Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-06-02 23:41:09 -04:00

Next bundles to be replaced by submodules

This commit is contained in:
Mirosław Pragłowski 2015-06-09 22:57:13 +02:00
parent d886c90c79
commit 0e0418b675
90 changed files with 0 additions and 10321 deletions

View file

@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
" Copyright (c) 2013 Junegunn Choi
" MIT License
" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
" a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
" "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
" without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
" distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
" permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
" the following conditions:
" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
" included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
function! s:get_color(group, attr)
return synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), a:attr)
function! s:set_color(group, attr, color)
let gui = has('gui_running')
execute printf("hi %s %s%s=%s", a:group, gui ? 'gui' : 'cterm', a:attr, a:color)
function! s:blank()
let main = bufwinnr(t:goyo_master)
if main != -1
execute main . 'wincmd w'
call s:goyo_off()
function! s:init_pad(command)
execute a:command
setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nomodifiable nobuflisted noswapfile
\ nonu nocursorline nocursorcolumn winfixwidth winfixheight statusline=\
if exists('&rnu')
setlocal nornu
if exists('&colorcolumn')
setlocal colorcolumn=
let bufnr = winbufnr(0)
execute winnr('#') . 'wincmd w'
return bufnr
function! s:setup_pad(bufnr, vert, size)
let win = bufwinnr(a:bufnr)
execute win . 'wincmd w'
execute (a:vert ? 'vertical ' : '') . 'resize ' . max([0, a:size])
augroup goyop
autocmd WinEnter,CursorMoved <buffer> nested call s:blank()
autocmd WinLeave <buffer> call s:hide_statusline()
augroup END
" To hide scrollbars of pad windows in GVim
let diff = winheight(0) - line('$') - (has('gui_running') ? 2 : 0)
if diff > 0
setlocal modifiable
call append(0, map(range(1, diff), '""'))
normal! gg
setlocal nomodifiable
execute winnr('#') . 'wincmd w'
function! s:hmargin()
let nwidth = max([len(string(line('$'))) + 1, &numberwidth])
let width = t:goyo_width + (&number ? nwidth : 0)
return (&columns - width)
function! s:resize_pads()
let hmargin = s:hmargin()
let tmargin = get(g:, 'goyo_margin_top', 4)
let bmargin = get(g:, 'goyo_margin_bottom', 4)
augroup goyop
augroup END
call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.t, 0, tmargin - 1)
call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.b, 0, bmargin - 2)
call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.l, 1, hmargin / 2 - 1)
call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.r, 1, hmargin / 2 - 1)
function! s:tranquilize()
let bg = s:get_color('Normal', 'bg')
for grp in ['NonText', 'FoldColumn', 'ColorColumn', 'VertSplit',
\ 'StatusLine', 'StatusLineNC', 'SignColumn']
" -1 on Vim / '' on GVim
if bg == -1 || empty(bg)
call s:set_color(grp, 'fg', get(g:, 'goyo_bg', 'black'))
call s:set_color(grp, 'bg', 'NONE')
call s:set_color(grp, 'fg', bg)
call s:set_color(grp, 'bg', bg)
call s:set_color(grp, '', 'NONE')
function! s:hide_statusline()
let &l:statusline = repeat(' ', winwidth(0))
function! s:goyo_on(width)
let s:orig_tab = tabpagenr()
" New tab
tab split
let t:goyo_master = winbufnr(0)
let t:goyo_width = a:width
let t:goyo_pads = {}
let t:goyo_revert =
\ { 'laststatus': &laststatus,
\ 'showtabline': &showtabline,
\ 'fillchars': &fillchars,
\ 'winminwidth': &winminwidth,
\ 'winwidth': &winwidth,
\ 'winminheight': &winminheight,
\ 'winheight': &winheight,
\ 'ruler': &ruler,
\ 'sidescroll': &sidescroll,
\ 'sidescrolloff': &sidescrolloff
\ }
if has('gui_running')
let t:goyo_revert.guioptions = &guioptions
" vim-gitgutter
let t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter = get(g:, 'gitgutter_enabled', 0)
if t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter
silent! GitGutterDisable
" vim-signify
let t:goyo_disabled_signify = exists('b:sy') && b:sy.active
if t:goyo_disabled_signify
" vim-airline
let t:goyo_disabled_airline = exists("#airline")
if t:goyo_disabled_airline
" vim-powerline
let t:goyo_disabled_powerline = exists("#PowerlineMain")
if t:goyo_disabled_powerline
augroup PowerlineMain
augroup END
augroup! PowerlineMain
" lightline.vim
let t:goyo_disabled_lightline = exists('#LightLine')
if t:goyo_disabled_lightline
silent! call lightline#disable()
if !get(g:, 'goyo_linenr', 0)
setlocal nonu
if exists('&rnu')
setlocal nornu
if exists('&colorcolumn')
setlocal colorcolumn=
" Global options
let &winheight = max([&winminheight, 1])
set winminheight=1
set winheight=1
set winminwidth=1 winwidth=1
set laststatus=0
set showtabline=0
set noruler
set fillchars+=vert:\
set fillchars+=stl:.
set fillchars+=stlnc:\
set sidescroll=1
set sidescrolloff=0
" Hide left-hand scrollbars
if has('gui_running')
set guioptions-=l
set guioptions-=L
let t:goyo_pads.l = s:init_pad('vertical topleft new')
let t:goyo_pads.r = s:init_pad('vertical botright new')
let t:goyo_pads.t = s:init_pad('topleft new')
let t:goyo_pads.b = s:init_pad('botright new')
call s:resize_pads()
call s:tranquilize()
augroup goyo
autocmd BufWinLeave <buffer> call s:goyo_off()
autocmd TabLeave * call s:goyo_off()
autocmd VimResized * call s:resize_pads()
autocmd ColorScheme * call s:tranquilize()
autocmd WinEnter,WinLeave <buffer> call s:hide_statusline()
augroup END
call s:hide_statusline()
if exists('g:goyo_callbacks[0]')
call g:goyo_callbacks[0]()
silent! doautocmd User GoyoEnter
function! s:goyo_off()
if !exists('#goyo')
" Oops, not this tab
if !exists('t:goyo_revert')
" Clear auto commands
augroup goyo
augroup END
augroup! goyo
augroup goyop
augroup END
augroup! goyop
let goyo_revert = t:goyo_revert
let goyo_disabled_gitgutter = t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter
let goyo_disabled_signify = t:goyo_disabled_signify
let goyo_disabled_airline = t:goyo_disabled_airline
let goyo_disabled_powerline = t:goyo_disabled_powerline
let goyo_disabled_lightline = t:goyo_disabled_lightline
let goyo_orig_buffer = t:goyo_master
let [line, col] = [line('.'), col('.')]
if tabpagenr() == 1
normal! gt
execute 'normal! '.s:orig_tab.'gt'
if winbufnr(0) == goyo_orig_buffer
execute printf('normal! %dG%d|', line, col)
let wmw = remove(goyo_revert, 'winminwidth')
let ww = remove(goyo_revert, 'winwidth')
let &winwidth = ww
let &winminwidth = wmw
let wmh = remove(goyo_revert, 'winminheight')
let wh = remove(goyo_revert, 'winheight')
let &winheight = max([wmh, 1])
let &winminheight = wmh
let &winheight = wh
for [k, v] in items(goyo_revert)
execute printf("let &%s = %s", k, string(v))
execute 'colo '. get(g:, 'colors_name', 'default')
if goyo_disabled_gitgutter
silent! GitGutterEnable
if goyo_disabled_signify
silent! if !b:sy.active
if goyo_disabled_airline && !exists("#airline")
silent! AirlineRefresh
if goyo_disabled_powerline && !exists("#PowerlineMain")
doautocmd PowerlineStartup VimEnter
silent! PowerlineReloadColorscheme
if goyo_disabled_lightline
silent! call lightline#enable()
if exists('#Powerline')
doautocmd Powerline ColorScheme
if exists('g:goyo_callbacks[1]')
call g:goyo_callbacks[1]()
silent! doautocmd User GoyoLeave
function! s:goyo(bang, ...)
let width = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : get(g:, 'goyo_width', 80)
if a:bang
if exists('#goyo')
call s:goyo_off()
if exists('#goyo') == 0
call s:goyo_on(width)
elseif a:0 > 0
let t:goyo_width = width
call s:resize_pads()
call s:goyo_off()
command! -nargs=? -bar -bang Goyo call s:goyo('<bang>' == '!', <args>)
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save

View file

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3065
This is a pleasant and ergonomic light-background color scheme, designed for long hours of coding and working. The UI elements are muted without being drab, the syntax elements are colorful without being garish, and the background is relaxing without being soporific. It is of a low-enough contrast so as not to cause eye-burn, but high-enough contrast so as not to cause eye-strain. The syntax coloration offers just a little higher resolution than most, distinguishing between class names vs. functions, strings and numbers vs. other constants, etc. Many of the colors in this color scheme are drawn from Mayan murals, paintings and codices, and thus the name.
- Python: http://jeetworks.org/files/images/mayansmoke-python1.png
- C++: http://jeetworks.org/files/images/mayansmoke-cpp1.png
If any of the following highlights are defined (e.g., in your "~/.vimrc"), these will override the default highlight definitions:
MayanSmokeCursorLine (will be applied to: CursorColumn and CursorLine)
MayanSmokeSearch (will be applied to: Search and IncSearch)
MayanSmokeSpecialKey (will be applied to: SpecialKey)
For example, you can set the following in your "~/.vimrc" to select your own colors for these items:
hi MayanSmokeCursorLine guifg=NONE guibg=yellow gui=NONE
hi MayanSmokeSearch guifg=white guibg=blue gui=NONE
hi MayanSmokeSpecialKey guifg=NONE guibg=green gui=NONE
Alternatively, you can define one or more of the following values in your "~/.vimrc" to select different pre-defined levels of visibility for the above highlights:
let g:mayansmoke_cursor_line_visibility = 0 " lower visibility
let g:mayansmoke_cursor_line_visibility = 1 " medium visibility
let g:mayansmoke_cursor_line_visibility = 2 " higher visibility
let g:mayansmoke_search_visibility = 0 " low visibility
let g:mayansmoke_search_visibility = 1 " medium visibility (default)
let g:mayansmoke_search_visibility = 2 " high visibility
let g:mayansmoke_search_visibility = 3 " very high visibility
let g:mayansmoke_search_visibility = 4 " highest visibility
let g:mayansmoke_special_key_visibility = 0 " lower visibility
let g:mayansmoke_special_key_visibility = 1 " medium visibility
let g:mayansmoke_special_key_visibility = 2 " higher visibility

View file

@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
" =============================================================================
" File: mayansmoke.vim
" Description: Vim color scheme file
" Maintainer: Jeet Sukumaran (GUI colors); Clayton Parker (cterm colors)
" =============================================================================
" Initialization and Setup {{{1
" =============================================================================
set background=light
highlight clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "mayansmoke"
" }}}
" Normal Color {{{1
" =============================================================================
hi Normal gui=NONE guifg=Black guibg=#F4F4E8
" }}}
" Highlight Groups {{{1
" =============================================================================
" Groups (see ':help highlight-groups'):
" ColorColumn highlight to use with ':set colorcolumn'
" Cursor the character under the cursor
" CursorIM like Cursor, but used when in IME mode |CursorIM|
" CursorColumn the screen column that the cursor is in when 'cursorcolumn' is set
" CursorLine the screen line that the cursor is in when 'cursorline' is set
" Directory directory names (and other special names in listings)
" DiffAdd diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
" DiffChange diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
" DiffDelete diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
" DiffText diff mode: Changed text within a changed line |diff.txt|
" ErrorMsg error messages on the command line
" VertSplit the column separating vertically split windows
" Folded line used for closed folds
" FoldColumn 'foldcolumn'
" SignColumn column where |signs| are displayed
" IncSearch 'incsearch' highlighting; also used for the text replaced with ":s///c"
" LineNr Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' option is set.
" MatchParen The character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match. |pi_paren.txt|
" ModeMsg 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT --")
" MoreMsg |more-prompt|
" NonText '~' and '@' at the end of the window, etc.
" Normal normal text
" Pmenu Popup menu: normal item.
" PmenuSel Popup menu: selected item.
" PmenuSbar Popup menu: scrollbar.
" PmenuThumb Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar.
" Question |hit-enter| prompt and yes/no questions
" Search Last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch').
" SpecialKey Meta and special keys listed with ":map", text that is displayed differently from what it really is (such as tabs, spaces in listchars etc.).
" SpellBad Word that is not recognized by the spellchecker. |spell|
" SpellCap Word that should start with a capital. |spell|
" SpellLocal Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is
" SpellRare Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is hardly ever used. |spell|
" StatusLine status line of current window
" StatusLineNC status lines of not-current windows
" TabLine tab pages line, not active tab page label
" TabLineFill tab pages line, where there are no labels
" TabLineSel tab pages line, active tab page label
" Title titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc.
" Visual Visual mode selection
" VisualNOS Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection".
" WarningMsg warning messages
" WildMenu current match in 'wildmenu' completion
hi ColorColumn guifg=NONE guibg=#EEEEDD
hi Cursor guifg=bg guibg=fg gui=NONE
if hlexists('MayanSmokeCursorLine')
hi link CursorColumn MayanSmokeCursorLine
hi link CursorLine MayanSmokeCursorLine
elseif exists('g:mayansmoke_cursor_line_visibility') && g:mayansmoke_cursor_line_visibility >= 2
hi CursorColumn guifg=NONE guibg=NavajoWhite gui=NONE
hi CursorLine guifg=NONE guibg=NavajoWhite gui=NONE
elseif exists('g:mayansmoke_cursor_line_visibility') && g:mayansmoke_cursor_line_visibility >= 1
hi CursorColumn guifg=NONE guibg=white gui=NONE
hi CursorLine guifg=NONE guibg=white gui=NONE
hi CursorColumn guifg=NONE guibg=#FFFDD0 gui=NONE
hi CursorLine guifg=NONE guibg=#FFFDD0 gui=NONE
hi CursorIM guifg=bg guibg=fg gui=NONE
hi lCursor guifg=bg guibg=fg gui=NONE
hi DiffAdd guifg=NONE guibg=SeaGreen1 gui=NONE
hi DiffChange guifg=NONE guibg=LightSkyBlue1 gui=NONE
hi DiffDelete guifg=NONE guibg=LightCoral gui=NONE
hi DiffText guifg=black guibg=LightCyan1 gui=NONE
hi Directory guifg=#1600FF guibg=bg gui=NONE
hi ErrorMsg guifg=Red2 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi FoldColumn guifg=SteelBlue4 guibg=LightYellow2 gui=bold
hi Folded guifg=SteelBlue4 guibg=Gainsboro gui=italic
if hlexists('MayanSmokeSearch')
hi link IncSearch MayanSmokeSearch
hi link Search MayanSmokeSearch
elseif exists('g:mayansmoke_search_visibility') && g:mayansmoke_search_visibility >= 4
hi IncSearch guifg=white guibg=red gui=NONE
hi Search guifg=white guibg=red gui=NONE
elseif exists('g:mayansmoke_search_visibility') && g:mayansmoke_search_visibility == 3
hi IncSearch guifg=black guibg=gold gui=NONE
hi Search guifg=black guibg=gold gui=NONE
elseif exists('g:mayansmoke_search_visibility') && g:mayansmoke_search_visibility == 2
hi IncSearch guifg=white guibg=darkorange gui=NONE
hi Search guifg=white guibg=darkorange gui=NONE
elseif exists('g:mayansmoke_search_visibility') && g:mayansmoke_search_visibility == 0
hi IncSearch guifg=black guibg=tan gui=NONE
hi Search guifg=black guibg=tan gui=NONE
hi IncSearch guifg=black guibg=khaki gui=NONE
hi Search guifg=black guibg=khaki gui=NONE
hi LineNr guifg=#666677 guibg=#cccfbf gui=NONE
hi MatchParen guifg=black guibg=LemonChiffon3 gui=bold
hi ModeMsg guifg=White guibg=tomato1 gui=bold
hi MoreMsg guifg=SeaGreen4 guibg=bg gui=bold
hi NonText guifg=LightCyan3 guibg=bg gui=bold
hi Pmenu guifg=Orange4 guibg=LightYellow3 gui=NONE
hi PmenuSel guifg=ivory2 guibg=NavajoWhite4 gui=bold
hi PmenuSbar guifg=White guibg=#999666 gui=NONE
hi PmenuThumb guifg=White guibg=#7B7939 gui=NONE
hi Question guifg=Chartreuse4 guibg=bg gui=bold
hi SignColumn guifg=white guibg=LightYellow3 gui=NONE
if hlexists('MayanSmokeSpecialKey')
hi link SpecialKey MayanSmokeSpecialKey
elseif exists('g:mayansmoke_special_key_visibility') && g:mayansmoke_special_key_visibility >= 2
hi SpecialKey guifg=black guibg=NavajoWhite gui=NONE
elseif exists('g:mayansmoke_special_key_visibility') && g:mayansmoke_special_key_visibility == 0
hi SpecialKey guifg=bisque3 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi SpecialKey guifg=white guibg=ivory3 gui=NONE
hi SpellBad guisp=Firebrick2 gui=undercurl
hi SpellCap guisp=Blue gui=undercurl
hi SpellLocal guisp=DarkCyan gui=undercurl
hi SpellRare guisp=Magenta gui=undercurl
hi StatusLine guifg=#FFFEEE guibg=#557788 gui=NONE
" hi StatusLineNC guifg=#EAE6E2 guibg=LightSteelBlue3 gui=italic
hi StatusLineNC guifg=#F4F4EE guibg=#99aabb gui=italic
hi TabLine guifg=fg guibg=LightGrey gui=underline
hi TabLineFill guifg=fg guibg=bg gui=reverse
hi TabLineSel guifg=fg guibg=bg gui=bold
hi Title guifg=DeepSkyBlue3 guibg=bg gui=bold
hi VertSplit guifg=#99aabb guibg=#99aabb
hi Visual guifg=white guibg=DeepSkyBlue1 gui=NONE
hi WarningMsg guifg=Firebrick2 guibg=bg gui=NONE
hi WildMenu guifg=Black guibg=SkyBlue gui=NONE
" }}}
" 256-Color Terminal Colors, by Clayton Parker {{{1
" =============================================================================
hi Normal cterm=NONE ctermfg=16 ctermbg=255
hi Comment ctermfg=110
hi Constant ctermfg=214
hi String ctermfg=30
hi Boolean ctermfg=88
hi Identifier ctermfg=160
hi Function ctermfg=132
hi Statement ctermfg=21
hi Keyword ctermfg=45
hi PreProc ctermfg=27
hi Type ctermfg=147
hi Special ctermfg=64
hi Ignore ctermfg=255
hi Error ctermfg=196 ctermbg=255 term=none
hi Todo ctermfg=136 ctermbg=255 cterm=NONE
hi VimError ctermfg=160 ctermbg=16
hi VimCommentTitle ctermfg=110
hi qfLineNr ctermfg=16 ctermbg=46 cterm=NONE
hi pythonDecorator ctermfg=208 ctermbg=255 cterm=NONE
hi Cursor ctermfg=255 ctermbg=16 cterm=NONE
hi CursorColumn ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=255 cterm=NONE
hi CursorIM ctermfg=255 ctermbg=16 cterm=NONE
hi CursorLine ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=254 cterm=NONE
hi lCursor ctermfg=255 ctermbg=16 cterm=NONE
hi DiffAdd ctermfg=16 ctermbg=48 cterm=NONE
hi DiffChange ctermfg=16 ctermbg=153 cterm=NONE
hi DiffDelete ctermfg=16 ctermbg=203 cterm=NONE
hi DiffText ctermfg=16 ctermbg=226 cterm=NONE
hi Directory ctermfg=21 ctermbg=255 cterm=NONE
hi ErrorMsg ctermfg=160 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
hi FoldColumn ctermfg=24 ctermbg=252 cterm=NONE
hi Folded ctermfg=24 ctermbg=252 cterm=NONE
hi IncSearch ctermfg=255 ctermbg=160 cterm=NONE
hi LineNr ctermfg=253 ctermbg=110 cterm=NONE
hi NonText ctermfg=110 ctermbg=255 cterm=NONE
hi Pmenu ctermfg=fg ctermbg=195 cterm=NONE
hi PmenuSbar ctermfg=255 ctermbg=153 cterm=NONE
hi PmenuSel ctermfg=255 ctermbg=21 cterm=NONE
hi PmenuThumb ctermfg=111 ctermbg=255 cterm=NONE
hi SignColumn ctermfg=110 ctermbg=254 cterm=NONE
hi Search ctermfg=255 ctermbg=160 cterm=NONE
hi SpecialKey ctermfg=255 ctermbg=144 cterm=NONE
hi SpellBad ctermfg=16 ctermbg=229 cterm=NONE
hi SpellCap ctermfg=16 ctermbg=231 cterm=NONE
hi SpellLocal ctermfg=16 ctermbg=231 cterm=NONE
hi SpellRare ctermfg=16 ctermbg=226 cterm=NONE
hi StatusLine ctermfg=255 ctermbg=24 cterm=NONE
hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=253 ctermbg=110 cterm=NONE
hi Title ctermfg=75 ctermbg=255 cterm=NONE
hi VertSplit ctermfg=255 ctermbg=24 cterm=NONE
hi Visual ctermfg=255 ctermbg=153 cterm=NONE
hi WildMenu ctermfg=16 ctermbg=117 cterm=NONE
" 1}}}
" Syntax {{{1
" =============================================================================
" General {{{2
" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Groups ('*' = major; see 'help group-name'):
" *Comment any comment
" *Constant any constant
" String a string constant: "this is a string"
" Character a character constant: 'c', '\n'
" Number a number constant: 234, 0xff
" Boolean a boolean constant: TRUE, false
" Float a floating point constant: 2.3e10
" *Identifier any variable name
" Function function name (also: methods for classes)
" *Statement any statement
" Conditional if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.
" Repeat for, do, while, etc.
" Label case, default, etc.
" Operator "sizeof", "+", "*", etc.
" Keyword any other keyword
" Exception try, catch, throw
" *PreProc generic Preprocessor
" Include preprocessor #include
" Define preprocessor #define
" Macro same as Define
" PreCondit preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
" *Type int, long, char, etc.
" StorageClass static, register, volatile, etc.
" Structure struct, union, enum, etc.
" Typedef A typedef
" *Special any special symbol
" SpecialChar special character in a constant
" Tag you can use CTRL-] on this
" Delimiter character that needs attention
" SpecialComment special things inside a comment
" Debug debugging statements
" *Error any erroneous construct
" *Todo anything that needs extra attention
" hi Comment guifg=#A2B5CD guibg=NONE gui=italic
hi Comment guifg=#96AAC2 guibg=NONE gui=italic
hi Constant guifg=DarkOrange guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi String guifg=Aquamarine4 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Boolean guifg=IndianRed4 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Identifier guifg=brown3 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Function guifg=VioletRed4 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Statement guifg=blue1 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Keyword guifg=DodgerBlue guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi PreProc guifg=blue1 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Type guifg=LightSlateBlue guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Special guifg=DarkOliveGreen4 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Ignore guifg=bg guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi Error guifg=Red guibg=NONE gui=underline
hi Todo guifg=tan4 guibg=NONE gui=underline
" 2}}}
" Vim {{{2
" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi VimError guifg=red guibg=Black gui=bold
hi VimCommentTitle guifg=DarkSlateGray4 guibg=bg gui=bold,italic
" 2}}}
" QuickFix {{{2
" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" syn match qfFileName "^[^|]*" nextgroup=qfSeparator
" syn match qfSeparator "|" nextgroup=qfLineNr contained
" syn match qfLineNr "[^|]*" contained contains=qfError
" syn match qfError "error" contained
hi qfFileName guifg=LightSkyBlue4 guibg=NONE gui=italic
hi qfLineNr guifg=coral guibg=NONE gui=bold
hi qfError guifg=red guibg=NONE gui=bold
" 2}}}
" Python {{{2
" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi pythonDecorator guifg=orange3 guibg=NONE gui=bold
hi link pythonDecoratorFunction pythonDecorator
" 2}}}
" Diff {{{2
" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi diffOldFile guifg=#006666 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi diffNewFile guifg=#0088FF guibg=NONE gui=bold
hi diffFile guifg=#0000FF guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi link diffOnly Constant
hi link diffIdentical Constant
hi link diffDiffer Constant
hi link diffBDiffer Constant
hi link diffIsA Constant
hi link diffNoEOL Constant
hi link diffCommon Constant
hi diffRemoved guifg=#BB0000 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi diffChanged guifg=DarkSeaGreen guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi diffAdded guifg=#00AA00 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
hi diffLine guifg=thistle4 guibg=NONE gui=italic
hi link diffSubname diffLine
hi link diffComment Comment
" 2}}}
" PHP (contributed by Ryan Kulla) {{{2
" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Ryan Kulla's addition for PHP syntax highlighting (for regular/terminal vim)
hi phpConditional ctermfg=21 cterm=NONE guifg=black
hi phpIdentifier ctermfg=0 cterm=NONE guifg=black
hi phpOperator ctermfg=black cterm=NONE guifg=black
hi phpRegion ctermfg=132 cterm=NONE guifg=VioletRed4
hi phpComparison ctermfg=black cterm=NONE guifg=black
hi phpType ctermfg=darkgreen cterm=NONE guifg=darkgreen
hi phpParent ctermfg=black cterm=NONE guifg=black
hi phpMethodsVar ctermfg=132 cterm=NONE guifg=VioletRed4
hi phpStatement ctermfg=21 cterm=NONE guifg=blue
hi phpStorageClass ctermfg=21 cterm=NONE guifg=blue
hi phpStringSingle ctermfg=30 cterm=NONE guifg=Aquamarine4
hi phpStringDouble ctermfg=30 cterm=NONE guifg=Aquamarine4
hi phpFunctions ctermfg=21 cterm=NONE guifg=blue
hi phpSpecialFunction ctermfg=21 cterm=NONE guifg=blue
hi phpRepeat ctermfg=21 cterm=NONE guifg=blue
hi phpNumber ctermfg=214 cterm=bold guifg=brown
hi phpTodo ctermfg=red cterm=bold guifg=red gui=bold
hi phpDefine ctermfg=21 cterm=NONE guifg=blue
hi phpConstant ctermfg=21 cterm=NONE guifg=black
hi phpCoreConstant ctermfg=21 cterm=NONE guifg=black
hi phpMemberSelector ctermfg=black cterm=NONE guifg=black
hi phpLabel ctermfg=21 cterm=NONE guifg=blue
hi phpStructure ctermfg=black cterm=NONE guifg=black
hi phpRelation ctermfg=black cterm=NONE guifg=black
hi phpEnvVar ctermfg=black cterm=NONE guifg=black
hi phpIntVar ctermfg=0 cterm=bold guifg=black gui=bold
hi phpBoolean ctermfg=58 cterm=NONE guifg=brown
" 2}}}
" 1}}}

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
language: ruby
- 1.9.3
script: rake ci

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'vim-flavor', '~> 1.1'

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View file

@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
# vim-airline [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/bling/vim-airline.png)](https://travis-ci.org/bling/vim-airline)
Lean &amp; mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air.
# Features
* Tiny core written with extensibility in mind ([open/closed principle][8]).
* Integrates with a variety of plugins, including: [vim-bufferline][6], [fugitive][4], [unite][9], [ctrlp][10], [minibufexpl][15], [gundo][16], [undotree][17], [nerdtree][18], [tagbar][19], [vim-gitgutter][29], [vim-signify][30], [syntastic][5], [eclim][34], [lawrencium][21], [virtualenv][31], [tmuxline][35].
* Looks good with regular fonts and provides configuration points so you can use unicode or powerline symbols.
* Optimized for speed; it loads in under a millisecond.
* Extensive suite of themes for popular color schemes including [solarized][23] (dark and light), [tomorrow][24] (all variants), [base16][32] (all variants), [molokai][25], [jellybeans][26] and others; have a look at the [screenshots][14] in the wiki.
* Supports 7.2 as the minimum Vim version.
* The master branch tries to be as stable as possible, and new features are merged in only after they have gone through a [full regression test][33].
* Unit testing suite.
## Straightforward customization
If you don't like the defaults, you can replace all sections with standard `statusline` syntax. Give your statusline that you've built over the years a face lift.
## Automatic truncation
Sections and parts within sections can be configured to automatically hide when the window size shrinks.
## Smarter tab line
Automatically displays all buffers when there's only one tab open.
This is disabled by default; add the following to your vimrc to enable the extension:
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
Separators can be configured independently for the tabline, so here is how you can define "straight" tabs:
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_sep = ' '
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_alt_sep = '|'
## Seamless integration
vim-airline integrates with a variety of plugins out of the box. These extensions will be lazily loaded if and only if you have the other plugins installed (and of course you can turn them off).
#### [ctrlp.vim][10]
#### [unite.vim][9]
#### [tagbar][19]
#### [csv.vim][28]
#### [syntastic][5]
#### hunks ([vim-gitgutter][29] & [vim-signify][30])
#### [virtualenv][31]
#### [tmuxline][35]
#### [promptline][36]
## Extras
vim-airline also supplies some supplementary stand-alone extensions. In addition to the tabline extension mentioned earlier, there is also:
#### whitespace
## Configurable and extensible
#### Fine-tuned configuration
Every section is composed of parts, and you can reorder and reconfigure them at will.
Sections can contain accents, which allows for very granular control of visuals (see configuration [here](https://github.com/bling/vim-airline/issues/299#issuecomment-25772886)).
#### Extensible pipeline
Completely transform the statusline to your liking. Build out the statusline as you see fit by extracting colors from the current colorscheme's highlight groups.
# Rationale
There's already [powerline][2], why yet another statusline?
* 100% vimscript; no python needed.
What about [vim-powerline][1]?
* vim-powerline has been deprecated in favor of the newer, unifying powerline, which is under active development; the new version is written in python at the core and exposes various bindings such that it can style statuslines not only in vim, but also tmux, bash, zsh, and others.
# Where did the name come from?
I wrote the initial version on an airplane, and since it's light as air it turned out to be a good name. Thanks for flying vim!
# Installation
This plugin follows the standard runtime path structure, and as such it can be installed with a variety of plugin managers:
* [Pathogen][11]
* `git clone https://github.com/bling/vim-airline ~/.vim/bundle/vim-airline`
* [NeoBundle][12]
* `NeoBundle 'bling/vim-airline'`
* [Vundle][13]
* `Plugin 'bling/vim-airline'`
* [VAM][22]
* `call vam#ActivateAddons([ 'vim-airline' ])`
* manual
* copy all of the files into your `~/.vim` directory
# Configuration
`:help airline`
The default setting of 'laststatus' is for the statusline to not appear until a split is created. If you want it to appear all the time, add the following to your vimrc:
`set laststatus=2`
# Integrating with powerline fonts
For the nice looking powerline symbols to appear, you will need to install a patched font. Instructions can be found in the official powerline [documentation][20]. Prepatched fonts can be found in the [powerline-fonts][3] repository.
Finally, you can add the convenience variable `let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1` to your vimrc which will automatically populate the `g:airline_symbols` dictionary with the powerline symbols.
Solutions to common problems can be found in the [Wiki][27].
# Screenshots
A full list of screenshots for various themes can be found in the [Wiki][14].
# Bugs
Tracking down bugs can take a very long time due to different configurations, versions, and operating systems. To ensure a timely response, please help me out by doing the following:
* Reproduce it with this [minivimrc][7] repository to rule out any configuration conflicts.
* A link to your vimrc or a gist which shows how you configured the plugin(s).
* And so I can reproduce; your `:version` of vim, and the commit of vim-airline you're using.
# Contributions
Contributions and pull requests are welcome. Please take note of the following guidelines:
* Adhere to the existing style as much as possible; notably, 2 space indents and long-form keywords.
* Keep the history clean! squash your branches before you submit a pull request. `pull --rebase` is your friend.
* Any changes to the core should be tested against Vim 7.2.
* If you submit a theme, please create a screenshot so it can be added to the [Wiki][14].
# License
MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
[![Bitdeli Badge](https://d2weczhvl823v0.cloudfront.net/bling/vim-airline/trend.png)](https://bitdeli.com/free "Bitdeli Badge")
[1]: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline
[2]: https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline
[3]: https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts
[4]: https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive
[5]: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic
[6]: https://github.com/bling/vim-bufferline
[7]: https://github.com/bling/minivimrc
[8]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open/closed_principle
[9]: https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim
[10]: https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim
[11]: https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen
[12]: https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim
[13]: https://github.com/gmarik/vundle
[14]: https://github.com/bling/vim-airline/wiki/Screenshots
[15]: https://github.com/techlivezheng/vim-plugin-minibufexpl
[16]: https://github.com/sjl/gundo.vim
[17]: https://github.com/mbbill/undotree
[18]: https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree
[19]: https://github.com/majutsushi/tagbar
[20]: https://powerline.readthedocs.org/en/latest/fontpatching.html
[21]: https://bitbucket.org/ludovicchabant/vim-lawrencium
[22]: https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager
[23]: https://github.com/altercation/solarized
[24]: https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme
[25]: https://github.com/tomasr/molokai
[26]: https://github.com/nanotech/jellybeans.vim
[27]: https://github.com/bling/vim-airline/wiki/FAQ
[28]: https://github.com/chrisbra/csv.vim
[29]: https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter
[30]: https://github.com/mhinz/vim-signify
[31]: https://github.com/jmcantrell/vim-virtualenv
[32]: https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-vim
[33]: https://github.com/bling/vim-airline/wiki/Test-Plan
[34]: http://eclim.org
[35]: https://github.com/edkolev/tmuxline.vim
[36]: https://github.com/edkolev/promptline.vim

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env rake
task :default => [:test]
task :ci => [:dump, :test]
task :dump do
sh 'vim --version'
task :test do
sh 'bundle exec vim-flavor test'

View file

@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let g:airline_statusline_funcrefs = get(g:, 'airline_statusline_funcrefs', [])
let s:sections = ['a','b','c','gutter','x','y','z','warning']
let s:inactive_funcrefs = []
function! airline#add_statusline_func(name)
call airline#add_statusline_funcref(function(a:name))
function! airline#add_statusline_funcref(function)
if index(g:airline_statusline_funcrefs, a:function) >= 0
echohl WarningMsg
echo 'The airline statusline funcref '.string(a:function).' has already been added.'
echohl NONE
call add(g:airline_statusline_funcrefs, a:function)
function! airline#remove_statusline_func(name)
let i = index(g:airline_statusline_funcrefs, function(a:name))
if i > -1
call remove(g:airline_statusline_funcrefs, i)
function! airline#add_inactive_statusline_func(name)
call add(s:inactive_funcrefs, function(a:name))
function! airline#load_theme()
if exists('*airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#refresh')
call airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#refresh()
let palette = g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette
call airline#themes#patch(palette)
if exists('g:airline_theme_patch_func')
let Fn = function(g:airline_theme_patch_func)
call Fn(palette)
call airline#highlighter#load_theme()
call airline#extensions#load_theme()
function! airline#switch_theme(name)
let palette = g:airline#themes#{a:name}#palette "also lazy loads the theme
let g:airline_theme = a:name
echohl WarningMsg | echo 'The specified theme cannot be found.' | echohl NONE
if exists('g:airline_theme')
let g:airline_theme = 'dark'
let w:airline_lastmode = ''
call airline#update_statusline()
call airline#load_theme()
" this is required to prevent clobbering the startup info message, i don't know why...
call airline#check_mode(winnr())
function! airline#switch_matching_theme()
if exists('g:colors_name')
let palette = g:airline#themes#{g:colors_name}#palette
call airline#switch_theme(g:colors_name)
return 1
for map in items(g:airline_theme_map)
if match(g:colors_name, map[0]) > -1
call airline#switch_theme(map[1])
return 1
return 0
function! airline#update_statusline()
for nr in filter(range(1, winnr('$')), 'v:val != winnr()')
call setwinvar(nr, 'airline_active', 0)
let context = { 'winnr': nr, 'active': 0, 'bufnr': winbufnr(nr) }
call s:invoke_funcrefs(context, s:inactive_funcrefs)
unlet! w:airline_render_left
unlet! w:airline_render_right
for section in s:sections
unlet! w:airline_section_{section}
let w:airline_active = 1
let context = { 'winnr': winnr(), 'active': 1, 'bufnr': winbufnr(winnr()) }
call s:invoke_funcrefs(context, g:airline_statusline_funcrefs)
let s:contexts = {}
let s:core_funcrefs = [
\ function('airline#extensions#apply'),
\ function('airline#extensions#default#apply') ]
function! s:invoke_funcrefs(context, funcrefs)
let builder = airline#builder#new(a:context)
let err = airline#util#exec_funcrefs(a:funcrefs + s:core_funcrefs, builder, a:context)
if err == 1
let a:context.line = builder.build()
let s:contexts[a:context.winnr] = a:context
call setwinvar(a:context.winnr, '&statusline', '%!airline#statusline('.a:context.winnr.')')
function! airline#statusline(winnr)
if has_key(s:contexts, a:winnr)
return '%{airline#check_mode('.a:winnr.')}'.s:contexts[a:winnr].line
" in rare circumstances this happens...see #276
return ''
function! airline#check_mode(winnr)
let context = s:contexts[a:winnr]
if get(w:, 'airline_active', 1)
let l:m = mode()
if l:m ==# "i"
let l:mode = ['insert']
elseif l:m ==# "R"
let l:mode = ['replace']
elseif l:m =~# '\v(v|V||s|S|)'
let l:mode = ['visual']
let l:mode = ['normal']
let w:airline_current_mode = get(g:airline_mode_map, l:m, l:m)
let l:mode = ['inactive']
let w:airline_current_mode = get(g:airline_mode_map, '__')
if g:airline_detect_modified && &modified
call add(l:mode, 'modified')
if g:airline_detect_paste && &paste
call add(l:mode, 'paste')
if &readonly || ! &modifiable
call add(l:mode, 'readonly')
let mode_string = join(l:mode)
if get(w:, 'airline_lastmode', '') != mode_string
call airline#highlighter#highlight_modified_inactive(context.bufnr)
call airline#highlighter#highlight(l:mode)
let w:airline_lastmode = mode_string
return ''

View file

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:prototype = {}
function! s:prototype.split(...)
let self._side = 0
let self._line .= '%#'.self._curgroup.'#'.(a:0 ? a:1 : '%=')
function! s:prototype.add_section_spaced(group, contents)
call self.add_section(a:group, (g:airline_symbols.space).a:contents.(g:airline_symbols.space))
function! s:prototype.add_section(group, contents)
if self._curgroup != ''
if self._curgroup == a:group
let self._line .= self._side ? self._context.left_alt_sep : self._context.right_alt_sep
call airline#highlighter#add_separator(self._curgroup, a:group, self._side)
let self._line .= '%#'.self._curgroup.'_to_'.a:group.'#'
let self._line .= self._side ? self._context.left_sep : self._context.right_sep
if self._curgroup != a:group
let self._line .= '%#'.a:group.'#'
if self._context.active
let contents = []
let content_parts = split(a:contents, '__accent')
for cpart in content_parts
let accent = matchstr(cpart, '_\zs[^#]*\ze')
call add(contents, cpart)
let line = join(contents, a:group)
let line = substitute(line, '__restore__', a:group, 'g')
let line = substitute(a:contents, '%#__accent[^#]*#', '', 'g')
let line = substitute(line, '%#__restore__#', '', 'g')
let self._line .= line
let self._curgroup = a:group
function! s:prototype.add_raw(text)
let self._line .= a:text
function! s:prototype.build()
if !self._context.active
let self._line = substitute(self._line, '%#.\{-}\ze#', '\0_inactive', 'g')
return self._line
function! airline#builder#new(context)
let builder = copy(s:prototype)
let builder._context = a:context
let builder._side = 1
let builder._curgroup = ''
let builder._line = ''
call extend(builder._context, {
\ 'left_sep': g:airline_left_sep,
\ 'left_alt_sep': g:airline_left_alt_sep,
\ 'right_sep': g:airline_right_sep,
\ 'right_alt_sep': g:airline_right_alt_sep,
\ }, 'keep')
return builder

View file

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
function! airline#debug#profile1()
profile start airline-profile-switch.log
profile func *
profile file *
for i in range(1, 1000)
wincmd w
profile pause
noautocmd qall!
function! airline#debug#profile2()
profile start airline-profile-cursor.log
profile func *
profile file *
edit blank
call setline(1, 'all your base are belong to us')
call setline(2, 'all your base are belong to us')
let positions = [[1,2], [2,2], [1,2], [1,1]]
for i in range(1, 1000)
for pos in positions
call cursor(pos[0], pos[1])
profile pause
noautocmd qall!
function! airline#debug#profile3()
profile start airline-profile-mode.log
profile func *
profile file *
for i in range(1000)
profile pause
noautocmd qall!

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
function! airline#deprecation#check()
if exists('g:airline_enable_fugitive') || exists('g:airline_fugitive_prefix')
echom 'The g:airline_enable_fugitive and g:airline_fugitive_prefix variables are obsolete. Please read the documentation about the branch extension.'
let tests = [
\ [ 'g:airline_paste_symbol', 'g:airline_symbols.paste' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_readonly_symbol', 'g:airline_symbols.readonly' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_linecolumn_prefix', 'g:airline_symbols.linenr' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_branch_prefix', 'g:airline_symbols.branch' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_branch_empty_message', 'g:airline#extensions#branch#empty_message' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_detect_whitespace', 'g:airline#extensions#whitespace#enabled|show_message' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_hunks', 'g:airline#extensions#hunks#enabled' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_tagbar', 'g:airline#extensions#tagbar#enabled' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_csv', 'g:airline#extensions#csv#enabled' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_branch', 'g:airline#extensions#branch#enabled' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_bufferline', 'g:airline#extensions#bufferline#enabled' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_syntastic', 'g:airline#extensions#syntastic#enabled' ],
\ [ 'g:airline_enable_eclim', 'g:airline#extensions#eclim#enabled' ],
\ ]
for test in tests
if exists(test[0])
let max = winwidth(0) - 16
let msg = printf('The variable %s is deprecated and may not work in the future. It has been replaced with %s. Please read the documentation.', test[0], test[1])
echom msg[:max].'...'

View file

@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:ext = {}
let s:ext._theme_funcrefs = []
function! s:ext.add_statusline_func(name) dict
call airline#add_statusline_func(a:name)
function! s:ext.add_statusline_funcref(function) dict
call airline#add_statusline_funcref(a:function)
function! s:ext.add_inactive_statusline_func(name) dict
call airline#add_inactive_statusline_func(a:name)
function! s:ext.add_theme_func(name) dict
call add(self._theme_funcrefs, function(a:name))
let s:script_path = tolower(resolve(expand('<sfile>:p:h')))
let s:filetype_overrides = {
\ 'nerdtree': [ 'NERD', '' ],
\ 'gundo': [ 'Gundo', '' ],
\ 'diff': [ 'diff', '' ],
\ 'vimfiler': [ 'vimfiler', '%{vimfiler#get_status_string()}' ],
\ 'minibufexpl': [ 'MiniBufExplorer', '' ],
\ 'startify': [ 'startify', '' ],
\ }
let s:filetype_regex_overrides = {}
function! s:check_defined_section(name)
if !exists('w:airline_section_{a:name}')
let w:airline_section_{a:name} = g:airline_section_{a:name}
function! airline#extensions#append_to_section(name, value)
call <sid>check_defined_section(a:name)
let w:airline_section_{a:name} .= a:value
function! airline#extensions#prepend_to_section(name, value)
call <sid>check_defined_section(a:name)
let w:airline_section_{a:name} = a:value . w:airline_section_{a:name}
function! airline#extensions#apply_left_override(section1, section2)
let w:airline_section_a = a:section1
let w:airline_section_b = a:section2
let w:airline_section_c = airline#section#create(['readonly'])
let w:airline_render_left = 1
let w:airline_render_right = 0
let s:active_winnr = -1
function! airline#extensions#apply(...)
let s:active_winnr = winnr()
if s:is_excluded_window()
return -1
if &buftype == 'help'
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override('Help', '%f')
let w:airline_section_x = ''
let w:airline_section_y = ''
let w:airline_render_right = 1
if &previewwindow
let w:airline_section_a = 'Preview'
let w:airline_section_b = ''
let w:airline_section_c = bufname(winbufnr(winnr()))
if has_key(s:filetype_overrides, &ft)
let args = s:filetype_overrides[&ft]
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override(args[0], args[1])
for item in items(s:filetype_regex_overrides)
if match(&ft, item[0]) >= 0
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override(item[1][0], item[1][1])
function! s:is_excluded_window()
for matchft in g:airline_exclude_filetypes
if matchft ==# &ft
return 1
for matchw in g:airline_exclude_filenames
if matchstr(expand('%'), matchw) ==# matchw
return 1
if g:airline_exclude_preview && &previewwindow
return 1
return 0
function! airline#extensions#load_theme()
call airline#util#exec_funcrefs(s:ext._theme_funcrefs, g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette)
function! s:sync_active_winnr()
if exists('#airline') && winnr() != s:active_winnr
call airline#update_statusline()
function! airline#extensions#load()
" non-trivial number of external plugins use eventignore=all, so we need to account for that
autocmd CursorMoved * call <sid>sync_active_winnr()
call airline#extensions#quickfix#init(s:ext)
if get(g:, 'loaded_unite', 0)
call airline#extensions#unite#init(s:ext)
if exists(':NetrwSettings')
call airline#extensions#netrw#init(s:ext)
if get(g:, 'loaded_vimfiler', 0)
let g:vimfiler_force_overwrite_statusline = 0
if get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
call airline#extensions#ctrlp#init(s:ext)
if get(g:, 'command_t_loaded', 0)
call airline#extensions#commandt#init(s:ext)
if exists(':UndotreeToggle')
call airline#extensions#undotree#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#hunks#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_enable_hunks', 1))
\ && (exists('g:loaded_signify') || exists('g:loaded_gitgutter') || exists('g:loaded_changes'))
call airline#extensions#hunks#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tagbar#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_enable_tagbar', 1))
\ && exists(':TagbarToggle')
call airline#extensions#tagbar#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#csv#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_enable_csv', 1))
\ && (get(g:, 'loaded_csv', 0) || exists(':Table'))
call airline#extensions#csv#init(s:ext)
if exists(':VimShell')
let s:filetype_overrides['vimshell'] = ['vimshell','%{vimshell#get_status_string()}']
let s:filetype_regex_overrides['^int-'] = ['vimshell','%{substitute(&ft, "int-", "", "")}']
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_enable_branch', 1))
\ && (exists('*fugitive#head') || exists('*lawrencium#statusline') ||
\ (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#use_vcscommand', 0) && exists('*VCSCommandGetStatusLine')))
call airline#extensions#branch#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#bufferline#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_enable_bufferline', 1))
\ && exists('*bufferline#get_status_string')
call airline#extensions#bufferline#init(s:ext)
if get(g:, 'virtualenv_loaded', 0) && get(g:, 'airline#extensions#virtualenv#enabled', 1)
call airline#extensions#virtualenv#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#eclim#enabled', 1) && exists(':ProjectCreate'))
call airline#extensions#eclim#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#syntastic#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_enable_syntastic', 1))
\ && exists(':SyntasticCheck')
call airline#extensions#syntastic#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'airline_detect_whitespace', 1))
call airline#extensions#whitespace#init(s:ext)
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#enabled', 0)
call airline#extensions#tabline#init(s:ext)
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tmuxline#enabled', 1) && exists(':Tmuxline')
call airline#extensions#tmuxline#init(s:ext)
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#promptline#enabled', 1) && exists(':PromptlineSnapshot') && len(get(g:, 'airline#extensions#promptline#snapshot_file', ''))
call airline#extensions#promptline#init(s:ext)
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#nrrwrgn#enabled', 1) && exists(':NR') == 2
call airline#extensions#nrrwrgn#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#capslock#enabled', 1) && exists('*CapsLockStatusline'))
call airline#extensions#capslock#init(s:ext)
if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#windowswap#enabled', 1) && get(g:, 'loaded_windowswap', 0))
call airline#extensions#windowswap#init(s:ext)
if !get(g:, 'airline#extensions#disable_rtp_load', 0)
" load all other extensions, which are not part of the default distribution.
" (autoload/airline/extensions/*.vim outside of our s:script_path).
for file in split(globpath(&rtp, "autoload/airline/extensions/*.vim"), "\n")
" we have to check both resolved and unresolved paths, since it's possible
" that they might not get resolved properly (see #187)
if stridx(tolower(resolve(fnamemodify(file, ':p'))), s:script_path) < 0
\ && stridx(tolower(fnamemodify(file, ':p')), s:script_path) < 0
let name = fnamemodify(file, ':t:r')
if !get(g:, 'airline#extensions#'.name.'#enabled', 1)
call airline#extensions#{name}#init(s:ext)

View file

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:has_fugitive = exists('*fugitive#head')
let s:has_lawrencium = exists('*lawrencium#statusline')
let s:has_vcscommand = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#use_vcscommand', 0) && exists('*VCSCommandGetStatusLine')
if !s:has_fugitive && !s:has_lawrencium && !s:has_vcscommand
let s:git_dirs = {}
function! s:get_git_branch(path)
if has_key(s:git_dirs, a:path)
return s:git_dirs[a:path]
let dir = fugitive#extract_git_dir(a:path)
if empty(dir)
let name = ''
let line = join(readfile(dir . '/HEAD'))
if strpart(line, 0, 16) == 'ref: refs/heads/'
let name = strpart(line, 16)
" raw commit hash
let name = strpart(line, 0, 7)
let name = ''
let s:git_dirs[a:path] = name
return name
function! airline#extensions#branch#head()
if exists('b:airline_head') && !empty(b:airline_head)
return b:airline_head
let b:airline_head = ''
let found_fugitive_head = 0
if s:has_fugitive && !exists('b:mercurial_dir')
let b:airline_head = fugitive#head(7)
let found_fugitive_head = 1
if empty(b:airline_head) && !exists('b:git_dir')
let b:airline_head = s:get_git_branch(expand("%:p:h"))
if empty(b:airline_head)
if s:has_lawrencium
let b:airline_head = lawrencium#statusline()
if empty(b:airline_head)
if s:has_vcscommand
call VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup()
if exists('b:VCSCommandBufferInfo')
let b:airline_head = get(b:VCSCommandBufferInfo, 0, '')
if empty(b:airline_head) || !found_fugitive_head && !s:check_in_path()
let b:airline_head = ''
if exists("g:airline#extensions#branch#displayed_head_limit")
let w:displayed_head_limit = g:airline#extensions#branch#displayed_head_limit
if len(b:airline_head) > w:displayed_head_limit - 1
let b:airline_head = b:airline_head[0:w:displayed_head_limit - 1].'…'
return b:airline_head
function! airline#extensions#branch#get_head()
let head = airline#extensions#branch#head()
let empty_message = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#empty_message',
\ get(g:, 'airline_branch_empty_message', ''))
let symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#symbol', g:airline_symbols.branch)
return empty(head)
\ ? empty_message
\ : printf('%s%s', empty(symbol) ? '' : symbol.(g:airline_symbols.space), head)
function! s:check_in_path()
if !exists('b:airline_branch_path')
let root = get(b:, 'git_dir', get(b:, 'mercurial_dir', ''))
let bufferpath = resolve(fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p'))
if !filereadable(root) "not a file
" if .git is a directory, it's the old submodule format
if match(root, '\.git$') >= 0
let root = expand(fnamemodify(root, ':h'))
" else it's the newer format, and we need to guesstimate
let pattern = '\.git\(\\\|\/\)modules\(\\\|\/\)'
if match(root, pattern) >= 0
let root = substitute(root, pattern, '', '')
let b:airline_file_in_root = stridx(bufferpath, root) > -1
return b:airline_file_in_root
function! airline#extensions#branch#init(ext)
call airline#parts#define_function('branch', 'airline#extensions#branch#get_head')
autocmd BufReadPost * unlet! b:airline_file_in_root
autocmd CursorHold,ShellCmdPost,CmdwinLeave * unlet! b:airline_head

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists('*bufferline#get_status_string')
let s:overwrite = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#bufferline#overwrite_variables', 1)
function! airline#extensions#bufferline#init(ext)
if s:overwrite
highlight bufferline_selected gui=bold cterm=bold term=bold
highlight link bufferline_selected_inactive airline_c_inactive
let g:bufferline_inactive_highlight = 'airline_c'
let g:bufferline_active_highlight = 'bufferline_selected'
let g:bufferline_active_buffer_left = ''
let g:bufferline_active_buffer_right = ''
let g:bufferline_separator = g:airline_symbols.space
call airline#parts#define_raw('file', '%{bufferline#refresh_status()}'.bufferline#get_status_string())

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !get(g:, 'command_t_loaded', 0)
function! airline#extensions#commandt#apply(...)
if bufname('%') ==# 'GoToFile'
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override('CommandT', '')
function! airline#extensions#commandt#init(ext)
call a:ext.add_statusline_func('airline#extensions#commandt#apply')

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !get(g:, 'loaded_csv', 0) && !exists(':Table')
let s:column_display = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#csv#column_display', 'Number')
function! airline#extensions#csv#get_column()
if exists('*CSV_WCol')
if s:column_display ==# 'Name'
return '['.CSV_WCol('Name').CSV_WCol().']'
return '['.CSV_WCol().']'
return ''
function! airline#extensions#csv#apply(...)
if &ft ==# "csv"
call airline#extensions#prepend_to_section('gutter',
\ g:airline_left_alt_sep.' %{airline#extensions#csv#get_column()}')
function! airline#extensions#csv#init(ext)
call a:ext.add_statusline_func('airline#extensions#csv#apply')

View file

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let s:color_template = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ctrlp#color_template', 'insert')
function! airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(dark, light, white)
return {
\ 'CtrlPdark' : a:dark,
\ 'CtrlPlight' : a:light,
\ 'CtrlPwhite' : a:white,
\ 'CtrlParrow1' : [ a:light[1] , a:white[1] , a:light[3] , a:white[3] , '' ] ,
\ 'CtrlParrow2' : [ a:white[1] , a:light[1] , a:white[3] , a:light[3] , '' ] ,
\ 'CtrlParrow3' : [ a:light[1] , a:dark[1] , a:light[3] , a:dark[3] , '' ] ,
\ }
function! airline#extensions#ctrlp#load_theme(palette)
if exists('a:palette.ctrlp')
let theme = a:palette.ctrlp
let s:color_template = has_key(a:palette, s:color_template) ? s:color_template : 'insert'
let theme = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ a:palette[s:color_template]['airline_c'],
\ a:palette[s:color_template]['airline_b'],
\ a:palette[s:color_template]['airline_a'])
for key in keys(theme)
call airline#highlighter#exec(key, theme[key])
" Arguments: focus, byfname, regexp, prv, item, nxt, marked
function! airline#extensions#ctrlp#ctrlp_airline(...)
let b = airline#builder#new({'active': 1})
if a:3
call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPlight', 'regex')
if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ctrlp#show_adjacent_modes', 1)
call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPlight', a:4)
call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPwhite', a:5)
call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPlight', a:6)
call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPwhite', a:5)
call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPdark', a:7)
call b.split()
call b.add_raw('%#CtrlPdark#'.a:1.(g:airline_symbols.space))
call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPdark', a:2)
call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPlight', '%{getcwd()}')
return b.build()
" Argument: len
function! airline#extensions#ctrlp#ctrlp_airline_status(...)
let len = '%#CtrlPdark# '.a:1
let dir = '%=%<%#CtrlParrow3#'.g:airline_right_sep.'%#CtrlPlight# '.getcwd().' %*'
return len.dir
function! airline#extensions#ctrlp#apply(...)
" disable statusline overwrite if ctrlp already did it
return match(&statusline, 'CtrlPwhite') >= 0 ? -1 : 0
function! airline#extensions#ctrlp#init(ext)
let g:ctrlp_status_func = {
\ 'main': 'airline#extensions#ctrlp#ctrlp_airline',
\ 'prog': 'airline#extensions#ctrlp#ctrlp_airline_status',
\ }
call a:ext.add_statusline_func('airline#extensions#ctrlp#apply')
call a:ext.add_theme_func('airline#extensions#ctrlp#load_theme')

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@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:section_truncate_width = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#default#section_truncate_width', {
\ 'b': 79,
\ 'x': 60,
\ 'y': 88,
\ 'z': 45,
\ })
let s:layout = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#default#layout', [
\ [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ],
\ [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'warning' ]
\ ])
function! s:get_section(winnr, key, ...)
if has_key(s:section_truncate_width, a:key)
if winwidth(a:winnr) < s:section_truncate_width[a:key]
return ''
let spc = g:airline_symbols.space
let text = airline#util#getwinvar(a:winnr, 'airline_section_'.a:key, g:airline_section_{a:key})
let [prefix, suffix] = [get(a:000, 0, '%('.spc), get(a:000, 1, spc.'%)')]
return empty(text) ? '' : prefix.text.suffix
function! s:build_sections(builder, context, keys)
for key in a:keys
if key == 'warning' && !a:context.active
call s:add_section(a:builder, a:context, key)
if v:version >= 704 || (v:version >= 703 && has('patch81'))
function s:add_section(builder, context, key)
" i have no idea why the warning section needs special treatment, but it's
" needed to prevent separators from showing up
if a:key == 'warning'
call a:builder.add_raw('%(')
call a:builder.add_section('airline_'.a:key, s:get_section(a:context.winnr, a:key))
if a:key == 'warning'
call a:builder.add_raw('%)')
" older version don't like the use of %(%)
function s:add_section(builder, context, key)
if a:key == 'warning'
call a:builder.add_raw('%#airline_warning#'.s:get_section(a:context.winnr, a:key))
call a:builder.add_section('airline_'.a:key, s:get_section(a:context.winnr, a:key))
function! airline#extensions#default#apply(builder, context)
let winnr = a:context.winnr
let active = a:context.active
if airline#util#getwinvar(winnr, 'airline_render_left', active || (!active && !g:airline_inactive_collapse))
call <sid>build_sections(a:builder, a:context, s:layout[0])
let text = <sid>get_section(winnr, 'c')
if empty(text)
let text = ' %f%m '
call a:builder.add_section('airline_c'.(a:context.bufnr), text)
call a:builder.split(s:get_section(winnr, 'gutter', '', ''))
if airline#util#getwinvar(winnr, 'airline_render_right', 1)
call <sid>build_sections(a:builder, a:context, s:layout[1])
return 1

View file

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':ProjectCreate')
function! airline#extensions#eclim#creat_line(...)
if &filetype == "tree"
let builder = a:1
call builder.add_section('airline_a', ' Project ')
call builder.add_section('airline_b', ' %f ')
call builder.add_section('airline_c', '')
return 1
function! airline#extensions#eclim#get_warnings()
let eclimList = eclim#display#signs#GetExisting()
if !empty(eclimList)
" Remove any non-eclim signs (see eclim#display#signs#Update)
call filter(eclimList, 'v:val.name =~ "^\\(qf_\\)\\?\\(error\\|info\\|warning\\)$"')
if !empty(eclimList)
let errorsLine = eclimList[0]['line']
let errorsNumber = len(eclimList)
let errors = "[Eclim: line:".string(errorsLine)." (".string(errorsNumber).")]"
if !exists(':SyntasticCheck') || SyntasticStatuslineFlag() == ''
return errors.(g:airline_symbols.space)
return ''
function! airline#extensions#eclim#init(ext)
call airline#parts#define_function('eclim', 'airline#extensions#eclim#get_warnings')
call a:ext.add_statusline_func('airline#extensions#eclim#creat_line')

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@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
" we don't actually want this loaded :P
" Due to some potential rendering issues, the use of the `space` variable is
" recommended.
let s:spc = g:airline_symbols.space
" Extension specific variables can be defined the usual fashion.
if !exists('g:airline#extensions#example#number_of_cats')
let g:airline#extensions#example#number_of_cats = 42
" First we define an init function that will be invoked from extensions.vim
function! airline#extensions#example#init(ext)
" Here we define a new part for the plugin. This allows users to place this
" extension in arbitrary locations.
call airline#parts#define_raw('cats', '%{airline#extensions#example#get_cats()}')
" Next up we add a funcref so that we can run some code prior to the
" statusline getting modifed.
call a:ext.add_statusline_func('airline#extensions#example#apply')
" You can also add a funcref for inactive statuslines.
" call a:ext.add_inactive_statusline_func('airline#extensions#example#unapply')
" This function will be invoked just prior to the statusline getting modified.
function! airline#extensions#example#apply(...)
" First we check for the filetype.
if &filetype == "nyancat"
" Let's say we want to append to section_c, first we check if there's
" already a window-local override, and if not, create it off of the global
" section_c.
let w:airline_section_c = get(w:, 'airline_section_c', g:airline_section_c)
" Then we just append this extenion to it, optionally using separators.
let w:airline_section_c .= s:spc.g:airline_left_alt_sep.s:spc.'%{airline#extensions#example#get_cats()}'
" Finally, this function will be invoked from the statusline.
function! airline#extensions#example#get_cats()
let cats = ''
for i in range(1, g:airline#extensions#example#number_of_cats)
let cats .= ' (,,,)=(^.^)=(,,,) '
return cats

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@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !get(g:, 'loaded_signify', 0) && !get(g:, 'loaded_gitgutter', 0) && !get(g:, 'loaded_changes', 0)
let s:non_zero_only = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#hunks#non_zero_only', 0)
let s:hunk_symbols = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#hunks#hunk_symbols', ['+', '~', '-'])
function! s:get_hunks_signify()
let hunks = sy#repo#get_stats()
if hunks[0] >= 0
return hunks
return []
function! s:is_branch_empty()
return exists('*airline#extensions#branch#head') && empty(airline#extensions#branch#head())
function! s:get_hunks_gitgutter()
if !get(g:, 'gitgutter_enabled', 0) || s:is_branch_empty()
return ''
return GitGutterGetHunkSummary()
function! s:get_hunks_changes()
if !get(b:, 'changes_view_enabled', 0) || s:is_branch_empty()
return []
let hunks = changes#GetStats()
for i in hunks
if i > 0
return hunks
return []
function! s:get_hunks_empty()
return ''
let s:source_func = ''
function! s:get_hunks()
if empty(s:source_func)
if get(g:, 'loaded_signify', 0)
let s:source_func = 's:get_hunks_signify'
elseif exists('*GitGutterGetHunkSummary')
let s:source_func = 's:get_hunks_gitgutter'
elseif exists('*changes#GetStats')
let s:source_func = 's:get_hunks_changes'
let s:source_func = 's:get_hunks_empty'
return {s:source_func}()
function! airline#extensions#hunks#get_hunks()
if !get(w:, 'airline_active', 0)
return ''
let hunks = s:get_hunks()
let string = ''
if !empty(hunks)
for i in [0, 1, 2]
if s:non_zero_only == 0 || hunks[i] > 0
let string .= printf('%s%s ', s:hunk_symbols[i], hunks[i])
return string
function! airline#extensions#hunks#init(ext)
call airline#parts#define_function('hunks', 'airline#extensions#hunks#get_hunks')

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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':NetrwSettings')
function! airline#extensions#netrw#apply(...)
if &ft == 'netrw'
let spc = g:airline_symbols.space
call a:1.add_section('airline_a', spc.'netrw'.spc)
if exists('*airline#extensions#branch#get_head')
call a:1.add_section('airline_b', spc.'%{airline#extensions#branch#get_head()}'.spc)
call a:1.add_section('airline_c', spc.'%f'.spc)
call a:1.split()
call a:1.add_section('airline_y', spc.'%{airline#extensions#netrw#sortstring()}'.spc)
return 1
function! airline#extensions#netrw#init(ext)
let g:netrw_force_overwrite_statusline = 0
call a:ext.add_statusline_func('airline#extensions#netrw#apply')
function! airline#extensions#netrw#sortstring()
let order = (g:netrw_sort_direction =~ 'n') ? '+' : '-'
return g:netrw_sort_by . (g:airline_symbols.space) . '[' . order . ']'

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':PromptlineSnapshot')
if !exists('airline#extensions#promptline#snapshot_file') || !len('airline#extensions#promptline#snapshot_file')
let s:prompt_snapshot_file = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#promptline#snapshot_file', '')
let s:color_template = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#promptline#color_template', 'normal')
function! airline#extensions#promptline#init(ext)
call a:ext.add_theme_func('airline#extensions#promptline#set_prompt_colors')
function! airline#extensions#promptline#set_prompt_colors(palette)
let color_template = has_key(a:palette, s:color_template) ? s:color_template : 'normal'
let mode_palette = a:palette[color_template]
if !has_key(g:, 'promptline_symbols')
let g:promptline_symbols = {
\ 'left' : g:airline_left_sep,
\ 'right' : g:airline_right_sep,
\ 'left_alt' : g:airline_left_alt_sep,
\ 'right_alt' : g:airline_right_alt_sep}
let promptline_theme = promptline#api#create_theme_from_airline(mode_palette)
call promptline#api#create_snapshot_with_theme(s:prompt_snapshot_file, promptline_theme)

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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let g:airline#extensions#quickfix#quickfix_text = 'Quickfix'
let g:airline#extensions#quickfix#location_text = 'Location'
function! airline#extensions#quickfix#apply(...)
if &buftype == 'quickfix'
let w:airline_section_a = s:get_text()
let w:airline_section_b = '%{get(w:, "quickfix_title", "")}'
let w:airline_section_c = ''
let w:airline_section_x = ''
function! airline#extensions#quickfix#init(ext)
call a:ext.add_statusline_func('airline#extensions#quickfix#apply')
function! s:get_text()
redir => buffers
silent ls
redir END
let nr = bufnr('%')
for buf in split(buffers, '\n')
if match(buf, '\v^\s*'.nr) > -1
if match(buf, '\[Quickfix List\]') > -1
return g:airline#extensions#quickfix#quickfix_text
return g:airline#extensions#quickfix#location_text
return ''

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':SyntasticCheck')
function! airline#extensions#syntastic#get_warnings()
let errors = SyntasticStatuslineFlag()
if strlen(errors) > 0
return errors.(g:airline_symbols.space)
return ''
function! airline#extensions#syntastic#init(ext)
call airline#parts#define_function('syntastic', 'airline#extensions#syntastic#get_warnings')

View file

@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:formatter = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#formatter', 'default')
let s:excludes = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#excludes', [])
let s:tab_nr_type = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#tab_nr_type', 0)
let s:show_buffers = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#show_buffers', 1)
let s:show_tab_nr = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_nr', 1)
let s:show_tab_type = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_type', 1)
let s:show_close_button = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#show_close_button', 1)
let s:close_symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#close_symbol', 'X')
let s:buffer_idx_mode = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_mode', 0)
let s:builder_context = {
\ 'active' : 1,
\ 'right_sep' : get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#right_sep' , g:airline_right_sep),
\ 'right_alt_sep' : get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#right_alt_sep', g:airline_right_alt_sep),
\ }
if get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0)
let s:builder_context.left_sep = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#left_sep' , "\ue0b0")
let s:builder_context.left_alt_sep = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#left_alt_sep' , "\ue0b1")
let s:builder_context.left_sep = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#left_sep' , ' ')
let s:builder_context.left_alt_sep = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#left_alt_sep' , '|')
let s:buf_min_count = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_min_count', 0)
let s:tab_min_count = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#tab_min_count', 0)
let s:spc = g:airline_symbols.space
let s:number_map = &encoding == 'utf-8'
\ ? {
\ '0': '⁰',
\ '1': '¹',
\ '2': '²',
\ '3': '³',
\ '4': '⁴',
\ '5': '⁵',
\ '6': '⁶',
\ '7': '⁷',
\ '8': '⁸',
\ '9': '⁹'
\ }
\ : {}
function! airline#extensions#tabline#init(ext)
if has('gui_running')
set guioptions-=e
autocmd User AirlineToggledOn call s:toggle_on()
autocmd User AirlineToggledOff call s:toggle_off()
autocmd BufDelete * let s:current_bufnr = -1
call s:toggle_on()
call a:ext.add_theme_func('airline#extensions#tabline#load_theme')
if s:buffer_idx_mode
call s:define_buffer_idx_mode_mappings()
function! s:toggle_off()
if exists('s:original_tabline')
let &tabline = s:original_tabline
let &showtabline = s:original_showtabline
function! s:toggle_on()
let [ s:original_tabline, s:original_showtabline ] = [ &tabline, &showtabline ]
set tabline=%!airline#extensions#tabline#get()
if s:buf_min_count <= 0 && s:tab_min_count <= 1
set showtabline=2
augroup airline_tabline
if s:show_buffers == 1
autocmd CursorMoved * call <sid>on_cursormove(s:buf_min_count, len(s:get_buffer_list()))
autocmd TabEnter * call <sid>on_cursormove(s:tab_min_count, tabpagenr('$'))
augroup END
function! airline#extensions#tabline#load_theme(palette)
let colors = get(a:palette, 'tabline', {})
let l:tab = get(colors, 'airline_tab', a:palette.normal.airline_b)
let l:tabsel = get(colors, 'airline_tabsel', a:palette.normal.airline_a)
let l:tabtype = get(colors, 'airline_tabtype', a:palette.visual.airline_a)
let l:tabfill = get(colors, 'airline_tabfill', a:palette.normal.airline_c)
let l:tabmod = get(colors, 'airline_tabmod', a:palette.insert.airline_a)
if has_key(a:palette, 'normal_modified') && has_key(a:palette.normal_modified, 'airline_c')
let l:tabmodu = get(colors, 'airline_tabmod_unsel', a:palette.normal_modified.airline_c)
"Fall back to normal airline_c if modified airline_c isn't present
let l:tabmodu = get(colors, 'airline_tabmod_unsel', a:palette.normal.airline_c)
let l:tabhid = get(colors, 'airline_tabhid', a:palette.normal.airline_c)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tab', l:tab)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabsel', l:tabsel)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabtype', l:tabtype)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabfill', l:tabfill)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabmod', l:tabmod)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabmod_unsel', l:tabmodu)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_tabhid', l:tabhid)
function! s:on_cursormove(min_count, total_count)
if a:total_count >= a:min_count
if &showtabline != 2
set showtabline=2
if &showtabline != 0
set showtabline=0
function! airline#extensions#tabline#get()
let curtabcnt = tabpagenr('$')
if curtabcnt != s:current_tabcnt
let s:current_tabcnt = curtabcnt
let s:current_bufnr = -1 " force a refresh...
if s:show_buffers && curtabcnt == 1
return s:get_buffers()
return s:get_tabs()
function! airline#extensions#tabline#title(n)
let buflist = tabpagebuflist(a:n)
let winnr = tabpagewinnr(a:n)
return airline#extensions#tabline#get_buffer_name(buflist[winnr - 1])
function! airline#extensions#tabline#get_buffer_name(nr)
return airline#extensions#tabline#{s:formatter}#format(a:nr, get(s:, 'current_buffer_list', s:get_buffer_list()))
function! s:get_buffer_list()
let buffers = []
let cur = bufnr('%')
for nr in range(1, bufnr('$'))
if buflisted(nr) && bufexists(nr)
for ex in s:excludes
if match(bufname(nr), ex)
if getbufvar(nr, 'current_syntax') == 'qf'
call add(buffers, nr)
let s:current_buffer_list = buffers
return buffers
function! s:get_visible_buffers()
let buffers = s:get_buffer_list()
let cur = bufnr('%')
let total_width = 0
let max_width = 0
for nr in buffers
let width = len(airline#extensions#tabline#get_buffer_name(nr)) + 4
let total_width += width
let max_width = max([max_width, width])
" only show current and surrounding buffers if there are too many buffers
let position = index(buffers, cur)
let vimwidth = &columns
if total_width > vimwidth && position > -1
let buf_count = len(buffers)
" determine how many buffers to show based on the longest buffer width,
" use one on the right side and put the rest on the left
let buf_max = vimwidth / max_width
let buf_right = 1
let buf_left = max([0, buf_max - buf_right])
let start = max([0, position - buf_left])
let end = min([buf_count, position + buf_right])
" fill up available space on the right
if position < buf_left
let end += (buf_left - position)
" fill up available space on the left
if end > buf_count - 1 - buf_right
let start -= max([0, buf_right - (buf_count - 1 - position)])
let buffers = eval('buffers[' . start . ':' . end . ']')
if start > 0
call insert(buffers, -1, 0)
if end < buf_count - 1
call add(buffers, -1)
let g:current_visible_buffers = buffers
return buffers
let s:current_bufnr = -1
let s:current_tabnr = -1
let s:current_tabcnt = -1
let s:current_tabline = ''
let s:current_modified = 0
function! s:get_buffers()
let cur = bufnr('%')
if cur == s:current_bufnr
if !g:airline_detect_modified || getbufvar(cur, '&modified') == s:current_modified
return s:current_tabline
let l:index = 1
let b = airline#builder#new(s:builder_context)
let tab_bufs = tabpagebuflist(tabpagenr())
for nr in s:get_visible_buffers()
if nr < 0
call b.add_raw('%#airline_tabhid#...')
if cur == nr
if g:airline_detect_modified && getbufvar(nr, '&modified')
let group = 'airline_tabmod'
let group = 'airline_tabsel'
let s:current_modified = (group == 'airline_tabmod') ? 1 : 0
if g:airline_detect_modified && getbufvar(nr, '&modified')
let group = 'airline_tabmod_unsel'
elseif index(tab_bufs, nr) > -1
let group = 'airline_tab'
let group = 'airline_tabhid'
if s:buffer_idx_mode
if len(s:number_map) > 0
call b.add_section(group, s:spc . get(s:number_map, l:index, '') . '%(%{airline#extensions#tabline#get_buffer_name('.nr.')}%)' . s:spc)
call b.add_section(group, '['.l:index.s:spc.'%(%{airline#extensions#tabline#get_buffer_name('.nr.')}%)'.']')
let l:index = l:index + 1
call b.add_section(group, s:spc.'%(%{airline#extensions#tabline#get_buffer_name('.nr.')}%)'.s:spc)
call b.add_section('airline_tabfill', '')
call b.split()
call b.add_section('airline_tabtype', ' buffers ')
let s:current_bufnr = cur
let s:current_tabline = b.build()
return s:current_tabline
function! s:select_tab(buf_index)
" no-op when called in the NERDTree buffer
if exists('t:NERDTreeBufName') && bufname('%') == t:NERDTreeBufName
let idx = a:buf_index
if g:current_visible_buffers[0] == -1
let idx = idx + 1
let buf = get(g:current_visible_buffers, idx, 0)
if buf != 0
exec 'b!' . buf
function! s:define_buffer_idx_mode_mappings()
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab1 :call <SID>select_tab(0)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab2 :call <SID>select_tab(1)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab3 :call <SID>select_tab(2)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab4 :call <SID>select_tab(3)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab5 :call <SID>select_tab(4)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab6 :call <SID>select_tab(5)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab7 :call <SID>select_tab(6)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab8 :call <SID>select_tab(7)<CR>
noremap <unique> <Plug>AirlineSelectTab9 :call <SID>select_tab(8)<CR>
function! s:get_tabs()
let curbuf = bufnr('%')
let curtab = tabpagenr()
if curbuf == s:current_bufnr && curtab == s:current_tabnr
if !g:airline_detect_modified || getbufvar(curbuf, '&modified') == s:current_modified
return s:current_tabline
let b = airline#builder#new(s:builder_context)
for i in range(1, tabpagenr('$'))
if i == curtab
let group = 'airline_tabsel'
if g:airline_detect_modified
for bi in tabpagebuflist(i)
if getbufvar(bi, '&modified')
let group = 'airline_tabmod'
let s:current_modified = (group == 'airline_tabmod') ? 1 : 0
let group = 'airline_tab'
let val = '%('
if s:show_tab_nr
if s:tab_nr_type == 0
let val .= ' %{len(tabpagebuflist('.i.'))}'
let val .= (g:airline_symbols.space).i
call b.add_section(group, val.'%'.i.'T %{airline#extensions#tabline#title('.i.')} %)')
call b.add_raw('%T')
call b.add_section('airline_tabfill', '')
call b.split()
if s:show_close_button
call b.add_section('airline_tab', ' %999X'.s:close_symbol.' ')
if s:show_tab_type
call b.add_section('airline_tabtype', ' tabs ')
let s:current_bufnr = curbuf
let s:current_tabnr = curtab
let s:current_tabline = b.build()
return s:current_tabline

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:fmod = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#fnamemod', ':~:.')
let s:fnamecollapse = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#fnamecollapse', 1)
let s:buf_nr_format = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_nr_format', '%s: ')
let s:buf_nr_show = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_nr_show', 0)
let s:buf_modified_symbol = g:airline_symbols.modified
function! airline#extensions#tabline#default#format(bufnr, buffers)
let _ = ''
let name = bufname(a:bufnr)
if empty(name)
let _ .= '[No Name]'
if s:fnamecollapse
let _ .= substitute(fnamemodify(name, s:fmod), '\v\w\zs.{-}\ze(\\|/)', '', 'g')
let _ .= fnamemodify(name, s:fmod)
return airline#extensions#tabline#default#wrap_name(a:bufnr, _)
function! airline#extensions#tabline#default#wrap_name(bufnr, buffer_name)
let _ = s:buf_nr_show ? printf(s:buf_nr_format, a:bufnr) : ''
let _ .= substitute(a:buffer_name, '\\', '/', 'g')
if getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&modified') == 1
let _ .= s:buf_modified_symbol
return _

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
function! airline#extensions#tabline#unique_tail#format(bufnr, buffers)
let duplicates = {}
let tails = {}
let map = {}
for nr in a:buffers
let name = bufname(nr)
if empty(name)
let map[nr] = '[No Name]'
let tail = fnamemodify(name, ':t')
if has_key(tails, tail)
let duplicates[nr] = nr
let tails[tail] = 1
let map[nr] = airline#extensions#tabline#default#wrap_name(nr, tail)
for nr in values(duplicates)
let map[nr] = airline#extensions#tabline#default#wrap_name(nr, fnamemodify(bufname(nr), ':p:.'))
return map[a:bufnr]

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@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:skip_symbol = '…'
function! airline#extensions#tabline#unique_tail_improved#format(bufnr, buffers)
if len(a:buffers) <= 1 " don't need to compare bufnames if has less than one buffer opened
return airline#extensions#tabline#default#format(a:bufnr, a:buffers)
let curbuf_tail = fnamemodify(bufname(a:bufnr), ':t')
let do_deduplicate = 0
let path_tokens = {}
for nr in a:buffers
let name = bufname(nr)
if !empty(name) && nr != a:bufnr && fnamemodify(name, ':t') == curbuf_tail " only perform actions if curbuf_tail isn't unique
let do_deduplicate = 1
let tokens = reverse(split(substitute(fnamemodify(name, ':p:h'), '\\', '/', 'g'), '/'))
let token_index = 0
for token in tokens
if token == '' | continue | endif
if token == '.' | break | endif
if !has_key(path_tokens, token_index)
let path_tokens[token_index] = {}
let path_tokens[token_index][token] = 1
let token_index += 1
if do_deduplicate == 1
let path = []
let token_index = 0
for token in reverse(split(substitute(fnamemodify(bufname(a:bufnr), ':p:h'), '\\', '/', 'g'), '/'))
if token == '.' | break | endif
let duplicated = 0
let uniq = 1
let single = 1
if has_key(path_tokens, token_index)
let duplicated = 1
if len(keys(path_tokens[token_index])) > 1 | let single = 0 | endif
if has_key(path_tokens[token_index], token) | let uniq = 0 | endif
call insert(path, {'token': token, 'duplicated': duplicated, 'uniq': uniq, 'single': single})
let token_index += 1
let buf_name = [curbuf_tail]
let has_uniq = 0
let has_skipped = 0
for token1 in reverse(path)
if !token1['duplicated'] && len(buf_name) > 1
call insert(buf_name, s:skip_symbol)
let has_skipped = 0
if has_uniq == 1
call insert(buf_name, s:skip_symbol)
let has_skipped = 0
if token1['uniq'] == 0 && token1['single'] == 1
let has_skipped = 1
if has_skipped == 1
call insert(buf_name, s:skip_symbol)
let has_skipped = 0
call insert(buf_name, token1['token'])
if token1['uniq'] == 1
let has_uniq = 1
if has_skipped == 1
call insert(buf_name, s:skip_symbol)
return airline#extensions#tabline#default#wrap_name(a:bufnr, join(buf_name, '/'))
return airline#extensions#tabline#default#format(a:bufnr, a:buffers)

View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':TagbarToggle')
let s:flags = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tagbar#flags', '')
let s:spc = g:airline_symbols.space
" Arguments: current, sort, fname
function! airline#extensions#tagbar#get_status(...)
let builder = airline#builder#new({ 'active': a:1 })
call builder.add_section('airline_a', s:spc.'Tagbar'.s:spc)
call builder.add_section('airline_b', s:spc.a:2.s:spc)
call builder.add_section('airline_c', s:spc.a:3.s:spc)
return builder.build()
function! airline#extensions#tagbar#inactive_apply(...)
if getwinvar(a:2.winnr, '&filetype') == 'tagbar'
return -1
let s:airline_tagbar_last_lookup_time = 0
let s:airline_tagbar_last_lookup_val = ''
function! airline#extensions#tagbar#currenttag()
if get(w:, 'airline_active', 0)
if s:airline_tagbar_last_lookup_time != localtime()
let s:airline_tagbar_last_lookup_val = tagbar#currenttag('%s', '', s:flags)
let s:airline_tagbar_last_lookup_time = localtime()
return s:airline_tagbar_last_lookup_val
return ''
function! airline#extensions#tagbar#init(ext)
call a:ext.add_inactive_statusline_func('airline#extensions#tagbar#inactive_apply')
let g:tagbar_status_func = 'airline#extensions#tagbar#get_status'
call airline#parts#define_function('tagbar', 'airline#extensions#tagbar#currenttag')

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':Tmuxline')
let s:tmuxline_snapshot_file = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tmuxline#snapshot_file', '')
let s:color_template = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tmuxline#color_template', 'normal')
function! airline#extensions#tmuxline#init(ext)
call a:ext.add_theme_func('airline#extensions#tmuxline#set_tmux_colors')
function! airline#extensions#tmuxline#set_tmux_colors(palette)
let color_template = has_key(a:palette, s:color_template) ? s:color_template : 'normal'
let mode_palette = a:palette[color_template]
let tmuxline_theme = tmuxline#api#create_theme_from_airline(mode_palette)
call tmuxline#api#set_theme(tmuxline_theme)
if strlen(s:tmuxline_snapshot_file)
call tmuxline#api#snapshot(s:tmuxline_snapshot_file)

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !exists(':UndotreeToggle')
function! airline#extensions#undotree#apply(...)
if exists('t:undotree')
if &ft == 'undotree'
if exists('*t:undotree.GetStatusLine')
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override('undo', '%{t:undotree.GetStatusLine()}')
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override('undotree', '%f')
if &ft == 'diff' && exists('*t:diffpanel.GetStatusLine')
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override('diff', '%{t:diffpanel.GetStatusLine()}')
function! airline#extensions#undotree#init(ext)
call a:ext.add_statusline_func('airline#extensions#undotree#apply')

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !get(g:, 'loaded_unite', 0)
function! airline#extensions#unite#apply(...)
if &ft == 'unite'
call a:1.add_section('airline_a', ' Unite ')
call a:1.add_section('airline_b', ' %{get(unite#get_context(), "buffer_name", "")} ')
call a:1.add_section('airline_c', ' %{unite#get_status_string()} ')
call a:1.split()
call a:1.add_section('airline_y', ' %{get(unite#get_context(), "real_buffer_name", "")} ')
return 1
function! airline#extensions#unite#init(ext)
let g:unite_force_overwrite_statusline = 0
call a:ext.add_statusline_func('airline#extensions#unite#apply')

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@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if !get(g:, 'virtualenv_loaded', 0)
let s:spc = g:airline_symbols.space
function! airline#extensions#virtualenv#init(ext)
call a:ext.add_statusline_func('airline#extensions#virtualenv#apply')
function! airline#extensions#virtualenv#apply(...)
if &filetype =~ "python"
call airline#extensions#append_to_section('x',
\ s:spc.g:airline_right_alt_sep.s:spc.'%{virtualenv#statusline()}')

View file

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
" http://got-ravings.blogspot.com/2008/10/vim-pr0n-statusline-whitespace-flags.html
" for backwards compatibility
if exists('g:airline_detect_whitespace')
let s:show_message = g:airline_detect_whitespace == 1
let s:show_message = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#show_message', 1)
let s:symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#symbol', g:airline_symbols.whitespace)
let s:default_checks = ['indent', 'trailing']
let s:trailing_format = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#trailing_format', 'trailing[%s]')
let s:mixed_indent_format = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_format', 'mixed-indent[%s]')
let s:indent_algo = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_algo', 0)
let s:max_lines = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#max_lines', 20000)
let s:enabled = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#enabled', 1)
function! s:check_mixed_indent()
if s:indent_algo == 1
" [<tab>]<space><tab>
" spaces before or between tabs are not allowed
let t_s_t = '(^\t* +\t\s*\S)'
" <tab>(<space> x count)
" count of spaces at the end of tabs should be less then tabstop value
let t_l_s = '(^\t+ {' . &ts . ',}' . '\S)'
return search('\v' . t_s_t . '|' . t_l_s, 'nw')
return search('\v(^\t+ +)|(^ +\t+)', 'nw')
function! airline#extensions#whitespace#check()
if &readonly || !&modifiable || !s:enabled || line('$') > s:max_lines
return ''
if !exists('b:airline_whitespace_check')
let b:airline_whitespace_check = ''
let checks = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#checks', s:default_checks)
let trailing = 0
if index(checks, 'trailing') > -1
let trailing = search('\s$', 'nw')
let mixed = 0
if index(checks, 'indent') > -1
let mixed = s:check_mixed_indent()
if trailing != 0 || mixed != 0
let b:airline_whitespace_check = s:symbol
if s:show_message
if trailing != 0
let b:airline_whitespace_check .= (g:airline_symbols.space).printf(s:trailing_format, trailing)
if mixed != 0
let b:airline_whitespace_check .= (g:airline_symbols.space).printf(s:mixed_indent_format, mixed)
return b:airline_whitespace_check
function! airline#extensions#whitespace#toggle()
if s:enabled
augroup airline_whitespace
augroup END
augroup! airline_whitespace
let s:enabled = 0
call airline#extensions#whitespace#init()
let s:enabled = 1
if exists("g:airline#extensions#whitespace#enabled")
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#enabled = s:enabled
if s:enabled && match(g:airline_section_warning, '#whitespace#check') < 0
let g:airline_section_warning .= airline#section#create(['whitespace'])
call airline#update_statusline()
echo 'Whitespace checking: '.(s:enabled ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled')
function! airline#extensions#whitespace#init(...)
call airline#parts#define_function('whitespace', 'airline#extensions#whitespace#check')
unlet! b:airline_whitespace_check
augroup airline_whitespace
autocmd CursorHold,BufWritePost * unlet! b:airline_whitespace_check
augroup END

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@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:is_win32term = (has('win32') || has('win64')) && !has('gui_running')
let s:separators = {}
let s:accents = {}
function! s:gui2cui(rgb, fallback)
if a:rgb == ''
return a:fallback
let rgb = map(matchlist(a:rgb, '#\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)')[1:3], '0 + ("0x".v:val)')
let rgb = [rgb[0] > 127 ? 4 : 0, rgb[1] > 127 ? 2 : 0, rgb[2] > 127 ? 1 : 0]
return rgb[0]+rgb[1]+rgb[2]
function! s:get_syn(group, what)
" need to pass in mode, known to break on 7.3.547
let mode = has('gui_running') ? 'gui' : 'cterm'
let color = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), a:what, mode)
if empty(color) || color == -1
let color = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), a:what, mode)
if empty(color) || color == -1
if has('gui_running')
let color = a:what ==# 'fg' ? '#000000' : '#FFFFFF'
let color = a:what ==# 'fg' ? 0 : 1
return color
function! s:get_array(fg, bg, opts)
let fg = a:fg
let bg = a:bg
return has('gui_running')
\ ? [ fg, bg, '', '', join(a:opts, ',') ]
\ : [ '', '', fg, bg, join(a:opts, ',') ]
function! airline#highlighter#get_highlight(group, ...)
let fg = s:get_syn(a:group, 'fg')
let bg = s:get_syn(a:group, 'bg')
let reverse = has('gui_running')
\ ? synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'reverse', 'gui')
\ : synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'reverse', 'cterm')
\|| synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'reverse', 'term')
return reverse ? s:get_array(bg, fg, a:000) : s:get_array(fg, bg, a:000)
function! airline#highlighter#get_highlight2(fg, bg, ...)
let fg = s:get_syn(a:fg[0], a:fg[1])
let bg = s:get_syn(a:bg[0], a:bg[1])
return s:get_array(fg, bg, a:000)
function! airline#highlighter#exec(group, colors)
let colors = a:colors
if s:is_win32term
let colors[2] = s:gui2cui(get(colors, 0, ''), get(colors, 2, ''))
let colors[3] = s:gui2cui(get(colors, 1, ''), get(colors, 3, ''))
exec printf('hi %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s',
\ a:group,
\ get(colors, 0, '') != '' ? 'guifg='.colors[0] : '',
\ get(colors, 1, '') != '' ? 'guibg='.colors[1] : '',
\ get(colors, 2, '') != '' ? 'ctermfg='.colors[2] : '',
\ get(colors, 3, '') != '' ? 'ctermbg='.colors[3] : '',
\ get(colors, 4, '') != '' ? 'gui='.colors[4] : '',
\ get(colors, 4, '') != '' ? 'cterm='.colors[4] : '',
\ get(colors, 4, '') != '' ? 'term='.colors[4] : '')
function! s:exec_separator(dict, from, to, inverse, suffix)
let l:from = airline#themes#get_highlight(a:from.a:suffix)
let l:to = airline#themes#get_highlight(a:to.a:suffix)
let group = a:from.'_to_'.a:to.a:suffix
if a:inverse
let colors = [ l:from[1], l:to[1], l:from[3], l:to[3] ]
let colors = [ l:to[1], l:from[1], l:to[3], l:from[3] ]
let a:dict[group] = colors
call airline#highlighter#exec(group, colors)
function! airline#highlighter#load_theme()
for winnr in filter(range(1, winnr('$')), 'v:val != winnr()')
call airline#highlighter#highlight_modified_inactive(winbufnr(winnr))
call airline#highlighter#highlight(['inactive'])
call airline#highlighter#highlight(['normal'])
function! airline#highlighter#add_separator(from, to, inverse)
let s:separators[a:from.a:to] = [a:from, a:to, a:inverse]
call <sid>exec_separator({}, a:from, a:to, a:inverse, '')
function! airline#highlighter#add_accent(accent)
let s:accents[a:accent] = 1
function! airline#highlighter#highlight_modified_inactive(bufnr)
if getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&modified')
let colors = exists('g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.inactive_modified.airline_c')
\ ? g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.inactive_modified.airline_c : []
let colors = exists('g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.inactive.airline_c')
\ ? g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.inactive.airline_c : []
if !empty(colors)
call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_c'.(a:bufnr).'_inactive', colors)
function! airline#highlighter#highlight(modes)
let p = g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette
" draw the base mode, followed by any overrides
let mapped = map(a:modes, 'v:val == a:modes[0] ? v:val : a:modes[0]."_".v:val')
let suffix = a:modes[0] == 'inactive' ? '_inactive' : ''
for mode in mapped
if exists('g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette[mode]')
let dict = g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette[mode]
for kvp in items(dict)
let mode_colors = kvp[1]
call airline#highlighter#exec(kvp[0].suffix, mode_colors)
for accent in keys(s:accents)
if !has_key(p.accents, accent)
let colors = copy(mode_colors)
if p.accents[accent][0] != ''
let colors[0] = p.accents[accent][0]
if p.accents[accent][2] != ''
let colors[2] = p.accents[accent][2]
if len(colors) >= 5
let colors[4] = get(p.accents[accent], 4, '')
call add(colors, get(p.accents[accent], 4, ''))
call airline#highlighter#exec(kvp[0].suffix.'_'.accent, colors)
" TODO: optimize this
for sep in items(s:separators)
call <sid>exec_separator(dict, sep[1][0], sep[1][1], sep[1][2], suffix)

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@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
function! s:check_defined(variable, default)
if !exists(a:variable)
let {a:variable} = a:default
let s:loaded = 0
function! airline#init#bootstrap()
if s:loaded
let s:loaded = 1
let g:airline#init#bootstrapping = 1
call s:check_defined('g:airline_left_sep', get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0)?"\ue0b0":">")
call s:check_defined('g:airline_left_alt_sep', get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0)?"\ue0b1":">")
call s:check_defined('g:airline_right_sep', get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0)?"\ue0b2":"<")
call s:check_defined('g:airline_right_alt_sep', get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0)?"\ue0b3":"<")
call s:check_defined('g:airline_detect_modified', 1)
call s:check_defined('g:airline_detect_paste', 1)
call s:check_defined('g:airline_detect_iminsert', 0)
call s:check_defined('g:airline_inactive_collapse', 1)
call s:check_defined('g:airline_exclude_filenames', ['DebuggerWatch','DebuggerStack','DebuggerStatus'])
call s:check_defined('g:airline_exclude_filetypes', [])
call s:check_defined('g:airline_exclude_preview', 0)
call s:check_defined('g:airline_mode_map', {})
call extend(g:airline_mode_map, {
\ '__' : '------',
\ 'n' : 'NORMAL',
\ 'i' : 'INSERT',
\ 'R' : 'REPLACE',
\ 'v' : 'VISUAL',
\ 'V' : 'V-LINE',
\ 'c' : 'COMMAND',
\ '' : 'V-BLOCK',
\ 's' : 'SELECT',
\ 'S' : 'S-LINE',
\ '' : 'S-BLOCK',
\ }, 'keep')
call s:check_defined('g:airline_theme_map', {})
call extend(g:airline_theme_map, {
\ 'Tomorrow.*': 'tomorrow',
\ 'base16.*': 'base16',
\ 'mo[l|n]okai': 'molokai',
\ 'wombat.*': 'wombat',
\ '.*zenburn.*': 'zenburn',
\ '.*solarized.*': 'solarized',
\ }, 'keep')
call s:check_defined('g:airline_symbols', {})
call extend(g:airline_symbols, {
\ 'paste': get(g:, 'airline_paste_symbol', 'PASTE'),
\ 'readonly': get(g:, 'airline_readonly_symbol', get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0) ? "\ue0a2" : 'RO'),
\ 'whitespace': get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0) ? "\u2739" : '!',
\ 'linenr': get(g:, 'airline_linecolumn_prefix', get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0) ? "\ue0a1" : ':' ),
\ 'branch': get(g:, 'airline_branch_prefix', get(g:, 'airline_powerline_fonts', 0) ? "\ue0a0" : ''),
\ 'modified': '+',
\ 'space': ' ',
\ }, 'keep')
call airline#parts#define('mode', {
\ 'function': 'airline#parts#mode',
\ 'accent': 'bold',
\ })
call airline#parts#define_function('iminsert', 'airline#parts#iminsert')
call airline#parts#define_function('paste', 'airline#parts#paste')
call airline#parts#define_function('filetype', 'airline#parts#filetype')
call airline#parts#define('readonly', {
\ 'function': 'airline#parts#readonly',
\ 'accent': 'red',
\ })
call airline#parts#define_raw('file', '%f%m')
call airline#parts#define_raw('linenr', '%{g:airline_symbols.linenr}%#__accent_bold#%4l%#__restore__#')
call airline#parts#define_function('ffenc', 'airline#parts#ffenc')
call airline#parts#define_empty(['hunks', 'branch', 'tagbar', 'syntastic', 'eclim', 'whitespace','windowswap'])
call airline#parts#define_text('capslock', '')
unlet g:airline#init#bootstrapping
function! airline#init#sections()
let spc = g:airline_symbols.space
if !exists('g:airline_section_a')
let g:airline_section_a = airline#section#create_left(['mode', 'paste', 'capslock', 'iminsert'])
if !exists('g:airline_section_b')
let g:airline_section_b = airline#section#create(['hunks', 'branch'])
if !exists('g:airline_section_c')
let g:airline_section_c = airline#section#create(['%<', 'file', spc, 'readonly'])
if !exists('g:airline_section_gutter')
let g:airline_section_gutter = airline#section#create(['%='])
if !exists('g:airline_section_x')
let g:airline_section_x = airline#section#create_right(['tagbar', 'filetype'])
if !exists('g:airline_section_y')
let g:airline_section_y = airline#section#create_right(['ffenc'])
if !exists('g:airline_section_z')
let g:airline_section_z = airline#section#create(['windowswap', '%3p%%'.spc, 'linenr', ':%3c '])
if !exists('g:airline_section_warning')
let g:airline_section_warning = airline#section#create(['syntastic', 'eclim', 'whitespace'])

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@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:parts = {}
function! airline#parts#define(key, config)
let s:parts[a:key] = get(s:parts, a:key, {})
if exists('g:airline#init#bootstrapping')
call extend(s:parts[a:key], a:config, 'keep')
call extend(s:parts[a:key], a:config, 'force')
function! airline#parts#define_function(key, name)
call airline#parts#define(a:key, { 'function': a:name })
function! airline#parts#define_text(key, text)
call airline#parts#define(a:key, { 'text': a:text })
function! airline#parts#define_raw(key, raw)
call airline#parts#define(a:key, { 'raw': a:raw })
function! airline#parts#define_minwidth(key, width)
call airline#parts#define(a:key, { 'minwidth': a:width })
function! airline#parts#define_condition(key, predicate)
call airline#parts#define(a:key, { 'condition': a:predicate })
function! airline#parts#define_accent(key, accent)
call airline#parts#define(a:key, { 'accent': a:accent })
function! airline#parts#define_empty(keys)
for key in a:keys
call airline#parts#define_raw(key, '')
function! airline#parts#get(key)
return get(s:parts, a:key, {})
" }}}
function! airline#parts#mode()
return get(w:, 'airline_current_mode', '')
function! airline#parts#paste()
return g:airline_detect_paste && &paste ? g:airline_symbols.paste : ''
function! airline#parts#iminsert()
if g:airline_detect_iminsert && &iminsert && exists('b:keymap_name')
return toupper(b:keymap_name)
return ''
function! airline#parts#readonly()
return &readonly ? g:airline_symbols.readonly : ''
function! airline#parts#filetype()
return &filetype
function! airline#parts#ffenc()
return printf('%s%s', &fenc, strlen(&ff) > 0 ? '['.&ff.']' : '')

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@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
call airline#init#bootstrap()
let s:spc = g:airline_symbols.space
function! s:wrap_accent(part, value)
if exists('a:part.accent')
call airline#highlighter#add_accent(a:part.accent)
return '%#__accent_'.(a:part.accent).'#'.a:value.'%#__restore__#'
return a:value
function! s:create(parts, append)
let _ = ''
for idx in range(len(a:parts))
let part = airline#parts#get(a:parts[idx])
let val = ''
if exists('part.function')
let func = (part.function).'()'
elseif exists('part.text')
let func = '"'.(part.text).'"'
if a:append > 0 && idx != 0
let val .= s:spc.g:airline_left_alt_sep.s:spc
if a:append < 0 && idx != 0
let val = s:spc.g:airline_right_alt_sep.s:spc.val
if exists('part.raw')
let _ .= s:wrap_accent(part, val.(part.raw))
let _ .= s:wrap_accent(part, val.a:parts[idx])
let minwidth = get(part, 'minwidth', 0)
if a:append > 0 && idx != 0
let partval = printf('%%{airline#util#append(%s,%s)}', func, minwidth)
elseif a:append < 0 && idx != len(a:parts) - 1
let partval = printf('%%{airline#util#prepend(%s,%s)}', func, minwidth)
let partval = printf('%%{airline#util#wrap(%s,%s)}', func, minwidth)
if exists('part.condition')
let partval = substitute(partval, '{', '\="{".(part.condition)." ? "', '')
let partval = substitute(partval, '}', ' : ""}', '')
let val .= s:wrap_accent(part, partval)
let _ .= val
return _
function! airline#section#create(parts)
return s:create(a:parts, 0)
function! airline#section#create_left(parts)
return s:create(a:parts, 1)
function! airline#section#create_right(parts)
return s:create(a:parts, -1)

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@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
" generates a dictionary which defines the colors for each highlight group
function! airline#themes#generate_color_map(sect1, sect2, sect3, ...)
let palette = {
\ 'airline_a': [ a:sect1[0] , a:sect1[1] , a:sect1[2] , a:sect1[3] , get(a:sect1 , 4 , '') ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ a:sect2[0] , a:sect2[1] , a:sect2[2] , a:sect2[3] , get(a:sect2 , 4 , '') ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ a:sect3[0] , a:sect3[1] , a:sect3[2] , a:sect3[3] , get(a:sect3 , 4 , '') ] ,
\ }
if a:0 > 0
call extend(palette, {
\ 'airline_x': [ a:1[0] , a:1[1] , a:1[2] , a:1[3] , get(a:1 , 4 , '' ) ] ,
\ 'airline_y': [ a:2[0] , a:2[1] , a:2[2] , a:2[3] , get(a:2 , 4 , '' ) ] ,
\ 'airline_z': [ a:3[0] , a:3[1] , a:3[2] , a:3[3] , get(a:3 , 4 , '' ) ] ,
\ })
call extend(palette, {
\ 'airline_x': [ a:sect3[0] , a:sect3[1] , a:sect3[2] , a:sect3[3] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_y': [ a:sect2[0] , a:sect2[1] , a:sect2[2] , a:sect2[3] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_z': [ a:sect1[0] , a:sect1[1] , a:sect1[2] , a:sect1[3] , '' ] ,
\ })
return palette
function! airline#themes#get_highlight(group, ...)
return call('airline#highlighter#get_highlight', [a:group] + a:000)
function! airline#themes#get_highlight2(fg, bg, ...)
return call('airline#highlighter#get_highlight2', [a:fg, a:bg] + a:000)
function! airline#themes#patch(palette)
for mode in keys(a:palette)
if !has_key(a:palette[mode], 'airline_warning')
let a:palette[mode]['airline_warning'] = [ '#000000', '#df5f00', 232, 166 ]
let a:palette.accents = get(a:palette, 'accents', {})
let a:palette.accents.bold = [ '', '', '', '', 'bold' ]
let a:palette.accents.italic = [ '', '', '', '', 'italic' ]
if !has_key(a:palette.accents, 'red')
let a:palette.accents.red = [ '#ff0000' , '' , 160 , '' ]
if !has_key(a:palette.accents, 'green')
let a:palette.accents.green = [ '#008700' , '' , 22 , '' ]
if !has_key(a:palette.accents, 'blue')
let a:palette.accents.blue = [ '#005fff' , '' , 27 , '' ]
if !has_key(a:palette.accents, 'yellow')
let a:palette.accents.yellow = [ '#dfff00' , '' , 190 , '' ]
if !has_key(a:palette.accents, 'orange')
let a:palette.accents.orange = [ '#df5f00' , '' , 166 , '' ]
if !has_key(a:palette.accents, 'purple')
let a:palette.accents.purple = [ '#af00df' , '' , 128 , '' ]

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@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
let s:N1 = [ '#141413' , '#aeee00' , 232 , 154 ] " blackestgravel & lime
let s:N2 = [ '#f4cf86' , '#45413b' , 222 , 238 ] " dirtyblonde & deepgravel
let s:N3 = [ '#8cffba' , '#242321' , 121 , 235 ] " saltwatertaffy & darkgravel
let s:N4 = [ '#666462' , 241 ] " mediumgravel
let s:I1 = [ '#141413' , '#0a9dff' , 232 , 39 ] " blackestgravel & tardis
let s:I2 = [ '#f4cf86' , '#005fff' , 222 , 27 ] " dirtyblonde & facebook
let s:I3 = [ '#0a9dff' , '#242321' , 39 , 235 ] " tardis & darkgravel
let s:V1 = [ '#141413' , '#ffa724' , 232 , 214 ] " blackestgravel & orange
let s:V2 = [ '#000000' , '#fade3e' , 16 , 221 ] " coal & dalespale
let s:V3 = [ '#000000' , '#b88853' , 16 , 137 ] " coal & toffee
let s:V4 = [ '#c7915b' , 173 ] " coffee
let s:PA = [ '#f4cf86' , 222 ] " dirtyblonde
let s:RE = [ '#ff9eb8' , 211 ] " dress
let s:IA = [ s:N2[1] , s:N3[1] , s:N2[3] , s:N3[3] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ff2c4b' , '' , 196 , '' , '' ]
\ }
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_b': [ s:N2[0] , s:N4[0] , s:N2[2] , s:N4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:V1[1] , s:N2[1] , s:V1[3] , s:N2[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ s:V1[1] , s:N2[1] , s:V1[3] , s:N2[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , s:PA[0] , s:I1[2] , s:PA[1] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.replace = copy(airline#themes#badwolf#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I1[0] , s:RE[0] , s:I1[2] , s:RE[1] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.insert_modified
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ s:V3[0] , s:V4[0] , s:V3[2] , s:V4[1] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#badwolf#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ s:V1[1] , '' , s:V1[3] , '' , '' ] }

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@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
if get(g:, 'airline#themes#base16#constant', 0)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette = {}
" Color palette
let s:gui_dark_gray = '#202020'
let s:cterm_dark_gray = 234
let s:gui_med_gray_hi = '#303030'
let s:cterm_med_gray_hi = 236
let s:gui_med_gray_lo = '#3a3a3a'
let s:cterm_med_gray_lo = 237
let s:gui_light_gray = '#505050'
let s:cterm_light_gray = 239
let s:gui_green = '#99cc99'
let s:cterm_green = 151
let s:gui_blue = '#6a9fb5'
let s:cterm_blue = 67
let s:gui_purple = '#aa759f'
let s:cterm_purple = 139
let s:gui_orange = '#d28445'
let s:cterm_orange = 173
let s:gui_red = '#ac4142'
let s:cterm_red = 131
let s:gui_pink = '#d7afd7'
let s:cterm_pink = 182
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_green, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_green]
let s:N2 = [s:gui_light_gray, s:gui_med_gray_lo, s:cterm_light_gray, s:cterm_med_gray_lo]
let s:N3 = [s:gui_green, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_green, s:cterm_med_gray_hi]
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:gui_orange, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_orange, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, ''],
\ }
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:gui_blue, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_blue]
let s:I3 = [s:gui_blue, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_blue, s:cterm_med_gray_hi]
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:N2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal_modified)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_orange, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_orange, ''],
\ }
" Replace mode
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.replace = {
\ 'airline_a': [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_red, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_red, ''],
\ 'airline_c': [s:gui_red, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_red, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, ''],
\ }
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.replace_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert_modified)
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_pink, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_pink]
let s:V3 = [s:gui_pink, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_pink, s:cterm_med_gray_hi]
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:N2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.visual_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert_modified)
" Inactive window
let s:IA = [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, '']
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:gui_orange, '', s:cterm_orange, '', ''],
\ }
function! airline#themes#base16#refresh()
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': airline#themes#get_highlight('Constant'),
\ }
let s:N1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DiffText', 'bg'], ['DiffText', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:N2 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Visual')
let s:N3 = airline#themes#get_highlight('CursorLine')
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let group = airline#themes#get_highlight('vimCommand')
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'statusline': [ group[0], '', group[2], '', '' ]
\ }
let s:I1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DiffAdded', 'bg'], ['DiffAdded', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:I2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DiffAdded', 'fg'], ['Normal', 'bg'])
let s:I3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal_modified
let s:R1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['WarningMsg', 'bg'], ['WarningMsg', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:R2 = s:N2
let s:R3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal_modified
let s:V1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['Constant', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:V2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Constant', 'fg'], ['Normal', 'bg'])
let s:V3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.visual_modified = g:airline#themes#base16#palette.normal_modified
let s:IA = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['NonText', 'fg'], ['CursorLine', 'bg'])
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#base16#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ group[0], '', group[2], '', '' ]
\ }
call airline#themes#base16#refresh()

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
" Color palette
let s:gui_dark_gray = '#303030'
let s:cterm_dark_gray = 236
let s:gui_med_gray_hi = '#444444'
let s:cterm_med_gray_hi = 238
let s:gui_med_gray_lo = '#3a3a3a'
let s:cterm_med_gray_lo = 237
let s:gui_light_gray = '#b2b2b2'
let s:cterm_light_gray = 249
let s:gui_green = '#afd787'
let s:cterm_green = 150
let s:gui_blue = '#87afd7'
let s:cterm_blue = 110
let s:gui_purple = '#afafd7'
let s:cterm_purple = 146
let s:gui_orange = '#d7af5f'
let s:cterm_orange = 179
let s:gui_red = '#d78787'
let s:cterm_red = 174
let s:gui_pink = '#d7afd7'
let s:cterm_pink = 182
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette = {}
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_green, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_green]
let s:N2 = [s:gui_light_gray, s:gui_med_gray_lo, s:cterm_light_gray, s:cterm_med_gray_lo]
let s:N3 = [s:gui_green, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_green, s:cterm_med_gray_hi]
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:gui_orange, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_orange, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, ''],
\ }
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:gui_blue, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_blue]
let s:I3 = [s:gui_blue, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_blue, s:cterm_med_gray_hi]
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:N2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.insert_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.normal_modified)
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_orange, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_orange, ''],
\ }
" Replace mode
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.replace = {
\ 'airline_a': [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_red, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_red, ''],
\ 'airline_c': [s:gui_red, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_red, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, ''],
\ }
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.replace_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.insert_modified)
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [s:gui_dark_gray, s:gui_pink, s:cterm_dark_gray, s:cterm_pink]
let s:V3 = [s:gui_pink, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_pink, s:cterm_med_gray_hi]
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:N2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.visual_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.insert_modified)
" Inactive window
let s:IA = [s:gui_light_gray, s:gui_med_gray_hi, s:cterm_light_gray, s:cterm_med_gray_hi, '']
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#bubblegum#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:gui_orange, '', s:cterm_orange, '', ''],
\ }

View file

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
" Each theme is contained in its own file and declares variables scoped to the
" file. These variables represent the possible "modes" that airline can
" detect. The mode is the return value of mode(), which gets converted to a
" readable string. The following is a list currently supported modes: normal,
" insert, replace, visual, and inactive.
" Each mode can also have overrides. These are small changes to the mode that
" don't require a completely different look. "modified" and "paste" are two
" such supported overrides. These are simply suffixed to the major mode,
" separated by an underscore. For example, "normal_modified" would be normal
" mode where the current buffer is modified.
" The theming algorithm is a 2-pass system where the mode will draw over all
" parts of the statusline, and then the override is applied after. This means
" it is possible to specify a subset of the theme in overrides, as it will
" simply overwrite the previous colors. If you want simultaneous overrides,
" then they will need to change different parts of the statusline so they do
" not conflict with each other.
" First, let's define an empty dictionary and assign it to the "palette"
" variable. The # is a separator that maps with the directory structure. If
" you get this wrong, Vim will complain loudly.
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette = {}
" First let's define some arrays. The s: is just a VimL thing for scoping the
" variables to the current script. Without this, these variables would be
" declared globally. Now let's declare some colors for normal mode and add it
" to the dictionary. The array is in the format:
" [ guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, opts ]. See "help attr-list" for valid
" values for the "opt" value.
let s:N1 = [ '#00005f' , '#dfff00' , 17 , 190 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#ffffff' , '#444444' , 255 , 238 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#9cffd3' , '#202020' , 85 , 234 ]
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
" Here we define overrides for when the buffer is modified. This will be
" applied after g:airline#themes#dark#palette.normal, hence why only certain keys are
" declared.
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#5f005f' , 255 , 53 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#00005f' , '#00dfff' , 17 , 45 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#ffffff' , '#005fff' , 255 , 27 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#ffffff' , '#000080' , 15 , 17 ]
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#5f005f' , 255 , 53 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#d78700' , s:I1[2] , 172 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#dark#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I2[0] , '#af0000' , s:I2[2] , 124 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#dark#palette.insert_modified
let s:V1 = [ '#000000' , '#ffaf00' , 232 , 214 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#000000' , '#ff5f00' , 232 , 202 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#ffffff' , '#5f0000' , 15 , 52 ]
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#5f005f' , 255 , 53 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:IA1 = [ '#4e4e4e' , '#1c1c1c' , 239 , 234 , '' ]
let s:IA2 = [ '#4e4e4e' , '#262626' , 239 , 235 , '' ]
let s:IA3 = [ '#4e4e4e' , '#303030' , 239 , 236 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA1, s:IA2, s:IA3)
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#875faf' , '' , 97 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
" Accents are used to give parts within a section a slightly different look or
" color. Here we are defining a "red" accent, which is used by the 'readonly'
" part by default. Only the foreground colors are specified, so the background
" colors are automatically extracted from the underlying section colors. What
" this means is that regardless of which section the part is defined in, it
" will be red instead of the section's foreground color. You can also have
" multiple parts with accents within a section.
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ff0000' , '' , 160 , '' ]
\ }
" Here we define the color map for ctrlp. We check for the g:loaded_ctrlp
" variable so that related functionality is loaded iff the user is using
" ctrlp. Note that this is optional, and if you do not define ctrlp colors
" they will be chosen automatically from the existing palette.
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#dark#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#d7d7ff' , '#5f00af' , 189 , 55 , '' ],
\ [ '#ffffff' , '#875fd7' , 231 , 98 , '' ],
\ [ '#5f00af' , '#ffffff' , 55 , 231 , 'bold' ])

View file

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline companion theme of Hybrid
" (https://github.com/w0ng/vim-hybrid)
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette = {}
function! airline#themes#hybrid#refresh()
let s:N1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('DiffAdd')
let s:N2 = airline#themes#get_highlight('CursorLine')
let s:N3 = airline#themes#get_highlight('PMenu')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let modified_group = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['SpellRare', 'bg'], 'bold')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['SpellRare', 'bg'], 'bold')
\ }
let warning_group = airline#themes#get_highlight('SpellRare')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal.airline_warning = warning_group
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning = warning_group
let s:I1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['DiffText', 'bg'], 'bold')
let s:I2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['SpellLocal', 'bg'], 'bold')
let s:I3 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['SpellCap', 'bg'], 'bold')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.insert.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning
let s:R1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('DiffChange')
let s:R2 = s:N2
let s:R3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let replace_group = airline#themes#get_highlight('SpellRare')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.replace.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning
let s:V1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['Folded', 'bg'], 'bold')
let s:V2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['DiffDelete', 'bg'], 'bold')
let s:V3 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Text', 'fg'], ['Error', 'bg'], 'bold')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.visual_modified = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.visual.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning
let s:IA = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLineNC')
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ modified_group[0], '', modified_group[2], '', '' ]
\ }
let g:airline#themes#hybrid#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': airline#themes#get_highlight('Constant'),
\ }
call airline#themes#hybrid#refresh()

View file

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette = {}
" The name of the function must be 'refresh'.
function! airline#themes#jellybeans#refresh()
" This theme is an example of how to use helper functions to extract highlight
" values from the corresponding colorscheme. It was written in a hurry, so it
" is very minimalistic. If you are a jellybeans user and want to make updates,
" please send pull requests.
" Here are examples where the entire highlight group is copied and an airline
" compatible color array is generated.
let s:N1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('DbgCurrent', 'bold')
let s:N2 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Folded')
let s:N3 = airline#themes#get_highlight('NonText')
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': airline#themes#get_highlight('Constant'),
\ }
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffb964', '', 215, '', '' ]
\ }
let s:I1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('DiffAdd', 'bold')
let s:I2 = s:N2
let s:I3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.normal_modified
let s:R1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('WildMenu', 'bold')
let s:R2 = s:N2
let s:R3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.normal_modified
" Sometimes you want to mix and match colors from different groups, you can do
" that with this method.
let s:V1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['TabLineSel', 'bg'], ['DiffDelete', 'bg'], 'bold')
let s:V2 = s:N2
let s:V3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.visual_modified = g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.normal_modified
" And of course, you can always do it manually as well.
let s:IA = [ '#444444', '#1c1c1c', 237, 234 ]
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.inactive_modified = g:airline#themes#jellybeans#palette.normal_modified
call airline#themes#jellybeans#refresh()

View file

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
" Colorscheme: Kalisi for airline. Inspired by powerline.
" Arthur Jaron
" hifreeo@gmail.com
" 30.07.2014
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [ '#ffffff' , '#e80000','','']
let s:I2 = [ '#c5c5c5' , '#901010','','']
let s:I3 = [ '#c5c5c5' , '#500000','','']
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [ '#2a5d8e' , '#ffffff','','']
let s:V2 = [ '#87e7ff' , '#4077df','','']
let s:V3 = [ '#87e7ff' , '#2a5d8e','','']
" Replace mode
let s:R1 = [ '#6e00ba' , '#ffffff','','']
let s:R2 = [ '#6e00ba' , '#d358ff','','']
let s:R3 = [ '#ce99ff' , '#6e00ba','','']
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.accents = {'red': ['#FF0000', '', 88, '']}
function! airline#themes#kalisi#refresh()
let s:StatusLine = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLine')
let s:StatusLineNC = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLineNC')
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [ '#005f00' , '#afd700','','']
let s:N2 = [ '#afd700' , '#005f00','','']
let s:N3 = s:StatusLine
" Tabline Plugin
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.tabline = {
\ 'airline_tab': ['#A6DB29', '#005f00','',''],
\ 'airline_tabsel': ['#404042', '#A6DB29','',''],
\ 'airline_tabtype': ['#afd700', '#204d20','',''],
\ 'airline_tabfill': s:StatusLine,
\ 'airline_tabhid': ['#c5c5c5', '#404042','',''],
\ 'airline_tabmod': ['#ffffff', '#F1266F','','']
\ }
" \ 'airline_tabfill': ['#ffffff', '#2b2b2b','',''],
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
" Inactive Mode
" let s:IA = [ '#c5c5c5' , '#505052' , 239 , 234 , '' ]
let s:IA = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLineNC')
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'statusline': [ '#F1266F' , '' , '53' , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
call airline#themes#kalisi#refresh()
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#kalisi#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ s:StatusLineNC,
\ s:StatusLine,
\ [ '#005f00' , '#afd700' , '','', ''] )

View file

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette = {}
let s:N1 = [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4f3598' , 254 , 56 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#ff5fd7' , '#242322' , 206 , 234 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4a4a4a' , 254 , 238 ]
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4f3598' , 254 , 56 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#242322' , '#7eaefd' , 234 , 111 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#75d7d8' , '#242322' , 80 , 234 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4a4a4a' , 254 , 238 ]
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#242322' , '#7eaefd' , 234 , 111 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I2[0] , '#005154' , s:I2[2] , 23 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.replace_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e2e2e2' , '#005154' , 254 , 23 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:V1 = [ '#242322' , '#e6987a' , 234 , 180 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#dbc570' , '#242322' , 186 , 234 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4a4a4a' , 254 , 238 ]
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#242322' , '#e6987a' , 234 , 180 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:IA1 = [ '#b2b2b2' , '#4a4a4a' , 247 , 238 , '' ]
let s:IA2 = [ '#b2b2b2' , '#4a4a4a' , 247 , 238 ]
let s:IA3 = [ '#b2b2b2' , '#4a4a4a' , 247 , 238 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA1, s:IA2, s:IA3)
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#875faf' , '' , 97 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#d96e8a' , '' , 168 , '' ]
\ }
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#kolor#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4a4a4a' , 254 , 238 , '' ],
\ [ '#e2e2e2' , '#242322' , 254 , 234 , '' ],
\ [ '#e2e2e2' , '#4f3598' , 254 , 56 , 'bold' ])

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline companion theme of Laederon
" (https://github.com/Donearm/Laederon)
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [ '#1a1a18' , '#ffffff' , 232 , 255 ] " blackestgravel & snow
let s:N2 = [ '#ffffff' , '#44403a' , 255, 238 ] " snow & deepgravel
let s:N3 = [ '#90a680' , '#2e2d2a' , 64, 235 ] " dilutedpaint & darkgravel
let s:N4 = [ '#777470' , 240 ] " gravel
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [ '#1a1a18' , '#1693a5' , 232 , 62 ] " blackestgravel & crystallake
let s:I2 = [ '#515744' , '#44403a' , 101 , 238 ] " lichen & deepgravel
let s:I3 = [ '#1693a5' , '#2e2d2a' , 39 , 235 ] " crystallake & darkgravel
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [ '#1a1a18' , '#ab3e5d' , 232 , 161 ] " blackestgravel & raspberry
let s:V2 = [ '#000000' , '#908571' , 16 , 252 ] " coal & winterterrain
let s:V3 = [ '#ab3e5d' , '#8c7f77' , 161 , 245 ] " raspberry & wetcoldterrain
let s:V4 = [ '#515744' , 101 ] " lichen
" Replace mode
let s:RE = [ '#233e09' , 22 ] " oakleaf
" Paste mode
let s:PA = [ '#ab3e5d' , 161 ] " raspberry
let s:IA = [ s:N2[1] , s:N3[1] , s:N2[3], s:N3[3] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ef393d' , '' , 196 , '' , '' ]
\ }
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_a' : [ s:N2[0] , s:N4[0] , s:N2[2] , s:N4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V1[1] , s:N2[1] , s:V1[3] , s:N2[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V2[1] , s:N2[1] , s:V2[3] , s:N2[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a' : [ s:I1[0] , s:PA[0] , s:I1[2] , s:PA[1] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.replace = copy(airline#themes#laederon#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I1[0] , s:RE[0] , s:I1[2] , s:RE[1] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.insert_modified
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V3[0] , s:V4[0] , s:V3[2] , s:V4[1] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#laederon#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V1[1] , '' , s:V1[3] , '' , '' ] }

View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#light#palette = {}
let s:N1 = [ '#ffffff' , '#005fff' , 255 , 27 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#000087' , '#00dfff' , 18 , 45 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#005fff' , '#afffff' , 27 , 159 ]
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000' , '#ffdfdf' , 160 , 224 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#ffffff' , '#00875f' , 255 , 29 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#005f00' , '#00df87' , 22 , 42 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#005f5f' , '#afff87' , 23 , 156 ]
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000' , '#ffdfdf' , 160 , 224 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#d78700' , s:I1[2] , 172 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#light#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I2[0] , '#ff0000' , s:I1[2] , 196 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#light#palette.insert_modified
let s:V1 = [ '#ffffff' , '#ff5f00' , 255 , 202 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#5f0000' , '#ffaf00' , 52 , 214 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#df5f00' , '#ffff87' , 166 , 228 ]
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000' , '#ffdfdf' , 160 , 224 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:IA1 = [ '#666666' , '#b2b2b2' , 242 , 249 , '' ]
let s:IA2 = [ '#8a8a8a' , '#d0d0d0' , 245 , 252 , '' ]
let s:IA3 = [ '#a8a8a8' , '#ffffff' , 248 , 255 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA1, s:IA2, s:IA3)
let g:airline#themes#light#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000' , '' , 160 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }

View file

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette = {}
function! airline#themes#lucius#refresh()
let s:N1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLine')
let s:N2 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Folded')
let s:N3 = airline#themes#get_highlight('CursorLine')
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let modified_group = airline#themes#get_highlight('Statement')
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [modified_group[0], '', modified_group[2], '', '']
\ }
let warning_group = airline#themes#get_highlight('DiffDelete')
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal.airline_warning = warning_group
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning = warning_group
let s:I1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('DiffAdd')
let s:I2 = s:N2
let s:I3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.insert.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning
let s:R1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('DiffChange')
let s:R2 = s:N2
let s:R3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.replace.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning
let s:V1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Cursor')
let s:V2 = s:N2
let s:V3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.visual_modified = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.visual.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning = g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning
let s:IA = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLineNC')
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ modified_group[0], '', modified_group[2], '', '' ]
\ }
let g:airline#themes#lucius#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': airline#themes#get_highlight('Constant'),
\ }
call airline#themes#lucius#refresh()

View file

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline companion theme of Luna
" (https://github.com/Pychimp/vim-luna)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ffffff' , '' , 231 , '' , '' ],
\ }
let s:N1 = [ '#ffffff' , '#005252' , 231 , 36 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#ffffff' , '#003f3f' , 231 , 29 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#ffffff' , '#002b2b' , 231 , 23 ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#450000' , 231 , 52 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#ffffff' , '#789f00' , 231 , 106 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#ffffff' , '#003f3f' , 231 , 29 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#ffffff' , '#002b2b' , 231 , 23 ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#005e5e' , 255 , 52 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#789f00' , s:I1[2] , 106 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I2[0] , '#920000' , s:I2[2] , 88 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert_modified
let s:V1 = [ '#ffff9a' , '#ff8036' , 222 , 208 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#ffffff' , '#003f3f' , 231 , 29 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#ffffff' , '#002b2b' , 231 , 23 ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#450000' , 231 , 52 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:IA = [ '#4e4e4e' , '#002b2b' , 59 , 23 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#e20000' , '' , 166 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.tabline = {
\ 'airline_tab': ['#2aa198', '#003f3f', 231, 29, ''],
\ 'airline_tabsel': ['#ffffff', '#2e8b57', 231, 36, ''],
\ 'airline_tabtype': ['#ffffff', '#005252', 231, 36, ''],
\ 'airline_tabfill': ['#ffffff', '#002b2b', 231, 23, ''],
\ 'airline_tabmod': ['#ffffff', '#780000', 231, 88, ''],
\ }
let s:WI = [ '#ffffff', '#5f0000', 231, 88 ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning = [
\ s:WI[0], s:WI[1], s:WI[2], s:WI[3]
\ ]
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.visual.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.replace.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#luna#palette.normal.airline_warning
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#luna#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#ffffff' , '#002b2b' , 231 , 23 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#ffffff' , '#005252' , 231 , 36 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#ffffff' , '#973d45' , 231 , 95 , '' ] )

View file

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#66d9ef' , '' , 81 , '' , '' ],
\ }
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [ '#080808' , '#e6db74' , 232 , 144 ] " mode
let s:N2 = [ '#f8f8f0' , '#232526' , 253 , 16 ] " info
let s:N3 = [ '#f8f8f0' , '#465457' , 253 , 67 ] " statusline
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#080808' , '#e6db74' , 232 , 144 , '' ] ,
\ }
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [ '#080808' , '#66d9ef' , 232 , 81 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#f8f8f0' , '#232526' , 253 , 16 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#f8f8f0' , '#465457' , 253 , 67 ]
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#080808' , '#66d9ef' , 232 , 81 , '' ] ,
\ }
" Replace mode
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I1[0] , '#ef5939' , s:I1[2] , 166 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.replace_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#080808' , '#ef5939' , 232 , 166 , '' ] ,
\ }
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [ '#080808' , '#fd971f' , 232 , 208 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#f8f8f0' , '#232526' , 253 , 16 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#f8f8f0' , '#465457' , 253 , 67 ]
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#080808' , '#fd971f' , 232 , 208 , '' ] ,
\ }
" Inactive
let s:IA = [ '#1b1d1e' , '#465457' , 233 , 67 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#f8f8f0' , '' , 253 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
" CtrlP
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#molokai#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#f8f8f0' , '#465457' , 253 , 67 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#f8f8f0' , '#232526' , 253 , 16 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#080808' , '#e6db74' , 232 , 144 , 'bold' ] )

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette = {}
function! airline#themes#monochrome#refresh()
let s:SL = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLine')
let g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:SL, s:SL, s:SL)
let g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.insert = g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.normal
let g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.replace = g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.normal
let g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.visual = g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.normal
let s:SLNC = airline#themes#get_highlight('StatusLineNC')
let g:airline#themes#monochrome#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:SLNC, s:SLNC, s:SLNC)
call airline#themes#monochrome#refresh()

View file

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette = {}
let s:termbg = 237 " Background for branch and file format blocks
let s:termbg2= 234 " Background for middle block
let s:normalbg= 27 " Background for normal mode and file position blocks
let s:insertbg= 70 " Background for insert mode and file position blocks
let s:visualbg= 166 " Background for visual mode and file position blocks
let s:replacebg=88 " Background for replace mode and file position blocks
let s:alert= 88 " Modefied file alert color
let s:BB = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, s:termbg] " Branch and file format blocks
let s:N1 = ['#FFFFFF', '#5F87FF', 15, s:normalbg] " Outside blocks in normal mode
let s:N2 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 39, s:termbg2] " Middle block
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:BB, s:N2)
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.normal_modified = {'airline_c': ['#ffffff', '#5f005f', s:alert, s:termbg2, 'bold'] ,}
let s:I1 = ['#FFFFFF', '#87AF5F', 15, s:insertbg] " Outside blocks in insert mode
let s:I2 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', s:insertbg, s:termbg2] " Middle block
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:BB, s:I2)
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.insert_modified = {'airline_c': ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', s:alert, s:termbg2, 'bold'] ,}
let s:R1 = ['#FFFFFF', '#870000', 15, s:replacebg] " Outside blocks in replace mode
let s:R2 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 255, s:termbg2] " Middle block
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:BB, s:R2)
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.replace_modified = {'airline_c': ['#AFAF87', '#5f005f', s:alert, s:termbg2, 'bold'] ,}
let s:V1 = ['#FFFFFF', '#AF5F00', 15, s:visualbg] " Outside blocks in visual mode
let s:V2 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', s:visualbg, s:termbg2] " Middle block
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:BB, s:V2)
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.visual_modified = {'airline_c': [ '#AFAF87', '#5f005f', s:alert, s:termbg2, 'bold'] ,}
" Inactive mode
let s:IA1 = ['#4E4E4E', '#1C1C1C', 239, 234, '']
let s:IA2 = ['#4E4E4E', '#1C1C1C', 239, 234, '']
let s:IA3 = ['#4E4E4E', '#1C1C1C', 239, 234, '']
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA1, s:IA2, s:IA3)
" CtrlP plugin colors
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#murmur#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ ['#FFFFFF', '#5F87FF', 15, s:normalbg, ''],
\ ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, s:termbg, ''],
\ ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 39, s:termbg2, 'bold'])

View file

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
" Theme to mimic the default colorscheme of powerline
" Not 100% the same so it's powerline... ish.
" Differences from default powerline:
" * Paste indicator isn't colored different
" * Far right hand section matches the color of the mode indicator
" Differences from other airline themes:
" * No color differences when you're in a modified buffer
" * Visual mode only changes the mode section. Otherwise
" it appears the same as normal mode
" Normal mode " fg & bg
let s:N1 = [ '#005f00' , '#afd700' , 22 , 148 ] " darkestgreen & brightgreen
let s:N2 = [ '#9e9e9e' , '#303030' , 247 , 236 ] " gray8 & gray2
let s:N3 = [ '#ffffff' , '#121212' , 231 , 233 ] " white & gray4
" Insert mode " fg & bg
let s:I1 = [ '#005f5f' , '#ffffff' , 23 , 231 ] " darkestcyan & white
let s:I2 = [ '#5fafd7' , '#0087af' , 74 , 31 ] " darkcyan & darkblue
let s:I3 = [ '#87d7ff' , '#005f87' , 117 , 24 ] " mediumcyan & darkestblue
" Visual mode " fg & bg
let s:V1 = [ '#080808' , '#ffaf00' , 232 , 214 ] " gray3 & brightestorange
" Replace mode " fg & bg
let s:RE = [ '#ffffff' , '#d70000' , 231 , 160 ] " white & brightred
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.insert_replace = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:RE[0] , s:I1[1] , s:RE[1] , s:I1[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.visual = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:V1[0] , s:V1[1] , s:V1[2] , s:V1[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.replace = copy(airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.normal)
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:RE[0] , s:RE[1] , s:RE[2] , s:RE[3] , '' ]
let s:IA = [ s:N2[1] , s:N3[1] , s:N2[3] , s:N3[3] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#powerlineish#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)

View file

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette = {}
let s:guibg = '#080808'
let s:termbg = 232
let s:termsep = 236
let s:guisep = '#303030'
let s:N1 = [ '#00dfff' , s:guibg , 45 , s:termbg ]
let s:N2 = [ '#ff5f00' , s:guibg , 202 , s:termbg ]
let s:N3 = [ '#767676' , s:guibg , 7 , s:termbg ]
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000' , s:guibg, 160 , s:termbg , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#5fff00' , s:guibg , 82 , s:termbg ]
let s:I2 = [ '#ff5f00' , s:guibg , 202 , s:termbg ]
let s:I3 = [ '#767676' , s:guibg , 7 , s:termbg ]
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.insert_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#serene#palette.normal_modified)
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#d78700' , s:I1[2] , 172 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.replace = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#af0000' , s:I1[2] , 124 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.replace_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#serene#palette.normal_modified)
let s:V1 = [ '#dfdf00' , s:guibg , 184 , s:termbg ]
let s:V2 = [ '#ff5f00' , s:guibg , 202 , s:termbg ]
let s:V3 = [ '#767676' , s:guibg , 7 , s:termbg ]
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.visual_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#serene#palette.normal_modified)
let s:IA = [ '#4e4e4e' , s:guibg , 239 , s:termbg , '' ]
let s:IA2 = [ '#4e4e4e' , s:guisep , 239 , s:termsep , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA2, s:IA2)
let g:airline#themes#serene#palette.inactive_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#serene#palette.normal_modified)

View file

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette = {}
let s:guibg = '#080808'
let s:guibg2 = '#1c1c1c'
let s:termbg = 232
let s:termbg2= 234
let s:N1 = [ s:guibg , '#00dfff' , s:termbg , 45 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#ff5f00' , s:guibg2, 202 , s:termbg2 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#767676' , s:guibg, 243 , s:termbg]
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000' , s:guibg, 160 , s:termbg , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ s:guibg, '#5fff00' , s:termbg , 82 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#ff5f00' , s:guibg2, 202 , s:termbg2 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#767676' , s:guibg, 243 , s:termbg ]
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.insert_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#simple#palette.normal_modified)
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#d78700' , s:I1[2] , 172 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.replace = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#af0000' , s:I1[2] , 124 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.replace_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#simple#palette.normal_modified)
let s:V1 = [ s:guibg, '#dfdf00' , s:termbg , 184 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#ff5f00' , s:guibg2, 202 , s:termbg2 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#767676' , s:guibg, 243 , s:termbg ]
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.visual_modified = copy(g:airline#themes#simple#palette.normal_modified)
let s:IA = [ '#4e4e4e' , s:guibg , 239 , s:termbg , '' ]
let s:IA2 = [ '#4e4e4e' , s:guibg2 , 239 , s:termbg2 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA2, s:IA2)
let g:airline#themes#simple#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#df0000', '', 160, '', '' ] ,
\ }

View file

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline companion theme of Sol
" (https://github.com/Pychimp/vim-sol)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ffffff' , '' , 231 , '' , '' ],
\ }
let s:N1 = [ '#343434' , '#a0a0a0' , 237 , 248 ]
let s:N2 = [ '#343434' , '#b3b3b3' , 237 , 250 ]
let s:N3 = [ '#343434' , '#c7c7c7' , 237 , 252 ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ffffff' , '#ff6868' , 237 , 209 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:I1 = [ '#eeeeee' , '#09643f' , 255 , 30 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#343434' , '#a3a3a3' , 237 , 249 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#343434' , '#b0b0b0' , 237 , 250 ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#343434' , '#ffdbc7' , 237 , 216 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , '#09643f' , s:I1[2] , 30 , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.replace = copy(g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I1[0] , '#ff2121' , s:I1[2] , 196 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.replace.airline_z = [ s:I1[0] , '#ff2121' , s:I1[2] , 196 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert_modified
let s:V1 = [ '#ffff9a' , '#ff6003' , 222 , 202 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#343434' , '#a3a3a3' , 237 , 249 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#343434' , '#b0b0b0' , 237 , 250 ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#343434' , '#ffdbc7' , 237 , 216 , '' ] ,
\ }
let s:IA = [ '#777777' , '#c7c7c7' , 244 , 251 , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ '#ff3535' , '' , 203 , '' , '' ] ,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.tabline = {
\ 'airline_tab': ['#343434', '#b3b3b3', 237, 250, ''],
\ 'airline_tabsel': ['#ffffff', '#004b9a', 231, 31 , ''],
\ 'airline_tabtype': ['#343434', '#a0a0a0', 237, 248, ''],
\ 'airline_tabfill': ['#343434', '#c7c7c7', 237, 251, ''],
\ 'airline_tabmod': ['#343434', '#ffdbc7', 237, 216, ''],
\ }
let s:WI = [ '#eeeeee', '#e33900', 255, 166 ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning = [
\ s:WI[0], s:WI[1], s:WI[2], s:WI[3]
\ ]
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.visual.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.replace.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#sol#palette.normal.airline_warning
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#sol#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#343434' , '#c7c7c7' , 237 , 251 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#343434' , '#b3b3b3' , 237 , 250 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#eeeeee' , '#007fff' , 255 , 27 , '' ] )

View file

@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette = {}
function! airline#themes#solarized#refresh()
" Options
let s:background = get(g:, 'airline_solarized_bg', &background)
let s:ansi_colors = get(g:, 'solarized_termcolors', 16) != 256 && &t_Co >= 16 ? 1 : 0
let s:tty = &t_Co == 8
" Colors
" Base colors
let s:base03 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 8 : (s:tty ? '0' : 234), 'g': '#002b36'}
let s:base02 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? '0' : (s:tty ? '0' : 235), 'g': '#073642'}
let s:base01 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 10 : (s:tty ? '0' : 240), 'g': '#586e75'}
let s:base00 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 11 : (s:tty ? '7' : 241), 'g': '#657b83'}
let s:base0 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 12 : (s:tty ? '7' : 244), 'g': '#839496'}
let s:base1 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 14 : (s:tty ? '7' : 245), 'g': '#93a1a1'}
let s:base2 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 7 : (s:tty ? '7' : 254), 'g': '#eee8d5'}
let s:base3 = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 15 : (s:tty ? '7' : 230), 'g': '#fdf6e3'}
let s:yellow = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 3 : (s:tty ? '3' : 136), 'g': '#b58900'}
let s:orange = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 9 : (s:tty ? '1' : 166), 'g': '#cb4b16'}
let s:red = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 1 : (s:tty ? '1' : 160), 'g': '#dc322f'}
let s:magenta = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 5 : (s:tty ? '5' : 125), 'g': '#d33682'}
let s:violet = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 13 : (s:tty ? '5' : 61 ), 'g': '#6c71c4'}
let s:blue = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 4 : (s:tty ? '4' : 33 ), 'g': '#268bd2'}
let s:cyan = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 6 : (s:tty ? '6' : 37 ), 'g': '#2aa198'}
let s:green = {'t': s:ansi_colors ? 2 : (s:tty ? '2' : 64 ), 'g': '#859900'}
" Simple mappings
" NOTE: These are easily tweakable mappings. The actual mappings get
" the specific gui and terminal colors from the base color dicts.
" Normal mode
if s:background == 'dark'
let s:N1 = [s:base3, s:base1, 'bold']
let s:N2 = [s:base2, (s:tty ? s:base01 : s:base00), '']
let s:N3 = [s:base01, s:base02, '']
let s:N1 = [s:base2, s:base00, 'bold']
let s:N2 = [(s:tty ? s:base01 : s:base2), s:base1, '']
let s:N3 = [s:base1, s:base2, '']
let s:NF = [s:orange, s:N3[1], '']
let s:NW = [s:base3, s:orange, '']
if s:background == 'dark'
let s:NM = [s:base1, s:N3[1], '']
let s:NMi = [s:base2, s:N3[1], '']
let s:NM = [s:base01, s:N3[1], '']
let s:NMi = [s:base02, s:N3[1], '']
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [s:N1[0], s:yellow, 'bold']
let s:I2 = s:N2
let s:I3 = s:N3
let s:IF = s:NF
let s:IM = s:NM
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [s:N1[0], s:magenta, 'bold']
let s:V2 = s:N2
let s:V3 = s:N3
let s:VF = s:NF
let s:VM = s:NM
" Replace mode
let s:R1 = [s:N1[0], s:red, '']
let s:R2 = s:N2
let s:R3 = s:N3
let s:RM = s:NM
let s:RF = s:NF
" Inactive, according to VertSplit in solarized
" (bg dark: base00; bg light: base0)
if s:background == 'dark'
let s:IA = [s:base02, s:base00, '']
let s:IA = [s:base2, s:base0, '']
" Actual mappings
" WARNING: Don't modify this section unless necessary.
let s:NFa = [s:NF[0].g, s:NF[1].g, s:NF[0].t, s:NF[1].t, s:NF[2]]
let s:IFa = [s:IF[0].g, s:IF[1].g, s:IF[0].t, s:IF[1].t, s:IF[2]]
let s:VFa = [s:VF[0].g, s:VF[1].g, s:VF[0].t, s:VF[1].t, s:VF[2]]
let s:RFa = [s:RF[0].g, s:RF[1].g, s:RF[0].t, s:RF[1].t, s:RF[2]]
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': s:NFa,
\ }
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(
\ [s:IA[0].g, s:IA[1].g, s:IA[0].t, s:IA[1].t, s:IA[2]],
\ [s:IA[0].g, s:IA[1].g, s:IA[0].t, s:IA[1].t, s:IA[2]],
\ [s:IA[0].g, s:IA[1].g, s:IA[0].t, s:IA[1].t, s:IA[2]])
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:NMi[0].g, '', s:NMi[0].t, '', s:NMi[2]]}
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(
\ [s:N1[0].g, s:N1[1].g, s:N1[0].t, s:N1[1].t, s:N1[2]],
\ [s:N2[0].g, s:N2[1].g, s:N2[0].t, s:N2[1].t, s:N2[2]],
\ [s:N3[0].g, s:N3[1].g, s:N3[0].t, s:N3[1].t, s:N3[2]])
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning = [
\ s:NW[0].g, s:NW[1].g, s:NW[0].t, s:NW[1].t, s:NW[2]]
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:NM[0].g, s:NM[1].g,
\ s:NM[0].t, s:NM[1].t, s:NM[2]]}
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(
\ [s:I1[0].g, s:I1[1].g, s:I1[0].t, s:I1[1].t, s:I1[2]],
\ [s:I2[0].g, s:I2[1].g, s:I2[0].t, s:I2[1].t, s:I2[2]],
\ [s:I3[0].g, s:I3[1].g, s:I3[0].t, s:I3[1].t, s:I3[2]])
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.insert.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:IM[0].g, s:IM[1].g,
\ s:IM[0].t, s:IM[1].t, s:IM[2]]}
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.insert_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(
\ [s:V1[0].g, s:V1[1].g, s:V1[0].t, s:V1[1].t, s:V1[2]],
\ [s:V2[0].g, s:V2[1].g, s:V2[0].t, s:V2[1].t, s:V2[2]],
\ [s:V3[0].g, s:V3[1].g, s:V3[0].t, s:V3[1].t, s:V3[2]])
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.visual.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:VM[0].g, s:VM[1].g,
\ s:VM[0].t, s:VM[1].t, s:VM[2]]}
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.visual_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(
\ [s:R1[0].g, s:R1[1].g, s:R1[0].t, s:R1[1].t, s:R1[2]],
\ [s:R2[0].g, s:R2[1].g, s:R2[0].t, s:R2[1].t, s:R2[2]],
\ [s:R3[0].g, s:R3[1].g, s:R3[0].t, s:R3[1].t, s:R3[2]])
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.replace.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.replace_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [s:RM[0].g, s:RM[1].g,
\ s:RM[0].t, s:RM[1].t, s:RM[2]]}
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.replace_modified.airline_warning =
\ g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.normal.airline_warning
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.tabline = {}
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.tabline.airline_tab = [
\ s:I2[0].g, s:I2[1].g, s:I2[0].t, s:I2[1].t, s:I2[2]]
let g:airline#themes#solarized#palette.tabline.airline_tabtype = [
\ s:N2[0].g, s:N2[1].g, s:N2[0].t, s:N2[1].t, s:N2[2]]
call airline#themes#solarized#refresh()

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette = {}
function! airline#themes#tomorrow#refresh()
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': airline#themes#get_highlight('Constant'),
\ }
let s:N1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['Directory', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:N2 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Pmenu')
let s:N3 = airline#themes#get_highlight('CursorLine')
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let group = airline#themes#get_highlight('vimCommand')
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ group[0], '', group[2], '', '' ]
\ }
let s:I1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['MoreMsg', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:I2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['MoreMsg', 'fg'], ['Normal', 'bg'])
let s:I3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.normal_modified
let s:R1 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Error', 'bold')
let s:R2 = s:N2
let s:R3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.normal_modified
let s:V1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Normal', 'bg'], ['Constant', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:V2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Constant', 'fg'], ['Normal', 'bg'])
let s:V3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.visual_modified = g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.normal_modified
let s:IA = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['NonText', 'fg'], ['CursorLine', 'bg'])
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#tomorrow#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ group[0], '', group[2], '', '' ]
\ }
call airline#themes#tomorrow#refresh()

View file

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline companion theme of Ubaryd
" (https://github.com/Donearm/Ubaryd)
" Normal mode
let s:N1 = [ '#141413' , '#c7b386' , 232 , 252 ] " blackestgravel & bleaksand
let s:N2 = [ '#c7b386' , '#45413b' , 252, 238 ] " bleaksand & deepgravel
let s:N3 = [ '#b88853' , '#242321' , 137, 235 ] " toffee & darkgravel
let s:N4 = [ '#857f78' , 243 ] " gravel
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [ '#1a1a18' , '#fade3e' , 232 , 221 ] " blackestgravel & warmcorn
let s:I2 = [ '#c7b386' , '#45413b' , 252 , 238 ] " bleaksand & deepgravel
let s:I3 = [ '#f4cf86' , '#242321' , 222 , 235 ] " lighttannedskin & darkgravel
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [ '#1c1b1a' , '#9a4820' , 233 , 88 ] " blackgravel & warmadobe
let s:V2 = [ '#000000' , '#88633f' , 16 , 95 ] " coal & cappuccino
let s:V3 = [ '#88633f' , '#c7b386' , 95 , 252 ] " cappuccino & bleaksand
let s:V4 = [ '#c14c3d' , 160 ] " tannedumbrella
" Replace mode
let s:RE = [ '#c7915b' , 173 ] " nut
" Paste mode
let s:PA = [ '#f9ef6d' , 154 ] " bleaklemon
let s:IA = [ s:N2[1], s:N3[1], s:N2[3], s:N3[3], '' ]
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#ff7400' , '' , 196 , '' , '' ],
\ }
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.inactive = {
\ 'airline_a' : [ s:N2[1] , s:N3[1] , s:N2[3] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_a' : [ s:N2[0] , s:N4[0] , s:N2[2] , s:N4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V1[1] , s:N2[1] , s:V1[3] , s:N2[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V2[1] , s:N2[1] , s:V2[3] , s:N2[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a' : [ s:I1[0] , s:PA[0] , s:I1[2] , s:PA[1] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.replace = copy(airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.insert)
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.replace.airline_a = [ s:I1[0] , s:RE[0] , s:I1[2] , s:RE[1] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.insert_modified
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V3[0] , s:V4[0] , s:V3[2] , s:V4[1] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#ubaryd#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c' : [ s:V1[1] , '' , s:V1[3] , '' , '' ] }

View file

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette = {}
let s:N1 = ['#FFFFFF', '#5F87FF', 15, 69] " Outside blocks in normal mode (mode and file position)
let s:N2 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59] " Next blocks inside (branch and file format)
let s:N3 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59] " The middle block
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.normal_modified = {'airline_c': ['#ffffff', '#5f005f', 144, 59, 'bold'] ,}
let s:I1 = ['#FFFFFF', '#87AF5F', 15, 107] " Outside blocks in normal mode (mode and file position)
let s:I2 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59] " Next blocks inside (branch and file format)
let s:I3 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59] " The middle block
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.insert_modified = {'airline_c': ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59, 'bold'] ,}
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.insert_paste = {'airline_c': ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59, ''] ,}
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.replace.airline_a = ['#FFFFFF', '#870000', 15, 88, '']
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.replace_modified = {'airline_c': ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59, 'bold'] ,}
let s:V1 = ['#FFFFFF', '#AF5F00', 15, 130]
let s:V2 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59]
let s:V3 = ['#AFAF87', '#5F5F5F', 144, 59]
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.visual_modified = {'airline_c': [ '#AFAF87', '#5f005f', 144, 59, 'bold'] ,}
let s:V1 = ['#080808', '#FFAF00', 232, 214]
let s:IA1 = ['#4E4E4E', '#1C1C1C', 239, 234, '']
let s:IA2 = ['#4E4E4E', '#1C1C1C', 239, 234, '']
let s:IA3 = ['#4E4E4E', '#1C1C1C', 239, 234, '']
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA1, s:IA2, s:IA3)
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.inactive_modified = {'airline_c': ['#4E4E4E', '', 239, '', 'bold'] ,}
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.accents = {'red': ['#FF0000', '', 88, '']}
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#understated#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ ['#FFFFFF', '#1C1C1C', 15, 234, '' ],
\ ['#FFFFFF', '#262626', 15, 235, '' ],
\ ['#FFFFFF', '#303030', 15, 236, 'bold'])

View file

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
" vim-airline companion theme of Wombat
" looks great with wombat256 vim colorscheme
" Normal mode
" [ guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, opts ]
let s:N1 = [ '#141413' , '#CAE682' , 232 , 192 ] " mode
let s:N2 = [ '#CAE682' , '#32322F' , 192 , 236 ] " info
let s:N3 = [ '#CAE682' , '#242424' , 192 , 234 ] " statusline
let s:N4 = [ '#86CD74' , 113 ] " mode modified
" Insert mode
let s:I1 = [ '#141413' , '#FDE76E' , 232 , 227 ]
let s:I2 = [ '#FDE76E' , '#32322F' , 227 , 236 ]
let s:I3 = [ '#FDE76E' , '#242424' , 227 , 234 ]
let s:I4 = [ '#FADE3E' , 221 ]
" Visual mode
let s:V1 = [ '#141413' , '#B5D3F3' , 232 , 153 ]
let s:V2 = [ '#B5D3F3' , '#32322F' , 153 , 236 ]
let s:V3 = [ '#B5D3F3' , '#242424' , 153 , 234 ]
let s:V4 = [ '#7CB0E6' , 111 ]
" Replace mode
let s:R1 = [ '#141413' , '#E5786D' , 232 , 173 ]
let s:R2 = [ '#E5786D' , '#32322F' , 173 , 236 ]
let s:R3 = [ '#E5786D' , '#242424' , 173 , 234 ]
let s:R4 = [ '#E55345' , 203 ]
" Paste mode
let s:PA = [ '#94E42C' , 47 ]
" Info modified
let s:IM = [ '#40403C' , 238 ]
" Inactive mode
let s:IA = [ '#767676' , s:N3[1] , 243 , s:N3[3] , '' ]
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette = {}
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': [ '#E5786D' , '' , 203 , '' , '' ],
\ }
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:N1[0] , s:N4[0] , s:N1[2] , s:N4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:N4[0] , s:IM[0] , s:N4[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:N4[0] , s:N3[1] , s:N4[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.insert_modified = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , s:I4[0] , s:I1[2] , s:I4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:I4[0] , s:IM[0] , s:I4[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:I4[0] , s:N3[1] , s:I4[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.visual_modified = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:V1[0] , s:V4[0] , s:V1[2] , s:V4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:V4[0] , s:IM[0] , s:V4[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:V4[0] , s:N3[1] , s:V4[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.replace_modified = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:R1[0] , s:R4[0] , s:R1[2] , s:R4[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:R4[0] , s:IM[0] , s:R4[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:R4[0] , s:N3[1] , s:R4[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.insert_paste = {
\ 'airline_a': [ s:I1[0] , s:PA[0] , s:I1[2] , s:PA[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_b': [ s:PA[0] , s:IM[0] , s:PA[1] , s:IM[1] , '' ] ,
\ 'airline_c': [ s:PA[0] , s:N3[1] , s:PA[1] , s:N3[3] , '' ] }
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': [ s:N4[0] , '' , s:N4[1] , '' , '' ] }
if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0)
let g:airline#themes#wombat#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(
\ [ '#DADADA' , '#242424' , 253 , 234 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#DADADA' , '#40403C' , 253 , 238 , '' ] ,
\ [ '#141413' , '#DADADA' , 232 , 253 , 'bold' ] )

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette = {}
function! airline#themes#zenburn#refresh()
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.accents = {
\ 'red': airline#themes#get_highlight('Constant'),
\ }
let s:N1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DbgCurrent', 'bg'], ['Folded', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:N2 = airline#themes#get_highlight('Folded')
let s:N3 = airline#themes#get_highlight('NonText')
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3)
let s:Nmod = airline#themes#get_highlight('Comment')
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.normal_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': s:Nmod
\ }
let s:I1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DbgCurrent', 'bg'], ['String', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:I2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['String', 'fg'], ['Folded', 'bg'])
let s:I3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3)
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.insert_modified = g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.normal_modified
let s:R1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DbgCurrent', 'bg'], ['Comment', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:R2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Comment', 'fg'], ['Folded', 'bg'])
let s:R3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3)
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.replace_modified = g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.normal_modified
let s:V1 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['DbgCurrent', 'bg'], ['Identifier', 'fg'], 'bold')
let s:V2 = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Identifier', 'fg'], ['Folded', 'bg'])
let s:V3 = s:N3
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3)
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.visual_modified = g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.normal_modified
let s:IA = airline#themes#get_highlight('NonText')
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA)
let g:airline#themes#zenburn#palette.inactive_modified = {
\ 'airline_c': s:Nmod
\ }
call airline#themes#zenburn#refresh()

View file

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
call airline#init#bootstrap()
let s:spc = g:airline_symbols.space
function! airline#util#wrap(text, minwidth)
if a:minwidth > 0 && winwidth(0) < a:minwidth
return ''
return a:text
function! airline#util#append(text, minwidth)
if a:minwidth > 0 && winwidth(0) < a:minwidth
return ''
let prefix = s:spc == "\ua0" ? s:spc : s:spc.s:spc
return empty(a:text) ? '' : prefix.g:airline_left_alt_sep.s:spc.a:text
function! airline#util#prepend(text, minwidth)
if a:minwidth > 0 && winwidth(0) < a:minwidth
return ''
return empty(a:text) ? '' : a:text.s:spc.g:airline_right_alt_sep.s:spc
if v:version >= 704
function! airline#util#getwinvar(winnr, key, def)
return getwinvar(a:winnr, a:key, a:def)
function! airline#util#getwinvar(winnr, key, def)
let winvals = getwinvar(a:winnr, '')
return get(winvals, a:key, a:def)
if v:version >= 704
function! airline#util#exec_funcrefs(list, ...)
for Fn in a:list
let code = call(Fn, a:000)
if code != 0
return code
return 0
function! airline#util#exec_funcrefs(list, ...)
" for 7.2; we cannot iterate the list, hence why we use range()
" for 7.3-[97, 328]; we cannot reuse the variable, hence the {}
for i in range(0, len(a:list) - 1)
let Fn{i} = a:list[i]
let code = call(Fn{i}, a:000)
if code != 0
return code
return 0

View file

@ -1,793 +0,0 @@
*airline.txt* Lean and mean status/tabline that's light as air
_ _ _ _ ~
__ _(_)_ __ ___ __ _(_)_ __| (_)_ __ ___ ~
\ \ / / | '_ ` _ \ _____ / _` | | '__| | | '_ \ / _ \ ~
\ V /| | | | | | |_____| (_| | | | | | | | | | __/ ~
\_/ |_|_| |_| |_| \__,_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|\___| ~
CONTENTS *airline-contents*
01. Intro ............................................... |airline-intro|
02. Features ......................................... |airline-features|
03. Name ................................................. |airline-name|
04. Configuration ............................... |airline-configuration|
05. Commands ......................................... |airline-commands|
06. Customization ............................... |airline-customization|
07. Extensions ..................................... |airline-extensions|
08. Advanced Customization ............. |airline-advanced-customization|
09. Funcrefs ......................................... |airline-funcrefs|
10. Pipeline ......................................... |airline-pipeline|
11. Writing Extensions ..................... |airline-writing-extensions|
12. Writing Themes ..................................... |airline-themes|
13. Troubleshooting ........................... |airline-troubleshooting|
14. Contributions ............................... |airline-contributions|
15. License ........................................... |airline-license|
INTRODUCTION *airline-intro*
vim-airline is a fast and lightweight alternative to powerline, written
in 100% vimscript with no outside dependencies.
FEATURES *airline-features*
* tiny core written with extensibility in mind.
* integrates with many popular plugins.
* looks good with regular fonts, and provides configuration points so you
can use unicode or powerline symbols.
* optimized for speed; it loads in under a millisecond.
* fully customizable; if you know a little 'statusline' syntax you can
tweak it to your needs.
* extremely easy to write themes.
NAME *airline-name*
Where did the name come from?
I wrote this on an airplane, and since it's light as air it turned out to be a
good name :-)
CONFIGURATION *airline-configuration*
There are a couple configuration values available (shown with their default
* the separator used on the left side >
let g:airline_left_sep='>'
* the separator used on the right side >
let g:airline_right_sep='<'
* enable modified detection >
let g:airline_detect_modified=1
* enable paste detection >
let g:airline_detect_paste=1
* enable iminsert detection >
let g:airline_detect_iminsert=0
* determine whether inactive windows should have the left section collapsed to
only the filename of that buffer. >
let g:airline_inactive_collapse=1
* themes are automatically selected based on the matching colorscheme. this
can be overridden by defining a value. >
let g:airline_theme=
* if you want to patch the airline theme before it gets applied, you can
supply the name of a function where you can modify the palette. >
let g:airline_theme_patch_func = 'AirlineThemePatch'
function! AirlineThemePatch(palette)
if g:airline_theme == 'badwolf'
for colors in values(a:palette.inactive)
let colors[3] = 245
* enable/disable automatic population of the `g:airline_symbols` dictionary
with powerline symbols. >
let g:airline_powerline_fonts=0
* define the set of text to display for each mode. >
let g:airline_mode_map = {} " see source for the defaults
" or copy paste the following into your vimrc for shortform text
let g:airline_mode_map = {
\ '__' : '-',
\ 'n' : 'N',
\ 'i' : 'I',
\ 'R' : 'R',
\ 'c' : 'C',
\ 'v' : 'V',
\ 'V' : 'V',
\ '' : 'V',
\ 's' : 'S',
\ 'S' : 'S',
\ '' : 'S',
\ }
* define the set of filename match queries which excludes a window from having
its statusline modified >
let g:airline_exclude_filenames = [] " see source for current list
* define the set of filetypes which are excluded from having its window
statusline modified >
let g:airline_exclude_filetypes = [] " see source for current list
* defines whether the preview window should be excluded from have its window
statusline modified (may help with plugins which use the preview window
heavily) >
let g:airline_exclude_preview = 0
COMMANDS *airline-commands*
:AirlineTheme {theme-name} *:AirlineTheme*
Displays or changes the current theme.
:AirlineToggleWhitespace *:AirlineToggleWhitespace*
Toggles whitespace detection.
:AirlineToggle *:AirlineToggle*
Toggles between the standard 'statusline' and airline.
:AirlineRefresh *:AirlineRefresh*
Refreshes all highlight groups and redraws the statusline.
CUSTOMIZATION *airline-customization*
The following are some unicode symbols for customizing the left/right
separators, as well as the powerline font glyths.
Note: You must define the dictionary first before setting values. Also, it's a
good idea to check whether if it exists as to avoid accidentally overwritting
its contents. >
if !exists('g:airline_symbols')
let g:airline_symbols = {}
" unicode symbols
let g:airline_left_sep = '»'
let g:airline_left_sep = '▶'
let g:airline_right_sep = '«'
let g:airline_right_sep = '◀'
let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '␊'
let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '␤'
let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '¶'
let g:airline_symbols.branch = '⎇'
let g:airline_symbols.paste = 'ρ'
let g:airline_symbols.paste = 'Þ'
let g:airline_symbols.paste = '∥'
let g:airline_symbols.whitespace = 'Ξ'
" powerline symbols
let g:airline_left_sep = ''
let g:airline_left_alt_sep = ''
let g:airline_right_sep = ''
let g:airline_right_alt_sep = ''
let g:airline_symbols.branch = ''
let g:airline_symbols.readonly = ''
let g:airline_symbols.linenr = ''
" old vim-powerline symbols
let g:airline_left_sep = '⮀'
let g:airline_left_alt_sep = '⮁'
let g:airline_right_sep = '⮂'
let g:airline_right_alt_sep = '⮃'
let g:airline_symbols.branch = '⭠'
let g:airline_symbols.readonly = '⭤'
let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '⭡'
For more intricate customizations, you can replace the predefined sections
with the usual statusline syntax.
Note: If you define any section variables it will replace the default values
entirely. If you want to disable only certain parts of a section you can try
using variables defined in the |airline-configuration| or |airline-extensions|
variable names default contents
let g:airline_section_a (mode, paste, iminsert)
let g:airline_section_b (hunks, branch)
let g:airline_section_c (bufferline or filename)
let g:airline_section_gutter (readonly, csv)
let g:airline_section_x (tagbar, filetype, virtualenv)
let g:airline_section_y (fileencoding, fileformat)
let g:airline_section_z (percentage, line number, column number)
let g:airline_section_warning (syntastic, whitespace)
" here is an example of how you could replace the branch indicator with
" the current working directory, followed by the filename.
let g:airline_section_b = '%{getcwd()}'
let g:airline_section_c = '%t'
EXTENSIONS *airline-extensions*
Most extensions are enabled by default and lazily loaded when the
corresponding plugin (if any) is detected.
By default, airline will attempt to load any extension it can find in the
'runtimepath'. On some systems this can result in an undersirable startup
cost. You can disable the check with the following flag. >
let g:airline#extensions#disable_rtp_load = 1
Note: Third party plugins that rely on this behavior will be affected. You
will need to manually load them.
------------------------------------- *airline-default*
The default extension understands all of the `g:` variables in the
|airline-configuration| section, however it also has some more fine-tuned
configuration values that you can use.
* control which sections get truncated and at what width. >
let g:airline#extensions#default#section_truncate_width = {
\ 'b': 79,
\ 'x': 60,
\ 'y': 88,
\ 'z': 45,
\ }
" Note: set to an empty dictionary to disable truncation.
let g:airline#extensions#default#section_truncate_width = {}
* configure the layout of the sections by specificing an array of two arrays
(first array is the left side, second array is the right side). >
let g:airline#extensions#default#layout = [
\ [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ],
\ [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'warning' ]
\ ]
------------------------------------- *airline-quickfix*
The quickfix extension is a simple built-in extension which determines
whether the buffer is a quickfix or location list buffer, and adjusts the
title accordingly.
* configure the title text for quickfix buffers >
let g:airline#extensions#quickfix#quickfix_text = 'Quickfix'
* configure the title text for location list buffers >
let g:airline#extensions#quickfix#location_text = 'Location'
------------------------------------- *airline-bufferline*
vim-bufferline <https://github.com/bling/vim-bufferline>
* enable/disable bufferline integration >
let g:airline#extensions#bufferline#enabled = 1
* determine whether bufferline will overwrite customization variables >
let g:airline#extensions#bufferline#overwrite_variables = 1
------------------------------------- *airline-branch*
fugitive.vim <https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive>
lawrencium <https://bitbucket.org/ludovicchabant/vim-lawrencium>
vcscommand <http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=90>
* enable/disable fugitive/lawrencium integration >
let g:airline#extensions#branch#enabled = 1
* change the text for when no branch is detected >
let g:airline#extensions#branch#empty_message = ''
* use vcscommand.vim if available >
let g:airline#extensions#branch#use_vcscommand = 0
* truncate long branch names to a fixed length >
let g:airline#extensions#branch#displayed_head_limit = 10
------------------------------------- *airline-syntastic*
syntastic <https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic>
* enable/disable syntastic integration >
let g:airline#extensions#syntastic#enabled = 1
------------------------------------- *airline-tagbar*
tagbar <https://github.com/majutsushi/tagbar>
* enable/disable tagbar integration >
let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#enabled = 1
* change how tags are displayed (:help tagbar-statusline) >
let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#flags = '' (default)
let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#flags = 'f'
let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#flags = 's'
let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#flags = 'p'
------------------------------------- *airline-csv*
csv.vim <https://github.com/chrisbra/csv.vim>
* enable/disable csv integration for displaying the current column. >
let g:airline#extensions#csv#enabled = 1
* change how columns are displayed. >
let g:airline#extensions#csv#column_display = 'Number' (default)
let g:airline#extensions#csv#column_display = 'Name'
------------------------------------- *airline-hunks*
vim-gitgutter <https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter>
vim-signify <https://github.com/mhinz/vim-signify>
changesPlugin <https://github.com/chrisbra/changesPlugin>
* enable/disable showing a summary of changed hunks under source control. >
let g:airline#extensions#hunks#enabled = 1
* enable/disable showing only non-zero hunks. >
let g:airline#extensions#hunks#non_zero_only = 0
* set hunk count symbols. >
let g:airline#extensions#hunks#hunk_symbols = ['+', '~', '-']
------------------------------------- *airline-ctrlp*
ctrlp <https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim>
* configure which mode colors should ctrlp window use (takes effect
only if the active airline theme doesn't define ctrlp colors) >
let g:airline#extensions#ctrlp#color_template = 'insert' (default)
let g:airline#extensions#ctrlp#color_template = 'normal'
let g:airline#extensions#ctrlp#color_template = 'visual'
let g:airline#extensions#ctrlp#color_template = 'replace'
* configure whether to show the previous and next modes (mru, buffer, etc...)
let g:airline#extensions#ctrlp#show_adjacent_modes = 1
------------------------------------- *airline-virtualenv*
virtualenv <https://github.com/jmcantrell/vim-virtualenv>
* enable/disable virtualenv integration >
let g:airline#extensions#virtualenv#enabled = 1
------------------------------------- *airline-eclim*
eclim <https://eclim.org>
* enable/disable eclim integration, which works well with the
|airline-syntastic| extension. >
let g:airline#extensions#eclim#enabled = 1
------------------------------------- *airline-whitespace*
* enable/disable detection of whitespace errors. >
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#enabled = 1
* customize the type of mixed indent checking to perform. >
" must be all spaces or all tabs before the first non-whitespace character
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_algo = 0 (default)
" certain number of spaces are allowed after tabs, but not in between
" this algorithm works well for /** */ style comments in a tab-indented file
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_algo = 1
* customize the whitespace symbol. >
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#symbol = '!'
* configure which whitespace checks to enable. >
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#checks = [ 'indent', 'trailing' ]
* configure the maximum number of lines where whitespace checking is enabled. >
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#max_lines = 20000
* configure whether a message should be displayed. >
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#show_message = 1
* configure the formatting of the warning messages. >
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#trailing_format = 'trailing[%s]'
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_format = 'mixed-indent[%s]'
------------------------------------- *airline-tabline*
* enable/disable enhanced tabline. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 0
* enable/disable displaying buffers with a single tab. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_buffers = 1
* configure filename match rules to exclude from the tabline. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#excludes = []
* configure how numbers are calculated in tab mode. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tab_nr_type = 0 " # of splits (default)
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tab_nr_type = 1 " tab number
* enable/disable displaying tab number in tabs mode. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_nr = 1
* enable/disable displaying tab type (far right)
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_type = 1
* enable/disable displaying index of the buffer.
When enabled, numbers will be displayed in the tabline and mappings will be
exposed to allow you to select a buffer directly. Up to 9 mappings will be
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_mode = 1
nmap <leader>1 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab1
nmap <leader>2 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab2
nmap <leader>3 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab3
nmap <leader>4 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab4
nmap <leader>5 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab5
nmap <leader>6 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab6
nmap <leader>7 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab7
nmap <leader>8 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab8
nmap <leader>9 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab9
Note: Mappings will be ignored within a NERDTree buffer.
* defines the name of a formatter for how buffer names are displayed. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'default'
" here is how you can define a 'foo' formatter:
function! airline#extensions#tabline#foo#format(bufnr, buffers)
return fnamemodify(bufname(a:bufnr), ':t')
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'foo'
Note: the following variables are only used by the 'default' formatter.
* configure whether buffer numbers should be shown. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_nr_show = 0
* configure how buffer numbers should be formatted with |printf|. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_nr_format = '%s: '
* configure the formatting of filenames (see |filename-modifiers|). >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnamemod = ':p:.'
* configure collapsing parent directories in buffer name. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnamecollapse = 1
" The `unique_tail` algorithm will display the tail of the filename, unless
" there is another file of the same name, in which it will display it along
" with the containing parent directory.
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'unique_tail'
" The `unique_tail_improved` - another algorithm, that will smartly uniquify
" buffers names with similar filename, suppressing common parts of paths.
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'unique_tail_improved'
* configure the minimum number of buffers needed to show the tabline. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_min_count = 0
Note: this setting only applies to a single tab and when `show_buffers` is
* configure the minimum number of tabs needed to show the tabline. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tab_min_count = 0
Note: this setting only applies when `show_buffers` is false.
* configure separators for the tabline only. >
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_sep = ''
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_alt_sep = ''
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#right_sep = ''
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#right_alt_sep = ''
* configure whether close button should be shown
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_close_button = 1
* configure symbol used to represent close button
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#close_symbol = 'X'
Note: Enabling this extension will modify 'showtabline' and 'guioptions'.
------------------------------------- *airline-tmuxline*
tmuxline <https://github.com/edkolev/tmuxline.vim>
* enable/disable tmuxline integration >
let g:airline#extensions#tmuxline#enabled = 0
* configure which mode colors should be used in tmux statusline >
let airline#extensions#tmuxline#color_template = 'normal' (default)
let airline#extensions#tmuxline#color_template = 'insert'
let airline#extensions#tmuxline#color_template = 'visual'
let airline#extensions#tmuxline#color_template = 'replace'
* if specified, setting this option will trigger writing to the file whenever the
airline theme is applied, i.e. when :AirlineTheme is executed and on vim
startup >
airline#extensions#tmuxline#snapshot_file = "~/.tmux-statusline-colors.conf"
------------------------------------- *airline-promptline*
promptline <https://github.com/edkolev/promptline.vim>
* configure the path to the snapshot .sh file. Mandatory option. The created
file should be sourced by the shell on login >
" in .vimrc
airline#extensions#promptline#snapshot_file = "~/.shell_prompt.sh"
" in .bashrc/.zshrc
[ -f ~/.shell_prompt.sh ] && source ~/.shell_prompt.sh
* enable/disable promptline integration >
let g:airline#extensions#promptline#enabled = 0
* configure which mode colors should be used in prompt >
let airline#extensions#promptline#color_template = 'normal' (default)
let airline#extensions#promptline#color_template = 'insert'
let airline#extensions#promptline#color_template = 'visual'
let airline#extensions#promptline#color_template = 'replace'
------------------------------------- *airline-nrrwrgn*
NrrwRgn <https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn>
* enable/disable NrrwRgn integration >
let g:airline#extensions#nrrwrgn#enabled = 1
------------------------------------- *airline-capslock*
vim-capslock <https://github.com/tpope/vim-capslock>
* enable/disable vim-capslock integration >
let g:airline#extensions#capslock#enabled = 1
------------------------------------- *airline-windowswap*
vim-windowswap <https://github.com/wesQ3/vim-windowswap>
* enable/disable vim-windowswap integration >
let g:airline#extensions#windowswap#enabled = 1
* set marked window indicator string >
let g:airline#extensions#windowswap#indicator_text = 'WS'
ADVANCED CUSTOMIZATION *airline-advanced-customization*
The defaults will accomodate the mass majority of users with minimal
configuration. However, if you want to reposition sections or contents you can
do so with built-in helper functions, which makes it possible to create
sections in a more declarative style.
------------------------------------- *airline-parts*
A part is something that contains metadata that eventually gets rendered into
the statusline. You can define parts that contain constant strings or
functions. Defining parts is needed if you want to use features like automatic
insertion of separators or hiding based on window width.
For example, this is how you would define a part function: >
call airline#parts#define_function('foo', 'GetFooText')
Here is how you would define a part that is visible only if the window width
greater than a minimum width. >
call airline#parts#define_minwidth('foo', 50)
Parts can be configured to be visible conditionally. >
call airline#parts#define_condition('foo', 'getcwd() =~ "work_dir"')
Note: Part definitions are combinative; e.g. the two examples above modify the
same `foo` part.
Note: Look at the source code and tests for the full API.
------------------------------------- *airline-predefined-parts*
Before is a list of parts that are predefined by vim-airline.
* `mode` displays the current mode
* `iminsert` displays the current insert method
* `paste` displays the paste indicator
* `filetype` displays the file type
* `readonly` displays the read only indicator
* `file` displays the filename and modified indicator
* `ffenc` displays the file format and encoding
And the following are defined for their respective extensions:
`hunks`, `branch`, `tagbar`, `syntastic`, `whitespace`
------------------------------------- *airline-accents*
Accents can be defined on any part, like so: >
call airline#parts#define_accent('foo', 'red')
This will override the colors of that part by using what is defined in that
particular accent. In the above example, the `red` accent is used, which means
regardless of which section the part is used in, it will have red foreground
colors instead of the section's default foreground color.
The following accents are defined by default. Themes can define their variants
of the colors, but defaults will be provided if missing. >
bold, italic, red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple
The defaults configure the mode and line number parts to be bold, and the
readonly part to be red.
------------------------------------- *airline-sections*
Once a part is defined, you can use helper functions to generate the
statuslines for each section. For example, to use the part above, we could
define a section like this: >
function! AirlineInit()
let g:airline_section_a = airline#section#create(['mode', ' ', 'foo'])
let g:airline_section_b = airline#section#create_left(['ffenc','file'])
let g:airline_section_c = airline#section#create(['%{getcwd()}'])
autocmd VimEnter * call AirlineInit()
This will create a section with the `mode`, followed by a space, and our `foo`
part in section `a`. Section `b` will have two parts with a left-side
separator. And section `c` will contain the current path. You may notice that
the space and cwd are not defined parts. For convenience, if a part of that
key does not exist, it will be inserted as is. The unit tests will be a good
resource for possibilities.
Note: The use of |VimEnter| is important, because most extensions are lazily
loaded, so we must give them a chance to define their parts before we can use
Note: The `airline#section#create` function and friends will do its best to
create a section with the appropriate separators, but it only works for
function and text parts. Special 'statusline' items like %f or raw/undefined
parts will not work as it is not possible to inspect their widths/contents
before rendering to the statusline.
FUNCREFS *airline-funcrefs*
vim-airline internally uses funcrefs to integrate with third party plugins,
and you can tap into this functionality to extend it for you needs. This is
the most powerful way to customize the statusline, and sometimes it may be
easier to go this route than the above methods.
Every section can have two values. The default value is the global `g:`
variable which is used in the absense of a `w:` value. This makes it very easy
to override only certain parts of the statusline by only defining window-local
variables for a subset of all sections.
------------------------------------- *add_statusline_func*
The following is an example of how you can extend vim-airline to support a
new plugin. >
function! MyPlugin(...)
if &filetype == 'MyPluginFileType'
let w:airline_section_a = 'MyPlugin'
let w:airline_section_b = '%f'
let w:airline_section_c = '%{MyPlugin#function()}'
let g:airline_variable_referenced_in_statusline = 'foo'
call airline#add_statusline_func('MyPlugin')
Notice that only the left side of the statusline is overwritten. This means
the right side (the line/column numbers, etc) will be intact.
------------------------------------- *remove_statusline_func*
You can also remove a function as well, which is useful for when you want a
temporary override. >
call airline#remove_statusline_func('MyPlugin')
PIPELINE *airline-pipeline*
Sometimes you want to do more than just use overrides. The statusline funcref
is invoked and passed two arguments. The first of these arguments is the
statusline builder. You can use this to build completely custom statuslines
to your liking. Here is an example: >
function! MyPlugin(...)
" first variable is the statusline builder
let builder = a:1
" WARNING: the API for the builder is not finalized and may change
call builder.add_section('Normal', '%f')
call builder.add_section('WarningMsg', '%{getcwd()}')
call builder.split()
call builder.add_section('airline_z', '%p%%')
" tell the core to use the contents of the builder
return 1
The above example uses various example highlight groups to demonstrate
that you can use any combination from the loaded colorscheme. However, if
you want colors to change between modes, you should use one of the section
highlight groups, e.g. `airline_a` and `airline_b`.
The second variable is the context, which is a dictionary containing various
values such as whether the statusline is active or not, and the window number.
context = {
'winnr': 'the window number for the statusline',
'active': 'whether the window is active or not',
'bufnr': 'the current buffer for this window',
------------------------------------- *airline-pipeline-return-codes*
The pipeline accepts various return codes and can be used to determine the
next action. The following are the supported codes: >
0 the default, continue on with the next funcref
-1 do not modify the statusline
1 modify the statusline with the current contents of the builder
Note: Any value other than 0 will halt the pipeline and prevent the next
funcref from executing.
WRITING EXTENSIONS *airline-writing-extensions*
For contributions into the plugin, here are the following guidelines:
1. For simple 'filetype' checks, they can be added directly into the
`extensions.vim` file.
2. Pretty much everything else should live as a separate file under the
`extensions/` directory.
a. Inside `extensions.vim`, add a check for some variable or command that
is always available (these must be defined in `plugin/`, and _not_
`autoload/` of the other plugin). If it exists, then initialize the
extension. This ensures that the extension is loaded if and only if the
user has the other plugin installed. Also, a check to
`airline#extensions#foo_plugin#enabled` should be performed to allow the
user to disable it.
b. Configuration variables for the extension should reside in the
extension, e.g. `g:airline#extensions#foo_plugin#bar_variable`.
See the source of |example.vim| for documented code of how to write one.
Looking at the other extensions is also a good resource.
WRITING THEMES *airline-themes*
Themes are written "close to the metal" -- you will need to know some basic
VimL syntax to write a theme, but if you've written in any programming
language before it will be easy to pick up.
The |dark.vim| theme fully documents this procedure and will guide you through
the process. The |jellybeans.vim| theme is another example of how to write a
theme, but instead of manually declaring colors, it extracts the values from
highlight groups.
TROUBLESHOOTING *airline-troubleshooting*
Q. There are no colors.
A. You need to set up your terminal correctly. For more details, see
<http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/256_colors_in_vim>. Alternatively, if you want
to bypass the automatic detection of terminal colors, you can force Vim
into 256 color mode with this: >
set t_Co=256
Q. The statusline does not appear until I create a split.
A. This is the default setting of 'laststatus'. If you want it to appear all
the time, add the following to your vimrc: >
set laststatus=2
Q. Powerline symbols are not showing up.
A. First, you must install patched powerline fonts. Second, you must enable
unicode in vim. >
set encoding=utf-8
Q. There is a pause when leaving insert mode.
A. Add the following to your vimrc. >
set ttimeoutlen=50
Q. The colors look a little off for some themes.
A. Certain themes are derived from the active colorscheme by extracting colors
from predefined highlight groups. These airline themes will look good for
their intended matching colorschemes, but will be hit or miss when loaded
with other colorschemes.
Solutions to other common problems can be found in the Wiki:
CONTRIBUTIONS *airline-contributions*
Contributions and pull requests are welcome.
LICENSE *airline-license*
MIT License. Copyright © 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.

View file

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling.
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
if &cp || v:version < 702 || (exists('g:loaded_airline') && g:loaded_airline)
let g:loaded_airline = 1
" autocmd VimEnter * call airline#deprecation#check()
let s:airline_initialized = 0
let s:airline_theme_defined = 0
function! s:init()
if !s:airline_initialized
let s:airline_initialized = 1
call airline#init#bootstrap()
call airline#extensions#load()
call airline#init#sections()
let s:airline_theme_defined = exists('g:airline_theme')
if s:airline_theme_defined || !airline#switch_matching_theme()
let g:airline_theme = get(g:, 'airline_theme', 'dark')
call airline#switch_theme(g:airline_theme)
function! s:on_window_changed()
if pumvisible()
call <sid>init()
call airline#update_statusline()
function! s:on_colorscheme_changed()
call <sid>init()
if !s:airline_theme_defined
if airline#switch_matching_theme()
" couldn't find a match, or theme was defined, just refresh
call airline#load_theme()
function airline#cmdwinenter(...)
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override('Command Line', '')
function! s:airline_toggle()
if exists("#airline")
augroup airline
augroup END
augroup! airline
if exists("s:stl")
let &stl = s:stl
silent doautocmd User AirlineToggledOff
let s:stl = &statusline
augroup airline
autocmd CmdwinEnter *
\ call airline#add_statusline_func('airline#cmdwinenter')
\ | call <sid>on_window_changed()
autocmd CmdwinLeave * call airline#remove_statusline_func('airline#cmdwinenter')
autocmd ColorScheme * call <sid>on_colorscheme_changed()
autocmd VimEnter,WinEnter,BufWinEnter,FileType,BufUnload,VimResized *
\ call <sid>on_window_changed()
autocmd BufWritePost */autoload/airline/themes/*.vim
\ exec 'source '.split(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/airline/themes/'.g:airline_theme.'.vim', 1), "\n")[0]
\ | call airline#load_theme()
augroup END
silent doautocmd User AirlineToggledOn
if s:airline_initialized
call <sid>on_window_changed()
function! s:get_airline_themes(a, l, p)
let files = split(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/airline/themes/'.a:a.'*'), "\n")
return map(files, 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":t:r")')
function! s:airline_theme(...)
if a:0
call airline#switch_theme(a:1)
echo g:airline_theme
command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,<sid>get_airline_themes AirlineTheme call <sid>airline_theme(<f-args>)
command! AirlineToggleWhitespace call airline#extensions#whitespace#toggle()
command! AirlineToggle call <sid>airline_toggle()
command! AirlineRefresh call airline#load_theme() | call airline#update_statusline()
call <sid>airline_toggle()

View file

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
let g:airline_theme = 'dark'
call airline#init#bootstrap()
call airline#init#sections()
source plugin/airline.vim
function! MyFuncref(...)
call a:1.add_raw('hello world')
return 1
function! MyIgnoreFuncref(...)
return -1
function! MyAppend1(...)
call a:1.add_raw('hello')
function! MyAppend2(...)
call a:1.add_raw('world')
describe 'airline'
let g:airline_statusline_funcrefs = []
it 'should run user funcrefs first'
call airline#add_statusline_func('MyFuncref')
let &statusline = ''
call airline#update_statusline()
Expect airline#statusline(1) =~ 'hello world'
it 'should not change the statusline with -1'
call airline#add_statusline_funcref(function('MyIgnoreFuncref'))
let &statusline = 'foo'
call airline#update_statusline()
Expect &statusline == 'foo'
it 'should support multiple chained funcrefs'
call airline#add_statusline_func('MyAppend1')
call airline#add_statusline_func('MyAppend2')
call airline#update_statusline()
Expect airline#statusline(1) =~ 'helloworld'
it 'should allow users to redefine sections'
let g:airline_section_a = airline#section#create(['mode', 'mode'])
call airline#update_statusline()
Expect airline#statusline(1) =~ '%{airline#util#wrap(airline#parts#mode(),0)}%#airline_a#%#airline_a_bold#%{airline#util#wrap(airline#parts#mode(),0)}%#airline_a#'
it 'should remove funcrefs properly'
let c = len(g:airline_statusline_funcrefs)
call airline#add_statusline_func('MyIgnoreFuncref')
call airline#remove_statusline_func('MyIgnoreFuncref')
Expect len(g:airline_statusline_funcrefs) == c
it 'should overwrite the statusline with active and inactive splits'
wincmd s
Expect airline#statusline(1) !~ 'inactive'
Expect airline#statusline(2) =~ 'inactive'
wincmd c
it 'should collapse the inactive split if the variable is set true'
let g:airline_inactive_collapse = 1
wincmd s
Expect getwinvar(2, '&statusline') !~ 'airline#parts#mode'
wincmd c
it 'should not collapse the inactive split if the variable is set false'
let g:airline_inactive_collapse = 0
wincmd s
Expect getwinvar(2, '&statusline') != 'airline#parts#mode'
wincmd c
it 'should include check_mode'
Expect airline#statusline(1) =~ 'airline#check_mode'

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@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
let g:airline_theme = 'dark'
call airline#init#bootstrap()
describe 'active builder'
let s:builder = airline#builder#new({'active': 1})
it 'should start with an empty statusline'
let stl = s:builder.build()
Expect stl == ''
it 'should transition colors from one to the next'
call s:builder.add_section('Normal', 'hello')
call s:builder.add_section('NonText', 'world')
let stl = s:builder.build()
Expect stl =~ '%#Normal#hello%#Normal_to_NonText#>%#NonText#world'
it 'should split left/right sections'
call s:builder.split()
let stl = s:builder.build()
Expect stl =~ '%='
it 'after split, sections use the right separator'
call s:builder.split()
call s:builder.add_section('Normal', 'hello')
call s:builder.add_section('NonText', 'world')
let stl = s:builder.build()
Expect stl =~ '%#Normal#hello%#Normal_to_NonText#<%#NonText#world'
it 'should not repeat the same highlight group'
call s:builder.add_section('Normal', 'hello')
call s:builder.add_section('Normal', 'hello')
let stl = s:builder.build()
Expect stl == '%#Normal#hello>hello'
it 'should replace accent groups with the specified group'
call s:builder.add_section('Normal', '%#__accent_foo#hello')
let stl = s:builder.build()
Expect stl == '%#Normal#%#Normal_foo#hello'
it 'should replace two accent groups with correct groups'
call s:builder.add_section('Normal', '%#__accent_foo#hello%#__accent_bar#world')
let stl = s:builder.build()
Expect stl =~ '%#Normal_foo#hello%#Normal_bar#world'
it 'should special restore group should go back to previous group'
call s:builder.add_section('Normal', '%#__restore__#')
let stl = s:builder.build()
Expect stl !~ '%#__restore__#'
Expect stl =~ '%#Normal#'
describe 'inactive builder'
let s:builder = airline#builder#new({'active': 0})
it 'should transition colors from one to the next'
call s:builder.add_section('Normal', 'hello')
call s:builder.add_section('NonText', 'world')
let stl = s:builder.build()
Expect stl =~ '%#Normal_inactive#hello%#Normal_to_NonText_inactive#>%#NonText_inactive#world'
it 'should not render accents'
call s:builder.add_section('Normal', '%#__accent_foo#hello%#foo#foo%#__accent_bar#world')
let stl = s:builder.build()
Expect stl == '%#Normal_inactive#hello%#foo_inactive#fooworld'

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
call airline#init#bootstrap()
call airline#init#sections()
source plugin/airline.vim
describe 'commands'
it 'should toggle off and on'
execute 'AirlineToggle'
Expect exists('#airline') to_be_false
execute 'AirlineToggle'
Expect exists('#airline') to_be_true
it 'should toggle whitespace off and on'
call airline#extensions#load()
execute 'AirlineToggleWhitespace'
Expect exists('#airline_whitespace') to_be_false
execute 'AirlineToggleWhitespace'
Expect exists('#airline_whitespace') to_be_true
it 'should display theme name with no args'
execute 'AirlineTheme simple'
Expect g:airline_theme == 'simple'
execute 'AirlineTheme dark'
Expect g:airline_theme == 'dark'
it 'should have a refresh command'
Expect exists(':AirlineRefresh') to_be_true

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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
let g:airline_theme = 'dark'
call airline#init#bootstrap()
call airline#init#sections()
source plugin/airline.vim
describe 'default'
let s:builder = airline#builder#new({'active': 1})
it 'should use the layout'
let g:airline#extensions#default#layout = [
\ [ 'c', 'a', 'b', 'warning' ],
\ [ 'x', 'z', 'y' ]
\ ]
call airline#extensions#default#apply(s:builder, { 'winnr': 1, 'active': 1 })
let stl = s:builder.build()
Expect stl =~ 'airline_c_to_airline_a'
Expect stl =~ 'airline_a_to_airline_b'
Expect stl =~ 'airline_b_to_airline_warning'
Expect stl =~ 'airline_x_to_airline_z'
Expect stl =~ 'airline_z_to_airline_y'
it 'should only render warning section in active splits'
wincmd s
Expect airline#statusline(1) =~ 'warning'
Expect airline#statusline(2) !~ 'warning'
wincmd c

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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
let g:airline_theme = 'dark'
describe 'highlighter'
it 'should create separator highlight groups'
hi Foo1 ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2
hi Foo2 ctermfg=3 ctermbg=4
call airline#highlighter#add_separator('Foo1', 'Foo2', 0)
let hl = airline#highlighter#get_highlight('Foo1_to_Foo2')
Expect hl == [ '', '', '4', '2', '' ]
it 'should populate accent colors'
Expect exists('g:airline#themes#dark#palette.normal.airline_c_red') to_be_false
Expect hlID('airline_c_red') == 0
call airline#themes#patch(g:airline#themes#dark#palette)
call airline#highlighter#add_accent('red')
call airline#highlighter#highlight(['normal'])
Expect hlID('airline_c_red') != 0

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@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
let s:sections = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'gutter', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'warning']
function! s:clear()
for key in s:sections
unlet! g:airline_section_{key}
call airline#init#bootstrap()
describe 'init sections'
call s:clear()
call airline#init#sections()
call s:clear()
it 'section a should have mode, paste, iminsert'
Expect g:airline_section_a =~ 'mode'
Expect g:airline_section_a =~ 'paste'
Expect g:airline_section_a =~ 'iminsert'
it 'section b should be blank because no extensions are installed'
Expect g:airline_section_b == ''
it 'section c should be file'
Expect g:airline_section_c == '%<%f%m %#__accent_red#%{airline#util#wrap(airline#parts#readonly(),0)}%#__restore__#'
it 'section x should be filetype'
Expect g:airline_section_x == '%{airline#util#wrap(airline#parts#filetype(),0)}'
it 'section y should be fenc and ff'
Expect g:airline_section_y =~ 'ff'
Expect g:airline_section_y =~ 'fenc'
it 'section z should be line numbers'
Expect g:airline_section_z =~ '%3p%%'
Expect g:airline_section_z =~ '%4l'
Expect g:airline_section_z =~ '%3c'
it 'should not redefine sections already defined'
for s in s:sections
let g:airline_section_{s} = s
call airline#init#bootstrap()
for s in s:sections
Expect g:airline_section_{s} == s
it 'all default statusline extensions should be blank'
Expect airline#parts#get('hunks').raw == ''
Expect airline#parts#get('branch').raw == ''
Expect airline#parts#get('tagbar').raw == ''
Expect airline#parts#get('syntastic').raw == ''
Expect airline#parts#get('eclim').raw == ''
Expect airline#parts#get('whitespace').raw == ''
describe 'init parts'
it 'should not redefine parts already defined'
call airline#parts#define_raw('linenr', 'bar')
call airline#init#sections()
Expect g:airline_section_z =~ 'bar'

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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
describe 'parts'
it 'overwrites existing values'
call airline#parts#define('foo', { 'test': '123' })
Expect airline#parts#get('foo').test == '123'
call airline#parts#define('foo', { 'test': '321' })
Expect airline#parts#get('foo').test == '321'
it 'can define a function part'
call airline#parts#define_function('func', 'bar')
Expect airline#parts#get('func').function == 'bar'
it 'can define a text part'
call airline#parts#define_text('text', 'bar')
Expect airline#parts#get('text').text == 'bar'
it 'can define a raw part'
call airline#parts#define_raw('raw', 'bar')
Expect airline#parts#get('raw').raw == 'bar'
it 'can define a minwidth'
call airline#parts#define_minwidth('mw', 123)
Expect airline#parts#get('mw').minwidth == 123
it 'can define a condition'
call airline#parts#define_condition('part', '1')
Expect airline#parts#get('part').condition == '1'
it 'can define a accent'
call airline#parts#define_accent('part', 'red')
Expect airline#parts#get('part').accent == 'red'

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@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
function! SectionSpec()
describe 'section'
call airline#parts#define_text('text', 'text')
call airline#parts#define_raw('raw', 'raw')
call airline#parts#define_function('func', 'SectionSpec')
it 'should be able to reference default parts'
let s = airline#section#create(['paste'])
Expect s == '%{airline#util#wrap(airline#parts#paste(),0)}'
it 'should create sections with no separators'
let s = airline#section#create(['text', 'raw', 'func'])
Expect s == '%{airline#util#wrap("text",0)}raw%{airline#util#wrap(SectionSpec(),0)}'
it 'should create left sections with separators'
let s = airline#section#create_left(['text', 'text'])
Expect s == '%{airline#util#wrap("text",0)}%{airline#util#append("text",0)}'
it 'should create right sections with separators'
let s = airline#section#create_right(['text', 'text'])
Expect s == '%{airline#util#prepend("text",0)}%{airline#util#wrap("text",0)}'
it 'should prefix with accent group if provided and restore afterwards'
call airline#parts#define('hi', {
\ 'raw': 'hello',
\ 'accent': 'red',
\ })
let s = airline#section#create(['hi'])
Expect s == '%#__accent_red#hello%#__restore__#'
it 'should accent functions'
call airline#parts#define_function('hi', 'Hello')
call airline#parts#define_accent('hi', 'bold')
let s = airline#section#create(['hi'])
Expect s == '%#__accent_bold#%{airline#util#wrap(Hello(),0)}%#__restore__#'
it 'should parse out a section from the distro'
call airline#extensions#load()
let s = airline#section#create(['whitespace'])
Expect s =~ 'airline#extensions#whitespace#check'
it 'should use parts as is if they are not found'
let s = airline#section#create(['asdf', 'func'])
Expect s == 'asdf%{airline#util#wrap(SectionSpec(),0)}'
it 'should force add separators for raw and missing keys'
let s = airline#section#create_left(['asdf', 'raw'])
Expect s == 'asdf > raw'
let s = airline#section#create_left(['asdf', 'aaaa', 'raw'])
Expect s == 'asdf > aaaa > raw'
let s = airline#section#create_right(['raw', '%f'])
Expect s == 'raw < %f'
let s = airline#section#create_right(['%t', 'asdf', '%{getcwd()}'])
Expect s == '%t < asdf < %{getcwd()}'
it 'should empty out parts that do not pass their condition'
call airline#parts#define_text('conditional', 'conditional')
call airline#parts#define_condition('conditional', '0')
let s = airline#section#create(['conditional'])
Expect s == '%{0 ? airline#util#wrap("conditional",0) : ""}'

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@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
describe 'themes'
highlight clear Foo
highlight clear Normal
it 'should extract correct colors'
highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2
let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo')
Expect colors[2] == '1'
Expect colors[3] == '2'
it 'should extract from normal if colors unavailable'
highlight Normal ctermfg=100 ctermbg=200
highlight Foo ctermbg=2
let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo')
Expect colors[2] == '100'
Expect colors[3] == '2'
it 'should flip target group if it is reversed'
highlight Foo ctermbg=222 ctermfg=103 term=reverse
let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo')
Expect colors[2] == '222'
Expect colors[3] == '103'
it 'should pass args through correctly'
let hl = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo', 'bold', 'italic')
Expect hl == ['', '', 0, 1, 'bold,italic']
let hl = airline#themes#get_highlight2(['Foo','bg'], ['Foo','fg'], 'italic', 'bold')
Expect hl == ['', '', 1, 0, 'italic,bold']
it 'should generate color map with mirroring'
let map = airline#themes#generate_color_map(
\ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, '1' ],
\ [ 2, 2, 2, 2, '2' ],
\ [ 3, 3, 3, 3, '3' ],
\ )
Expect map.airline_a[0] == 1
Expect map.airline_b[0] == 2
Expect map.airline_c[0] == 3
Expect map.airline_x[0] == 3
Expect map.airline_y[0] == 2
Expect map.airline_z[0] == 1
it 'should generate color map with full set of colors'
let map = airline#themes#generate_color_map(
\ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, '1' ],
\ [ 2, 2, 2, 2, '2' ],
\ [ 3, 3, 3, 3, '3' ],
\ [ 4, 4, 4, 4, '4' ],
\ [ 5, 5, 5, 5, '5' ],
\ [ 6, 6, 6, 6, '6' ],
\ )
Expect map.airline_a[0] == 1
Expect map.airline_b[0] == 2
Expect map.airline_c[0] == 3
Expect map.airline_x[0] == 4
Expect map.airline_y[0] == 5
Expect map.airline_z[0] == 6

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@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
call airline#init#bootstrap()
function! Util1()
let g:count += 1
function! Util2()
let g:count += 2
function! Util3(...)
let g:count = a:0
describe 'util'
let g:count = 0
it 'has append wrapper function'
Expect airline#util#append('', 0) == ''
Expect airline#util#append('1', 0) == ' > 1'
it 'has prepend wrapper function'
Expect airline#util#prepend('', 0) == ''
Expect airline#util#prepend('1', 0) == '1 < '
it 'has getwinvar function'
Expect airline#util#getwinvar(1, 'asdf', '123') == '123'
call setwinvar(1, 'vspec', 'is cool')
Expect airline#util#getwinvar(1, 'vspec', '') == 'is cool'
it 'has exec funcrefs helper functions'
call airline#util#exec_funcrefs([function('Util1'), function('Util2')])
Expect g:count == 3
call airline#util#exec_funcrefs([function('Util3')], 1, 2, 3, 4)
Expect g:count == 4
it 'should ignore minwidth if less than 0'
Expect airline#util#append('foo', -1) == ' > foo'
Expect airline#util#prepend('foo', -1) == 'foo < '
Expect airline#util#wrap('foo', -1) == 'foo'
it 'should return empty if winwidth() > minwidth'
Expect airline#util#append('foo', 99999) == ''
Expect airline#util#prepend('foo', 99999) == ''
Expect airline#util#wrap('foo', 99999) == ''

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
Before reporting a bug, you should try stripping down your Vim configuration
and removing other plugins. The sad truth about VimScript is that it is
fraught with incompatibilities waiting to happen. I'm happy to work around
them where I can, but it's up to you to isolate the conflict.
Fugitive is particularly prone to regressions due to Git version issues,
platform issues, and interactions with other plugins. I end up bisecting a
lot more than other projects, and thus I'm especially meticulous here about
maintaining a clean, readable, history. Squash and force push any requested
changes to a pull request. And if your [commit message
I'm not going to accept it. Period.
Beyond that, don't be shy about asking before patching. What takes you hours
might take me minutes simply because I have both domain knowledge and a
perverse knowledge of VimScript so vast that many would consider it a symptom
of mental illness. On the flip side, some ideas I'll reject no matter how
good the implementation is. "Send a patch" is an edge case answer in my book.

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@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
# fugitive.vim
I'm not going to lie to you; fugitive.vim may very well be the best
Git wrapper of all time. Check out these features:
View any blob, tree, commit, or tag in the repository with `:Gedit` (and
`:Gsplit`, `:Gvsplit`, `:Gtabedit`, ...). Edit a file in the index and
write to it to stage the changes. Use `:Gdiff` to bring up the staged
version of the file side by side with the working tree version and use
Vim's diff handling capabilities to stage a subset of the file's
Bring up the output of `git status` with `:Gstatus`. Press `-` to
`add`/`reset` a file's changes, or `p` to `add`/`reset` `--patch`. And guess
what `:Gcommit` does!
`:Gblame` brings up an interactive vertical split with `git blame`
output. Press enter on a line to edit the commit where the line
changed, or `o` to open it in a split. When you're done, use `:Gedit`
in the historic buffer to go back to the work tree version.
`:Gmove` does a `git mv` on a file and simultaneously renames the
buffer. `:Gremove` does a `git rm` on a file and simultaneously deletes
the buffer.
Use `:Ggrep` to search the work tree (or any arbitrary commit) with
`git grep`, skipping over that which is not tracked in the repository.
`:Glog` loads all previous revisions of a file into the quickfix list so
you can iterate over them and watch the file evolve!
`:Gread` is a variant of `git checkout -- filename` that operates on the
buffer rather than the filename. This means you can use `u` to undo it
and you never get any warnings about the file changing outside Vim.
`:Gwrite` writes to both the work tree and index versions of a file,
making it like `git add` when called from a work tree file and like
`git checkout` when called from the index or a blob in history.
Use `:Gbrowse` to open the current file on GitHub, with optional line
range (try it in visual mode!). If your current repository isn't on
GitHub, `git instaweb` will be spun up instead.
Add `%{fugitive#statusline()}` to `'statusline'` to get an indicator
with the current branch in (surprise!) your statusline.
Last but not least, there's `:Git` for running any arbitrary command,
and `Git!` to open the output of a command in a temp file.
## Screencasts
* [A complement to command line git](http://vimcasts.org/e/31)
* [Working with the git index](http://vimcasts.org/e/32)
* [Resolving merge conflicts with vimdiff](http://vimcasts.org/e/33)
* [Browsing the git object database](http://vimcasts.org/e/34)
* [Exploring the history of a git repository](http://vimcasts.org/e/35)
## Installation
If you don't have a preferred installation method, one option is to install
[pathogen.vim](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen), and then copy
and paste:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git
vim -u NONE -c "helptags vim-fugitive/doc" -c q
If your Vim version is below 7.2, I recommend also installing
[vim-git](https://github.com/tpope/vim-git) for syntax highlighting and
other Git niceties.
## FAQ
> I installed the plugin and started Vim. Why don't any of the commands
> exist?
Fugitive cares about the current file, not the current working
directory. Edit a file from the repository.
> I opened a new tab. Why don't any of the commands exist?
Fugitive cares about the current file, not the current working
directory. Edit a file from the repository.
> Why is `:Gbrowse` not using the right browser?
`:Gbrowse` delegates to `git web--browse`, which is less than perfect
when it comes to finding the right browser. You can tell it the correct
browser to use with `git config --global web.browser ...`. On OS X, for
example, you might want to set this to `open`. See `git web--browse --help`
for details.
> Here's a patch that automatically opens the quickfix window after
> `:Ggrep`.
This is a great example of why I recommend asking before patching.
There are valid arguments to be made both for and against automatically
opening the quickfix window. Whenever I have to make an arbitrary
decision like this, I ask what Vim would do. And Vim does not open a
quickfix window after `:grep`.
Luckily, it's easy to implement the desired behavior without changing
fugitive.vim. The following autocommand will cause the quickfix window
to open after any grep invocation:
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost *grep* cwindow
## Self-Promotion
Like fugitive.vim? Follow the repository on
[GitHub](https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive) and vote for it on
[vim.org](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2975). And if
you're feeling especially charitable, follow [tpope](http://tpo.pe/) on
[Twitter](http://twitter.com/tpope) and
## License
Copyright (c) Tim Pope. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself.
See `:help license`.

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@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
*fugitive.txt* A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
Author: Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/>
License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
Whenever you edit a file from a Git repository, a set of commands is defined
that serve as a gateway to Git.
COMMANDS *fugitive-commands*
These commands are local to the buffers in which they work (generally, buffers
that are part of Git repositories).
:Git [args] Run an arbitrary git command. Similar to :!git [args]
but chdir to the repository tree first.
:Git! [args] Like |:Git|, but capture the output into a temp file,
and edit that temp file.
:Gcd [directory] |:cd| relative to the repository.
:Glcd [directory] |:lcd| relative to the repository.
:Gstatus Bring up the output of git-status in the preview
window. The following maps, which work on the cursor
line file where sensible, are provided:
g? show this help
<C-N> next file
<C-P> previous file
<CR> |:Gedit|
- |:Git| add
- |:Git| reset (staged files)
cA |:Gcommit| --amend --reuse-message=HEAD
ca |:Gcommit| --amend
cc |:Gcommit|
cva |:Gcommit| --amend --verbose
cvc |:Gcommit| --verbose
D |:Gdiff|
ds |:Gsdiff|
dp |:Git!| diff (p for patch; use :Gw to apply)
dp |:Git| add --intent-to-add (untracked files)
dv |:Gvdiff|
O |:Gtabedit|
o |:Gsplit|
p |:Git| add --patch
p |:Git| reset --patch (staged files)
q close status
r reload status
S |:Gvsplit|
:Gcommit [args] A wrapper around git-commit. If there is nothing
to commit, |:Gstatus| is called instead. Unless the
arguments given would skip the invocation of an editor
(e.g., -m), a split window will be used to obtain a
commit message, or a new tab if -v is given. Write
and close that window (:wq or |:Gwrite|) to finish the
commit. Unlike when running the actual git-commit
command, it is possible (but unadvisable) to alter the
index with commands like git-add and git-reset while a
commit message is pending.
:Gmerge [args] Calls git-merge and loads errors and conflicted files
into the quickfix list. Opens a |:Gcommit| style
split window for the commit message if the merge
succeeds. If called during a merge conflict, the
conflicted files from the current index are loaded
into the quickfix list.
:Gpull [args] Like |:Gmerge|, but for git-pull.
:Gpush [args] Invoke git-push, load the results into the quickfix
list, and invoke |:cwindow| to reveal any errors.
|:Dispatch| is used if available for asynchronous
:Gfetch [args] Like |:Gpush|, but for git-fetch.
:Ggrep [args] |:grep| with git-grep as 'grepprg'.
:Glgrep [args] |:lgrep| with git-grep as 'grepprg'.
:Glog [args] Load all previous revisions of the current file into
the quickfix list. Additional git-log arguments can
be given (for example, --reverse). If "--" appears as
an argument, no file specific filtering is done, and
previous commits rather than previous file revisions
are loaded.
:{range}Glog [args] Use git-log -L to load previous revisions of the given
range of the current file into the quickfix list. The
cursor is positioned on the first line of the first
diff hunk for each commit.
:Gllog [args] Like |:Glog|, but use the location list instead of the
quickfix list.
*fugitive-:Gedit* *fugitive-:Ge*
:Gedit [revision] |:edit| a |fugitive-revision|.
:Gsplit [revision] |:split| a |fugitive-revision|.
:Gvsplit [revision] |:vsplit| a |fugitive-revision|.
:Gtabedit [revision] |:tabedit| a |fugitive-revision|.
:Gpedit [revision] |:pedit| a |fugitive-revision|.
:Gsplit! [args] *fugitive-:Gsplit!* *fugitive-:Gvsplit!*
:Gvsplit! [args] *fugitive-:Gtabedit!* *fugitive-:Gpedit!*
:Gtabedit! [args] Like |:Git!|, but open the resulting temp file in a
:Gpedit! [args] split, tab, or preview window.
:Gread [revision] Empty the buffer and |:read| a |fugitive-revision|.
When the argument is omitted, this is similar to
git-checkout on a work tree file or git-add on a stage
file, but without writing anything to disk.
:{range}Gread [revision]
|:read| in a |fugitive-revision| after {range}.
:Gread! [args] Empty the buffer and |:read| the output of a Git
command. For example, :Gread! show HEAD:%.
:{range}Gread! [args] |:read| the output of a Git command after {range}.
*fugitive-:Gw* *fugitive-:Gwrite*
:Gwrite Write to the current file's path and stage the results.
When run in a work tree file, it is effectively git
add. Elsewhere, it is effectively git-checkout. A
great deal of effort is expended to behave sensibly
when the work tree or index version of the file is
open in another buffer.
:Gwrite {path} You can give |:Gwrite| an explicit path of where in
the work tree to write. You can also give a path like
:0:foo.txt or even :0 to write to just that stage in
the index.
:Gwq [path] Like |:Gwrite| followed by |:quit| if the write
:Gwq! [path] Like |:Gwrite|! followed by |:quit|! if the write
:Gdiff [revision] Perform a |vimdiff| against the current file in the
given revision. With no argument, the version in the
index is used (which means a three-way diff during a
merge conflict, making it a git-mergetool
alternative). The newer of the two files is placed
to the right or bottom, depending on 'diffopt' and
the width of the window relative to 'textwidth'. Use
|do| and |dp| and write to the index file to simulate
"git add --patch".
:Gsdiff [revision] Like |:Gdiff|, but always split horizontally.
:Gvdiff [revision] Like |:Gdiff|, but always split vertically.
:Gmove {destination} Wrapper around git-mv that renames the buffer
afterward. The destination is relative to the current
directory except when started with a /, in which case
it is relative to the work tree. Add a ! to pass -f.
:Gremove Wrapper around git-rm that deletes the buffer
afterward. When invoked in an index file, --cached is
passed. Add a ! to pass -f and forcefully discard the
:Gblame [flags] Run git-blame on the file and open the results in a
scroll bound vertical split. You can give any of
ltfnsewMC as flags and they will be passed along to
git-blame. The following maps, which work on the
cursor line commit where sensible, are provided:
g? show this help
A resize to end of author column
C resize to end of commit column
D resize to end of date/time column
q close blame and return to blamed window
gq q, then |:Gedit| to return to work tree version
<CR> q, then open commit
o open commit in horizontal split
O open commit in new tab
- reblame at commit
~ reblame at [count]th first grandparent
P reblame at [count]th parent (like HEAD^[count])
:[range]Gblame [flags] Run git-blame on the given range.
:[range]Gbrowse If the remote for the current branch is on GitHub,
open the current file, blob, tree, commit, or tag
(with git-web--browse) on GitHub. Otherwise, open the
current file, blob, tree, commit, or tag in
git-instaweb (if you have issues, verify you can run
"git instaweb" from a terminal). If a range is given,
it is appropriately appended to the URL as an anchor.
To use with GitHub FI, point g:fugitive_github_domains
at a list of domains:
let g:fugitive_github_domains = ['https://example.com']
:[range]Gbrowse! Like :Gbrowse, but put the URL on the clipboard rather
than opening it.
:[range]Gbrowse {revision}
Like :Gbrowse, but for a given |fugitive-revision|. A
useful value here is -, which ties the URL to the
latest commit rather than a volatile branch.
:[range]Gbrowse [...]@{remote}
Force using the given remote rather than the remote
for the current branch. The remote is used to
determine which GitHub repository to link to.
MAPPINGS *fugitive-mappings*
These maps are available everywhere.
<C-R><C-G> On the command line, recall the path to the current
object (that is, a representation of the object
recognized by |:Gedit|).
["x]y<C-G> Yank the commit SHA and path to the current object.
These maps are available in Git objects.
<CR> Jump to the revision under the cursor.
o Jump to the revision under the cursor in a new split.
S Jump to the revision under the cursor in a new
vertical split.
O Jump to the revision under the cursor in a new tab.
- Go to the tree containing the current tree or blob.
~ Go to the current file in the [count]th first
P Go to the current file in the [count]th parent.
C Go to the commit containing the current file.
. Start a |:| command line with the current revision
prepopulated at the end of the line.
a Show the current tag, commit, or tree in an alternate
SPECIFYING REVISIONS *fugitive-revision*
Fugitive revisions are similar to Git revisions as defined in the "SPECIFYING
REVISIONS" section in the git-rev-parse man page. For commands that accept an
optional revision, the default is the file in the index for work tree files
and the work tree file for everything else. Example revisions follow.
Revision Meaning ~
master .git/refs/heads/master
HEAD^{} The commit referenced by HEAD
HEAD^ The parent of the commit referenced by HEAD
HEAD: The tree referenced by HEAD
/HEAD The file named HEAD in the work tree
Makefile The file named Makefile in the work tree
HEAD^:Makefile The file named Makefile in the parent of HEAD
:Makefile The file named Makefile in the index (writable)
- The current file in HEAD
^ The current file in the previous commit
~3 The current file 3 commits ago
: .git/index (Same as |:Gstatus|)
:0 The current file in the index
:1 The current file's common ancestor during a conflict
:2 The current file in the target branch during a conflict
:3 The current file in the merged branch during a conflict
:/foo The most recent commit with "foo" in the message
STATUSLINE *fugitive-statusline*
Add %{fugitive#statusline()} to your statusline to get an indicator including
the current branch and the currently edited file's commit. If you don't have
a statusline, this one matches the default when 'ruler' is set:
set statusline=%<%f\ %h%m%r%{fugitive#statusline()}%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
Use fugitive#head() to return the name of the current branch. If the current
HEAD is detached, fugitive#head() will return the empty string, unless the
optional argument is given, in which case the hash of the current commit will
be truncated to the given number of characters.
ABOUT *fugitive-about*
Grab the latest version or report a bug on GitHub:

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.markdown,*.md,*.mdown,*.mkd,*.mkdn
\ if &ft =~# '^\%(conf\|modula2\)$' |
\ set ft=markdown |
\ else |
\ setf markdown |
\ endif

View file

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
" Vim filetype plugin
" Language: Markdown
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <vimNOSPAM@tpope.org>
" Last Change: 2013 May 30
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
runtime! ftplugin/html.vim ftplugin/html_*.vim ftplugin/html/*.vim
setlocal comments=fb:*,fb:-,fb:+,n:> commentstring=>\ %s
setlocal formatoptions+=tcqln formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o
setlocal formatlistpat=^\\s*\\d\\+\\.\\s\\+\\\|^[-*+]\\s\\+\\\|^\\[^\\ze[^\\]]\\+\\]:
if exists('b:undo_ftplugin')
let b:undo_ftplugin .= "|setl cms< com< fo< flp<"
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl cms< com< fo< flp<"
function! MarkdownFold()
let line = getline(v:lnum)
" Regular headers
let depth = match(line, '\(^#\+\)\@<=\( .*$\)\@=')
if depth > 0
return ">" . depth
" Setext style headings
let nextline = getline(v:lnum + 1)
if (line =~ '^.\+$') && (nextline =~ '^=\+$')
return ">1"
if (line =~ '^.\+$') && (nextline =~ '^-\+$')
return ">2"
return "="
if has("folding") && exists("g:markdown_folding")
setlocal foldexpr=MarkdownFold()
setlocal foldmethod=expr
let b:undo_ftplugin .= " foldexpr< foldmethod<"
" vim:set sw=2:

View file

@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Markdown
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <vimNOSPAM@tpope.org>
" Filenames: *.markdown
" Last Change: 2013 May 30
if exists("b:current_syntax")
if !exists('main_syntax')
let main_syntax = 'markdown'
runtime! syntax/html.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
if !exists('g:markdown_fenced_languages')
let g:markdown_fenced_languages = []
for s:type in map(copy(g:markdown_fenced_languages),'matchstr(v:val,"[^=]*$")')
if s:type =~ '\.'
let b:{matchstr(s:type,'[^.]*')}_subtype = matchstr(s:type,'\.\zs.*')
exe 'syn include @markdownHighlight'.substitute(s:type,'\.','','g').' syntax/'.matchstr(s:type,'[^.]*').'.vim'
unlet! b:current_syntax
unlet! s:type
syn sync minlines=10
syn case ignore
syn match markdownValid '[<>]\c[a-z/$!]\@!'
syn match markdownValid '&\%(#\=\w*;\)\@!'
syn match markdownLineStart "^[<@]\@!" nextgroup=@markdownBlock,htmlSpecialChar
syn cluster markdownBlock contains=markdownH1,markdownH2,markdownH3,markdownH4,markdownH5,markdownH6,markdownBlockquote,markdownListMarker,markdownOrderedListMarker,markdownCodeBlock,markdownRule
syn cluster markdownInline contains=markdownLineBreak,markdownLinkText,markdownItalic,markdownBold,markdownCode,markdownEscape,@htmlTop,markdownError
syn match markdownH1 "^.\+\n=\+$" contained contains=@markdownInline,markdownHeadingRule,markdownAutomaticLink
syn match markdownH2 "^.\+\n-\+$" contained contains=@markdownInline,markdownHeadingRule,markdownAutomaticLink
syn match markdownHeadingRule "^[=-]\+$" contained
syn region markdownH1 matchgroup=markdownHeadingDelimiter start="##\@!" end="#*\s*$" keepend oneline contains=@markdownInline,markdownAutomaticLink contained
syn region markdownH2 matchgroup=markdownHeadingDelimiter start="###\@!" end="#*\s*$" keepend oneline contains=@markdownInline,markdownAutomaticLink contained
syn region markdownH3 matchgroup=markdownHeadingDelimiter start="####\@!" end="#*\s*$" keepend oneline contains=@markdownInline,markdownAutomaticLink contained
syn region markdownH4 matchgroup=markdownHeadingDelimiter start="#####\@!" end="#*\s*$" keepend oneline contains=@markdownInline,markdownAutomaticLink contained
syn region markdownH5 matchgroup=markdownHeadingDelimiter start="######\@!" end="#*\s*$" keepend oneline contains=@markdownInline,markdownAutomaticLink contained
syn region markdownH6 matchgroup=markdownHeadingDelimiter start="#######\@!" end="#*\s*$" keepend oneline contains=@markdownInline,markdownAutomaticLink contained
syn match markdownBlockquote ">\%(\s\|$\)" contained nextgroup=@markdownBlock
syn region markdownCodeBlock start=" \|\t" end="$" contained
" TODO: real nesting
syn match markdownListMarker "\%(\t\| \{0,4\}\)[-*+]\%(\s\+\S\)\@=" contained
syn match markdownOrderedListMarker "\%(\t\| \{0,4}\)\<\d\+\.\%(\s\+\S\)\@=" contained
syn match markdownRule "\* *\* *\*[ *]*$" contained
syn match markdownRule "- *- *-[ -]*$" contained
syn match markdownLineBreak " \{2,\}$"
syn region markdownIdDeclaration matchgroup=markdownLinkDelimiter start="^ \{0,3\}!\=\[" end="\]:" oneline keepend nextgroup=markdownUrl skipwhite
syn match markdownUrl "\S\+" nextgroup=markdownUrlTitle skipwhite contained
syn region markdownUrl matchgroup=markdownUrlDelimiter start="<" end=">" oneline keepend nextgroup=markdownUrlTitle skipwhite contained
syn region markdownUrlTitle matchgroup=markdownUrlTitleDelimiter start=+"+ end=+"+ keepend contained
syn region markdownUrlTitle matchgroup=markdownUrlTitleDelimiter start=+'+ end=+'+ keepend contained
syn region markdownUrlTitle matchgroup=markdownUrlTitleDelimiter start=+(+ end=+)+ keepend contained
syn region markdownLinkText matchgroup=markdownLinkTextDelimiter start="!\=\[\%(\_[^]]*]\%( \=[[(]\)\)\@=" end="\]\%( \=[[(]\)\@=" nextgroup=markdownLink,markdownId skipwhite contains=@markdownInline,markdownLineStart
syn region markdownLink matchgroup=markdownLinkDelimiter start="(" end=")" contains=markdownUrl keepend contained
syn region markdownId matchgroup=markdownIdDelimiter start="\[" end="\]" keepend contained
syn region markdownAutomaticLink matchgroup=markdownUrlDelimiter start="<\%(\w\+:\|[[:alnum:]_+-]\+@\)\@=" end=">" keepend oneline
let s:concealends = has('conceal') ? ' concealends' : ''
exe 'syn region markdownItalic matchgroup=markdownItalicDelimiter start="\S\@<=\*\|\*\S\@=" end="\S\@<=\*\|\*\S\@=" keepend contains=markdownLineStart' . s:concealends
exe 'syn region markdownItalic matchgroup=markdownItalicDelimiter start="\S\@<=_\|_\S\@=" end="\S\@<=_\|_\S\@=" keepend contains=markdownLineStart' . s:concealends
exe 'syn region markdownBold matchgroup=markdownBoldDelimiter start="\S\@<=\*\*\|\*\*\S\@=" end="\S\@<=\*\*\|\*\*\S\@=" keepend contains=markdownLineStart,markdownItalic' . s:concealends
exe 'syn region markdownBold matchgroup=markdownBoldDelimiter start="\S\@<=__\|__\S\@=" end="\S\@<=__\|__\S\@=" keepend contains=markdownLineStart,markdownItalic' . s:concealends
exe 'syn region markdownBoldItalic matchgroup=markdownBoldItalicDelimiter start="\S\@<=\*\*\*\|\*\*\*\S\@=" end="\S\@<=\*\*\*\|\*\*\*\S\@=" keepend contains=markdownLineStart' . s:concealends
exe 'syn region markdownBoldItalic matchgroup=markdownBoldItalicDelimiter start="\S\@<=___\|___\S\@=" end="\S\@<=___\|___\S\@=" keepend contains=markdownLineStart' . s:concealends
syn region markdownCode matchgroup=markdownCodeDelimiter start="`" end="`" keepend contains=markdownLineStart
syn region markdownCode matchgroup=markdownCodeDelimiter start="`` \=" end=" \=``" keepend contains=markdownLineStart
syn region markdownCode matchgroup=markdownCodeDelimiter start="^\s*```.*$" end="^\s*```\ze\s*$" keepend
syn match markdownFootnote "\[^[^\]]\+\]"
syn match markdownFootnoteDefinition "^\[^[^\]]\+\]:"
if main_syntax ==# 'markdown'
for s:type in g:markdown_fenced_languages
exe 'syn region markdownHighlight'.substitute(matchstr(s:type,'[^=]*$'),'\..*','','').' matchgroup=markdownCodeDelimiter start="^\s*```\s*'.matchstr(s:type,'[^=]*').'\>.*$" end="^\s*```\ze\s*$" keepend contains=@markdownHighlight'.substitute(matchstr(s:type,'[^=]*$'),'\.','','g')
unlet! s:type
syn match markdownEscape "\\[][\\`*_{}()#+.!-]"
syn match markdownError "\w\@<=_\w\@="
hi def link markdownH1 htmlH1
hi def link markdownH2 htmlH2
hi def link markdownH3 htmlH3
hi def link markdownH4 htmlH4
hi def link markdownH5 htmlH5
hi def link markdownH6 htmlH6
hi def link markdownHeadingRule markdownRule
hi def link markdownHeadingDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link markdownOrderedListMarker markdownListMarker
hi def link markdownListMarker htmlTagName
hi def link markdownBlockquote Comment
hi def link markdownRule PreProc
hi def link markdownFootnote Typedef
hi def link markdownFootnoteDefinition Typedef
hi def link markdownLinkText htmlLink
hi def link markdownIdDeclaration Typedef
hi def link markdownId Type
hi def link markdownAutomaticLink markdownUrl
hi def link markdownUrl Float
hi def link markdownUrlTitle String
hi def link markdownIdDelimiter markdownLinkDelimiter
hi def link markdownUrlDelimiter htmlTag
hi def link markdownUrlTitleDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link markdownItalic htmlItalic
hi def link markdownItalicDelimiter markdownItalic
hi def link markdownBold htmlBold
hi def link markdownBoldDelimiter markdownBold
hi def link markdownBoldItalic htmlBoldItalic
hi def link markdownBoldItalicDelimiter markdownBoldItalic
hi def link markdownCodeDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link markdownEscape Special
hi def link markdownError Error
let b:current_syntax = "markdown"
if main_syntax ==# 'markdown'
unlet main_syntax
" vim:set sw=2:

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
This is a Vim extension that emulates iA Writer environment when editing Markdown, reStructuredText or text files.
It requires [goyo.vim](https://github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim) and it works by setting global Goyo callbacks that triggers special setup for Markdown, reStructuredText and text files.
This is an improvement of my initial version called [vim-zenroom](https://github.com/amix/vim-zenroom). Please read more here [
zenroom for Vim: Focusing only on the essential](http://amix.dk/blog/post/19744#zenroom-for-Vim-Focsuing-only-on-the-essential).
Please note that this might not work perfectly with your colorscheme. Patches are welcome to fix this :-)
## Installaion and usage
* Install [goyo.vim](https://github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim)
* In command mode type :Goyo
Additionally you may want to have a shortcut. Add this to your vimrc:
nnoremap <silent> <leader>z :Goyo<cr>
## Inspirations/Similar
* [Writing Markdown With Style in Vim](http://astrails.com/blog/2013/8/12/writing-markdown-with-style-in-vim)
* [lite-dfm](https://github.com/bilalq/lite-dfm)
* [vimroom](https://github.com/mikewest/vimroom)
* [vim-zenroom](https://github.com/amix/vim-zenroom)
## How it looks like in action
![Screenshot 3](http://amix.dk/uploads/zenroom_documentation.jpg)
![Screenshot 4](http://amix.dk/uploads/zenroom_documentation_1.jpg)

View file

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
"File: zenroom2.vim
"Description: Emulates iA Writer environment when editing Markdown, reStructuredText
" or text files.
"Maintainer: Amir Salihefendic <amix@doist.io>
"Version: 0.1
"Last Change: 2013-12-29
"License: BSD
if exists( "g:loaded_zenroom2_plugin" )
let g:loaded_zenroom2_plugin = 1
" Plugin Configuration
" Save the current `background` value for reset later
let s:save_background = ""
if exists( "&background" )
let s:save_background = &background
function! s:markdown_room()
set background=light
set linespace=8
hi Normal guibg=gray95
hi NonText guifg=gray95
hi FoldColumn guibg=gray95
hi CursorLine guibg=gray90
hi Title gui=bold guifg=gray25
hi MarkdownHeadingDelimiter gui=bold guifg=gray25
hi htmlSpecialChar guifg=black
hi markdownError guifg=black
hi markdownBold gui=bold guifg=gray25
hi markdownItalic guifg=gray25 gui=underline
hi markdownUrl guifg=#2fb3a6
hi markdownAutomaticLink guifg=#2fb3a6
hi markdownLinkText guifg=#317849
hi markdownUrlTitle guifg=#317849
hi markdownBlockquote guifg=#317849 gui=bold
hi markdownId guifg=#2fb3a6
hi markdownIdDeclaration guifg=#317849 gui=bold
hi markdownListMarker guifg=#317849
hi Cursor guibg=#15abdd
if has('gui_running')
let l:highlightbgcolor = "guibg=#f2f2f2"
let l:highlightfgbgcolor = "guifg=#f2f2f2" . " " . l:highlightbgcolor
let l:highlightbgcolor = "ctermbg=bg"
let l:highlightfgbgcolor = "ctermfg=bg" . " " . l:highlightbgcolor
exec( "hi Normal " . l:highlightbgcolor )
exec( "hi VertSplit " . l:highlightfgbgcolor )
exec( "hi NonText " . l:highlightfgbgcolor )
exec( "hi StatusLine " . l:highlightfgbgcolor )
exec( "hi StatusLineNC " . l:highlightfgbgcolor )
function! g:Zenroom_goyo_before()
if !has("gui_running")
let is_mark_or_rst = &filetype == "markdown" || &filetype == "rst" || &filetype == "text"
if is_mark_or_rst
call s:markdown_room()
function! g:Zenroom_goyo_after()
if !has("gui_running")
let is_mark_or_rst = &filetype == "markdown" || &filetype == "rst" || &filetype == "text"
if is_mark_or_rst
set linespace=0
if s:save_background != ""
exec( "set background=" . s:save_background )
let g:goyo_callbacks = [ function('g:Zenroom_goyo_before'), function('g:Zenroom_goyo_after') ]