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2022-07-05 02:25:26 -04:00
import { Neovim } from '@chemzqm/neovim'
import { Disposable, Range, Position } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
import LinkedEditingHandler from '../../handler/linkedEditing'
import languages from '../../languages'
import workspace from '../../workspace'
import { disposeAll } from '../../util'
import helper from '../helper'
let nvim: Neovim
let handler: LinkedEditingHandler
let disposables: Disposable[] = []
let wordPattern: string | undefined
beforeAll(async () => {
await helper.setup()
nvim = helper.nvim
handler = helper.plugin.getHandler().linkedEditingHandler
afterAll(async () => {
await helper.shutdown()
beforeEach(async () => {
helper.updateConfiguration('coc.preferences.enableLinkedEditing', true)
afterEach(async () => {
await helper.reset()
async function registerProvider(content: string, position: Position): Promise<void> {
let doc = await workspace.document
disposables.push(languages.registerLinkedEditingRangeProvider([{ language: '*' }], {
provideLinkedEditingRanges: (doc, pos) => {
let document = workspace.getDocument(doc.uri)
let range = document.getWordRangeAtPosition(pos)
if (!range) return null
let text = doc.getText(range)
let ranges: Range[] = document.getSymbolRanges(text)
return { ranges, wordPattern }
await nvim.setLine(content)
await doc.synchronize()
await handler.enable(doc, position)
async function assertMatches(len: number): Promise<void> {
let res = await nvim.call('getmatches') as any[]
res = res.filter(o => o.group === 'CocLinkedEditing')
describe('LinkedEditing', () => {
it('should active and cancel on cursor moved', async () => {
await registerProvider('foo foo a ', Position.create(0, 0))
await assertMatches(2)
await nvim.command(`normal! $`)
await helper.wait(50)
await assertMatches(0)
it('should active when moved to another word', async () => {
await registerProvider('foo foo bar bar bar', Position.create(0, 0))
await nvim.call('cursor', [1, 9])
await helper.wait(50)
await assertMatches(3)
it('should active on text change', async () => {
let doc = await workspace.document
await registerProvider('foo foo a ', Position.create(0, 0))
await assertMatches(2)
await nvim.call('cursor', [1, 1])
await nvim.call('nvim_buf_set_text', [doc.bufnr, 0, 0, 0, 0, ['i']])
await doc.synchronize()
let line = await nvim.line
expect(line).toBe('ifoo ifoo a ')
await nvim.call('nvim_buf_set_text', [doc.bufnr, 0, 0, 0, 1, []])
await doc.synchronize()
line = await nvim.line
expect(line).toBe('foo foo a ')
it('should cancel when change out of range', async () => {
let doc = await workspace.document
await registerProvider('foo foo bar', Position.create(0, 0))
await assertMatches(2)
await nvim.call('nvim_buf_set_text', [doc.bufnr, 0, 9, 0, 10, ['']])
await doc.synchronize()
await assertMatches(0)
it('should cancel on editor change', async () => {
await registerProvider('foo foo a ', Position.create(0, 0))
await nvim.command(`enew`)
await helper.wait(50)
await assertMatches(0)
it('should cancel when insert none word character', async () => {
await registerProvider('foo foo a ', Position.create(0, 0))
await nvim.call('cursor', [1, 4])
await nvim.input('i')
await nvim.input('a')
await helper.wait(50)
await assertMatches(2)
await nvim.input('i')
await nvim.input('@')
await helper.wait(50)
await assertMatches(0)
it('should cancel when insert not match wordPattern', async () => {
wordPattern = '[A-Z]'
await registerProvider('foo foo a ', Position.create(0, 0))
await nvim.call('cursor', [1, 4])
await nvim.input('i')
await nvim.input('A')
await helper.wait(50)
await assertMatches(2)
await nvim.input('i')
await nvim.input('3')
await helper.wait(50)
await assertMatches(0)
it('should cancel request on cursor moved', async () => {
disposables.push(languages.registerLinkedEditingRangeProvider([{ language: '*' }], {
provideLinkedEditingRanges: (doc, pos, token) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
token.onCancellationRequested(() => {
let timer = setTimeout(() => {
let document = workspace.getDocument(doc.uri)
let range = document.getWordRangeAtPosition(pos)
if (!range) return resolve(null)
let text = doc.getText(range)
let ranges: Range[] = document.getSymbolRanges(text)
resolve({ ranges, wordPattern })
}, 1000)
let doc = await workspace.document
await nvim.setLine('foo foo ')
await doc.synchronize()
await nvim.call('cursor', [1, 2])
await helper.wait(30)
await nvim.call('cursor', [1, 9])
await helper.wait(30)
await assertMatches(0)