')
call add(g:session_persist_globals, 'g:session_autosave')
call add(g:session_persist_globals, 'g:session_default_to_last')
call add(g:session_persist_globals, 'g:session_persist_globals')
The example above doesn't persist the |g:session_directory| variable because
this variable is used before loading a session script so persisting it inside
the session script is pointless.
The *g:session_restart_environment* option
This option is a list of environment variable names (without the dollar signs)
that the |:RestartVim| command will pass on to the new instance of Vim. This
option is only useful on UNIX. By default the three environment variables
'$TERM', '$VIM' and '$VIMRUNTIME' are included in this list.
The *g:session_command_aliases* option
The names of the commands defined by the session plug-in start with the action
they perform, followed by the string 'Session'. Some people prefer it the other
way around because they find it easier to remember and you can type
':Session<Tab>' to get completion of all available commands (actually this
works with the other style as well if you type ':*Session<Tab>' but I digress).
If you are one of those people you can enable this option in your |vimrc|
script like this:
:let g:session_command_aliases = 1
When this option is enabled the session plug-in will define the following
command aliases:
- 'SessionOpen' is an alias for 'OpenSession'
- 'SessionView' is an alias for 'ViewSession'
- 'SessionSave' is an alias for 'SaveSession'
- 'SessionDelete' is an alias for 'DeleteSession'
- 'SessionClose' is an alias for 'CloseSession'
Then there are the command aliases for tab scoped sessions:
- 'SessionTabOpen' is an alias for 'OpenTabSession'
- 'SessionTabSave' is an alias for 'SaveTabSession'
- 'SessionTabAppend' is an alias for 'AppendTabSession'
- 'SessionTabClose' is an alias for 'CloseTabSession'
The aliases support tab completion just like the real commands; they're exactly
the same except for the names.
When you enable the aliases, the default command names will still be available.
If you really don't like them, feel free to delete them using |:delcommand|.
The *g:session_menu* option
By default the plug-in installs a top level menu. If you don't like this you
can disable it by adding the following line to your |vimrc| script:
:let g:session_menu = 0
The *g:session_name_suggestion_function* option
The default completion of the |:SaveSession| command is based on the names of
the existing sessions. You can add your own suggestions using this option by
setting the option to the name of a Vim script function. By default this option
is set to an example function that suggests the name of the current git or
Mercurial feature branch (when you're working in a version control repository).
The *g:loaded_session* option
This variable isn't really an option but if you want to avoid loading the vim-
session plug-in you can set this variable to any value in your |vimrc| script:
:let g:loaded_session = 1
Compatibility with other plug-ins ~
Vim's |:mksession| command isn't really compatible with plug-ins that create
buffers with generated content and because of this the vim-session plug-in
includes specific workarounds for a couple of popular plug-ins:
- BufExplorer [7], Conque Shell [8], NERD tree [9], Project [10] and taglist
[11] windows are supported;
- When shell.vim [12] is installed Vim's full-screen state is persisted;
- The netrw (see |netrw-start|) plug-in supports sessions out of the box.
If your favorite plug-in doesn't work with the vim-session plug-in drop me a
mail and I'll see what I can do. Please include a link to the plug-in in your
e-mail so that I can install and test the plug-in.
Function reference ~
The documentation of the 39 functions below was extracted from 2 Vim scripts on
April 1, 2015 at 22:22.
Public API for the vim-session plug-in ~
The *xolox#session#save_session()* function
Save the current Vim editing session to a Vim script using the |:mksession|
command and some additional Vim magic provided by the vim-session plug-in. When
the generated session script is later sourced using the |:source| command
(possibly in another process or even on another machine) it will restore the
editing session to its previous state (provided all of the files involved in
the session are still there at their original locations).
The first argument is expected to be a list, it will be extended with the lines
to be added to the session script. The second argument is expected to be the
filename under which the script will later be saved (it's embedded in a comment
at the top of the script).
The *xolox#session#save_globals()* function
Serialize the values of the global variables configured by the user with the
|g:session_persist_globals| option. The first argument is expected to be a
list, it will be extended with the lines to be added to the session script.
The *xolox#session#save_features()* function
Save the current state of the following Vim features:
- Whether syntax highlighting is enabled (':syntax on')
- Whether file type detection is enabled (':filetype on')
- Whether file type plug-ins are enabled (':filetype plugin on')
- Whether file type indent plug-ins are enabled (':filetype indent on')
The first argument is expected to be a list, it will be extended with the lines
to be added to the session script.
The *xolox#session#save_colors()* function
Save the current color scheme and background color. The first argument is
expected to be a list, it will be extended with the lines to be added to the
session script.
The *xolox#session#save_fullscreen()* function
Save the full screen state of Vim. This function provides integration between
my vim-session [13] and vim-shell [14] plug-ins. The first argument is expected
to be a list, it will be extended with the lines to be added to the session
The *xolox#session#save_qflist()* function
Save the contents of the quick-fix list. The first argument is expected to be a
list, it will be extended with the lines to be added to the session script.
The *xolox#session#save_state()* function
Wrapper for the |:mksession| command that slightly massages the generated Vim
script to get rid of some strange quirks in the way Vim generates sessions.
Also implements support for buffers with content that was generated by other
Vim plug-ins. The first argument is expected to be a list, it will be extended
with the lines to be added to the session script.
The *xolox#session#save_special_windows()* function
Implements support for buffers with content that was generated by other Vim
plug-ins. The first argument is expected to be a list, it will be extended with
the lines to be added to the session script.
The *xolox#session#auto_load()* function
Automatically load the default or last used session when Vim starts. Normally
called by the |VimEnter| automatic command event.
The *xolox#session#is_empty()* function
Check that the user has started Vim without editing any files. Used by
|xolox#session#auto_load()| to determine whether automatic session loading
should be performed. Currently checks the following conditions:
1. That the current buffer is either empty (contains no lines and is not
modified) or showing vim-startify [15].
2. That the buffer list either empty or persistent.
The *xolox#session#auto_save()* function
Automatically save the current editing session when Vim is closed. Normally
called by the |VimLeavePre| automatic command event.
The *xolox#session#auto_save_periodic()* function
Automatically saves the current editing session every few minutes. Normally
called by the |CursorHold| and |CursorHoldI| automatic command events.
The *xolox#session#auto_unlock()* function
Automatically unlock all sessions when Vim quits. Normally called by the
|VimLeavePre| automatic command event.
The *xolox#session#prompt_for_name()* function
Prompt the user to select one of the existing sessions. The first argument is
expected to be a string describing what will be done to the session once it's
been selected. Returns the name of the selected session as a string. If no
session is selected an empty string is returned. Here's an example of what the
prompt looks like:
:call xolox#session#prompt_for_name('trash')
Please select the session to trash:
1. first-session
2. second-session
3. third-session
Type number and <Enter> or click with mouse (empty cancels):
If only a single session exists there's nothing to choose from so the name of
that session will be returned directly, without prompting the user.
The *xolox#session#name_to_path()* function
Convert the name of a session (the first argument, expected to be a string) to
an absolute pathname. Any special characters in the session name will be
encoded using URL encoding. This means you're free to use whatever naming
conventions you like (regardless of special characters like slashes). Returns a
The *xolox#session#path_to_name()* function
Convert the absolute pathname of a session script (the first argument, expected
to be a string) to a session name. This function assumes the absolute pathname
refers to the configured session directory, but it does not check for it nor
does it require it (it simple takes the base name of the absolute pathname of
the session script and decodes it). Returns a string.
The *xolox#session#get_names()* function
Get the names of all available sessions. This scans the directory configured
with |g:session_directory| for files that end with the suffix configured with
|g:session_extension|, takes the base name of each file and decodes any URL
encoded characters. Returns a list of strings.
If the first argument is true (1) then the user defined function configured
with |g:session_name_suggestion_function| is called to find suggested session
names, which are prefixed to the list of available sessions, otherwise the
argument should be false (0).
The *xolox#session#complete_names()* function
Completion function for user defined Vim commands. Used by commands like
|:OpenSession| and |:DeleteSession| (but not |:SaveSession|) to support user
friendly completion.
The *xolox#session#complete_names_with_suggestions()* function
Completion function for the Vim command |:SaveSession|.
The *xolox#session#is_tab_scoped()* function
Determine whether the current session is tab scoped or global. Returns 1 (true)
when the session is tab scoped, 0 (false) otherwise.
The *xolox#session#find_current_session()* function
Find the name of the current tab scoped or global session. Returns a string. If
no session is active an empty string is returned.
The *xolox#session#get_label()* function
Get a human readable label based on the scope (tab scoped or global) and name
of a session. The first argument is the name (a string) and the second argument
is a boolean indicating the scope of the session; 1 (true) means tab scoped and
0 (false) means global scope. Returns a string.
The *xolox#session#options_include()* function
Check whether Vim's sessionoptions (see |'sessionoptions'|) option includes the
keyword given as the first argument (expected to be a string). Returns 1 (true)
when it does, 0 (false) otherwise.
The *xolox#session#include_tabs()* function
Check whether Vim's sessionoptions (see |'sessionoptions'|) option includes the
'tabpages' keyword. Returns 1 (true) when it does, 0 (false) otherwise.
The *xolox#session#change_tab_options()* function
Temporarily change Vim's sessionoptions (see |'sessionoptions'|) option so we
can save a tab scoped session. Saves a copy of the original value to be
restored later.
The *xolox#session#restore_tab_options()* function
Restore the original value of Vim's sessionoptions (see |'sessionoptions'|)
The *xolox#session#locking_enabled()* function
Check whether session locking is enabled. Returns true (1) when locking is
enabled, false (0) otherwise.
By default session locking is enabled but users can opt-out by setting
|g:session_lock_enabled| to false (0).
Example function for session name suggestions ~
The *xolox#session#suggestions#vcs_feature_branch()* function
This function implements an example of a function that can be used with the
|g:session_name_suggestion_function| option. It finds the name of the current
git or Mercurial feature branch (if any) and suggests this name as the name for
the session that is being saved with :SaveSession. Returns a list with one
string on success and an empty list on failure.
Troubleshooting ~
Using multiple platforms (multi boot, Cygwin, etc.) ~
Session scripts cannot be shared between platforms because they contain
absolute pathnames that most certainly won't match between e.g. Windows and
Linux or even Windows and Cygwin. The best you can do is keep separate session
scripts for different platforms (and I would certainly consider Cygwin a
separate platform altogether :-). For more information please refer to issue 85
Contact ~
If you have questions, bug reports, suggestions, etc. the author can be
contacted at peter@peterodding.com. The latest version is available at
http://peterodding.com/code/vim/session/ and http://github.com/xolox/vim-
session. If you like the script please vote for it on Vim Online [17].
License ~
This software is licensed under the MIT license [18]. © 2015 Peter Odding
<peter@peterodding.com> and Ingo Karkat.
Thanks go out to everyone who has helped to improve the vim-session plug-in
(whether through pull requests, bug reports or personal e-mails).
Sample session script ~
Here's an example session script generated by the vim-session plug-in while I
was editing the plug-in itself in Vim:
" ~/.vim/sessions/example.vim: Vim session script.
" Created by session.vim on 30 August 2010 at 05:26:28.
" Open this file in Vim and run :source % to restore your session.
set guioptions=aegit
set guifont=Monaco\ 13
if exists('g:syntax_on') != 1 | syntax on | endif
if exists('g:did_load_filetypes') != 1 | filetype on | endif
if exists('g:did_load_ftplugin') != 1 | filetype plugin on | endif
if exists('g:did_indent_on') != 1 | filetype indent on | endif
if !exists('g:colors_name') || g:colors_name != 'slate' | colorscheme slate | endif
call setqflist([])
let SessionLoad = 1
if &cp | set nocp | endif
let s:so_save = &so | let s:siso_save = &siso | set so=0 siso=0
let v:this_session=expand("<sfile>:p")
silent only
cd ~/Development/Vim/vim-session
if expand('%') == '' && !&modified && line('$') <= 1 && getline(1) == ''
let s:wipebuf = bufnr('%')
set shortmess=aoO
badd +473 ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/autoload.vim
badd +1 ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/README.md
badd +1 ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/session.vim
badd +1 ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/TODO.md
set lines=43 columns=167
edit ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/README.md
set splitbelow splitright
set nosplitbelow
set nosplitright
wincmd t
set winheight=1 winwidth=1
let s:l = 28 - ((27 * winheight(0) + 21) / 42)
if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
exe s:l
normal! zt
normal! 0
tabedit ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/TODO.md
set splitbelow splitright
set nosplitbelow
set nosplitright
wincmd t
set winheight=1 winwidth=1
let s:l = 6 - ((5 * winheight(0) + 21) / 42)
if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
exe s:l
normal! zt
normal! 0
tabedit ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/session.vim
set splitbelow splitright
set nosplitbelow
set nosplitright
wincmd t
set winheight=1 winwidth=1
let s:l = 17 - ((16 * winheight(0) + 21) / 42)
if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
exe s:l
normal! zt
normal! 014l
tabedit ~/Development/Vim/vim-session/autoload.vim
set splitbelow splitright
set nosplitbelow
set nosplitright
wincmd t
set winheight=1 winwidth=1
let s:l = 473 - ((41 * winheight(0) + 21) / 42)
if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
exe s:l
normal! zt
normal! 018l
tabnext 4
if exists('s:wipebuf')
silent exe 'bwipe ' . s:wipebuf
unlet! s:wipebuf
set winheight=1 winwidth=1 shortmess=filnxtToO
let s:sx = expand("<sfile>:p:r")."x.vim"
if file_readable(s:sx)
exe "source " . fnameescape(s:sx)
let &so = s:so_save | let &siso = s:siso_save
doautoall SessionLoadPost
unlet SessionLoad
References ~
[1] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xolox/vim-session/master/screenshots/session-save-prompt.png
[2] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xolox/vim-session/master/screenshots/session-restore-prompt.png
[3] http://peterodding.com/code/vim/session/#sample_session_script
[4] https://github.com/xolox/vim-session/blob/master/INSTALL.md
[5] http://peterodding.com/code/vim/reload/
[6] https://github.com/xolox/vim-session/pull/81
[7] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=42
[8] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2771
[9] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1658
[10] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=69
[11] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=273
[12] http://peterodding.com/code/vim/shell/
[13] http://peterodding.com/code/vim/session
[14] http://peterodding.com/code/vim/shell
[15] https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify/
[16] https://github.com/xolox/vim-session/issues/85
[17] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3150
[18] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License
vim: ft=help

View file

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
" Vim script
" Author: Peter Odding
" Last Change: July 6, 2014
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/session/
" Support for automatic update using the GLVS plug-in.
" GetLatestVimScripts: 3150 1 :AutoInstall: session.zip
" Don't load the plug-in when &compatible is set or it was already loaded.
if &cp || exists('g:loaded_session')
" Make sure vim-misc is installed. {{{1
" The point of this code is to do something completely innocent while making
" sure the vim-misc plug-in is installed. We specifically don't use Vim's
" exists() function because it doesn't load auto-load scripts that haven't
" already been loaded yet (last tested on Vim 7.3).
call type(g:xolox#misc#version)
echomsg "Warning: The vim-session plug-in requires the vim-misc plug-in which seems not to be installed! For more information please review the installation instructions in the readme (also available on the homepage and on GitHub). The vim-session plug-in will now be disabled."
let g:loaded_session = 1
" Configuration defaults. {{{1
" The name of the default session (without directory or filename extension).
if !exists('g:session_default_name')
let g:session_default_name = 'default'
" If you set this to 1 (true), every Vim instance without an explicit session
" loaded will overwrite the default session (the last Vim instance wins).
if !exists('g:session_default_overwrite')
let g:session_default_overwrite = 0
" The file extension of session scripts.
if !exists('g:session_extension')
let g:session_extension = '.vim'
" When you start Vim without opening any files the plug-in will prompt you
" whether you want to load the default session. Other supported values for
" this option are 'yes' (to load the default session without prompting) and
" 'no' (don't prompt and don't load the default session).
if !exists('g:session_autoload')
let g:session_autoload = 'prompt'
" When you quit Vim the plug-in will prompt you whether you want to save your
" current session. Other supported values for this option are 'yes' (to save
" the session without prompting) and 'no' (don't prompt and don't save the
" session).
if !exists('g:session_autosave')
let g:session_autosave = 'prompt'
" Periodically save the active session automatically? Set this to the
" auto-save interval in minutes. The value zero disables the feature
" (this is the default).
if !exists('g:session_autosave_periodic')
let g:session_autosave_periodic = 0
" Define the verbosity of messages.
if !exists('g:session_verbose_messages')
let g:session_verbose_messages = 1
" The session plug-in can automatically open sessions in three ways: based on
" Vim's server name, by remembering the last used session or by opening the
" default session. Enable this option to use the second approach.
if !exists('g:session_default_to_last')
let g:session_default_to_last = 0
" List with global variables and &options to persist between sessions.
if !exists('g:session_persist_globals')
let g:session_persist_globals = []
" On UNIX the :RestartVim command will pass the following environment
" variables on to the new instance of Vim.
if !exists('g:session_restart_environment')
let g:session_restart_environment = ['TERM', 'VIM', 'VIMRUNTIME']
" The default directory where session scripts are stored.
if !exists('g:session_directory')
if xolox#misc#os#is_win()
let g:session_directory = '~\vimfiles\sessions'
let g:session_directory = '~/.vim/sessions'
" Define session command aliases of the form "Session" + Action in addition
" to the real command names which are of the form Action + "Session"?
if !exists('g:session_command_aliases')
let g:session_command_aliases = 0
" Allow to turn off the menu.
if !exists('g:session_menu')
let g:session_menu = 1
" Toggle the persistence of color schemes and the 'background' option.
if !exists('g:session_persist_colors')
let g:session_persist_colors = 1
" Enable user defined session name completion suggestions for :SaveSession.
if !exists('g:session_name_suggestion_function')
let g:session_name_suggestion_function = 'xolox#session#suggestions#vcs_feature_branch'
" Make sure the sessions directory exists and is writable. {{{1
let s:directory = fnamemodify(g:session_directory, ':p')
if !isdirectory(s:directory)
call mkdir(s:directory, 'p')
if filewritable(s:directory) != 2
let s:msg = "session.vim %s: The sessions directory %s isn't writable!"
call xolox#misc#msg#warn(s:msg, g:xolox#session#version, string(s:directory))
unlet s:msg
unlet s:directory
" Menu items to make the plug-in more accessible. {{{1
if g:session_menu
amenu 400.10 &Sessions.&Open\ session\.\.\.<Tab>:OpenSession :OpenSession<CR>
amenu 400.20 &Sessions.&Save\ session\.\.\.<Tab>:SaveSession :SaveSession<CR>
amenu 400.30 &Sessions.&Close\ session\.\.\.<Tab>:CloseSession :CloseSession<CR>
amenu 400.40 &Sessions.&Delete\ session\.\.\.<Tab>:DeleteSession :DeleteSession<CR>
amenu 400.50 &Sessions.&View\ session\.\.\.<Tab>:ViewSession :ViewSession<CR>
amenu 400.60 &Sessions.-Sep1- :
amenu 400.70 &Sessions.Open\ tab\ session\.\.\.<Tab>:OpenTabSession :OpenTabSession<CR>
amenu 400.80 &Sessions.&Append\ tab\ session\.\.\.<Tab>:AppendTabSession :AppendTabSession<CR>
amenu 400.90 &Sessions.Save\ tab\ session\.\.\.<Tab>:SaveTabSession :SaveTabSession<CR>
amenu 400.100 &Sessions.Close\ tab\ session\.\.\.<Tab>:CloseTabSession :CloseTabSession<CR>
amenu 400.110 &Sessions.-Sep2- :
amenu 400.120 &Sessions.&Restart\ Vim\.\.\.<Tab>:RestartVim :RestartVim<CR>
" Automatic commands for automatic session management. {{{1
augroup PluginSession
au VimEnter * nested call xolox#session#auto_load()
au VimLeavePre * call xolox#session#auto_save()
au VimLeavePre * call xolox#session#auto_unlock()
augroup END
call xolox#misc#cursorhold#register({'function': 'xolox#session#auto_save_periodic', 'interval': 60})
" Plug-in commands (user defined commands). {{{1
" Define commands that enable users to manage multiple named, heavy-weight
" sessions (used to persist/restore a complete Vim editing session including
" one or more tab pages).
command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names OpenSession call xolox#session#open_cmd(<q-args>, <q-bang>, 'OpenSession')
command! -bar -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names ViewSession call xolox#session#view_cmd(<q-args>)
command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names_with_suggestions SaveSession call xolox#session#save_cmd(<q-args>, <q-bang>, 'SaveSession')
command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names DeleteSession call xolox#session#delete_cmd(<q-args>, <q-bang>)
command! -bar -bang CloseSession call xolox#session#close_cmd(<q-bang>, 0, 1, 'CloseSession')
" Define commands that enable users to manage multiple named, light-weight
" sessions (used to persist/restore the window layout of a single tab page).
command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names OpenTabSession call xolox#session#open_tab_cmd(<q-args>, <q-bang>, 'OpenTabSession')
command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names SaveTabSession call xolox#session#save_tab_cmd(<q-args>, <q-bang>, 'SaveTabSession')
command! -bar -bang -range=-1 -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names AppendTabSession call xolox#session#append_tab_cmd(<q-args>, <q-bang>, <count>, 'AppendTabSession')
command! -bar -bang CloseTabSession call xolox#session#close_tab_cmd(<q-bang>, 'CloseTabSession')
" Define a command to restart Vim editing sessions.
command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=command RestartVim call xolox#session#restart_cmd(<q-bang>, <q-args>)
" Plug-in command aliases. {{{2
if g:session_command_aliases
" Define command aliases of the form "Session" + Action in addition to
" the real command names which are of the form Action + "Session" (above).
command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names SessionOpen call xolox#session#open_cmd(<q-args>, <q-bang>, 'SessionOpen')
command! -bar -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names SessionView call xolox#session#view_cmd(<q-args>)
command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names SessionSave call xolox#session#save_cmd(<q-args>, <q-bang>, 'SessionSave')
command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names SessionDelete call xolox#session#delete_cmd(<q-args>, <q-bang>)
command! -bar -bang SessionClose call xolox#session#close_cmd(<q-bang>, 0, 1, 'SessionClose')
command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names SessionTabOpen call xolox#session#open_tab_cmd(<q-args>, <q-bang>, 'SessionTabOpen')
command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names SessionTabSave call xolox#session#save_tab_cmd(<q-args>, <q-bang>, 'SessionTabSave')
command! -bar -bang -range=-1 -nargs=? -complete=customlist,xolox#session#complete_names SessionTabAppend call xolox#session#append_tab_cmd(<q-args>, <q-bang>, <count>, 'SessionTabAppend')
command! -bar -bang SessionTabClose call xolox#session#close_tab_cmd(<q-bang>, 'SessionTabClose')
" Don't reload the plug-in once it has loaded successfully. {{{1
let g:loaded_session = 1
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

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@ -162,3 +162,10 @@ nnoremap <silent> <leader>c :call SyntasticCheckCoffeescript()<cr>
let g:gitgutter_enabled=0
nnoremap <silent> <leader>d :GitGutterToggle<cr>
" => Vim-Session
let g:session_directory="~/tmp"
let g:session_autoload="no"