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" ==============================================================================
" Location: autoload/cmake/build.vim
" Description: Functions for building a project
" ==============================================================================
let s:build = {}
let s:buildsys = cmake#buildsys#Get()
let s:const = cmake#const#Get()
let s:logger = cmake#logger#Get()
let s:quickfix = cmake#quickfix#Get()
let s:system = cmake#system#Get()
let s:terminal = cmake#terminal#Get()
" Private functions and callbacks
" Get dictionary of build arguments from command-line string.
" Params:
" argstring : String
" command-line arguments, like target and additional build options
" Returns:
" Dictionary
" CMake build options, target and native options
" Example:
" argstring = --jobs 4 all -- VERBOSE=1
" return = {
" \ 'cmake_build_options': ['--jobs', '4'],
" \ 'target': ['--target', 'all'],
" \ 'native_build_options': ['VERBOSE=1']
" \ }
function! s:GetBuildArgs(argstring) abort
let l:argdict = {}
let l:arglist = split(a:argstring)
" Search arguments for one that matches the name of a target.
for l:t in s:buildsys.GetTargets()
let l:match_res = match(l:arglist, '\m\C^' . l:t)
if l:match_res != -1
" If found, get target and remove from list of arguments.
let l:target = l:arglist[l:match_res]
let l:argdict['target'] = ['--target', l:target]
call remove(l:arglist, l:match_res)
" Search for command-line native build tool arguments.
let l:match_res = match(l:arglist, '\m\C^--$')
if l:match_res != -1
" Get command-line native build tool arguments and remove from list.
let l:argdict['native_build_options'] = l:arglist[l:match_res+1:]
" Remove from list of other arguments.
call remove(l:arglist, l:match_res, -1)
" Get command-line CMake arguments.
let l:argdict['cmake_build_options'] = l:arglist
return l:argdict
" Generate quickfix list after running build command.
function! s:GenerateQuickfix() abort
call s:quickfix.Generate(s:terminal.GetOutput())
" Public functions
" Build a project using the generated buildsystem.
" Params:
" clean : Boolean
" whether to clean before building
" argstring : String
" build target and other options
function! s:build.Build(clean, argstring) abort
call s:logger.LogDebug('Invoked: build.Build(%s, %s)',
\ a:clean, string(a:argstring))
let l:path_to_current_config = s:buildsys.GetPathToCurrentConfig()
let l:build_dir = s:system.Path([l:path_to_current_config], v:true)
let l:command = [g:cmake_command, '--build', l:build_dir]
let l:options = {}
" Parse additional options.
let l:options = s:GetBuildArgs(a:argstring)
" Add CMake build options to the command.
let l:command += g:cmake_build_options
let l:command += get(l:options, 'cmake_build_options', [])
if a:clean
let l:command += ['--clean-first']
" Add target to the command, if any was provided.
let l:command += get(l:options, 'target', [])
" Add native build tool options to the command.
if len(g:cmake_native_build_options) > 0 ||
\ len(get(l:options, 'native_build_options', [])) > 0
let l:command += ['--']
let l:command += g:cmake_native_build_options
let l:command += get(l:options, 'native_build_options', [])
" Run build command.
call s:terminal.Run(l:command, 'build',
\ [function('s:GenerateQuickfix')],
\ [function('s:GenerateQuickfix')],
\ ['CMakeBuildSucceeded'], ['CMakeBuildFailed']
\ )
" Install a project.
function! s:build.Install() abort
call s:logger.LogDebug('Invoked: build.Install()')
let l:path_to_current_config = s:buildsys.GetPathToCurrentConfig()
let l:build_dir = s:system.Path([l:path_to_current_config], v:true)
let l:command = [g:cmake_command, '--install', l:build_dir]
call s:terminal.Run(l:command, 'install', [], [], [], [])
" Get build 'object'.
function! cmake#build#Get() abort
return s:build