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2021-08-04 09:52:11 -04:00
Initial release
- More list convenience functions
- tlib#EditList()
- tlib#InputList(): properly handle duplicate items; it type contains
'i', the list index + 1 is returned, not the element
- tlib#InputList(): Show feedback in statusline instead of the echo area
- tlib#GetVar(), tlib#GetValue()
- tlib#InputList(): Up/Down keys wrap around list
- tlib#InputList(): FIX: Problem when reducing the filter & using AND
- tlib#InputList(): Made <a-numeric> work (can be configured via
- tlib#InputList(): special display_format: "filename"
- tlib#Object: experimental support for some kind of OOP
- tlib#World: Extracted some functions from tlib.vim to tlib/World.vim
- tlib#FileJoin(), tlib#FileSplit(), tlib#RelativeFilename()
- tlib#Let()
- tlib#EnsureDirectoryExists(dir)
- tlib#DirName(dir)
- tlib#DecodeURL(url), tlib#EncodeChar(char), tlib#EncodeURL(url)
- FIX: Problem when using shift-up/down with filtered lists
- tlib#InputList(): FIX: Selecting items in filtered view
- tlib#InputList(): <c-bs>: Remove last AND pattern from filter
- tlib#InputList(): Disabled <c-space> map
- tlib#InputList(): try to be smart about user itentions only if a
list's length is < g:tlib_sortprefs_threshold (default: 200)
- tlib#Object: Super() method
- tlib#MyRuntimeDir()
- tlib#GetCacheName(), tlib#CacheSave(), tlib#CacheGet()
- tlib#Args(), tlib#GetArg()
- FIX: tlib#InputList(): Display problem with first item
- tlib#InputList(): <c-z> ... Suspend/Resume input
- tlib#InputList(): <c-q> ... Input text on the command line (useful on
slow systems when working with very large lists)
- tlib#InputList(): AND-pattern starting with '!' will work as 'exclude
- tlib#InputList(): FIX <c-bs> pop OR-patterns properly
- tlib#InputList(): display_format == filename: don't add '/' to
directory names (avoid filesystem access)
- FIX: Return empty cache name for buffers that have no files attached to it
- Some re-arranging
- Re-arrangements & modularization (this means many function names have
changed, on the other hand only those functions are loaded that are
actually needed)
- tlib#input#List(): Added maps with m-modifiers for <c-q>, <c-z>, <c-a>
- tlib#input#List(): Make sure &fdm is manual
- tlib#input#List(): When exiting the list view, consume the next 5
characters in the queue (if any)
- tlib#input#EditList(): Now has cut, copy, paste functionality.
- Added documentation and examples
- tlib#input#List(): (v)split type of commands leave the original window
untouched (you may use <c-w> to replace its contents)
- tlib#file#With(): Check whether an existing buffer is loaded.
- Scratch related functions went to tlib/scratch.vim so that they are
accessible from other scripts.
- Configure the list window height via g:tlib_inputlist_pct (1..100%)
- The :TLet command replaces :TLLet (which was removed)
- :TScratch[!] command (with ! don't split but use the whole window)
- tlib#rx#Escape(text, ?magic='m')
- tlib#buffer#GetList(?show_hidden=0)
- tlib#dir#CD(), tlib#dir#Push(), tlib#dir#Pop()
- tlib#input#ListW: A slightly remodeled version of tlib#input#List
that takes a World as second argument.
- Added some documentation doc/tlib.txt (most of it is automatically
compiled from the source files)
- tlib#input#List(): The default keys for AND, NOT have changed to
be more Google-like (space, minus); the keys can be configured via
global variables.
- In file listings, indicate if a file is loaded, listed, modified
- tlib#input#List(): Highlight the filter pattern
- tlib#input#List(): <c-up/down> scrolls g:tlib_scroll_lines
(default=10) lines
- tlib#input#List(): Centering line, clear match, clear & restore
the search register
- tlib#input#List(): Ensure the window layout doesn't change (if the
number of windows hasn't changed)
- tlib#arg#Ex(): Don't escape backslashes by default
- tlib/tab.vim
- Renamed tlib#win#SetWin() to tlib#win#Set()
- tlib#input#List(): <left>, <right> keys work in some lists
- tlib#input#List(): If an index_table is provided this will be used
instead of the item's list index.
- tlib#input#List(): Problem with scrolling, when the list was
shorter than the window (eg when using a vertical window).
- tlib#cache#Filename(): Don't rewrite name as relative filename if
explicitly given as argument. Avoid double (back)slashes.
- TLet: simplified
- Scratch: Set &fdc=0.
- The cache directory can be configured via g:tlib_cache
- Renamed tlib#buffer#SetBuffer() to tlib#buffer#Set().
- tlib#input#List(): Select the active item per mouse.
- TLet: simplified
- tlib#buffer#InsertText()
- tlib#win#[SG]etLayout(): Use a dictionnary, set &cmdheight.
- Wrong order with pre-defined filters.
- tlib#string#TrimLeft(), tlib#string#TrimRight(), tlib#string#Strip()
- Progress bar
- tlib#string#Printf1()
- TBrowseOutput
- Some minor changes
- tlib/time.vim
- g:tlib_inputlist_livesearch_threshold
- tlib#input#ListD(), World: Don't redisplay the list while typing
new letters; calculate filter regexps only once before filtering the
- World.vim: Minor changes to how filenames are handled.
- tag.vim
- dir.vim: Use plain dir name in tlib#dir#Ensure()
- tlib#input#List(): An initial filter argument creates [[filter]]
and not as before [[''], [filter]].
- tlib#input#List(): When type was "si" and the item was picked by
filter, the wrong index was returned.
- tlib#input#List(): Don't check if chars are typed when displaying
the list for the first time.
- The arguments of tlib#tag#Collect() have changed.
- tlib#input#List(): The view can be "suspended" on initial display.
- tlib#input#List(): Follow/trace cursor functionality
- tlib#buffer#InsertText(): Respect tabs and (experimental) formatoptions+=or
- tlib/syntax.vim: Syntax-related functions
- FIX: very magic mode for tlib#rx#Escape() (thanks A Politz)
- FIX: tlib#arg#Ex: escape "!"
- Respect the setting of g:tlib_inputlist_filename_indicators
- tlib#input#List(): Reset syntax on resume; option to make list window "sticky"
- tlib#agent#ToggleStickyList()
- Simplified tlib#url#Decode()
- tlib#arg#Ex(): use fnameescape() if available
- s:prototype.SetInitialFilter: accept list as argument
- Maintain buffer MRU if required
- NEW: tlib#notify#TrimMessage(): trim message to prevent "Press ENTER"
messages (contributed by Erik Falor)
- NEW: tlib#notify#Echo()
- FIX: World.CloseScratch(): Set window
- FIX: tlib#input#ListW(): Set initial_display = 1 on reset
- NEW: tlib#normal#WithRegister()
- FIX: Try not to change numbered registers
- FIX: Cosmetic bug, wrong packaging (thanks Nathan Neff)
- Meaning of World#filter_format changed; new World#filter_options
- Filtering didn't work as advertised
- tlib#string#Count()
- tlib#input#List():
-- Improved handling of sticky lists; <cr> and <Leftmouse> resume a
suspended list and immediately selects the item under the cursor
-- Experimental "seq" matching style: the conjunctions are sequentially
ordered, they are combined with "OR" (disjunctions), the regexp is
'magic', and "." is expanded to '.\{-}'
-- Experimental "cnfd" matching style: Same as cnf but with an "elastic"
dot "." that matches '\.\{-}'
-- Filtering acts as if &ic=1 && $sc=1
-- Weighting is done by the filter
- tlib#agent#Input(): Consume <esc> when aborting input()
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Changed eligible values of g:tlib_inputlist_match
to "cnf", "cnfd", "seq" and "fuzzy"
- NEW: tlib#buffer#KeepCursorPosition()
- tlib#buffer#InsertText(): Take care of the extra line when appending
text to an empty buffer.
- tlib#string#Strip(): Strip also control characters (newlines etc.)
- tlib#rx#Suffixes(): 'suffixes' as Regexp
- World#RestoreOrigin(): Don't assume &splitbelow
- World#RestoreOrigin(): Don't assume &splitright
- :TRequire command
-tlib#input#List: For i-type list views, make sure agents are called
with the base indices.
- tlib#agent#Exit: explicitly return empty value (as a consequence,
pressing <esc> when browsing an index-list, returns 0 and not "")
- tlib#signs
- tlib#input#List: set local statusline
- Don't reset statusline
- Don't use fnamemodify() to split filenames (for performance reasons)
- scratch: Set ft after setting up scratch options
- tlib#map#PumAccept(key)
- tlib#buffer#HighlightLine(line): call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init()
(reported by Sergey Khorev)
- tlib#input#EditList(): return the list if the user presses esc
- Display a message when the filter is for whatever reason invalid
- Removed tlib#paragraph#Delete()
- New: tlib#paragraph#Define(), tlib#textobjects#StandardParagraph()
- Try to speed up list display (a rewrite of World.DisplayList() etc. is
- g:tlib_inputlist_livesearch_threshold defaults to 1000
- tlib#World: optional scratch_pos field
- tlib#input#List: By default <m-NUMBER> selects by number but NUMBER is
interpreted as string
- tlib#date
- TTimeCommand
- tlib#World#Resize: set winfix{height|width}
- g:tlib#cache#dont_purge
- tlib#vim#RestoreWindow()
- tlib#ballon#...()
- tlib#agent#ViewFile: Use split/sbuffer if nohidden && modified
- tlib#buffer#GetList(): order by "basename"
version: "0.41"
- World.UseScratch(): keepalt
- Really include balloon.vim
MD5 checksum: 3fcbc4f7556f5378d39622e62ab8f379
version: "0.42"
- tlib#input#List: <s-space> inserts a *-like wildcard (represented as "__")
- Check if a cache file cannot be created because a directory of the same name exists (display a message if so)
- tlib#cache#Filename: Removed check if a directory of the same name exists (due to inconsistent use)
- Minor improvements related to buffer handling (scratch_split)
- .gitignore
- docs (thanks to blueyed)
- There is no "edit" answer possibility.
- Fix first purge: do nothing if no timestamp file.
- g:tlib_pick_single_item
- Removed pick_single_item. Changed the default behavour when a list has only 1 item. See doc for g:tlib_pick_last_item.
- Updated help for tlib#input#List(); help_extra attribute
- EXPERIMENTAL: cache_var, restore_from_cache, on_leave properties; #Initialize(), #Leave()
- added tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback function and :TBrowseScriptnames command
- tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback function and :TBrowseScriptnames command documentation
- s:prototype.Initialize(): unlet self.cache_var after restoring values
- tlib#input#List: filter-specific help
- Removed the seq filter (use cnfd or fuzzy instead)
- tlib#input#List: temp_prompt (for help message)
MD5 checksum: aa8b5a4602235cc1a5bc9ee45d801b81
version: "0.42"
- g:tlib#cache#silent: don't display messages when purging the cache (fixes #9)
- Changed message when deleting directories in the cache.
- g:tlib#input#use_popup: Don't rely on has('menu') but also check for gtk & win gui (fixes #10)
- debug
- tlib#input#ListW(): Didn't return a list when type == "m"
- docs (solves #11)
MD5 checksum: aa8b5a4602235cc1a5bc9ee45d801b81
version: "0.45"
- fuzzy mode: prototype.highlight defaults to g:tlib_inputlist_higroup
- tlib#scratch: Use noautocmd
- tlib#input#ListW(): Use world.RestoreOrigin() instead of tlib#win#SetLayout(world.winview)
- tlib#input#ListW(): Revert to tlib#win#SetLayout(world.winview)
- tlib#cmd#OutputAsList(): Also save output in g:tlib#cmd#last_output
- tlib#agent#Suspend(): Resume on BufEnter
- tlib#input#Resume(): Make sure we are in the right buffer
- tlib#agent#Suspend(): Use only BufEnter event to trigger a Resume
- tlib#input#ListW(): When redisplaying a list, make sure prefix > 0
- tlib#vcs: Access vcs (initially only git is supported)
- tlib#vcs: improved
- tlib#persistent: Persistent data file names
- tlib#file#With(): Trigger BufRead autocommands
- Duplicate help tags (fixes #13)
- Make sure scrolloff is 0 while viewing the list (fixes https://github.com/tomtom/vikitasks_vim/issues/2)
MD5 checksum: 0af19ebc0e424727a598a988fdc90f4e
- Support for tinykeymap (move paragraph)
- Moved para_move to autoload/tinykeymap/map
- tlib#vcs: some "diff" commands were defined as "ls"; updated hg def; %s is optional
MD5 checksum: f2f2fe0893e75bb9423c1ddcd01f38f6
version: "0.46"
- tlib#input#List: optimizations
- Prepare for multi-mode maps
- tlib#input#List: cnfx is new default filter
- Filters: minor changes to how the pattern is displayed
- g:tlib#input#format_filename: alternative method for formatting filenames
- tlib#input#List: allow multiple keymaps / modes
- Handle rezise events
- Don't initialize the same window twice
- Minor optimizations to how help is displayed
- Handle VimResize event per buffer
- Improve display of filenames & highlighting
- Filename highlighter: set Highlight_filename()
- RunStateHandlers(): set world variable
- Optimize help display
MD5 checksum: e3652927722bdc51935eb1a04238546b
version: "1.00"
- Set g:tlib_inputlist_and to ' ' again
- g:tlib#input#filename_max_width: maximum display width of filenames
- tlib#input#List: <s-esc>, <f10>: run command by name
MD5 checksum: a42f90275cdbe9f7d92cac61b884a2d1
version: "1.01"
- #UseInputListScratch(): Make sure the TLib autogroup was created (fixes #14)
MD5 checksum: 5a6da7fc99c7fc7584e8fc2f7bf86fe4
version: "1.02"
- tlib#cache#Value(cfile, generator, ftime, ...): cache value & check timestamp
- Replaced g:tlib#cache#silent with g:tlib#cache#verbosity
- FormatFilenames: improved handling of utf8 characters
- tlib#persistent#Value()
- tlib#input#List: Allow filename indiactors defined by the caller
- Custom filename_indicators are displayed after (and clearly separted from) the standard indicators
- Check the return value of an unknown_key agent
- Format filename = "l": Allow ".." as start of a directory name
- Format filename = "l": If the filename is just a filename's tail, display it on both sides
- Set g:tlib_filename_sep to "\" on Windows (again)
- g:tlib#cache#max_filename: If the cache filename is longer than N characters, use |pathshorten()|.
MD5 checksum: b64ce6764f39f40bfc95f3916bbb0057
version: "1.04"
version: "1.05"
- tlib#hash: Adler32 & CRC32 (using zlib via ruby) algorithms
- tlib#cache#Filename(): If the cache filename is too long, add the Adler32 checksum to the shortened path
- tlib#cache#Filename(): Use tlib#hash#Adler32() only if the or() function exists
- tlib#hash#Adler32(): Raise error, if or() doesn't exist
- tlib#hash#CRC32(): Alternative implementation of crc32 (doesn't work yet, thus currently disabled)
- tlib#bitwise: Bitwise operations for older versions of vim
- tlib#number: Base conversion
- tlib#input#ListW(): Handle mouse clicks more correctly
- tlib#bitwise#Num2Bits(): Supports returning floats
- tlib#hash#CRC32(): Alternative implementation of crc32 (doesn't work yet)
- tlib#hash#CRC32(): Re-enable ruby version
- tlib#hash#CRC32B(): Implementation of CRC32B checksum in vimscript (used only if +ruby isn't available)
- tlib#hash#CRC32B(): vim version: cache the crc table
- tlib#cache#Filename(): Use tlib#hash#CRC32B(file) instead of not Adler32 for filenames too long
- tlib#hash#CRC32B(): ruby version: return upper case hex value
- g:tlib#hash#use_crc32: define which crc32b version should be used
- Moved spec files from vimtlib to tlib_vim
- tlib#bitwise#Add() and tlib#bitwise#Sub()
- tlib#file#Relative(): Wrong results for filenames that don't exist
- Implementation of hash#Adler32 for earlier vim versions; g:tlib#hash#use_adler32
- tlib#cache#Filename(): Use adler32 again
- addon-info
- tlib#file#Absolute(): remove redundant "." parts in full filename
- win32: Fix moving window when using :vertical for tlib#inpu#List()
- tlib#cache#Filename(): Don't create wrong directory if the cache filename is too long
- tlib#file#Join(): if strip_slashes, also strip redundant (back)slashes
- tlib#input#ListW(): Always set post_keys variable
- tlib#file#With(): escape backslashes
- tlib#cmd#OutputAsList(): Support for nesting
- tlib#dir#NativeName(dirname)
MD5 checksum: 493f9beca44374de386f20d1613155e3
- Rename g:tlib_debug to g:tlib#debug
- Renamed g:tlib_sortprefs_threshold to g:tlib#input#sortprefs_threshold
- Renamed g:tlib#input#livesearch_threshold
- Renamed g:tlib_inputlist_match to g:tlib#input#filter_mode
- Renamed g:tlib_inputlist_higroup to g:tlib#input#higroup
- Renamed g:tlib#debug
- Moved g:tlib_pick_last_item
- Renamed g:tlib#input#and, g:tlib#input#or, g:tlib#input#not
- Moved g:tlib_numeric_chars to autoload/tlib/input.vim
- Renamed g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_s, g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_m, g:tlib#input#handlers_EditList
- Moved g:tlib_inputlist_pct, g:tlib_inputlist_width_filename, g:tlib_inputlist_filename_indicators, g:tlib_inputlist_shortmessage to autoload/tlib/World.vim
- Renamed tlib#input#pick_last_item (2)
- prototype.SelectItemsByNames()
- filtered_items: Restricted view
- prototype.PrintLines()
- Restricted view (2)
- Moved g:tlib_scroll_lines to autoload/tlib/agent.vim
- prototype.PrintLines() (2)
- tlib#input: Improved handling of popup menu (allows submenu)
- tlib#input: Allow mods in keys
- Moved g:tlib_scratch_pos to autoload/tlib/scratch.vim
- Moved g:tlib_tags_extra, g:tlib_tag_substitute to autoload/tlib/tag.vim
- tlib#agent#CompleteAgentNames(): Respect Arglead
- Move g:tlib_viewline_position to autoload/tlib/buffer.vim
- Move g:tlib_cache to autoload/tlib/cache.vim
- Renamed g:tlib_filename_sep to g:tlib#dir#sep
- prototype.UseScratch(): Set b:tlib_world
- tlib#input: f9 toggles resticted view
- tlib#input: next_agent, next_eval
- tlib#input: Revised use of the popup menu
- tlib#input: Disable popup menu for gui_gtk
- tlib#input: Re-enabled the popup menu for gtk gui
- tlib#input: FIX popup menu on Windows
- Renamed g:tlib_numeric_chars to g:tlib#input#numeric_chars (disabled per-buffer values) (fixes #35)
- Improve scratch list
- New: tlib#grep
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/bruno-/tlib_vim into pull16
- g:tlib_scratch_hidden: Configure how to "hide" the scratch buffer
- tlib#grep#Do: don't escape "*" in patterns
- Optimize use of visible scratch buffers
- World.scratch_hidden parameter
- scratch: Always use keepalt & keepjumps
MD5 checksum: 2e40449c47dc606ccef57aa0b1e22e8e
version: "1.06"
version: "1.07"
- Help template
- prototype.Highlight_filename(): Use matchstr() instead of fnamemodify()
- Display buffer-related filename indicators only if g:tlib_inputlist_filename_indicators is true
- tlib#file#Join(): strip_slashes defaults to 1
MD5 checksum: 6c8fa96fd3747be05df848ee93dd789b
version: "1.08"
- list#input: Improved support for file indicators (closes #17)
- tlib#char#Get(): Optionally, also return mod
- tlib#input#ListW: Use #DisplayFormat(world.list)
- Renamed cnfx filter to glob & minor filter-related enhancements
- list#input: Make help available as command; help cannot be called via ?
- list#input: Improved help message
- list#input: Support Home & End keys
- list#input: Added glob filter
- tlib#agent#ShowInfo: Show full filename
- tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback: Support calling callback with multiple results
- tlib#cmd#ParseScriptname: Properly parse results from :scriptnames
- tlib#tab#Set()
- Prepare for proper handling of scratch_split == -1
- tlib#vim#CopyFunction()
- tlib#cache#Value(): If generator is empty, use the optional argument as start value
- tlib#persistent#Get() refers to tlib#cache#Get()
MD5 checksum: 459ec620168d1ae9b18c69eb3f991832
- tlib#cache#Filename(): Use sha256() for VIM >= 7.4
- tlib#cache#Value(): Undo previous hack
- tlib#list#Uniq(): option to remove empty values
- tlib#cache#MTime(); tlib#persistent#Save() calls tlib#cache#Save()
- tlib#input#ListW: Temporarily set noshowmode
- tlib#list#Uniq(): Fix handling of empty items
- lis picker: Remove <C-Space> from help
- tlib#list#Uniq(): Implementation based on syntastic#util#unique(list) by scrooloose
MD5 checksum: b5fb4107d63930c2c8b1f0f6b3a7ff07
version: "1.09"
- tlib#cache#Filename(): Use sha256() for VIM >= 7.4
- tlib#cache#Value(): Undo previous hack
- tlib#list#Uniq(): option to remove empty values
- tlib#cache#MTime(); tlib#persistent#Save() calls tlib#cache#Save()
- tlib#input#ListW: Temporarily set noshowmode
- tlib#list#Uniq(): Fix handling of empty items
- lis picker: Remove <C-Space> from help
- tlib#list#Uniq(): Implementation based on syntastic#util#unique(list) by scrooloose
MD5 checksum: b5fb4107d63930c2c8b1f0f6b3a7ff07
version: "1.09"
- tlib#string#Chomp: Optional argument: max number of chars that should be removed
MD5 checksum: 8c1b94e25045580874e2f892d509291b
version: "1.10"
- tlib#vcs#FindVCS(filename): Wrong parameters to fnamemodifiy if filename is a directory
- Some system-related functions (e.g. facilitate use of cygwin tools)
- tlib#arg#StringAsKeyArgsEqual(), tlib#arg#StringAsKeyArgs(): Support "key=val" type argument lists
- tlib#vcs#Executable()
- scripts/create_crc_table.rb
- tlib#var#Get(): For namespaces other than global, replace "#" with "_"
MD5 checksum: 4a33f2f23e1fc6600b32e7f8323e001e
version: "1.11"
- tlib#list#ToDictionary()
- tlib#dir#CanonicName(): Use tlib#file#Canonic()
- tlib#file#Canonic()
MD5 checksum: 7995ab58f31eb6673d20deab8761838e
version: "1.12"
- SetInitialFilter(): Use deepcopy()
- tlib#var#List(): use keys(namespace) for newer versions of vim
- g:tlib#input#user_shortcuts (not functional yet)
- tlib#input#List: state "picked"
- UseInputListScratch(): Allow customization via self.index_next_syntax
- tlib#cmd#Capture()
- Facilitate customization of key agents via g:tlib_extend_keyagents_InputList_s, g:tlib_extend_keyagents_InputList_m
MD5 checksum: 7dd8b17a1a5b555df979381dcbd4c9aa
version: "1.13"
- SetInitialFilter(): Use deepcopy()
- tlib#var#List(): use keys(namespace) for newer versions of vim
- g:tlib#input#user_shortcuts (not functional yet)
- tlib#input#List: state "picked"
- UseInputListScratch(): Allow customization via self.index_next_syntax
- tlib#cmd#Capture()
- Facilitate customization of key agents via g:tlib_extend_keyagents_InputList_s, g:tlib_extend_keyagents_InputList_m
MD5 checksum: 7dd8b17a1a5b555df979381dcbd4c9aa
version: "1.13"
version: "1.14"
- FIX #18: Make sure the scratch isn't readonly
- FIX: display filter (properly handle backslashes)
- Remove loaded_* guard from autoload files
- tlib#notify#Echo(): minor changes
- tlib#file#Edit() (used by tlib#agent#ViewFile)
- tlib#buffer#GetList(): Buffer numbers are converted to numbers
- tlib#sys: Change order of functions (move tlib#sys#IsCygwinBin to the (possibly FIX #19)
- g:tlib#sys#check_cygpath: Call tlib#sys#IsExecutable('cygpath', 1) (possibly FIX #19)
MD5 checksum: 2cf6386218736a2d09db43c8e751e5a4
version: "1.15"
- tlib#file#Join(): New optional argument: maybe_absolute Drop preceding parts if a part looks like an absolute filename
- tlib#sys#Open(), tlib#sys#IsSpecial() (moved from viki)
- tlib#list#Uniq(): Handle hetergenous lists
- FIX #21: duplicate help tag
- NEW tlib#dictionary#Rev()
- tlib#input#List(): Use <Tab> to complete current word
- NEW tlib#arg#GetOpts(); ENH tlib#arg#StringAsKeyArgsEqual()
- cache: Allow for in memory cache
- NEW tlib#eval#Extend()
- Move qfl/loclist browser from trag to tlib
- FIX tlib#eval#Extend()
- Simplify tlib#eval#Extend()
- World.index_next_syntax may be a dict
- tlib#qfl#QflList: Use copy()
- tlib#arg#GetOpts: Handle exit code
MD5 checksum: 13fd8b0e4ba9cd932c57fc40ac3f641f
version: "1.15"
- tlib#file#Join(): New optional argument: maybe_absolute Drop preceding parts if a part looks like an absolute filename
- tlib#sys#Open(), tlib#sys#IsSpecial() (moved from viki)
- tlib#list#Uniq(): Handle hetergenous lists
- FIX #21: duplicate help tag
- NEW tlib#dictionary#Rev()
- tlib#input#List(): Use <Tab> to complete current word
- NEW tlib#arg#GetOpts(); ENH tlib#arg#StringAsKeyArgsEqual()
- cache: Allow for in memory cache
- NEW tlib#eval#Extend()
- Move qfl/loclist browser from trag to tlib
- FIX tlib#eval#Extend()
- Simplify tlib#eval#Extend()
- World.index_next_syntax may be a dict
- tlib#qfl#QflList: Use copy()
- tlib#arg#GetOpts: Handle exit code
MD5 checksum: 13fd8b0e4ba9cd932c57fc40ac3f641f
- tlib#arg#GetOpts: Handle short options
- tlib#arg: support short flags & facilitate completion
- NEW :TLibTrace
- tlib#sys#system_browser: FIX XDG string
- NEW tlib#sys#SystemInDir() (used by tlib#vcs#Ls)
- tlib#agent#Complete: improve fltrx
- Remove tlib#arg#Key(), :TKeyArg
- Move :TRequire, :TTimeCommand to macros/tlib.vim
- NEW tlib#cmd#TBrowseScriptnames()
- TScratch: use empty('<bang>')
- NEW :TLibTrace
- tlib#qfl: FIX TTagedFilesFilename regexp
- Remove tlib#arg#Key()
- tlib#buffer#InsertText(): Don't use TKeyArg
- tlib#eval#Extend: don't assign value
- NEW :TLibTrace, tlib#trace (was tlib#debug)
- NEW tlib#string#SplitCommaList()
- NEW tlib#time#FormatNow()
- tlib#arg#GetOpts: selectively disable "long", "short" flags
- tlib#arg#CComplete(): Support values completion (complete_customlist field)
- NEW tlib#date#Shift()
- tlib#qfl#Balloon(): Handle items with no bufnr
- NEW tlib#file#Glob, tlib#file#Globpath
- tlib#progressbar#Display(): optional "always" argument
- tlib#vcs#GitLsPostprocess(): Try to handle encoded filenames from git ls-files
- tlib#vcs#GitLsPostprocess: Eval only \ddd substrings
- FIX #22: duplicate tag
- tlib#buffer: Use 2match instead of 3match (incompatibility with matchparen)
- FIX #23: duplicate help tag
- tlib#string#SplitCommaList: optional "sep" argument
- Rename TLibTrace -> Tlibtrace; NEW Tlibtraceset command
- Rename s:SetSyntax -> tlib#qfl#SetSyntax
- mv tlib#rx#Convert to incubator
MD5 checksum: f3656fb35b7b3033084d6c5e504aca61
version: "1.16"
- tlib#input#List: #ReduceFilter: make sure the regexp is valid
- TTimeCommand -> Ttimecommand
- tlib#eval#Extend: mode argument for expand() compatibility
- tlib#input#List: Key handlers can have additional arguments
- tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected: Set world
- prototype.UseInputListScratch: Run tlib_UseInputListScratch hook earlier
- tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected: typo
- tlib#arg#GetOpts: type conversion (comma-separated lists etc.)
- tlib#arg: validators
- NEW tlib#date#IsDate()
- tlib#balloon#Remove: Unset &ballooneval, &balloonexpr
- NEW tlib#balloon#Expand()
- NEW tlib#date#Format()
- FIX tlib#date#Shift(..., "+Xm") for months
- NEW tlib#trace#Backtrace()
- NEW tlib#type#Is(), tlib#type#Are(), tlib#type#Has(), tlib#type#Have()
- NEW :Tlibassert
MD5 checksum: 3c4125a28ff1860accd254846651c251
version: "1.17"
- tlib#input#List: #ReduceFilter: make sure the regexp is valid
- TTimeCommand -> Ttimecommand
- tlib#eval#Extend: mode argument for expand() compatibility
- tlib#input#List: Key handlers can have additional arguments
- tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected: Set world
- prototype.UseInputListScratch: Run tlib_UseInputListScratch hook earlier
- tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected: typo
- tlib#arg#GetOpts: type conversion (comma-separated lists etc.)
- tlib#arg: validators
- NEW tlib#date#IsDate()
- tlib#balloon#Remove: Unset &ballooneval, &balloonexpr
- NEW tlib#balloon#Expand()
- NEW tlib#date#Format()
- FIX tlib#date#Shift(..., "+Xm") for months
- NEW tlib#trace#Backtrace()
- NEW tlib#type#Is(), tlib#type#Are(), tlib#type#Has(), tlib#type#Have()
- NEW :Tlibassert
MD5 checksum: 3c4125a28ff1860accd254846651c251
version: "1.17"
- tlib#input#List: #ReduceFilter: make sure the regexp is valid
- TTimeCommand -> Ttimecommand
- tlib#eval#Extend: mode argument for expand() compatibility
- tlib#input#List: Key handlers can have additional arguments
- tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected: Set world
- prototype.UseInputListScratch: Run tlib_UseInputListScratch hook earlier
- tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected: typo
- tlib#arg#GetOpts: type conversion (comma-separated lists etc.)
- tlib#arg: validators
- NEW tlib#date#IsDate()
- tlib#balloon#Remove: Unset &ballooneval, &balloonexpr
- NEW tlib#balloon#Expand()
- NEW tlib#date#Format()
- FIX tlib#date#Shift(..., "+Xm") for months
- NEW tlib#trace#Backtrace()
- NEW tlib#type#Is(), tlib#type#Are(), tlib#type#Has(), tlib#type#Have()
- NEW :Tlibassert
MD5 checksum: 3c4125a28ff1860accd254846651c251
version: "1.17"
- tlib#input#List: #ReduceFilter: make sure the regexp is valid
- TTimeCommand -> Ttimecommand
- tlib#eval#Extend: mode argument for expand() compatibility
- tlib#input#List: Key handlers can have additional arguments
- tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected: Set world
- prototype.UseInputListScratch: Run tlib_UseInputListScratch hook earlier
- tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected: typo
- tlib#arg#GetOpts: type conversion (comma-separated lists etc.)
- tlib#arg: validators
- NEW tlib#date#IsDate()
- tlib#balloon#Remove: Unset &ballooneval, &balloonexpr
- NEW tlib#balloon#Expand()
- NEW tlib#date#Format()
- FIX tlib#date#Shift(..., "+Xm") for months
- NEW tlib#trace#Backtrace()
- NEW tlib#type#Is(), tlib#type#Are(), tlib#type#Has(), tlib#type#Have()
- NEW :Tlibassert
MD5 checksum: 3c4125a28ff1860accd254846651c251
version: "1.17"
- tlib#arg: Completion for comma-separated lists
- Use "silent cd"
- NEW tlib#type#DefSchema(); FIX tlib#type#Has()
- tlib#cache#Value(): minor change
- tlib#date#IsDate() also checks whether the date is valid
- ! tlib#sys#Open(): escape special chars only once
- tlib#trace#Print: Allow for strings
- :Tlibtrace, :Tlibtraceset, :Tlibassert remove `-bar`
- NEW :Tlibtype (type/schema assertions); tlib#type#Is() also accepts schemas as "types"
- tlib#dir#CD(): Use haslocaldir()
- tlib#qfl#AgentGotoQFE: Don't use wincmd w
- NEW tlib#string#Input()
- FIX g:tlib#sys#system_rx; add OpenOffice exensions to g:tlib#sys#special_suffixes
- NEW tlib#selection#GetSelection()
- tlib#date#Shift(): Fix "Xm", ++specs
- tlib#trace#Set: FIX Properly handly "-label"
MD5 checksum: c3a1fe7d3cd86becbd3f7b0ba7ae9cd8
version: "1.19"
version: "1.20"
- tlib#arg: Completion for comma-separated lists
- Use "silent cd"
- NEW tlib#type#DefSchema(); FIX tlib#type#Has()
- tlib#cache#Value(): minor change
- tlib#date#IsDate() also checks whether the date is valid
- ! tlib#sys#Open(): escape special chars only once
- tlib#trace#Print: Allow for strings
- :Tlibtrace, :Tlibtraceset, :Tlibassert remove `-bar`
- NEW :Tlibtype (type/schema assertions); tlib#type#Is() also accepts schemas as "types"
- tlib#dir#CD(): Use haslocaldir()
- tlib#qfl#AgentGotoQFE: Don't use wincmd w
- NEW tlib#string#Input()
- FIX g:tlib#sys#system_rx; add OpenOffice exensions to g:tlib#sys#special_suffixes
- NEW tlib#selection#GetSelection()
- tlib#date#Shift(): Fix "Xm", ++specs
- tlib#trace#Set: FIX Properly handly "-label"
MD5 checksum: c919e0782931a8c628c6996903f989d3
- tlib#date#Shift(): Support for business days 'Nb'
- tlib#list#Uniq: Properly handle empty strings
- tlib#trace: Use g:tlib#trace#printer and tlib#trace#Printer_{printer}
- tlib#dictionary#Rev: Optional argument `opts = {}`; properly handle empty values etc.
- NEW g:tlib#trace#hl
- NEW spec/dictionary.vim
- tlib#agent#CompleteAgentNames: case insensitive
- tlib#arg#CComplete: --[no-]debug option
- tlib#date#Format: use localtime() if no arg is provided
- NEW tlib#file#IsAbsolute
- NEW tlib#notify#PrintError()
- tlib#trace#Print: FIX s/exec/call/
- tlib#type#Is() match full type name
- NEW tlib#string#MatchAll()
- Tlibtraceset, tlib#trace#Set(): If no `+` or `-` is prepended, assume `+`.
- tlib#list#Input: fix highlighting for filenames
- tlib#input#ListW: use world.CloseScratch(1)
- tlib#agent#ViewFile: Ignore errors in :exec back
- NEW tlib#agent#EditFileInWindow()
- :Tlibtraceset uses tlib#arg#GetOpts(), i.e. you can set the log file more easily
MD5 checksum: 20a48e225f32b9f58808096a5377af04
version: "1.22"
- tlib#date#Shift(): Support for business days 'Nb'
- tlib#list#Uniq: Properly handle empty strings
- tlib#trace: Use g:tlib#trace#printer and tlib#trace#Printer_{printer}
- tlib#dictionary#Rev: Optional argument `opts = {}`; properly handle empty values etc.
- NEW g:tlib#trace#hl
- NEW spec/dictionary.vim
- tlib#agent#CompleteAgentNames: case insensitive
- tlib#arg#CComplete: --[no-]debug option
- tlib#date#Format: use localtime() if no arg is provided
- NEW tlib#file#IsAbsolute
- NEW tlib#notify#PrintError()
- tlib#trace#Print: FIX s/exec/call/
- tlib#type#Is() match full type name
- NEW tlib#string#MatchAll()
- Tlibtraceset, tlib#trace#Set(): If no `+` or `-` is prepended, assume `+`.
- tlib#list#Input: fix highlighting for filenames
- tlib#input#ListW: use world.CloseScratch(1)
- tlib#agent#ViewFile: Ignore errors in :exec back
- NEW tlib#agent#EditFileInWindow()
- :Tlibtraceset uses tlib#arg#GetOpts(), i.e. you can set the log file more easily
MD5 checksum: 20a48e225f32b9f58808096a5377af04
version: "1.22"
- bump version 1.23 + misc changes
- FIX #24: avoid vim8 features
- tlib#win#GetID(): Alternative implementation sets a window variable to identify the window
- tlib#arg#GetOpts(): If args is a dict, return it
- tlib#file#FilterFiles(): FIX typo
- tlib#trace#Set: Experimental support for log levels
- tlib#input#ListW: make sure to close scratch when <= 1 items are in the list
- FIX #25: set win_nr again; fix some lint warnings
- tlib#progressbar#Init(): returns a statusline definition that can be used for restor
MD5 checksum: c4d6e018cbbd3b286a9b1648b748c1f3
version: "1.23"
- bump version 1.23 + misc changes
- FIX #24: avoid vim8 features
- tlib#win#GetID(): Alternative implementation sets a window variable to identify the window
- tlib#arg#GetOpts(): If args is a dict, return it
- tlib#file#FilterFiles(): FIX typo
- tlib#trace#Set: Experimental support for log levels
- tlib#input#ListW: make sure to close scratch when <= 1 items are in the list
- FIX #25: set win_nr again; fix some lint warnings
- tlib#progressbar#Init(): returns a statusline definition that can be used for restor
MD5 checksum: c4d6e018cbbd3b286a9b1648b748c1f3
version: "1.23"
- bump version 1.23 + misc changes
- FIX #24: avoid vim8 features
- tlib#win#GetID(): Alternative implementation sets a window variable to identify the window
- tlib#arg#GetOpts(): If args is a dict, return it
- tlib#file#FilterFiles(): FIX typo
- tlib#trace#Set: Experimental support for log levels
- tlib#input#ListW: make sure to close scratch when <= 1 items are in the list
- FIX #25: set win_nr again; fix some lint warnings
- tlib#progressbar#Init(): returns a statusline definition that can be used for restor
MD5 checksum: c4d6e018cbbd3b286a9b1648b748c1f3
version: "1.23"
- bump version 1.23 + misc changes
- FIX #24: avoid vim8 features
- tlib#win#GetID(): Alternative implementation sets a window variable to identify the window
- tlib#arg#GetOpts(): If args is a dict, return it
- tlib#file#FilterFiles(): FIX typo
- tlib#trace#Set: Experimental support for log levels
- tlib#input#ListW: make sure to close scratch when <= 1 items are in the list
- FIX #25: set win_nr again; fix some lint warnings
- tlib#progressbar#Init(): returns a statusline definition that can be used for restor
MD5 checksum: c4d6e018cbbd3b286a9b1648b748c1f3
version: "1.23"
- bump version 1.23 + misc changes
- FIX #24: avoid vim8 features
- tlib#win#GetID(): Alternative implementation sets a window variable to identify the window
- tlib#arg#GetOpts(): If args is a dict, return it
- tlib#file#FilterFiles(): FIX typo
- tlib#trace#Set: Experimental support for log levels
- tlib#input#ListW: make sure to close scratch when <= 1 items are in the list
- FIX #25: set win_nr again; fix some lint warnings
- tlib#progressbar#Init(): returns a statusline definition that can be used for restor
MD5 checksum: c4d6e018cbbd3b286a9b1648b748c1f3
version: "1.23"
- bump version 1.23 + misc changes
- FIX #24: avoid vim8 features
- tlib#win#GetID(): Alternative implementation sets a window variable to identify the window
- tlib#arg#GetOpts(): If args is a dict, return it
- tlib#file#FilterFiles(): FIX typo
- tlib#trace#Set: Experimental support for log levels
- tlib#input#ListW: make sure to close scratch when <= 1 items are in the list
- FIX #25: set win_nr again; fix some lint warnings
- tlib#progressbar#Init(): returns a statusline definition that can be used for restor
MD5 checksum: c4d6e018cbbd3b286a9b1648b748c1f3
version: "1.23"
- bump version 1.23 + misc changes
- FIX #24: avoid vim8 features
- tlib#win#GetID(): Alternative implementation sets a window variable to identify the window
- tlib#arg#GetOpts(): If args is a dict, return it
- tlib#file#FilterFiles(): FIX typo
- tlib#trace#Set: Experimental support for log levels
- tlib#input#ListW: make sure to close scratch when <= 1 items are in the list
- FIX #25: set win_nr again; fix some lint warnings
- tlib#progressbar#Init(): returns a statusline definition that can be used for restor
MD5 checksum: c4d6e018cbbd3b286a9b1648b748c1f3
version: "1.23"
- bump version 1.23 + misc changes
- FIX #24: avoid vim8 features
- tlib#win#GetID(): Alternative implementation sets a window variable to identify the window
- tlib#arg#GetOpts(): If args is a dict, return it
- tlib#file#FilterFiles(): FIX typo
- tlib#trace#Set: Experimental support for log levels
- tlib#input#ListW: make sure to close scratch when <= 1 items are in the list
- FIX #25: set win_nr again; fix some lint warnings
- tlib#progressbar#Init(): returns a statusline definition that can be used for restor
MD5 checksum: c4d6e018cbbd3b286a9b1648b748c1f3
version: "1.23"
- bump version 1.23 + misc changes
- FIX #24: avoid vim8 features
- tlib#win#GetID(): Alternative implementation sets a window variable to identify the window
- tlib#arg#GetOpts(): If args is a dict, return it
- tlib#file#FilterFiles(): FIX typo
- tlib#trace#Set: Experimental support for log levels
- tlib#input#ListW: make sure to close scratch when <= 1 items are in the list
- FIX #25: set win_nr again; fix some lint warnings
- tlib#progressbar#Init(): returns a statusline definition that can be used for restor
MD5 checksum: c4d6e018cbbd3b286a9b1648b748c1f3
version: "1.23"
2022-08-08 09:45:56 -04:00
version: '1.28'
- Remove unnecessary executable flags from files
- Merge pull request #28 from gbence/master
- Fix error E1208 raised by vim >=8.2.3141
- Merge pull request #30 from stac47/fix_for_vim_8_2_3141
- Fix win_id format mismatch on vim7 or bellow
- Merge pull request #37 from moodoofish/master
- tlib#number#ConvertBase: support base > 36
SHA256 checksum: 666e632a1ebacebf6e774cdf5c541418343ce1a3949268685ebcb60e480b9f1d