* New **`:GoImpl`** command that generates method stubs for implementing an interface. Checkout the [demo](https://twitter.com/fatih/status/729991365581545472) to see how it works. [gh-846]
* New `<C-w><C-]>` and `<C-w>]>` shortcuts to split current window and jumpt to the identifier under cursor. [gh-838]
* Enable passing the `-tags` flag to `:GoDef`. Now you can pass build tags to `:GoDef` via `:GoGuruTags` or `g:go_guru_tags`
* Internal refactoring to use custom `system()` function that wraps both the standard `system()` call and `vimproc`. Now all system calls will take advantage and will use `vimproc` if installed. [gh-801]
* Added new `http.HandlerFunc` snippets with `hf` and `hhf` shortcuts [gh-816]
* Added new `Example` and `Benchmark` snippets with `example` and `benchmark` shortcuts [gh-836]
* Search tool binaries first in `GOBIN` and then in `PATH` as most of vim-go users installs it to `GOBIN` mostly [gh-823]
* Fix `(go-freevars)` plug mapping to work as in visual mode instead of noncompatible normal mode [gh-832]
* Commands based on guru now shows a more meaningful error message instead of just showing the exit status (-1)
* Fix `:GoCoverage` accidently enabling syntax highlighting for users who don't use syntax (i.e syntax off) [gh-827]
* Fix commenting out block of texts for Go templates (filetype gothtmltmpl) [gh-813]
* Fix `:GoImplements` failing because of an empty scope definition. Now we default to current package to make it usable.
* Fix `:GoPlay` posting to non HTTPS url. [gh-847]