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mirror of synced 2025-01-25 13:40:29 -05:00

488 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
snippet art
assert_redirected_to ${1:action}: '${2:index}'
snippet artnp
assert_redirected_to ${1:parent}_${2:child}_path(${3:@$1}, ${0:@$2})
snippet artnpp
assert_redirected_to ${1:parent}_${2:child}_path(${0:@$1})
snippet artp
assert_redirected_to ${1:model}_path(${0:@$1})
snippet artpp
assert_redirected_to ${0:model}s_path
snippet asd
assert_difference '${1:Model}.${2:count}', ${3:1} do
snippet asnd
assert_no_difference '${1:Model}.${2:count}' do
snippet asre
assert_response :${1:success}, @response.body
snippet asrj
assert_rjs :${1:replace}, '${0:dom id}'
snippet ass assert_select(..)
assert_select '${1:path}', ${2:text}: '${3:inner_html}' ${4:do}
snippet ba
before_action :${0:method}
snippet bf
before_filter :${0:method}
snippet bt
belongs_to :${0:association}
snippet btp
belongs_to :${1:association}, polymorphic: true
snippet crw
cattr_accessor :${0:attr_names}
snippet defcreate
def create
2015-03-14 16:02:10 -04:00
@${1:model_class_name} = ${2:ModelClassName}.new($1_params)
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
respond_to do |format|
if @$1.save
flash[:notice] = '$2 was successfully created.'
format.html { redirect_to(@$1) }
2018-03-31 10:56:26 -04:00
format.json { render json: @$1, status: :created, location: @$1 }
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
format.html { render action: 'new' }
2018-03-31 10:56:26 -04:00
format.json { render json: @$1.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
snippet defdestroy
def destroy
@${1:model_class_name} = ${2:ModelClassName}.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to($1s_url) }
2018-03-31 10:56:26 -04:00
format.json { head :ok }
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
snippet defedit
def edit
@${1:model_class_name} = ${0:ModelClassName}.find(params[:id])
snippet defindex
def index
@${1:model_class_name} = ${2:ModelClassName}.all
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
2018-03-31 10:56:26 -04:00
format.json { render json: @$1s }
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
snippet defnew
def new
@${1:model_class_name} = ${2:ModelClassName}.new
respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
2018-03-31 10:56:26 -04:00
format.json { render json: @$1 }
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
snippet defshow
def show
@${1:model_class_name} = ${2:ModelClassName}.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
2018-03-31 10:56:26 -04:00
format.json { render json: @$1 }
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
snippet defupdate
def update
@${1:model_class_name} = ${2:ModelClassName}.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
2015-03-14 16:02:10 -04:00
if @$1.update($1_params)
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
flash[:notice] = '$2 was successfully updated.'
format.html { redirect_to(@$1) }
2018-03-31 10:56:26 -04:00
format.json { head :ok }
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
format.html { render action: 'edit' }
2018-03-31 10:56:26 -04:00
format.json { render json: @$1.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
2015-03-14 16:02:10 -04:00
snippet defparams
def ${1:model_class_name}_params
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
snippet dele delegate .. to
delegate :${1:methods}, to: :${0:object}
snippet dele delegate .. to .. prefix .. allow_nil
delegate :${1:methods}, to: :${2:object}, prefix: :${3:prefix}, allow_nil: ${0:allow_nil}
2014-09-27 11:32:18 -04:00
snippet amc
alias_method_chain :${1:method_name}, :${0:feature}
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
snippet flash
flash[:${1:notice}] = '${0}'
snippet habtm
has_and_belongs_to_many :${1:object}, join_table: '${2:table_name}', foreign_key: '${3}_id'
snippet hm
has_many :${0:object}
snippet hmd
has_many :${1:other}s, class_name: '${2:$1}', foreign_key: '${3:$1}_id', dependent: :destroy
snippet hmt
has_many :${1:object}, through: :${0:object}
snippet ho
has_one :${0:object}
snippet hod
has_one :${1:object}, dependent: :${0:destroy}
snippet i18
snippet ist
<%= image_submit_tag('${1:agree.png}', id: '${2:id}'${0}) %>
snippet log
Rails.logger.${1:debug} ${0}
snippet log2
RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.${1:debug} ${0}
snippet logd
logger.debug { '${1:message}' }
snippet loge
logger.error { '${1:message}' }
snippet logf
logger.fatal { '${1:message}' }
snippet logi
logger.info { '${1:message}' }
snippet logw
logger.warn { '${1:message}' }
snippet mapc
${1:map}.${2:connect} '${0:controller/:action/:id}'
snippet mapca
${1:map}.catch_all '*${2:anything}', controller: '${3:default}', action: '${4:error}'
snippet mapr
${1:map}.resource :${0:resource}
snippet maprs
${1:map}.resources :${0:resource}
snippet mapwo
${1:map}.with_options ${2:controller}: '${3:thing}' do |$3|
# model callback snippets #
# before callback
snippet mbv
before_validation :${0:method}
snippet mbc
before_create :${0:method}
snippet mbu
before_update :${0:method}
snippet mbs
before_save :${0:method}
snippet mbd
before_destroy :${0:method}
# after callback
snippet mav
after_validation :${0:method}
snippet maf
after_find :${0:method}
snippet mat
after_touch :${0:method}
snippet macr
after_create :${0:method}
snippet mau
after_update :${0:method}
snippet mas
after_save :${0:method}
snippet mad
after_destroy :${0:method}
# around callback
snippet marc
around_create :${0:method}
snippet maru
around_update :${0:method}
snippet mars
around_save :${0:method}
snippet mard
around_destroy :${0:method}
snippet mcht
change_table :${1:table_name} do |t|
snippet mp
snippet mrw
mattr_accessor :${0:attr_names}
snippet oa
snippet od
order('${0:field} DESC')
snippet pa
snippet ra
render action: '${0:action}'
snippet ral
render action: '${1:action}', layout: '${0:layoutname}'
snippet rest
respond_to do |format|
format.${1:html} { ${0} }
snippet rf
render file: '${0:filepath}'
snippet rfu
render file: '${1:filepath}', use_full_path: ${0:false}
snippet ri
render inline: "${0:<%= 'hello' %>}"
snippet ril
render inline: "${1:<%= 'hello' %>}", locals: { ${2:name}: '${3:value}'${0} }
snippet rit
render inline: "${1:<%= 'hello' %>}", type: ${0::rxml}
snippet rjson
render json: '${0:text to render}'
snippet rl
render layout: '${0:layoutname}'
snippet rn
render nothing: ${0:true}
snippet rns
render nothing: ${1:true}, status: ${0:401}
snippet rp
render partial: '${0:item}'
snippet rpc
render partial: '${1:item}', collection: ${0:@$1s}
snippet rpl
render partial: '${1:item}', locals: { ${2:$1}: ${0:@$1} }
snippet rpo
render partial: '${1:item}', object: ${0:@$1}
snippet rps
render partial: '${1:item}', status: ${0:500}
snippet rt
render text: '${0:text to render}'
snippet rtl
render text: '${1:text to render}', layout: '${0:layoutname}'
snippet rtlt
render text: '${1:text to render}', layout: ${0:true}
snippet rts
render text: '${1:text to render}', status: ${0:401}
snippet ru
render :update do |${1:page}|
snippet rxml
render xml: '${0:text to render}'
snippet sc
scope :${1:name}, -> { where(${2:field}: ${0:value}) }
snippet sl
scope :${1:name}, lambda do |${2:value}|
where('${3:field = ?}', ${0:value})
snippet sha1
snippet va validates_associated
validates_associated :${0:attribute}
snippet va validates .., acceptance: true
validates :${0:terms}, acceptance: true
snippet vc
validates :${0:attribute}, confirmation: true
snippet ve
validates :${1:attribute}, exclusion: { in: ${0:%w( mov avi )} }
snippet vf
validates :${1:attribute}, format: { with: /${0:regex}/ }
snippet vi
validates :${1:attribute}, inclusion: { in: %w(${0: mov avi }) }
snippet vl
validates :${1:attribute}, length: { in: ${2:3}..${0:20} }
snippet vn
validates :${0:attribute}, numericality: true
snippet vp
validates :${0:attribute}, presence: true
snippet vu
validates :${0:attribute}, uniqueness: true
snippet format
format.${1:js|xml|html} { ${0} }
snippet wc
where(${1:'conditions'}${0:, bind_var})
snippet wf
where(${1:field}: ${0:value})
snippet xdelete
xhr :delete, :${1:destroy}, id: ${2:1}
snippet xget
xhr :get, :${1:show}, id: ${2:1}
snippet xpost
xhr :post, :${1:create}, ${2:object}: ${3:object}
snippet xput
xhr :put, :${1:update}, id: ${2:1}, ${3:object}: ${4:object}
snippet test
2016-12-27 09:46:49 -05:00
test '${1:should do something}' do
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
# migrations snippets #
snippet mac
add_column :${1:table_name}, :${2:column_name}, :${0:data_type}
snippet mai
add_index :${1:table_name}, :${0:column_name}
snippet mrc
remove_column :${1:table_name}, :${0:column_name}
snippet mrnc
rename_column :${1:table_name}, :${2:old_column_name}, :${0:new_column_name}
snippet mcc
change_column :${1:table}, :${2:column}, :${0:type}
snippet mnc
t.${1:string} :${2:title}${3:, null: false}
snippet mct
create_table :${1:table_name} do |t|
2018-02-04 06:35:08 -05:00
snippet mrev reversible do |dir| ... dir.up .. dir.down .. end
reversible do |dir|
dir.up do
dir.down do
snippet cmm class Migration... < ApplicationModel .. self.table_name .. end
class Migration${1:class_name} < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = :${2:model_name}s
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
snippet migration class .. < ActiveRecord::Migration .. def up .. def down .. end
2016-02-20 08:13:10 -05:00
class `substitute( substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '^\d\+_', '',''), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')` < ActiveRecord::Migration
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
def up
def down
snippet migration class .. < ActiveRecord::Migration .. def change .. end
2016-02-20 08:13:10 -05:00
class `substitute( substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '^\d\+_', '',''), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')` < ActiveRecord::Migration
2014-08-03 18:02:51 -04:00
def change
snippet trc
t.remove :${0:column}
snippet tre
t.rename :${1:old_column_name}, :${2:new_column_name}
snippet tref
t.references :${0:model}
snippet tcb
t.boolean :${1:title}
snippet tcbi
t.binary :${1:title}, limit: ${2:2}.megabytes
snippet tcd
t.decimal :${1:title}, precision: ${2:10}, scale: ${3:2}
snippet tcda
t.date :${1:title}
snippet tcdt
t.datetime :${1:title}
snippet tcf
t.float :${1:title}
snippet tch
t.change :${1:name}, :${2:string}, ${3:limit}: ${4:80}
snippet tci
t.integer :${1:title}
snippet tcl
t.integer :lock_version, null: false, default: 0
snippet tcr
t.references :${1:taggable}, polymorphic: { default: '${2:Photo}' }
snippet tcs
t.string :${1:title}
snippet tct
t.text :${1:title}
snippet tcti
t.time :${1:title}
snippet tcts
t.timestamp :${1:title}
snippet tctss
# Rspec snippets #
snippet isfp
it { should filter_param :${0:key} }
snippet isrt
it { should redirect_to ${0:url} }
snippet isrtp
it { should render_template ${0} }
snippet isrwl
it { should render_with_layout ${0} }
snippet isrf
it { should rescue_from ${0:exception} }
snippet isrw
it { should respond_with ${0:status} }
snippet isr
it { should route(:${1:method}, '${0:path}') }
snippet isss
it { should set_session :${0:key} }
snippet issf
it { should set_the_flash('${0}') }
snippet isama
it { should allow_mass_assignment_of :${0} }
snippet isav
it { should allow_value(${1}).for :${0} }
snippet isee
it { should ensure_exclusion_of :${0} }
snippet isei
it { should ensure_inclusion_of :${0} }
snippet isel
it { should ensure_length_of :${0} }
snippet isva
it { should validate_acceptance_of :${0} }
snippet isvc
it { should validate_confirmation_of :${0} }
snippet isvn
it { should validate_numericality_of :${0} }
snippet isvp
it { should validate_presence_of :${0} }
snippet isvu
it { should validate_uniqueness_of :${0} }
snippet isana
it { should accept_nested_attributes_for :${0} }
snippet isbt
it { should belong_to :${0} }
snippet isbtcc
it { should belong_to(:${1}).counter_cache ${0:true} }
snippet ishbtm
it { should have_and_belong_to_many :${0} }
snippet isbv
it { should be_valid }
snippet ishc
it { should have_db_column :${0} }
snippet ishi
it { should have_db_index :${0} }
snippet ishm
it { should have_many :${0} }
snippet ishmt
it { should have_many(:${1}).through :${0} }
snippet isho
it { should have_one :${0} }
snippet ishro
it { should have_readonly_attribute :${0} }
snippet iss
it { should serialize :${0} }
snippet isres
it { should respond_to :${0} }
snippet isresw
it { should respond_to(:${1}).with(${0}).arguments }
snippet super_call