Update packages
This commit is contained in:
142 changed files with 1785 additions and 3274 deletions
@ -129,15 +129,6 @@ optional background search execution with [vim-dispatch], and auto-previewing.
Please see [the Github releases page][releases].
### 1.0.9 (unreleased)
* Fix location list and layout of quickfix when using Dispatch (#154)
* Fix the quick help overlay clobbering the list mappings
* Fix `:AckFile` when using Dispatch
* Restore original `'makeprg'` and `'errorformat'` when using Dispatch
* Arrow keys also work for auto-preview (#158)
* Internal refactoring and clean-up
## Credits
This plugin is derived from Antoine Imbert's blog post [Ack and Vim
@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ In the quickfix window, you can use:
gv to open in vertical split silently
q to close the quickfix window
### Related Plugin ###
[vim-ag-anything](https://github.com/Chun-Yang/vim-ag-anything) adds an 'ga' action to search any text object.
### Acknowledgements ###
This Vim plugin is derived (and by derived, I mean copied, almost entirely)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function! s:get_color(group, attr)
function! s:set_color(group, attr, color)
let gui = has('gui_running')
let gui = a:color =~ '^#'
execute printf("hi %s %s%s=%s", a:group, gui ? 'gui' : 'cterm', a:attr, a:color)
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ function! s:resize_pads()
function! s:tranquilize()
let bg = s:get_color('Normal', 'bg')
let bg = s:get_color('Normal', 'bg#')
for grp in ['NonText', 'FoldColumn', 'ColorColumn', 'VertSplit',
\ 'StatusLine', 'StatusLineNC', 'SignColumn']
" -1 on Vim / '' on GVim
@ -173,10 +173,17 @@ endfunction " }}}2
" Utilities {{{1
function! s:_log_timestamp() abort " {{{2
function! s:_log_timestamp_smart() abort " {{{2
return printf('syntastic: %f: ', reltimefloat(reltime(g:_SYNTASTIC_START)))
endfunction " }}}2
function! s:_log_timestamp_dumb() abort " {{{2
return 'syntastic: ' . split(reltimestr(reltime(g:_SYNTASTIC_START)))[0] . ': '
endfunction " }}}2
let s:_log_timestamp = function(has('float') && exists('*reltimefloat') ? 's:_log_timestamp_smart' : 's:_log_timestamp_dumb')
lockvar s:_log_timestamp
function! s:_format_variable(name) abort " {{{2
let vals = []
if exists('g:syntastic_' . a:name)
@ -284,6 +284,42 @@ function! syntastic#preprocess#rparse(errors) abort " {{{2
return out
endfunction " }}}2
function! syntastic#preprocess#scss_lint(errors) abort " {{{2
let errs = join(a:errors, '')
if errs ==# ''
return []
let json = s:_decode_JSON(errs)
let out = []
if type(json) == type({})
for fname in keys(json)
if type(json[fname]) == type([])
for e in json[fname]
cal add(out, fname . ':' .
\ e['severity'][0] . ':' .
\ e['line'] . ':' .
\ e['column'] . ':' .
\ e['length'] . ':' .
\ ( has_key(e, 'linter') ? e['linter'] . ': ' : '' ) .
\ e['reason'])
catch /\m^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E716/
call syntastic#log#warn('checker scss/scss_lint: unrecognized error item ' . string(e))
let out = []
call syntastic#log#warn('checker scss/scss_lint: unrecognized error format')
call syntastic#log#warn('checker scss/scss_lint: unrecognized error format')
return out
endfunction " }}}2
function! syntastic#preprocess#stylelint(errors) abort " {{{2
let out = []
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ endfunction " }}}2
function! syntastic#util#tmpdir() abort " {{{2
let tempdir = ''
if (has('unix') || has('mac')) && executable('mktemp')
if (has('unix') || has('mac')) && executable('mktemp') && !has('win32unix')
" TODO: option "-t" to mktemp(1) is not portable
let tmp = $TMPDIR !=# '' ? $TMPDIR : $TMP !=# '' ? $TMP : '/tmp'
let out = split(syntastic#util#system('mktemp -q -d ' . tmp . '/vim-syntastic-' . getpid() . '-XXXXXXXX'), "\n")
@ -90,18 +90,7 @@ function! syntastic#util#rmrf(what) abort " {{{2
if getftype(a:what) ==# 'dir'
if !exists('s:rmrf')
let s:rmrf =
\ has('unix') || has('mac') ? 'rm -rf' :
\ has('win32') || has('win64') ? 'rmdir /S /Q' :
\ has('win16') || has('win95') || has('dos16') || has('dos32') ? 'deltree /Y' : ''
if s:rmrf !=# ''
silent! call syntastic#util#system(s:rmrf . ' ' . syntastic#util#shescape(a:what))
call s:_rmrf(a:what)
call s:_delete(a:what, 'rf')
silent! call delete(a:what)
@ -274,8 +263,9 @@ function! syntastic#util#unique(list) abort " {{{2
let seen = {}
let uniques = []
for e in a:list
if !has_key(seen, e)
let seen[e] = 1
let k = string(e)
if !has_key(seen, k)
let seen[k] = 1
call add(uniques, e)
@ -478,6 +468,27 @@ function! s:_translateElement(key, term) abort " {{{2
return ret
endfunction " }}}2
" @vimlint(EVL103, 1, a:flags)
function! s:_delete_dumb(what, flags) abort " {{{2
if !exists('s:rmrf')
let s:rmrf =
\ has('unix') || has('mac') ? 'rm -rf' :
\ has('win32') || has('win64') ? 'rmdir /S /Q' :
\ has('win16') || has('win95') || has('dos16') || has('dos32') ? 'deltree /Y' : ''
if s:rmrf !=# ''
silent! call syntastic#util#system(s:rmrf . ' ' . syntastic#util#shescape(a:what))
call s:_rmrf(a:what)
endfunction " }}}2
" @vimlint(EVL103, 0, a:flags)
" delete(dir, 'rf') was added in Vim 7.4.1107, but it didn't become usable until 7.4.1128
let s:_delete = function(v:version > 704 || (v:version == 704 && has('patch1128')) ? 'delete' : 's:_delete_dumb')
lockvar s:_delete
function! s:_rmrf(what) abort " {{{2
if !exists('s:rmdir')
let s:rmdir = syntastic#util#shescape(get(g:, 'netrw_localrmdir', 'rmdir'))
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ CONTENTS *syntastic-contents*
5.2.Choosing the executable................|syntastic-config-exec|
5.3.Configuring specific checkers..........|syntastic-config-makeprg|
5.4.Sorting errors.........................|syntastic-config-sort|
6.1.Handling of composite filetypes........|syntastic-composite|
6.2.Editing files over network.............|syntastic-netrw|
@ -158,6 +159,11 @@ Something like this could be more useful: >
When syntax errors are detected a flag will be shown. The content of the flag
is derived from the |syntastic_stl_format| option.
Please note that these settings might conflict with other Vim plugins that
change the way statusline works. Refer to these plugins' documentation for
possible solutions. See also |syntastic-powerline| below if you're using the
"powerline" Vim plugin (https://github.com/powerline/powerline).
2.2. Error signs *syntastic-error-signs*
@ -541,10 +547,10 @@ overriding filters, cf. |filter-overrides|).
"level" - takes one of two values, "warnings" or "errors"
"type" - can be either "syntax" or "style"
"regex" - is matched against the messages' text as a case-insensitive
"file" - is matched against the filenames the messages refer to, as a
case-sensitive |regular-expression|.
"regex" - each item in list is matched against the messages' text as a
case-insensitive |regular-expression|
"file" - each item in list is matched against the filenames the messages
refer to, as a case-sensitive |regular-expression|.
If a key is prefixed by an exclamation mark "!", the corresponding filter is
negated (i.e. the above example silences all messages that are NOT errors).
@ -814,6 +820,25 @@ defined.
For aggregated lists (see |syntastic-aggregating-errors|) these variables are
ignored if |'syntastic_sort_aggregated_errors'| is set (which is the default).
5.5 Debugging *syntastic-config-debug*
Syntastic can log a trace of its working to Vim's |message-history|. To verify
the command line constructed by syntastic to run a checker, set the variable
|'syntastic_debug'| to a non-zero value, run the checker, then run |:mes| to
display the messages, and look for "makeprg" in the output.
From a user's perspective, the useful values for |'syntastic_debug'| are 1, 3,
and 33:
1 - logs syntastic's workflow
3 - logs workflow, checker's output, and |location-list| manipulations
33 - logs workflow and checker-specific details (such as version checks).
Debug logs can be saved to a file; see |'syntastic_debug_file'| for details.
Setting |'syntastic_debug'| to 0 turns off logging.
6. Notes *syntastic-notes*
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ if has('reltime')
let g:_SYNTASTIC_VERSION = '3.7.0-69'
let g:_SYNTASTIC_VERSION = '3.7.0-86'
" Sanity checks {{{1
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let s:_DEFAULT_CHECKERS = {
\ 'go': ['go'],
\ 'haml': ['haml'],
\ 'handlebars': ['handlebars'],
\ 'haskell': ['ghc_mod', 'hdevtools', 'hlint'],
\ 'haskell': ['hdevtools', 'hlint'],
\ 'haxe': ['haxe'],
\ 'hss': ['hss'],
\ 'html': ['tidy'],
@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_asciidoc_asciidoc_GetLocList() dict
let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({ 'args_after': syntastic#c#NullOutput() })
let errorformat =
\ '%Easciidoc: %tRROR: %f: line %l: %m,' .
\ '%Easciidoc: %tRROR: %f: %m,' .
\ '%Easciidoc: FAILED: %f: line %l: %m,' .
\ '%Easciidoc: FAILED: %f: %m,' .
\ '%Wasciidoc: %tARNING: %f: line %l: %m,' .
\ '%Wasciidoc: %tARNING: %f: %m,' .
\ '%Wasciidoc: DEPRECATED: %f: line %l: %m,' .
\ '%Wasciidoc: DEPRECATED: %f: %m'
\ '%E%\w%\+: %tRROR: %f: line %l: %m,' .
\ '%E%\w%\+: %tRROR: %f: %m,' .
\ '%E%\w%\+: FAILED: %f: line %l: %m,' .
\ '%E%\w%\+: FAILED: %f: %m,' .
\ '%W%\w%\+: %tARNING: %f: line %l: %m,' .
\ '%W%\w%\+: %tARNING: %f: %m,' .
\ '%W%\w%\+: DEPRECATED: %f: line %l: %m,' .
\ '%W%\w%\+: DEPRECATED: %f: %m'
return SyntasticMake({
\ 'makeprg': makeprg,
@ -19,8 +19,12 @@ let g:loaded_syntastic_css_stylelint_checker = 1
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
let s:args_after = {
\ 'css': '-f json',
\ 'scss': '-f json -s scss' }
function! SyntaxCheckers_css_stylelint_GetLocList() dict
let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({ 'args_after': '-f json' })
let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({ 'args_after': get(s:args_after, self.getFiletype(), '') })
let errorformat = '%t:%f:%l:%c:%m'
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_javascript_flow_GetLocList() dict
let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({
\ 'exe': self.getExecEscaped() . ' status',
\ 'exe': self.getExecEscaped() . ' check',
\ 'args_after': '--show-all-errors --json' })
let errorformat =
@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_javascript_jscs_IsAvailable() dict
function! SyntaxCheckers_javascript_jscs_GetLocList() dict
let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({ 'args_after': '--no-colors --reporter json' })
let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({
\ 'args_after': '--no-colors --max-errors -1 --reporter json' })
let errorformat = '%f:%l:%c:%m'
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_markdown_mdl_GetLocList() dict
let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({ 'args': '--warnings' })
let errorformat =
\ '%E%f:%l: %m,'.
\ '%E%f:%\s%\=%l: %m,'.
\ '%W%f: Kramdown Warning: %m found on line %l'
return SyntasticMake({
@ -29,10 +29,8 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_rst_rst2pseudoxml_GetLocList() dict
\ 'tail': syntastic#util#DevNull() })
let errorformat =
\ '%f:%l: (%tNFO/1) %m,'.
\ '%f:%l: (%tARNING/2) %m,'.
\ '%f:%l: (%tRROR/3) %m,'.
\ '%f:%l: (%tEVERE/4) %m,'.
\ '%f:%l: (%t%\w%\+/%\d%\+) %m,'.
\ '%f:: (%t%\w%\+/%\d%\+) %m,'.
\ '%-G%.%#'
let loclist = SyntasticMake({
@ -40,11 +38,11 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_rst_rst2pseudoxml_GetLocList() dict
\ 'errorformat': errorformat })
for e in loclist
if e['type'] ==? 'S'
let e['type'] = 'E'
elseif e['type'] ==? 'I'
if e['type'] ==? 'I'
let e['type'] = 'W'
let e['subtype'] = 'Style'
let e['type'] = 'E'
@ -21,21 +21,28 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_scss_scss_lint_IsAvailable() dict
if !executable(self.getExec())
return 0
return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [0, 12])
return syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(self.getVersion(), [0, 29])
function! SyntaxCheckers_scss_scss_lint_GetLocList() dict
let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({})
let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({ 'args_after': '-f JSON' })
let errorformat = '%f:%l [%t] %m'
let errorformat = '%f:%t:%l:%c:%n:%m'
let loclist = SyntasticMake({
\ 'makeprg': makeprg,
\ 'errorformat': errorformat,
\ 'preprocess': 'scss_lint',
\ 'postprocess': ['guards'],
\ 'returns': [0, 1, 2, 65, 66] })
let cutoff = strlen('Syntax Error: ')
for e in loclist
if e['nr'] > 1
let e['hl'] = '\%>' . (e['col'] - 1) . 'c\%<' . (e['col'] + e['nr']) . 'c'
let e['nr'] = 0
if e['text'][: cutoff-1] ==# 'Syntax Error: '
let e['text'] = e['text'][cutoff :]
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
language: ruby
- curl -f -L "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes/master/autoload/airline/themes/simple.vim" -o autoload/airline/themes/simple.vim
- curl -f -L "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes/master/autoload/airline/themes/molokai.vim" -o autoload/airline/themes/molokai.vim
- mkdir colors && curl -f -L 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tomasr/molokai/master/colors/molokai.vim' -o colors/molokai.vim
- 1.9.3
script: rake ci
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling
Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# vim-airline [](https://travis-ci.org/bling/vim-airline)
# vim-airline [](https://travis-ci.org/vim-airline/vim-airline)
Lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air.


# Features
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ Lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air.
[ctrlspace][38] and more.
* Looks good with regular fonts and provides configuration points so you can use unicode or powerline symbols.
* Optimized for speed; it loads in under a millisecond.
* Extensive suite of themes for popular color schemes including [solarized][23] (dark and light), [tomorrow][24] (all variants), [base16][32] (all variants), [molokai][25], [jellybeans][26] and others; have a look at the [screenshots][14] in the wiki.
* Extensive suite of themes for popular color schemes including [solarized][23] (dark and light), [tomorrow][24] (all variants), [base16][32] (all variants), [molokai][25], [jellybeans][26] and others.
Note these are now external to this plugin. See [below][46] for detail.
* Supports 7.2 as the minimum Vim version.
* The master branch tries to be as stable as possible, and new features are merged in only after they have gone through a [full regression test][33].
* Unit testing suite.
@ -26,6 +27,20 @@ If you don't like the defaults, you can replace all sections with standard `stat

## Themes
Themes have moved to
another repository as of [this commit][45].
Install the themes as you would this plugin (Vundle example):
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
See https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes for more.
## Automatic truncation
Sections and parts within sections can be configured to automatically hide when the window size shrinks.
@ -78,6 +93,9 @@ vim-airline integrates with a variety of plugins out of the box. These extensio
#### [promptline][36]

#### [ctrlspace][38]

## Extras
vim-airline also supplies some supplementary stand-alone extensions. In addition to the tabline extension mentioned earlier, there is also:
@ -93,7 +111,7 @@ Every section is composed of parts, and you can reorder and reconfigure them at

Sections can contain accents, which allows for very granular control of visuals (see configuration [here](https://github.com/bling/vim-airline/issues/299#issuecomment-25772886)).
Sections can contain accents, which allows for very granular control of visuals (see configuration [here](https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/issues/299#issuecomment-25772886)).

@ -122,12 +140,14 @@ I wrote the initial version on an airplane, and since it's light as air it turne
This plugin follows the standard runtime path structure, and as such it can be installed with a variety of plugin managers:
* [Pathogen][11]
* `git clone https://github.com/bling/vim-airline ~/.vim/bundle/vim-airline`
* `git clone https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline ~/.vim/bundle/vim-airline`
* Remember to run `:Helptags` to generate help tags
* [NeoBundle][12]
* `NeoBundle 'bling/vim-airline'`
* `NeoBundle 'vim-airline/vim-airline'`
* [Vundle][13]
* `Plugin 'bling/vim-airline'`
* `Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline'`
* [Plug][40]
* `Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'`
* [VAM][22]
* `call vam#ActivateAddons([ 'vim-airline' ])`
* manual
@ -166,33 +186,17 @@ If you don't want all the bells and whistles enabled by default, you can define
A full list of screenshots for various themes can be found in the [Wiki][14].
# Bugs
# Maintainers
Tracking down bugs can take a very long time due to different configurations, versions, and operating systems. To ensure a timely response, please help me out by doing the following:
The project is currently being maintained by [Bailey Ling][41], [Christian Brabandt][42], and [Mike Hartington][44].
* Reproduce it with this [minivimrc][7] repository to rule out any configuration conflicts.
* A link to your vimrc or a gist which shows how you configured the plugin(s).
* And so I can reproduce; your `:version` of vim, and the commit of vim-airline you're using.
# Contributions
Contributions and pull requests are welcome. Please take note of the following guidelines:
* Adhere to the existing style as much as possible; notably, 2 space indents and long-form keywords.
* Keep the history clean! squash your branches before you submit a pull request. `pull --rebase` is your friend.
* Any changes to the core should be tested against Vim 7.2.
## Themes
* If you submit a theme, please create a screenshot so it can be added to the [Wiki][14].
* In the majority of cases, modifications to colors of existing themes will likely be rejected. Themes are a subjective thing, so while you may prefer that a particular color be darker, another user will prefer it to be lighter, or something entirely different. The more popular the theme, the more unlikely the change will be accepted. However, it's pretty simple to create your own theme; copy the theme to `~/.vim/autoload/airline/themes` under a new name with your modifications, and it can be used.
If you are interested in becoming a maintainer (we always welcome more maintainers), please [go here][43].
# License
MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
[](https://bitdeli.com/free "Bitdeli Badge")
[](https://bitdeli.com/free "Bitdeli Badge")
[1]: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline
[2]: https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline
@ -207,7 +211,7 @@ MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
[11]: https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen
[12]: https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim
[13]: https://github.com/gmarik/vundle
[14]: https://github.com/bling/vim-airline/wiki/Screenshots
[14]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/wiki/Screenshots
[15]: https://github.com/techlivezheng/vim-plugin-minibufexpl
[16]: https://github.com/sjl/gundo.vim
[17]: https://github.com/mbbill/undotree
@ -220,16 +224,23 @@ MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
[24]: https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme
[25]: https://github.com/tomasr/molokai
[26]: https://github.com/nanotech/jellybeans.vim
[27]: https://github.com/bling/vim-airline/wiki/FAQ
[27]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/wiki/FAQ
[28]: https://github.com/chrisbra/csv.vim
[29]: https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter
[30]: https://github.com/mhinz/vim-signify
[31]: https://github.com/jmcantrell/vim-virtualenv
[32]: https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-vim
[33]: https://github.com/bling/vim-airline/wiki/Test-Plan
[33]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/wiki/Test-Plan
[34]: http://eclim.org
[35]: https://github.com/edkolev/tmuxline.vim
[36]: https://github.com/edkolev/promptline.vim
[37]: https://github.com/gcmt/taboo.vim
[38]: https://github.com/szw/vim-ctrlspace
[39]: https://github.com/tomtom/quickfixsigns_vim
[40]: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug
[41]: https://github.com/bling
[42]: https://github.com/chrisbra
[43]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/wiki/Becoming-a-Maintainer
[44]: https://github.com/mhartington
[45]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/commit/d7fd8ca649e441b3865551a325b10504cdf0711b
[46]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline#themes
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let g:airline_statusline_funcrefs = get(g:, 'airline_statusline_funcrefs', [])
let s:sections = ['a','b','c','gutter','x','y','z','warning']
let s:sections = ['a','b','c','gutter','x','y','z', 'error', 'warning']
let s:inactive_funcrefs = []
function! airline#add_statusline_func(name)
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ endfunction
function! airline#switch_matching_theme()
if exists('g:colors_name')
let existing = g:airline_theme
let palette = g:airline#themes#{g:colors_name}#palette
call airline#switch_theme(g:colors_name)
@ -78,7 +79,12 @@ function! airline#switch_matching_theme()
for map in items(g:airline_theme_map)
if match(g:colors_name, map[0]) > -1
call airline#switch_theme(map[1])
let palette = g:airline#themes#{map[1]}#palette
call airline#switch_theme(map[1])
call airline#switch_theme(existing)
return 1
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:prototype = {}
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ function! s:should_change_group(group1, group2)
let color1 = airline#highlighter#get_highlight(a:group1)
let color2 = airline#highlighter#get_highlight(a:group2)
if has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1)
if g:airline_gui_mode ==# 'gui'
return color1[1] != color2[1] || color1[0] != color2[0]
return color1[3] != color2[3] || color1[2] != color2[2]
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
function! airline#debug#profile1()
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
function! airline#deprecation#check()
if exists('g:airline_enable_fugitive') || exists('g:airline_fugitive_prefix')
echom 'The g:airline_enable_fugitive and g:airline_fugitive_prefix variables are obsolete. Please read the documentation about the branch extension.'
let tests = [
\ [ 'g:airline_paste_symbol', 'g:airline_symbols.paste' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_readonly_symbol', 'g:airline_symbols.readonly' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_linecolumn_prefix', 'g:airline_symbols.linenr' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_branch_prefix', 'g:airline_symbols.branch' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_branch_empty_message', 'g:airline#extensions#branch#empty_message' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_detect_whitespace', 'g:airline#extensions#whitespace#enabled|show_message' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_hunks', 'g:airline#extensions#hunks#enabled' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_tagbar', 'g:airline#extensions#tagbar#enabled' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_csv', 'g:airline#extensions#csv#enabled' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_branch', 'g:airline#extensions#branch#enabled' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_bufferline', 'g:airline#extensions#bufferline#enabled' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_syntastic', 'g:airline#extensions#syntastic#enabled' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_eclim', 'g:airline#extensions#eclim#enabled' ],
\ ]
for test in tests
if exists(test[0])
let max = winwidth(0) - 16
let msg = printf('The variable %s is deprecated and may not work in the future. It has been replaced with %s. Please read the documentation.', test[0], test[1])
echom msg[:max].'...'
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:ext = {}
@ -138,6 +138,10 @@ function! airline#extensions#load()
call airline#extensions#netrw#init(s:ext)
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ycm#enabled', 0)
call airline#extensions#ycm#init(s:ext)
if get(g:, 'loaded_vimfiler', 0)
let g:vimfiler_force_overwrite_statusline = 0
@ -146,7 +150,7 @@ function! airline#extensions#load()
call airline#extensions#ctrlp#init(s:ext)
if get(g:, 'ctrlspace_loaded', 0)
if get(g:, 'CtrlSpaceLoaded', 0)
call airline#extensions#ctrlspace#init(s:ext)
@ -158,17 +162,17 @@ function! airline#extensions#load()
call airline#extensions#undotree#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#hunks#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_enable_hunks', 1))
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#hunks#enabled', 1)
\ && (exists('g:loaded_signify') || exists('g:loaded_gitgutter') || exists('g:loaded_changes') || exists('g:loaded_quickfixsigns'))
call airline#extensions#hunks#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tagbar#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_enable_tagbar', 1))
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tagbar#enabled', 1)
\ && exists(':TagbarToggle')
call airline#extensions#tagbar#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#csv#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_enable_csv', 1))
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#csv#enabled', 1)
\ && (get(g:, 'loaded_csv', 0) || exists(':Table'))
call airline#extensions#csv#init(s:ext)
@ -178,18 +182,18 @@ function! airline#extensions#load()
let s:filetype_regex_overrides['^int-'] = ['vimshell','%{substitute(&ft, "int-", "", "")}']
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_enable_branch', 1))
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#enabled', 1)
\ && (exists('*fugitive#head') || exists('*lawrencium#statusline') ||
\ (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#use_vcscommand', 0) && exists('*VCSCommandGetStatusLine')))
call airline#extensions#branch#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#bufferline#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_enable_bufferline', 1))
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#bufferline#enabled', 1)
\ && exists('*bufferline#get_status_string')
call airline#extensions#bufferline#init(s:ext)
if isdirectory($VIRTUAL_ENV) && get(g:, 'airline#extensions#virtualenv#enabled', 1)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#virtualenv#enabled', 1) && (exists(':VirtualEnvList') || isdirectory($VIRTUAL_ENV)))
call airline#extensions#virtualenv#init(s:ext)
@ -197,12 +201,12 @@ function! airline#extensions#load()
call airline#extensions#eclim#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#syntastic#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_enable_syntastic', 1))
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#syntastic#enabled', 1)
\ && exists(':SyntasticCheck')
call airline#extensions#syntastic#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_detect_whitespace', 1))
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#enabled', 1)
call airline#extensions#whitespace#init(s:ext)
@ -226,6 +230,10 @@ function! airline#extensions#load()
call airline#extensions#nrrwrgn#init(s:ext)
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#unicode#enabled', 1) && exists(':UnicodeTable') == 2
call airline#extensions#unicode#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#capslock#enabled', 1) && exists('*CapsLockStatusline'))
call airline#extensions#capslock#init(s:ext)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:has_fugitive = exists('*fugitive#head')
@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ if !s:has_fugitive && !s:has_lawrencium && !s:has_vcscommand
let s:git_dirs = {}
let s:untracked_git = {}
let s:untracked_hg = {}
let s:head_format = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#format', 0)
if s:head_format == 1
function! s:format_name(name)
@ -28,71 +32,125 @@ else
let s:git_dirs = {}
function! s:get_git_branch(path)
if has_key(s:git_dirs, a:path)
return s:git_dirs[a:path]
if !s:has_fugitive
return ''
let dir = fugitive#extract_git_dir(a:path)
if empty(dir)
let name = ''
let line = join(readfile(dir . '/HEAD'))
if strpart(line, 0, 16) == 'ref: refs/heads/'
let name = strpart(line, 16)
" raw commit hash
let name = strpart(line, 0, 7)
let name = fugitive#head(7)
if empty(name)
if has_key(s:git_dirs, a:path)
return s:git_dirs[a:path]
let dir = fugitive#extract_git_dir(a:path)
if empty(dir)
let name = ''
let line = join(readfile(dir . '/HEAD'))
if strpart(line, 0, 16) == 'ref: refs/heads/'
let name = strpart(line, 16)
" raw commit hash
let name = strpart(line, 0, 7)
let name = ''
let s:git_dirs[a:path] = name
return name
function! s:get_git_untracked(file)
let untracked = ''
if empty(a:file)
return untracked
if has_key(s:untracked_git, a:file)
let untracked = s:untracked_git[a:file]
let output = system('git status --porcelain -- '. a:file)
if output[0:1] is# '??' && output[3:-2] is? a:file
let untracked = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#notexists', g:airline_symbols.notexists)
let s:untracked_git[a:file] = untracked
return untracked
function! s:get_hg_untracked(file)
if s:has_lawrencium
" delete cache when unlet b:airline head?
let untracked = ''
if empty(a:file)
return untracked
if has_key(s:untracked_hg, a:file)
let untracked = s:untracked_hg[a:file]
let untracked = (system('hg status -u -- '. a:file)[0] is# '?' ?
\ get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#notexists', g:airline_symbols.notexists) : '')
let s:untracked_hg[a:file] = untracked
return untracked
function! s:get_hg_branch()
if s:has_lawrencium
return lawrencium#statusline()
return ''
function! airline#extensions#branch#head()
if exists('b:airline_head') && !empty(b:airline_head)
return b:airline_head
let b:airline_head = ''
let l:heads = {}
let l:vcs_priority = get(g:, "airline#extensions#branch#vcs_priority", ["git", "mercurial"])
let found_fugitive_head = 0
if s:has_fugitive && !exists('b:mercurial_dir')
let b:airline_head = fugitive#head(7)
let l:git_head = s:get_git_branch(expand("%:p:h"))
let l:hg_head = s:get_hg_branch()
if !empty(l:git_head)
let found_fugitive_head = 1
if empty(b:airline_head) && !exists('b:git_dir')
let b:airline_head = s:get_git_branch(expand("%:p:h"))
let l:heads.git = (!empty(l:hg_head) ? "git:" : '') . s:format_name(l:git_head)
let l:git_untracked = s:get_git_untracked(expand("%:p"))
let l:heads.git .= l:git_untracked
if empty(b:airline_head)
if s:has_lawrencium
let b:airline_head = lawrencium#statusline()
if !empty(l:hg_head)
let l:heads.mercurial = (!empty(l:git_head) ? "hg:" : '') . s:format_name(l:hg_head)
let l:hg_untracked = s:get_hg_untracked(expand("%:p"))
let l:heads.mercurial.= l:hg_untracked
if empty(b:airline_head)
if empty(l:heads)
if s:has_vcscommand
call VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup()
if exists('b:VCSCommandBufferInfo')
let b:airline_head = get(b:VCSCommandBufferInfo, 0, '')
let b:airline_head = s:format_name(get(b:VCSCommandBufferInfo, 0, ''))
for vcs in l:vcs_priority
if has_key(l:heads, vcs)
if !empty(b:airline_head)
let b:airline_head = b:airline_head . " | "
let b:airline_head = b:airline_head . l:heads[vcs]
if empty(b:airline_head) || !found_fugitive_head && !s:check_in_path()
let b:airline_head = ''
let b:airline_head = s:format_name(b:airline_head)
if exists("g:airline#extensions#branch#displayed_head_limit")
let w:displayed_head_limit = g:airline#extensions#branch#displayed_head_limit
if len(b:airline_head) > w:displayed_head_limit - 1
@ -100,13 +158,15 @@ function! airline#extensions#branch#head()
if empty(b:airline_head) || !found_fugitive_head && !s:check_in_path()
let b:airline_head = ''
return b:airline_head
function! airline#extensions#branch#get_head()
let head = airline#extensions#branch#head()
let empty_message = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#empty_message',
\ get(g:, 'airline_branch_empty_message', ''))
let empty_message = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#empty_message', '')
let symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#symbol', g:airline_symbols.branch)
return empty(head)
\ ? empty_message
@ -136,9 +196,20 @@ function! s:check_in_path()
return b:airline_file_in_root
function! s:reset_untracked_cache()
if exists("s:untracked_git")
let s:untracked_git={}
if exists("s:untracked_hg")
let s:untracked_hg={}
function! airline#extensions#branch#init(ext)
call airline#parts#define_function('branch', 'airline#extensions#branch#get_head')
autocmd BufReadPost * unlet! b:airline_file_in_root
autocmd CursorHold,ShellCmdPost,CmdwinLeave * unlet! b:airline_head
autocmd User AirlineBeforeRefresh unlet! b:airline_head
autocmd BufWritePost,ShellCmdPost * call s:reset_untracked_cache()
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists('*bufferline#get_status_string')
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !get(g:, 'command_t_loaded', 0)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !get(g:, 'loaded_csv', 0) && !exists(':Table')
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:spc = g:airline_symbols.space
@ -6,13 +6,12 @@ let s:padding = s:spc . s:spc . s:spc
function! airline#extensions#ctrlspace#statusline(...)
let b = airline#builder#new({ 'active': 1 })
call b.add_section('airline_a', s:padding . g:ctrlspace_symbols.cs . s:padding)
call b.add_section('airline_b', s:padding . ctrlspace#statusline_mode_segment(s:padding))
call b.add_section('airline_b', '⌗' . s:padding . ctrlspace#api#StatuslineModeSegment(s:padding))
call b.split()
call b.add_section('airline_x', s:spc . ctrlspace#statusline_tab_segment() . s:spc)
call b.add_section('airline_x', s:spc . ctrlspace#api#StatuslineTabSegment() . s:spc)
return b.build()
function! airline#extensions#ctrlspace#init(ext)
let g:ctrlspace_statusline_function = 'airline#extensions#ctrlspace#statusline()'
let g:CtrlSpaceStatuslineFunction = "airline#extensions#ctrlspace#statusline()"
@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:section_use_groups = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#default#section_use_groupitems', 1)
let s:section_truncate_width = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#default#section_truncate_width', {
\ 'b': 79,
\ 'x': 60,
\ 'y': 88,
\ 'z': 45,
\ 'warning': 80,
\ 'error': 80,
\ })
let s:layout = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#default#layout', [
\ [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ],
\ [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'warning' ]
\ [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'warning', 'error' ]
\ ])
function! s:get_section(winnr, key, ...)
@ -26,30 +29,41 @@ endfunction
function! s:build_sections(builder, context, keys)
for key in a:keys
if key == 'warning' && !a:context.active
if (key == 'warning' || key == 'error') && !a:context.active
call s:add_section(a:builder, a:context, key)
if v:version >= 704 || (v:version >= 703 && has('patch81'))
" There still is a highlighting bug when using groups %(%) in the statusline,
" deactivate it, until this is properly fixed:
" https://groups.google.com/d/msg/vim_dev/sb1jmVirXPU/mPhvDnZ-CwAJ
if s:section_use_groups && (v:version >= 704 || (v:version >= 703 && has('patch81')))
function s:add_section(builder, context, key)
" i have no idea why the warning section needs special treatment, but it's
" needed to prevent separators from showing up
if a:key == 'warning'
if ((a:key == 'error' || a:key == 'warning') && empty(s:get_section(a:context.winnr, a:key)))
if (a:key == 'warning' || a:key == 'error')
call a:builder.add_raw('%(')
call a:builder.add_section('airline_'.a:key, s:get_section(a:context.winnr, a:key))
if a:key == 'warning'
if (a:key == 'warning' || a:key == 'error')
call a:builder.add_raw('%)')
" older version don't like the use of %(%)
function s:add_section(builder, context, key)
if ((a:key == 'error' || a:key == 'warning') && empty(s:get_section(a:context.winnr, a:key)))
if a:key == 'warning'
call a:builder.add_raw('%#airline_warning#'.s:get_section(a:context.winnr, a:key))
elseif a:key == 'error'
call a:builder.add_raw('%#airline_error#'.s:get_section(a:context.winnr, a:key))
call a:builder.add_section('airline_'.a:key, s:get_section(a:context.winnr, a:key))
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':ProjectCreate')
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
" we don't actually want this loaded :P
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !get(g:, 'loaded_signify', 0) && !get(g:, 'loaded_gitgutter', 0) && !get(g:, 'loaded_changes', 0) && !get(g:, 'loaded_quickfixsigns', 0)
@ -44,22 +44,21 @@ function! s:get_hunks_empty()
return ''
let s:source_func = ''
function! s:get_hunks()
if empty(s:source_func)
if get(g:, 'loaded_signify', 0)
let s:source_func = 's:get_hunks_signify'
if !exists('b:source_func')
if get(g:, 'loaded_signify') && sy#buffer_is_active()
let b:source_func = 's:get_hunks_signify'
elseif exists('*GitGutterGetHunkSummary')
let s:source_func = 's:get_hunks_gitgutter'
let b:source_func = 's:get_hunks_gitgutter'
elseif exists('*changes#GetStats')
let s:source_func = 's:get_hunks_changes'
let b:source_func = 's:get_hunks_changes'
elseif exists('*quickfixsigns#vcsdiff#GetHunkSummary')
let s:source_func = 'quickfixsigns#vcsdiff#GetHunkSummary'
let b:source_func = 'quickfixsigns#vcsdiff#GetHunkSummary'
let s:source_func = 's:get_hunks_empty'
let b:source_func = 's:get_hunks_empty'
return {s:source_func}()
return {b:source_func}()
function! airline#extensions#hunks#get_hunks()
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':NetrwSettings')
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !get(g:, 'loaded_nrrw_rgn', 0)
@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ function! airline#extensions#nrrwrgn#apply(...)
let range=(dict.multi ? '' : printf("[%d-%d]", dict.start[1], dict.end[1]))
call a:1.add_section('airline_c', printf("%s %s %s", name, range, dict.enabled ? "\u2713" : '!'))
call a:1.add_section('airline_c', printf("%s %s %s", name, range,
\ dict.enabled ? (&encoding ==? 'utf-8' ? "\u2713" : '') : '!'))
call a:1.split()
call a:1.add_section('airline_x', get(g:, 'airline_section_x').spc)
call a:1.add_section('airline_y', spc.get(g:, 'airline_section_y').spc)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':PromptlineSnapshot')
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let g:airline#extensions#quickfix#quickfix_text = 'Quickfix'
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':SyntasticCheck')
@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:formatter = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#formatter', 'default')
let s:show_buffers = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#show_buffers', 1)
let s:show_tabs = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#show_tabs', 1)
let s:ignore_bufadd_pat = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#ignore_bufadd_pat', '\c\vgundo|undotree|vimfiler|tagbar|nerd_tree')
let s:taboo = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#taboo#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'loaded_taboo', 0)
if s:taboo
let g:taboo_tabline = 0
let s:ctrlspace = get(g:, 'CtrlSpaceLoaded', 0)
function! airline#extensions#tabline#init(ext)
if has('gui_running')
@ -27,31 +28,60 @@ function! s:toggle_off()
call airline#extensions#tabline#autoshow#off()
call airline#extensions#tabline#tabs#off()
call airline#extensions#tabline#buffers#off()
call airline#extensions#tabline#ctrlspace#off()
function! s:toggle_on()
call airline#extensions#tabline#autoshow#on()
call airline#extensions#tabline#tabs#on()
call airline#extensions#tabline#buffers#on()
call airline#extensions#tabline#ctrlspace#on()
set tabline=%!airline#extensions#tabline#get()
function! s:update_tabline()
let match = expand('<afile>')
if pumvisible()
elseif !get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#enabled', 0)
" return, if buffer matches ignore pattern or is directory (netrw)
elseif empty(match)
\ || match(match, s:ignore_bufadd_pat) > -1
\ || isdirectory(expand("<afile>"))
if empty(mapcheck("<Plug>AirlineTablineRefresh", 'n'))
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineTablineRefresh :set mod!<cr>
call feedkeys("\<Plug>AirlineTablineRefresh")
call feedkeys("\<Plug>AirlineTablineRefresh")
"call feedkeys(',,', 't')
"call feedkeys(':unmap ,,')
" force re-evaluation of tabline setting
" disable explicit redraw, may cause E315
function! airline#extensions#tabline#load_theme(palette)
if pumvisible()
let colors = get(a:palette, 'tabline', {})
" Theme for tabs on the left
let l:tab = get(colors, 'airline_tab', a:palette.normal.airline_b)
let l:tabsel = get(colors, 'airline_tabsel', a:palette.normal.airline_a)
let l:tabtype = get(colors, 'airline_tabtype', a:palette.visual.airline_a)
let l:tabfill = get(colors, 'airline_tabfill', a:palette.normal.airline_c)
let l:tabmod = get(colors, 'airline_tabmod', a:palette.insert.airline_a)
let l:tabhid = get(colors, 'airline_tabhid', a:palette.normal.airline_c)
if has_key(a:palette, 'normal_modified') && has_key(a:palette.normal_modified, 'airline_c')
let l:tabmodu = get(colors, 'airline_tabmod_unsel', a:palette.normal_modified.airline_c)
"Fall back to normal airline_c if modified airline_c isn't present
let l:tabmodu = get(colors, 'airline_tabmod_unsel', a:palette.normal.airline_c)
let l:tabhid = get(colors, 'airline_tabhid', a:palette.normal.airline_c)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tab', l:tab)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabsel', l:tabsel)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabtype', l:tabtype)
@ -59,6 +89,21 @@ function! airline#extensions#tabline#load_theme(palette)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabmod', l:tabmod)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabmod_unsel', l:tabmodu)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabhid', l:tabhid)
" Theme for tabs on the right
let l:tabsel_right = get(colors, 'airline_tabsel_right', a:palette.normal.airline_a)
let l:tabmod_right = get(colors, 'airline_tabmod_right', a:palette.insert.airline_a)
let l:tabhid_right = get(colors, 'airline_tabhid_right', a:palette.normal.airline_c)
if has_key(a:palette, 'normal_modified') && has_key(a:palette.normal_modified, 'airline_c')
let l:tabmodu_right = get(colors, 'airline_tabmod_unsel_right', a:palette.normal_modified.airline_c)
"Fall back to normal airline_c if modified airline_c isn't present
let l:tabmodu_right = get(colors, 'airline_tabmod_unsel_right', a:palette.normal.airline_c)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabsel_right', l:tabsel_right)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabmod_right', l:tabmod_right)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabhid_right', l:tabhid_right)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabmod_unsel_right', l:tabmodu_right)
let s:current_tabcnt = -1
@ -68,9 +113,15 @@ function! airline#extensions#tabline#get()
let s:current_tabcnt = curtabcnt
call airline#extensions#tabline#tabs#invalidate()
call airline#extensions#tabline#buffers#invalidate()
call airline#extensions#tabline#ctrlspace#invalidate()
if s:show_buffers && curtabcnt == 1 || !s:show_tabs
if !exists('#airline#BufAdd#*')
autocmd airline BufAdd * call <sid>update_tabline()
if s:ctrlspace
return airline#extensions#tabline#ctrlspace#get()
elseif s:show_buffers && curtabcnt == 1 || !s:show_tabs
return airline#extensions#tabline#buffers#get()
return airline#extensions#tabline#tabs#get()
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:show_buffers = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#show_buffers', 1)
@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ function! airline#extensions#tabline#autoshow#on()
augroup airline_tabline_autoshow
if s:buf_min_count <= 0 && s:tab_min_count <= 1
set showtabline=2
if &lines > 3
set showtabline=2
if s:show_buffers == 1
autocmd BufEnter * call <sid>show_tabline(s:buf_min_count, len(airline#extensions#tabline#buflist#list()))
@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ endfunction
function! s:show_tabline(min_count, total_count)
if a:total_count >= a:min_count
if &showtabline != 2
if &showtabline != 2 && &lines > 3
set showtabline=2
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
scriptencoding utf-8
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ function! airline#extensions#tabline#buffers#on()
augroup airline_tabline_buffers
autocmd BufDelete * call airline#extensions#tabline#buffers#invalidate()
autocmd User BufMRUChange call airline#extensions#tabline#buflist#invalidate()
autocmd User BufMRUChange call airline#extensions#tabline#buffers#invalidate()
augroup END
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ function! airline#extensions#tabline#buffers#invalidate()
function! airline#extensions#tabline#buffers#get()
call <sid>map_keys()
let cur = bufnr('%')
if cur == s:current_bufnr
if !g:airline_detect_modified || getbufvar(cur, '&modified') == s:current_modified
@ -180,16 +183,18 @@ function! s:jump_to_tab(offset)
if s:buffer_idx_mode
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab1 :call <SID>select_tab(0)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab2 :call <SID>select_tab(1)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab3 :call <SID>select_tab(2)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab4 :call <SID>select_tab(3)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab5 :call <SID>select_tab(4)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab6 :call <SID>select_tab(5)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab7 :call <SID>select_tab(6)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab8 :call <SID>select_tab(7)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab9 :call <SID>select_tab(8)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectPrevTab :<C-u>call <SID>jump_to_tab(-v:count1)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectNextTab :<C-u>call <SID>jump_to_tab(v:count1)<CR>
function s:map_keys()
if s:buffer_idx_mode
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab1 :call <SID>select_tab(0)<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab2 :call <SID>select_tab(1)<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab3 :call <SID>select_tab(2)<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab4 :call <SID>select_tab(3)<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab5 :call <SID>select_tab(4)<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab6 :call <SID>select_tab(5)<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab7 :call <SID>select_tab(6)<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab8 :call <SID>select_tab(7)<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab9 :call <SID>select_tab(8)<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectPrevTab :<C-u>call <SID>jump_to_tab(-v:count1)<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectNextTab :<C-u>call <SID>jump_to_tab(v:count1)<CR>
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:excludes = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#excludes', [])
@ -13,26 +13,26 @@ function! airline#extensions#tabline#buflist#list()
return s:current_buffer_list
let list = (exists('g:did_bufmru') && g:did_bufmru) ? BufMRUList() : range(1, bufnr("$"))
let buffers = []
let cur = bufnr('%')
for nr in range(1, bufnr('$'))
if buflisted(nr) && bufexists(nr)
let toadd = 1
for ex in s:excludes
if match(bufname(nr), ex) >= 0
let toadd = 0
if getbufvar(nr, 'current_syntax') == 'qf'
let toadd = 0
if s:exclude_preview && getbufvar(nr, '&bufhidden') == 'wipe' && getbufvar(nr, '&buftype') == 'nofile'
let toadd = 0
if toadd
call add(buffers, nr)
" If this is too slow, we can switch to a different algorithm.
" Basically branch 535 already does it, but since it relies on
" BufAdd autocommand, I'd like to avoid this if possible.
for nr in list
if buflisted(nr)
" Do not add to the bufferlist, if either
" 1) buffername matches exclude pattern
" 2) buffer is a quickfix buffer
" 3) exclude preview windows (if 'bufhidden' == wipe
" and 'buftype' == nofile
if (!empty(s:excludes) && match(bufname(nr), join(s:excludes, '\|')) > -1) ||
\ (getbufvar(nr, 'current_syntax') == 'qf') ||
\ (s:exclude_preview && getbufvar(nr, '&bufhidden') == 'wipe'
\ && getbufvar(nr, '&buftype') == 'nofile')
call add(buffers, nr)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:fmod = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#fnamemod', ':~:.')
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
function! airline#extensions#tabline#formatters#unique_tail#format(bufnr, buffers)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
scriptencoding utf-8
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:show_tab_nr = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_nr', 1)
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ endfunction
function! airline#extensions#tabline#tabs#get()
let curbuf = bufnr('%')
let curtab = tabpagenr()
call s:map_keys()
if curbuf == s:current_bufnr && curtab == s:current_tabnr
if !g:airline_detect_modified || getbufvar(curbuf, '&modified') == s:current_modified
return s:current_tabline
@ -80,3 +81,18 @@ function! airline#extensions#tabline#tabs#get()
let s:current_tabline = b.build()
return s:current_tabline
function s:map_keys()
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab1 :1tabn<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab2 :2tabn<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab3 :3tabn<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab4 :4tabn<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab5 :5tabn<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab6 :6tabn<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab7 :7tabn<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab8 :8tabn<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab9 :9tabn<CR>
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectPrevTab gT
" tabn {count} goes to count tab does not go {count} tab pages forward!
noremap <silent> <Plug>AirlineSelectNextTab :<C-U>exe repeat(':tabn\|', v:count1)<cr>
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':TagbarToggle')
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':Tmuxline')
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':UndotreeToggle')
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !get(g:, 'loaded_unite', 0)
@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !isdirectory($VIRTUAL_ENV)
let s:spc = g:airline_symbols.space
function! airline#extensions#virtualenv#init(ext)
@ -12,14 +8,22 @@ function! airline#extensions#virtualenv#init(ext)
function! airline#extensions#virtualenv#apply(...)
if &filetype =~ "python"
if &filetype =~# "python"
if get(g:, 'virtualenv_loaded', 0)
let statusline = virtualenv#statusline()
let statusline = fnamemodify($VIRTUAL_ENV, ':t')
call airline#extensions#append_to_section('x',
\ s:spc.g:airline_right_alt_sep.s:spc.statusline)
if !empty(statusline)
call airline#extensions#append_to_section('x',
\ s:spc.g:airline_right_alt_sep.s:spc.statusline)
function! airline#extensions#virtualenv#update()
if &filetype =~# "python"
call airline#extensions#virtualenv#apply()
call airline#update_statusline()
@ -1,22 +1,18 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
" http://got-ravings.blogspot.com/2008/10/vim-pr0n-statusline-whitespace-flags.html
" for backwards compatibility
if exists('g:airline_detect_whitespace')
let s:show_message = g:airline_detect_whitespace == 1
let s:show_message = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#show_message', 1)
let s:show_message = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#show_message', 1)
let s:symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#symbol', g:airline_symbols.whitespace)
let s:default_checks = ['indent', 'trailing']
let s:default_checks = ['indent', 'trailing', 'mixed-indent-file']
let s:trailing_format = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#trailing_format', 'trailing[%s]')
let s:mixed_indent_format = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_format', 'mixed-indent[%s]')
let s:long_format = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#long_format', 'long[%s]')
let s:mixed_indent_file_format = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_file_format', 'mix-indent-file[%s]')
let s:indent_algo = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_algo', 0)
let s:skip_check_ft = {'make': ['indent', 'mixed-indent-file'] }
let s:max_lines = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#max_lines', 20000)
@ -38,6 +34,16 @@ function! s:check_mixed_indent()
function! s:check_mixed_indent_file()
let indent_tabs = search('\v(^\t+)', 'nw')
let indent_spc = search('\v(^ +)', 'nw')
if indent_tabs > 0 && indent_spc > 0
return printf("%d:%d", indent_tabs, indent_spc)
return ''
function! airline#extensions#whitespace#check()
if &readonly || !&modifiable || !s:enabled || line('$') > s:max_lines
return ''
@ -49,20 +55,34 @@ function! airline#extensions#whitespace#check()
let trailing = 0
if index(checks, 'trailing') > -1
let trailing = search('\s$', 'nw')
let regexp = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#trailing_regexp', '\s$')
let trailing = search(regexp, 'nw')
echomsg 'airline#whitespace: error occured evaluating '. regexp
echomsg v:exception
return ''
let mixed = 0
if index(checks, 'indent') > -1
let check = 'indent'
if index(checks, check) > -1 && index(get(s:skip_check_ft, &ft, []), check) < 0
let mixed = s:check_mixed_indent()
let mixed_file = ''
let check = 'mixed-indent-file'
if index(checks, check) > -1 && index(get(s:skip_check_ft, &ft, []), check) < 0
let mixed_file = s:check_mixed_indent_file()
let long = 0
if index(checks, 'long') > -1 && &tw > 0
let long = search('\%>'.&tw.'v.\+', 'nw')
if trailing != 0 || mixed != 0 || long != 0
if trailing != 0 || mixed != 0 || long != 0 || !empty(mixed_file)
let b:airline_whitespace_check = s:symbol
if s:show_message
if trailing != 0
@ -74,6 +94,9 @@ function! airline#extensions#whitespace#check()
if long != 0
let b:airline_whitespace_check .= (g:airline_symbols.space).printf(s:long_format, long)
if !empty(mixed_file)
let b:airline_whitespace_check .= (g:airline_symbols.space).printf(s:mixed_indent_file_format, mixed_file)
@ -1,33 +1,26 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:filetypes = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#wordcount#filetypes', '\vhelp|markdown|rst|org')
let s:filetypes = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#wordcount#filetypes', '\vhelp|markdown|rst|org|text')
let s:format = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#wordcount#format', '%d words')
let s:formatter = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#wordcount#formatter', 'default')
" adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/114431/fast-word-count-function-in-vim
function! s:update()
if &ft !~ s:filetypes
unlet! b:airline_wordcount
elseif mode() =~? 's'
" Bail on select mode
let old_status = v:statusmsg
let position = getpos(".")
exe "silent normal! g\<c-g>"
let stat = v:statusmsg
call setpos('.', position)
let v:statusmsg = old_status
let parts = split(stat)
if len(parts) > 11
let cnt = str2nr(split(stat)[11])
let spc = g:airline_symbols.space
let b:airline_wordcount = printf(s:format, cnt) . spc . g:airline_right_alt_sep . spc
unlet! b:airline_wordcount
if match(&ft, s:filetypes) > -1
let l:mode = mode()
if l:mode ==# 'v' || l:mode ==# 'V' || l:mode ==# 's' || l:mode ==# 'S'
let b:airline_wordcount = airline#extensions#wordcount#formatters#{s:formatter}#format()
let b:airline_change_tick = b:changedtick
if get(b:, 'airline_wordcount_cache', '') is# '' ||
\ b:airline_wordcount_cache isnot# get(b:, 'airline_wordcount', '') ||
\ get(b:, 'airline_change_tick', 0) != b:changedtick
" cache data
let b:airline_wordcount = airline#extensions#wordcount#formatters#{s:formatter}#format()
let b:airline_wordcount_cache = b:airline_wordcount
let b:airline_change_tick = b:changedtick
@ -41,4 +34,3 @@ function! airline#extensions#wordcount#init(ext)
call a:ext.add_statusline_func('airline#extensions#wordcount#apply')
autocmd BufReadPost,CursorMoved,CursorMovedI * call s:update()
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:is_win32term = (has('win32') || has('win64')) && !has('gui_running') && (empty($CONEMUBUILD) || &term !=? 'xterm')
@ -9,25 +9,23 @@ let s:accents = {}
function! s:gui2cui(rgb, fallback)
if a:rgb == ''
return a:fallback
elseif match(a:rgb, '^\%(NONE\|[fb]g\)$') > -1
return a:rgb
let rgb = map(matchlist(a:rgb, '#\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)')[1:3], '0 + ("0x".v:val)')
let rgb = [rgb[0] > 127 ? 4 : 0, rgb[1] > 127 ? 2 : 0, rgb[2] > 127 ? 1 : 0]
return rgb[0]+rgb[1]+rgb[2]
let rgb = map(split(a:rgb[1:], '..\zs'), '0 + ("0x".v:val)')
return airline#msdos#round_msdos_colors(rgb)
function! s:get_syn(group, what)
" need to pass in mode, known to break on 7.3.547
let mode = has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1) ? 'gui' : 'cterm'
let color = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), a:what, mode)
if !exists("g:airline_gui_mode")
let g:airline_gui_mode = airline#init#gui_mode()
let color = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), a:what, g:airline_gui_mode)
if empty(color) || color == -1
let color = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), a:what, mode)
let color = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), a:what, g:airline_gui_mode)
if empty(color) || color == -1
if has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1)
let color = a:what ==# 'fg' ? '#000000' : '#FFFFFF'
let color = a:what ==# 'fg' ? 0 : 1
let color = 'NONE'
return color
@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ endfunction
function! s:get_array(fg, bg, opts)
let fg = a:fg
let bg = a:bg
return has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1)
return g:airline_gui_mode ==# 'gui'
\ ? [ fg, bg, '', '', join(a:opts, ',') ]
\ : [ '', '', fg, bg, join(a:opts, ',') ]
@ -43,7 +41,7 @@ endfunction
function! airline#highlighter#get_highlight(group, ...)
let fg = s:get_syn(a:group, 'fg')
let bg = s:get_syn(a:group, 'bg')
let reverse = has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1)
let reverse = g:airline_gui_mode ==# 'gui'
\ ? synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'reverse', 'gui')
\ : synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'reverse', 'cterm')
\|| synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'reverse', 'term')
@ -57,23 +55,40 @@ function! airline#highlighter#get_highlight2(fg, bg, ...)
function! airline#highlighter#exec(group, colors)
if pumvisible()
let colors = a:colors
if s:is_win32term
let colors[2] = s:gui2cui(get(colors, 0, ''), get(colors, 2, ''))
let colors[3] = s:gui2cui(get(colors, 1, ''), get(colors, 3, ''))
exec printf('hi %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s',
\ a:group,
\ get(colors, 0, '') != '' ? 'guifg='.colors[0] : '',
\ get(colors, 1, '') != '' ? 'guibg='.colors[1] : '',
\ get(colors, 2, '') != '' ? 'ctermfg='.colors[2] : '',
\ get(colors, 3, '') != '' ? 'ctermbg='.colors[3] : '',
\ get(colors, 4, '') != '' ? 'gui='.colors[4] : '',
\ get(colors, 4, '') != '' ? 'cterm='.colors[4] : '',
\ get(colors, 4, '') != '' ? 'term='.colors[4] : '')
let cmd= printf('hi %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s',
\ a:group, s:Get(colors, 0, 'guifg=', ''), s:Get(colors, 1, 'guibg=', ''),
\ s:Get(colors, 2, 'ctermfg=', ''), s:Get(colors, 3, 'ctermbg=', ''),
\ s:Get(colors, 4, 'gui=', ''), s:Get(colors, 4, 'cterm=', ''),
\ s:Get(colors, 4, 'term=', ''))
let old_hi = airline#highlighter#get_highlight(a:group)
if len(colors) == 4
call add(colors, '')
if old_hi != colors
exe cmd
function! s:Get(dict, key, prefix, default)
if get(a:dict, a:key, a:default) isnot# a:default
return a:prefix. get(a:dict, a:key)
return ''
function! s:exec_separator(dict, from, to, inverse, suffix)
if pumvisible()
let l:from = airline#themes#get_highlight(a:from.a:suffix)
let l:to = airline#themes#get_highlight(a:to.a:suffix)
let group = a:from.'_to_'.a:to.a:suffix
@ -87,6 +102,9 @@ function! s:exec_separator(dict, from, to, inverse, suffix)
function! airline#highlighter#load_theme()
if pumvisible()
for winnr in filter(range(1, winnr('$')), 'v:val != winnr()')
call airline#highlighter#highlight_modified_inactive(winbufnr(winnr))
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
function! s:check_defined(variable, default)
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ function! airline#init#bootstrap()
call s:check_defined('g:airline_exclude_filenames', ['DebuggerWatch','DebuggerStack','DebuggerStatus'])
call s:check_defined('g:airline_exclude_filetypes', [])
call s:check_defined('g:airline_exclude_preview', 0)
call s:check_defined('g:airline_gui_mode', airline#init#gui_mode())
call s:check_defined('g:airline_mode_map', {})
call extend(g:airline_mode_map, {
@ -56,11 +57,12 @@ function! airline#init#bootstrap()
call s:check_defined('g:airline_symbols', {})
call extend(g:airline_symbols, {
\ 'paste': get(g:, 'airline_paste_symbol', 'PASTE'),
\ 'readonly': get(g:, 'airline_readonly_symbol', get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0) ? "\ue0a2" : 'RO'),
\ 'paste': 'PASTE',
\ 'readonly': get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0) ? "\ue0a2" : 'RO',
\ 'whitespace': get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0) ? "\u2739" : '!',
\ 'linenr': get(g:, 'airline_linecolumn_prefix', get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0) ? "\ue0a1" : ':' ),
\ 'branch': get(g:, 'airline_branch_prefix', get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0) ? "\ue0a0" : ''),
\ 'linenr': get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0) ? "\ue0a1" : ':',
\ 'branch': get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0) ? "\ue0a0" : '',
\ 'notexists': "\u2204",
\ 'modified': '+',
\ 'space': ' ',
\ 'crypt': get(g:, 'airline_crypt_symbol', nr2char(0x1F512)),
@ -80,14 +82,23 @@ function! airline#init#bootstrap()
\ })
call airline#parts#define_raw('file', '%f%m')
call airline#parts#define_raw('path', '%F%m')
call airline#parts#define_raw('linenr', '%{g:airline_symbols.linenr}%#__accent_bold#%4l%#__restore__#')
call airline#parts#define('linenr', {
\ 'raw': '%{g:airline_symbols.linenr}%#__accent_bold#%4l%#__restore__#',
\ 'accent': 'bold'})
call airline#parts#define_function('ffenc', 'airline#parts#ffenc')
call airline#parts#define_empty(['hunks', 'branch', 'tagbar', 'syntastic', 'eclim', 'whitespace','windowswap'])
call airline#parts#define_empty(['hunks', 'branch', 'tagbar', 'syntastic',
\ 'eclim', 'whitespace','windowswap', 'ycm_error_count', 'ycm_warning_count'])
call airline#parts#define_text('capslock', '')
unlet g:airline#init#bootstrapping
function! airline#init#gui_mode()
return ((has('nvim') && exists('$NVIM_TUI_ENABLE_TRUE_COLOR'))
\ || has('gui_running') || (has("termtruecolor") && &guicolors == 1)) ?
\ 'gui' : 'cterm'
function! airline#init#sections()
let spc = g:airline_symbols.space
if !exists('g:airline_section_a')
@ -97,7 +108,7 @@ function! airline#init#sections()
let g:airline_section_b = airline#section#create(['hunks', 'branch'])
if !exists('g:airline_section_c')
if &autochdir == 1
if exists("+autochdir") && &autochdir == 1
let g:airline_section_c = airline#section#create(['%<', 'path', spc, 'readonly'])
let g:airline_section_c = airline#section#create(['%<', 'file', spc, 'readonly'])
@ -115,8 +126,11 @@ function! airline#init#sections()
if !exists('g:airline_section_z')
let g:airline_section_z = airline#section#create(['windowswap', '%3p%%'.spc, 'linenr', ':%3v '])
if !exists('g:airline_section_error')
let g:airline_section_error = airline#section#create(['ycm_error_count', 'syntastic', 'eclim'])
if !exists('g:airline_section_warning')
let g:airline_section_warning = airline#section#create(['syntastic', 'eclim', 'whitespace'])
let g:airline_section_warning = airline#section#create(['ycm_warning_count', 'whitespace'])
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:parts = {}
@ -78,6 +78,6 @@ function! airline#parts#filetype()
function! airline#parts#ffenc()
return printf('%s%s', &fenc, strlen(&ff) > 0 ? '['.&ff.']' : '')
return printf('%s%s%s', &fenc, &l:bomb ? '[BOM]' : '', strlen(&ff) > 0 ? '['.&ff.']' : '')
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
call airline#init#bootstrap()
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
" generates a dictionary which defines the colors for each highlight group
@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ function! airline#themes#patch(palette)
if !has_key(a:palette[mode], 'airline_warning')
let a:palette[mode]['airline_warning'] = [ '#000000', '#df5f00', 232, 166 ]
if !has_key(a:palette[mode], 'airline_error')
let a:palette[mode]['airline_error'] = [ '#000000', '#990000', 232, 160 ]
let a:palette.accents = get(a:palette, 'accents', {})
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
let s:N1 = [ '#141413' , '#aeee00' , 232 , 154 ] " blackestgravel & lime
let s:N2 = [ '#f4cf86' , '#45413b' , 222 , 238 ] " dirtyblonde & deepgravel
let s:N3 = [ '#8cffba' , '#242321' , 121 , 235 ] " saltwatertaffy & darkgravel
let s:N4 = [ '#666462' , 241 ] " mediumgravel
let s:I1 = [ '#141413' , '#0a9dff' , 232 , 39 ] " blackestgravel & tardis
let s:I2 = [ '#f4cf86' , '#005fff' , 222 , 27 ] " dirtyblonde & facebook
let s:I3 = [ '#0a9dff' , '#242321' , 39 , 235 ] " tardis & darkgravel
let s:V1 = [ '#141413' , '#ffa724' , 232 , 214 ] " blackestgravel & orange
let s:V2 = [ '#000000' , '#fade3e' , 16 , 221 ] " coal & dalespale
let s:V3 = [ '#000000' , '#b88853' , 16 , 137 ] " coal & toffee
let s:V4 = [ '#c7915b' , 173 ] " coffee
let s:PA = [ '#f4cf86' , 222 ] " dirtyblonde
let s:RE = [ '#ff9eb8' , 211 ] " dress
let s:IA = [ s:N3[1] , s:N2[1] , s:N3[3] , s:N2[3] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ff2c4b' , '' , 196 , '' , '' ]
\ }
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_b': [ s:N2[0] , s:N4[0] , s:N2[2] , s:N4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:V1[1] , s:N2[1] , s:V1[3] , s:N2[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ s:V1[1] , s:N2[1] , s:V1[3] , s:N2[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , s:PA[0] , s:I1[2] , s:PA[1] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.replace = copy(airline#themes#badwolf#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I1[0] , s:RE[0] , s:I1[2] , s:RE[1] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.insert_modified
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ s:V3[0] , s:V4[0] , s:V3[2] , s:V4[1] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ s:V1[1] , '' , s:V1[3] , '' , '' ] }
@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
if get(g:, 'airline#themes#base16#constant', 0)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette = {}
" Color palette
let s:gui_dark_gray = '#202020'
let s:cterm_dark_gray = 234
let s:gui_med_gray_hi = '#303030'
let s:cterm_med_gray_hi = 236
let s:gui_med_gray_lo = '#3a3a3a'
let s:cterm_med_gray_lo = 237
let s:gui_light_gray = '#505050'
let s:cterm_light_gray = 239
let s:gui_green = '#99cc99'
let s:cterm_green = 151
let s:gui_blue = '#6a9fb5'
let s:cterm_blue = 67
let s:gui_purple = '#aa759f'
let s:cterm_purple = 139
let s:gui_orange = '#d28445'
let s:cterm_orange = 173
let s:gui_red = '#ac4142'
let s:cterm_red = 131
let s:gui_pink = '#d7afd7'
let s:cterm_pink = 182
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_green, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_green]
let s:N2 = [s:gui_light_gray, s:gui_med_gray_lo, s:cterm_light_gray, s:cterm_med_gray_lo]
let s:N3 = [s:gui_green, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_green, s:cterm_med_gray_hi]
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:gui_orange, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_orange, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, ''],
\ }
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:gui_blue, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_blue]
let s:I3 = [s:gui_blue, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_blue, s:cterm_med_gray_hi]
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:N2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal_modified)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_orange, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_orange, ''],
\ }
" Replace mode
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.replace = {
\ 'airline_a': [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_red, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_red, ''],
\ 'airline_c': [s:gui_red, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_red, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, ''],
\ }
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.replace_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert_modified)
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_pink, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_pink]
let s:V3 = [s:gui_pink, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_pink, s:cterm_med_gray_hi]
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:N2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.visual_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert_modified)
" Inactive window
let s:IA = [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, '']
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:gui_orange, '', s:cterm_orange, '', ''],
\ }
function! airline#themes#base16#refresh()
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': airline#themes#get_highlight('Constant'),
\ }
let s:N1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DiffText', 'bg'], ['DiffText', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:N2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Visual', 'fg'], ['Visual', 'bg'])
let s:N3 = airline#themes#get_highlight('CursorLine')
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let group = airline#themes#get_highlight('vimCommand')
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'statusline': [ group[0], '', group[2], '', '' ]
\ }
let s:I1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DiffText', 'bg'], ['DiffAdded', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:I2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DiffAdded', 'fg'], ['Normal', 'bg'])
let s:I3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal_modified
let s:R1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DiffText', 'bg'], ['WarningMsg', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:R2 = s:N2
let s:R3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal_modified
let s:V1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DiffText', 'bg'], ['Constant', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:V2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Constant', 'fg'], ['Normal', 'bg'])
let s:V3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.visual_modified = g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal_modified
let s:IA = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['NonText', 'fg'], ['CursorLine', 'bg'])
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ group[0], '', group[2], '', '' ]
\ }
" Warnings
let s:WI = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['WarningMsg', 'bg'], ['WarningMsg', 'fg'], 'bold')
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal.airline_warning = [
\ s:WI[0], s:WI[1], s:WI[2], s:WI[3]
\ ]
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.visual.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.replace.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal.airline_warning
call airline#themes#base16#refresh()
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette = {}
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [ '#121212', '#5f87ff', 233, 69 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#5f87ff', '#262626', 69 , 235 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#5f87ff', '#1c1c1c', 69 , 234, 'bold' ]
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#d7005f', '#1c1c1c', 161, 234, 'bold' ],
\ }
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [ '#121212', '#00ff87', 233, 48 ]
let s:I2 = s:N2
let s:I3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.normal_modified
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ "#121212", "#5f5faf", 233, 61, '' ],
\ }
" Replace mode
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I1[0], '#d70057', s:I1[2], 161, '' ]
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.insert_modified
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [ '#121212', '#5fff5f', 233, 83 ]
let s:V2 = s:N2
let s:V3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.visual_modified = g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.normal_modified
" Inactive window
let s:IA1 = [ '#4e4e4e', '#1c1c1c', 239, 234, '' ]
let s:IA2 = [ '#4e4e4e', '#262626', 239, 235, '' ]
let s:IA3 = [ '#4e4e4e', '#1c1c1c', 239, 234, 'bold' ]
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA1, s:IA2, s:IA3)
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#5f5f87', '#1c1c1c', 60, 234, 'bold' ],
\ }
" Accents
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#d7005f', '', 161, '' ]
\ }
" Warnings
let s:WI = [ '#121212', '#d7005f', 233, 161 ]
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.normal.airline_warning = s:WI
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning = s:WI
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.insert.airline_warning = s:WI
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning = s:WI
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.insert_paste.airline_warning = s:WI
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.visual.airline_warning = s:WI
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning = s:WI
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.replace.airline_warning = s:WI
let g:airline#themes#behelit#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning = s:WI
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
" Color palette
let s:gui_dark_gray = '#303030'
let s:cterm_dark_gray = 236
let s:gui_med_gray_hi = '#444444'
let s:cterm_med_gray_hi = 238
let s:gui_med_gray_lo = '#3a3a3a'
let s:cterm_med_gray_lo = 237
let s:gui_light_gray = '#b2b2b2'
let s:cterm_light_gray = 249
let s:gui_green = '#afd787'
let s:cterm_green = 150
let s:gui_blue = '#87afd7'
let s:cterm_blue = 110
let s:gui_purple = '#afafd7'
let s:cterm_purple = 146
let s:gui_orange = '#d7af5f'
let s:cterm_orange = 179
let s:gui_red = '#d78787'
let s:cterm_red = 174
let s:gui_pink = '#d7afd7'
let s:cterm_pink = 182
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette = {}
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_green, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_green]
let s:N2 = [s:gui_light_gray, s:gui_med_gray_lo, s:cterm_light_gray, s:cterm_med_gray_lo]
let s:N3 = [s:gui_green, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_green, s:cterm_med_gray_hi]
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:gui_orange, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_orange, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, ''],
\ }
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:gui_blue, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_blue]
let s:I3 = [s:gui_blue, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_blue, s:cterm_med_gray_hi]
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:N2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.insert_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.normal_modified)
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_orange, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_orange, ''],
\ }
" Replace mode
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.replace = {
\ 'airline_a': [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_red, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_red, ''],
\ 'airline_c': [s:gui_red, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_red, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, ''],
\ }
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.replace_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.insert_modified)
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_pink, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_pink]
let s:V3 = [s:gui_pink, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_pink, s:cterm_med_gray_hi]
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:N2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.visual_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.insert_modified)
" Inactive window
let s:IA = [s:gui_light_gray, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_light_gray, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, '']
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:gui_orange, '', s:cterm_orange, '', ''],
\ }
" CtrlP
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ s:gui_orange, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_orange, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, '' ] ,
\ [ s:gui_orange, s:gui_med_gray_lo, s:cterm_orange, s:cterm_med_gray_lo, '' ] ,
\ [ s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_green, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_green, 'bold' ] )
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline companion theme of distinguished
" (https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-distinguished)
" I have nothing to do with the original
" distinguished theme other than being a big fan.
" this theme was shamelessly created by modifying
" the Ubaryd airline theme.
let s:gray = [245, '#8a8a8a']
let s:golden = [143, '#afaf5f']
let s:pink = [131, '#af5f5f']
let s:blue = [ 67, '#5f87af']
let s:orange = [166, '#d75f00']
let s:outerfg = [ 16, '#000000']
let s:innerbg = [234, '#1c1c1c']
let s:middle = ['#bcbcbc', '#444444', 250, 238]
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [s:outerfg[1], s:gray[1], s:outerfg[0], s:gray[0]]
let s:N3 = [s:gray[1], s:innerbg[1], s:gray[0], s:innerbg[0]]
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [s:outerfg[1], s:golden[1], s:outerfg[0], s:golden[0]]
let s:I3 = [s:golden[1], s:innerbg[1], s:golden[0], s:innerbg[0]]
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [s:outerfg[1], s:pink[1], s:outerfg[0], s:pink[0]]
let s:V3 = [s:pink[1], s:innerbg[1], s:pink[0], s:innerbg[0]]
" Replace mode
let s:R1 = [s:outerfg[1], s:blue[1], s:outerfg[0], s:blue[0]]
let s:R3 = [s:blue[1], s:innerbg[1], s:blue[0], s:innerbg[0]]
" Inactive pane
let s:IA = [s:middle[1], s:innerbg[1], s:middle[3], s:innerbg[0]]
let g:airline#themes#distinguished#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#distinguished#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': ['#d70000', '', 160, '', '']}
let g:airline#themes#distinguished#palette.inactive = {
\ 'airline_a': s:IA,
\ 'airline_b': s:IA,
\ 'airline_c': s:IA}
let g:airline#themes#distinguished#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:middle, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#distinguished#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_a': ['', s:orange[1], '', s:orange[0], ''],
\ 'airline_c': [s:orange[1], '', s:orange[0], '', ''],
\ 'airline_x': [s:orange[1], '', s:orange[0], '', ''],
\ 'airline_z': ['', s:orange[1], '', s:orange[0], '']}
let g:airline#themes#distinguished#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:middle, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#distinguished#palette.insert_modified = {}
let g:airline#themes#distinguished#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:middle, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#distinguished#palette.replace_modified = {}
let g:airline#themes#distinguished#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:middle, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#distinguished#palette.visual_modified = {}
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette = {}
let s:N1 = [ '#005f00' , '#afd700' , 22 , 148 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#93a1a1' , '#586e75' , 245 , 240 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#93a1a1' , '#073642' , 240 , 233 ]
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#durant#normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#5f005f' , 255 , 53 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#ffffff' , '#00875f' , 255 , 29 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#9e9e9e' , '#303030' , 247 , 236 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#87d7ff' , '#005f87' , 117 , 24 ]
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#5f005f' , 255 , 53 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#d78700' , s:I1[2] , 172 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#durant#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I2[0] , '#af0000' , s:I2[2] , 124 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#durant#palette.insert_modified
let s:V1 = [ '#1a1a18' , '#ffffff' , 232 , 255 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#ffffff' , '#44403a' , 255, 238 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#90a680' , '#2e2d2a' , 64, 235 ]
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#5f005f' , 255 , 53 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:IA1 = [ '#4e4e4e' , '#1c1c1c' , 239 , 234 , '' ]
let s:IA2 = [ '#4e4e4e' , '#262626' , 239 , 235 , '' ]
let s:IA3 = [ '#4e4e4e' , '#303030' , 239 , 236 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA1, s:IA2, s:IA3)
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#875faf' , '' , 97 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ff0000' , '' , 160 , '' ]
\ }
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#durant#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#d7d7ff' , '#5f00af' , 189 , 55 , '' ],
\ [ '#ffffff' , '#875fd7' , 231 , 98 , '' ],
\ [ '#5f00af' , '#ffffff' , 55 , 231 , 'bold' ])
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline companion theme of Hybrid
" (https://github.com/w0ng/vim-hybrid)
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette = {}
function! airline#themes#hybrid#refresh()
let s:N1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('DiffAdd')
let s:N2 = airline#themes#get_highlight('CursorLine')
let s:N3 = airline#themes#get_highlight('PMenu')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let modified_group = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['SpellRare', 'bg'], 'bold')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['SpellRare', 'bg'], 'bold')
\ }
let warning_group = airline#themes#get_highlight('SpellRare')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal.airline_warning = warning_group
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning = warning_group
let s:I1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['DiffText', 'bg'], 'bold')
let s:I2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['SpellLocal', 'bg'], 'bold')
let s:I3 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['SpellCap', 'bg'], 'bold')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.insert.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning
let s:R1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('DiffChange')
let s:R2 = s:N2
let s:R3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let replace_group = airline#themes#get_highlight('SpellRare')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.replace.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning
let s:V1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['Folded', 'bg'], 'bold')
let s:V2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['DiffDelete', 'bg'], 'bold')
let s:V3 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['Error', 'bg'], 'bold')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.visual_modified = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.visual.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning
let s:IA = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLineNC')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ modified_group[0], '', modified_group[2], '', '' ]
\ }
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': airline#themes#get_highlight('Constant'),
\ }
call airline#themes#hybrid#refresh()
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline theme based on vim-hybrid and powerline
" (https://github.com/w0ng/vim-hybrid)
" (https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline)
let g:airline#themes#hybridline#palette = {}
let s:N1 = [ '#282a2e' , '#c5c8c6' , 'black' , 15 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#c5c8c6' , '#373b41' , 15 , 8 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#ffffff' , '#282a2e' , 255 , 'black' ]
let g:airline#themes#hybridline#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#hybridline#palette.normal.airline_a = ['#005f00', '#b5bd68', 22, 10, '']
let s:I1 = [ '#005f5f' , '#8abeb7' , 23 , 14 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#c5c8c6' , '#0087af' , 15 , 31 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#ffffff' , '#005f87' , 255 , 24 ]
let g:airline#themes#hybridline#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#hybridline#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': ['#000000', '#ac4142', 16 , 1, ''] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#hybridline#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#hybridline#palette.replace.airline_a = ['#000000', '#CC6666', 16, 9]
let g:airline#themes#hybridline#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#hybridline#palette.visual.airline_a = ['#000000', '#de935f', 16, 3]
let s:IA1 = [ '#4e4e4e' , '#1c1c1c' , 239 , 234 , '' ]
let s:IA2 = [ '#4e4e4e' , '#262626' , 239 , 235 , '' ]
let s:IA3 = [ '#4e4e4e' , '#303030' , 239 , 236 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#hybridline#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA1, s:IA2, s:IA3)
let g:airline#themes#hybridline#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ff0000' , '' , 160 , '' ]
\ }
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette = {}
" The name of the function must be 'refresh'.
function! airline#themes#jellybeans#refresh()
" This theme is an example of how to use helper functions to extract highlight
" values from the corresponding colorscheme. It was written in a hurry, so it
" is very minimalistic. If you are a jellybeans user and want to make updates,
" please send pull requests.
" Here are examples where the entire highlight group is copied and an airline
" compatible color array is generated.
let s:N1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('DbgCurrent', 'bold')
let s:N2 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Folded')
let s:N3 = airline#themes#get_highlight('NonText')
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': airline#themes#get_highlight('Constant'),
\ }
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffb964', '', 215, '', '' ]
\ }
let s:I1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('DiffAdd', 'bold')
let s:I2 = s:N2
let s:I3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.normal_modified
let s:R1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('WildMenu', 'bold')
let s:R2 = s:N2
let s:R3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.normal_modified
" Sometimes you want to mix and match colors from different groups, you can do
" that with this method.
let s:V1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['TabLineSel', 'bg'], ['DiffDelete', 'bg'], 'bold')
let s:V2 = s:N2
let s:V3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.visual_modified = g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.normal_modified
" And of course, you can always do it manually as well.
let s:IA = [ '#444444', '#1c1c1c', 237, 234 ]
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.inactive_modified = g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.normal_modified
call airline#themes#jellybeans#refresh()
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
" Colorscheme: Kalisi for airline. Inspired by powerline.
" Arthur Jaron
" hifreeo@gmail.com
" 24.10.2014
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [ '#0087ff' , '#ffffff','33','231']
let s:V2 = [ '#005faf' , '#5fafff','25','75']
let s:V3 = [ '#87d7ff' , '#005faf','117','25']
" Replace mode
let s:R1 = [ '#d75fff' , '#ffffff','171','231']
let s:R2 = [ '#5f005f' , '#d75fff','53','171']
let s:R3 = [ '#ff87ff' , '#8700af','213','91']
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette = {}
function! airline#themes#kalisi#refresh()
let s:StatusLine = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLine')
let s:StatusLineNC = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLineNC')
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [ '#ffffff' , '#e80000','231','160']
let s:I2 = [ '#ff0000' , '#5f0000','196','52']
let s:I3 = s:StatusLine
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [ '#005f00' , '#afd700','22','148']
let s:N2 = [ '#afd700' , '#005f00','148','22']
let s:N3 = s:StatusLine
" Tabline Plugin
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.tabline = {
\ 'airline_tab': ['#bcbcbc', '#005f00','250','22'],
\ 'airline_tabsel': ['#404042', '#A6DB29','238','148'],
\ 'airline_tabtype':['#afd700', '#204d20','148','22'],
\ 'airline_tabfill': s:StatusLine,
\ 'airline_tabhid': ['#c5c5c5', '#404042','251','238'],
\ 'airline_tabmod': ['#d7ff00', '#afd700','190','148'],
\ 'airline_tabmod_unsel': ['#d7ff00', '#005f00','190','22']
\ }
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
" Inactive Mode
let s:IA = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLineNC')
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': ['#d7ff00', s:IA[1],'190',s:IA[3]],
\ }
call airline#themes#kalisi#refresh()
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ s:StatusLine,
\ ['#afd700', '#005f00','148','22'],
\ [ '#005f00' , '#afd700' , '22','148']
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette = {}
let s:N1 = [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4f3598' , 254 , 56 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#ff5fd7' , '#242322' , 206 , 234 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4a4a4a' , 254 , 238 ]
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4f3598' , 254 , 56 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#242322' , '#7eaefd' , 234 , 111 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#75d7d8' , '#242322' , 80 , 234 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4a4a4a' , 254 , 238 ]
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#242322' , '#7eaefd' , 234 , 111 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I2[0] , '#005154' , s:I2[2] , 23 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.replace_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e2e2e2' , '#005154' , 254 , 23 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:V1 = [ '#242322' , '#e6987a' , 234 , 180 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#dbc570' , '#242322' , 186 , 234 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4a4a4a' , 254 , 238 ]
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#242322' , '#e6987a' , 234 , 180 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:IA1 = [ '#b2b2b2' , '#4a4a4a' , 247 , 238 , '' ]
let s:IA2 = [ '#b2b2b2' , '#4a4a4a' , 247 , 238 ]
let s:IA3 = [ '#b2b2b2' , '#4a4a4a' , 247 , 238 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA1, s:IA2, s:IA3)
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#875faf' , '' , 97 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#d96e8a' , '' , 168 , '' ]
\ }
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4a4a4a' , 254 , 238 , '' ],
\ [ '#e2e2e2' , '#242322' , 254 , 234 , '' ],
\ [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4f3598' , 254 , 56 , 'bold' ])
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline companion theme of Laederon
" (https://github.com/Donearm/Laederon)
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [ '#1a1a18' , '#ffffff' , 232 , 255 ] " blackestgravel & snow
let s:N2 = [ '#ffffff' , '#44403a' , 255, 238 ] " snow & deepgravel
let s:N3 = [ '#90a680' , '#2e2d2a' , 64, 235 ] " dilutedpaint & darkgravel
let s:N4 = [ '#777470' , 240 ] " gravel
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [ '#1a1a18' , '#1693a5' , 232 , 62 ] " blackestgravel & crystallake
let s:I2 = [ '#515744' , '#44403a' , 101 , 238 ] " lichen & deepgravel
let s:I3 = [ '#1693a5' , '#2e2d2a' , 39 , 235 ] " crystallake & darkgravel
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [ '#1a1a18' , '#ab3e5d' , 232 , 161 ] " blackestgravel & raspberry
let s:V2 = [ '#000000' , '#908571' , 16 , 252 ] " coal & winterterrain
let s:V3 = [ '#ab3e5d' , '#8c7f77' , 161 , 245 ] " raspberry & wetcoldterrain
let s:V4 = [ '#515744' , 101 ] " lichen
" Replace mode
let s:RE = [ '#233e09' , 22 ] " oakleaf
" Paste mode
let s:PA = [ '#ab3e5d' , 161 ] " raspberry
let s:IA = [ s:N2[1] , s:N3[1] , s:N2[3], s:N3[3] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ef393d' , '' , 196 , '' , '' ]
\ }
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_a' : [ s:N2[0] , s:N4[0] , s:N2[2] , s:N4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V1[1] , s:N2[1] , s:V1[3] , s:N2[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V2[1] , s:N2[1] , s:V2[3] , s:N2[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a' : [ s:I1[0] , s:PA[0] , s:I1[2] , s:PA[1] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.replace = copy(airline#themes#laederon#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I1[0] , s:RE[0] , s:I1[2] , s:RE[1] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.insert_modified
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V3[0] , s:V4[0] , s:V3[2] , s:V4[1] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V1[1] , '' , s:V1[3] , '' , '' ] }
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#light#palette = {}
let s:N1 = [ '#ffffff' , '#005fff' , 255 , 27 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#000087' , '#00dfff' , 18 , 45 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#005fff' , '#afffff' , 27 , 159 ]
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000' , '#ffdfdf' , 160 , 224 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#ffffff' , '#00875f' , 255 , 29 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#005f00' , '#00df87' , 22 , 42 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#005f5f' , '#afff87' , 23 , 156 ]
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000' , '#ffdfdf' , 160 , 224 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#d78700' , s:I1[2] , 172 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#light#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I2[0] , '#ff0000' , s:I1[2] , 196 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#light#palette.insert_modified
let s:V1 = [ '#ffffff' , '#ff5f00' , 255 , 202 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#5f0000' , '#ffaf00' , 52 , 214 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#df5f00' , '#ffff87' , 166 , 228 ]
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000' , '#ffdfdf' , 160 , 224 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:IA1 = [ '#666666' , '#b2b2b2' , 242 , 249 , '' ]
let s:IA2 = [ '#8a8a8a' , '#d0d0d0' , 245 , 252 , '' ]
let s:IA3 = [ '#a8a8a8' , '#ffffff' , 248 , 255 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA1, s:IA2, s:IA3)
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000' , '' , 160 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette = {}
function! airline#themes#lucius#refresh()
let s:N1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLine')
let s:N2 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Folded')
let s:N3 = airline#themes#get_highlight('CursorLine')
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let modified_group = airline#themes#get_highlight('Statement')
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [modified_group[0], '', modified_group[2], '', '']
\ }
let warning_group = airline#themes#get_highlight('DiffDelete')
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal.airline_warning = warning_group
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning = warning_group
let s:I1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('DiffAdd')
let s:I2 = s:N2
let s:I3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.insert.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning
let s:R1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('DiffChange')
let s:R2 = s:N2
let s:R3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.replace.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning
let s:V1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Cursor')
let s:V2 = s:N2
let s:V3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.visual_modified = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.visual.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning
let s:IA = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLineNC')
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ modified_group[0], '', modified_group[2], '', '' ]
\ }
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': airline#themes#get_highlight('Constant'),
\ }
call airline#themes#lucius#refresh()
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline companion theme of Luna
" (https://github.com/Pychimp/vim-luna)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ffffff' , '' , 231 , '' , '' ],
\ }
let s:N1 = [ '#ffffff' , '#005252' , 231 , 36 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#ffffff' , '#003f3f' , 231 , 29 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#ffffff' , '#002b2b' , 231 , 23 ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#450000' , 231 , 52 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#ffffff' , '#789f00' , 231 , 106 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#ffffff' , '#003f3f' , 231 , 29 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#ffffff' , '#002b2b' , 231 , 23 ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#005e5e' , 255 , 52 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#789f00' , s:I1[2] , 106 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I2[0] , '#920000' , s:I2[2] , 88 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert_modified
let s:V1 = [ '#ffff9a' , '#ff8036' , 222 , 208 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#ffffff' , '#003f3f' , 231 , 29 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#ffffff' , '#002b2b' , 231 , 23 ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#450000' , 231 , 52 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:IA = [ '#4e4e4e' , '#002b2b' , 59 , 23 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e20000' , '' , 166 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.tabline = {
\ 'airline_tab': ['#2aa198', '#003f3f', 231, 29, ''],
\ 'airline_tabsel': ['#ffffff', '#2e8b57', 231, 36, ''],
\ 'airline_tabtype': ['#ffffff', '#005252', 231, 36, ''],
\ 'airline_tabfill': ['#ffffff', '#002b2b', 231, 23, ''],
\ 'airline_tabmod': ['#ffffff', '#780000', 231, 88, ''],
\ }
let s:WI = [ '#ffffff', '#5f0000', 231, 88 ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning = [
\ s:WI[0], s:WI[1], s:WI[2], s:WI[3]
\ ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.visual.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.replace.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#ffffff' , '#002b2b' , 231 , 23 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#ffffff' , '#005252' , 231 , 36 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#ffffff' , '#973d45' , 231 , 95 , '' ] )
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#66d9ef' , '' , 81 , '' , '' ],
\ }
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [ '#080808' , '#e6db74' , 232 , 144 ] " mode
let s:N2 = [ '#f8f8f0' , '#232526' , 253 , 16 ] " info
let s:N3 = [ '#f8f8f0' , '#465457' , 253 , 67 ] " statusline
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#080808' , '#e6db74' , 232 , 144 , '' ] ,
\ }
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [ '#080808' , '#66d9ef' , 232 , 81 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#f8f8f0' , '#232526' , 253 , 16 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#f8f8f0' , '#465457' , 253 , 67 ]
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#080808' , '#66d9ef' , 232 , 81 , '' ] ,
\ }
" Replace mode
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I1[0] , '#ef5939' , s:I1[2] , 166 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.replace_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#080808' , '#ef5939' , 232 , 166 , '' ] ,
\ }
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [ '#080808' , '#fd971f' , 232 , 208 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#f8f8f0' , '#232526' , 253 , 16 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#f8f8f0' , '#465457' , 253 , 67 ]
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#080808' , '#fd971f' , 232 , 208 , '' ] ,
\ }
" Inactive
let s:IA = [ '#1b1d1e' , '#465457' , 233 , 67 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#f8f8f0' , '' , 253 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
" CtrlP
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#f8f8f0' , '#465457' , 253 , 67 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#f8f8f0' , '#232526' , 253 , 16 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#080808' , '#e6db74' , 232 , 144 , 'bold' ] )
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette = {}
function! airline#themes#monochrome#refresh()
let s:SL = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLine')
let g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:SL, s:SL, s:SL)
let g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.insert = g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.normal
let g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.replace = g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.normal
let g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.visual = g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.normal
let s:SLNC = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLineNC')
let g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:SLNC, s:SLNC, s:SLNC)
call airline#themes#monochrome#refresh()
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette = {}
" Color palette
let s:cterm_termbg = 237 " Background for branch and file format blocks
let s:gui_termbg = '#5F5F5F'
let s:cterm_termfg = 144 " Foreground for branch and file format blocks
let s:gui_termfg = '#AFAF87'
let s:cterm_termbg2 = 234 " Background for middle block
let s:gui_termbg2 = '#1C1C1C'
let s:cterm_termfg2 = 39 " Foreground for middle block
let s:gui_termfg2 = '#F5F5F5'
let s:cterm_normalbg = 27 " Background for normal mode and file position blocks
let s:gui_normalbg = '#5F87FF'
let s:cterm_normalfg = 15 " Foreground for normal mode and file position blocks
let s:gui_normalfg = '#FFFFFF'
let s:cterm_insertbg = 70 " Background for insert mode and file position blocks
let s:gui_insertbg = '#87AF5F'
let s:cterm_insertfg = 15 " Foreground for insert mode and file position blocks
let s:gui_insertfg = '#FFFFFF'
let s:cterm_visualbg = 166 " Background for visual mode and file position blocks
let s:gui_visualbg = '#ff8c00'
let s:cterm_visualfg = 15 " Foreground for visual mode and file position blocks
let s:gui_visualfg = '#FFFFFF'
let s:cterm_replacebg = 88 " Background for replace mode and file position blocks
let s:gui_replacebg = '#870000'
let s:cterm_replacefg = 15 " Foreground for replace mode and file position blocks
let s:gui_replacefg = '#FFFFFF'
let s:cterm_alert = 88 " Modified file alert color
let s:gui_alert = '#870000'
let s:cterm_inactivebg = 234 " Background for inactive mode
let s:gui_inactivebg = '#1C1C1C'
let s:cterm_inactivefg = 239 " Foreground for inactive mode
let s:gui_inactivefg = '#4E4E4E'
" Branch and file format
let s:BB = [s:gui_termfg, s:gui_termbg, s:cterm_termfg, s:cterm_termbg] " Branch and file format blocks
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [s:gui_normalfg, s:gui_normalbg, s:cterm_normalfg, s:cterm_normalbg] " Outside blocks in normal mode
let s:N2 = [s:gui_termfg2, s:gui_termbg2, s:cterm_normalbg, s:cterm_termbg2] " Middle block
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:BB, s:N2)
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.normal_modified = {'airline_c': [s:gui_alert, s:gui_termbg2, s:cterm_alert, s:cterm_termbg2, 'bold'] ,}
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [s:gui_insertfg, s:gui_insertbg, s:cterm_insertfg, s:cterm_insertbg] " Outside blocks in insert mode
let s:I2 = [s:gui_insertbg, s:gui_termbg2, s:cterm_insertbg, s:cterm_termbg2] " Middle block
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:BB, s:I2)
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.insert_modified = {'airline_c': [s:gui_alert, s:gui_termbg2, s:cterm_alert, s:cterm_termbg2, 'bold'] ,}
" Replace mode
let s:R1 = [s:gui_replacefg, s:gui_replacebg, s:cterm_replacefg, s:cterm_replacebg] " Outside blocks in replace mode
let s:R2 = [s:gui_termfg, s:gui_termbg2, s:cterm_termfg, s:cterm_termbg2] " Middle block
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:BB, s:R2)
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.replace_modified = {'airline_c': [s:gui_alert, s:gui_termbg2, s:cterm_alert, s:cterm_termbg2, 'bold'] ,}
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [s:gui_visualfg, s:gui_visualbg, s:cterm_visualfg, s:cterm_visualbg] " Outside blocks in visual mode
let s:V2 = [s:gui_visualbg, s:gui_termbg2, s:cterm_visualbg, s:cterm_termbg2] " Middle block
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:BB, s:V2)
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.visual_modified = {'airline_c': [s:gui_alert, s:gui_termbg2, s:cterm_alert, s:cterm_termbg2, 'bold'] ,}
" Inactive mode
let s:IA1 = [s:gui_inactivefg, s:gui_inactivebg, s:cterm_inactivefg, s:cterm_inactivebg, '']
let s:IA2 = [s:gui_inactivefg, s:gui_inactivebg, s:cterm_inactivefg, s:cterm_inactivebg, '']
let s:IA3 = [s:gui_inactivefg, s:gui_inactivebg, s:cterm_inactivefg, s:cterm_inactivebg, '']
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA1, s:IA2, s:IA3)
" CtrlP plugin colors
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [s:gui_normalfg, s:gui_normalbg, s:cterm_normalfg, s:cterm_normalbg, ''],
\ [s:gui_termfg, s:gui_termbg, s:cterm_termfg, s:cterm_termbg, ''],
\ [s:gui_termfg2, s:gui_termbg2, s:cterm_termfg2, s:cterm_termbg2, 'bold'])
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#66d9ef' , '' , 81 , '' , '' ],
\ }
" Normal Mode:
let s:N1 = [ '#585858' , '#e4e4e4' , 240 , 254 ] " Mode
let s:N2 = [ '#e4e4e4' , '#0087af' , 254 , 31 ] " Info
let s:N3 = [ '#eeeeee' , '#005f87' , 255 , 24 ] " StatusLine
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#eeeeee' , '#005f87' , 255 , 24 , '' ] ,
\ }
" Insert Mode:
let s:I1 = [ '#585858' , '#e4e4e4' , 240 , 254 ] " Mode
let s:I2 = [ '#e4e4e4' , '#0087af' , 254 , 31 ] " Info
let s:I3 = [ '#eeeeee' , '#005f87' , 255 , 24 ] " StatusLine
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#eeeeee' , '#005f87' , 255 , 24 , '' ] ,
\ }
" Replace Mode:
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.replace.airline_a = [ '#d7005f' , '#e4e4e4' , 161 , 254, '' ]
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.replace_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#eeeeee' , '#005f87' , 255 , 24 , '' ] ,
\ }
" Visual Mode:
let s:V1 = [ '#005f87', '#e4e4e4', 24, 254 ]
let s:V2 = [ '', '#0087af', '', 31 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#e4e4e4', '#005f87', 254, 24 ]
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e4e4e4', '#005f87', 254, 24 ] ,
\ }
" Inactive:
let s:IA = [ '#585858' , '#e4e4e4' , 240 , 254 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#585858' , '#e4e4e4' , 240 , 254 , '' ] ,
\ }
" CtrlP:
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#papercolor#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#e4e4e4' , '#005f87' , 254 , 24 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#e4e4e4' , '#0087af' , 254 , 31 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#585858' , '#e4e4e4' , 240 , 254 , 'bold' ] )
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
" Theme to mimic the default colorscheme of powerline
" Not 100% the same so it's powerline... ish.
" Differences from default powerline:
" * Paste indicator isn't colored different
" * Far right hand section matches the color of the mode indicator
" Differences from other airline themes:
" * No color differences when you're in a modified buffer
" * Visual mode only changes the mode section. Otherwise
" it appears the same as normal mode
" Normal mode " fg & bg
let s:N1 = [ '#005f00' , '#afd700' , 22 , 148 ] " darkestgreen & brightgreen
let s:N2 = [ '#9e9e9e' , '#303030' , 247 , 236 ] " gray8 & gray2
let s:N3 = [ '#ffffff' , '#121212' , 231 , 233 ] " white & gray4
" Insert mode " fg & bg
let s:I1 = [ '#005f5f' , '#ffffff' , 23 , 231 ] " darkestcyan & white
let s:I2 = [ '#5fafd7' , '#0087af' , 74 , 31 ] " darkcyan & darkblue
let s:I3 = [ '#87d7ff' , '#005f87' , 117 , 24 ] " mediumcyan & darkestblue
" Visual mode " fg & bg
let s:V1 = [ '#080808' , '#ffaf00' , 232 , 214 ] " gray3 & brightestorange
" Replace mode " fg & bg
let s:RE = [ '#ffffff' , '#d70000' , 231 , 160 ] " white & brightred
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.insert_replace = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:RE[0] , s:I1[1] , s:RE[1] , s:I1[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.visual = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:V1[0] , s:V1[1] , s:V1[2] , s:V1[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.replace = copy(airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.normal)
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:RE[0] , s:RE[1] , s:RE[2] , s:RE[3] , '' ]
let s:IA = [ s:N2[1] , s:N3[1] , s:N2[3] , s:N3[3] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ff2121' , '' , 196 , '' , '' ],
\ }
let s:N1 = [ '#c8c8c8' , '#2e2e2e' , 188 , 235 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#c8c8c8' , '#2e2e2e' , 188 , 235 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#c8c8c8' , '#2e2e2e' , 188 , 235 ]
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e25000' , '#2e2e2e' , 166 , 235 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#11c279' , '#2e2e2e' , 36 , 235 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#11c279' , '#2e2e2e' , 36 , 235 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#11c279' , '#2e2e2e' , 36 , 235 ]
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e25000' , '#2e2e2e' , 166 , 235 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#2e2e2e' , s:I1[2] , 235 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#raven#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.replace.airline_a = [ '#e60000' , s:I1[1] , 160 , s:I1[3] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.replace.airline_z = [ '#e60000' , s:I1[1] , 160 , s:I1[3] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#raven#palette.insert_modified
let s:V1 = [ '#6565ff' , '#2e2e2e' , 63 , 235 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#6565ff' , '#2e2e2e' , 63 , 235 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#6565ff' , '#2e2e2e' , 63 , 235 ]
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e25000' , '#2e2e2e' , 166 , 235 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:IA = [ '#5e5e5e' , '#222222' , 59 , 235 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e25000' , '' , 166 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.tabline = {
\ 'airline_tab': ['#c8c8c8' , '#2e2e2e' , 188 , 235 , '' ],
\ 'airline_tabsel': ['#2e2e2e' , '#a4c639' , 235 , 149 , '' ],
\ 'airline_tabtype': ['#c8c8c8' , '#2e2e2e' , 188 , 235 , '' ],
\ 'airline_tabfill': ['#c8c8c8' , '#2e2e2e' , 188 , 235 , '' ],
\ 'airline_tabmod': ['#2e2e2e' , '#a4c639' , 235 , 149 , '' ],
\ }
let s:WI = [ '#ff0000', '#2e2e2e', 196, 235 ]
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.normal.airline_warning = [
\ s:WI[0], s:WI[1], s:WI[2], s:WI[3]
\ ]
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#raven#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.insert.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#raven#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#raven#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.visual.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#raven#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#raven#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.replace.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#raven#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#raven#palette.normal.airline_warning
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#raven#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#c8c8c8' , '#2e2e2e' , 188 , 235 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#c8c8c8' , '#2e2e2e' , 188 , 235 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#2e2e2e' , '#a4c639' , 235 , 149 , '' ] )
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette = {}
let s:guibg = '#080808'
let s:termbg = 232
let s:termsep = 236
let s:guisep = '#303030'
let s:N1 = [ '#00dfff' , s:guibg , 45 , s:termbg ]
let s:N2 = [ '#ff5f00' , s:guibg , 202 , s:termbg ]
let s:N3 = [ '#767676' , s:guibg , 7 , s:termbg ]
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000' , s:guibg, 160 , s:termbg , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#5fff00' , s:guibg , 82 , s:termbg ]
let s:I2 = [ '#ff5f00' , s:guibg , 202 , s:termbg ]
let s:I3 = [ '#767676' , s:guibg , 7 , s:termbg ]
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.insert_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#serene#palette.normal_modified)
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#d78700' , s:I1[2] , 172 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.replace = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#af0000' , s:I1[2] , 124 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.replace_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#serene#palette.normal_modified)
let s:V1 = [ '#dfdf00' , s:guibg , 184 , s:termbg ]
let s:V2 = [ '#ff5f00' , s:guibg , 202 , s:termbg ]
let s:V3 = [ '#767676' , s:guibg , 7 , s:termbg ]
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.visual_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#serene#palette.normal_modified)
let s:IA = [ '#4e4e4e' , s:guibg , 239 , s:termbg , '' ]
let s:IA2 = [ '#4e4e4e' , s:guisep , 239 , s:termsep , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA2, s:IA2)
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.inactive_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#serene#palette.normal_modified)
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ff2121' , '' , 196 , '' , '' ],
\ }
let s:N1 = [ '#414141' , '#e1e1e1' , 59 , 188 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#414141' , '#e1e1e1' , 59 , 188 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#414141' , '#e1e1e1' , 59 , 188 ]
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e25000' , '#e1e1e1' , 166 , 188 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#0d935c' , '#e1e1e1' , 29 , 188 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#0d935c' , '#e1e1e1' , 29 , 188 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#0d935c' , '#e1e1e1' , 29 , 188 ]
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e25000' , '#e1e1e1' , 166 , 188 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#e1e1e1' , s:I1[2] , 188 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#silver#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.replace.airline_a = [ '#b30000' , s:I1[1] , 124 , s:I1[3] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.replace.airline_z = [ '#b30000' , s:I1[1] , 124 , s:I1[3] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#silver#palette.insert_modified
let s:V1 = [ '#0000b3' , '#e1e1e1' , 19 , 188 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#0000b3' , '#e1e1e1' , 19 , 188 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#0000b3' , '#e1e1e1' , 19 , 188 ]
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e25000' , '#e1e1e1' , 166 , 188 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:IA = [ '#a1a1a1' , '#dddddd' , 145 , 188 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e25000' , '' , 166 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.tabline = {
\ 'airline_tab': ['#414141' , '#e1e1e1' , 59 , 188 , '' ],
\ 'airline_tabsel': ['#e1e1e1' , '#007599' , 188 , 30 , '' ],
\ 'airline_tabtype': ['#414141' , '#e1e1e1' , 59 , 188 , '' ],
\ 'airline_tabfill': ['#414141' , '#e1e1e1' , 59 , 188 , '' ],
\ 'airline_tabmod': ['#e1e1e1' , '#007599' , 188 , 30 , '' ],
\ }
let s:WI = [ '#ff0000', '#e1e1e1', 196, 188 ]
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.normal.airline_warning = [
\ s:WI[0], s:WI[1], s:WI[2], s:WI[3]
\ ]
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#silver#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.insert.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#silver#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#silver#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.visual.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#silver#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#silver#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.replace.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#silver#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#silver#palette.normal.airline_warning
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#silver#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#414141' , '#e1e1e1' , 59 , 188 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#414141' , '#e1e1e1' , 59 , 188 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#e1e1e1' , '#007599' , 188 , 30 , '' ] )
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette = {}
let s:guibg = '#080808'
let s:guibg2 = '#1c1c1c'
let s:termbg = 232
let s:termbg2= 234
let s:N1 = [ s:guibg , '#00dfff' , s:termbg , 45 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#ff5f00' , s:guibg2, 202 , s:termbg2 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#767676' , s:guibg, 243 , s:termbg]
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000' , s:guibg, 160 , s:termbg , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ s:guibg, '#5fff00' , s:termbg , 82 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#ff5f00' , s:guibg2, 202 , s:termbg2 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#767676' , s:guibg, 243 , s:termbg ]
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.insert_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#simple#palette.normal_modified)
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#d78700' , s:I1[2] , 172 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.replace = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#af0000' , s:I1[2] , 124 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.replace_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#simple#palette.normal_modified)
let s:V1 = [ s:guibg, '#dfdf00' , s:termbg , 184 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#ff5f00' , s:guibg2, 202 , s:termbg2 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#767676' , s:guibg, 243 , s:termbg ]
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.visual_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#simple#palette.normal_modified)
let s:IA = [ '#4e4e4e' , s:guibg , 239 , s:termbg , '' ]
let s:IA2 = [ '#4e4e4e' , s:guibg2 , 239 , s:termbg2 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA2, s:IA2)
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000', '', 160, '', '' ] ,
\ }
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline companion theme of Sol
" (https://github.com/Pychimp/vim-sol)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ffffff' , '' , 231 , '' , '' ],
\ }
let s:N1 = [ '#343434' , '#a0a0a0' , 237 , 248 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#343434' , '#b3b3b3' , 237 , 250 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#343434' , '#c7c7c7' , 237 , 252 ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#ff6868' , 237 , 209 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#eeeeee' , '#09643f' , 255 , 30 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#343434' , '#a3a3a3' , 237 , 249 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#343434' , '#b0b0b0' , 237 , 250 ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#343434' , '#ffdbc7' , 237 , 216 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#09643f' , s:I1[2] , 30 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I1[0] , '#ff2121' , s:I1[2] , 196 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.replace.airline_z = [ s:I1[0] , '#ff2121' , s:I1[2] , 196 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert_modified
let s:V1 = [ '#ffff9a' , '#ff6003' , 222 , 202 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#343434' , '#a3a3a3' , 237 , 249 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#343434' , '#b0b0b0' , 237 , 250 ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#343434' , '#ffdbc7' , 237 , 216 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:IA = [ '#777777' , '#c7c7c7' , 244 , 251 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ff3535' , '' , 203 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.tabline = {
\ 'airline_tab': ['#343434', '#b3b3b3', 237, 250, ''],
\ 'airline_tabsel': ['#ffffff', '#004b9a', 231, 31 , ''],
\ 'airline_tabtype': ['#343434', '#a0a0a0', 237, 248, ''],
\ 'airline_tabfill': ['#343434', '#c7c7c7', 237, 251, ''],
\ 'airline_tabmod': ['#343434', '#ffdbc7', 237, 216, ''],
\ }
let s:WI = [ '#eeeeee', '#e33900', 255, 166 ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning = [
\ s:WI[0], s:WI[1], s:WI[2], s:WI[3]
\ ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.visual.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.replace.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#343434' , '#c7c7c7' , 237 , 251 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#343434' , '#b3b3b3' , 237 , 250 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#eeeeee' , '#007fff' , 255 , 27 , '' ] )
@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette = {}
function! airline#themes#solarized#refresh()
" Options
let s:background = get(g:, 'airline_solarized_bg', &background)
let s:ansi_colors = get(g:, 'solarized_termcolors', 16) != 256 && &t_Co >= 16 ? 1 : 0
let s:tty = &t_Co == 8
" Colors
" Base colors
let s:base03 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 8 : (s:tty ? '0' : 234), 'g': '#002b36'}
let s:base02 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? '0' : (s:tty ? '0' : 235), 'g': '#073642'}
let s:base01 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 10 : (s:tty ? '0' : 240), 'g': '#586e75'}
let s:base00 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 11 : (s:tty ? '7' : 241), 'g': '#657b83'}
let s:base0 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 12 : (s:tty ? '7' : 244), 'g': '#839496'}
let s:base1 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 14 : (s:tty ? '7' : 245), 'g': '#93a1a1'}
let s:base2 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 7 : (s:tty ? '7' : 254), 'g': '#eee8d5'}
let s:base3 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 15 : (s:tty ? '7' : 230), 'g': '#fdf6e3'}
let s:yellow = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 3 : (s:tty ? '3' : 136), 'g': '#b58900'}
let s:orange = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 9 : (s:tty ? '1' : 166), 'g': '#cb4b16'}
let s:red = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 1 : (s:tty ? '1' : 160), 'g': '#dc322f'}
let s:magenta = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 5 : (s:tty ? '5' : 125), 'g': '#d33682'}
let s:violet = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 13 : (s:tty ? '5' : 61 ), 'g': '#6c71c4'}
let s:blue = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 4 : (s:tty ? '4' : 33 ), 'g': '#268bd2'}
let s:cyan = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 6 : (s:tty ? '6' : 37 ), 'g': '#2aa198'}
let s:green = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 2 : (s:tty ? '2' : 64 ), 'g': '#859900'}
" Simple mappings
" NOTE: These are easily tweakable mappings. The actual mappings get
" the specific gui and terminal colors from the base color dicts.
" Normal mode
if s:background == 'dark'
let s:N1 = [s:base3, s:base1, 'bold']
let s:N2 = [s:base2, (s:tty ? s:base01 : s:base00), '']
let s:N3 = [s:base01, s:base02, '']
let s:N1 = [s:base2, s:base00, 'bold']
let s:N2 = [(s:tty ? s:base01 : s:base2), s:base1, '']
let s:N3 = [s:base1, s:base2, '']
let s:NF = [s:orange, s:N3[1], '']
let s:NW = [s:base3, s:orange, '']
if s:background == 'dark'
let s:NM = [s:base1, s:N3[1], '']
let s:NMi = [s:base2, s:N3[1], '']
let s:NM = [s:base01, s:N3[1], '']
let s:NMi = [s:base02, s:N3[1], '']
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [s:N1[0], s:yellow, 'bold']
let s:I2 = s:N2
let s:I3 = s:N3
let s:IF = s:NF
let s:IM = s:NM
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [s:N1[0], s:magenta, 'bold']
let s:V2 = s:N2
let s:V3 = s:N3
let s:VF = s:NF
let s:VM = s:NM
" Replace mode
let s:R1 = [s:N1[0], s:red, '']
let s:R2 = s:N2
let s:R3 = s:N3
let s:RM = s:NM
let s:RF = s:NF
" Inactive, according to VertSplit in solarized
" (bg dark: base00; bg light: base0)
if s:background == 'dark'
let s:IA = [s:base02, s:base00, '']
let s:IA = [s:base2, s:base0, '']
" Actual mappings
" WARNING: Don't modify this section unless necessary.
let s:NFa = [s:NF[0].g, s:NF[1].g, s:NF[0].t, s:NF[1].t, s:NF[2]]
let s:IFa = [s:IF[0].g, s:IF[1].g, s:IF[0].t, s:IF[1].t, s:IF[2]]
let s:VFa = [s:VF[0].g, s:VF[1].g, s:VF[0].t, s:VF[1].t, s:VF[2]]
let s:RFa = [s:RF[0].g, s:RF[1].g, s:RF[0].t, s:RF[1].t, s:RF[2]]
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': s:NFa,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(
\ [s:IA[0].g, s:IA[1].g, s:IA[0].t, s:IA[1].t, s:IA[2]],
\ [s:IA[0].g, s:IA[1].g, s:IA[0].t, s:IA[1].t, s:IA[2]],
\ [s:IA[0].g, s:IA[1].g, s:IA[0].t, s:IA[1].t, s:IA[2]])
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:NMi[0].g, '', s:NMi[0].t, '', s:NMi[2]]}
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(
\ [s:N1[0].g, s:N1[1].g, s:N1[0].t, s:N1[1].t, s:N1[2]],
\ [s:N2[0].g, s:N2[1].g, s:N2[0].t, s:N2[1].t, s:N2[2]],
\ [s:N3[0].g, s:N3[1].g, s:N3[0].t, s:N3[1].t, s:N3[2]])
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning = [
\ s:NW[0].g, s:NW[1].g, s:NW[0].t, s:NW[1].t, s:NW[2]]
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:NM[0].g, s:NM[1].g,
\ s:NM[0].t, s:NM[1].t, s:NM[2]]}
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(
\ [s:I1[0].g, s:I1[1].g, s:I1[0].t, s:I1[1].t, s:I1[2]],
\ [s:I2[0].g, s:I2[1].g, s:I2[0].t, s:I2[1].t, s:I2[2]],
\ [s:I3[0].g, s:I3[1].g, s:I3[0].t, s:I3[1].t, s:I3[2]])
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.insert.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:IM[0].g, s:IM[1].g,
\ s:IM[0].t, s:IM[1].t, s:IM[2]]}
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(
\ [s:V1[0].g, s:V1[1].g, s:V1[0].t, s:V1[1].t, s:V1[2]],
\ [s:V2[0].g, s:V2[1].g, s:V2[0].t, s:V2[1].t, s:V2[2]],
\ [s:V3[0].g, s:V3[1].g, s:V3[0].t, s:V3[1].t, s:V3[2]])
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.visual.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:VM[0].g, s:VM[1].g,
\ s:VM[0].t, s:VM[1].t, s:VM[2]]}
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(
\ [s:R1[0].g, s:R1[1].g, s:R1[0].t, s:R1[1].t, s:R1[2]],
\ [s:R2[0].g, s:R2[1].g, s:R2[0].t, s:R2[1].t, s:R2[2]],
\ [s:R3[0].g, s:R3[1].g, s:R3[0].t, s:R3[1].t, s:R3[2]])
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.replace.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.replace_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:RM[0].g, s:RM[1].g,
\ s:RM[0].t, s:RM[1].t, s:RM[2]]}
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.tabline = {}
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.tabline.airline_tab = [
\ s:I2[0].g, s:I2[1].g, s:I2[0].t, s:I2[1].t, s:I2[2]]
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.tabline.airline_tabtype = [
\ s:N2[0].g, s:N2[1].g, s:N2[0].t, s:N2[1].t, s:N2[2]]
call airline#themes#solarized#refresh()
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline 'term' theme
" it is using current terminal colorscheme
" and in gvim i left colors from 'wombat' theme but i am not using it anyway
" Normal mode
" [ guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, opts ]
let s:N1 = [ '#141413' , '#CAE682' , 232 , 2 ] " mode
let s:N2 = [ '#CAE682' , '#32322F' , 2 , 'black' ] " info
let s:N3 = [ '#CAE682' , '#242424' , 2 , 233 ] " statusline
let s:N4 = [ '#86CD74' , 10 ] " mode modified
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [ '#141413' , '#FDE76E' , 232 , 3 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#FDE76E' , '#32322F' , 3 , 'black' ]
let s:I3 = [ '#FDE76E' , '#242424' , 3 , 233 ]
let s:I4 = [ '#FADE3E' , 11 ]
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [ '#141413' , '#B5D3F3' , 232 , 4 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#B5D3F3' , '#32322F' , 4 , 'black' ]
let s:V3 = [ '#B5D3F3' , '#242424' , 4 , 233 ]
let s:V4 = [ '#7CB0E6' , 12 ]
" Replace mode
let s:R1 = [ '#141413' , '#E5786D' , 232 , 1 ]
let s:R2 = [ '#E5786D' , '#32322F' , 1 , 'black' ]
let s:R3 = [ '#E5786D' , '#242424' , 1 , 233 ]
let s:R4 = [ '#E55345' , 9 ]
" Paste mode
let s:PA = [ '#94E42C' , 6 ]
" Info modified
let s:IM = [ '#40403C' , 238 ]
" Inactive mode
let s:IA = [ '#767676' , s:N3[1] , 243 , s:N3[3] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#term#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#term#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#E5786D' , '' , 203 , '' , '' ],
\ }
let g:airline#themes#term#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#term#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:N1[0] , s:N4[0] , s:N1[2] , s:N4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:N4[0] , s:IM[0] , s:N4[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:N4[0] , s:N3[1] , s:N4[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#term#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#term#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , s:I4[0] , s:I1[2] , s:I4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:I4[0] , s:IM[0] , s:I4[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:I4[0] , s:N3[1] , s:I4[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#term#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#term#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:V1[0] , s:V4[0] , s:V1[2] , s:V4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:V4[0] , s:IM[0] , s:V4[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:V4[0] , s:N3[1] , s:V4[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#term#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#term#palette.replace_modified = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:R1[0] , s:R4[0] , s:R1[2] , s:R4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:R4[0] , s:IM[0] , s:R4[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:R4[0] , s:N3[1] , s:R4[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#term#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , s:PA[0] , s:I1[2] , s:PA[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:PA[0] , s:IM[0] , s:PA[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:PA[0] , s:N3[1] , s:PA[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#term#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#term#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ s:N4[0] , '' , s:N4[1] , '' , '' ] }
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#term#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#DADADA' , '#242424' , 253 , 234 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#DADADA' , '#40403C' , 253 , 238 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#141413' , '#DADADA' , 232 , 253 , 'bold' ] )
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette = {}
function! airline#themes#tomorrow#refresh()
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': airline#themes#get_highlight('Constant'),
\ }
let s:N1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['Directory', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:N2 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Pmenu')
let s:N3 = airline#themes#get_highlight('CursorLine')
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let group = airline#themes#get_highlight('vimCommand')
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ group[0], '', group[2], '', '' ]
\ }
let s:I1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['MoreMsg', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:I2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['MoreMsg', 'fg'], ['Normal', 'bg'])
let s:I3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.normal_modified
let s:R1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Error', 'bold')
let s:R2 = s:N2
let s:R3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.normal_modified
let s:V1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['Constant', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:V2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Constant', 'fg'], ['Normal', 'bg'])
let s:V3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.visual_modified = g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.normal_modified
let s:IA = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['NonText', 'fg'], ['CursorLine', 'bg'])
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ group[0], '', group[2], '', '' ]
\ }
call airline#themes#tomorrow#refresh()
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline companion theme of Ubaryd
" (https://github.com/Donearm/Ubaryd)
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [ '#141413' , '#c7b386' , 232 , 252 ] " blackestgravel & bleaksand
let s:N2 = [ '#c7b386' , '#45413b' , 252, 238 ] " bleaksand & deepgravel
let s:N3 = [ '#b88853' , '#242321' , 137, 235 ] " toffee & darkgravel
let s:N4 = [ '#857f78' , 243 ] " gravel
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [ '#1a1a18' , '#fade3e' , 232 , 221 ] " blackestgravel & warmcorn
let s:I2 = [ '#c7b386' , '#45413b' , 252 , 238 ] " bleaksand & deepgravel
let s:I3 = [ '#f4cf86' , '#242321' , 222 , 235 ] " lighttannedskin & darkgravel
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [ '#1c1b1a' , '#9a4820' , 233 , 88 ] " blackgravel & warmadobe
let s:V2 = [ '#000000' , '#88633f' , 16 , 95 ] " coal & cappuccino
let s:V3 = [ '#88633f' , '#c7b386' , 95 , 252 ] " cappuccino & bleaksand
let s:V4 = [ '#c14c3d' , 160 ] " tannedumbrella
" Replace mode
let s:RE = [ '#c7915b' , 173 ] " nut
" Paste mode
let s:PA = [ '#f9ef6d' , 154 ] " bleaklemon
let s:IA = [ s:N2[1], s:N3[1], s:N2[3], s:N3[3], '' ]
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ff7400' , '' , 196 , '' , '' ],
\ }
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.inactive = {
\ 'airline_a' : [ s:N2[1] , s:N3[1] , s:N2[3] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_a' : [ s:N2[0] , s:N4[0] , s:N2[2] , s:N4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V1[1] , s:N2[1] , s:V1[3] , s:N2[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V2[1] , s:N2[1] , s:V2[3] , s:N2[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a' : [ s:I1[0] , s:PA[0] , s:I1[2] , s:PA[1] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.replace = copy(airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I1[0] , s:RE[0] , s:I1[2] , s:RE[1] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.insert_modified
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V3[0] , s:V4[0] , s:V3[2] , s:V4[1] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V1[1] , '' , s:V1[3] , '' , '' ] }
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette = {}
let s:N1 = ['#FFFFFF', '#5F87FF', 15, 69] " Outside blocks in normal mode (mode and file position)
let s:N2 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59] " Next blocks inside (branch and file format)
let s:N3 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59] " The middle block
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.normal_modified = {'airline_c': ['#ffffff', '#5f005f', 144, 59, 'bold'] ,}
let s:I1 = ['#FFFFFF', '#87AF5F', 15, 107] " Outside blocks in normal mode (mode and file position)
let s:I2 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59] " Next blocks inside (branch and file format)
let s:I3 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59] " The middle block
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.insert_modified = {'airline_c': ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59, 'bold'] ,}
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.insert_paste = {'airline_c': ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59, ''] ,}
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.replace.airline_a = ['#FFFFFF', '#870000', 15, 88, '']
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.replace_modified = {'airline_c': ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59, 'bold'] ,}
let s:V1 = ['#FFFFFF', '#AF5F00', 15, 130]
let s:V2 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59]
let s:V3 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59]
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.visual_modified = {'airline_c': [ '#AFAF87', '#5f005f', 144, 59, 'bold'] ,}
let s:V1 = ['#080808', '#FFAF00', 232, 214]
let s:IA1 = ['#4E4E4E', '#1C1C1C', 239, 234, '']
let s:IA2 = ['#4E4E4E', '#1C1C1C', 239, 234, '']
let s:IA3 = ['#4E4E4E', '#1C1C1C', 239, 234, '']
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA1, s:IA2, s:IA3)
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.inactive_modified = {'airline_c': ['#4E4E4E', '', 239, '', 'bold'] ,}
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.accents = {'red': ['#FF0000', '', 88, '']}
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ ['#FFFFFF', '#1C1C1C', 15, 234, '' ],
\ ['#FFFFFF', '#262626', 15, 235, '' ],
\ ['#FFFFFF', '#303030', 15, 236, 'bold'])
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline companion theme of Wombat
" looks great with wombat256 vim colorscheme
" Normal mode
" [ guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, opts ]
let s:N1 = [ '#141413' , '#CAE682' , 232 , 192 ] " mode
let s:N2 = [ '#CAE682' , '#32322F' , 192 , 236 ] " info
let s:N3 = [ '#CAE682' , '#242424' , 192 , 234 ] " statusline
let s:N4 = [ '#86CD74' , 113 ] " mode modified
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [ '#141413' , '#FDE76E' , 232 , 227 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#FDE76E' , '#32322F' , 227 , 236 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#FDE76E' , '#242424' , 227 , 234 ]
let s:I4 = [ '#FADE3E' , 221 ]
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [ '#141413' , '#B5D3F3' , 232 , 153 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#B5D3F3' , '#32322F' , 153 , 236 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#B5D3F3' , '#242424' , 153 , 234 ]
let s:V4 = [ '#7CB0E6' , 111 ]
" Replace mode
let s:R1 = [ '#141413' , '#E5786D' , 232 , 173 ]
let s:R2 = [ '#E5786D' , '#32322F' , 173 , 236 ]
let s:R3 = [ '#E5786D' , '#242424' , 173 , 234 ]
let s:R4 = [ '#E55345' , 203 ]
" Paste mode
let s:PA = [ '#94E42C' , 47 ]
" Info modified
let s:IM = [ '#40403C' , 238 ]
" Inactive mode
let s:IA = [ '#767676' , s:N3[1] , 243 , s:N3[3] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#E5786D' , '' , 203 , '' , '' ],
\ }
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:N1[0] , s:N4[0] , s:N1[2] , s:N4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:N4[0] , s:IM[0] , s:N4[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:N4[0] , s:N3[1] , s:N4[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , s:I4[0] , s:I1[2] , s:I4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:I4[0] , s:IM[0] , s:I4[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:I4[0] , s:N3[1] , s:I4[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:V1[0] , s:V4[0] , s:V1[2] , s:V4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:V4[0] , s:IM[0] , s:V4[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:V4[0] , s:N3[1] , s:V4[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.replace_modified = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:R1[0] , s:R4[0] , s:R1[2] , s:R4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:R4[0] , s:IM[0] , s:R4[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:R4[0] , s:N3[1] , s:R4[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , s:PA[0] , s:I1[2] , s:PA[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:PA[0] , s:IM[0] , s:PA[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:PA[0] , s:N3[1] , s:PA[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ s:N4[0] , '' , s:N4[1] , '' , '' ] }
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#DADADA' , '#242424' , 253 , 234 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#DADADA' , '#40403C' , 253 , 238 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#141413' , '#DADADA' , 232 , 253 , 'bold' ] )
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette = {}
function! airline#themes#zenburn#refresh()
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': airline#themes#get_highlight('Constant'),
\ }
let s:N1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DbgCurrent', 'bg'], ['Folded', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:N2 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Folded')
let s:N3 = airline#themes#get_highlight('NonText')
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let s:Nmod = airline#themes#get_highlight('Comment')
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': s:Nmod
\ }
let s:I1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DbgCurrent', 'bg'], ['String', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:I2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['String', 'fg'], ['Folded', 'bg'])
let s:I3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.normal_modified
let s:R1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DbgCurrent', 'bg'], ['Comment', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:R2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Comment', 'fg'], ['Folded', 'bg'])
let s:R3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.normal_modified
let s:V1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DbgCurrent', 'bg'], ['Identifier', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:V2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Identifier', 'fg'], ['Folded', 'bg'])
let s:V3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.visual_modified = g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.normal_modified
let s:IA = airline#themes#get_highlight('NonText')
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': s:Nmod
\ }
call airline#themes#zenburn#refresh()
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
call airline#init#bootstrap()
@ -82,8 +82,12 @@ values):
* themes are automatically selected based on the matching colorscheme. this
can be overridden by defining a value. >
let g:airline_theme=
let g:airline_theme='dark'
Note: Only the dark theme is distributed with vim-airline. For more themes,
checkout the vim-airline-themes repository
* if you want to patch the airline theme before it gets applied, you can
supply the name of a function where you can modify the palette. >
let g:airline_theme_patch_func = 'AirlineThemePatch'
@ -187,6 +191,7 @@ its contents. >
let g:airline_symbols.paste = 'ρ'
let g:airline_symbols.paste = 'Þ'
let g:airline_symbols.paste = '∥'
let g:airline_symbols.notexists = '∄'
let g:airline_symbols.whitespace = 'Ξ'
" powerline symbols
@ -225,7 +230,8 @@ section.
let g:airline_section_x (tagbar, filetype, virtualenv)
let g:airline_section_y (fileencoding, fileformat)
let g:airline_section_z (percentage, line number, column number)
let g:airline_section_warning (syntastic, whitespace)
let g:airline_section_error (ycm_error_count, syntastic, eclim)
let g:airline_section_warning (ycm_warning_count, whitespace)
" here is an example of how you could replace the branch indicator with
" the current working directory, followed by the filename.
@ -266,6 +272,8 @@ configuration values that you can use.
\ 'x': 60,
\ 'y': 88,
\ 'z': 45,
\ 'warning': 80,
\ 'error': 80,
\ }
" Note: set to an empty dictionary to disable truncation.
@ -275,9 +283,13 @@ configuration values that you can use.
(first array is the left side, second array is the right side). >
let g:airline#extensions#default#layout = [
\ [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ],
\ [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'warning' ]
\ [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'error', 'warning' ]
\ ]
* configure the layout to not use %(%) grouping items in the statusline.
Try setting this to zero, if you notice bleeding color artifacts >
let airline#extensions#default#section_use_groupitems = 1
------------------------------------- *airline-quickfix*
The quickfix extension is a simple built-in extension which determines
whether the buffer is a quickfix or location list buffer, and adjusts the
@ -310,6 +322,10 @@ vcscommand <http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=90>
* change the text for when no branch is detected >
let g:airline#extensions#branch#empty_message = ''
* define the order in which the branches of different vcs systems will be
displayed on the statusline (currently only for fugitive and lawrencium) >
let g:airline#extensions#branch#vcs_priority = ["git", "mercurial"]
* use vcscommand.vim if available >
let g:airline#extensions#branch#use_vcscommand = 0
@ -413,6 +429,22 @@ eclim <https://eclim.org>
" the default value matches filetypes typically used for documentation
" such as markdown and help files.
let g:airline#extensions#wordcount#filetypes = ...
(default: markdown,rst,org,help,text)
* defines the name of a formatter for word count will be displayed: >
" The default will try to guess LC_NUMERIC and format number accordingly
" e.g. 1,042 in English and 1.042 in German locale
let g:airline#extensions#wordcount#formatter = 'default'
" here is how you can define a 'foo' formatter:
" create a file in the dir autoload/airline/extensions/wordcount/formatters/
" called foo.vim
" this example needs at least Vim > 7.4.1042
function! airline#extensions#wordcount#formatters#foo#format()
return (wordcount()['words'] == 0 ? 'NONE' :
\ wordcount()['words'] > 100 ? 'okay' : 'not enough')
let g:airline#extensions#wordline#formatter = 'foo'
------------------------------------- *airline-whitespace*
* enable/disable detection of whitespace errors. >
@ -435,7 +467,11 @@ eclim <https://eclim.org>
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#symbol = '!'
* configure which whitespace checks to enable. >
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#checks = [ 'indent', 'trailing', 'long' ]
" indent: mixed indent within a line
" long: overlong lines
" trailing: trailing whitespace
" mixed-indent-file: different indentation in different lines
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#checks = [ 'indent', 'trailing', 'long', 'mixed-indent-file' ]
* configure the maximum number of lines where whitespace checking is enabled. >
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#max_lines = 20000
@ -447,6 +483,10 @@ eclim <https://eclim.org>
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#trailing_format = 'trailing[%s]'
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_format = 'mixed-indent[%s]'
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#long_format = 'long[%s]'
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_file_format = 'mix-indent-file[%s]'
* configure custom trailing whitespace regexp rule >
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#trailing_regexp = '\s$'
------------------------------------- *airline-tabline*
* enable/disable enhanced tabline. >
@ -461,7 +501,7 @@ eclim <https://eclim.org>
* configure filename match rules to exclude from the tabline. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#excludes = []
* enable/disable display preview window buffer in the tabline.
* enable/disable display preview window buffer in the tabline. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#exclude_preview = 1
* configure how numbers are displayed in tab mode. >
@ -472,14 +512,18 @@ eclim <https://eclim.org>
* enable/disable displaying tab number in tabs mode. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_nr = 1
* enable/disable displaying tab type (far right)
* enable/disable displaying tab type (far right) >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_type = 1
* enable/disable displaying index of the buffer.
When enabled, numbers will be displayed in the tabline and mappings will be
exposed to allow you to select a buffer directly. Up to 9 mappings will be
Note: If you're using ctrlspace the tabline shows your tabs on the right and
buffer on the left. Also none of the tabline switches is currently
When enabled, numbers will be displayed in the tabline and mappings will be
exposed to allow you to select a buffer directly. Up to 9 mappings will be
exposed. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_mode = 1
nmap <leader>1 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab1
@ -491,14 +535,23 @@ exposed.
nmap <leader>7 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab7
nmap <leader>8 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab8
nmap <leader>9 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab9
nmap <leader>- <Plug>AirlineSelectPrevTab
nmap <leader>+ <Plug>AirlineSelectNextTab
Note: Mappings will be ignored within a NERDTree buffer.
Note: In buffer_idx_mode these mappings won't change the
current tab, but switch to the buffer visible in that tab.
Use |gt| for switching tabs.
In tabmode, those mappings will switch to the specified tab.
* defines the name of a formatter for how buffer names are displayed. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'default'
" here is how you can define a 'foo' formatter:
function! airline#extensions#tabline#foo#format(bufnr, buffers)
" create a file in the dir autoload/airline/extensions/tabline/formatters/
" called foo.vim
function! airline#extensions#tabline#formatters#foo#format(bufnr, buffers)
return fnamemodify(bufname(a:bufnr), ':t')
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'foo'
@ -550,12 +603,17 @@ exposed.
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#right_sep = ''
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#right_alt_sep = ''
* configure whether close button should be shown
* configure whether close button should be shown: >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_close_button = 1
* configure symbol used to represent close button
* configure symbol used to represent close button >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#close_symbol = 'X'
* configure pattern to be ignored on BufAdd autocommand >
" fixes unneccessary redraw, when e.g. opening Gundo window
let airline#extensions#tabline#ignore_bufadd_pat =
\ '\c\vgundo|undotree|vimfiler|tagbar|nerd_tree'
Note: Enabling this extension will modify 'showtabline' and 'guioptions'.
@ -628,6 +686,26 @@ vim-ctrlspace <https://github.com/szw/vim-ctrlspace>
* enable/disable vim-ctrlspace integration >
let g:airline#extensions#ctrlspace#enabled = 1
To make the vim-ctrlspace integration work you will need to make the
ctrlspace statusline function call the correct airline function. Therefore
add the following line into your .vimrc:
let g:CtrlSpaceStatuslineFunction = "airline#extensions#ctrlspace#statusline()"
------------------------------------- *airline-ycm*
YouCompleteMe <https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe>
Shows number of errors and warnings in the current file detected by YCM.
* enable/disable YCM integration >
let g:airline#extensions#ycm#enabled = 1
* set error count prefix >
let g:airline#extensions#ycm#error_symbol = 'E:'
* set warning count prefix >
let g:airline#extensions#ycm#warning_symbol = 'W:'
ADVANCED CUSTOMIZATION *airline-advanced-customization*
@ -653,6 +731,10 @@ greater than a minimum width. >
Parts can be configured to be visible conditionally. >
call airline#parts#define_condition('foo', 'getcwd() =~ "work_dir"')
Now add part "foo" to section section airline_section_y: >
let g:airline_section_y = airline#section#create_right(['ffenc','foo'])
Note: Part definitions are combinative; e.g. the two examples above modify the
same `foo` part.
@ -664,7 +746,7 @@ Before is a list of parts that are predefined by vim-airline.
* `mode` displays the current mode
* `iminsert` displays the current insert method
* `paste` displays the paste indicator
* crypt displays the crypted indicator
* `crypt` displays the crypted indicator
* `filetype` displays the file type
* `readonly` displays the read only indicator
* `file` displays the filename and modified indicator
@ -832,9 +914,12 @@ VimL syntax to write a theme, but if you've written in any programming
language before it will be easy to pick up.
The |dark.vim| theme fully documents this procedure and will guide you through
the process. The |jellybeans.vim| theme is another example of how to write a
theme, but instead of manually declaring colors, it extracts the values from
highlight groups.
the process.
For other examples, you can visit the official themes repository at
<https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes>. It also includes
examples such as |jellybeans.vim| which define colors by extracting highlight
groups from the underlying colorscheme.
TROUBLESHOOTING *airline-troubleshooting*
@ -866,9 +951,14 @@ A. Certain themes are derived from the active colorscheme by extracting colors
their intended matching colorschemes, but will be hit or miss when loaded
with other colorschemes.
Q. Themes are missing
A. Themes have been extracted into the vim-airlines-themes repository. Simply
clone https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes and everything
should work again.
Solutions to other common problems can be found in the Wiki:
CONTRIBUTIONS *airline-contributions*
@ -878,7 +968,6 @@ Contributions and pull requests are welcome.
LICENSE *airline-license*
MIT License. Copyright © 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
MIT License. Copyright © 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Bailey Ling.
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if &cp || v:version < 702 || (exists('g:loaded_airline') && g:loaded_airline)
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ endif
let g:loaded_airline = 1
let s:airline_initialized = 0
let s:airline_theme_defined = 0
function! s:init()
if s:airline_initialized
@ -17,17 +16,25 @@ function! s:init()
call airline#extensions#load()
call airline#init#sections()
let s:airline_theme_defined = exists('g:airline_theme')
if s:airline_theme_defined || !airline#switch_matching_theme()
let g:airline_theme = get(g:, 'airline_theme', 'dark')
call airline#switch_theme(g:airline_theme)
let s:theme_in_vimrc = exists('g:airline_theme')
if s:theme_in_vimrc
let palette = g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette
echom 'Could not resolve airline theme "' . g:airline_theme . '". Themes have been migrated to github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes.'
let g:airline_theme = 'dark'
silent call airline#switch_theme(g:airline_theme)
let g:airline_theme = 'dark'
silent call s:on_colorscheme_changed()
silent doautocmd User AirlineAfterInit
function! s:on_window_changed()
if pumvisible()
if pumvisible() && (!&previewwindow || g:airline_exclude_preview)
call s:init()
@ -36,10 +43,9 @@ endfunction
function! s:on_colorscheme_changed()
call s:init()
if !s:airline_theme_defined
if airline#switch_matching_theme()
let g:airline_gui_mode = airline#init#gui_mode()
if !s:theme_in_vimrc
call airline#switch_matching_theme()
" couldn't find a match, or theme was defined, just refresh
@ -72,10 +78,11 @@ function! s:airline_toggle()
\ | call <sid>on_window_changed()
autocmd CmdwinLeave * call airline#remove_statusline_func('airline#cmdwinenter')
autocmd ColorScheme * call <sid>on_colorscheme_changed()
autocmd GUIEnter,ColorScheme * call <sid>on_colorscheme_changed()
autocmd VimEnter,WinEnter,BufWinEnter,FileType,BufUnload,VimResized *
\ call <sid>on_window_changed()
autocmd TabEnter * :unlet! w:airline_lastmode
autocmd BufWritePost */autoload/airline/themes/*.vim
\ exec 'source '.split(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/airline/themes/'.g:airline_theme.'.vim', 1), "\n")[0]
\ | call airline#load_theme()
@ -102,13 +109,16 @@ function! s:airline_theme(...)
function! s:airline_refresh()
silent doautocmd User AirlineBeforeRefresh
call airline#load_theme()
call airline#update_statusline()
command! -bar -nargs=? -complete=customlist,<sid>get_airline_themes AirlineTheme call <sid>airline_theme(<f-args>)
command! -bar AirlineToggleWhitespace call airline#extensions#whitespace#toggle()
command! -bar AirlineToggle call s:airline_toggle()
command! -bar AirlineRefresh call airline#load_theme() | call airline#update_statusline()
command! -bar AirlineRefresh call s:airline_refresh()
call airline#init#bootstrap()
call s:airline_toggle()
autocmd VimEnter * call airline#deprecation#check()
@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ describe 'commands'
Expect g:airline_theme == 'simple'
execute 'AirlineTheme dark'
Expect g:airline_theme == 'dark'
execute 'AirlineTheme doesnotexist'
Expect g:airline_theme == 'dark'
colors molokai
Expect g:airline_theme == 'molokai'
it 'should have a refresh command'
@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ describe 'themes'
it 'should pass args through correctly'
let hl = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo', 'bold', 'italic')
Expect hl == ['', '', 0, 1, 'bold,italic']
Expect hl == ['', '', 'NONE', 'NONE', 'bold,italic']
let hl = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Foo','bg'], ['Foo','fg'], 'italic', 'bold')
Expect hl == ['', '', 1, 0, 'italic,bold']
Expect hl == ['', '', 'NONE', 'NONE', 'italic,bold']
it 'should generate color map with mirroring'
@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
Comment stuff out. Then uncomment it later. Relies on 'commentstring' to be
correctly set, or uses b:commentary_format if it is set.
The gc mappings are preferred, while the \\ mappings are provided for
backwards compatibility.
gc{motion} Comment or uncomment lines that {motion} moves over.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" commentary.vim - Comment stuff out
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/>
" Version: 1.2
" Version: 1.3
" GetLatestVimScripts: 3695 1 :AutoInstall: commentary.vim
if exists("g:loaded_commentary") || &cp || v:version < 700
@ -100,11 +100,4 @@ if !hasmapto('<Plug>Commentary') || maparg('gc','n') ==# ''
nmap gcu <Plug>Commentary<Plug>Commentary
if maparg('\\','n') ==# '' && maparg('\','n') ==# '' && get(g:, 'commentary_map_backslash', 1)
xmap \\ <Plug>Commentary:echomsg '\\ is deprecated. Use gc'<CR>
nmap \\ :echomsg '\\ is deprecated. Use gc'<CR><Plug>Commentary
nmap \\\ <Plug>CommentaryLine:echomsg '\\ is deprecated. Use gc'<CR>
nmap \\u <Plug>CommentaryUndo:echomsg '\\ is deprecated. Use gc'<CR>
" vim:set et sw=2:
@ -2180,7 +2180,7 @@ call s:command("-bar -bang -range=0 -nargs=* -complete=customlist,s:EditComplete
function! s:Browse(bang,line1,count,...) abort
let validremote = '\.\|\.\=/.*\|[[:alnum:]_-]\+\%(://.\{-\}\)'
let validremote = '\.\|\.\=/.*\|[[:alnum:]_-]\+\%(://.\{-\}\)\='
if a:0
let remote = matchstr(join(a:000, ' '),'@\zs\%('.validremote.'\)$')
let rev = substitute(join(a:000, ' '),'@\%('.validremote.'\)$','','')
@ -2547,6 +2547,8 @@ function! s:BufReadIndex() abort
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> dv :<C-U>execute <SID>StageDiff('Gvdiff')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> p :<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line('.'),line('.')+v:count1-1)<CR>
xnoremap <buffer> <silent> p :<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line("'<"),line("'>"))<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> P :<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line('.'),line('.')+v:count1-1)<CR>
xnoremap <buffer> <silent> P :<C-U>execute <SID>StagePatch(line("'<"),line("'>"))<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :<C-U>if bufnr('$') == 1<Bar>quit<Bar>else<Bar>bdelete<Bar>endif<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> r :<C-U>edit<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> R :<C-U>edit<CR>
@ -2980,7 +2982,11 @@ function! fugitive#cfile() abort
let pre = ''
let results = s:cfile()
if empty(results)
return expand('<cfile>')
let cfile = expand('<cfile>')
if &includeexpr =~# '\<v:fname\>'
sandbox let cfile = eval(substitute(&includeexpr, '\C\<v:fname\>', '\=string(cfile)', 'g'))
return cfile
elseif len(results) > 1
let pre = '+' . join(map(results[1:-1], 'escape(v:val, " ")'), '\|') . ' '
@ -39,10 +39,15 @@ disabled/enabled easily.
* Share your current code to [play.golang.org](http://play.golang.org) with `:GoPlay`
* On-the-fly type information about the word under the cursor. Plug it into
your custom vim function.
* Go asm formatting on save
* Tagbar support to show tags of the source code in a sidebar with `gotags`
* Custom vim text objects such as `a function` or `inner function`
* All commands support collecting and displaying errors in Vim's location
* A async launcher for the go command is implemented for Neovim, fully async
building and testing (beta).
* Integrated with the Neovim terminal, launch `:GoRun` and other go commands
in their own new terminal. (beta)
* Alternate between implementation and test code with `:GoAlternate`
## Install
@ -73,15 +78,18 @@ installed binaries.
* Autocompletion is enabled by default via `<C-x><C-o>`. To get real-time
completion (completion by type) install:
[YCM](https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe) or
[neocomplete](https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplete.vim) for Vim or
[deoplete](https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim) and
[deoplete-go](https://github.com/zchee/deoplete-go) for NeoVim
* To display source code tag information on a sidebar install
* For snippet features install:
[ultisnips](https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips) or
* Screenshot color scheme is a slightly modified molokai: [fatih/molokai](https://github.com/fatih/molokai).
* For a better documentation viewer checkout: [go-explorer](https://github.com/garyburd/go-explorer).
[neosnippet](https://github.com/Shougo/neosnippet.vim) or
* Screenshot color scheme is a slightly modified molokai:
* For a better documentation viewer checkout:
## Usage
@ -99,9 +107,9 @@ vim-go has several `<Plug>` mappings which can be used to create custom
mappings. Below are some examples you might find useful:
Run commands such as `go run` for the current file with `<leader>r` or `go
build` and `go test` for the current package with `<leader>b` and `<leader>t` respectively.
Display beautifully annotated source code to see which functions are covered
with `<leader>c`.
build` and `go test` for the current package with `<leader>b` and `<leader>t`
respectively. Display beautifully annotated source code to see which functions
are covered with `<leader>c`.
au FileType go nmap <leader>r <Plug>(go-run)
@ -159,7 +167,8 @@ recommendations, you are free to create more advanced mappings or functions
based on `:he go-commands`.
## Settings
Below are some settings you might find useful. For the full list see `:he go-settings`.
Below are some settings you might find useful. For the full list see `:he
By default syntax-highlighting for Functions, Methods and Structs is disabled.
To change it:
@ -167,6 +176,7 @@ To change it:
let g:go_highlight_functions = 1
let g:go_highlight_methods = 1
let g:go_highlight_structs = 1
let g:go_highlight_interfaces = 1
let g:go_highlight_operators = 1
let g:go_highlight_build_constraints = 1
@ -203,23 +213,39 @@ let g:go_bin_path = expand("~/.gotools")
let g:go_bin_path = "/home/fatih/.mypath" "or give absolute path
### Location list navigation
### Using with Neovim (beta)
All commands support collecting and displaying errors in Vim's location
Note: Neovim currently is not a first class citizen for vim-go. You are free
to open bugs but I'm not going to look at them. Even though I'm using Neovim
myself, Neovim itself is still alpha. So vim-go might not work well as good as
in Vim. I'm happy to accept pull requests or very detailed bug reports.
Quickly navigate through these location lists with `:lne` for next error and `:lp`
for previous. You can also bind these to keys, for example:
Run `:GoRun` in a new tab, horizontal split or vertical split terminal
map <C-n> :lne<CR>
map <C-m> :lp<CR>
au FileType go nmap <leader>rt <Plug>(go-run-tab)
au FileType go nmap <Leader>rs <Plug>(go-run-split)
au FileType go nmap <Leader>rv <Plug>(go-run-vertical)
By default new terminals are opened in a vertical split. To change it
let g:go_term_mode = "split"
By default the testing commands run asynchronously in the background and
display results with `go#jobcontrol#Statusline()`. To make them run in a new
let g:go_term_enabled = 1
### Using with Syntastic
Sometimes when using both `vim-go` and `syntastic` Vim will start lagging while saving and opening
files. The following fixes this:
Sometimes when using both `vim-go` and `syntastic` Vim will start lagging while
saving and opening files. The following fixes this:
let g:syntastic_go_checkers = ['golint', 'govet', 'errcheck']
@ -228,13 +254,17 @@ let g:syntastic_mode_map = { 'mode': 'active', 'passive_filetypes': ['go'] }
## More info
Check out the [Wiki](https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/wiki) page for more information. It includes [Screencasts](https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/wiki/Screencasts), an [FAQ
section](https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/wiki/FAQ-Troubleshooting), and many other [various pieces](https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/wiki) of information.
Check out the [Wiki](https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/wiki) page for more
information. It includes
[Screencasts](https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/wiki/Screencasts), an [FAQ
section](https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/wiki/FAQ-Troubleshooting), and many
other [various pieces](https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/wiki) of information.
## Credits
* Go Authors for official vim plugins
* Gocode, Godef, Golint, Oracle, Goimports, Gotags, Errcheck projects and authors of those projects.
* Gocode, Godef, Golint, Oracle, Goimports, Gotags, Errcheck projects and
authors of those projects.
* Other vim-plugins, thanks for inspiration (vim-golang, go.vim, vim-gocode,
* [Contributors](https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/graphs/contributors) of vim-go
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