Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-06-28 19:51:08 -04:00

524 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-07-20 01:20:15 -04:00
'use strict'
import { Neovim } from '@chemzqm/neovim'
import debounce from 'debounce'
import { CancellationTokenSource, Disposable } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
import events from '../events'
import extensions from '../extensions'
import { IList, ListItem, ListOptions, ListTask, Matcher } from '../types'
import { disposeAll } from '../util'
import workspace from '../workspace'
import window from '../window'
import ListConfiguration from './configuration'
import Mappings from './mappings'
import Prompt from './prompt'
import ListSession from './session'
import CommandsList from './source/commands'
import DiagnosticsList from './source/diagnostics'
import ExtensionList from './source/extensions'
import FolderList from './source/folders'
import LinksList from './source/links'
import ListsList from './source/lists'
import LocationList from './source/location'
import OutlineList from './source/outline'
import ServicesList from './source/services'
import SourcesList from './source/sources'
import SymbolsList from './source/symbols'
import stripAnsi from 'strip-ansi'
const logger = require('../util/logger')('list-manager')
const mouseKeys = ['<LeftMouse>', '<LeftDrag>', '<LeftRelease>', '<2-LeftMouse>']
export class ListManager implements Disposable {
public prompt: Prompt
public config: ListConfiguration
public mappings: Mappings
private nvim: Neovim
private plugTs = 0
private sessionsMap: Map<string, ListSession> = new Map()
private lastSession: ListSession | undefined
private disposables: Disposable[] = []
private listMap: Map<string, IList> = new Map()
public init(nvim: Neovim): void {
this.nvim = nvim
this.config = new ListConfiguration()
this.prompt = new Prompt(nvim, this.config)
this.mappings = new Mappings(this, nvim, this.config)
let signText = this.config.get<string>('selectedSignText', '*')
nvim.command(`sign define CocSelected text=${signText} texthl=CocSelectedText linehl=CocSelectedLine`, true)
events.on('InputChar', this.onInputChar, this, this.disposables)
let debounced = debounce(async () => {
let session = await this.getCurrentSession()
if (session) this.prompt.drawPrompt()
}, 100)
events.on('FocusGained', debounced, null, this.disposables)
events.on('WinEnter', winid => {
let session = this.getSessionByWinid(winid)
if (session) this.prompt.start(session.listOptions)
}, null, this.disposables)
let timer: NodeJS.Timer
events.on('WinLeave', winid => {
if (timer) clearTimeout(timer)
let session = this.getSessionByWinid(winid)
if (session) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, workspace.isVim ? 50 : 0)
}, null, this.disposables)
dispose: () => {
// filter history on input
this.prompt.onDidChangeInput(() => {
let { session } = this
if (!session) return
this.registerList(new LinksList(nvim))
this.registerList(new LocationList(nvim))
this.registerList(new SymbolsList(nvim))
this.registerList(new OutlineList(nvim))
this.registerList(new CommandsList(nvim))
this.registerList(new ExtensionList(nvim))
this.registerList(new DiagnosticsList(nvim, this))
this.registerList(new SourcesList(nvim))
this.registerList(new ServicesList(nvim))
this.registerList(new ListsList(nvim, this.listMap))
this.registerList(new FolderList(nvim))
public async start(args: string[]): Promise<void> {
let res = this.parseArgs(args)
if (!res) return
let { name } = res.list
let curr = this.sessionsMap.get(name)
if (curr) curr.dispose()
let session = new ListSession(this.nvim, this.prompt, res.list, res.options, res.listArgs, this.config)
this.sessionsMap.set(name, session)
this.lastSession = session
try {
await session.start(args)
} catch (e) {
this.nvim.call('coc#prompt#stop_prompt', ['list'], true)
let msg = e instanceof Error ? e.message : e.toString()
window.showMessage(`Error on "CocList ${name}": ${msg}`, 'error')
private getSessionByWinid(winid: number): ListSession | null {
for (let session of this.sessionsMap.values()) {
if (session && session.winid == winid) {
this.lastSession = session
return session
return null
private async getCurrentSession(): Promise<ListSession | null> {
let { id } = await this.nvim.window
for (let session of this.sessionsMap.values()) {
if (session && session.winid == id) {
this.lastSession = session
return session
return null
public async resume(name?: string): Promise<void> {
if (!name) {
await this.session?.resume()
} else {
let session = this.sessionsMap.get(name)
if (!session) {
window.showMessage(`Can't find exists ${name} list`)
await session.resume()
public async doAction(name?: string): Promise<void> {
let lastSession = this.lastSession
if (!lastSession) return
await lastSession.doAction(name)
public async first(name?: string): Promise<void> {
let s = this.getSession(name)
if (s) await s.first()
public async last(name?: string): Promise<void> {
let s = this.getSession(name)
if (s) await s.last()
public async previous(name?: string): Promise<void> {
let s = this.getSession(name)
if (s) await s.previous()
public async next(name?: string): Promise<void> {
let s = this.getSession(name)
if (s) await s.next()
public getSession(name?: string): ListSession {
if (!name) return this.session
return this.sessionsMap.get(name)
public async cancel(close = true): Promise<void> {
if (!close) return
if (this.session) await this.session.hide()
* Clear all list sessions
public reset(): void {
this.lastSession = undefined
for (let session of this.sessionsMap.values()) {
this.nvim.call('coc#prompt#stop_prompt', ['list'], true)
public async switchMatcher(): Promise<void> {
await this.session?.switchMatcher()
public async togglePreview(): Promise<void> {
let { nvim } = this
let winid = await nvim.call('coc#list#get_preview', [0])
if (winid != -1) {
await nvim.call('coc#window#close', [winid])
await nvim.command('redraw')
} else {
await this.doAction('preview')
public async chooseAction(): Promise<void> {
let { lastSession } = this
if (lastSession) await lastSession.chooseAction()
public parseArgs(args: string[]): { list: IList; options: ListOptions; listArgs: string[] } | null {
let options: string[] = []
let interactive = false
let autoPreview = false
let numberSelect = false
let noQuit = false
let first = false
let reverse = false
let name: string
let input = ''
let matcher: Matcher = 'fuzzy'
let position = 'bottom'
let listArgs: string[] = []
let listOptions: string[] = []
for (let arg of args) {
if (!name && arg.startsWith('-')) {
} else if (!name) {
if (!/^\w+$/.test(arg)) {
window.showMessage(`Invalid list option: "${arg}"`, 'error')
return null
name = arg
} else {
name = name || 'lists'
let config = workspace.getConfiguration(`list.source.${name}`)
if (!listOptions.length && !listArgs.length) listOptions = config.get<string[]>('defaultOptions', [])
if (!listArgs.length) listArgs = config.get<string[]>('defaultArgs', [])
for (let opt of listOptions) {
if (opt.startsWith('--input')) {
input = opt.slice(8)
} else if (opt == '--number-select' || opt == '-N') {
numberSelect = true
} else if (opt == '--auto-preview' || opt == '-A') {
autoPreview = true
} else if (opt == '--regex' || opt == '-R') {
matcher = 'regex'
} else if (opt == '--strict' || opt == '-S') {
matcher = 'strict'
} else if (opt == '--interactive' || opt == '-I') {
interactive = true
} else if (opt == '--top') {
position = 'top'
} else if (opt == '--tab') {
position = 'tab'
} else if (opt == '--ignore-case' || opt == '--normal' || opt == '--no-sort') {
} else if (opt == '--first') {
first = true
} else if (opt == '--reverse') {
reverse = true
} else if (opt == '--no-quit') {
noQuit = true
} else {
window.showMessage(`Invalid option "${opt}" of list`, 'error')
return null
let list = this.listMap.get(name)
if (!list) {
window.showMessage(`List ${name} not found`, 'error')
return null
if (interactive && !list.interactive) {
window.showMessage(`Interactive mode of "${name}" list not supported`, 'error')
return null
return {
options: {
ignorecase: options.includes('ignore-case') ? true : false,
mode: !options.includes('normal') ? 'insert' : 'normal',
sort: !options.includes('no-sort') ? true : false
private async onInputChar(session: string, ch: string, charmod: number): Promise<void> {
if (session != 'list') return
let { mode } = this.prompt
let now = Date.now()
if (ch == '<plug>' || (this.plugTs && now - this.plugTs < 20)) {
this.plugTs = now
if (!ch) return
if (ch == '<esc>') {
await this.cancel()
if (mode == 'insert') {
await this.onInsertInput(ch, charmod)
} else {
await this.onNormalInput(ch, charmod)
public async onInsertInput(ch: string, charmod?: number): Promise<void> {
let { session } = this
if (!session) return
if (mouseKeys.includes(ch)) {
await this.onMouseEvent(ch)
let n = await session.doNumberSelect(ch)
if (n) return
let done = await this.mappings.doInsertKeymap(ch)
if (done || charmod) return
if (ch.startsWith('<') && ch.endsWith('>')) {
await this.feedkeys(ch, false)
for (let s of ch) {
let code = s.codePointAt(0)
if (code == 65533) return
// exclude control character
if (code < 32 || code >= 127 && code <= 159) return
await this.prompt.acceptCharacter(s)
public async onNormalInput(ch: string, _charmod?: number): Promise<void> {
if (mouseKeys.includes(ch)) {
await this.onMouseEvent(ch)
let used = await this.mappings.doNormalKeymap(ch)
if (!used) await this.feedkeys(ch)
private onMouseEvent(key): Promise<void> {
if (this.session) return this.session.onMouseEvent(key)
public async feedkeys(key: string, remap = true): Promise<void> {
let { nvim } = this
key = key.startsWith('<') && key.endsWith('>') ? `\\${key}` : key
await nvim.call('coc#prompt#stop_prompt', ['list'])
await nvim.call('eval', [`feedkeys("${key}", "${remap ? 'i' : 'in'}")`])
public async command(command: string): Promise<void> {
let { nvim } = this
await nvim.call('coc#prompt#stop_prompt', ['list'])
await nvim.command(command)
public async normal(command: string, bang = true): Promise<void> {
let { nvim } = this
await nvim.call('coc#prompt#stop_prompt', ['list'])
await nvim.command(`normal${bang ? '!' : ''} ${command}`)
public async call(fname: string): Promise<any> {
if (this.session) return await this.session.call(fname)
public get session(): ListSession | undefined {
return this.lastSession
public registerList(list: IList): Disposable {
let { name } = list
let exists = this.listMap.get(name)
if (this.listMap.has(name)) {
if (exists) {
if (typeof exists.dispose == 'function') {
window.showMessage(`list "${name}" recreated.`)
this.listMap.set(name, list)
extensions.addSchemeProperty(`list.source.${name}.defaultAction`, {
type: 'string',
default: null,
description: `Default action of "${name}" list.`
extensions.addSchemeProperty(`list.source.${name}.defaultOptions`, {
type: 'array',
default: list.interactive ? ['--interactive'] : [],
description: `Default list options of "${name}" list, only used when both list option and argument are empty.`,
uniqueItems: true,
items: {
type: 'string',
enum: ['--top', '--normal', '--no-sort', '--input', '--tab',
'--strict', '--regex', '--ignore-case', '--number-select',
'--interactive', '--auto-preview', '--first', '--no-quit']
extensions.addSchemeProperty(`list.source.${name}.defaultArgs`, {
type: 'array',
default: [],
description: `Default argument list of "${name}" list, only used when list argument is empty.`,
uniqueItems: true,
items: { type: 'string' }
return Disposable.create(() => {
if (typeof list.dispose == 'function') {
public get names(): string[] {
return Array.from(this.listMap.keys())
public get descriptions(): { [name: string]: string } {
let d = {}
for (let name of this.listMap.keys()) {
let list = this.listMap.get(name)
d[name] = list.description
return d
* Get items of {name} list, not work with interactive list.
* @param {string} name
* @returns {Promise<any>}
public async loadItems(name: string): Promise<any> {
let args = [name]
let res = this.parseArgs(args)
if (!res) return
let { list, options, listArgs } = res
let source = new CancellationTokenSource()
let token = source.token
let arr = await this.nvim.eval('[win_getid(),bufnr("%")]')
let items = await list.loadItems({
args: listArgs,
input: '',
cwd: workspace.cwd,
window: this.nvim.createWindow(arr[0]),
buffer: this.nvim.createBuffer(arr[1]),
listWindow: null
}, token)
if (!items || Array.isArray(items)) {
return items
let task = items as ListTask
let newItems = await new Promise<ListItem[]>((resolve, reject) => {
let items = []
task.on('data', item => {
item.label = stripAnsi(item.label)
task.on('end', () => {
task.on('error', msg => {
return newItems
public toggleMode(): void {
let lastSession = this.lastSession
if (lastSession) lastSession.toggleMode()
public get isActivated(): boolean {
return this.session?.winid != null
public stop(): void {
let lastSession = this.lastSession
if (lastSession) lastSession.stop()
public dispose(): void {
for (let session of this.sessionsMap.values()) {
if (this.config) {
this.lastSession = undefined
export default new ListManager()