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mirror of synced 2024-06-28 19:51:08 -04:00

524 lines
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2022-07-20 01:20:15 -04:00
'use strict'
import { Neovim } from '@chemzqm/neovim'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import glob from 'glob'
import minimatch from 'minimatch'
import os from 'os'
import path from 'path'
import { promisify } from 'util'
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
import { CancellationToken, CancellationTokenSource, CreateFile, CreateFileOptions, DeleteFile, DeleteFileOptions, Emitter, Event, Position, RenameFile, RenameFileOptions, TextDocumentEdit, WorkspaceEdit } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
import { URI } from 'vscode-uri'
import Configurations from '../configuration'
import events from '../events'
import Document from '../model/document'
import EditInspect, { EditState, RecoverFunc } from '../model/editInspect'
import RelativePattern from '../model/relativePattern'
import { DocumentChange, Env, FileCreateEvent, FileDeleteEvent, FileRenameEvent, FileWillCreateEvent, FileWillDeleteEvent, FileWillRenameEvent, LinesChange } from '../types'
import * as errors from '../util/errors'
import { fixDriver, isFile, isParentFolder, statAsync } from '../util/fs'
import { byteLength } from '../util/string'
import { getAnnotationKey, getConfirmAnnotations, toDocumentChanges } from '../util/textedit'
import type { Window } from '../window'
import Documents from './documents'
import type Keymaps from './keymaps'
import * as ui from './ui'
import WorkspaceFolderController from './workspaceFolder'
export type GlobPattern = string | RelativePattern
interface WaitUntilEvent {
waitUntil(thenable: Thenable<WorkspaceEdit | any>): void
const logger = require('../util/logger')('core-files')
export default class Files {
private nvim: Neovim
private env: Env
private window: Window
private editState: EditState | undefined
private operationTimeout = 500
private _onDidCreateFiles = new Emitter<FileCreateEvent>()
private _onDidRenameFiles = new Emitter<FileRenameEvent>()
private _onDidDeleteFiles = new Emitter<FileDeleteEvent>()
private _onWillCreateFiles = new Emitter<FileWillCreateEvent>()
private _onWillRenameFiles = new Emitter<FileWillRenameEvent>()
private _onWillDeleteFiles = new Emitter<FileWillDeleteEvent>()
public readonly onDidCreateFiles: Event<FileCreateEvent> = this._onDidCreateFiles.event
public readonly onDidRenameFiles: Event<FileRenameEvent> = this._onDidRenameFiles.event
public readonly onDidDeleteFiles: Event<FileDeleteEvent> = this._onDidDeleteFiles.event
public readonly onWillCreateFiles: Event<FileWillCreateEvent> = this._onWillCreateFiles.event
public readonly onWillRenameFiles: Event<FileWillRenameEvent> = this._onWillRenameFiles.event
public readonly onWillDeleteFiles: Event<FileWillDeleteEvent> = this._onWillDeleteFiles.event
private documents: Documents,
private configurations: Configurations,
private workspaceFolderControl: WorkspaceFolderController,
private keymaps: Keymaps
) {
public attach(nvim: Neovim, env: Env, window: Window): void {
this.nvim = nvim
this.env = env
this.window = window
public async openTextDocument(uri: URI | string): Promise<Document> {
uri = typeof uri === 'string' ? URI.file(uri) : uri
let doc = this.documents.getDocument(uri.toString())
if (doc) {
await this.jumpTo(uri.toString(), null, 'drop')
return doc
const scheme = uri.scheme
if (scheme == 'file') {
if (!fs.existsSync(uri.fsPath)) throw errors.fileNotExists(uri.fsPath)
fs.accessSync(uri.fsPath, fs.constants.R_OK)
if (scheme == 'untitled') {
await this.nvim.call('coc#util#open_file', ['tab drop', uri.path])
return await this.documents.document
return await this.loadResource(uri.toString())
public async jumpTo(uri: string, position?: Position | null, openCommand?: string): Promise<void> {
const preferences = this.configurations.getConfiguration('coc.preferences')
let jumpCommand = openCommand || preferences.get<string>('jumpCommand', 'edit')
let { nvim } = this
let doc = this.documents.getDocument(uri)
let bufnr = doc ? doc.bufnr : -1
if (bufnr != -1 && jumpCommand == 'edit') {
// use buffer command since edit command would reload the buffer
nvim.command(`silent! normal! m'`, true)
nvim.command(`buffer ${bufnr}`, true)
nvim.command(`if &filetype ==# '' | filetype detect | endif`, true)
if (position) {
let line = doc.getline(position.line)
let col = byteLength(line.slice(0, position.character)) + 1
nvim.call('cursor', [position.line + 1, col], true)
await nvim.resumeNotification(true)
} else {
let { fsPath, scheme } = URI.parse(uri)
let pos = position == null ? null : [position.line, position.character]
if (scheme == 'file') {
let bufname = fixDriver(path.normalize(fsPath))
await this.nvim.call('coc#util#jump', [jumpCommand, bufname, pos])
} else {
await this.nvim.call('coc#util#jump', [jumpCommand, uri, pos])
* Open resource by uri
public async openResource(uri: string): Promise<void> {
let { nvim } = this
let u = URI.parse(uri)
if (/^https?/.test(u.scheme)) {
await nvim.call('coc#ui#open_url', uri)
let wildignore = await nvim.getOption('wildignore')
await nvim.setOption('wildignore', '')
await this.jumpTo(uri)
await nvim.setOption('wildignore', wildignore)
* Load uri as document.
public async loadResource(uri: string): Promise<Document> {
let doc = this.documents.getDocument(uri)
if (doc) return doc
const preferences = this.configurations.getConfiguration('workspace')
let cmd = preferences.get<string>('openResourceCommand', 'tab drop')
let u = URI.parse(uri)
let bufname = u.scheme === 'file' ? u.fsPath : uri
let bufnr: number
if (cmd) {
let winid = await this.nvim.call('win_getid')
bufnr = await this.nvim.call('coc#util#open_file', [cmd, bufname])
await this.nvim.call('win_gotoid', [winid])
} else {
let arr = await this.nvim.call('coc#ui#open_files', [[bufname]])
bufnr = arr[0]
return await this.documents.createDocument(bufnr)
* Load the files that not loaded
public async loadResources(uris: string[]): Promise<(Document | undefined)[]> {
let { documents } = this
let files = uris.map(uri => {
let u = URI.parse(uri)
return u.scheme == 'file' ? u.fsPath : uri
let bufnrs = await this.nvim.call('coc#ui#open_files', [files]) as number[]
return await Promise.all(bufnrs.map(bufnr => {
return documents.createDocument(bufnr)
* Create a file in vim and disk
public async createFile(filepath: string, opts: CreateFileOptions = {}, recovers?: RecoverFunc[]): Promise<void> {
let { nvim } = this
let exists = fs.existsSync(filepath)
if (exists && !opts.overwrite && !opts.ignoreIfExists) {
throw errors.fileExists(filepath)
if (!exists || opts.overwrite) {
let tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource()
await this.fireWaitUntilEvent(this._onWillCreateFiles, {
files: [URI.file(filepath)],
token: tokenSource.token
}, recovers)
let dir = path.dirname(filepath)
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
let folder: string
let curr = dir
while (!['.', '/', path.parse(dir).root].includes(curr)) {
if (fs.existsSync(path.dirname(curr))) {
folder = curr
curr = path.dirname(curr)
await fs.mkdirp(dir)
recovers && recovers.push(async () => {
if (fs.existsSync(folder)) {
await fs.remove(folder)
fs.writeFileSync(filepath, '', 'utf8')
recovers && recovers.push(async () => {
if (fs.existsSync(filepath)) {
await fs.unlink(filepath)
let doc = await this.loadResource(filepath)
let bufnr = doc.bufnr
recovers && recovers.push(() => {
void events.fire('BufUnload', [bufnr])
return nvim.command(`silent! bd! ${bufnr}`)
this._onDidCreateFiles.fire({ files: [URI.file(filepath)] })
* Delete a file or folder from vim and disk.
public async deleteFile(filepath: string, opts: DeleteFileOptions = {}, recovers?: RecoverFunc[]): Promise<void> {
let { ignoreIfNotExists, recursive } = opts
let stat = await statAsync(filepath)
let isDir = stat && stat.isDirectory()
if (!stat && !ignoreIfNotExists) {
throw errors.fileNotExists(filepath)
if (stat == null) return
let uri = URI.file(filepath)
await this.fireWaitUntilEvent(this._onWillDeleteFiles, { files: [uri] }, recovers)
if (!isDir) {
let bufnr = await this.nvim.call('bufnr', [filepath])
if (bufnr) {
void events.fire('BufUnload', [bufnr])
await this.nvim.command(`silent! bwipeout ${bufnr}`)
recovers && recovers.push(() => {
return this.loadResource(uri.toString())
if (isDir && recursive) {
// copy files for recover
let folder = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'coc-' + uuid())
await fs.mkdir(folder)
await fs.copy(filepath, folder, { recursive: true })
await fs.remove(filepath)
recovers && recovers.push(async () => {
await fs.mkdir(filepath)
await fs.copy(folder, filepath, { recursive: true })
await fs.remove(folder)
} else if (isDir) {
await fs.rmdir(filepath)
recovers && recovers.push(() => {
return fs.mkdir(filepath)
} else {
let dest = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'coc-' + uuid())
await fs.copyFile(filepath, dest)
await fs.unlink(filepath)
recovers && recovers.push(() => {
return fs.move(dest, filepath, { overwrite: true })
this._onDidDeleteFiles.fire({ files: [uri] })
* Rename a file or folder on vim and disk
public async renameFile(oldPath: string, newPath: string, opts: RenameFileOptions & { skipEvent?: boolean } = {}, recovers?: RecoverFunc[]): Promise<void> {
let { nvim } = this
let { overwrite, ignoreIfExists } = opts
if (newPath === oldPath) return
let exists = fs.existsSync(newPath)
if (exists && ignoreIfExists && !overwrite) return
if (exists && !overwrite) throw errors.fileExists(newPath)
let oldStat = await statAsync(oldPath)
let loaded = (oldStat && oldStat.isDirectory()) ? 0 : await nvim.call('bufloaded', [oldPath])
if (!loaded && !oldStat) throw errors.fileNotExists(oldPath)
let file = { newUri: URI.parse(newPath), oldUri: URI.parse(oldPath) }
if (!opts.skipEvent) await this.fireWaitUntilEvent(this._onWillRenameFiles, { files: [file] }, recovers)
if (loaded) {
let bufnr = await nvim.call('coc#ui#rename_file', [oldPath, newPath, oldStat != null])
await this.documents.onBufCreate(bufnr)
} else {
if (oldStat?.isDirectory()) {
for (let doc of this.documents.documents) {
let u = URI.parse(doc.uri)
if (u.scheme === 'file' && isParentFolder(oldPath, u.fsPath, false)) {
let filepath = u.fsPath.replace(oldPath, newPath)
let bufnr = await nvim.call('coc#ui#rename_file', [u.fsPath, filepath, false])
await this.documents.onBufCreate(bufnr)
fs.renameSync(oldPath, newPath)
recovers && recovers.push(() => {
return this.renameFile(newPath, oldPath, { skipEvent: true })
if (!opts.skipEvent) this._onDidRenameFiles.fire({ files: [file] })
public async renameCurrent(): Promise<void> {
let { nvim } = this
let oldPath = await nvim.call('expand', ['%:p'])
// await nvim.callAsync()
let newPath = await nvim.callAsync('coc#util#with_callback', ['input', ['New path: ', oldPath, 'file']])
newPath = newPath ? newPath.trim() : null
if (newPath === oldPath || !newPath) return
if (oldPath.toLowerCase() != newPath.toLowerCase() && fs.existsSync(newPath)) {
let overwrite = await ui.showPrompt(this.nvim, `${newPath} exists, overwrite?`)
if (!overwrite) return
await this.renameFile(oldPath, newPath, { overwrite: true })
private get currentUri(): string {
let document = this.documents.getDocument(this.documents.bufnr)
return document ? document.uri : null
* Apply WorkspaceEdit.
public async applyEdit(edit: WorkspaceEdit, nested?: boolean): Promise<boolean> {
let documentChanges = toDocumentChanges(edit)
let recovers: RecoverFunc[] = []
let currentOnly = false
try {
let { changeAnnotations } = edit
let { currentUri } = this
let toConfirm = changeAnnotations ? getConfirmAnnotations(documentChanges, changeAnnotations) : []
let changes: { [uri: string]: LinesChange } = {}
let denied: string[] = []
for (let key of toConfirm) {
let annotation = changeAnnotations[key]
annotation.needsConfirmation = false
let res = await this.window.showMenuPicker(['Yes', 'No'], {
position: 'center',
title: 'Confirm edits',
content: annotation.label + (annotation.description ? ' ' + annotation.description : '')
if (res !== 0) denied.push(key)
documentChanges = documentChanges.filter(c => !denied.includes(getAnnotationKey(c)))
if (!documentChanges.length) return true
currentOnly = documentChanges.every(o => TextDocumentEdit.is(o) && o.textDocument.uri === currentUri)
for (const change of documentChanges) {
if (TextDocumentEdit.is(change)) {
let { textDocument, edits } = change
let { uri } = textDocument
let doc = await this.loadResource(uri)
let revertEdit = await doc.applyEdits(edits, false, uri === currentUri)
if (revertEdit) {
let version = doc.version
let { newText, range } = revertEdit
changes[uri] = {
lnum: range.start.line + 1,
newLines: doc.getLines(range.start.line, range.end.line),
oldLines: newText.endsWith('\n') ? newText.slice(0, -1).split('\n') : newText.split('\n')
recovers.push(async () => {
let doc = this.documents.getDocument(uri)
if (!doc || !doc.attached || doc.version !== version) return
await doc.applyEdits([revertEdit])
textDocument.version = doc.version
} else if (CreateFile.is(change)) {
await this.createFile(fsPath(change.uri), change.options, recovers)
} else if (DeleteFile.is(change)) {
await this.deleteFile(fsPath(change.uri), change.options, recovers)
} else if (RenameFile.is(change)) {
await this.renameFile(fsPath(change.oldUri), fsPath(change.newUri), change.options, recovers)
// nothing changed
if (recovers.length === 0) return true
if (!nested) this.editState = { edit: { documentChanges, changeAnnotations: edit.changeAnnotations }, changes, recovers, applied: true }
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Error on applyEdits:', edit, e)
await this.undoChanges(recovers)
if (!nested) void this.window.showErrorMessage(`Error on applyEdits: ${e}`)
return false
// avoid message when change current file only.
if (nested || currentOnly) return true
void this.window.showInformationMessage(`Use ':wa' to save changes or ':CocCommand workspace.inspectEdit' to inspect.`)
return true
private async undoChanges(recovers: RecoverFunc[]): Promise<void> {
while (recovers.length > 0) {
let fn = recovers.pop()
await fn()
public async inspectEdit(): Promise<void> {
if (!this.editState) {
void this.window.showWarningMessage('No workspace edit to inspect')
let inspect = new EditInspect(this.nvim, this.keymaps)
await inspect.show(this.editState)
public async undoWorkspaceEdit(): Promise<void> {
let { editState } = this
if (!editState || !editState.applied) {
void this.window.showWarningMessage(`No workspace edit to undo`)
editState.applied = false
await this.undoChanges(editState.recovers)
public async redoWorkspaceEdit(): Promise<void> {
let { editState } = this
if (!editState || editState.applied) {
void this.window.showWarningMessage(`No workspace edit to redo`)
this.editState = undefined
await this.applyEdit(editState.edit)
private validateChanges(documentChanges: ReadonlyArray<DocumentChange>): void {
let { documents } = this
for (let change of documentChanges) {
if (TextDocumentEdit.is(change)) {
let { uri, version } = change.textDocument
let doc = documents.getDocument(uri)
if (typeof version === 'number' && version > 0) {
if (!doc) throw new Error(`File ${uri} not loaded`)
if (doc.version != version) throw new Error(`${uri} changed before apply edit`)
} else if (!doc) {
if (!isFile(uri)) throw errors.badScheme(URI.parse(uri).scheme)
} else if (CreateFile.is(change) || DeleteFile.is(change)) {
if (!isFile(change.uri)) throw errors.badScheme(URI.parse(change.uri).scheme)
} else if (RenameFile.is(change)) {
if (!isFile(change.oldUri) || !isFile(change.newUri)) {
throw errors.badScheme(URI.parse(change.oldUri).scheme)
public async findFiles(include: GlobPattern, exclude?: GlobPattern | null, maxResults?: number, token?: CancellationToken): Promise<URI[]> {
let folders = this.workspaceFolderControl.workspaceFolders
if (token?.isCancellationRequested || !folders.length || maxResults === 0) return []
maxResults = maxResults ?? Infinity
let roots = folders.map(o => URI.parse(o.uri).fsPath)
if (typeof include !== 'string') {
let base = include.baseUri.fsPath
roots = roots.filter(r => isParentFolder(base, r, true))
let pattern = typeof include === 'string' ? include : include.pattern
let res: URI[] = []
for (let root of roots) {
if (res.length >= maxResults) break
let files = await promisify(glob)(pattern, {
dot: true,
cwd: root,
nodir: true,
absolute: false
if (token?.isCancellationRequested) return []
for (let file of files) {
if (exclude && fileMatch(root, file, exclude)) continue
res.push(URI.file(path.join(root, file)))
if (res.length === maxResults) break
return res
private async fireWaitUntilEvent<T extends WaitUntilEvent>(emitter: Emitter<T>, properties: Omit<T, 'waitUntil'>, recovers?: RecoverFunc[]): Promise<void> {
let firing = true
let promises: Promise<any>[] = []
waitUntil: thenable => {
if (!firing) throw errors.shouldNotAsync('waitUntil')
let tp = new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, this.operationTimeout)
let promise = Promise.race([thenable, tp]).then(edit => {
if (edit && WorkspaceEdit.is(edit)) {
return this.applyEdit(edit, true)
} as any)
firing = false
await Promise.all(promises)
function fileMatch(root: string, relpath: string, pattern: GlobPattern): boolean {
let filepath = path.join(root, relpath)
if (typeof pattern !== 'string') {
let base = pattern.baseUri.fsPath
if (!isParentFolder(base, filepath)) return false
let rp = path.relative(base, filepath)
return minimatch(rp, pattern.pattern, { dot: true })
return minimatch(relpath, pattern, { dot: true })
function fsPath(uri: string): string {
return URI.parse(uri).fsPath