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%% File: c-hotkeys.tex
%% Description: c-support.vim : Key mappings for Vim without GUI.
%% Author: Dr.-Ing. Fritz Mehner
%% Email: mehner@fh-swf.de
%% Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Dr.-Ing. Fritz Mehner (mehner@fh-swf.de)
%% Version: 1.0
%% Created: 10.11.2006
%% Revision: $Id: c-hotkeys.tex,v 1.48 2011/12/27 21:09:44 mehner Exp $
%% Notes:
\newcommand{\ReleaseDate}{ December 2011}
%% luximono : Type1-font
%% Makes keyword stand out by using semibold letters.
%% fancyhdr
\fancyfoot[L]{\small \ReleaseDate}
\fancyfoot[R]{\small \textbf{Page \thepage{} / \pageref{LastPage}}}
%% hyperref
\hypersetup{pdfauthor={Dr.-Ing. Fritz Mehner, FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn, Germany}}
\hypersetup{pdfkeywords={Vim, C/C++}}
\hypersetup{pdfsubject={Vim-plugin, c-support.vim, hot keys}}
\hypersetup{pdftitle={Vim-plugin, c-support.vim, hot keys}}
%% title
\textbf{\textsc{\small{Version \Pluginversion}}}\\
\textbf{\textsc{\Huge{Hot keys}}}\\
Key mappings for Vim with and without GUI.\\
Plugin: http://vim.sourceforge.net\\
{\normalsize (i)} insert mode, {\normalsize (n)} normal mode, {\normalsize (v)} visual mode\\
%% SIDE 1
%%~~~~~ TABULAR : begin ~~~~~~~~~~
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{\textsl{\textbf{C}omments}} \\
\hline \Rep\verb'\cl' & end-of-line comment \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \Rep\verb'\cj' & adjust end-of-line comment \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\cs' & set end-of-line comment column \hfill (n) \\
\hline \Rep\verb'\c*' & code $\Rightarrow$ comment \verb'/* */' \hfill (n,v) \\
\hline \Rep\verb'\cc' & code $\Rightarrow$ comment \verb'//' \hfill (n,v,o)\\
\hline \Rep\verb'\co' & comment $\Rightarrow$ code \hfill (n,v,o)\\
\hline \verb'\cfr' & frame comment \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\cfu' & function comment \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\cme' & method description \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ccl' & class description \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\cfdi'& file description (implementation) \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\cfdh'& file description (header) \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ccs'& C/C++--file sections\hspace{3mm}\footnotesize{(tab compl.)} \hfill \normalsize{(n,i)}\\
\hline \verb'\chs'& H--file sections\hspace{10mm}\footnotesize{(tab compl.)} \hfill \normalsize{(n,i)}\\
\hline \verb'\ckc'& keyword comment\hspace{5mm}\footnotesize{(tab compl.)} \hfill \normalsize{(n,i)}\\
\hline \verb'\csc'& special comment\hspace{7,5mm}\footnotesize{(tab compl.)} \hfill \normalsize{(n,i)}\\
\hline \verb'\cd' & date \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ct' & date \& time \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \Rep\verb'\cx' & toggle comments: C $\leftrightarrow$ C++ \hfill (n,v,i)\\
%%~~~~~ TABULAR : end ~~~~~~~~~~
%% table, middle part
%%~~~~~ TABULAR : begin ~~~~~~~~~~
%% menu statements
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{\textsl{\textbf{S}tatements}} \\
\hline \verb'\sd' & \verb'do { } while' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\sf' & \verb'for' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\sfo' & \verb'for { }' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\si' & \verb'if' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\sif' & \verb'if { }' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\sie' & \verb'if else' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\sife'& \verb'if { } else { }' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\se' & \verb'else { }' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\sw' & \verb'while' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\swh' & \verb'while { }' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ss' & \verb'switch' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\sc' & \verb'case' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\s{ \sb' & \verb'{ }' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
%% preprocessor menu
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{\textsl{\textbf{P}reprocessor}} \\
\hline \verb'\ps' & choose a Std. Lib. include \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\pc' & choose a C99 include \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\p<' & \verb$#include<...>$ \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\p"' & \verb$#include"..."$ \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\pd' & \verb'#define' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\pu' & \verb'#undef' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\pif' & \verb'#if #endif' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\pie' & \verb'#if #else #endif' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\pid' & \verb'#ifdef #else #endif' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\pin' & \verb'#ifndef #else #endif' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\pind' & \verb'#ifndef #def #endif' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\pi0' & \verb'#if 0 #endif' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\pr0' & remove \verb'#if 0 #endif' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\pe' & \verb'#error ' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\pl' & \verb'#line ' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\pp' & \verb'#pragma' \hfill (n,i)\\
\end{tabular} \\
%%~~~~~ TABULAR : end ~~~~~~~~~~
%% table, right part
%%~~~~~ TABULAR : begin ~~~~~~~~~~
%% snippet menu
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{\textsl{S\textbf{n}ippet}} \\
\hline \verb'\nr' & read code snippet \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\nw' & write code snippet \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ne' & edit code snippet \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \Rep\verb'\nf' \Rep\verb'\np' & pick up function prototype \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \Rep\verb'\nm' & pick up method prototype \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ni' & insert prototype(s) \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\nc' & clear prototype(s) \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ns' & show prototype(s) \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ntl' & edit local templates \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ntg' & edit global templates$^1$ \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ntr' & reread the templates \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\nts' & change templates style \hfill (n,i)\\
%% idioms menu
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{\textsl{\textbf{I}dioms}} \\
\hline \verb'\if' & function \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\isf' & static function \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\im' & \verb'main()' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \Rep\verb'\i0' & \verb'for( x=0; x<n; x+=1 )' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \Rep\verb'\in' & \verb'for( x=n-1; x>=0; x-=1 )' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ie' & \verb'enum' + \verb'typedef' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\is' & \verb'struct' + \verb'typedef' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\iu' & \verb'union' + \verb'typedef' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ip' & \verb'printf()' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\isc' & \verb'scanf()' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ica' & \verb'p=calloc()' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ima' & \verb'p=malloc()' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ire' & \verb'p=realloc()' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\isi' & \verb'sizeof()' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ias' & \verb'assert()' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ii' & open input file \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\io' & open output file \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ifs' & fscanf \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ifp' & fprintf \hfill (n,i)\\
$^1$ {system-wide installation only}\\
%% SIDE 2
%%~~~~~ TABULAR : begin ~~~~~~~~~~
%% C++ menu
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{\textsl{C\textbf{++}}} \\
\hline \verb'\+co' & \verb'cout << << endl; ' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+"' & \verb'<< ""' \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+c' & class \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+ps' & \verb$#include<...> STL$ \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+pc' & \verb$#include<c..> C$ \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+cn' & class (using \verb'new') \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+ci' & class implementation \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+cni' & class (using \verb'new') implementation \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+mi' & method implementation \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+ai' & accessor implementation \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+tc' & template class \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+tcn' & template class (using \verb'new') \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+tci' & template class implementation \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+tcni'& template class (using \verb'new') impl. \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+tmi' & template method implementation \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+tai' & template accessor implementation \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+tf' & template function \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+ec' & error class \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+tr' & \verb'try' \dots \verb'catch' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+ca' & \verb'catch' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
\hline \verb'\+c.' & \verb'catch(...)' \hfill (n,v,i)\\
%% show plugin help
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{\textsl{\textbf{H}elp and Menus}}\\
\hline \verb'\hm' & show manual \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\hp' & help (c-support) \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\lcs' & load Menus\hfill \scriptsize{(n \& GUI only)}\\
\hline \verb'\ucs' & unload Menus\hfill \scriptsize{(n \& GUI only)}\\
%%~~~~~ TABULAR : begin ~~~~~~~~~~
%% run menu
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{\textsl{\textbf{R}un}} \\
\hline \verb'\rc' & save and compile \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\rl' & link \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\rr' & run \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\ra' & set comand line arguments \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\rm' & run \texttt{ make}$^1$ \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\rmc' & run \texttt{ make clean}$^1$ \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\rcm' & choose a makefile $^1$ \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\rme' & executable\ to\ run$^1$ \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\rma' & cmd.\ line arg.\ for \texttt{make}$^1$ \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\rp' & run \texttt{ splint}$^2$ \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\rpa' & cmd.\ line arg.\ for \texttt{splint} \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\rk' & run \texttt{ CodeCheck}$^3$ \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\rka' & cmd.\ line arg.\ for \texttt{CodeCheck} \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\rd' & run \texttt{ indent} \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \Rep\verb'\rh' & hardcopy buffer \hfill (n,i,v)\\
\hline \verb'\rs' & show plugin settings \hfill (n,i)\\
\hline \verb'\rx' & set xterm size \hfill (n,i, only Unix \& GUI)\\
\hline \verb'\ro' & change output destination \hfill (n,i)\\
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{\textbf{Additional Mappings}}\\
\hline \textbf{typing} & \textbf{expansion}\\
\hline \verb'/*' & \verb'/* */' \hfill (i)\\
\hline \verb'/*' & \verb'/* '\fbox{\small{(multiline) marked text}}\verb' */' \hfill (v)\\
\hline \verb'/*<CR>' & \verb'/*'\hfill (i)\newline\verb' * |'\newline\verb' */'\\
\hline \verb'{<CR>' & \verb'{'\hfill (i)\newline\verb' |'\newline\verb'}' \\
\hline \verb'{<CR>' & \verb'{'\hfill (v)\newline\verb' '\fbox{\small{(multiline) marked text}}\newline\verb'}'\\
%%~~~~~ TABULAR : end ~~~~~~~~~~
\textit{Ex commands:}
\item [CFileSection] C/C++--file sections (same as \verb'\ccs')
\item [HFileSection] H--file sections (same as \verb'\chs')
\item [KeywordComment] keyword comment (same as \verb'\ckc')
\item [SpecialComment] special comment (same as \verb'\csc')
\item [IncludeStdLibrary] standard library includes (same as \verb'\ps')
\item [IncludeC99Library] C99 includes (same as \verb'\pc')
\item [IncludeCppLibrary] STL includes (same as \verb'\+ps')
\item [IncludeCppCLibrary] C includes (same as \verb'\+pc')
\item [CStyle] C99 include (same as \verb'\nts')
\scriptsize{Use tab expansion to show the items to choose from.}
$^1$ also working for filetype \textbf{make}\\
$^2$ \textit{www.splint.org}\\
$^3$ \textbf{CodeCheck}$^{TM}$ is a product of Abraxas Software, Inc.