233 lines
6.2 KiB
233 lines
6.2 KiB
" ============================================================================
" File: latexm.vim
" Author: Srinath Avadhanula
" Created: Sat Jul 05 03:00 PM 2003
" Description: compile a .tex file multiple times to get cross references
" right.
" License: Vim Charityware License
" Part of vim-latexSuite: http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net
" CVS: $Id: multicompile.vim,v 1.7 2003/09/03 07:19:13 srinathava Exp $
" ============================================================================
" Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: The main function {{{
" Description: compiles a file multiple times to get cross-references right.
function! Tex_CompileMultipleTimes()
let mainFileName_root = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:t:r:r')
if mainFileName_root == ''
let mainFileName_root = expand("%:p:t:r")
" First ignore undefined references and the
" "rerun to get cross-references right" message from
" the compiler output.
let origlevel = g:Tex_IgnoreLevel
let origpats = g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings
let g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings = g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings."\n"
\ . 'Reference %.%# undefined'."\n"
\ . 'Rerun to get cross-references right'
TCLevel 1000
let idxFileName = mainFileName_root.'.idx'
let runCount = 0
let needToRerun = 1
while needToRerun == 1 && runCount < 5
" assume we need to run only once.
let needToRerun = 0
let idxlinesBefore = Tex_CatFile(idxFileName)
" first run latex.
echomsg "latex run number : ".(runCount+1)
silent! call Tex_CompileLatex()
" If there are errors in any latex compilation step, immediately
" return.
let _a = @a
redir @a | silent! clist | redir END
let errlist = @a
let @a = _a
if errlist =~ '\d\+\s\f\+:\d\+\serror'
let g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings = origpats
exec 'TCLevel '.origlevel
let idxlinesAfter = Tex_CatFile(idxFileName)
" If .idx file changed, then run makeindex to generate the new .ind
" file and remember to rerun latex.
if runCount == 0 && glob(idxFileName) != '' && idxlinesBefore != idxlinesAfter
echomsg "Running makeindex..."
let temp_mp = &mp | let &mp='makeindex $*.idx'
exec 'silent! make '.mainFileName_root
let &mp = temp_mp
let needToRerun = 1
" The first time we see if we need to run bibtex and if the .bbl file
" changes, we will rerun latex.
if runCount == 0 && Tex_IsPresentInFile('\\bibdata', mainFileName_root.'.aux')
let bibFileName = mainFileName_root . '.bbl'
let biblinesBefore = Tex_CatFile(bibFileName)
echomsg "Running bibtex..."
let temp_mp = &mp | let &mp='bibtex'
exec 'silent! make '.mainFileName_root
let &mp = temp_mp
let biblinesAfter = Tex_CatFile(bibFileName)
" If the .bbl file changed after running bibtex, we need to
" latex again.
if biblinesAfter != biblinesBefore
echomsg 'Need to rerun because bibliography file changed...'
let needToRerun = 1
" check if latex asks us to rerun
if Tex_IsPresentInFile('Rerun to get cross-references right', mainFileName_root.'.log')
echomsg "Need to rerun to get cross-references right..."
let needToRerun = 1
let runCount = runCount + 1
echomsg "Ran latex ".runCount." time(s)"
let g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings = origpats
exec 'TCLevel '.origlevel
" After all compiler calls are done, reparse the .log file for
" errors/warnings to handle the situation where the clist might have been
" emptied because of bibtex/makeindex being run as the last step.
exec 'silent! cfile '.mainFileName_root.'.log'
endfunction " }}}
" Various helper functions used by Tex_CompileMultipleTimes(). These functions
" use python where available (and allowed) otherwise do it in native vim at
" the cost of some slowdown and a new temporary buffer being added to the
" buffer list.
" Tex_GotoTempFile: open a temp file. reuse from next time on {{{
function! Tex_GotoTempFile()
if !exists('s:tempFileName')
let s:tempFileName = tempname()
exec 'silent! split '.s:tempFileName
endfunction " }}}
" Tex_IsPresentInFile: finds if a string str, is present in filename {{{
if has('python') && g:Tex_UsePython
function! Tex_IsPresentInFile(regexp, filename)
exec 'python isPresentInFile(r"'.a:regexp.'", r"'.a:filename.'")'
return retval
function! Tex_IsPresentInFile(regexp, filename)
call Tex_GotoTempFile()
silent! 1,$ d _
let _report = &report
let _sc = &sc
set report=9999999 nosc
exec 'silent! 0r! '.g:Tex_CatCmd.' '.a:filename
set nomod
let &report = _report
let &sc = _sc
if search(a:regexp, 'w')
let retval = 1
let retval = 0
silent! bd
return retval
endif " }}}
" Tex_CatFile: returns the contents of a file in a <NL> seperated string {{{
if has('python') && g:Tex_UsePython
function! Tex_CatFile(filename)
" catFile assigns a value to retval
exec 'python catFile("'.a:filename.'")'
return retval
function! Tex_CatFile(filename)
if glob(a:filename) == ''
return ''
call Tex_GotoTempFile()
silent! 1,$ d _
let _report = &report
let _sc = &sc
set report=9999999 nosc
exec 'silent! 0r! '.g:Tex_CatCmd.' '.a:filename
set nomod
let _a = @a
silent! normal! ggVG"ay
let retval = @a
let @a = _a
silent! bd
let &report = _report
let &sc = _sc
return retval
" }}}
" Define the functions in python if available.
if !has('python') || !g:Tex_UsePython
python <<EOF
import string, vim, re
# catFile: assigns a local variable retval to the contents of a file {{{
def catFile(filename):
file = open(filename)
lines = ''.join(file.readlines())
lines = ''
# escape double quotes and backslashes before quoting the string so
# everything passes throught.
vim.command("""let retval = "%s" """ % re.sub(r'"|\\', r'\\\g<0>', lines))
return lines
# }}}
# isPresentInFile: check if regexp is present in the file {{{
def isPresentInFile(regexp, filename):
fp = open(filename)
fcontents = string.join(fp.readlines(), '')
if re.search(regexp, fcontents):
vim.command('let retval = 1')
return 1
vim.command('let retval = 0')
return None
vim.command('let retval = 0')
return None
# }}}
" vim:fdm=marker:nowrap:noet:ff=unix:ts=4:sw=4