Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-10-22 03:28:58 -04:00

Updated plugins

This commit is contained in:
Amir Salihefendic 2019-01-08 11:11:54 +01:00
parent 96b46f56ae
commit 1d42b63013
55 changed files with 1669 additions and 675 deletions

View file

@ -137,9 +137,7 @@ function! ale_linters#elm#make#ParseMessageItem(item) abort
" Return the command to execute the linter in the projects directory.
" If it doesn't, then this will fail when imports are needed.
function! ale_linters#elm#make#GetCommand(buffer) abort
function! ale_linters#elm#make#GetPackageFile(buffer) abort
let l:elm_json = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, 'elm.json')
if empty(l:elm_json)
@ -147,10 +145,55 @@ function! ale_linters#elm#make#GetCommand(buffer) abort
let l:elm_json = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, 'elm-package.json')
return l:elm_json
function! ale_linters#elm#make#IsVersionGte19(buffer) abort
let l:elm_json = ale_linters#elm#make#GetPackageFile(a:buffer)
if l:elm_json =~# '-package'
return 0
return 1
function! ale_linters#elm#make#GetRootDir(buffer) abort
let l:elm_json = ale_linters#elm#make#GetPackageFile(a:buffer)
if empty(l:elm_json)
return ''
return fnamemodify(l:elm_json, ':p:h')
function! ale_linters#elm#make#IsTest(buffer) abort
let l:root_dir = ale_linters#elm#make#GetRootDir(a:buffer)
if empty(l:root_dir)
return 0
let l:tests_dir = join([l:root_dir, 'tests', ''], has('win32') ? '\' : '/')
let l:buffer_path = fnamemodify(bufname(a:buffer), ':p')
if stridx(l:buffer_path, l:tests_dir) == 0
return 1
return 0
" Return the command to execute the linter in the projects directory.
" If it doesn't, then this will fail when imports are needed.
function! ale_linters#elm#make#GetCommand(buffer) abort
let l:root_dir = ale_linters#elm#make#GetRootDir(a:buffer)
if empty(l:root_dir)
let l:dir_set_cmd = ''
let l:root_dir = fnamemodify(l:elm_json, ':p:h')
let l:dir_set_cmd = 'cd ' . ale#Escape(l:root_dir) . ' && '
@ -161,11 +204,24 @@ function! ale_linters#elm#make#GetCommand(buffer) abort
return l:dir_set_cmd . '%e make --report=json --output=/dev/null %t'
function! ale_linters#elm#make#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
let l:is_test = ale_linters#elm#make#IsTest(a:buffer)
let l:is_v19 = ale_linters#elm#make#IsVersionGte19(a:buffer)
if l:is_test && l:is_v19
return ale#node#FindExecutable(
\ a:buffer,
\ 'elm_make',
\ ['node_modules/.bin/elm-test', 'node_modules/.bin/elm']
\ )
return ale#node#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'elm_make', ['node_modules/.bin/elm'])
call ale#linter#Define('elm', {
\ 'name': 'make',
\ 'executable_callback': ale#node#FindExecutableFunc('elm_make', [
\ 'node_modules/.bin/elm',
\ ]),
\ 'executable_callback': 'ale_linters#elm#make#GetExecutable',
\ 'output_stream': 'both',
\ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#elm#make#GetCommand',
\ 'callback': 'ale_linters#elm#make#Handle'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
" Author: Jerko Steiner <https://github.com/jeremija>
" Description: https://github.com/saibing/bingo
call ale#Set('go_bingo_executable', 'bingo')
call ale#Set('go_bingo_options', '--mode stdio')
function! ale_linters#go#bingo#GetCommand(buffer) abort
return '%e' . ale#Pad(ale#Var(a:buffer, 'go_bingo_options'))
function! ale_linters#go#bingo#FindProjectRoot(buffer) abort
let l:project_root = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, 'go.mod')
let l:mods = ':h'
if empty(l:project_root)
let l:project_root = ale#path#FindNearestDirectory(a:buffer, '.git')
let l:mods = ':h:h'
return !empty(l:project_root) ? fnamemodify(l:project_root, l:mods) : ''
call ale#linter#Define('go', {
\ 'name': 'bingo',
\ 'lsp': 'stdio',
\ 'executable_callback': ale#VarFunc('go_bingo_executable'),
\ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#go#bingo#GetCommand',
\ 'project_root_callback': 'ale_linters#go#bingo#FindProjectRoot',

View file

@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
" Author: Michiel Westerbeek <happylinks@gmail.com>
" Description: Linter for GraphQL Schemas
function! ale_linters#graphql#gqlint#GetCommand(buffer) abort
return ale#path#BufferCdString(a:buffer)
\ . 'gqlint'
\ . ' --reporter=simple %t'
call ale#linter#Define('graphql', {
\ 'name': 'gqlint',
\ 'executable': 'gqlint',
\ 'command': 'gqlint --reporter=simple %t',
\ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#graphql#gqlint#GetCommand',
\ 'callback': 'ale#handlers#unix#HandleAsWarning',

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ function! ale_linters#perl#perl#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
return []
let l:pattern = '\(.\+\) at \(.\+\) line \(\d\+\)'
let l:pattern = '\(..\{-}\) at \(..\{-}\) line \(\d\+\)'
let l:output = []
let l:basename = expand('#' . a:buffer . ':t')

View file

@ -48,26 +48,38 @@ endfunction
function! ale#c#ParseCFlags(path_prefix, cflag_line) abort
let l:cflags_list = []
let l:previous_options = []
let l:previous_options = ''
let l:split_lines = split(a:cflag_line, '-')
let l:split_lines = split(a:cflag_line, ' ')
let l:option_index = 0
while l:option_index < len(l:split_lines)
let l:option = l:split_lines[l:option_index]
let l:option = l:previous_options . l:split_lines[l:option_index]
let l:option_index = l:option_index + 1
call add(l:previous_options, l:option)
" Check if cflag contained a '-' and should not have been splitted
let l:option_list = split(l:option, '\zs')
if len(l:option_list) > 0 && l:option_list[-1] isnot# ' ' && l:option_index < len(l:split_lines)
" Check if cflag contained an unmatched characters and should not have been splitted
let l:option_special = substitute(l:option, '\\"', '', 'g')
let l:option_special = substitute(l:option_special, '[^"''()`]', '', 'g')
let l:option_special = substitute(l:option_special, '""', '', 'g')
let l:option_special = substitute(l:option_special, '''''', '', 'g')
let l:option_special = substitute(l:option_special, '``', '', 'g')
let l:option_special = substitute(l:option_special, '((', '(', 'g')
let l:option_special = substitute(l:option_special, '))', ')', 'g')
let l:option_special = substitute(l:option_special, '()', '', 'g')
if len(l:option_special) > 0 && l:option_index < len(l:split_lines)
let l:previous_options = l:option . ' '
let l:option = join(l:previous_options, '-')
let l:previous_options = []
" Check if there was spaces after -D/-I and the flag should not have been splitted
if l:option is# '-D' || l:option is# '-I'
let l:previous_options = l:option
let l:previous_options = ''
let l:option = '-' . substitute(l:option, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '')
" Fix relative paths if needed
if stridx(l:option, '-I') >= 0 &&
@ -145,15 +157,17 @@ if !exists('s:compile_commands_cache')
let s:compile_commands_cache = {}
function! s:GetListFromCompileCommandsFile(compile_commands_file) abort
function! s:GetLookupFromCompileCommandsFile(compile_commands_file) abort
let l:empty = [{}, {}]
if empty(a:compile_commands_file)
return []
return l:empty
let l:time = getftime(a:compile_commands_file)
if l:time < 0
return []
return l:empty
let l:key = a:compile_commands_file . ':' . l:time
@ -162,21 +176,36 @@ function! s:GetListFromCompileCommandsFile(compile_commands_file) abort
return s:compile_commands_cache[l:key]
let l:data = []
silent! let l:data = json_decode(join(readfile(a:compile_commands_file), ''))
let l:raw_data = []
silent! let l:raw_data = json_decode(join(readfile(a:compile_commands_file), ''))
if !empty(l:data)
let s:compile_commands_cache[l:key] = l:data
let l:file_lookup = {}
let l:dir_lookup = {}
return l:data
for l:entry in l:raw_data
let l:basename = tolower(fnamemodify(l:entry.file, ':t'))
let l:file_lookup[l:basename] = get(l:file_lookup, l:basename, []) + [l:entry]
let l:dirbasename = tolower(fnamemodify(l:entry.directory, ':p:h:t'))
let l:dir_lookup[l:dirbasename] = get(l:dir_lookup, l:basename, []) + [l:entry]
if !empty(l:file_lookup) && !empty(l:dir_lookup)
let l:result = [l:file_lookup, l:dir_lookup]
let s:compile_commands_cache[l:key] = l:result
return l:result
return []
return l:empty
function! ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(buffer, dir, json_list) abort
function! ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(buffer, dir, file_lookup, dir_lookup) abort
" Search for an exact file match first.
for l:item in a:json_list
let l:basename = tolower(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':t'))
let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:basename, [])
for l:item in l:file_list
if bufnr(l:item.file) is a:buffer
return ale#c#ParseCFlags(a:dir, l:item.command)
@ -185,7 +214,10 @@ function! ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(buffer, dir, json_list) abort
" Look for any file in the same directory if we can't find an exact match.
let l:dir = ale#path#Simplify(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h'))
for l:item in a:json_list
let l:dirbasename = tolower(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h:t'))
let l:dir_list = get(a:dir_lookup, l:dirbasename, [])
for l:item in l:dir_list
if ale#path#Simplify(fnamemodify(l:item.file, ':h')) is? l:dir
return ale#c#ParseCFlags(a:dir, l:item.command)
@ -196,9 +228,11 @@ endfunction
function! ale#c#FlagsFromCompileCommands(buffer, compile_commands_file) abort
let l:dir = ale#path#Dirname(a:compile_commands_file)
let l:json_list = s:GetListFromCompileCommandsFile(a:compile_commands_file)
let l:lookups = s:GetLookupFromCompileCommandsFile(a:compile_commands_file)
let l:file_lookup = l:lookups[0]
let l:dir_lookup = l:lookups[1]
return ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(a:buffer, l:dir, l:json_list)
return ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(a:buffer, l:dir, l:file_lookup, l:dir_lookup)
function! ale#c#GetCFlags(buffer, output) abort

View file

@ -509,6 +509,12 @@ function! ale#completion#GetCompletions() abort
call ale#completion#AlwaysGetCompletions()
" This function can be used to manually trigger autocomplete, even when
" g:ale_completion_enabled is set to false
function! ale#completion#AlwaysGetCompletions() abort
let [l:line, l:column] = getcurpos()[1:2]
let l:prefix = ale#completion#GetPrefix(&filetype, l:line, l:column)

View file

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ function! s:OnReady(linter, lsp_details, line, column, options, ...) abort
let l:request_id = ale#lsp#Send(l:id, l:message)
let s:go_to_definition_map[l:request_id] = {
\ 'open_in_tab': get(a:options, 'open_in_tab', 0),
\ 'open_in': get(a:options, 'open_in', 'current-buffer'),

View file

@ -315,10 +315,10 @@ function! s:RunFixer(options) abort
\ ? call(l:Function, [l:buffer, a:options.output])
\ : call(l:Function, [l:buffer, a:options.output, copy(l:input)])
" Chained commands accept (buffer, [input])
" Chained commands accept (buffer, [done, input])
let l:result = ale#util#FunctionArgCount(l:Function) == 1
\ ? call(l:Function, [l:buffer])
\ : call(l:Function, [l:buffer, copy(l:input)])
\ : call(l:Function, [l:buffer, v:null, copy(l:input)])
if type(l:result) is v:t_number && l:result == 0

View file

@ -4,22 +4,28 @@
call ale#Set('python_black_executable', 'black')
call ale#Set('python_black_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
call ale#Set('python_black_options', '')
call ale#Set('python_black_auto_pipenv', 0)
function! ale#fixers#black#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_black_auto_pipenv'))
\ && ale#python#PipenvPresent(a:buffer)
return 'pipenv'
return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_black', ['black'])
function! ale#fixers#black#Fix(buffer) abort
let l:executable = ale#python#FindExecutable(
\ a:buffer,
\ 'python_black',
\ ['black'],
let l:executable = ale#fixers#black#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
if !executable(l:executable)
return 0
let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv$'
\ ? ' run black'
\ : ''
let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_black_options')
return {
\ 'command': ale#Escape(l:executable)
\ 'command': ale#Escape(l:executable) . l:exec_args
\ . (!empty(l:options) ? ' ' . l:options : '')
\ . ' -',

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Author: w0rp <devw0rp@gmail.com>
" Description: Generic functions for fixing files with.
function! ale#fixers#generic#RemoveTrailingBlankLines(buffer, lines) abort
function! ale#fixers#generic#RemoveTrailingBlankLines(buffer, done, lines) abort
let l:end_index = len(a:lines) - 1
while l:end_index > 0 && empty(a:lines[l:end_index])
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function! ale#fixers#generic#RemoveTrailingBlankLines(buffer, lines) abort
" Remove all whitespaces at the end of lines
function! ale#fixers#generic#TrimWhitespace(buffer, lines) abort
function! ale#fixers#generic#TrimWhitespace(buffer, done, lines) abort
let l:index = 0
let l:lines_new = range(len(a:lines))

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Description: Generic fixer functions for Python.
" Add blank lines before control statements.
function! ale#fixers#generic_python#AddLinesBeforeControlStatements(buffer, lines) abort
function! ale#fixers#generic_python#AddLinesBeforeControlStatements(buffer, done, lines) abort
let l:new_lines = []
let l:last_indent_size = 0
let l:last_line_is_blank = 0
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ endfunction
" This function breaks up long lines so that autopep8 or other tools can
" fix the badly-indented code which is produced as a result.
function! ale#fixers#generic_python#BreakUpLongLines(buffer, lines) abort
function! ale#fixers#generic_python#BreakUpLongLines(buffer, done, lines) abort
" Default to a maximum line length of 79
let l:max_line_length = 79
let l:conf = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, 'setup.cfg')

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Author: w0rp <devw0rp@gmail.com>
" Description: Generic fixer functions for Vim help documents.
function! ale#fixers#help#AlignTags(buffer, lines) abort
function! ale#fixers#help#AlignTags(buffer, done, lines) abort
let l:new_lines = []
for l:line in a:lines

View file

@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ endfunction
function! ale#fixers#standard#Fix(buffer) abort
let l:executable = ale#fixers#standard#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'javascript_standard_options')
return {
\ 'command': ale#node#Executable(a:buffer, l:executable)
\ . (!empty(l:options) ? ' ' . l:options : '')
\ . ' --fix %t',
\ 'read_temporary_file': 1,

View file

@ -173,10 +173,6 @@ endfunction
function! ale#job#PrepareCommand(buffer, command) abort
let l:wrapper = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'command_wrapper')
let l:command = !empty(l:wrapper)
\ ? s:PrepareWrappedCommand(l:wrapper, a:command)
\ : a:command
" The command will be executed in a subshell. This fixes a number of
" issues, including reading the PATH variables correctly, %PATHEXT%
" expansion on Windows, etc.
@ -184,6 +180,17 @@ function! ale#job#PrepareCommand(buffer, command) abort
" NeoVim handles this issue automatically if the command is a String,
" but we'll do this explicitly, so we use the same exact command for both
" versions.
let l:command = !empty(l:wrapper)
\ ? s:PrepareWrappedCommand(l:wrapper, a:command)
\ : a:command
" If a custom shell is specified, use that.
if exists('g:ale_shell')
let l:shell_arguments = get(g:, 'ale_shell_arguments', &shellcmdflag)
return split(g:ale_shell) + split(l:shell_arguments) + [l:command]
if has('win32')
return 'cmd /s/c "' . l:command . '"'

View file

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ function! ale#references#HandleTSServerResponse(conn_id, response) abort
\ 'filename': l:response_item.file,
\ 'line': l:response_item.start.line,
\ 'column': l:response_item.start.offset,
\ 'match': substitute(l:response_item.lineText, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', ''),

View file

@ -87,12 +87,25 @@ function! ale#util#GetFunction(string_or_ref) abort
return a:string_or_ref
" Open the file (at the given line).
" options['open_in'] can be:
" current-buffer (default)
" tab
" vertical-split
" horizontal-split
function! ale#util#Open(filename, line, column, options) abort
if get(a:options, 'open_in_tab', 0)
call ale#util#Execute('tabedit +' . a:line . ' ' . fnameescape(a:filename))
let l:open_in = get(a:options, 'open_in', 'current-buffer')
let l:args_to_open = '+' . a:line . ' ' . fnameescape(a:filename)
if l:open_in is# 'tab'
call ale#util#Execute('tabedit ' . l:args_to_open)
elseif l:open_in is# 'horizontal-split'
call ale#util#Execute('split ' . l:args_to_open)
elseif l:open_in is# 'vertical-split'
call ale#util#Execute('vsplit ' . l:args_to_open)
elseif bufnr(a:filename) isnot bufnr('')
" Open another file only if we need to.
call ale#util#Execute('edit +' . a:line . ' ' . fnameescape(a:filename))
call ale#util#Execute('edit ' . l:args_to_open)
normal! m`

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Integration Information
The `gometalinter` linter is disabled by default. ALE enables `gofmt`,
`golint` and `go vet` by default. It also supports `staticcheck`, `go
build`, `gosimple`, and `golangserver`.
build`, `gosimple`, `golangserver`.
To enable `gometalinter`, update |g:ale_linters| as appropriate:
@ -195,5 +195,21 @@ g:ale_go_golangci_lint_package *g:ale_go_golangci_lint_package*
current file.
bingo *ale-go-bingo*
g:ale_go_bingo_executable *g:ale_go_bingo_executable*
Type: |String|
Default: `'go-bingo'`
Location of the go-bingo binary file.
g:ale_go_bingo_options *g:ale_go_bingo_options*
Type: |String|
Default: `''`

View file

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ g:ale_python_black_executable *g:ale_python_black_executable*
See |ale-integrations-local-executables|
g:ale_python_black_options *g:ale_python_black_options*
Type: |String|
@ -92,6 +92,15 @@ g:ale_python_black_use_global *g:ale_python_black_use_global*
See |ale-integrations-local-executables|
g:ale_python_black_auto_pipenv *g:ale_python_black_auto_pipenv*
Type: |Number|
Default: `0`
Detect whether the file is inside a pipenv, and set the executable to `pipenv`
if true. This is overridden by a manually-set executable.
flake8 *ale-python-flake8*

View file

@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ CONTENTS *ale-contents*
@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ Notes:
* FusionScript: `fusion-lint`
* Git Commit Messages: `gitlint`
* GLSL: glslang, `glslls`
* Go: `gofmt`, `goimports`, `go mod`!!, `go vet`!!, `golint`, `gotype`!!, `gometalinter`!!, `go build`!!, `gosimple`!!, `staticcheck`!!, `golangserver`, `golangci-lint`!!
* Go: `gofmt`, `goimports`, `go mod`!!, `go vet`!!, `golint`, `gotype`!!, `gometalinter`!!, `go build`!!, `gosimple`!!, `staticcheck`!!, `golangserver`, `golangci-lint`!!, `bingo`
* GraphQL: `eslint`, `gqlint`, `prettier`
* Hack: `hack`, `hackfmt`, `hhast`
* Haml: `haml-lint`
@ -675,10 +676,14 @@ The values for `g:ale_fixers` can be a list of |String|, |Funcref|, or
for a function set in the ALE fixer registry.
Each function for fixing errors must accept either one argument `(buffer)` or
two arguments `(buffer, lines)`, representing the buffer being fixed and the
lines to fix. The functions must return either `0`, for changing nothing, a
|List| for new lines to set, or a |Dictionary| for describing a command to be
run in the background.
three arguments `(buffer, done, lines)`, representing the buffer being fixed,
a function to call with results, and the lines to fix. The functions must
return either `0`, for changing nothing, a |List| for new lines to set, a
|Dictionary| for describing a command to be run in the background, or `v:true`
for indicating that results will be provided asynchronously via the `done`
NOTE: The `done` function has not been implemented yet.
Functions receiving a variable number of arguments will not receive the second
argument `lines`. Functions should name two arguments if the `lines` argument
@ -816,6 +821,9 @@ with |g:ale_completion_max_suggestions|.
If you don't like some of the suggestions you see, you can filter them out
with |g:ale_completion_excluded_words| or |b:ale_completion_excluded_words|.
The |ALEComplete| command can be used to show completion suggestions manually,
even when |g:ale_completion_enabled| is set to `0`.
ALE implements completion as you type by temporarily adjusting |completeopt|
@ -836,6 +844,8 @@ information returned by LSP servers. The following commands are supported:
|ALEGoToDefinition| - Open the definition of the symbol under the cursor.
|ALEGoToDefinitionInTab| - The same, but for opening the file in a new tab.
|ALEGoToDefinitionInSplit| - The same, but in a new split.
|ALEGoToDefinitionInVSplit| - The same, but in a new vertical split.
@ -1787,6 +1797,33 @@ g:ale_set_signs *g:ale_set_signs*
To limit the number of signs ALE will set, see |g:ale_max_signs|.
g:ale_shell *g:ale_shell*
Type: |String|
Default: not set
Override the shell used by ALE for executing commands. ALE uses 'shell' by
default, but falls back in `/bin/sh` if the default shell looks like `fish`
or `pwsh`, which are not compatible with all of the commands run by ALE. The
shell specified with this option will be used even if it might not work in
all cases.
For Windows, ALE uses `cmd` when this option isn't set. Setting this option
will apply shell escaping to the command string, even on Windows.
NOTE: Consider setting |g:ale_shell_arguments| if this option is defined.
g:ale_shell_arguments *g:ale_shell_arguments*
Type: |String|
Default: not set
This option specifies the arguments to use for executing a command with a
custom shell, per |g:ale_shell|. If this option is not set, 'shellcmdflag'
will be used instead.
g:ale_sign_column_always *g:ale_sign_column_always*
Type: |Number|
@ -2202,6 +2239,17 @@ ALE will use to search for Python executables.
8. Commands/Keybinds *ale-commands*
ALEComplete *ALEComplete*
Manually trigger LSP autocomplete and show the menu. Works only when called
from insert mode. >
inoremap <silent> <C-Space> <C-\><C-O>:AleComplete<CR>
A plug mapping `<Plug>(ale_complete)` is defined for this command. >
imap <C-Space> <Plug>(ale_complete)
ALEDocumentation *ALEDocumentation*
Similar to the |ALEHover| command, retrieve documentation information for
@ -2262,6 +2310,22 @@ ALEGoToDefinitionInTab *ALEGoToDefinitionInTab*
ALEGoToDefinitionInSplit *ALEGoToDefinitionInSplit*
The same as |ALEGoToDefinition|, but opens results in a new split.
A plug mapping `<Plug>(ale_go_to_definition_in_split)` is defined for this
ALEGoToDefinitionInVSplit *ALEGoToDefinitionInVSplit*
The same as |ALEGoToDefinition|, but opens results in a new vertical split.
A plug mapping `<Plug>(ale_go_to_definition_in_vsplit)` is defined for this
ALEHover *ALEHover*
Print brief information about the symbol under the cursor, taken from any

View file

@ -188,7 +188,9 @@ command! -bar ALEFixSuggest :call ale#fix#registry#Suggest(&filetype)
" Go to definition for tsserver and LSP
command! -bar ALEGoToDefinition :call ale#definition#GoTo({})
command! -bar ALEGoToDefinitionInTab :call ale#definition#GoTo({'open_in_tab': 1})
command! -bar ALEGoToDefinitionInTab :call ale#definition#GoTo({'open_in': 'tab'})
command! -bar ALEGoToDefinitionInSplit :call ale#definition#GoTo({'open_in': 'horizontal-split'})
command! -bar ALEGoToDefinitionInVSplit :call ale#definition#GoTo({'open_in': 'vertical-split'})
" Find references for tsserver and LSP
command! -bar ALEFindReferences :call ale#references#Find()
@ -202,6 +204,8 @@ command! -bar ALEDocumentation :call ale#hover#ShowDocumentationAtCursor()
" Search for appearances of a symbol, such as a type name or function name.
command! -nargs=1 ALESymbolSearch :call ale#symbol#Search(<q-args>)
command! -bar ALEComplete :call ale#completion#AlwaysGetCompletions()
" <Plug> mappings for commands
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_previous) :ALEPrevious<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_previous_wrap) :ALEPreviousWrap<Return>
@ -222,9 +226,12 @@ nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_detail) :ALEDetail<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_fix) :ALEFix<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_go_to_definition) :ALEGoToDefinition<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_go_to_definition_in_tab) :ALEGoToDefinitionInTab<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_go_to_definition_in_split) :ALEGoToDefinitionInSplit<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_go_to_definition_in_vsplit) :ALEGoToDefinitionInVSplit<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_find_references) :ALEFindReferences<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_hover) :ALEHover<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_documentation) :ALEDocumentation<Return>
inoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_complete) <C-\><C-O>:ALEComplete<Return>
" Set up autocmd groups now.
call ale#events#Init()

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ that are part of Git repositories).
:Glcd [directory] |:lcd| relative to the repository.
:Gstatus Bring up the output of git-status in the preview
window. The following maps, which work on the cursor
*fugitive-:Gstatus* *fugitive-:G*
:Gstatus Bring up a git-status inspired summary in the preview
:G window. The following maps, which work on the cursor
line file where sensible, are provided:
g? show this help
@ -40,42 +40,48 @@ that are part of Git repositories).
<CR> |:Gedit|
- |:Git| add
- |:Git| reset (staged files)
a Show alternative format
ca |:Gcommit| --amend
cc |:Gcommit|
ce |:Gcommit| --amend --no-edit
cw |:Gcommit| --amend --only
cva |:Gcommit| --verbose --amend
cvc |:Gcommit| --verbose
cf |:Gcommit| --fixup=
cs |:Gcommit| --squash=
cA |:Gcommit| --edit --squash=
= toggle inline diff
< show inline diff
> hide inline diff
D |:Gdiff|
ds |:Gsdiff|
dp |:Git!| diff (p for patch; use :Gw to apply)
dp |:Git| add --intent-to-add (untracked files)
dv |:Gvdiff|
gO |:Gvsplit|
O |:Gtabedit|
o |:Gsplit|
P |:Git| add --patch
P |:Git| reset --patch (staged files)
s |:Git| add
u |:Git| reset
X |:Git| checkout
X |:Git| checkout HEAD (staged files)
X |:Git| clean (untracked files)
X |:Git| rm (unmerged files)
q close status
r reload status
S |:Gvsplit|
U |:Git| checkout
U |:Git| checkout HEAD (staged files)
U |:Git| clean (untracked files)
U |:Git| rm (unmerged files)
R reload status
. enter |:| command line with file prepopulated
:Gcommit [args] A wrapper around git-commit. If there is nothing
to commit, |:Gstatus| is called instead. Unless the
arguments given would skip the invocation of an editor
(e.g., -m), a split window will be used to obtain a
commit message, or a new tab if -v is given. Write
and close that window (:wq or |:Gwrite|) to finish the
commit. Unlike when running the actual git-commit
command, it is possible (but unadvisable) to alter the
index with commands like git-add and git-reset while a
commit message is pending.
:Gcommit [args] A wrapper around git-commit. Unless the arguments
given would skip the invocation of an editor (e.g.,
-m), a split window will be used to obtain a commit
message, or a new tab if -v is given. Write and close
that window (:wq or |:Gwrite|) to finish the commit.
Unlike when running the actual git-commit command, it
is possible (but unadvisable) to alter the index with
commands like git-add and git-reset while a commit
message is pending.
:Gmerge [args] Calls git-merge and loads errors and conflicted files
@ -90,7 +96,7 @@ that are part of Git repositories).
:Grebase [args] Like |:Gmerge|, but for git-rebase. Interactive
rebase not supported.
rebase is experimentally supported.
:Gpush [args] Invoke git-push, load the results into the |quickfix|
@ -108,17 +114,18 @@ that are part of Git repositories).
:Glgrep[!] [args] |:lgrep|[!] with git-grep as 'grepprg'.
:Glog [args] Load all previous revisions of the current file into
the |quickfix| list. Additional git-log arguments can
be given (for example, --reverse). If "--" appears as
an argument, no file specific filtering is done, and
previous commits rather than previous file revisions
are loaded.
:Glog [args] Load the commit history into the |quickfix| list.
Additional git-log arguments can be given (for
example, --reverse). Provide "--" in the argument
list to target all commits. Otherwise, only commits
changing the current file will be targeted. This
special casing is slated to be removed.
:{range}Glog [args] Use git-log -L to load previous revisions of the given
range of the current file into the |quickfix| list.
The cursor is positioned on the first line of the
first diff hunk for each commit.
first diff hunk for each commit. Use :0Glog to target
the entire file.
:Gllog [args] Like |:Glog|, but use the location list instead of the
@ -284,8 +291,8 @@ These maps are available in committed Git objects.
o Jump to the |fugitive-object| under the cursor in a
new split.
S Jump to the |fugitive-object| under the cursor in a
gO Jump to the |fugitive-object| under the cursor in a
new vertical split.
@ -293,7 +300,8 @@ O Jump to the |fugitive-object| under the cursor in a
new tab.
- Go to the tree containing the current tree or blob.
- Go to the tree containing the current tree or blob
(i.e, the parent directory).
~ Go to the current file in the [count]th first

View file

@ -72,8 +72,14 @@ function! FugitivePrepare(...) abort
return call('fugitive#Prepare', a:000)
function! FugitiveConfig(key, ...) abort
return fugitive#Config(a:key, FugitiveGitDir(a:0 ? a:1 : -1))
function! FugitiveConfig(...) abort
if a:0 == 2 && type(a:2) != type({})
return fugitive#Config(a:1, FugitiveGitDir(a:2))
elseif a:0 == 1 && a:1 !~# '^[[:alnum:]-]\+\.'
return fugitive#Config(FugitiveGitDir(a:1))
return call('fugitive#Config', a:000)
function! FugitiveRemoteUrl(...) abort
@ -250,6 +256,10 @@ augroup fugitive
\ call fugitive#MapCfile() |
\ endif
autocmd FileType gitcommit
\ if exists('b:git_dir') |
\ call fugitive#MapCfile('fugitive#MessageCfile()') |
\ endif
autocmd FileType fugitive
\ if exists('b:git_dir') |
\ call fugitive#MapCfile('fugitive#StatusCfile()') |
\ endif

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn sync fromstart
syn spell notoplevel
syn include @fugitiveDiff syntax/diff.vim
syn match fugitiveHeader /^[A-Z][a-z][^:]*:/ nextgroup=fugitiveHash,fugitiveSymbolicRef skipwhite
syn region fugitiveSection start=/^\%(.*(\d\+)$\)\@=/ contains=fugitiveHeading end=/^$\@=/
syn match fugitiveHeading /^[A-Z][a-z][^:]*\ze (\d\+)$/ contains=fugitivePreposition contained nextgroup=fugitiveCount skipwhite
syn match fugitiveCount /(\d\+)/hs=s+1,he=e-1 contained
syn match fugitivePreposition /\<\%([io]nto\|from\|to\|Rebasing\%( detached\)\=\)\>/ transparent contained nextgroup=fugitiveHash,fugitiveSymbolicRef skipwhite
syn match fugitiveInstruction /^\l\l\+\>/ contained containedin=fugitiveSection nextgroup=fugitiveHash skipwhite
syn match fugitiveDone /^done\>/ contained containedin=fugitiveSection nextgroup=fugitiveHash skipwhite
syn match fugitiveStop /^stop\>/ contained containedin=fugitiveSection nextgroup=fugitiveHash skipwhite
syn match fugitiveModifier /^[MADRCU?]\{1,2} / contained containedin=fugitiveSection
syn match FugitiveSymbolicRef /\.\@!\%(\.\.\@!\|[^[:space:][:cntrl:]\:.]\)\+\.\@<!/ contained
syn match fugitiveHash /^\x\{4,\}\>/ contained containedin=fugitiveSection
syn match fugitiveHash /\<\x\{4,\}\>/ contained
syn region fugitiveHunk start=/^\%(@@ -\)\@=/ end=/^\%([A-Za-z?@]\|$\)\@=/ contains=@fugitiveDiff containedin=fugitiveSection fold
hi def link fugitiveHeader Label
hi def link fugitiveHeading PreProc
hi def link fugitiveModifier Type
hi def link fugitiveInstruction Type
hi def link fugitiveStop Function
hi def link fugitiveHash Identifier
hi def link fugitiveSymbolicRef Function
hi def link fugitiveCount Number
let b:current_syntax = "fugitive"

View file

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@

View file

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
## unplanned
* g:go_highlight_fuction_arguments is renamed to g:go_highlight_function_parameters
* Disable `g:go_gocode_propose_source` by default.
@ -15,6 +19,10 @@ IMPROVEMENTS:
* Do not require `'autowrite'` or `'autowriteall'` to be set when using
autocompletion in module mode.
* Fix use of g:go_metalinter_command _and_ apply it even when autosaving.
* Report errors in quickfix when Delve fails to start (e.g. compiler errors).
* Fix opening of non-existent file from `:GoDeclsDir` when the current
@ -28,6 +36,13 @@ BUG FIXES:
* Fix `:GoSameIdsToggle`.
* Do not set fileencoding or fileformat options or populate from template when
the buffer is not modifiable.
* Do not clear buffer-local autocmds of other buffers.
* Highlight return parameter types when g:go_highlight_function_arguments is set.
## 1.19 - (November 4, 2018)

View file

@ -26,9 +26,7 @@ endfunction
function! go#cmd#Build(bang, ...) abort
" Create our command arguments. go build discards any results when it
" compiles multiple packages. So we pass the `errors` package just as an
" placeholder with the current folder (indicated with '.'). We also pass -i
" that tries to install the dependencies, this has the side effect that it
" caches the build results, so every other build is faster.
" placeholder with the current folder (indicated with '.').
let l:args =
\ ['build', '-tags', go#config#BuildTags()] +
\ map(copy(a:000), "expand(v:val)") +
@ -63,6 +61,7 @@ function! go#cmd#Build(bang, ...) abort
execute cd . fnameescape(dir)
let &makeprg = default_makeprg
let errors = go#list#Get(l:listtype)
@ -72,8 +71,6 @@ function! go#cmd#Build(bang, ...) abort
call go#util#EchoSuccess("[build] SUCCESS")
let &makeprg = default_makeprg
@ -169,11 +166,15 @@ function! go#cmd#Run(bang, ...) abort
let l:listtype = go#list#Type("GoRun")
if l:listtype == "locationlist"
exe 'lmake!'
exe 'make!'
if l:listtype == "locationlist"
exe 'lmake!'
exe 'make!'
let &makeprg = default_makeprg
let items = go#list#Get(l:listtype)
let errors = go#tool#FilterValids(items)
@ -184,7 +185,6 @@ function! go#cmd#Run(bang, ...) abort
call go#list#JumpToFirst(l:listtype)
let &makeprg = default_makeprg
" Install installs the package by simple calling 'go install'. If any argument
@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ function! go#cmd#Install(bang, ...) abort
execute cd . fnameescape(dir)
let &makeprg = default_makeprg
let errors = go#list#Get(l:listtype)
@ -235,8 +236,6 @@ function! go#cmd#Install(bang, ...) abort
call go#util#EchoSuccess("installed to ". go#path#Default())
let &makeprg = default_makeprg
" Generate runs 'go generate' in similar fashion to go#cmd#Build()
@ -255,12 +254,17 @@ function! go#cmd#Generate(bang, ...) abort
let l:listtype = go#list#Type("GoGenerate")
echon "vim-go: " | echohl Identifier | echon "generating ..."| echohl None
if l:listtype == "locationlist"
silent! exe 'lmake!'
silent! exe 'make!'
if l:listtype == "locationlist"
silent! exe 'lmake!'
silent! exe 'make!'
let &makeprg = default_makeprg
let errors = go#list#Get(l:listtype)
call go#list#Window(l:listtype, len(errors))
@ -272,7 +276,6 @@ function! go#cmd#Generate(bang, ...) abort
redraws! | echon "vim-go: " | echohl Function | echon "[generate] SUCCESS"| echohl None
let &makeprg = default_makeprg
" ---------------------

View file

@ -388,8 +388,9 @@ function! go#config#HighlightFunctions() abort
return get(g:, 'go_highlight_functions', 0)
function! go#config#HighlightFunctionArguments() abort
return get(g:, 'go_highlight_function_arguments', 0)
function! go#config#HighlightFunctionParameters() abort
" fallback to highlight_function_arguments for backwards compatibility
return get(g:, 'go_highlight_function_parameters', get(g:, 'go_highlight_function_arguments', 0))
function! go#config#HighlightFunctionCalls() abort

View file

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ function! go#coverage#Clear() abort
" remove the autocmd we defined
augroup vim-go-coverage
autocmd! * <buffer>
augroup end
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ function! go#coverage#overlay(file) abort
" clear the matches if we leave the buffer
augroup vim-go-coverage
autocmd! * <buffer>
autocmd BufWinLeave <buffer> call go#coverage#Clear()
augroup end

View file

@ -30,6 +30,21 @@ function! s:groutineID() abort
function! s:complete(job, exit_status, data) abort
let l:gotready = get(s:state, 'ready', 0)
" copy messages to a:data _only_ when dlv exited non-zero and it was never
" detected as ready (e.g. there was a compiler error).
if a:exit_status > 0 && !l:gotready
" copy messages to data so that vim-go's usual handling of errors from
" async jobs will occur.
call extend(a:data, s:state['message'])
" return early instead of clearing any variables when the current job is not
" a:job
if has_key(s:state, 'job') && s:state['job'] != a:job
if has_key(s:state, 'job')
call remove(s:state, 'job')
@ -38,10 +53,11 @@ function! s:complete(job, exit_status, data) abort
call remove(s:state, 'ready')
call s:clearState()
if a:exit_status > 0
call go#util#EchoError(s:state['message'])
if has_key(s:state, 'ch')
call remove(s:state, 'ch')
call s:clearState()
function! s:logger(prefix, ch, msg) abort
@ -217,8 +233,8 @@ endfunction
function! s:stop() abort
let l:res = s:call_jsonrpc('RPCServer.Detach', {'kill': v:true})
call s:clearState()
if has_key(s:state, 'job')
call go#job#Wait(s:state['job'])
call remove(s:state, 'job')
@ -230,9 +246,7 @@ function! s:stop() abort
call remove(s:state, 'ch')
if has_key( s:state, 'data')
call remove(s:state, 'data')
call s:clearState()
function! go#debug#Stop() abort
@ -473,7 +487,7 @@ function! s:start_cb(res) abort
exe bufwinnr(oldbuf) 'wincmd w'
augroup vim-go-debug
autocmd! * <buffer>
autocmd FileType go nmap <buffer> <F5> <Plug>(go-debug-continue)
autocmd FileType go nmap <buffer> <F6> <Plug>(go-debug-print)
autocmd FileType go nmap <buffer> <F9> <Plug>(go-debug-breakpoint)
@ -489,7 +503,6 @@ function! s:err_cb(ch, msg) abort
call go#util#EchoError(a:msg)
let s:state['message'] += [a:msg]
@ -499,7 +512,6 @@ function! s:out_cb(ch, msg) abort
call go#util#EchoProgress(a:msg)
let s:state['message'] += [a:msg]
if stridx(a:msg, go#config#DebugAddress()) != -1
@ -572,7 +584,7 @@ function! go#debug#Start(is_test, ...) abort
" It's already running.
if has_key(s:state, 'job')
return s:state['job']
let s:start_args = a:000
@ -634,7 +646,7 @@ function! go#debug#Start(is_test, ...) abort
let s:state['message'] = []
let l:opts = {
\ 'for': '_',
\ 'for': 'GoDebug',
\ 'statustype': 'debug',
\ 'complete': function('s:complete'),
\ }
@ -647,6 +659,8 @@ function! go#debug#Start(is_test, ...) abort
call go#util#EchoError(v:exception)
return s:state['job']
" Translate a reflect kind constant to a human string.
@ -872,7 +886,7 @@ function! go#debug#Restart() abort
call go#cmd#autowrite()
call go#job#Stop(s:state['job'])
call s:stop()
let l:breaks = s:state['breakpoint']
let s:state = {

View file

@ -7,11 +7,49 @@ function! Test_GoDebugStart_Empty() abort
function! Test_GoDebugStart_RelativePackage() abort
call s:debug('./debugmain')
call s:debug('./debug/debugmain')
function! Test_GoDebugStart_Package() abort
call s:debug('debugmain')
call s:debug('debug/debugmain')
function! Test_GoDebugStart_Errors() abort
if !go#util#has_job()
let l:expected = [
\ {'lnum': 0, 'bufnr': 0, 'col': 0, 'valid': 0, 'vcol': 0, 'nr': -1, 'type': '', 'pattern': '', 'text': '# debug/compilerror'},
\ {'lnum': 6, 'bufnr': 7, 'col': 22, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0, 'nr': -1, 'type': '', 'pattern': '', 'text': ' syntax error: unexpected newline, expecting comma or )'},
\ {'lnum': 0, 'bufnr': 0, 'col': 0, 'valid': 0, 'vcol': 0, 'nr': -1, 'type': '', 'pattern': '', 'text': 'exit status 2'}
call setqflist([], 'r')
let l:tmp = gotest#load_fixture('debug/compilerror/main.go')
call assert_false(exists(':GoDebugStop'))
let l:cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd' : 'cd'
execute l:cd . ' debug/compilerror'
call go#debug#Start(0)
let l:actual = getqflist()
let l:start = reltime()
while len(l:actual) == 0 && reltimefloat(reltime(l:start)) < 10
sleep 100m
let l:actual = getqflist()
call gotest#assert_quickfix(l:actual, l:expected)
call assert_false(exists(':GoDebugStop'))
call delete(l:tmp, 'rf')
" clear the quickfix lists
call setqflist([], 'r')
function! s:debug(...) abort
@ -20,7 +58,7 @@ function! s:debug(...) abort
let l:tmp = gotest#load_fixture('debugmain/debugmain.go')
let l:tmp = gotest#load_fixture('debug/debugmain/debugmain.go')
call go#debug#Breakpoint(6)
@ -28,10 +66,10 @@ function! s:debug(...) abort
if a:0 == 0
let l:cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd' : 'cd'
execute l:cd . ' debugmain'
call go#debug#Start(0)
execute l:cd . ' debug/debugmain'
let l:job = go#debug#Start(0)
call go#debug#Start(0, a:1)
let l:job = go#debug#Start(0, a:1)
let l:start = reltime()
@ -39,9 +77,17 @@ function! s:debug(...) abort
sleep 100m
call assert_true(exists(':GoDebugStop'))
call gotest#assert_quickfix(getqflist(), [])
call go#debug#Stop()
if !has('nvim')
call assert_equal(job_status(l:job), 'dead')
call assert_false(exists(':GoDebugStop'))
call delete(l:tmp, 'rf')

View file

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ function! s:jump_to_declaration_cb(mode, bin_name, job, exit_status, data) abort
call go#def#jump_to_declaration(a:data[0], a:mode, a:bin_name)
call go#util#EchoSuccess(fnamemodify(a:data[0], ":t"))
" capture the active window so that after the exit_cb and close_cb callbacks
" can return to it when a:mode caused a split.

View file

@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ function! s:same_ids_highlight(exit_val, output, mode) abort
" re-apply SameIds at the current cursor position at the time the buffer
" is redisplayed: e.g. :edit, :GoRename, etc.
augroup vim-go-sameids
autocmd! * <buffer>
autocmd BufWinEnter <buffer> nested call go#guru#SameIds(0)
augroup end
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ function! go#guru#ClearSameIds() abort
" remove the autocmds we defined
augroup vim-go-sameids
autocmd! * <buffer>
augroup end
return 0

View file

@ -343,77 +343,19 @@ function! s:neooptions(options)
" dealing with the channel lines of Neovim sucks. The docs (:help
" channel-lines) say:
" stream event handlers may receive partial (incomplete) lines. For a
" given invocation of on_stdout etc, `a:data` is not guaranteed to end
" with a newline.
" - `abcdefg` may arrive as `['abc']`, `['defg']`.
" - `abc\nefg` may arrive as `['abc', '']`, `['efg']` or `['abc']`,
" `['','efg']`, or even `['ab']`, `['c','efg']`.
if key == 'callback'
let l:options['callback'] = a:options['callback']
if !has_key(a:options, 'out_cb')
function! s:callback2on_stdout(ch, data, event) dict
" a single empty string means EOF was reached.
if len(a:data) == 1 && a:data[0] == ''
" when there's nothing buffered, return early so that an
" erroneous message will not be added.
if self.stdout_buf == ''
let l:data = [self.stdout_buf]
let self.stdout_buf = ''
let l:data = copy(a:data)
let l:data[0] = self.stdout_buf . l:data[0]
" The last element may be a partial line; save it for next time.
let self.stdout_buf = l:data[-1]
let l:data = l:data[:-2]
if len(l:data) == 0
for l:msg in l:data
call self.callback(a:ch, l:msg)
let self.stdout_buf = s:neocb(a:ch, self.stdout_buf, a:data, self.callback)
let l:options['on_stdout'] = function('s:callback2on_stdout', [], l:options)
if !has_key(a:options, 'err_cb')
function! s:callback2on_stderr(ch, data, event) dict
" a single empty string means EOF was reached.
if len(a:data) == 1 && a:data[0] == ''
" when there's nothing buffered, return early so that an
" erroneous message will not be added.
if self.stderr_buf == ''
let l:data = [self.stderr_buf]
let self.stderr_buf = ''
let l:data = copy(a:data)
let l:data[0] = self.stderr_buf . l:data[0]
" The last element may be a partial line; save it for next time.
let self.stderr_buf = l:data[-1]
let l:data = l:data[:-2]
if len(l:data) == 0
for l:msg in l:data
call self.callback(a:ch, l:msg)
let self.stderr_buf = s:neocb(a:ch, self.stderr_buf, a:data, self.callback)
let l:options['on_stderr'] = function('s:callback2on_stderr', [], l:options)
@ -424,31 +366,7 @@ function! s:neooptions(options)
if key == 'out_cb'
let l:options['out_cb'] = a:options['out_cb']
function! s:on_stdout(ch, data, event) dict
" a single empty string means EOF was reached.
if len(a:data) == 1 && a:data[0] == ''
" when there's nothing buffered, return early so that an
" erroneous message will not be added.
if self.stdout_buf == ''
let l:data = [self.stdout_buf]
let self.stdout_buf = ''
let l:data = copy(a:data)
let l:data[0] = self.stdout_buf . l:data[0]
" The last element may be a partial line; save it for next time.
let self.stdout_buf = l:data[-1]
let l:data = l:data[:-2]
if len(l:data) == 0
for l:msg in l:data
call self.out_cb(a:ch, l:msg)
let self.stdout_buf = s:neocb(a:ch, self.stdout_buf, a:data, self.out_cb)
let l:options['on_stdout'] = function('s:on_stdout', [], l:options)
@ -458,31 +376,7 @@ function! s:neooptions(options)
if key == 'err_cb'
let l:options['err_cb'] = a:options['err_cb']
function! s:on_stderr(ch, data, event) dict
" a single empty string means EOF was reached.
if len(a:data) == 1 && a:data[0] == ''
" when there's nothing buffered, return early so that an
" erroneous message will not be added.
if self.stderr_buf == ''
let l:data = [self.stderr_buf]
let self.stderr_buf = ''
let l:data = copy(a:data)
let l:data[0] = self.stderr_buf . l:data[0]
" The last element may be a partial line; save it for next time.
let self.stderr_buf = l:data[-1]
let l:data = l:data[:-2]
if len(l:data) == 0
for l:msg in l:data
call self.err_cb(a:ch, l:msg)
let self.stderr_buf = s:neocb(a:ch, self.stderr_buf, a:data, self.err_cb )
let l:options['on_stderr'] = function('s:on_stderr', [], l:options)
@ -542,6 +436,43 @@ function! s:winjobarg(idx, val) abort
return a:val
function! s:neocb(ch, buf, data, callback)
" dealing with the channel lines of Neovim is awful. The docs (:help
" channel-lines) say:
" stream event handlers may receive partial (incomplete) lines. For a
" given invocation of on_stdout etc, `a:data` is not guaranteed to end
" with a newline.
" - `abcdefg` may arrive as `['abc']`, `['defg']`.
" - `abc\nefg` may arrive as `['abc', '']`, `['efg']` or `['abc']`,
" `['','efg']`, or even `['ab']`, `['c','efg']`.
" a single empty string means EOF was reached.
if len(a:data) == 1 && a:data[0] == ''
" when there's nothing buffered, return early so that an
" erroneous message will not be added.
if a:buf == ''
return ''
let l:data = [a:buf]
let l:buf = ''
let l:data = copy(a:data)
let l:data[0] = a:buf . l:data[0]
" The last element may be a partial line; save it for next time.
let l:buf = l:data[-1]
let l:data = l:data[:-2]
for l:msg in l:data
call a:callback(a:ch, l:msg)
return l:buf
" restore Vi compatibility settings
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save

View file

@ -9,15 +9,22 @@ function! go#lint#Gometa(bang, autosave, ...) abort
let goargs = a:000
let bin_path = go#path#CheckBinPath("gometalinter")
if empty(bin_path)
if empty(go#config#MetalinterCommand())
let bin_path = go#path#CheckBinPath("gometalinter")
if empty(bin_path)
let cmd = [bin_path]
let cmd += ["--disable-all"]
let cmd = [bin_path]
let cmd += ["--disable-all"]
" gometalinter has a --tests flag to tell its linters whether to run
" against tests. While not all of its linters respect this flag, for those
" that do, it means if we don't pass --tests, the linter won't run against
" test files. One example of a linter that will not run against tests if
" we do not specify this flag is errcheck.
let cmd += ["--tests"]
if a:autosave || empty(go#config#MetalinterCommand())
" linters
let linters = a:autosave ? go#config#MetalinterAutosaveEnabled() : go#config#MetalinterEnabled()
for linter in linters
@ -27,16 +34,9 @@ function! go#lint#Gometa(bang, autosave, ...) abort
for linter in go#config#MetalinterDisabled()
let cmd += ["--disable=".linter]
" gometalinter has a --tests flag to tell its linters whether to run
" against tests. While not all of its linters respect this flag, for those
" that do, it means if we don't pass --tests, the linter won't run against
" test files. One example of a linter that will not run against tests if
" we do not specify this flag is errcheck.
let cmd += ["--tests"]
" the user wants something else, let us use it.
let cmd += split(go#config#MetalinterCommand(), " ")
let cmd = split(go#config#MetalinterCommand(), " ")
if a:autosave
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ function! go#lint#Gometa(bang, autosave, ...) abort
echon "vim-go: " | echohl Function | echon "[metalinter] PASS" | echohl None
" GoMetaLinter can output one of the two, so we look for both:
" <file>:<line>:[<column>]: <message> (<linter>)
" <file>:<line>:: <message> (<linter>)
" <file>:<line>:<column>:<severity>: <message> (<linter>)
" <file>:<line>::<severity>: <message> (<linter>)
" This can be defined by the following errorformat:
let errformat = "%f:%l:%c:%t%*[^:]:\ %m,%f:%l::%t%*[^:]:\ %m"
@ -123,7 +123,9 @@ endfunction
function! go#lint#Vet(bang, ...) abort
call go#cmd#autowrite()
call go#util#EchoProgress('calling vet...')
if go#config#EchoCommandInfo()
call go#util#EchoProgress('calling vet...')
if a:0 == 0
let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#Exec(['go', 'vet', go#package#ImportPath()])
@ -140,7 +142,6 @@ function! go#lint#Vet(bang, ...) abort
if !empty(errors) && !a:bang
call go#list#JumpToFirst(l:listtype)
call go#util#EchoError('[vet] FAIL')
call go#list#Clean(l:listtype)
call go#util#EchoSuccess('[vet] PASS')

View file

@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ endfunction
" in g:go_list_type_commands.
let s:default_list_type_commands = {
\ "GoBuild": "quickfix",
\ "GoDebug": "quickfix",
\ "GoErrCheck": "quickfix",
\ "GoFmt": "locationlist",
\ "GoGenerate": "quickfix",

View file

@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ function s:parse_errors(exit_val, bang, out)
let l:listtype = go#list#Type("GoRename")
if a:exit_val != 0
call go#util#EchoError("FAILED")
let errors = go#tool#ParseErrors(a:out)
call go#list#Populate(l:listtype, errors, 'Rename')
call go#list#Window(l:listtype, len(errors))

View file

@ -8,39 +8,34 @@ function! go#template#create() abort
let l:go_template_use_pkg = go#config#TemplateUsePkg()
let l:root_dir = fnamemodify(s:current_file, ':h:h:h')
let cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd ' : 'cd '
let dir = getcwd()
let l:package_name = -1
let l:package_name = go#tool#PackageName()
if isdirectory(expand('%:p:h'))
execute cd . fnameescape(expand('%:p:h'))
let l:package_name = go#tool#PackageName()
" if we can't figure out any package name(no Go files or non Go package
" files) from the directory create the template or use the cwd
" as the name
if l:package_name == -1 && l:go_template_use_pkg != 1
let l:filename = fnamemodify(expand("%"), ':t')
if l:filename =~ "_test.go$"
let l:template_file = go#config#TemplateTestFile()
" if we can't figure out any package name (i.e. no Go files in the directory)
" from the directory create the template or use the directory as the name.
if l:package_name == -1
if l:go_template_use_pkg == 1
let l:path = fnamemodify(expand('%:p:h'), ':t')
let l:content = printf("package %s", l:path)
call append(0, l:content)
let l:template_file = go#config#TemplateFile()
let l:filename = expand('%:t')
if l:filename =~ "_test.go$"
let l:template_file = go#config#TemplateTestFile()
let l:template_file = go#config#TemplateFile()
let l:template_path = go#util#Join(l:root_dir, "templates", l:template_file)
silent exe 'keepalt 0r ' . fnameescape(l:template_path)
let l:template_path = go#util#Join(l:root_dir, "templates", l:template_file)
silent exe 'keepalt 0r ' . fnameescape(l:template_path)
elseif l:package_name == -1 && l:go_template_use_pkg == 1
" cwd is now the dir of the package
let l:path = fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':t')
let l:content = printf("package %s", l:path)
call append(0, l:content)
let l:content = printf("package %s", l:package_name)
call append(0, l:content)
$delete _
execute cd . fnameescape(dir)
" checking that the last line is empty shouldn't be necessary, but for some
" reason the last line isn't the expected empty line when run via tests.
if getline('$') is ''
$delete _
function! go#template#ToggleAutoCreate() abort

View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
" don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
func! Test_TemplateCreate() abort
let l:tmp = gotest#write_file('foo/empty.txt', [''])
edit foo/bar.go
call gotest#assert_buffer(1, [
\ 'func main() {',
\ '\tfmt.Println("vim-go")',
\ '}'])
call delete(l:tmp, 'rf')
let l:tmp = gotest#write_file('foo/empty.txt', [''])
edit foo/bar_test.go
call gotest#assert_buffer(1, [
\ 'func TestHelloWorld(t *testing.T) {',
\ '\t// t.Fatal("not implemented")',
\ '}'])
call delete(l:tmp, 'rf')
func! Test_TemplateCreate_UsePkg() abort
let l:tmp = gotest#write_file('foo/empty.txt', [''])
let g:go_template_use_pkg = 1
edit foo/bar.go
call gotest#assert_buffer(0, ['package foo'])
unlet g:go_template_use_pkg
call delete(l:tmp, 'rf')
func! Test_TemplateCreate_PackageExists() abort
let l:tmp = gotest#write_file('quux/quux.go', ['package foo'])
edit quux/bar.go
call gotest#assert_buffer(0, ['package foo'])
call delete(l:tmp, 'rf')
" restore Vi compatibility settings
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: sw=2 ts=2 et

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {

View file

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ function! go#test#Test(bang, compile, ...) abort
" failed to parse errors, output the original content
call go#util#EchoError(out)
call go#util#EchoError("[test] FAIL")
call go#list#Clean(l:listtype)

View file

@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ function! go#tool#ParseErrors(lines) abort
return errors
"FilterValids filters the given items with only items that have a valid
"filename. Any non valid filename is filtered out.
" FilterValids filters the given items with only items that have a valid
" filename. Any non valid filename is filtered out.
function! go#tool#FilterValids(items) abort
" Remove any nonvalid filename from the location list to avoid opening an
" empty buffer. See https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/issues/287 for

View file

@ -1836,13 +1836,13 @@ Highlight function and method declarations.
let g:go_highlight_functions = 0
Highlight the variable names in arguments and return values in function
declarations. Setting this implies the functionality from
Highlight the variable names in parameters (including named return parameters)
in function declarations. Setting this implies the functionality from
let g:go_highlight_function_arguments = 0
let g:go_highlight_function_parameters = 0

View file

@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ function! s:gofiletype_post()
" Note: should not use augroup in ftdetect (see :help ftdetect)
au BufNewFile *.go setfiletype go | setlocal fileencoding=utf-8 fileformat=unix
au BufNewFile *.go setfiletype go | if &modifiable | setlocal fileencoding=utf-8 fileformat=unix | endif
au BufRead *.go call s:gofiletype_pre("go")
au BufReadPost *.go call s:gofiletype_post()
au BufNewFile *.s setfiletype asm | setlocal fileencoding=utf-8 fileformat=unix
au BufNewFile *.s setfiletype asm | if &modifiable | setlocal fileencoding=utf-8 fileformat=unix | endif
au BufRead *.s call s:gofiletype_pre("asm")
au BufReadPost *.s call s:gofiletype_post()

View file

@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ endfunction
function! s:template_autocreate()
" create new template from scratch
if get(g:, "go_template_autocreate", 1)
if get(g:, "go_template_autocreate", 1) && &modifiable
call go#template#create()

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ redir @q
redir END
let s:tests = split(substitute(@q, 'function \(\k\+()\)', '\1', 'g'))
" log any messages that we may already accumulated.
" log any messages already accumulated.
call s:logmessages()
" Iterate over all tests and execute them.
for s:test in sort(s:tests)

View file

@ -148,14 +148,14 @@ endif
" var, const
if go#config#FoldEnable('varconst')
syn region goVar start='var (' end='^\s*)$' transparent fold
\ contains=ALLBUT,goParen,goBlock,goFunction,goTypeName,goReceiverType,goReceiverVar,goArgumentName,goArgumentType,goSimpleArguments,goPointerOperator
\ contains=ALLBUT,goParen,goBlock,goFunction,goTypeName,goReceiverType,goReceiverVar,goParamName,goParamType,goSimpleParams,goPointerOperator
syn region goConst start='const (' end='^\s*)$' transparent fold
\ contains=ALLBUT,goParen,goBlock,goFunction,goTypeName,goReceiverType,goReceiverVar,goArgumentName,goArgumentType,goSimpleArguments,goPointerOperator
\ contains=ALLBUT,goParen,goBlock,goFunction,goTypeName,goReceiverType,goReceiverVar,goParamName,goParamType,goSimpleParams,goPointerOperator
syn region goVar start='var (' end='^\s*)$' transparent
\ contains=ALLBUT,goParen,goBlock,goFunction,goTypeName,goReceiverType,goReceiverVar,goArgumentName,goArgumentType,goSimpleArguments,goPointerOperator
\ contains=ALLBUT,goParen,goBlock,goFunction,goTypeName,goReceiverType,goReceiverVar,goParamName,goParamType,goSimpleParams,goPointerOperator
syn region goConst start='const (' end='^\s*)$' transparent
\ contains=ALLBUT,goParen,goBlock,goFunction,goTypeName,goReceiverType,goReceiverVar,goArgumentName,goArgumentType,goSimpleArguments,goPointerOperator
\ contains=ALLBUT,goParen,goBlock,goFunction,goTypeName,goReceiverType,goReceiverVar,goParamName,goParamType,goSimpleParams,goPointerOperator
" Single-line var, const, and import.
@ -263,19 +263,20 @@ endif
hi def link goOperator Operator
" Functions;
if go#config#HighlightFunctions() || go#config#HighlightFunctionArguments()
syn match goDeclaration /\<func\>/ nextgroup=goReceiver,goFunction,goSimpleArguments skipwhite skipnl
if go#config#HighlightFunctions() || go#config#HighlightFunctionParameters()
syn match goDeclaration /\<func\>/ nextgroup=goReceiver,goFunction,goSimpleParams skipwhite skipnl
syn match goReceiverVar /\w\+\ze\s\+\(\w\|\*\)/ nextgroup=goPointerOperator,goReceiverType skipwhite skipnl contained
syn match goPointerOperator /\*/ nextgroup=goReceiverType contained skipwhite skipnl
syn match goFunction /\w\+/ nextgroup=goSimpleArguments contained skipwhite skipnl
syn match goFunction /\w\+/ nextgroup=goSimpleParams contained skipwhite skipnl
syn match goReceiverType /\w\+/ contained
if go#config#HighlightFunctionArguments()
syn match goSimpleArguments /(\(\w\|\_s\|[*\.\[\],\{\}<>-]\)*)/ contained contains=goArgumentName nextgroup=goSimpleArguments skipwhite skipnl
syn match goArgumentName /\w\+\(\s*,\s*\w\+\)*\ze\s\+\(\w\|\.\|\*\|\[\)/ contained nextgroup=goArgumentType skipwhite skipnl
syn match goArgumentType /\([^,)]\|\_s\)\+,\?/ contained nextgroup=goArgumentName skipwhite skipnl
if go#config#HighlightFunctionParameters()
syn match goSimpleParams /(\(\w\|\_s\|[*\.\[\],\{\}<>-]\)*)/ contained contains=goParamName,goType nextgroup=goFunctionReturn skipwhite skipnl
syn match goFunctionReturn /(\(\w\|\_s\|[*\.\[\],\{\}<>-]\)*)/ contained contains=goParamName,goType skipwhite skipnl
syn match goParamName /\w\+\(\s*,\s*\w\+\)*\ze\s\+\(\w\|\.\|\*\|\[\)/ contained nextgroup=goParamType skipwhite skipnl
syn match goParamType /\([^,)]\|\_s\)\+,\?/ contained nextgroup=goParamName skipwhite skipnl
\ contains=goVarArgs,goType,goSignedInts,goUnsignedInts,goFloats,goComplexes,goDeclType,goBlock
hi def link goReceiverVar goArgumentName
hi def link goArgumentName Identifier
hi def link goReceiverVar goParamName
hi def link goParamName Identifier
syn match goReceiver /(\s*\w\+\(\s\+\*\?\s*\w\+\)\?\s*)\ze\s*\w/ contained nextgroup=goFunction contains=goReceiverVar skipwhite skipnl

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 2fbab3401b7f81ac7f629e34e4f40a7e52934a99

View file

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
if !has('patch-7.4.480')
" Before this patch, vim used modula2 for .md.
au! filetypedetect BufRead,BufNewFile *.md
" markdown filetype file
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.{md,mdown,mkd,mkdn,markdown,mdwn} set filetype=markdown
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.{md,mdown,mkd,mkdn,markdown,mdwn}.{des3,des,bf,bfa,aes,idea,cast,rc2,rc4,rc5,desx} set filetype=markdown
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.{md,mdown,mkd,mkdn,markdown,mdwn} setfiletype markdown
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.{md,mdown,mkd,mkdn,markdown,mdwn}.{des3,des,bf,bfa,aes,idea,cast,rc2,rc4,rc5,desx} setfiletype markdown

View file

@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ function! s:MarkdownHighlightSources(force)
let include = '@' . toupper(filetype)
let command = 'syntax region %s matchgroup=%s start="^\s*```\s*%s$" matchgroup=%s end="\s*```$" keepend contains=%s%s'
execute printf(command, group, startgroup, ft, endgroup, include, has('conceal') && get(g:, 'vim_markdown_conceal', 1) ? ' concealends' : '')
execute printf(command, group, startgroup, ft, endgroup, include, has('conceal') && get(g:, 'vim_markdown_conceal', 1) && get(g:, 'vim_markdown_conceal_code_blocks', 1) ? ' concealends' : '')
execute printf('syntax cluster mkdNonListItem add=%s', group)
let b:mkd_known_filetypes[ft] = 1

View file

@ -36,10 +36,14 @@ syn sync linebreaks=1
let s:conceal = ''
let s:concealends = ''
let s:concealcode = ''
if has('conceal') && get(g:, 'vim_markdown_conceal', 1)
let s:conceal = ' conceal'
let s:concealends = ' concealends'
if has('conceal') && get(g:, 'vim_markdown_conceal_code_blocks', 1)
let s:concealcode = ' concealends'
" additions to HTML groups
if get(g:, 'vim_markdown_emphasis_multiline', 1)
@ -94,13 +98,13 @@ syn match htmlH2 /^.\+\n-\+$/ contains=mkdLink,mkdInlineURL,@Spell
"define Markdown groups
syn match mkdLineBreak / \+$/
syn region mkdBlockquote start=/^\s*>/ end=/$/ contains=mkdLink,mkdInlineURL,mkdLineBreak,@Spell
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start=/\(\([^\\]\|^\)\\\)\@<!`/ end=/\(\([^\\]\|^\)\\\)\@<!`/' . s:concealends
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start=/\(\([^\\]\|^\)\\\)\@<!``/ skip=/[^`]`[^`]/ end=/\(\([^\\]\|^\)\\\)\@<!``/' . s:concealends
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start=/^\s*\z(`\{3,}\)[^`]*$/ end=/^\s*\z1`*\s*$/' . s:concealends
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start=/\(\([^\\]\|^\)\\\)\@<!\~\~/ end=/\(\([^\\]\|^\)\\\)\@<!\~\~/' . s:concealends
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start=/^\s*\z(\~\{3,}\)\s*[0-9A-Za-z_+-]*\s*$/ end=/^\s*\z1\~*\s*$/' . s:concealends
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start="<pre[^>]*\\\@<!>" end="</pre>"' . s:concealends
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start="<code[^>]*\\\@<!>" end="</code>"' . s:concealends
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start=/\(\([^\\]\|^\)\\\)\@<!`/ end=/\(\([^\\]\|^\)\\\)\@<!`/' . s:concealcode
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start=/\(\([^\\]\|^\)\\\)\@<!``/ skip=/[^`]`[^`]/ end=/\(\([^\\]\|^\)\\\)\@<!``/' . s:concealcode
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start=/^\s*\z(`\{3,}\)[^`]*$/ end=/^\s*\z1`*\s*$/' . s:concealcode
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start=/\(\([^\\]\|^\)\\\)\@<!\~\~/ end=/\(\([^\\]\|^\)\\\)\@<!\~\~/' . s:concealcode
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start=/^\s*\z(\~\{3,}\)\s*[0-9A-Za-z_+-]*\s*$/ end=/^\s*\z1\~*\s*$/' . s:concealcode
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start="<pre[^>]*\\\@<!>" end="</pre>"' . s:concealcode
execute 'syn region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdCodeDelimiter start="<code[^>]*\\\@<!>" end="</code>"' . s:concealcode
syn region mkdFootnote start="\[^" end="\]"
syn match mkdCode /^\s*\n\(\(\s\{8,}[^ ]\|\t\t\+[^\t]\).*\n\)\+/
syn match mkdCode /\%^\(\(\s\{4,}[^ ]\|\t\+[^\t]\).*\n\)\+/

View file

@ -56,19 +56,28 @@ ${1:class_name}.prototype.${2:method_name} = function`!p snip.rv = space_before_
snippet fun "function (fun)" w
snippet fun "function (named)" b
function ${1:function_name}`!p snip.rv = space_before_function_paren(snip)`(${2:argument}) {
snippet vf "Function assigned to var"
snippet vf "function (assigned to var)"
${1:var }${2:function_name} = function $2`!p snip.rv = space_before_function_paren(snip)`($3) {
}`!p snip.rv = semi(snip)`
snippet anf "Anonymous Function" i
# Drop priority so this only triggers when not beginning of line.
priority -51
snippet fun "function (anonymous)" w
function`!p snip.rv = space_before_function_paren(snip)`($1) {
priority -50
snippet anf "function (anonymous)" i
function`!p snip.rv = space_before_function_paren(snip)`($1) {

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ snippet fmt "format!(..)"
format!("$1"${2/..*/, /}$2);
snippet it ".iter()" i
snippet .it ".iter()" i

View file

@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ snippet docs
Description: ${0}
# Unittest skip
snippet sk "skip unittests" b
snippet wh
while ${1:condition}: