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2014-08-07 19:42:41 -04:00
" Vim auto-load script
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
" Last Change: June 23, 2013
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/notes/
if !exists('g:notes_markdown_program')
let g:notes_markdown_program = 'markdown'
function! xolox#notes#html#view() " {{{1
" Convert the current note to a web page and show the web page in a browser.
" Requires [Markdown] [markdown] to be installed; you'll get a warning if it
" isn't.
" [markdown]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown
" Convert the note's text to HTML using Markdown.
let starttime = xolox#misc#timer#start()
let note_title = xolox#notes#current_title()
let filename = xolox#notes#title_to_fname(note_title)
let note_text = join(getline(1, '$'), "\n")
let raw_html = xolox#notes#html#convert_note(note_text)
let styled_html = xolox#notes#html#apply_template({
\ 'encoding': &encoding,
\ 'title': note_title,
\ 'content': raw_html,
\ 'version': g:xolox#notes#version,
\ 'date': strftime('%A %B %d, %Y at %H:%M'),
\ 'filename': fnamemodify(filename, ':~'),
\ })
let filename = s:create_temporary_file(note_title)
if writefile(split(styled_html, "\n"), filename) != 0
throw printf("Failed to write HTML file! (%s)", filename)
" Open the generated HTML in a web browser.
call xolox#misc#open#url('file://' . filename)
call xolox#misc#timer#stop("notes.vim %s: Rendered HTML preview in %s.", g:xolox#notes#version, starttime)
call xolox#misc#msg#warn("notes.vim %s: %s at %s", g:xolox#notes#version, v:exception, v:throwpoint)
function! xolox#notes#html#convert_note(note_text) " {{{1
" Convert a note's text to a web page (HTML) using the [Markdown text
" format] [markdown] as an intermediate format. This function takes the text
" of a note (the first argument) and converts it to HTML, returning a
" string.
if !executable(g:notes_markdown_program)
throw "HTML conversion requires the `markdown' program! On Debian/Ubuntu you can install it by executing `sudo apt-get install markdown'."
let markdown = xolox#notes#markdown#convert_note(a:note_text)
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': g:notes_markdown_program, 'stdin': markdown})
let html = join(result['stdout'], "\n")
return html
function! xolox#notes#html#apply_template(variables) " {{{1
" The vim-notes plug-in contains a web page template that's used to provide
" a bit of styling when a note is converted to a web page and presented to
" the user. This function takes the original HTML produced by [Markdown]
" [markdown] (the first argument) and wraps it in the configured template,
" returning the final HTML as a string.
let filename = expand(g:notes_html_template)
call xolox#misc#msg#debug("notes.vim %s: Reading web page template from %s ..", g:xolox#notes#version, filename)
let template = join(readfile(filename), "\n")
let output = substitute(template, '{{\(.\{-}\)}}', '\= s:template_callback(a:variables)', 'g')
return output
function! s:template_callback(variables) " {{{1
" Callback for xolox#notes#html#apply_template().
let key = xolox#misc#str#trim(submatch(1))
return get(a:variables, key, '')
function! s:create_temporary_file(note_title) " {{{1
" Create a temporary filename for a note converted to an HTML document,
" based on the title of the note.
if !exists('s:temporary_directory')
let s:temporary_directory = xolox#misc#path#tempdir()
let filename = xolox#misc#str#slug(a:note_title) . '.html'
return xolox#misc#path#merge(s:temporary_directory, filename)