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(ns swank.commands.indent
(:use (swank util core)
(swank.core hooks connection)
(swank.util hooks)))
(defn- need-full-indentation-update?
"Return true if the indentation cache should be updated for all
This is a heuristic so as to avoid scanning all symbols from all
namespaces. Instead, we only check whether the set of namespaces in
the cache match the set of currently defined namespaces."
(not= (hash (all-ns))
(hash @(connection :indent-cache-pkg)))))
(defn- find-args-body-position
"Given an arglist, return the number of arguments before
[... & body]
If no & body is found, nil will be returned"
(when (coll? args)
(when-let [amp-position (position '#{&} args)]
(when-let [body-position (position '#{body clauses} args)]
(when (= (inc amp-position) body-position)
(defn- find-arglists-body-position
"Find the smallest body position from an arglist"
(let [positions (remove nil? (map find-args-body-position arglists))]
(when-not (empty? positions)
(apply min positions)))))
(defn- find-var-body-position
"Returns a var's :indent override or the smallest body position of a
var's arglists"
(let [var-meta (meta var)]
(or (:indent var-meta)
(find-arglists-body-position (:arglists var-meta))))))
(defn- var-indent-representation
"Returns the slime indentation representation (name . position) for
a given var. If there is no indentation representation, nil is
(when-let [body-position (find-var-body-position var)]
(when (or (= body-position 'defun)
(not (neg? body-position)))
(list (name (:name (meta var)))
(defn- get-cache-update-for-var
"Checks whether a given var needs to be updated in a cache. If it
needs updating, return [var-name var-indentation-representation].
Otherwise return nil"
([find-in-cache var]
(when-let [indent (var-indent-representation var)]
(let [name (:name (meta var))]
(when-not (= (find-in-cache name) indent)
[name indent])))))
(defn- get-cache-updates-in-namespace
"Finds all cache updates needed within a namespace"
([find-in-cache ns]
(remove nil? (map (partial get-cache-update-for-var find-in-cache) (vals (ns-interns ns))))))
(defn- update-indentation-delta
"Update the cache and return the changes in a (symbol '. indent) list.
If FORCE is true then check all symbols, otherwise only check
symbols belonging to the buffer package"
([cache-ref load-all-ns?]
(let [find-in-cache @cache-ref]
(let [namespaces (if load-all-ns? (all-ns) [(maybe-ns *current-package*)])
updates (mapcat (partial get-cache-updates-in-namespace find-in-cache) namespaces)]
(when (seq updates)
(dosync (alter cache-ref into updates))
(map second updates))))))
(defn- perform-indentation-update
"Update the indentation cache in connection and update emacs.
If force is true, then start again without considering the old cache."
([conn force]
(let [cache (conn :indent-cache)]
(let [delta (update-indentation-delta cache force)]
(ref-set (conn :indent-cache-pkg) (hash (all-ns)))
(when (seq delta)
(send-to-emacs `(:indentation-update ~delta))))))))
(defn- sync-indentation-to-emacs
"Send any indentation updates to Emacs via emacs-connection"
(need-full-indentation-update? *current-connection*))))
(add-hook pre-reply-hook #'sync-indentation-to-emacs)