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2018-12-17 06:28:27 -05:00
" don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
2017-11-24 08:59:41 -05:00
" Write a Go file to a temporary directory and append this directory to $GOPATH.
" The file will written to a:path, which is relative to the temporary directory,
" and this file will be loaded as the current buffer.
" The cursor will be placed on the character before any 0x1f byte.
" The full path to the created directory is returned, it is the caller's
" responsibility to clean that up!
fun! gotest#write_file(path, contents) abort
let l:dir = go#util#tempdir("vim-go-test/testrun/")
let $GOPATH .= ':' . l:dir
let l:full_path = l:dir . '/src/' . a:path
call mkdir(fnamemodify(l:full_path, ':h'), 'p')
call writefile(a:contents, l:full_path)
exe 'cd ' . l:dir . '/src'
silent exe 'e! ' . a:path
2017-11-24 08:59:41 -05:00
" Set cursor.
let l:lnum = 1
for l:line in a:contents
2018-02-04 06:35:08 -05:00
let l:m = match(l:line, "\x1f")
2017-11-24 08:59:41 -05:00
if l:m > -1
call setpos('.', [0, l:lnum, l:m, 0])
2018-02-04 06:35:08 -05:00
call setline('.', substitute(getline('.'), "\x1f", '', ''))
2017-11-24 08:59:41 -05:00
let l:lnum += 1
return l:dir
" Load a fixture file from test-fixtures.
" The file will be copied to a new GOPATH-compliant temporary directory and
" loaded as the current buffer.
fun! gotest#load_fixture(path) abort
let l:dir = go#util#tempdir("vim-go-test/testrun/")
let $GOPATH .= ':' . l:dir
let l:full_path = l:dir . '/src/' . a:path
call mkdir(fnamemodify(l:full_path, ':h'), 'p')
exe 'cd ' . l:dir . '/src'
silent exe 'noautocmd e ' . a:path
silent exe printf('read %s/test-fixtures/%s', g:vim_go_root, a:path)
silent noautocmd w!
return l:dir
" Diff the contents of the current buffer to a:want, which should be a list.
" If a:skipHeader is true we won't bother with the package and import
" declarations; so e.g.:
" let l:diff = s:diff_buffer(1, ['_ = mail.Address{}'])
" will pass, whereas otherwise you'd have to:
" let l:diff = s:diff_buffer(0, ['package main', 'import "net/mail", '_ = mail.Address{}'])
fun! gotest#assert_buffer(skipHeader, want) abort
let l:buffer = go#util#GetLines()
if a:skipHeader
for l:lnum in range(0, len(l:buffer) - 1)
" Bit rudimentary, but works reasonably well.
if match(l:buffer[l:lnum], '^\v(func|var|const|import \(|\))') > -1
" vint bug: https://github.com/Kuniwak/vint/issues/179
" vint: -ProhibitUsingUndeclaredVariable
let l:buffer = l:buffer[l:lnum:len(l:buffer)]
" Using ' is often easier so we don't have to escape ".
let l:want = map(a:want, 'substitute(v:val, "\\\\t", "\t", "")')
let l:tmp = go#util#tempdir('assert_buffer')
call writefile(l:buffer, l:tmp . '/have')
call writefile(l:want, l:tmp . '/want')
call go#fmt#run('gofmt', l:tmp . '/have', l:tmp . '/have')
call go#fmt#run('gofmt', l:tmp . '/want', l:tmp . '/want')
let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#Exec(["diff", "-u", l:tmp . '/have', l:tmp . '/want'])
call delete(l:tmp . '/have')
call delete(l:tmp . '/want')
call delete(l:tmp, 'd')
if l:err || l:out != ''
let v:errors = extend(v:errors, split(l:out, "\n"))
" Diff the contents of the current buffer to the fixture file in a:path.
fun! gotest#assert_fixture(path) abort
let l:want = readfile(printf('%s/test-fixtures/%s', g:vim_go_root, a:path))
call gotest#assert_buffer(0, l:want)
2018-02-04 06:35:08 -05:00
func! gotest#assert_quickfix(got, want) abort
call assert_equal(len(a:want), len(a:got), "number of errors")
if len(a:want) != len(a:got)
call assert_equal(a:want, a:got)
let i = 0
while i < len(a:want)
let want_item = a:want[i]
let got_item = a:got[i]
let i += 1
call assert_equal(want_item.bufnr, got_item.bufnr, "bufnr")
call assert_equal(want_item.lnum, got_item.lnum, "lnum")
call assert_equal(want_item.col, got_item.col, "col")
call assert_equal(want_item.vcol, got_item.vcol, "vcol")
call assert_equal(want_item.nr, got_item.nr, "nr")
call assert_equal(want_item.pattern, got_item.pattern, "pattern")
call assert_equal(want_item.text, got_item.text, "text")
call assert_equal(want_item.type, got_item.type, "type")
call assert_equal(want_item.valid, got_item.valid, "valid")
2017-11-24 08:59:41 -05:00
2018-12-17 06:28:27 -05:00
" restore Vi compatibility settings
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
2017-11-24 08:59:41 -05:00
" vim: sw=2 ts=2 et